HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-16, Page 1• 01, 42',00 ER EAR 44AD.74.419.14. $2,50 0THRWIR'R' - . . , — LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, PT4MBER 11.6th,...1926.1 •' • Or. M. Conseil ' Physician arid Surgeon Lucknew . Heine 2-4. Phone 88' • - DENTIST Dr. MacLeod wfl visit Luckiiow . every Tuesday in Dr. •Conneles Office. VENTIST • It. L. 'Treleaven. Lucknew-= Decker's' Store, Extraction thar by .gat or Locak,--1.911 14 in Dungannon every every' TriursuaY. • , Phone 68 • • .Call Dr- Newten Make apnidntment' In office everyday •ksk Geo. A. Bidden, Lucksiow, -A-Broker and Real Estate.—Money to lend ,ar first mortgages on farm proper- this'at 6 and PA per cent according • to security offered. Also rimer Amounts on second mortgages . on farm properties and an Vereona/ , notes. i•A few good farm, for sale• , WALL PAPER Latest patterns in stock at lowest pears. • 'As cheapas in catelognes. Also' book patterns of ..leading. man- ufacturers.—Box 4.74; R. J. Calnegon, Painter:dr Tenor Hanger. • idt4ekno* Flour .Mill Here fi what a' customer in Her- . Alton says about Havelock Fleur: . "1' have enjoyed making bread from 'Havelock Flour and would be gives. splendid satisfactiokr W. E. Treleaven: 'For Sale -,-A nuniber Of window and etorm smith with glass' in them Apply to D. Co Taylor. 1. • ' FARM FOR SALE' 100 ACRES -2 Acre t good maPlf bush; brick house 30 Jr' 80. and 14 x 20; frame barn on stone foundation 60 .x 66; shed attached,' 36 x 40: • drive shed:24 x 30; hen Ileum 13 x 20 Well located, wifi, be sold reason- ably.Terris to suit purchaser, ' 15-74f. • Geo. A. Siddall. . FARM FOR SALE. . , 100 Acres: Geed clay- lonrn, well 'mitered,. 'comfortable dwelling and • imiall 'barn, about five acres of stand- ing timber.Wili be sold reasonable . For further particulars apply th— Joseph Agnew; Lucknew, •• • '• ' • - , • HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE Good frame' house, 8- rooms, hard and soft water, good cellar, 5 acres land, . AIM nule north of Lucknow with barn 26x20 ft. Hen house and pig pen. Also 4 acres of Pastureland Will be sold together or separately. Building and fences all infirst class Conffition. .Apply to 'William Fisher or Phillip Steward, Lucknow. (16-9,e) le• For. • Sale -,-.Standard Remington' Typewriter; No. .11. • Twelve' inch roller, re -built and in good condition. • Also n ,heavy Galt Driving Robe, .as good as new. Apply to. Rev'..C. 11. Dickinson. ' • • For Sale—Massey Harris. Cream' Separator, ' nearly :new. Maxwell touring car; WM,' 45 Yonng.hens. : Harold Ferguson, LizeknOw. • Lost—Between the C.N.R. Station .and the Pest Office, on •September 8 ' the works of • a lady'swrist watch., Finder please leave at. The Sentinel Office. (16-9-p) STEER ASTRAY • Strayed " from the Stockyard at. tucknOw on SenV 10, 1926, a • black steer; 3 years old' with S. B. Stoth- . er's tag on ear. Any persoa, knowing • of, hit. whereabouts phone • Henry •Horton's • Dungannon, 77-r-4, R.R. Lucknow; ' • , • (23,37e). ERTILIZER • A sup* of..all but brands • now " en hand. 'Why eaec:pirdera.' ahead when _ yen can tet .your.subigy \nt any time—andthe heat'? : 4 ' • . . . • GEO. 8 'ROBERTSON .1,ueittiovr : '..EYE SPECIALIST COMING Maude, C. Bryane, Optotnetrist, will .- be at the:Csia. •ROust,;LueltnOW, 'an -47-Weelneadtiyi',tePtStuber: 22nd • .Houte*: • 1.30 to 9P.M. , InTiclifljatjr0t, 'OA; painlul ittd-In9 llama eyebslial) twitching eyelids relieved through prepgrly fitted • Illaile$5.1 ilstiefectiofi • 4,1 • ' SINGLE COPIES 5*.C1TTS : • ' LOPA. I:4 OD GAMMAS t • " • . 