HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-09, Page 1.3.0:,00 PER THAR,:IN:ADVANCE; $2.50/ OTHERNYIR! •
('-.4 0 0 0 0-:-0-,0---11-4^-,51
I ° .
• *
0-4"9 0 0
Di • W • M _Connell •
•:. , Phye elan Surgeon
Doent,•2-4 7-8
•'Phone 30
Dr. MeeLeod wIL visit.' LuCknoir
every Tueaday in Dr. •Gonuelee
• .,DENTIST, '
Dr. R„,'t TAleaven, , LiicknoW—'
Over Decker's S t or e. ExtraCtion,
either by gas or local • Will ba in
Dungannon every 'Thursday.
• ' Phone 53
0. LOC4t14 AND MINERAL , 0
0,0 I, • -0
Call Dr. Newton
• Make appointment
In office everyday
' z
o o 0 0-0-0-0
Geo. A. SiddaIIJ Lucknoto, --Broker.
, and Real' Estate.—Money to lend co
firat mortgages OR farme 1ProPet-
Gek° at 8 and. 61/2 per cent aecoroing
to oecurity offered.Also Small
' amounts on second ni4irtgages • On
firm properties and On -peraOnal.
'• *Wes. A few, good farrea for, sale'
• Latest patterns in. stock it lowest
prices:. ,As cheap as in cataloguei.
Alio book ,patterrot of leading • man-
ufacturers.—Box 174, R...1, Cameron,
Mainter 'A Paper Hanger. -,---
• .
•.:, .•
. •
•. Here•ts What a customer in Her-
•rliaten,'says about Havelock .
• 4"1, have enjoyed-- making bread
. .
from Havelock Flour' 'and:. would be
10114 to • recommend it to anyone. It
• Omar. antendid •satisfaction.' ' ••/
• , W. E. Treleaven
For • Sale—A. number of •window
••and storm sash With glassin them.
Apply to D. C. Taylor.
. • 100 .,-jACRES-2 Acres good Maple
hush; brick house 36, t•30 and 14 x.
20;4 frame barnon stone foundation,
30 x 56; shed attached,. 36 x -10;
• drive .shed 24 x 30;1 hen house 13. x_
so. Well located, will be sold 'reason -
Terms to suitpurchaser. • • •
15-7-tf: Geo.' A. Siddrill.'
- • /Foitnd—On the stteet• in LuCknow.
purse, containing a sum of money.
. • Owner may have same on proving
property—:at The Sentinel Office.
• Strayed from the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 13, Con. 9, W. wa-
wanosh,, about August 18th, 1926, a
heifer rising 2 years; red, with white
. head and one stub 'horn. •
• Robert Henry,. Phone:, 'Dungannon
10-r-1; R.R. 7, Lucknow. •
FARM. FOR ..sAte
.Acres: . Good -; Clay loam, Well
watered, ComfortalA dwelling and
smaltbern, about five acres of stand-
ing timber.. Willi be sold reasonable.
For further particulars apply to—
Joseph Agnew, Lucknow.•
0 ,
• Good frame , house,. 8 rooms, hard ,
and soft water, good cellar, 5 acres
land,. one Mile north of .Lucknow
• With barn .26x20 ft. Hen house and
pig pen. Also '01 acres of paiture land.
Will be sold itogether or separately..
Building and fences all infruit doss
„ .
condition. - • • •
Apply AO William Fisher or Phillip"
'Steward, Lucknow. ' • •
•(10-9-e) '
. ,
For . Sale --Standord,' . Remington
Typewriter, No. 11, Twelve' inch
roller, re -built and in good condition.
Also a heavy "Galt DriyineRobe, as
good as new. Apply to Rev. C. H.
Dickinson: •
, A of all dbest brsitids •
• /'
- Why P'.ace order* ahead when
. .
yon.CaI. get your supply, at atiy
Lucknow •Ont.
the, •elOors. And Avin;
doWs• "open; Alio wrong season for
lewdly ,• •
Most meliklioli Whet they would tla
in in 'OnieStillatt-4f -the • entorgenav
•pile to ihow
wEnnom BRI.44$
. One of the season's prettiest wed -
0 dings, teek 'Pjaen at tlig honie of .Mr.
is. own pulpit next Sunday, • "„,
Miss Bila1 ittle,•of, LhitoWel, spent
the week-endinvith cknow friends
Misa :Murtha MacCallurp was home
from Windsor for the recent holiday:
• .•
•...Mr. and Mre, .Geo., H. Smith made
a 'n•ot6r-trip to .Thorold on Monday:
The annual fill,fair' at"Goclerich ir
being held, this week11Vednesdayt
Thursday and Fridai, -
Major Tremayne and Mr. de Lem,
,of Toronto, Were .week -end visitors
at the hortie of Mr. M. Mitchell. •
Mr.' and Mrs.' Anthony Kerbler, of
Detroit,- were the guests of Miss
• Grace Cameron over -Ae holidaY:
Messrs. George and°Mel. Greer at-
tended the funeral of their sister, Mrs,
W. H. •
Pocock in Detroit on Tuesday.
