HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-09, Page 2,t•
. -
been .the victim irtig AGRICULTURAL CREDIT
ittenr/OritP"-ittitildea than that of irnmi- STRUCTURE. :
gnethwen,PlatferM and in Press:: In Land represents the principal, bor-
Cow* Owe seems 0 be litililiteai-
gOl4 -POW
opinion on the 4auttation, rowing asset of the farm*. stableand our !
economic groups are eense-.. land -values lie at the foundation of
twiny hopelessly divided on the le,. tarsi Credit 'la practically a:I its
de -
further ;unemployment to the labor ()rallied Qin *WO Arrieuitoral
nne, Added polio:410>o merely spells When land va.atea becoine.
— -,grgar'and"..inere
the fanner. Hence
Our great " rural
..ftlend/Y an.d'•even. 'of
istic towards. any eff
Canada's pepulation.
An intelligent study Of
tion- question leaves oike in
that limiting agriculter4 pro
net possible*Witliont the, stea
gyessiire coltinization/ and deve
Of eta' extensive vacant 15PaC4%'6 .13
aeleUittlial'attge* Tin! 'tealtz.a
of .etteh program would, bo.we
,10410ive eenstreetive and, forw
looking .cokioniratinp effort of magn
tud� no IfolleT.niaerit could safely con-
'teMptiate in -day, in :Slew of 'the, apath-
Ste, data of average Canadian' pleb* „
opinion on the enbject. The -super-, 1
task- eonfaCitkeg Canada at this mo -
meat, theinfese, -appear to be •
to clotiviact ..,hor• own citizepa of. the
/Adorn of regarding the pepulatioe
-0eation aa the earlier stone of all
Matdia. polities, Which, indeed,' it. Is.
W. have for ••almeat a decade been
confronted Witli the demoralizing spec. -
lade of steadily receding rural land
azed ccimpetitioa 40, dit strnetgre.ig. .undermined. Credit, we frequently find' of all sorts is curtailer" and interest
organizatiotia un= -1, -rates advance—.-In-fa.ctri -
ficially antagon-I dawn .as an economic axiom, that a
or to augment: prosperous agriculture and'a content-
, : led rara: population are not withinthe
HY. • Pe§sthifities With -receding and un -
land valtieS.' • The dernoralfsing
.the• POPulaT ts1)e
no doubt,, effect' in itself upon the farmer of tliti
ray Is' Progress/Ye Shrinkage of his chief ,
spe .°
ere. capital assetis, bund to exercise a
teed , unfortunate influenee, upon his
y-ent ;;;;;1 state of Mind and actions. 4
•relr, ;CONFIDENCE': ,
am.. • There is ie-aley a vast area of va-
cant lands on the Market in the
prairie section of Canada and improv-
ed farms are'offered for sale in other.
irovinces0•ComparativelY at bargain.
ices. The demand for such Proper,
slackened perceptibly with the
g up of the stimulating flow of
ration some years age. The
nt of the Province, of Ontario
k as far kis that of the Dlidd:e
the Milted States." Yet land .---- Wight she foldi,
'we, Illinois and eewlitirci sot blue petals UP,
4, three times as 'great aa And closer draws leaves-
nnda. Why? The Can- „ Like furry. shawls, ' .
hould he keenly inter- And little flannel sitirf§; •
mg a normal market Then snugly
es„: A Comparatively Nor •carea that mbuntAin
r land; Would 'qeick-
rengthened values
oral effect would
business., would
lirongh• such a
dwaesteet boafc
values in Io
are twice an
In 'Eaten
adian termer
.1414.0fit 108!i• ' ..
initIrCe5- • I VOWSThe U. 011101)1
: ' ,t .• • .
•.. .
Points? in goglfgh life 'which .....4v4 ,.... ..
• . t ' . ',o4r,my or CAR Or TES Ft'EPEIsiOS. O.N...Tg.g BRAKES.