0. 0-8' 0-0 ?list Etta 'MacDougall is anendin* a f4tc•days' with Toronto friends. Mrs! A,. V:, Murdocn,."Of Winnipeg, visiting with Mrs.. • Murdock :of Miffs Mary Aitchison has .returned biome; after visiting with Toronto frielicise - MrS•twaTi-lfatrenzie---haa., gone tc Windsor, where she Will 'spend the Tall and Winter.: , Mr- Peter IL MacKenSie, who, is ,noW residing in Toronto, was in town on, Tuesday, ' ' Misses. Maude and Dorothy Cook spent; a few days last week ivith• friends in 'rOrmito. ' • Mrs R.•W Ornw will .receive at the parsonage parsonage On, Thursday After:. noon, Sentembetb .23rd. ' • Mr. Roderick Campbell' of Bough. ton, Mich ; has been calling on.Luck- now 'friends thepast week. Our store will be: closed Friday ,and Saturday 'of this week.! '.B. .P Amin. Mrs. A.' T. Davis a Ma are .'vleiting- in' -Toronto,.., d willspend' smile ,time. in Acton 'befer.eJet.erning home Mr. Jelin JOynt is home from n• bnsiies it, avhiJi took 4un as £a2 • is the Maritia:o Provinces and thf, state Of Maine, ' Mrs -Wilfred • Graham, jean and Judi, have returned 'to Vancouver; • after spending a few weeks with -Mr, and hire. `john ,diahanr and Mrs SherrilT , • ' • 'Mr. Sandy Lawson cif Winnipeg well-known as an old -tinier Of. Lack.. . . now? is • spending the 'Week ;w4h 'friends here. alliough getting :on ,life, Mr.' 44aleon, is still remarkably bright and actiVe. . • • • . cll Mr.. and Mre..: Ralf. Johnston motl 'ored.,dpern. and spent a „few . days list week With Torento, friends. They Were .acccanpriniedk •• home by Mrs. B. ,RabertsOn, who has been vit., iting in 'Muskoka and Toronto. • ' . - • . , Miss :Maid Murdoch went to Tor- ' onto on. Tuesday Of this Week Where she will. Undergo treatment ,itt the General Hospital ,' She was accom. :parried to the 'city by. Mr: J. -C. Mui7 dOch and Mrs. L V. kaCKenzie... • , . • ' ; Mr. Sandy Nicholson;'.. 'who 'has been on a' trip' through •Britain and Europe, arrived home on Friday--lait. He is leaving, for Saskatoon Thurq day of this week, where he Will con, tinue 'his.. studies in prepnrnthin fin' the ministry . • • Mies Isabel Macintosh returned, Mime on Monday night, after a 'trig • to Southern. California,: •VancouVer. • and Alaska:, .She was :sicconip#med. home by Mrs. A. C.: Paterson of /Van- couver, Who . Will *spend some ' timc With, ,her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mac - 'Kenzie.. • ; W0N" AT TORONTO AND LONDON • Peter Winkle and Fairy Winkle, • standard 'bred milt and mare,' owned by R. W. Craw, have been awarded 2nd 'nnd 3rd prizes at the C.N.E., Toronto, and two seconds :at . the Western Fair, .London... • ENdAGEMEN74 -ANNOUNCED ' Mr. and Mrs. James . Fisheran- nounce the entageMent o f their daughter Marian to E. Albert Rey% oIds, Toronto. son Of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Reynolds, Guelph, the marri- age to take .plaee in 'October. • 1 MARRIED clienzie-Sutherlapd — On Tues- day, September 7th, 1926, at 'Mery- feild Cottage, Leamington,, (hit,- by the „Rev, IL Ms Paulin, No oung-' e'r daughter of .the !fiEiMr. Juatice and Mrs. Sutherland to Dr. Alex J. MacKenzie of Tor6fltf. * The above is frO e Glebe of September 8th..Dr; eKeneier ir son of Mr. Peter acKertaiii, who at ,presoni, in. at Talent°. • DIEU MacLean—At St. Joseph's Moepit- al, London, on Monday Sept, 