„ Mr. Huntley Gordon was over from
Detroit to sPend'. theweek-endand
the holiday wiili his Lucknow.friends.;
The general election for the Dom
, -
inion Huse cd ,COMMons will be held
on Tuesday, of next week, September
Onr store Will he -dosed, Wednesday,
Thursday and. Friday of this Week,
but will he open on SaturdaY. :
B. Pearlman.
• • "
The Junior Institute and •Junior
Farizer 111 haid-tWempathilY "3°0- -
ing• at the -home ofMizsMary, Vint
On the 10th 'inst..,• at 8 o'Clock.
Mr. Reginald Stanley, a brother; of
Mr. Fred Stapley,who.. arrived_ here
frorn England.a few weeks ago, spent
the - week -end visiting cousins i n
, .
Kingsville. •
Mr. and WS, Joseph Jardine Mot,
oreci,SJOm Chicago and spent the ear-
ly part of the week with Mrs Jar
dines mother,. Mrs.. MacKenzie, Rail-
way Crossing,'
Mr.. And 'kit, ..Temes. Webster,. of
Itiirlingte% and _Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Fairbank of :Grimsby, Motored up and
,Spenta few days of this: week with
Mrand kr. James ;Miller, of tOWn.
•Luclineo-1. Annual 'Flower Sh o*
wiirbe held in the Town flail Friday.
eireningaf this 'Week. The two, previ-
ous, flower -exhibitions field here.,.:RIAV7
Very .popular and, drew gond. crowat.
The „regular meeting of the •.,Wo,
'men'SlInttitute will be held ' at . the
home' of'.Mrs Jaine's Miller:on Fri
day afterneen, Sept ,16th, at 2.30
o'clock MI women welcome.—Sec'y
-.Card of Thatilis--Mr. and lgri. Al-
len • 'Turner wish to -thank . their
'friends .for the kindness and sympa-
thy- shown at the time, of their -re:,
cent hereaVement.
potarricAL MEETING •"
• IA. public meeting will be held in
%the ,Town flall, LUCKNOW, on Sat-
urday •night, Sept Ilth,,an the inter,
.eats of Dr, G.& Fowler, Conservatire
Candidate in South Bruce. Mr. Bell,
of Toronto, and Dr. Fowler, the can-
didate will addressthe meeting.
•• •• •
• The Fire Company, /have Arranged
to have the -election returns delivered,
at the Town 1Ta1l on the evening of
Election Day,, Tuesday, Septeinbet
14th. The very' best possible service
willbe secured. Besides the elect or
Alums a good concert program' will
be given, and the local, Rand will
give' selections.'throughout the even-
ing,. As there will be considerable
eXperise for JURand telegraph ser
vice, an admiii.iion charge '01' 2c ill
be made.. Any snrplus will go to the
Mill Pond Fund.
Dear •Madani:— .
One of the delights of home .is
tempting,delicious meals, to which,
Your family gather with eager enjoy-
ment. •Havii you ever thought hew;
much • this depends on the Bread ,you
serve? •
Bread is nature's pe,rfect, food. At
its best it combines in ideal 'forth AIL
tht_elemenla..4404 for, gr.9.30..1Q1.11c1
nourishment.. .
It is delicious in taste besides; es-.
necially when: you, buy' it as wO Bente,
itlicire—AlWayli fresh And crisp.
--Reid's Famine Crust lirOnd
Get it ii_tfigour • grocer's or -Reid% .p!he
minlon-mett,' nh000'-.68.