. EnePe4a4flouirlithrts:edrotAttoioleeriocainsaoll4nis
ult„.tiltIrg,,, I -Oive' Pat -We ,Atbrnage* '. In• eut°°1611°
87.reuorteaubsee'lL4eaenodtmaspl1:th.heumm.parsont.1.0: ,...: brow; wtne made. ow debut
'11Uninalga0144inaere:a the tk;'ll'ell Speaking
l-Pla ..5. :seen lungthedurlibrZill}ghtfillrilitfie:sevi, Fr:arorl-
,rliTTillicli.- naleE. e:nr4sgri: iltpr:t te.:rotaer :I be gi ulla 3,taomRei ijnil America. front,tqus,813:. A. e: ! °E 0 rt. akrfuln :e ni itja;f7asiric en:: tc'gdfr:iitn: 1:08 e I 1: andlualY01:0:-M.ramotor ui ,; t created„i intariaers_tt -
Ca London. , : faCtarers. So, if there continued to be
. nehmen. •• ,, • r 041 0
...aialiataaateehed ranearta_oPerators, the fault must, in the main,
all English houses., ”. • • . , be 'laid to enre*enees. • Either the
• Y
The•ease and smoothness with,Whick. did not make sure their •brakes were
English ' trains start, 'cOMPareci. willi. funntiening PrePer1Y or did not apply
Amoricau. • . , . 'I :thee right way.
. thfil rii,siflitliet tiidMnetyaollid,ailui
The uhtturried.quietness of an Eng-
leSh crowd, evert thos.e' traveling I th . motorists to exercise ' 'caution
. , . ,,
Underground in the rush boure
tti I • •
• • " Th n e • -
• • : Late,ft, fifir:,Carr-Harris„ .••
Filet, Officer., Of Eingsten, ,was,
Wheu his seaplane crashed pear
the Hudson Bay Bailway,in the wilder -
was po Miles north eewielopeg,
' :ell day she lifts
• Her soft blue petal Cup
• To catch full bounty
Of the'sun and rain,
, And gen; flattints
Her fhlSy leaves • "
• In snow -cooled breezes
• Qa her hill.
values'all through Canada. This was ested in••,..recreat
the outcome of a Combination of 'cir- for rural"Prolerti
cinnetences, but bas been chiefly -due liniited demand fti
to the cessation of ithinigratiOn, coripl- ly be reflected in s
ed with the modern spectacular drift all *bend and the'.m
to the Cities. Land willies to -day, east be eIectricel • Urban
and west„are at a Very low ebb, and automatically benefit t
-,..thany farmers have thus seen: their restoration of agriculttir
chief asset ,shrink such an extent. Our farmers have,, there
that tubstaritial equities have in sonie interest in. the.inauguratio
;instances totaNy.' disappeared repre, one and comprehensive. pale
e• ;lite ltisk"ef-''4a--Tanits-,k,t-kesrs. •-giraietis-geve.,.iLeierto
• ‘!ef hard labor on the part _of:every designed promote theatetua
• ber Of 'the' • 'mitten' Of *.vticant agricidtaral ar
ep gree o e tre s.
, the !TT -ease,'" and, Thank you"- of the
'bus eOricluctore. :••
The. oinaidcien-ce of' the 'London por
• ,
• • '
• B tt dike *L T "
o e Long Trp.
Ay.boagh the hutterfly is a delicate,
lookina creature, •It seems to be . en:
doa-ed with a, great, deal of stamine
Like the birds butterthes migrate' at
the approach of cold weather.
The Monarch butterfly of the North-
ern United States and Southern Canada
,ahough common in north temperate
rlatitudes,.is unable. to stand the winter
in tho care and ape, of brakes... '
_ • : .
A Pieter car out of ' control is cap,
ahle of reMArkable destruction. ' The
I most iinportant factors in. Securing
control are' 9m. hrakes. One rnatiae.,
16111,11a: Of lee.