13th, 1926, Isabel MacLeari,Iitd 49 years.. Funeral' service will be held in Luck - now Presbyterian Church this `(Thursday) Afternoon at 2.20 o'• InterateritinKirtleae-Cemeleqi: •'"UstDonsid—iAt Denver, -Colorado ' on gepteniber'13th,:1926,•Mr, Sabine MieDonttld, eon Of the late Mr. and Mrs. Reitillet MaeDeniki, former ge: .14antil of 'Itinioiia TOWIlailif • United Church Y. The 'teachers of' the School and the ,Btk.1a74 attending lglSchool were en;e#:1neat:Aher -°reiagmeet• ieg of the United •Church yonng `'.peopte's society, "Monday evening. The Rev. Mr, 'Craw gave an address , of *welcome to the 'students who at-, tended.:,in large . numbers ' An intereating and"instrnetiVe fee., ture of the evening was an address by Mr." Sandi?. Nicholson, ,who, -with. his 'friend, ,Mr.:.; 'Paton,. haelifSt re turnedfrom ,a trip through .Britair and Port of the continent. of Europe Mr Mr. 'Ni• holson's address consisted of an account of his irip and much in- formation 'about the like Of the. peo- ple across the Ocean.' Mr. , 'Paton whose ilome is in sccotInad, *aye O :talk en: that country and the city of Edinboro' Other numbers were a so- lo by Mr. Craw, an instruinental by. Jessie MacKenzie, a recitation. Margaret Miller, a piano •dnette by. Mrs. 'Newton anno1a BusWell, Following tile,/ programi 'there was a social hoe's All games and 'lunch,* The Gallia ge-9pen0 • • , The .Lookout Commitee had charge Of. tlie- opening. Meeting o the ;Guild ..last Monday eyen:ng, Musical ,nuin,- .heia were, given by Misses Misset Mary Ait Olson' and ,Effith Smith- The 0191' 'ecism wastaken" by Rev Mr.' Mae: Lorraine Biehson gave reOlingi.11 was. decided to -*rite the teacherc . and pupils of the High School to at tend -Guild, next Monday evening . Delegates were chosen to attend :the Young People's Rally of the Presby- 'terian Church • at Kincardine,: on Tuesdricr; SepteMber spieodie. programme has been arranged, con• sitting of addresses by Rev., F. G. Feeder, M.A D.TE .• Brussels. Rev. C. H. MacDonald; Ret, W."E Enn- nawiri;' Hamiltsdn; Rev. J.'".A.'• Jamie! Measrs. W. F. Thompson and Nay; Dr: Forbes, Teeswater; Rev.'T. Gihnote, Laidon • , The regular, meeting of the Pres- 'birterian 'W.M.S, was held On Sept 1st,. Mrs.' Ewan MacKenzie conducted the devotional , exercises end Scrip- ture Lesson,' The toile on _"Prayer' • was ably taken by Mrs. J: S. Smith'. Mrs.' Horace. Mt:triton snng.a sol. . arid' a. reading was, given by Mrs Stewart : The ineljthers Were all very) sorry to learn that Mrs. Eiyan'Mac- Kenzie intended leaving to reside ir Windsor; A , motion Was passed rex- :pressing .appreciation of her loving service as,-,Preeident; and deep' .re- -grit at her departure. ,• I , . BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY .. -6-•T' ANNUAL. FLowEa „Saucy .• • . Rally Day lir? be observed' in the United Church . Sunday School or •Sunday • afternoon, Sept 26tli., Get ready'. , ' WEDDING 'BELLS Gillespie—Hodgins. • A pretty . wedding 'was solemnize , at ,•the he,. of the bride's parents Mr: and MA.' James Iftidgins • Kolyreod,;.,Ont. When ''tOeir. eldest • daughter, ' Catherine Mabel was un- ited in marriage to Charles L. Gil- lesnie;•son of Mr. and , Mrs. Jno." Gil- lespie of, Whitechurch. The :Ilex.' W. 'Townsend,../ Rector of KinIOUgh An- glican choral; Officiated. , . The • bride entered the beautifully pink %and white decorated parlor on the ',Airiri .of her father,' to the strains of Loliengrin's Wedding March ed .by Miss Grace . Ralderiby, and took' her stand beneath 'an, areli ar- tistically deeetated autumn !leviers and ferns. • . , The bride laded cliartniig in .