Nat Volt Your Week -Fad SpediiIr
• %Belittle Cakes lind •Cooldet Made
• )1
n -Mit-rt ump reys, n .4;
of Huron, on WedneStleY, August 18,
at 11.30 ,a.nr., when 'their' laughter:,
'Vera 'C1eiCe, became the ' bride of
Wilbert, II!. Haidenbir, of 'T6c-ontnison
of Mr; and Mrs. Harry' tialdenhy, 12th
.00n., of. Culrost. The draviring-roOin,
ya ;;TeTy effectively decorated With
ferns, sweet !peas and roses : The
.bridal party took their, places for the
cerenieny, before a bank of greenery
and •flowers, while Mist' Evelyn Hum-
phrey, cousin of bride, played Lo-,
hengrizi's• we.dding niarenioThe brdL
who was given in marriage by her
father, looked ..eharming .in her geivni
.Of white crepe romaine, trimmed with
lace ancUribbon, She ,wore tthe con-
ventional' bridal eil, held In:place
with Orange blossebins and carried a
botrou,et' of .0PheliarOses, Maiden hair,
fern and Valley lilies. Rev, 'D. L.
Oanitibell, :pastor of Pine :River .Unit-
ed Church, perforined the ceremeny,
The grcairri's gift to the bride was a
cabinet of silver, and to the pianist a
gold amethyst set bar pin. After -the
Ceremony- the bridal party lcd the
way to the • dining -room* whielr Was
prettili decorated in pink and,.hate
where a' si..iniptilous Wedding dinner
wki ,served. Later the happy couple
left by lisotar.for Toronto from where
they took the.heeat-; foraa trip down
,the St Lawrence -On thelf return
take up .residiffee Tat 435
•Glenhohn Ave., Toronto,
„. •
"1.inunie"- Reid proved a, very popu-
lar 'entertainer athe 'concert Tires-
. • , .
day night.::AsNewtOn, was
, . .
chairman;said. he has and unusual
rang4 of 'talent .' rendering numbers.
with equal success al! the 'wayfron
the ridiciilous to sthe He is.
:in feet, the best all round entertainer
•whO has .visited •LocknoW•in Years.
Numbers given by local talent
Many •:.Of„ them Very good . too, Were
AS ;follows: Piano duet, Grant-. •and
'Jessie MacKenzie; Quartette, Messrs.
'Geo. .D o u g la s, MacL. Johnstone,
(R e v . ) C 11. .MecDonald, •W-4 F.
Thompson; . 7.(Miss .MacMorran, ae-:
cOmpanist); R.e,e itatio A, -Bobbie,
Thompson; Club -swinging,
.Stewart, . Dorothy McQuillin;
logucs, Ret., C.' H. Dizicinson;' Vacs!.
Duet, -Douglas Clark, Miss McInnis.
lgrs': Dr. Newton Presided at the',pi-
ano for all 'numbers, but the
.. As •,phairmen. Dr. Newton gave:a
short introductory address in which
he statedthat the concert had been
arranged by Way of giving theI•puhlir
a:view of ,the.lown:.11.all folios; hig,
the recent • venting and. redecOrat'ng
The work had been dope by •Mr. . WM.
Ferris, and the Hall with woedWork
painted outside, and aria.ed insi.
Certainly looks
greatly brightener'
generally ;improved. There Wasa
good crowd and jUdii0gby the ap-
plause and encores it was well enter-
TO The Electors Of
North Huron
'Ladies and Gentlemen:
__„; 4, On Tuesday next you will: go
to •the - polls to decide win; shill rep-
resent yetiin the next Parliament of
:Canada: 4 have ,been your representa-
tive for five .sessions and have ,tried
to sny've you faithfully. It has been
my afinto advance in every way..pos.:
Slate the interests of the • Dommieli
of Canada as 'a whole and of Werth
"Heron lir particular. My actions
ing.' the last •important Session evi-
dentlY %%Jere Such as to: meet, with
'general approval, for the opposing-
• party has , not ventured any public'
Criticism. • • ' ,
••• MY retard:is before you. You know
my stand tin the issues before the
electbrs.My opponent has not confid-
ed to the public where he stands, ex-
cept that he is ,A thick -and -thin Sup-
porter.k or Mr: Meighent whoso. poll: -
cies Wye -time and again, been dem-
onstrated to be framed' without con,
sideration for the Welfare of kiirhl
communities, such. as North Iluron..'
'1 oak 'for Your vote: On September
1.4th, and if .I am., elected I will dur-
ing the next Parliament use my in-
fluence, as •I ,have in the hist :two
Parliaments, for the.securing of fur,
common people:
•• Miro Sincerely,
J. W. King
.xonx .
