The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-02, Page 3`r!" ?"w,"r "91"F7 _4`PL1!7` 7 "'M M-7-WT" ­ 4 lo o M Mon. LIU HOW AM -LEWN, .A FW HE _ _W Oar The Tei G* WALTACIL, EMMA )0�1 pox.. 4. �neyf,,Av ski Duariot leav4p home dj The **m" on A Exodus, ohap,33. 001den Tex*_4611. 109" "ved ke, I to, *9' hi6eppo� ioppes, to; pedde;*Any dragpodout, 0 a snto Moses 1a C't0­10;CF ut It they,, rpihi JI ", t po Cause, thit, or o uni. !Va mr V pan x k Urni; ;property eapsed'.by a man, apeake.th. unto ble frle"cGr- lk Port E rried tm Rive mWiro. lb", Oon -of her, 4 b;e Ca g &re,.eSS tba# tboeoDf her, tc�#khe higher rato of ina4ra Exod iluiiop: to wwhg, "red to turn hei but 1 an4 ye gve y"a admires a good !otar. Thia, are beMg kvm., it mo� bq.,04 80*0' aMOW ;W.- IAgh ia l,knbwkx tong to a, fre- F "CoOnt, She bad her I quo f, #vp *0 as jWury� 1. Evinp TW!�;,Gs er own. ppqrtAnJtf� she chi:4: t�) be.& g9A *ser O� 4 e_'_aMine 'tho, chief ps hermotbees, ind eath, Op, animiax. L* ni� TMT. SANCrUOT, 741 tbaf'she,baz own mWing um"M ;,n(I . . . 'y over maw .19 extreme, As, oo� attituop, Ln4 n jites k hee be,, IL T impo of I r 'VN pnnXw Il. Tjw� - he, t4ft wid ed no, mpec 'm9gam FRPWNC4, AM "�z ioixg k reig*rd, to -his Thq,,L c ­. kh, 0 on y,ma;*; be. avoid, WP 8,11000t, �Vm�m Guair" make,'o A.0. Vl gbtnjw. rods' Atal-C room his- dispositio of ipol;gnm on farm. W cheese, P��41_ng vegetoWes,' aptl,secur- and e , , liminate I incleased-A the TROD �,rs 32�34 Con, o�ot, Jm, -TI y tor 3W phoW4.never be handled by �q 't . in IRP -b* flinds, Wo� ini6 liko, 4,,w tain asarleiv th_p, of ilnaiLanrts. I wfii�W a Are the ­ing'-of.th*JaW U111T 004.but it 4 917 two t e f i ex, W.. c -too, a ra d pidly of e?7!kng.m to. smay.-Athat, rates: avel AL -vapor 1!* b. In- pw ono -is a 'en IPA: qQm0qs114W hisgo Source 10 Oro, on, the farrm , If bay s*40 18 pnopoom "with.. I Mo of 90f V 1, - wit 9 digity an In.ditpoeing of Jr .4 tho bar o" ii -Aid ass An WIan 'it appears;,. b0*utY-,--1 ss stored. f or' In the them, a� pu peo1ji" ,6 over whom -en conwMe "too" much MaMng.,.. that I- A#empteO, to P14Y w pa farm pe�ty in )I ­ .1 � I �. 1 1. � I I I . ure ', de"4160. -and., eet r ��fix. In town CV!Dquot for: 01%' tb of� 9W, -u bi.- 41im Not boing .0 &iv. charge 1991 to .1924... in p sna0pieJ. P. Y, o his W� r1mg Py S D S' fbr� them with, ne—PIDPAIM V,� MR Mat . v"hda t�h6r'402 thrqWh.t40 WIC 'et.; FLhIj t ProvincNA 'roA 4nj;", cAn be. entirely avoided b W work "JA the Ld abe taugh�jqat, bo* This, r ceived_i* prem.ium& dj�*Vjays 44; pright" gl4a �Ao*�- rly. -This meant tW 466 burst, n I elo I ad. I her my 1D a'jIay,'W&h not pe by propee�y�,pd*ipg the 2. Ai"�'d` t"h, p, L sidd 'MOP il50- �,!on -0 IyAj 0 nd d: if" t"Iblow, a10. pro -Shb, W* .,.a anges, a fow tsb two.. 1 11 .:: gefitly, 4L� _WT T.Ututy - of bsy�, - Flfc� by An of tbo� precedir* chap