• a ,powdet ,hltie silk dress:trimmed with Prench lite, and wearing ,h1Onde shoes'. and atoekings to Rea eiribroidered Silk net veil.; was be- comingly/ arranged , effect caught by coronet- ot orange. blos- soms abed" the head; arid; she oar. ried a .shower ,bottemet Of Ophelia Roses and 1.11Y- of the Valley. -• After the cnremirily the `guests . re- paired to the dining Where it dainty 4n, PPer -Wes served upon tabies. arranged With pink and white, Cerk.A. ihe-shaeon;.Thi groomgift to ;the 'bride' was a ,grey squirrel choker,' and to the a vanity Case. *After the reception, Mr and •Mrs. Gillespie left by 'motor On EC. trip to Toronto, Niataea Falls Cleveland and „other American Cities. Thchfi4 travowititk.itcdress,4.4111 vy georgette over sand Silk,. cOpc, and nevi` tailored coat with bat y inateb her ttlOirtel choker. On their tetunt they *Aida in ,toodiopi Those:.who attended the Hortioul! turai Society's Flower 'Show in the Town Hall,. Friday evening of last Week, were surprised and delighted, with the .proftise and well...arranged :display. talk about "The 'Beautiful," ..well here it was in on its. giory .There waS an impression abroad* that the 6ower eardent were not as 'good- thisseason as last-, • Owing to Unfavorable weather conditions, but the exhibitors werk ,able to Oink() • very gdoct- selections. This was the Society's thirdl exhibition and the display was just fivetimes as great this year as it was two years ago. the show is ehrtainly on t4he up grade and' the Society is confi- dently loOlifig forward to. splendid cleVeloninents in the future. irises were awarded as fellows: Asters, white:1st, G. 11. Smith; 2nd, . R. Brown. , Asters, pink: pink:, 1st, 2ncli:S. Asters, red; 1st, G. ..§niith; 2nd,- R. H. Thompson. • --(' Asters, blue: 1st, D. Milne; 2nd, Johnston. • Asters, collection: • lit S. Rithvirell; • 2nd,. E. Solomon; 3rd, G. Smith. decorative:' let, 1. Dahlias, show: lst Mrs. Huston; 2nd. S. Rathwell.. •. Dahlias, collection: 1st,I. Miller; 2nd S. Rithwell; 3rd; Mrs. B. Fish& Stocks: •Isti Mrs. • Q. 4... Newton: 2nd; Sunflowers; awarf: '1St, G. H. Smith. • Coleus: 1st, Mrs. Huston; , 2nd, Mrs. • D. Thompson. 4 -Everlatting Flowers: .1st, Mrs. W. 'R. Hamilton -' 2nd, Mrs. A. Mac - Gladioli, best 3 spikes: 1st, G. H. Smith; 2nd, G. H. Smith. . Gladioli:- collection: lst, •Mrs. G. k Siddall; 2nd, G. H. Smith; 3rd Miss McCluskey. , , Sweet Peas: Ist S.'.Rathwell; 2nd Miss •McChiskey; .3rd,' R. Brown. Pansies: lst, D. Milne; 2nd, V. Sol- omon ,Geraniums, in pots, single: lot, .:Mrs. Geraniums, in pots, double: lst, Mrs. Huston: 2nd, Mrs.. D. Thempson. • • „ 2nd, Wardi*. Marigolds, Frenci.Ise, Helen Mac- Leod; god; M Wm. McKenzie McKenzie Begonias, ' tuberont;'singlei:' 1st,• . E. McDonald; Mrs. Huston Begonia, tubands; double: : .lst, W. , E. McDonald; 2nd, Mrs..:IlizstOn, 1••• Zinnias: ist; G. /•!Sinithi, 2nd, Mrs Q.. A. -Newton. Roses, red:' 1st, G. IL. Smith: 2ndi mrp. win? McKenzie, • Roses, white: 1st, G. . I:47,4eS, pink; 1st, G. H. ,SMith;*. -;• •Mis.' 'Wm.. McK,ensie, Rotes, any oilier color: lit: 0„,•11. . Smith; 2nd, G. H. Smith. ; collection: let, G. It Smith; .2nd; G. H. Smith., • , Phlox, annual:* SmitO; 2nd B. Ward. , .Phlox, perennial': lst, n• Snaitb;? 2nd; S,Rrithwell. '• . Cernatiens? 