•IlkinAt 'Brantford, On September
7th, 1926, ,to mr, and mrs:, R. 11.
lkin,g daughter.,g3tra, Ikin Wel
1?*llieFl t64.44144 41' 91:9'0 "
r0 •
The Women's Missionary Society
Will meet on Thursday afternoon (to=
-445) ht the home Of. , "Nips. pi r
lips 6.re hwitp::0, •
The services of next Sunday, Sept,
120.1„, will. be under ansplees of the
W.14,5., It. will be their annual' anni-
versary day. Services be -held in,
Church at ,3 P.M. era ,at
7.:0 .P.M. :Mrs. 4' (Rev.) ,• Craw. :of
Luc:knew will epeak.at 'bc,th .services,
Special ,ninge,,hy the Choii. '
' :There will .b no. MOncle'Y' night
-Missionary pregrarnme,thia,year. An1
'stead. a thank -offering is asked • for.
L� .be receiVed at. the Sunday services.•
,Envelopes' have .been ;Provided •, fot
this purpose. You are asked to re-'
Member to use. them.
A. debate will be held in the. Zion
Young People's Leagne. • on Friday
night: "Resolved that the League has
more Advantages' for Good Work in
The Summer than in The 'Winter."
All are 'invited •to -this meeting.
The Young People's Leagne of
Rieke's- churchenjoyed. a Social •ening in in the form of a co
the, parsonage .lawn, We cey-.
ening, 0
• September:19th will be the past
last Sunday on the Circuit before
leaying for the West. Th6services
will be regular that day. . • '
;The Scheel Fair Will, be held at St.•
Helens; on Sept. 17. In the 'evening a.
concertwill be held; The ..cprxunittee
.in chi' a have :secured ,t re
Conceit COMpany--2of Toroait�, and
pr0mse a. sPlendit:Tentertaitiment ' •
A .meeting of the Harris„ • Mission
Band will be held on .Sept llth, ' at
:2.30"o'Clock:, .•A full attendance. it:. re-
ueited. • • •
•Mr. and :Mrs. Webster and
, .
, family.' are °taking in the:C.1%1,E. :at
Toronto, this:, week. .
and. Mrs:. S. Pritchard Of Bat-
tle, Creek; Mich., ealled."•00n.,.relativek
here during the: week.° :. •
, i1r. and Mrs. W. TaYlOr. of .Guelph. -
:motoredup nnd are visiting friends'
.around St: 'Helens and : Westfield.
Mrs. J. Webster 'returned home with:
them, ,after'n, visit ;at... Toionto; St,
CatharinCs and Guelph.• .° " ••••• '
•••St..HelenS.SehOO1 opened with. Miss'
Jesse Bnelcinghem .and: Miss. Vire,
Todd as teaChers. ••
Mr: and gra.'Percy Hyde and &Ia.':
;ghter,..Dorothy, and Messrs. Cecil
and Harold Hyde • 'of ..Kincardine.
,spent the 'Week,end' and :Leber WY,
at the old home. , •
•mrs. Taylor and children of West
field,. and .Miss .Elizabeth Sturdy, of
•Wing•fiain, .° 'visited.. at Himoihrey's
during last. week. •
Miss. W. D. Rutherford left. Sat-
urday' for . Tinantins; 'Miss Mabel
.WoOds, will teach : at „Nile. Miss CO-
lena, Clark, near.' Mount Forest;,Miss
• Mary Dninin .at. Dungannon:- Miss:
Dorothy 'Webster' in .Ashfield;. MiSs.
• Z:Vlde and Dorine Webster wil;
Wingharn High School; ,
Irene Lynch, Wirighim ,HuSines•;•
'Miss p..L9ekliart in charge of
Fordyce Scheel:. Mr." A. ' McKenny of
BbieVale has charge of S.S. No. 3.: •
• The Aromen'S Institute held theit
meeting at MIs. Lyons' with a:
-atiendsne,' .Reeipesiwere ex= •
;changed and •a' splendd ,paper el'
"Hornet: Canniir; • by Mrs.' John Mc
: The principle' business WIIP
arranging for' the, School Fail., Sept.
17th.. There 'Will ,be a lunh counier •
fish' pond, ice cream, etc.' Theassist-
•anct, of arty'of the.lades.of the. rollt-,
Munity Will be .gratofully.tece!ved.
and. Miss eantelen of C1int6ir
• were • VisitOrs during tfte, wetAc-enl
with .their Cousin,: ,0Mor. D. Phillini..•••
l.0 WE DA LE -
MIts tiezie Hodgkirson nod Elba,:
beth , Maelver stictitpd to ''Lnektiow
High Sellool;. li t WednesdAY, atal
Miss Irene • Strati:dee,
tosh, .and Russell ••Sett went' to Rip,
Mr.' MelVin C.011ing and Ross ,BIAA.
