HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-09, Page 8/' }g lvMi ' RUNISAMENT 4," Morse, financier and li trial for' Ave esca.ed roars on an indictment, charging him grith us the mails. to defraud. Tole f9tYe ent. has little . chane of eonyicting any :an who •' is rich enough to. secure PostpQnem, ent of he`eon slderatio of his case for five years litnesses. mall be ,dead,. er they will forget,, The. Offense becmes an. oto one, -7-0 .dead issue.-"Enthusl- ism fob :the prosecution of the case dies , out: The public .is no longer i.- terested' :•. Bums;, plain,' drunks, disturbers • of the Peacer'„and person'ecaptured • i• night raids et ora b, unishinen. •.Pr P. .p " i. olice .courts; "8'rg offenders •wh p , have • money • or , political.'influen . Ida d t 3i ' ec ' ' a ' a s '1t � ufir, erre -to. s urs pp,e.. ... Peat.' -^�Ponements;�-o#ten--escaper...aLtol;_�b.... This is one of the'factors that b Produeed a •,contefnpt. for the law • is the; ' United' States that is :without parallel • i'n our' history. We; are, i. • the age ' of unpunished crime: ":Blackstone,, greatest of jurists, oh-" served -nearly two 'hundred years ago that crane• was to be prevented not by, the : severity, of punishment; but by its ,certainty, - There, were.. at -thattime,. one. hum:,' dred andsixty' offenses, punishable in England. by -death. • asking, , for the removal of such rlastie' tpenalties' Blackstone ,cited .,-the, case of .one ' such:: penalty, that. 'had been removed—hanging f'b.r driving a coal wagon) .on a' 'certain road , where 'it'' was, forbidden. ' As. Iong as the death penalty was nomi- naily, in ,:force, ;,the law , was, violated withimpunity:';Convictions could _not be ,secured" because the punishment. was so severe,'that; witnesses:•• mould. not be• found wbo-,..would' give evi- dence of violations, juries' that would _!''Fehr -Act - onsi.(1..y •fkG e 4QPnve PrI, :and judge who :Would sentence were just as hard• `to locate.. When a, small' fine, was substituted, and enforeed,•the of- fenses ceased.' In the United States, punshment of, murderers, can rarely.„,be I secured, This is•not,•as is gopularly'suppos- ed, Because of 'objections to the' death. sentence, for prosecutors 'are careful. "to: exelude from juries those who' do riot believe in, tlie" death. penalty. r Fuiiishment for; mnrderr•'rs• dif$cult for the same , reason `that' all punish- • icaent. is di$ ult, The 'Sock., Of ,Gihrdl,. . 1' tlg t� o. ce er ash a n -- , tar for criminals in the United States lis .the unholy combination; 'between, special privilege and the under worldfi for this results in the. election ,selection of enforce;tneat officers who are satisfactory to: the political, boss,. wlio gets•. 4ia financial' support from,` the higher-ups and his v atiu g, strength ;from the ,lower -downs,:• So' 'say the ene i iee of privilege. Whether this is true or not there' -$s .lt doubt that uncertainty of ,punishment and delay in' its execution is. a. major cense : of our crime wave.; • ` .Retire,, .business men like Edward Bok, might do.. well to ' e$nsider be, coming political; organizers. It ,:would' be wonderful to' witness at fight, a ti gainat, one of the. ,old corrupt -, ma- Alines Waged b r an organizer Strong' .g y enough nzorally� mentallyand financi- ally- to try'.