eontinuat ter y any mom We No vir My, mot r orm sn�tlier 61sap U366 be, of fresh eaviousupo :may �ed In which has been, told'the'story of 91 that, I must or, fresh two Aftem- put tbe. n*Uet b gk irft. qny ba, hiie "'raw arid- JI4'aro, Aw -in W­p"W cikused,*Ahe da'SnPi;,grain the fratta ve0etl AD Ina, ".4, to d a� �Pr, by 00 or Straw. - Bonflies, afe. the 4�m . . A - road fs� source try ADJU...; ng, 'birt e 'peop mmi, destructive. fir" th. to. Caman., the oil' cam Timi L014 the ball went wilder than e�ier a engines operato near bents Wed with are not H 'orp did Watarim 'that 'they agwwed promised of. their father%. "Cl6fee' Hon4-Ruiij�d and' 0106 CANIM.NG 111311 1piqdi wept,� but pmed tO, spread and, seeing, � that they are 7, grain, oind'stiraw. Moreover, as Owre ium SeVA an angd beirere him, bfut will Ileov7sqM M aimis at fight- iwith, b P go r. lop, re. being I t& or me, ailt urrai r had been thiouo. ,,Okely 'extingulAied Wei, ir iWas: at Gi, brWr 0.0r.1" is rarily any. ndmuaw am cam' P.0114ept f, bg ftes Gil when a, an- 'Tho &ct that 1, W&4. ��ijite 0de h"ir& Worship of source Of'. and* It to poodble toecor- Mpt dmtzv"� cum, respond fo r oVeral., pexs- H is Y, from 4�ainiiigs from tbip: T here b1fD&4 by too". the. b`u-7dings ind thek. S"_vnder -the,'Image of &0 w4eklk or takeg *Ath� hUft�_4.ruul onot While the p. of,. 9". Is by if ADy nwmhar of. the, 1ptgrance, In 'doga bUe A pay . "t ma distant tyr door WMA, 40 maim the. beat method of c9stm% produce regifarly: to is pu mar et, exid a wre cl ;uy the e vplue o the propetty -gives, ONMsionif to�'Vfeivi a'sniiail-abra Can be add" On-. "rho" ii2ike, we IL - Some vo� fe by secinpig freshily cut fio*era., In lbems 4u genaiml, lutem .6f JjN.- eirfeek Own name Jar..bIIN, lkde to*fi *Wch. ja "Wy -2 01 �Z� . I VniAg", men iswcood migazine Cost, of b Tbo JehavA 9 23 tj i nd or agents fop, tholirlocalitls- maiu;p" js'� to qa"30h. tlui- his aovi. s them 0.'?AU*8 Summer pop�latidn, Candy bo& of a4y b Y, 4m- pt FROCK OF YOUTHFUL agift pftprjetora of &OM new _and, renewal , subscriptions. ver $eai 'ip be tbose' of 'TehoVW. CW at Jifftof 11 rep- U mans: as One at best typaa 'QUO who.. isi bb. fu any, hour, of' the' &y, And 'a and tM a Map aj�d ot the danger, 10WO type room The ci� habit. I bad Inlietit*4 '166 fire-andLths ofand after the premed r. to fti. Use fa Abe pkeingof In ch. 14:19 the ange 0 cou d bo' qftn &iLd garden about -to ex*w some istenE. 1 Elmiy time -1 t caused by the God gem with the Coft to dowers, for 6&Mt1ve. purpose& orUP04r b�r do f -new III* f d* In MOW �nmdber of bu**p #-Ii of water in In Thoft Win a Weds UW f is tirciei. I Wopt became.,", tho exeiv the Camp of =,If ga W stmy re I I I. * . .. fore frock of cotton'voilo. The coRat an �b&.gW Sb% irme of RoWer-Wder toists gMy pW.Caj& cbmenient places. In the. housei. and the some 11480on believv� tbati the -Whole"ah*it alvive- riuffies; are- platted, and ddfflon - to be 4 beer -d*1th flo*ez-A,'adver w:dmt ap� �j offering �Camipfi &beg to disco4raged-thit I gave up trying- vixm` These liu�*ft abould be kept .2 %a foahlonc con. Inc 0121* In "M ?