HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-08-26, Page 6da from Coast
freM Oflast teoCoaSt .tinarbibeir PeiriltAlig. IA '4%3040;0
ji0vo Seetht.;-pXoviriciallto*, In whieh indeistrY, .etgi held*
aud-00117.try .0..0chonge% ha -k• Irani* OrenOnent Plage; 'reini,401* 1M A?4''•
formed in • Neva, ;Scotia,. -with head? day a population of "..agprexinnitely
;Safirtern'bete* Which, will iad, up SO '110,00° peeple•-end,bas bactillie the
" tbe. egg circles in the proVinee- -Eggs du:atrial Centre of the .0#0..wa Valley.
and draeged Poultry tront.these eirc!es.; . Winnipeg., Illanitoba.r,---Preperations
TIM he Shipped, to a central waretionse are being made by the .,,eallways to
10:-.000 V?reduce overhead fe;c7-- band:0 the 19Z6 crop •of "the: Prairie
. Pe.lwet the inaltetiAg of .tlw..rpduFts Proiucei, Which 1..?*1)4,t0.4 tIOY
- • will bil undertaken in conjunction with-; to raeVe Shoat tile_.*14- 4.4ugust or
' biry' Exchange . • " , - - trhousand box cars ire liow being ai- •
those of Ahe-tqeN-Tn-rWi-TTerEg-rcidtif-ffrtrr-of'""Sef rftmher:-7-Etg
Fredericton New • Brunswick. `,•-• "mbled at ,:et-t0t0i00 P0Intso 'Somer,„
tails hi to 1,4Lcomo aa heportant 'me_ Fe?. 1000Matives. -Win be 'required to '
'Tiler 'of 'Canada for -horses. Il&erd•- vam,...;ncile thilc711141',.......„‘•°,Ict.17: Y ' .m.1.... .
g to ' DT,. 4.. lip °Aida* Federal - x soillee Albert, "Qmorp.stRucWAIll--witio 4,
-.Deputy Minix* of Agriculture. An• to 'the velue,of $400,000 wee • shipped
' erase or 1,000 general Utility:horses from' the Prince: Albert , district in '
Itals.' bee" 'reeetied.AbY the. Live Stock '1:9,g5; This'•suin was fir In advance -
and the hicrease was due to a consid-
erable extent to. the activities' of: the • ,
agricultural,seciety .boosting hog Pro-
dliCtion.. This year .the , beg r,stiters'
illogan'is one Millilton dollars worth of
hogs; and from present indications
haudred pea*. were added, to .Can- this *ark is more than likelY to 'be •
*da farming PIIPIdatien' dedref ths ,att,ained.
' wnelf-elid, wheal the stesnishiPs "Em- • 'Lethbridge; Alberta. -Southern Al-
resel lAersaleethalai the'"Meatelaren •berte's wool- Clip this year, will be
:Branch of the.Deminion Department Of that ' received .., the Previmis, ',year I
. , .
ef Agrieulture, aceorrling to Dr. Grin-
. - dale. and the heritage:4' to be 'chipped
- :to Montreal early this fall. They
ale Dole beingeoleked. ' ',.• .•
„ , ..
Qiebec,Quebee,-Neerly ' foirteen•
aelied"iletW,` Ihe•newareera we!, s espProxiimitely 2,000,000 'pounds' It
partic • 'arlYlinei lot With•Slatteh; Eng- is stated that never before' beim the
'11sh d lrlIbPredunge°14 t°getar ileaann been an heavY-
With A frOd...Viding•
of nAtiOnale
Irvin NerWaYL.,. and III;ddle•,',rangenients for. the eSpOrt. Of ,:jerge
'-'EniCoCan The illanlfearninititities. of Biltitili 'Colinnbisi seed
f'•-litot's* ~:Ithilie :,elicnied an, Amuse!
, .; , . .
.., 'arts: number of 00141 .parties,,. an
„their`destilationa,rang'ed 'ail the •WilY
from '.iolexi Brunserielt. to Bifiliii Col,'
tirtibii., 1, .• '.• • - • ' ' '
. Pembroke. Ontarieo•-t-The *MP of
.1'eMbrelsi 'NelloVeelebrate, in 1928, the
Centenary of the:firet clearing 'Of...the
. ..
potatoes:tit :California ate tieing znede
this yeer by a potstower of that
state: The ',British., lumbia pota-
toes •are desiredin California 'for "seed
purposes, becaute :they introduce new
?strength:Into the,wilitliern strain. Ex-
periments,:;ware inside With Chnedian
grown seed last year' in Calfonda pad
virgin :forest which. --in 1828, stood growers were well satisfied Nvith the
where the town of Pembroke now respite. '
. The Forge.; • •
pe-eohl white wind blowe. over '
*Best tree,' bare heath and' sten:0S:
Through a hide lean and tettered --:-
The eart.h juts up her bikes.