Meellailiatil. **Mk( ber. WiPed aff, 'and ' '4° far eH:thfi '"Y''' 9°44 . l'i:eht;:n4ed
'ol:eti• every Sfia mileeoa dirMeg, -. Bea 1, _n overt- direction. 'Wnre,,q. a ,40,0.10,
fooN,urrity eardo juuastfoop.acCitcleoartaair,iprelic-adaeoo 9tor 'tatb.rhf.41:4°nordt:',0404. lot! clivAnea:i.titriesnaata4l:tiklygLaaydit!:
brakes, .ceriaeqeentle• .4" is the duty of in the ngdet ifilthia''inuainiee meiiii,
every car owner t " 1 la make or
have lea*. by # „Om'poont woialik'. thrown into. deep abado„ arid its. palate
a aystematic brake inspection. ' Forll ; and alnurteles. glittering 'in_ the 'elz.
rftitriari°e"t atatterPf-'isiti:733‘8,1ria,:yte:111,•:49et it'olo'ILI:‘ cAolallo4(1:.. 4:: :1 ,.'rorl-iii n:1:44IP°. o ' oal::::t9.0 .:: ,,,,1414:40:11440,.; .
aaerierio accident ',. • • ' . . '. I heetify 'atidgreadept. last no'lleiseraa,. ••
: are ,
iregging, bragging heats, brakes; liIty • 6.9.1°°•4er. realri—a •en
'aWaerre them'alooftPuttieu-irree*sar of the. 4e4,11arieb-; rhttvee sight. 1)It
to • tr. Zbtr'.:1:enTifeosi-•
' I
On the other hand, they should not Uirenrilference and several huadred
hee:a ee, they will res_ feet in 'slew! motion as its
too lOOSO, • • , kl • baSe rase and sank iikl.'titb Water,.and
pond to t r veils , .1 ,
enough to eitold danger., There is e, P!)ints 40406 Against, the
nut on the brake band el' the TaktPeller , te:tnettdel::ilbea:::i;t7a'ef!iy, tlhitetew4Aru'vesst;ilan4lion
shaft liraket•which be. adjusted to it, which. , bmakina, high" With. ream:
,Piefiro ))ralcea Nat tbe ProPer
t •slieuld. he ,as mech e. habit g tees&
• • t• the' ate thundering sound of the 'cracking
rs.ke •; be turned of the mass, • • and, the breaking and •
0 . a . _ • • .
niotoring as Iteepitig an 'ad 'elite Ifl 'Pedal to the h can • •
I er thP rig t • or to. e e 1nelming down of, huge pieces; to-
ply at gasOline arid oil in the machine ° Ct.
the teetiogrei tho ..oroicoo,irhooevor: make, it .th..e right. length: for efficierit ge.lbs .- l'ailitheiotat4rosrealtsos,gillte°Pfiltnlatit.'
the ear ia to he driven in IleavY trek, use of The bralm•• ' --:
Thiecap he done by throwing 04 the , ammeter et tree sublimity, •
' dutch arid: applying the brake* If WilereG;711%478fflittliaerSUGGE17:Ds'ed on iill :I, Tiahvelemaisaind licidct/ri.°:intildeigoinae0188 owras' 'lasts'
they do not appear to be working efi- axle or wheel drum brake apply the base crusted with frozen foani; ond
• fect'V ' d" t them et the at- brake with the car jacked tip. Adjust as it grew thin and transparent to -
the equalizer until it. is parellel with -ward , the oget aod top. Its color
tended teat the earliest possihole me.
ment. The small trouble or expense
of repairing brakes is much cheape• r
than a broken fender or the smashed
' • a i Parts. a another ear' into "which , one
States Though it does misty, e-rosh because hit or her car's
e fact that ,the entire; brakes .wi.3 not hold. .
made. by individuals the att. ' Gem TYPE 09 min:4Q
orlda to .the Arctie , • .
t'aua appearance of the insects Preten • •
! ment goes (nt each
' that a considerable' northward Be sure there is a, good type brake
,I,I. ights it_recacrhoiiiiin. e Lawrence D.ier. ,.. ettor,ts ot several generations. moVe- lining and that it is properly installed.