1st, G. H. Srnitli; 2fid, , 'Mrs., W. R. Hamilton. ' " Pinks: •Smith; 201d, Mrd. Moore: , . . • • Snapdragons: 1st, Mrs. W. -R, Ilarnib• •.ton; 2nd, G. H. Best • Bouquet • Flowers : • G. '11; • Smith; 2nd, R. IL, Thonnison.: Best Display Cut Flowers: lst, G. II, 2n4„. aatipseal 3rd., • Mrs. W. x Rex Begonia 1St, 'Wni: McKenzie. Befits.11ouse Plant: 1st, Mrs. Angus.; • McKinnon; god, 'Mrs. Huston. Collection* Rouse Plants: -lit; Ma Hustatie • GENERALFEATURES OF TUESDAY'S 'ELECTION • 1/4. Meighen government was de- cisively defeated, failing to gain in Quebec or in the West And losing in Ontario. ' MacKenzie King with his following, ofStraigh't *Liberals and the Liberal , -Progressives will have . : workini, majoray of (aceordinetO .figures to hand) 125 or 126, • , Latest returns early Wednesday ,• •-•morning-gve116 laeraia, •servatii.es;47 Progressives, 11 I.ststr- 414i.Ogressives, 11 U.F.A. (United, Fariners.: of 'Aliserta),. 3. Labor, 2' In- dependent, and it not reported, Premier Meighen was defeated II) his own riding; together. with *six of) ministers,‘ and 'his partybeing in .minority he will, accoraingto us a, resign as prianeminister and ad, Vise the-gevernor-gsneral tfe ask W. L., MacKenzie' King to Earn, a go.v• erinnent. . • ' . .• 'In the last Route there were ,orily 12. Liberal ineinbers from Ontario There are now •24. ciuebee. reMainld . almost saiidly Liberal • in 1921 and 1925... OnlV three Conservatives' were elected ir -The two 'Bru' ce riffinge ind the 'tis; Enron ridla. remained as they Were - r. --.the former inernhert tieing retina* -* , •* Figures of theSouth Bruce sine Ziorth-Our-On' 40A -toots fivr os ob- 1ainab1e Wednesday •morning, will be found elsewhere in this 'paper. 1I LOCAL. ELECTION RESULTS , • —.- Luclatow , F. stands for Fowler, H...,,for Hall, WfDoriviWaioerifigel Sub- . • •North—Reid'a 70, 51 • • 3 North -0. Hail 76 • • 120 Smith Side, , 78 126 - 3 - - • „.. 226; 297 ' 13 This shows that Hall got two less than he got in, 1925. '.The Conserve. tive: gained -44, ,and the Progressive lost 12F.. • - n..;inloss 1aragolds,yel1ow: lst, G 11 Snail; 0 n II 'Kinh• iss . 6 •• 25 itinlough :" 35 25. ,Illolytood • 43 • 27 Second Con. ' 106 •‘ 45 23 Lnngside 43 ' 27 • . 27 7,i'Vhiteelinich . /441. •,.25 • . 262 222. 163 In order to make comparison, easy • 4 Family Theatre , , FRIDAY & SATURDAY • ' • sun i7 & 18 robe whims in , • "LOtr n guarantIne" , The hest Daniels 'comedy you've ev- er• seen -'-and . you kneti.• Bibb . has made some funny onet. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY . . SEPT. 21 & 22. • •Reinald/Denny...in '"- ”-Where Was .11" Serial--"Scarkit Streak"; •• ComedY & SAT; "SEPT. 23, •24 .414 25 Mehittd4.:Th#'4,thitt' When iiou want l;lis Hue, phone 94; That's the nUMber of Mel AttCell's 'phenol, 4414 ,inttaile4t , k 36 25 : 27: we here reproduce the Kinloss figures • of the 1925 eliction. Theletters' stand H. 'for Ball, L. for Lippert; F. for Finlay. /1.• • I. F. Kinloss' .Village 11. • 18 , :23 KinlOugh 27 • 16 ' 43. Holyroed . 46 32 45 Second Con.... • 75 19 ,37 Lang -side •• 342 14, 22 Whitechurch • 66 12; • 9 253 ' • 111 179, ••••--ro • ...SOUTH' BRUCE,- BY •' MUNICIFALITIE.S , : F. If.. Walkerton Chesley Paisley Teeimite Mildrnay Ripley Brant Carrick Greenock Cuirass ' Kinloss Huron • . Elderslie ' ' 'AM ' 4455 1867 Hall's majority over Fowler 1276:- • • 4 • • THEY' ARE PLEASED The teacher and, students of Room IV, Lucknoie Public School, Are very much delighted's- with- the face that Mr. Wiison,'Manager of tiie.Bank of CoMineree; has offered ti silver medal to the Lucknow student taking. the highest mark mark., on.., the Iteict, *Entrance Examination.. This 1:1`..a apleadid cotlirr :to arouse keener interests in the work, and with nineteen students in the rIsaS ths year,. there will be much competition; for • the 'Wilton . 