• inhoptars'd
redd,0vo. to;
, Mrs. Archie Galles, of l'eeswater..
.is spending this week at
e "s
er's... • • 0'
- Miss -Margaret, Macintosh : has • talo'
en a position in the_liatik at Ripley,
Our School, started last Wednesday
With, Miss Lilian Sniith as teacher,
'Flowerilale, WAS Well represeriteid.
'1111144-W.M.S;74'-iltrina. MircDnitz
aid's; last. week;
Mr and Mrs, Joe 1kck,jijjl, Mr
and rs 39110. 'Coiling, Went to Ter.
Otit0.0. 'Irtiet.day. morning, .
Geo, ...)/lacCillifitty tinloaded 'a
Of fertilizer at "ItiPler Statien, 'hittweelc ;
Loo opt .fg,
.roi:li,.00d .w.,..e:at in
Family Theatre
Har911 Fk'Z 1Wright's •
r" -7,A. -,SON. OF HIS FATHER"
. •
FaeCinat ng story of the Ryer-,
: changing: weo..
TuEsnAy ,end
,Septernber, 14th ''..and 15:th
Virgiala Valli and Eugene O'Brien fr
With . Serie "Starlet $ treak" •
.Du Quality Breadisr)e
. ,
Saturday Specials
Coining—Sept. 23r4, -24th, • 25th '
"Behind The Pront"—Special,
,; • , . , „
happiest through along
day of play.
• ' /
.--so de' icioUs*,
nourishing :
and saves yOl.!\ :jots and
• lotsof money, beside§!.. '
604: Bread
,At your grocer's or
• Miss Maria Long, Who iin train-
ing ut St Joseph's Hospital,. London
v;as: home for A .week's: vacation.
1413. Bradley of Ripley, is visiting
with her .daughter, •Mrs'.. Henry •Mci-.
Kenzie, at Lautier.\ •
• '
Cliff Cannel( .of Los 4ngeles, Cala.
is visik,.ng at his old he at Loch.
, • •
Day', broug1i a number of
' fi,orn '
• . , • • 1% .
, o;:ds, AmLng those
• irt d up•‘'.e'e,,Mr, and ,N:s
rick at C4.: el'ph.t:
at I' o•ha:sh;. • Nils. S2a.',...on' and 1:61
soa-i11-l1v4 Mr,.:Timin 'W.
ear Kir.tnil: 'Flank
;Sandy T:i.i:.-hennan at •II•e
L'ocha:kh ; ,NI; s. Wm: M, Nan:a.:
rari and da •gilye .
dub, 'i +_ '
k ' 1 0 1 1'
,crt;iPpt,r,1 NI.......,Naer:at a
'1 1 4,1'
a(Li h f a wo:211 0,r"
K en.•;:f ;. Mr' 'I,
zz, -"to TT!
nto .0 1 i r dues A t411
t!'rt e'tY. •
, t :4 Of Ile.
1, • •
,1 iu i•+! t 1'11 ,• 3 1..t.IV.O. •
ifl be lie!,1 at fl ,e li pie 'of Mrs, NJ':
6n the 1,-ith
41 t -;A 'den orottratlo. of atluminum'
••••yrite and 'capicing will be Prettent
till's meeting.. „ • '
\tt' Ai CII alt4 family of .Camlac•
hie;°.Lanibton. Co., are k•isiting:nt the
home of her brother.,, ,the ,INIcLeods
:o• lf.kl(mienritagiLthose,...1;:ho are attending' 111.e pleitilt':"i tb° Dicfdrisol.l. end. these who know'
, .
the. Toronto,. E. this .week: are Gra,.
ham And. Ale,.,11cNay "l,othian:
ancl.:41Ohn itcIt0zzae aa Fred 1c
Gregor of Kintail., •
. Mr. and Mrs 3as.'Wetster;.oi'.neat
•LucknOW; foi- days- at-,
Toronto, Ex,.