I course, be the result of the successive
Year- It may. of •7oine linings are boo soft and some are
• I The Painted Ezell', butterfly 'under-
. matted and areaptto need constant
!too thick. They may easily become
Work Worth Doing. Itakee a similar northward flight., They' amdilletnient
• ' 1 cOme-up trent the south-eastern •dis•-
, ally woven with 'plenty of asbestos and
The best linings are usu-
confi enee.
the, axle, thee ' tighten or ':looseli• shaded off freni a deep blue, to the
adjusting nuts on.the brakehtteds; 9n: -whiteness of snow. It seemed. to be
te Of .brake it Mai • rd o
neeessarYth reMovo.the.wheeIs.adjn"-,-:t• :that we kept ewer and avoided it. It ••
the.cam plata and adjUsting nuts and lias, in sight. alt.. the afternoon; and
eque'lze the length of the brake tttds• whea we got to the !ea'crard of It, tho
Where four brakes are ellaPloYed. 'all,,:wind died away, so :that' we lay -to quite • .
four wheeti should be Jacked 0J -ear Of neer it tor the •greater .part ef the
'the. ground ' and, adjustnient made at eight. ' Unfortunately,' there ' was no
each individual wheel. . moon' but it Was a clear ilea, and we
When there is Some ,question 'as to °mild', Plainly mark the long, regular,
whiither'each brake doing' its „Share beaelnggeil. ofm9thvee:dsfoallioewnlydoe:g.oinin4aste, ihaeof,
tohc•tinh,e 3woackirhit.lifp .thethere .aarre wheels and Of istitarq, several tiolo on
!our watch
apply the .brakes 'fay 'enough se that !bud crick§ were heard, which sotind-,
e • rn typedrifting slowly toward teurt,s0
It is just possible to tarn one w ed as though th must h v -
Thera is within swee..er on earth - &lets of Africa beyond the eat desert copper • ' ' •
ore, .
n a vigor -
L a vital ' • g ' • • gr - I ' . ' - ' -t' ' eY „a' 9 run '
than the gratitude of a 'child whom and cross the Medidterranean Sea good alto IneehMue Should be em by hand. Then adjust be brake .._011 thrdaseghveratheiwphioeclelseafgetilli ocifotliwri. iceberg,
theother wheel so that the same am"' 'it
,, You have tried to hell!. writes J. J 1, Their have also been seen crossing*the !PdoYed to, PrOPer:Y' 'Install brake lin-
thundering crash, Plunging heavily fa- _,••
les- bY uts else, This atitnde rite'v not always.' Nile valley, near Cair? _coming, fremil ings. It is_lieceSSarY that the liningsi omit of energy is required to tu• rn that
1 Colon-
ales . striven for a'. child's :,..The Monarch • butterfly has been wrInklulg'
:15tirY atieqs. t-1.1:1444.4ttet belltlie"7ProvidedV,O-ther•—two--E't aiditts""breeze sprang aWar..ranald°a.raeinflgileadsativwallyg•
• and left. It astern , -and .at daYlight
expressed in words but one •;:: f. •
best we:fare eell be 'Mire 'that their, found in the Hawaiian Islands,' 2,000 properly sunk, • so the' metal'of the hi therinftife-tatanner. '••
score the 'brake drum, It is posaible to prevent much brake was out of 'sight. — Pi d
-- labors hath net, been in vain. • ,Many, 'Miles from the American continent, • rivete' not
will • , thereby causing the brakes to fan to troub:e by using these important fa Dame, in ..1.en Years, Before the/
. ' %, c erHenry .