597, 670 390 500 •167 240 ' 8 • 251 , 179 20 67 127 59 101 113 2,0 , 337 480 305 104 542 36d 208 '368 145 211 , 400 . 240 •;222 262 ' 163 893 370 , rats gm,, so:. :go] 17 medal. • .P.egtridal .1)toinesa in Al condition in one of; tne best towns in Can " a. Must be sold by. Oct, 1st. Have toed rensausititnetafrorittaerlloingriallavi been e,Alitab. Anplljr, to get 260 • Our Quality Bread is Qual4 Supreme"; gea.Ittiful • • and Delicious... e Saturday Specials.. n , LEMON* MERINGUE,PIES, CREAM PUFFS*,,'; NUT sfiuiRgS; riT.Ii,AWBERRY TARTLETS; pAins BUNS, c HELSEA BONS CHOCOLATE •MARSHMAL LOW CAKE, OATMEAL COOKIES RAISIN, 'WHOLE • WHEAT AND HOME . MADE IIIIEAD• DHING 114...T0tH BUTTER AND EGGS' AND ' OBTAIN' THE IfiEST PRICES „ • H:0.13rigAN's BAKERY:. `Onia44... • ---lb-Ucknov0 ramstortur..ismstsfrAr.....wr,ssr.Ansmsr "..ssmagarAeratrAstirsff 4 Phone Z5, LUCknotir, Ont. .11 "OUR 'STORE" . 10, 1 2 - Lip.m" *THE SEPkEIVIBER MONTH: FINDS OUR 'STORE' SHOWING . MA'NY NEW LINES OF EARLY FAL L' MERCHAN, . LADIESSEE. ,THE WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF NEW GLOVES, NEW HOSE, NEW UNDERWEAR, AND NEw... . swEAttii; :GE,NitgmENt—DONT THINK, WE • 'ARE GIY,IN16.4ALL OUR ATTRITION To. THE ,LADIES ' f•DEPARTMENT T H Eq Akgrosi DEPARTMENT 13 JUST' AS, ',WEI4Le$111PeLEED ' . wtTll NEW MERCHANDISB;INCLUDIHG DOIT ELE CHAMOISETTE...4unts, :ALL SIZES, ,',DARK GREY WIT)I BLACK. TRiMMING. ••• . ALFREO., E. BUSWELL 4,4rapior*iorAtiwirotiaasiraropaloralligrAi4W4WAio ASHFIELD CIRCUIT NOTES • The W 31 3 AnniYereary Services on Sunday last, .were• decidedly she- eessful. Capacity aOdiences • were present; afternoon' ;and evening, and ,a•ere not only .delighted but .very mach impressed by :the addressee" of gra- (Rev.) Crato..of• Lueinove, , on Home and Foreign Missions, 'respec- tively. The 'free -Will' ' offerings', a- moUnted to. ;tiniest ;fifty doliare. • ,Next Sunday Will be ,the pastor's last Sunday: on the Circuit He, will preach on the . sui:ject. "Tile Divinity of 'Jesus 'Christ," at Zion Church' 11 A.M., Hackett's 3 p,M4 Blake's 7.00 All . are invited /* Sunday, Sejpt. 266 will be, fially. DAY , in the, Sunday Schools. Plan to be thete. The new pastor, Bev A W„ Brown, .will be in charge of the Ser. vices on that date.; • . souirik. INLOSS . The 'W.M.S. -.Met on Sept. 1 at .the home . of Miee Hannah 'MacDonald with 'a: large,' number in attendance, The 'serinture passige,;.St....4ohn 17 was read by the ,President, followed by prayer by Miss ;Mary. ,MacLeod . was decided to hold the thank -of- fering Meeting in the church on the • evening of Oot. 13, •with Miss Dean MacLeod to address the gathering. After. Prayer by the President, a aper on "Prayer 'and Missions' as given hy!.Birs..14:. Maciver, Mrs. R. Campbell. and Miss Dean MacLeod A reading "Conversion , of Three) Thousand" was :give/v.6y mrs:, (Rev.) James. The meeting closed with Hymn 393. 'A, Social time, was then spent. -- Preis Spey: • * UNITED .W.M.S. . . The Monthly ;meeting Of the W.M.