°Mtg. :Thomas „Iliningtoti• of .1)e•
trOit, the :guit Of =licte.y•
.wattgr ,ottanrier:-.` —
• * Miss At1ni Ketchahaw Of Vara-,
mount, left tiii6 ,week ter'. Clinton/.
where •She will 'take „BuSitleak„,
P4.600306.0., YMAIVS' im.w
• .N,‘"'.`1,4V:aNtiv,..(d..‹Sr".;fOrtilIPAP7Av...€17Avitr:AW
Phone 75
LucknoW, Ont.,
• To us EVERy FALL. ••• • ' • •
1 ,
YOU REQUIRE. • ' '• • -`
Oi'cloth Rugs, All sizes . :.....84.50 uni,
Linoleum:Rugs, all sizes ...$9-00 mi. •
• "Congoleurn Rugs Special .order,
I.,!na!eum, 01 -Yd. Rugs, special
Sq. Yd., '
Oilcloth, 2-1/2-1(a. Wide; 6' p” x 12'.
• , . • • •
E • • • 19ft. E 1
TO CLEA —1 nd Linoleum, 6 ft 9in. Sc . Extra vv. ues
at 88,50 per 'ePd,
. •
Investigate ,Our Plan. _On_ .A;ii minster ttugs--Rooni . Size.
Miss 'Muriel Milfer .ofSt
is the guest, of her friend., Mies Vera.
• Robb .of • Amberley. •
Mr. and Mrs, Struthers' ',and
, Alvin 'of, Acton., , are visiting, with
!friends in LuCknOw, and Parartiount
Mrs,. Albert; Conk •inci .Edna- of
• , .
Partunount,• attended the funeral: of
iher . sister, at Goderich,'On':MgridaY•
.• .
Mr Andrew Andrew Stein .Of Paramount.
left on. Saturday for: A ,three -menthe.:
visit to the West ••"' • '
Mrs Mar; McLennan of :Sask., is
visiting withfriendaat Lochalsh.:
Miss Martha' Sutherland- retUrned
tionie, after- yiaiting:Wlifl friends., , in
Londen.. .• • '
. Mr. ,Wm. McConnell of Toledo, a.:
is visiting With. relatives;an and
Miss : B. Johnston of Detroit,' and"
Miss ,Penier of ,Sarnin, ' Whn hae
been spending a few ,daYS with -Miss
II. Mcbenald„retuined. to their homes
last ;v:eek. , . ' ••-.•
and Mr . • angster, ,ef
Toronto, are ,uptospend. a few . days
_with iler„, patents; Mr. and Mrs. D.-.•
qaham, on the 2..a. Cen.
...Miss ,Norina \NiehOlson spent last
Nyeeis, with frienda. in Detroit
Mr do. Mrs. Angus McDonald '•
have gone,' to 'Toronto to visit with
their aad daughters.
NvoodS and son Arnold nf St,
- .
Helens,.. Spent a day this Week at
• Miss Elizabeth McKenzie' of Kin-
cardine, spent the week -end ai Mr.
'V McKenzie's
Mrs MeLennan. of Cleveland,
is visiting at the home of her bro-
ther, Mr. Don.. MeLeod.
.Mr add Mra. ;WM., McGill spent
, Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs, G.., Hark.;
Well, on the 2nd.. •
'Mrs. Johnston of Wingham, ,is
visiting :with her daughter„ Mrs.
11cLeod, on ,the boundary. ,
Mr. and . Mrs. George Sell. *visited .
this m'velc•with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mor-
:risOn...41.* '
• 4e.er...in,.dhargd: of the Clufrch work on
Ashfield Circuit forthe pit Yenr
h.40 accepted an invitation,to go to.
St„ Andrew% United :ChurchMooie
jaw; sok:; whIff6 fie*"4.vrll becoMe as,
.Lsistant astor and eindent of.
• ' religiouS, education. St; ,Andrew's
a large chureh.With,a Sunda Y Sc,hOol,
.0144•611inerit of about. ,tpitrteen hurt-.
di *d, ' brrnCit •of'rito WOrk
(the Suiih, Sehool sr A VOnlIg'
ple's Organicationay aia be,tor the
'preitinti hiotdtty
1'liI* 11a3 qi1endi44oltninlitortor.
him will reccignize that:he is just the
man for such a poSitiOn. Not only has
he a special optitudeforryork among
young people hut he is.* preacher of'
mote .. that 1 ordinary •,, ability. Ma -
„friendsjn_Aslifield and. LucknoW wilf •,....—..44,....
he gled to see him entering the larg-
er' field, ., white regrettiug that his
re0y here has beer! 'el:it th*Ort: ' ' •
Mr: Dickinson'i'iir take'; tiki; ;his ,dtt.
ties at Moose,:Jaw,the first of eic.i.
Iteber. As arinsitineed chtewhere he
will close% his pastorate. oil the Xiti.' '
4 '
• 1!