ut, opportlinitieS are .ost through goat, *here the insect 'was net known prior
fr, Peel*. depending on someone else to do to the establishment of its food. Plant, ko...d as, they s Mil ,.' , ' • tors of the car pz.operly. When cent- .stast... : — • ,. •
the work that should; be theirs.... Re-. the milkweed, in.. the Islands, about The noise of squeaking brakes rep- ,ing to a stop on a straightaway. close
cently, two splendid homes for children! Lupo., So ,it Seems that these trisects resents a nuisance which can be avoid- the tittettle:4and "-ave the .clutch ea -
Were secured by: ,a lady who had my Ale, aCtually Make the ,2,00A miles trip,'! ed by proper adjustment Thi e an- Igaged until just before you came. to a
e youpgiters who had been itt• as found for their Presenee in the itiolated i• noyance can Often be stapled by 'ie. standstill." This
reeving the Whee:s arid roughening the assist the brakes in bringing the car
causeathe engine to
-reet': responsibility,. She heard, Of for . what &her. exPlanatiou ; can be
ilteles shotet,..for . ki...'.oug • time, I Hawaiian Islands? • ' . • brake lining with e fie, The' brake to a steedstill. , •• , ,, • '
renCy 'Unwanted, and by ta:king I
friends, secured their practical:
'and the adoption of the chi:-
&sources Bulletin.. for the purpose ef'pewer'deyelopme
-77747- some of the great* engineerin
fl is pa:not inappropriate that works of the Present day are .being
the. country - Co' which llie.inost undertaken. The Year, of 1925 'dime
engineer„ Of: the airline& kirtitotp, sit* three-qnarters of a million
• the beaver, is mai:Nei should also have drettlic,.hdrse-POWer brought inte%pro-;
alevelepeteeme'ef_the finest engineer- &MOM; afigure that will stand com.2! scm
jug 'talent and organization ever em- parison With any cOnntrY, at any ;Phil
plo3red in the', interests of civilization stage of; its ,history. singe plant alwa
Canada's tremenaeins ritilWayand now being aonstructed on the .8aguen-1 to her
'Ilighwai''‘indet*Altings; her unpreced- 'riy River is to have an u:timate instal= interest
anted' eriaririgiaif;joU.the pulp, paper lation of. 800,000 horsepower. The &ten.
and lumber industr ,Wi; her, iraet. hy- Weal -installations stand at 4,300,400 ,
.arneuelpoWei•aeireiopotefits, her wi.de.. horsepower labor one -teeth Of the poetical s
.,Om'ad mining activities, her „meals available total),, and represent an in-. , ;as
and irrigation systems have, perhaps, .Yeet.nentof nearly a thon§and.million ' •
nevelr:heen.equal:ed m extent Or em- • - • • John mas.fle
nee able •
_ •;MencY. any en: of comparable This is a -long sop from the, wood finds little encon
• peptilition Out in some respects, by and mud dams of the indestrious Can-, for, the epahee w
-any, country whatever ita population: adian 'beaver surely, but it is clette ie dressing these who
The two greet railways Systems, the keepieg, that the flooded beaver. -mead- !yearly veise.epeakie
"CanadhanNistionfil- and Canadian Pa- owe of other days shoed have expand-' Oxford Examination
! 'eine coMpaniesare unique in their ed into huge and costly storage basins, moaned the' preferenc
rnagnitude and efficienCY'=; alum& 40,- the largest Of their kind ever known, generation .in a
.oao mites Of railways, courteously and created -And held leash by huge 'watching flashy films ' rat
thoroughly ..sidniinistered; Canadian stiticties of conerete and steel, de-, lining to poetry beautifully
;canal routes repreeeet an investment itgF411 and built by human engineers; 'Poetry M this, form was
of over 220„_railliait ':do'llars' and .heron the same sound scientific lines that for, he Mourned, but it wOul
' ' ' . • •
tag" Passing: .
owned ,by .Mis06.1d.
d; poet and novellst.
ragezhilt :days
Ord in, Poetry.. Ad;
, gathered -for the
g Contest at the,-
ScbOole; he bee.
the new .
dark :.chamber.:,
her than lis-;
early. done -
• system of navigable waterways and the 'little beaver used through the'pos-
, inland lakes, are unparalleled, it being. session of some, God-given instinct.
eatipiated tliat 'about half of the • • • .: • .' • • . ' ••• .•-
: world's known /real. water areas are
in this country., ; • - ,,.• , . ' .• ,
. '
Canada's 116. pall'. and paper mills Pharitoht Used High*
have now !.tlefinitoly assumed -Bret : Ingredients in Their. Salads
, . .