�f aIA �nee be promise, n trasti or biaiiat,� ncilremising tu �S�&.tr&vvffww ige jjid t6 buy AA'firets is, Caused, by carelesenese, of v., y la,bobblit4r. fata'td tlie.. any nairative*.based upon t Ian kep Thb*'%front of the. to 2,% emitted L� direct con-'e0ler, to maudi'tha -long seti# 4 btheir thiy be 2�'r26,� vestee, sweis'. nowex.v add to, attraOtTo sa o*ed,fW& Sometimes program avianeftijMt Of y flues and'haiting'' dren is slashed at'i pro"09 ecti -nectiQu fsi&tored. between, versied bushys . room t = to 0% b6 a child or actult - It Is fnipossiW'�6� 91; the o" n"7 or. R,�cmq ;f6r tfie jd'ot if' SerieWr'soUiree v than *ne I P k*9 2 a and jitherod�'. 8:cd P%Cm ea.$ aide over thar. bust d f inindi is vift; wwld be �;"ffiibge so 3. Also - '12 W01nan M m3aln". of� inverted plait in win P IP 1, 11110 to Y. n each. -supper Mymotber VV . W. entirely prompt bar fig with nd 1*68wasit. Gre very permittd- reasoa., Wers, ale Cut. in plaved vveaicome: alld � fQr it ka"in 4' MM3 amomt;L' of AWL ftlx� oprop ;Ly 09 t � their 'aterna ter USUVCW L ' I W.1 U0.0 UPF . lower e4ke, of, the,. fr6ek ,back r , in oCe'S'Sion-01 board- eind eer- water, thsown Cairef, Where. it is s of may In � PROa with bet*e9h.. f tile loss of y ,.the h,.in the, mornir SWM tp qdto.'pWn, 4nd the -A and �hold rs*ftM. Meade is Win- God,81 and dirred gr Is mt., IL,difficilt ta* as:t work but to bite,Xoy Aps f#ult oe it loir, lbuff !Is -irt. oil mmer* which a. p 9=zav -&out, f W aSo leis. i UIr J* jp�. firft' aM_ that *3snran&L.VMch, 4M bok -in 'the. ffbojr 11bolga be %a0d:.firei. 36 -inch. Ine, years- Iat -O.OnIe W needs t qUie� 013 then.-I.gftd bleles from '.be pur- has jUStaine I d A�nd'StMugth­ yards, aild fur- 0;�'l -if r d. f presence..c pl ..and, I plain coni- A City newspaper'that.,be'."M of. a farm feet f=j4'Lw hiamed 'which am' very in F,, Go4JA dve a An aft Vieved. about fto'. C ened him. 'The f aid niaterIA said me W., tho. Ubit tr&40 rig' OL tnUh, bpkam-fir at so In a War iftidst the afrift ps-i,6 this cannit be dome, Cbx*%g Onetype I peop&', lfiiael4l colOr'. Price 2 cents. felt' Inw, coi4d oiz�3 Inany orde-irs Vlive to Xguagy the, had ncw-'-beiD6 a 197ver des, , a 1. . mW by tb6 y wovasuip; Ire ist to achieve find'this' &�r shou7ld 'be prob *Xtinguiob .Bodo Jt wiop: Whkh'.,tRat he 90011 oan& ter. C oEd se6m'thgit, 16at'Mriart difflit"t hire other Cort6uraing, . . Appearane Sim, If took. I pw Iny sbeet. 