• it.. The , first: reformers woul n't last 10 T 'e 'would retire defehted, dishonored, crucified;; 'like -Butler of--•--Philadelphia.,,..Biit theme would s h o:w to 'this', crimeridden; cquntry a: way to' prevent sums, . and eventually some of them' would suc ceed. • ` iE.•;E;U ifNOW SENTINEL' TIt`U$9DT4Y t,TIVIPEE 9; 1929,.• POLICE COURT GQDERICH. • Before ,Magistrate Reid . on Monday Wilbert Lockwood, of Clinton;. was convicted of a •second 'offence •ander. section 41 of the U.T.A. and was fined 160 and thirty days in jail, and:in i default of payment •two .months 'add . tional in jail: Lockwood had the liquor at Bayfield on Sunday, August 22nd, and it ,Was taken 'from hint by In spector Peliow. On Wednesday of , this week Frank Thompson; .of Wingbam, was before, Magistrate :Reid en a charge .of steal- ing a motor' car, theproperty of:Wil- liam. 'Welsh, near' Blyth, on August„ 15t1i 0o conviction he was sentenced to one r'ear at Burwash Reformatory. Thompson took the car oat of the garage and drove it' to • Leamington wbere the was arrested. '$e is•,a lad of' eighteen years. A -charge against Paul Smith, of London, of selling Niagara "wine in' the county of Huron in, the month of dine and :July, 'was_ heard ...by the magistrate-' Wednesday morning:' .Con- viction was made under section 40, O.T.A., and' Smith . was fined $200 and, thirty- days in Al. Howard"Cluff, of 'London, who defended Smith, hasen= tered an appeal' •. —oar Very few things 'Oat . men.. fight for} would have any appeal if they could be had for ' nothing.. THIS. HAT ,SHAPES --New. styles for Fa}lare expected for this, week -end. Flower$ also, in good variety at ' lowest prices: soap Anyone wislung to ,start ',knitting heavy soaks can, ob , tpin Wheeing Yarn'now.. bt�ew stock, entirely. We were complete;', ly .sold gut .of heavy yarn earl tbis,' year, •Many :' new! o 'China and Glassware a,:rrived',th•i ,. ;Wei s• f week. `Splendid .SCHOOL SlGP° Pifts1E': S—A� g ood st ick.Scrf blersr..'•etc. .. . ways on, hand. ' i es `. Forks, C'u , & Saucers > ,.Glasses Specia,! value :n , I{n v & ps .. ., etc. for hreshng. . . •• „Best 'ryu li HrQe s-6 a , . 1.0 . • TANLEYVAIETY STORE RAINS. DELAY HARVESTING Grain; `harvesting throughout West- ern Ontario has been very" seriously interfered 'with' by the wet weather. In Lucknow ,vienit' harvesting was. pretty well completed ' before, t h .e rains came on,. blit even' as. )neat by as Culross, a great deal of the oat crop is • stilt in, stook in the fields, In Waterloo,,.and Middlesex Counties•con- ditions hve been- much worse ';and much of the oat crop is still uncut; and even' fall wheat' is • still in the fields. 'l'here the ' ground 'became • so soft that binders could. not be' worked. However, , it's not all bad;. the moist ore will' improve_ the pastures.''and' givethe recently sown. fall' wheat .a good 'chance'.: No MORE ,PAIVINf ON :1101011 ROAD The Provincial Department of Hi- ghways) has definitely decided not, to award a 'contract this year for • any aurther 'concrete pavement on the Huron Road . , The present pavement ends 'about' half=way from Goderich to ;'Clinton. ' Few ' things make : a man' feel' so io to: hearbis' wife rattle the superior. as vii, e gears. .. ZION . Miss .Edna and Mr. ,Boden: Ritchie are attending Toronto ,:Exhibition, this week. A• nee . ZVirs.. W. T. Gard r hays return, from' visiting friends' in Clinton and Stanley Township; Mr. • and ,Mrs. Albert Campbell 'and family, , were Nests with ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Gardner on'.Sunday�r., Miss