.iilace in tim, international newapihit,
rare with ,. atiannual . production . of ' •
, tome 1 irtiniori, tuna. annually mid British' food experts Who have been known to -day, but these al:endid food :
the: history • and game fish require Verity of e:ear, •
ecensidera*. Wads say inincreased-2' preduCtion lasi!lug e special study (4•
, of ' .e tomato hi•lhe single cold Water in the strearns in order to
under- construction and in sight. new Ingredient- Modern times have ensure prolific reproduction. Forest
• Canada's Mines Yield ore to theex-
„teat of between 200,nod see Utinfou nontrihnted to salad Match*. fires.beip to deStroy.thii.poseibility by .
&liars arinnally, with some reinsirk- . The..Pharaohs---eVen the „beautiful' Causing 'drought, eroSion, and abtence ' .„
aj3k, individual ,propeAjes. Her su6., Cleopatra7-74it.e ,onions in large quanti.. o shade, It therefo e,•behooves every ,.,-,.... 7..r
. iiie einiii.e.• reptaeot toemet„, ties in their •salridi. and used garlic fisherman to make :tare .his fire is • "'" "°°
•.,Un.Lted. St
dont. engineering :noierenlenr, while and ether ,high -scented 'ingredients. • ouenehed after the neon /troch and)
her nickel asbestos gold arid lead- ContietuO- ate cucumbers and the that it is al‘VAYS' •aafsst ' to do his
. . • .
. , tbat a fall in
• ,ztrie 'producers have developed : their .ancient Chinese used Mustard, water; 'ilno ng I n a or cam*. pealed trY•ai-i
reserves to the Point where. they. have crest' and nasturtium leaves and now- .1. • • ' ' ..."743'----- .
Doll is Toy Triumph:. \
the. largest. individual ore deposits of era in mixing .thett felabokate ,sabidis.1,Winking
.:their kind known to be in existence. which often., contained hard -hailed , , ...'. : . • • • ...; 'Tokio eillyertei,
' It, is interesting to note, in this 'Con- eggs. • , , ' • 'A dolt rapable of doing an o tietial
Marrero Of the Donlinion.". is geologic-. salads; aiid 'aged" lettece aria radishea ,
, that of art.r.flepper has. been patented finliiti2o5r:reedillTieht'eeti:rb'mtalinaticjuoe'arsi.'
atection•. that over hal-t. the entire Ian AncientPerla d so was er., fond of 1 '1.Q, and easing.ta vi• i it, as wicked .
at:" fairoralite to riiineraiizetion and ' much as they are used in modern salad ' by a tia'a rosnaracturfir ; of f'elturg. •
tci• some degree despite eVe
!'So long as; there remain two e
as to and: a plonk there will. he a
cal stmo."? he aleciared, •
• " • " Quench Your Fire.
- Canada has the finest inland Oihingi
U.S. Tourists.
. Canadian Seaports,. !
Au iteln-la the last Canadian budget
provides that in future the British pre-
ferential tariff shall apply., only to
. goods ,entering the . country direet
'Break Break Break' .through Canadian , Ports. Whilst the'
major 'Part of Canadian invert trade,
that from the United Stites, amount
Ing in the last fisc.ai year 'to 64 per
.cerrt., oijtlM whole,. is uttairected by
this. 22 per cent. of the pan:Onion:atm-
- ' '•This •Is one, hi the . best known and
1 Citizens Of -the ;United States deair- cortainly,cria. of the mosi beantifiil ot
in to visit Canada , for the purpose English lyrics. • It was the, first an-
• • • , . ,
of hunting, fishing or •helidaying may '6,.-woen•ustide'eeepxsporrereoev.ie,noveefr t4Aiefrledois...Toetneh;_..tictt trade
inkik..h. tini was
-til. villeecieen-- great friend, Arthur Raisin, a sorrow
t:e:iri4attwiockintchal let..6a
irtnc°dithrli;:icilltitkseto.1 is cn customs Office .at :he expessed in More phi:caophic Mood
•• Port of. elltrY•rld declare such artie.-es in his masterpiece. In hieniotiva." :
.i ionfgeqbureiPumeghutt,iric4thtihneg„coetiteiftreys.aresuhee reik, bralci, break,
artie:es as guns, fishing rods, tackle,! . On thy cold grey sfonee, 0: sea!