4)r Add W�I p Uch at tWa time 'boys b Moses hQ eddiiiiO&Mble ju* VAnt,ore your annewt StWepi- draws favorable om t tfie a to'b:r6olk in L& of %6. cry - gas" *fijjb jQgc;tbej.r 'W�� tl)6�, the, --atfftecked' 16 nhis: much,' 10 aban&n P'P 1 -.11 an spare. time Ift !US- U. Tcm ..'s 'water 'T.he tie'' 'in hab The e4irs very u OrdiimarY; were, Causing -him 90, mu . - y � ' fj�� r'. � * -fir- tips th6re. abcRif WhIA you CO t 1ak," posm-ble froni h tz�ubte ..rrng Gatherm YOU �rateeted- waNa and ceiihnis. an4 j:P4jj.fijjk y greasei. oil, d and t6 trat4d -in'cale are polleje 6xpeme*_ , to aCWU11t­-In6SS or fern , 'i . to S -Anj distrew cf' OU to OWL R4 Fashion g msily, s6. te;f I Ltha'L 1jeart of pleGiant work, as C 66en pa& -d viarri Cakaaft'=Z or, gasol ai* r type,of , �F, e2 orqgln n riSt, of, tM=ng y of individuality. !:tips, an w; p you acquire worfteA an *oUld �e Ced in =,bje*CW� JMtj hi�Ik out' ng through wa rich earth roil a, i7een By i A ceritires. ' d I W t d, gfit a ab. y boys.. v4ny �'guisher empZoyiing carbon tet L �6r the thii'lig t116 C Wbjoh ar,4� the, foui:nder o a,: g.re, at' thA rituch !thM to �be preferre& The smothering 6ecoin& f, . deified air. if it;js. werp- coul. .1,*p A ga. Cents "the "C hid8lin ba you w.�uld Ilk do, then, see cletarl nation, h.' sold -by the dozen to 9. to not, Price of the, Oak, v and.. be kept, Covered. 6f �firis w ith -,a, btanket - I -s" , Very,. had - codir .,b 1.0 opy- d" jWtL of, your, and anAW*kh the bi�stof Oom�-TeaZs age Ud eclivp_ case a or ga3D;;ae 0. tt furnLsb[Ag, department q "y Thefitet tfie.odd*. lic Zlt. 7onr nanwand'siddirti.s.pi tr ng �e�er bv to light'Ar6s 2.6 many C -i 11ing.on fite� we Task. cap. t1im . . J[�, L I - de 6 'lip 4 to Under ory sted'-the,teikiptati6n.' In-. ,u_se,. not with a meta 061111 3110 d now TO ORIDEP. kAtTERNW. the neeffiework werea. thing of'the,past. C stead he bad m;I& tile e'd;6ix* i1L Many a womar� m les iked1or �cesdbn ofthebalf, oaeri�tis,firw in. Is 19my- and- ifte. of suzh cb.' -31-M ly. giving i�xzmber ear you 32. use 144ir ijai,' timo and any, gre ooj� 4�� ejeft h6me, -write to the b 'trado. of ing said thelact tbat. yGa.Wanf In whes, sand me. W sihozld':i:ways.. be kept in a metal IL TEft 9ANCWAI�T, 741.� Facloiw 20c citio!&'ror ri b trt fla;ne the ameg talgint she may, have a t 46d froft_a Caa6.' . your b.- I � h N., wrap bias�t, ..not ye reciov -iower� jots, Z;� -�erj effective th.- taniii. ox, i6in. have too tl�s I, -had. (coin, preferred; firms bat dre likely my sp�c, y usin 4hat we M�ft,� %�jed: to fqrC, anof to g broken apd, the, pXk& tw, iy-A, of A llpirik. detw ar from canb of C "&en rJot be, ala*ed 'te& In i4eir which 'Wii the rea., Bea �ddreW­ to r Patter7i -products;4n..qu, jos� to I.' SUC,­ hL t -ach to the� tise­aird dispositiOn 4 your order D*pt.; straining evem nerve , Sue" this IS a Very.. he- md tho5ara uld. intioduee4 - here- W4on. 111:11qb lij. 11� '13" Weiiit. Ade., row6ed" MY, efforts4* Had ft ot�-. handle mat as; the. sacred'tent to:its pristiner state bj the Cess c Already zn� -25-27,of tei * .,! 