• S, of the United Church was 'held ,at, the parsonage on en ' Tuesday, Septem- ber 7th, with Mts. Rathwell; Presi- dent, PresidingMeeting opened by singing 1.1Yren,, followed by prayer by Mrs.. MacCali6M, .A 'devotienal* reading was given by MiatMallOtigh and o solo by Mrs: A. Ackert.' .The business for. the Tr:0:th whit than at tended to. A rent:64 waaraCelve"il and unaninfouslY gtented to • send fruit to,the .Deatoness home, Jti cp nttaost. Tor- forga trieks hohAolpi!.C.:resnilin'tNatron: fuhire resperisibility in the Mission Work of the United Church. mrs, 3... Entton.:read' the Herald on , Mitai'do Work in .the' *est, Mrs. G. Andrew gave, a reading on' the ten thousand nhile ,journey from Montreal to India . :Mitt! MacKenzie .gavea ing on India—their customs and hab- its. A special Invitatfon was read* from Rcv. ItOWle4,Motleratoi: Of:the Bruce Presbytery, to, attend a grand rally to be held in ,Paisley. on Thurs- day, Sept. 16ht.; Whert,Dr. Atingtrong •••ratiirtfaCiiiialibititrY from 3saiatt and 'Bp'. 040. Piga* Of Tttilifitti (2 able ,ipeaketiq will Sardis th Pres- bytery. This invitation includes the wen as well eit-ths woinen., Mrs, )Sikeesilont 1 n it :few .tssielkheticti Words; expressed ‘the regrets of .the W.M.S. in 'loosing.' a valuable ber from our Society, Mrs. Dickineon,, who was a regular attendant, 'Who , aecompanies... her son to his ; larger field of labor in. the West. N.feeting 'Closed by all repeating the MizpekBenediction in uniSon..A 1.3tir, was then •,spent and tea •,_ was served.. -:-Cor.. See'y. REID'S GOLDEN CRUST , BREAD Eaten, at .evessi meal means as bounding, health. In every -.slice is 7 stored the 'sweetness, strength and : nourishment of the Wheat kernel with a generous - allowance of yeast., . and milk niake it rich ifl vitamines. on which health depends: Get • YOUrs'. Golden Crust 'Bread at your grocer's or Reid's 'Dominion Bakery phone ss. . . specials For The Week -End • Delicious Sponge Cakes, Sconst • Reid's:. • •.' • Cream NuNt,....r44.4 . NORTH tiHURON lIs, DneuteTrsiihip, ;Tony Lots of good things -ter eat • at . . . . • • J.. W, ' King; Progressive -Liberal; had a majority 'Of 264' Over H. 3 4. MactWan, COnservative'. Goderich. gave MacEiNan a Majority of 693 and Winghani ',gave him a majority , of 127. We Are not able'. to give this week the vote hirnmnic pabtzes, but King. have been the faioritein the.' * ,In Ashfield the Vete* by 'No. ,I5ing„ MacEwan 1 2 .'„ .• • ,, NNIo64.: 4g 68 3 80 73 'so ., . • ' .97 . ,' 4 86 77.• , NO: 5 ' ' 111, ' Nt ' Ci iIN :06:: ' . 342 . ' '•:lo, 5 NO.'',7 : . ..:,j,t16351in4:2g.. , 51, . , . al 6a2312tot::.:. n...41: . est Wawafiesb 56 .11). -1 • 'la ' \ 32.. : • 91 &I 28 . , •IN MEMORIAM Wilson—in loving' memOrY Of a daiir Ilueband and Father, John 3. 'Wilson, Who plesed away one year ago todir , September 1.7th; 1925.. A. Tender Husband,. A Father 4ear, One of the bast that God, could send !Isis gone and left ug.,7niourning. And parted from .this , world of paill,„ • ,„ For his,suffering, writ great,,tOe tail* But he bore ,it with patience till' God drew near; • And then without bidding a last •farewell; ” ' " He, quietly went hOrne, in "Heirvert • • to •Atefell, • ' : We Alta: hit*, yea' wa`rnits him, And mourn in silence unseen. , And dwell in inonterY dails that : have been, „,* • .,and Sons. ' - Sadly *Irtdeeetl.lr,Wife, Dauglitet. Wanted concerning tti'e Whereabouts of a girl'16 years of age, named Irene Sergeant.' Please *Tits to Rev. It• Perd45, W1411011° • (16-91) •• • .• .4 i It • • )011