canoes:, tents. Camp equipMent,. cook-: and I wceild: that, my torigae could u
iknogaak-us.,telellasiyiskeq'. Ttiure3iCall'IdiepiTssitt,rbtlthutetnhtiss,:,:' ':a•he thoughts that arise Weak .
. citosraeseturntildboPrmdevrii:Iledvithtihnt.‘ellime:athere-ri, .0;Well for the flshermen's, boy. .
, ' and theartic:eshave not befn disposed' ThafThe shouts • with his sister at
. of. !' : , , ! , play‘.
,, . • ,
, For a Rer,icul of one month, a meter -;'0 well for the sailor lad:
. lit who is a resident of the United! That he sing§ in his boat On he bay'
. .,
1SvitathtesouitmItyv,ittintt his. eaa intorboodCanadawithor And. ot.he' stately
,go.,,44.1, , .
:iak duty' to, the Canadian Customs 1 'To their' haven under the hill;
.1 officiate. .. . 1; ' „ , : •But 0 for the touch of a vaidaheci hand.
I•ki • • • ' •: ' • - ' • • • I And the sound of a voice that is still!
.AVild Man of Borneo. Break, break, break,
ried .on,. with 'count-ies of the ,British
Etripire, • and'. only. 12 •per, cent. with
'other Cofintrieo.. • The deetion.,Inuatin7,
evitably have aoine effect in. 441211:at-
Ing actiirity at. Canadian -seaports.. .
Whilst this conceasiOn '.'wei Made.
largely to •Sittisfy • deniands• from • tho;• •
hieritimee "which felt that a part Of tho.
bilainess they !eight :harkdttz* was
lett io them • there has been • ne'reces.
sionlaport figures either there or ,eise, •
where in the :DOM Orion, as the steadily
rising vo':urie pi Canadian .import and
...export trade •has increased the activity '
trf .ttil Canadian "seaports. The ;ascii
year lost ended *its:probably the teat
one for Canadian 'trade ever eiperlf,•
enced, and. th10; was' reflected. 'in • the,
activitY the :outlets and or..'..
canacilau. !mattress:. At. ail :the .ntive
• tpalit seaports of Canada an increasing
• Volutne , of import .anct! eiport tr.i4.44
May COnverse,, With Landon, 4/4 tIAToot pr'thY crags. '•
witliont miCeption, Ninces1
• - • • 't eut the tender grace. Of a. der that ie.
• . • ", = ."dead ' 1925-26, the inerenzeute in exports au
Will never, come back .to me.
I :"The Wild Man of' Borneo' S0011:14)17
11 LUlUUlI- J h y. an .Fn Bitola I Milton.
&miler Bruce, of:Australia • be talking by wireless with hia'friends
Proposed it party to visit the' • •
who lives at 'Sarawak: ',Immo haw . • "
Vancouver, and Saint 4,ha
being outstanding.