11r- eiaip'v- have; beeri t old m.h;&Vq. hey *Dent Sourt* 0#" smote", se or pucatioit 0i.5and soap,,not wa. r- Doei Awayri With ScouiWg, ..To reM*Vb to UD mati elgam iiuA i ih rh1ch MaMies received mf F f ut the. itk*y ii6it n th� ban& me, M' - have &-e. ex- 4val 101- fore 141. kiep 6oal'sov that -the very r limes th I wis to thd buildinx , fthe b Wxt'. *eek co!ltge' one faR. I W tol . . t �ho Shia'. Awd, therehy �ftlriidpx a uAta'the, "ire be f6o -+t. more inteftf- of theactul btulding of it d I spent In- *ouritig, 4fiWive 601ilo 4.diff4rftLt. UnIversl ., budge all so adven# inoney was either. spe.t. ted boiling,water SjIyL that'.1 had ",not V&eal to perpe- Chaps"W,3& TbeM 15 dEsict. Z ce: th he of.., mod alf fiM Y'grozmd -the iv�f d 'myself a ,in t the "Wes 1 an( d. in 0_ r i of *6 rent& pl-mman r I!r I had..,not yet' p s'be6n �ou�.d not' be ''I found. the year, M Carried 3 rtant meam t,!U& that'� the narr M in food' Cut flowers wi remain ee&d-, -a mnd i kI the, pocket theT am. IiAble t6 �be fromm. tvoro or re- good in rom emIX* Ion�e�'if it the preces-4, Rust "king W-6ight' :tL Wch am ging robe for Wo`en tot baking, n enamel. order'sourceis, and Quems, eXaA order of tM'-' A66, ;o� iift� yoling net The origintl' t0int.. sa I U4111701 clokfully thinkinig, it oir-14 Wh=' praper;y. treated b mit mu&.10nall- nickel and, estimel 7 poAjons of gas eft You* ducks ALP ment1med, May iIve b an'y'"�eL rily irrom . wboi � my otk,caught' the. isJ'SiMPIej L. in akna ,efteCtUjj% the, nd and fed zhould r J* jeWly. for rfta t 'bjr nd irke the Ree Pt� or. It Aimmering - reflectio sk US t�j tt�n Weeks;. d" n. in.. eight th� TarW ai spl,�ndfd' tabeix=66 d0f demined with thLrwe iuv t cause!" A lot �of folks A W, this M. f E t6rd, cax thrown 411o�troriL " Ve . surnmer� 'and, it IrWen of the DdInwon this :of a ulty witli, -light tmich, 3ed chn '2W-27. Joshba, of 'd patChWork q'W Bi�w",the 4 ry'. work,: kreter bad t tind it Ni" the of th�.b�j. I snatched be cam of it S -T across Will n6t er. sifieTe ba�d quesfj�ffi'to.answ.e There arei A, it injure lwnimehah, ange imp to' WE ar sevm daffy. of �`Duug O�c 20!tbiut the' COMA 61 it lap and-,dkew it -about my,shoul4er?. othei such siur7 great many things that kilt trees. Thd painted shelv",' ar it is, reeemm versai 07A nIt had all the ric ft9s 9L rming- weeks, Tftsowho�m�pt the. 1. . hi nd Cho, , * , fahes. Stainson mopb�� so,- easily niest troe­killer i =XMI Pacatry H , bladra 1"&. ..TWO= lo. fjiffil Canto to it� q1tiickivit and: -s , V? -the 'fia. L' 'A sek inteMde.d.. to be- onallso; in, "the wool Wep -as P inati g gas ticie, dlea Y, in, th-�-­Mna�r, :*n a narritives of N V Aud lairger U -jor-a "foireign xzatte;�, on. 11hole, m. w j, patch. ork kimio, I decided, would be see ij'th�ero, is a lj6akj� near 'Sr d IL t bT be p6teed EM reedi6g. pims 4171110M. 