Ada =Webster resumed -her du- ties:in our school' • for 'the coming yeaaaaar.' • Miss .Eva Gardner is at present visiting her sous is. at' .SSt.,Augustine, .Mr.., Chas. McDonagh, 'John'. and Emma„ spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Miss Evelyn Ritchie and Elsie .Rite le- aVc::conn kitsz to. ttesd' High.'School —o -o -o CHARGE • WITHDRAWN' Jewish.: pedlar named FQ rgeveZ ky. of Toronto, who was accused of try- ing to persuade an. 18=year.old girl to sit oi1 his knee while visiting '•a Teeswater home, recently, and whose trial on a charge of assault was sche-. doled to come off in Teeswater _ on Saturday,last;,was not ca n elled, :to ecourt,'o '• lar t • was attend as. the c r1iP ?i . withdrawn and, the case abandoned.- • d erehandise of Merit We aim at alt.. times to :Ore. you the best valuesin merchandise, at rhe.' lowest p o a est 'rice • . consistent ' with the quality. . � • Selling ' •.for;`' re are exclusive agents, ods ern Lav • der Line Underwear ,... for Wo n en. .d 0 . � ood�•s. atchw,a :Go>�abi�nti _ .. Qns. for men. Supersilk Hose for women. D A Corsets for women. a t� for•men. n Biltmore -Hats Borsahno and. ,B --Sat- urday at- �f t to the rain o NOTE,.: Owing o' our a • 'we still have ' a`':few �,. urdy Y JUMLBO VALUES." Another :popular 'farmrelief would be a car', that would _'un on corn or oats..•1 n An, experienced wife '` x • erienced •. 'fe is e who o when can listen with seeming awe she ahes to say"Blah!" s ;Cecil Mullin and a:' Cord! 'Tires m , Balloons, A 30) x 3 * • b'ulal, The Canadian, pemand, For An All Canadian , product - Buy: K and.' S . ,T,ires , *"..They Aro ,The Best ,On The• Market Choice Cut ;Flower&. The finest.of Wedding bunches and Floral.: work on short notice, delivered anytime,anywhere, Transport to suit. �` • GEORGE STEWART, erich Ont. God :.. Florist; Phone 105. BLUEVALE . 'CREAMERY.. CREAM BUYING STATION ! •.highest :cash, Prices paid for Cream . 71', d Eggs.. We g ; ar*fl$se•' service and satisfaction td all our. : ►atronsi.' •:. _ is o, trial -AO let ,.tee+- prove • to : you that We . are a worth While market. CECIL MULLIN MGR. LUCKNOW BRANtdil .Phone 63.• Girls;'who used 'to cut their Own dresses should "shave` waited until it Only required one seam and two` arni • re holes. • . The faster a' girl, • is the ;easier: fot' S trouble to overtake her. , �I I A 414') 1' • • ca. CHO L SAL Boys'' Knee Pants for boys 5 to 10 years. Nice Tweeds, . . lined, .full pockets, well made, ;1. Boys' Scour Shirts,'Khaki with" two breast pockets but- toned straps on shoulder and large • utton cuff, at 98c. - Boys' Shirt. Waists of ' good j. quality English Shlrtings. Same at they 'make new shirts with collar. Will wash, at 98c. Boys' Brads with .leather,ends, good elastic and solid buckles, at 19c. Bloomers with tight, elastic knee, in white and "colors, a 39c, a pair. r, erated. by Hornell -Murdoch Co' Girls' Dresses, well made' and . nicely trimmedin wash goods. Some ;slightly soiled but you can have , your choice . for $1. each. Girls' and Boys' Hose, good heavy ones, all sizes, black or sat d shades: 'A pair 25c. Girls'. Underwear. in the Cotton Kriit lines; Vests 'with or without sleeves, at 25c. • ''I 47. ■ Khaki Suits for school girls up to ' 14yrs. Bloomers ands: middy, nicely trimmed. with red lacing►, at per sut$1.75, .,g v .. • v -..ter { .' }1,,1)1 • ail 110 l;,1 1y ani i 4 I I I ktittut ; btt c11 oto ti' utfiec�it