seaports of Canada areexpet •
aging greater actiVity at the present
aces to atudy industrial re- managed to estabilift wirelese. eeni.ITh. c4!.. hitak4e8ttha vseaQice ti1O'than illst Yegir w4h t-bP.PriisPecl•
e ' Oug it'.p enoine a • of further incremerits'at the end of the
• mull's:ration. with J.. Partridge in Wilk- • •
.viices' there waS demo ? • • • ' • • ea tne. nakea: he iens. melee*
hieden ' England, and is • t� keep up an . . • . • .,. , •
Se ,wages.. . ? . • • • free
• . I exchange ot messages for liaif an hour. ; • •• •
TokW ,Hot
14 Quakese suceees , of Grey s • efforts •hae I . •
cd . an aterag
r ie .roti :7trtecl,: wireless, fans throtighOut;
keis a day dfirtug: Ficrneo• onot-aret;icer,hieetog:oLof eodzpoeoriamegzots. ..oratinyr7L.,,yisnitieiKiraiseY41:.re. so ugeie•ei
y .ot theit. 'were, the h1-42.,. „
!nowadays. Vthy. I don't believe you
„. .
' know what needle's are !Or." "• "
thie, only. a fewsmall 'patches have making. 'Sour wine; not unlace modern !Germany. The Invention Is sad to be • %Dates From An
been at yet thormighly prps'pected. • Vinegar, was ;used on letitiag 'by the the greatest aichievenient in the Ger- Stir .cane .was • euLllY
In the damming of' (*nada"rivers Pell:lass, tc:ui thousand years ago. man toy industry since the War, . before'the Christian ere.
.t,Welvelnoritke•iii•Alie voldine of trade-
handlett..1 At ,the Mine time each .rn
'huay, upon koogritel of delieloPmeat
andimprovennent looking to.:5:'yet ,
ther augmented tho future.
• ,
The Red Ridge at Nikko.
• Motor Buses Crean Besart. • ' '• GrandW
thild: -hat' n
a dear ki # ' ranOr the MIrrvina torrent.
it . , ,
. . - ,.., , ., . . .- ..' • 4a.w.a. •
a.t.ad to India ,, ±4(7„; or bases are now catrYing ,Paii- nY ,YOu are why, they aro to make ,.
sengers over' the Arabian the gramophone desert. , : play. dt. course,"
- . -- • -..-- 'Tranquil' in the pOrl Er of perfaill'on;*
A Vest Pocket Ecl" ition.of a Truck Garden. 1 am the' gu'enn i'ose of •
:AND .WF*By Bud Fisher. fl
Mut; Leek. Kr
.Ttt6 ' Vice .
mAT oe
40,41- us;
• vat-lAY?.
TOMATOES: 4:111r4,
me AN
TO=A1Alt -TOE t,
"IV To s:
..mm to...,
vou HAVE
OF ,
o4.ti r;eikv,i„?
NAV& msi
. .11.- • • .•
etta• 1:4014-6: %feu ii.tinot
.0-014/b ilU"MAIA-TOes
‘,1 ARC 'NIF`rf?,. • ora
\ TV- fei Atk 0 • set'ir
IPJ Votel;A:
M A" ocs
tee ttee:
-( saP'
,4i...1414Trdit .A
i;• tremble not with the filry !er the
The l'u'It'ubrurit;Itlitt.: riVet....'eantan ,
Nor earry, away any loVe:!!01trgt,
Ilo tocl procid; Warn at.* a
The poterfore4s1 of tketai".4 ei,lca 10
en 1.;:irtel'ittioier%r.a:ft:i:1/ c,an1
thiet, hrt140''
,1,0 tltOrvv *auclee ail o'II itt.
voleMaio' itialtr• tottia-0, hat,.
/V le ('1 nr-,t tintrc.itiett.
--14"rirv reit ";1;.'• -0•rfrir..Flrea
/ andtitittle•rostO.-'
• & Mountain Notne.
t tt ft,r,the
taMthis mountalc.: )'t is rrill o' ir
George 1:,:v4rrqt 1sfxtY
iztri.,Ago.. 11, wAS' in His !;'701htis. the
einert it,eharge of oie
111M:1-antia sthrit Wika
test,(!nsible tor "r.,,apping"
timmoinerot-o! tho
' etott00 sir...,(lep,rgos.,44,44.2trotitt'§ Mgt.'
't4t:tilta 11 wi'te"X 1iet atter
• .