'A - I ,,t the thiing'.' he woo_ v, s ed in her first year and the other. 2. The - other: di `k. �,svhen_it Anot rag bv,- 6r vrater�to'sw in aimd fi �Wm IL queeiii� in the seemw �y, Tum! txbe*naee th6, care' n its i0o hei deadly �mate- W ear- t y XL�. Tl* in the, e -4f'thd�r t Midi he n'the olant-poison, sodiuz� ;�Peinfte. Thii fte!5' Vn.%& as comes. M Coning it out friSm. Q&eW nup weni wihtered ouit6fdb L *fee tiiu en=rnpiment� on tha:Inareh �WW i6n, top ef the a..dne- devereped, vigWous., in **CkN esses qwei f t been used exte�ijvely p6lswi has no it hail tiy tht'� wed ix� aLsftbii=_ p�ace olded piece, pattern iru4oned. after -the but�' t take -kill tko -but In tert-Aft, 2&Ce Care U Mvery Sev Carried bk tffe� 1*vite% m the* Mf&t of Wet the Ws i� 4, enri.ifi6''. - I to x9esti jieithe, CSW jj MI ilight7' de the aimfiot6s, t Cjrof, - t after- teroy Waist": footl.'that tWZrL'&j3,fjMm May 0 July 2& Very �na using aid.Aty, it -ut UILY 'ma rov6d effwtive- A nkheS IWW'LqUarutides' of f -d p Ve' VMS' looked uponr rusti ery, wi& 'And" toen attache :orW1 4. appethep; law -es in the report; et -a Va. �.red the prevent it from ng-. I it in the t re6 at -the statisticar- _d each C', . V� an t136 'Od. GO& wide, - straight sUmm s iu pouringapm oftbestrorig (ti de of th6 Cotgregw- FVdge�4Ci I t�cked Ito.TL Theri I Ge* off the geah,tjLjy, Make the t" b�f thes& teeiLted liberally With ther' because� there;Xqses� met eave lorc tU. t wi.1 -�e rapid from- lm 19ft and, IM'tiion, 27t iciout ft out - rodz�d. n6ck, i3oixition on the,cut gd th,, 9,%A� pa AKI;.i;k 9bo*'t1Wt in the and taUQed With GodL',and;.to it migtt a piece and about the bgLse 66fit- and '.�d it. A partiularly doUc:WXL4W Aws4rt. One 'the, miclit� of th,& IL The food re�, rho. sought the LercE -it of the - trbe�oes the trig no yGmIgest, wve� at'jar'al�n;DSt,i"CoTtfwtlo,n"fs ft; ge. befo - -r ti�ie underarw and side is! y4ful. Apd.of ex"Z th r4e� said. troatinent: ac Alk "Pea2ky oeonfes, the highest R =Vnle Tv. Tent of, Withes.�, or ot, _e , I n amn m&,.A :in, 'the 6ulkdn gg: rod=d4m CaL ader 11 . _ It is, M if (39-21)� beca4ee�, it slike dyis.7nite." Connected with T46 t in arniy. Y jrea& 'Y thdi. durmi-g' tise earlier p'a -ft eil-,Ahe, yei-' wem togwthor 1. ; cilpfui of n not k, think that trees will, d10 isiributed b u- ta, a&k "U'r' wh� h tjlo -Cream now what the accePtOd I to �Lthod'f, ' ' &ij, I bk i. ., ome felks the teVortoii which taWe�;'of . sttie thoe, Tin Com-' unbesten egg, or ij deiair`"' 9 patchwork ls� bf old but: death 1h b7 -age. -he t'su d "IRIAC mandEments Wittiess, or testhriony, . me�tgd butted., Add to it, i, t th cupful. i�f Branch. Dept, i6id' tny 6uslin. Pattern, 0-g on nally- the re.su"t of sf�w death by rot - let, t*0 -ports cr6ala-�Wf Well, you, ;tjwAys sound'so, muc n of man's of uusw�eten�d i3";ees'choC_'j iihidg-rcooi, jable and first --artaftged ul so ting. ' Natur Ilk Pier 'high' bro,6 -.t&C -1. - ry_, ' fies;'a,�d pinned them,46 the provides ithe.