Tet to 'this hungty1 country. ' ,
Men came and wreught and -died; •
The, earth'was the dark lover
Who •drew them to her aide.
Here in her secret tomes
••••••••••,•,, • "...,,,••••••••••,,,,,I.
• -
.0; INiktuni" SkillethL,
. An Awalcaner.
Air wi4tor Scott. kollexe, in hig
tea* "Kenitwerthe that lulls ye,,a
the storm* Or Tntnnor •
Inatuter'taata.-,„ Into. indeadt haunted- 940 of the'idept ess ' f 'when drive uld Peel '1Y"
A uto mo
v,ennlier enchantment tor hi* ear - APIVIST14VST KNOW *9, a Public sebeei juat as it IPts Out Its
was Last in, his roars of •• , "s.- TROT His' HORN , :1/4/48,,, ,Tiwre• are other thneo
An interesting' defeloPmoot, She
affiliation ef weed'.Waste• is• the re, ' • •
plant for the produCtion of insulating • "'
cent estsblishrmod a a Canadian
11 i� fcliTahnye:dtsenweoil polityaut,earm'eineeratu-ight cud ,1660Osaiottokmeuhsiedle, -titiethemorh,orn-im'poltuatn-ttht thegonagiChtbfyal4a04Taihs.hlraselsiesCgh,',,14artieesn fillirreb°:ersonintagif fro* 81inini;ttia,e4:4111Zre-
The Mon: awaet 'regent St„tbe skY:. beeeeles. In sem° respects, phe -storOy en Sundays aed Other. places 'where Inge and Mill' VAS* • • ' • •
.many, an °eh tliet.,grelytheeip, _when there was no ap'''-'ies to the t night is another time when silence
s -
•Silvered the walls ot enthnor oftho boy who cried, 44/fruit!, vita peopi.a have a.right to qufret ..itte
in the Process Of Mimes ,rtor0 the,
weed Waste. is thiWoughlY reduced to,
wolf hY, ; ' ' . 'Ilea of .tho aiitomebile horn., Itmoter4 goh.feti and. ie. greaP.4 aPPreciated--fit*°°8 • pulp le' theletegreth*e' Tihk111 .
Ilia Oar ••ot.a, heY, the ,. ea,ic,01 :i§,to..gelletik17:bow ijieir own *base wt% eve a good nigkeie • Pulp is thee rooked in digest:era tthe
heti a. 4290x.ve51_v017 become. so. Used ,11100P: ' ••• ; . I 000 woe* 3W008 UU rc!.54.43),
Sort ot. magle tbat Mingtee at once toTITIc7,74lif Wiey will.: becomejff fibres7terPrafreed •from eacen$ /Pewterer '
Witli the "magia of tenth: •.Whan yeuth'.• tkio eraas of werning, When there is ,ferhits and Pedeateiens carefUlly, -w-at-if•WIRO-fOread..bitsr*Ile:Idr-
• 'hostile to dream, It ie wa/set ex tea' 'danger • 'likely de p a sanehorn• ' board' under eriOrtnouti pressure • by
:. • ..
'ample, thin!, ottliat plass of poetry •On Abe ccOtrary, motorisi, he la 'alert and .0 'hie directlea hYdranlie machinfQr the ery:. . The board by
•Whiok is • goOd 50 good begin, with; Imeenee „010/0eroe• his horn '.excessively must and spced'of. gre Buell that, tkothosefin.a.$3! dpreparedelarlt•
It awakens thefeeiteg for. Peetry
: • "40 judgment when 1/n17111g:from this,: ahead are,rettoonablyimie to he out baking for several .hours in oit,etWho then nti •
bMong the poem.; are the • neetenl•.''' ror 'nate*" 111PPOSe PO- the ''w*Y before the driver arrives at, henhad:kilea. •',.Thin ;Wilber, :is, ,uintd
•beit, a‘Valcellars? 1 bolieve that ili,Etig, f•destriati. is Walking 'along thahighWity. ',Oaf spat.' there la no need of making ,for lasulation,,Sound deadening and-,
lend • ,NS-ITY-••••ten': lmete' take higlier rank ahead Of an aliPreaOhing car If the 4.'1ot Of noise:, If their los the least soln, 'ease/ twagit101 :0,1Tpbeets
In. Oda kind ihaik Longfellew. To drier should give hik. Non% a' 'oho ' poaaibrJty Of danger' htinctive1y the 1 oind 'Is U.51181131 sold In large
horn should be sounded and liistinct, Which may be sswe and-nattedlinet.,
lions he has been the genial. and bolls t t may r, cause •
, lug an4keeper of the temple. llis easy, him to become cOnftlied and jnmp iscolY the driver's .114)t ehquld. go to
and satisfying" hie in& Yet leetlY In the Path of tha,apP,tcilaeldn, g the brake 'Pedal at the aametunahle:
simple suggpstious things-yenta:a machine. But it the drlyer doei not • band .goea to the:hem. .