-tired with, �XGQ 16F te, &pro- duty vod, ind d his tekloim meltdo'Separ.htel the patc -i Li my. bujop4erikoaxit when you talk' per cedt-, ductien is of vant fmp� ffjRnjffC&nt' a.*6plendid' amor against the$e' rots'; serAN aind abd6t fiffe ort*hCe,, espe'- names, DweYA Then . add'% cuipfla of fldurp- %: cuo,ful! mustin, and t6in'basted'thein iedl�r6'7 to uJ4." 'Dwilling aJehovah. and -S ' in f bark.' Adcild4nti or.the I of sin(L- sh6uld be a -ty io�b - �re th' mam nd 4130Q0D-' t� th� clth, tutTN rough,lei in th4f6rm 6 an of broken.nut-Irteati, a g the ages of'jnan'jj5UaIjy pens t a buliky' urpre-seneon the mai-ch, th'��r' M'dtJg "0 ow L10 r Me$ e�ar.y' SuCk 25 'was tIL6 firt, of 6xid4ir Across the back, and aro.u. &j:jeh CN6;PP.L*.,f up L ' 71, '' - Th�s muctjtB@k. the eencarapTitent, sf, C!Over. 'the w y to he green C'et pan. lyre witness of -the priemuce Bake in a cak, which has been,&he bottom. r u!td'�iftther hiv beaf.0ans andlik-g-'h6l1s.when ly lay 'G%� *eftteSt monarchs of i W 8priad thL- cakg xt bes swarm? r�iport �6*s� *a!% reverseii:1. in, G61 ith � , , i re' the the: Dees can't.: hear.' rL ;., , thern andot� Moses A Covered, v�ith bi� , itered.� tight brow'n pathe's. ks ed i� & that. b a istant, renim-4�_-k - fitifi.-ment: of ur �Tfnterid in of th Tn d'week and a half r had it ready the pin,"beating castom, eair 1�av ng n promise' b g wotirid.; Wh 6 t arte d rdgAota bimat the bdrn-. pan, and,bake t ork ih,fiTicytitches w'ith c $, .6 n. j anyway, Pe -healed quickli t te&r* Parr in, the The fd1l", I I ing, busti 2 AZ th I; -that, can nof. 1: * Many. To. kiiinoVe IMWe ovoh�, n ug into"adis ty bef ea�efu*, slow IS ff�Sg; r It.1 - to I to years ago, 1. .. t e-jD.W 1.1pperis that ovo had, 9 fouir. ME&_Nr tv- the�pjj.j4W, f he -English squires in r4gar_% o­ownei st �ubbcy ITL 7AZ FROXIStD, Pj6EX A, cc. ND THE rt ­ "jogith, tij.kini ()f M mos fAT6 ant jke� (,dds: arid ends.'q threiati'ab6dt th4$,h 4, t eait�f�t f Un 60 bit of stl di witli whA the* hbusdM �6 h" Wh4ft: db'ne, remove. d4 Ouse, SO t didnot ha:vo to buyri. OP4 of the Most e6mirnort eauseg'bf ;a a i#, of bee swarms. The inan �Dn rrr-&rkeit Vrk,1xAkt that sea,*, to'. de, In answer pdp�r. at once., b. If it %-Ft iii4. yigd to 4jkpoe, *t- the �ske'is, cut, It r , r claimed nd w1rh Ittook me only it rtionth of, er As &'whosd'pr6prty th4j 'settl for. a ge" P, art-,, rm 44 s11ept M11j:h b4e- JjVZ'�� water jS,ther to Wi�e-e pta�-_r, Gbd promism to go- d d'ry *eAthe�i., o_e.4 ying is r ssquares;.. at, appadstI)n as. h T 11 jftC_'eU Aas tit si!k! Wf 1 . r gtitching. I- . ;r# yL. had. -ealmeat, toctmei. As,'si UAt rL 61 ba to. ttet, tt '*Ith� hhh_ . His fin6h tile d-- the first thing io do wh,�-n ii'treqs thein hb'iz�an 4h se hives T ative o the 'ro As k a�h Qk, pe fiec th 4, God fifihktt Dtd� 6 e:ve�' r turn i�e read imAginRb'a, out ng tell "ust t; SDAde iingilute itito 06 a 5�run)oi, perriamft- to adventdi* - upon- the G61&031U� 916OW, soil'� his ai-d j 'the patchesi with yam, i.onmey withilut, *Is� assur tight itis nad Vic- versA. th-6 bees really earke firtAh. It I r . I ' ­ h, dioltrs� tike T of 61UNC aeid solutiali to, and give the oil ar zi n TS as a hundred,, ELI,,& -cr,,d part UtehE�rring,' beheading app,& y dres-s &GA jry)� t _*surance his old ti, ta ror have, rest. aad'by it he wilT 6. in nty t�- qree b atid de- therefore b6cains r n3imd itLan""raided rib ns g,, Are.. a.so, caui4�� of trouble. 9;ig' lish forTher boeat upon a pan or -ap' Varieties VPYY' A�Zid ho,rnin i trTQ Pot&$AiuM _P`erMa11gAndtL_ 'ring,a 'be'll �e� were M44-� art, lippropriate r. peop�e be -a tespocung 6-t th Olt 40& a big, diffierricei, f dehorning does continues to pfty� cot, -r"Verl proudei 6f They �oiiiit out the SWAIrliftly1g; 86 ig. elax�,y sefl�on tpMes�, leave at Was that h4t� Qdive ziotic6 t= for,& i6--vejadoin of 456Ws V bat I cutto th�, tree good t4tt - �n. a pfitt of Watem VGr obettrtet� -,which his, fteigh�ott,:ihat bee,4t.*4t* ecetvi4 'a g iuipe&- 0 1 least thfiee-or, m4rajeaveA.bk mn�t� m *1 0016ATI, (it W6 evfd ornW ar 6 -q bitiltdhes as, Warming and lie Could 611 age ir teasp r, �—V. C. he7. e d Vigor. tit -r they should alight',,."d rio'w, rysta# to. it, 01nit �f` *ate 94 and grao ous favo ' r. evidence of tho.fncrease the, tfw� I r I tot. th next. geaton. wheteve 6. A. ut-' it - fow 1611,-- t, rr(,�t.4 V MT Sh m1d the gpilies� bo dut,Aos6 to the hink the, do 7TA . �. e "N and will no� It. pry" vith, One Ni Sikn4: FrOm the Sea. dzrt ttrit he&,' b4�e g4tt: I 6thing to M, Nil P y 041ft. as I ve�60'. If fl6wer. ummer ho tdo;ys foe b' 111iff ght cdrni! and, corm�7 be�t ir�ttzrn, t n s� pa�tf�W4 is_opetiedt' thm axrv. �&gjj,.SF p�tut .q nro'*4hted -to that: When, ta""40W ijee(t whsat, t**, go Intj Fktt im. Ch nA4, ir;,'916ent.4y ihe 2e foil, tiqt�.. ho�sewive�q should P. iong tinie'dktt, wl�en, one or FL ets are. partI7.0 n p.ac ,tfict t0%,s6me Mhd t6 .6 btifir hoine. The house�7- iroi-s ttan ii thwwatd Y-o�ft bell6t* I 6fttint as tat t( idii, 'bra, ttdo" thot, s cNk 4t_�S tl�jq: Wilt gaVe, -both' tdr. d �o kes in, ,water wito Who' ktio*tz in buto ."ny ftno 466� an by be' ,sp dh4l, u8i the teni iv JLV* ut 'tnoney� Ah& f: the. 'a gA si, �� 6 te Xir r t, �0 And bickeett, t,6,the MO.. SDI, gro�t far thc- purchapt v, th�, ernO, d, , , 9 rortioti �t bst .. 13o pt.46d in fresh. *ftat ech6cid, through thd ttoed, Me. t* a her j tj th#w t sliou'.r Xs6, A —Robtrt 134ft�r. fl;6wets to aL4 'd, jj�&. For -,?o4niftf :an 31 t y tile J4 b lt4 *sly dirt is re e I h - Ming. SUM% Va pontaneo, rn"D DW1% ORA t