and •Pleturesque. and a certain nue n 'sound Ids horn, the man on foot, not Care in Passing VellieleS.-
IP. all he ,wlvto, eonthine fo. make is reallaing hie. danger.. Inar,:euddear When one Is 'driving in the county* imd thn* enables a 25 per eeni,cgreet._
"rka the very tuek-ahoP et poetry r change hie direction and pet the and desires to Pena 'nether car going .or ,etilizatieri to be mede of tho
young readers. Which of us' does t driver to the severe task of eveidiOEC th0 same, direction, it is botlx ber cut Over four million feet of this
eredeseloinyhthe: zi,tomnagrantstiwina ahned..aceisimiye, ....beinnandadee!wedidenoTeliyto jsb:TQwilitionno,gmatoptrenhomeararn besti lEre 'otoinceestadrsY4:anantiatudesgc:s. eer4; to ri when
An! toheth„:110h, ocarrner gesumade"Bnirbhylidniiigmbemr tdritswewuseeey:oaiin tetba.
theSe IInea—
• • - • A itotevro an pra -
"In the ancient town' Of Bruges, . . man on foot.
Ordniary lumber. '
eertain ParPoSea :la banding
eonotr4ctlorit'moi7 bo .1140 re*co,..
.10mher end' lath,. relesMing an • MOO
amount of lumbar for other' purpesei
1• he •will eve the folower • s ,_ ample •ia forest conservation is thus _
Sign. of the Amateur. . chance to Ran alnico he "Et a" the afforded in the production of this use -
In the quaint Flemish citY; , .,
4.Bombestie blowing of the horn may reait4 before lire better beend knalree., ful Material which is made cMtirely
Ae, the evening shades descended. • .
w at ebstrliethata. are to lleeadau• iron% wood' wash,. As pointed ni* by
ts4herviNcea,tantratu51 lehnesearocesf thibI;eatelr,igewhncein.
forest fires aro ruthlessly eating in- ,
to Our timber' reserves it is someirhat •
comforting to feel that industrial
Lew and loitd-and sweeti7 blended.. .
Low at times. and loud at times, 'he a "Illreeterletie of the owner who UsnallY he will. Kiri way when silk.
• And changing ,Ince A 'peers rams.' : la.' aPeratiali 103 'ear fbr the fir/4 few palled.- If he does mit gili• way and
Rang the beautiful wild chimes ' times. ' Thar niay be some excuse ter ..1.
___„___ inure is any doubt 'about his having
J. I. Glick( o From the belfry in tho market tbe 9°641' t `nor"°09 beginner watr 'heard the signal It is' good practioe
__2_ , . ..
, , • -
Red Lake Prespector the second mall Of the ancient town of Breges." OM not f . l quite sure of 114a. cqu''' to sound the born *gain for it in,
. . ' .
to get io the rainous mining distriet llY I These lines give to a Young dreamer tire ' Hebas ' reason or e ii: lig neneuy undesirable to pass. another
airplane, - who expressed. continued just hie, own bind or thought, his own that Pe°P:9 who nlaY he wik.,,,,..her-1, ILI. ' ear ingeSs the driver 'ileelrlott to Pi" sceurbiencethaistacc°secondlishigreugats*Indteittbruznctgire
faith in the north county ' kind ot mood, and as nnich roftigieaver. 'the highway will be more .,ce........n..... la certain that t,lie driver ahead knows ,
hfi„,,:inuete by the Se -e. ,,liewe never Been the moon rlse over ...._ ,
gives ja rn 0 t• en agent to our 0 W , . • ..
f f mete- nate • '
• ' / •get out of his line of Procedure if Ile
pression s be needs or can receive. I of the follower's' intention., ' -* .
Whole provinces ot Holland are all Flemish.
--' . _•:_ ',the towers and bridges of the lovely u" , 11., n/ to signal 'just before reaching the toP • . _ • - ..
eitY, :or Watched' 'the lamp. over tooting. ' of a.' hill, particularly if the .road is • U. les re the Sea .
vioo 't drivi can be -excuaed for 3 — Britsinss Eistern Coast
it i not Et bad idea for a moWttist i
' ,
' but
- trees near les Place du Bour without fail to sound their horns when thaY the other sides he mtlY g . Du eh, England. -The "tight Itttle
raaah aiX feet 'below sea lore, • ,
these &stria!' •• , • • , • • . • • , . • be timed awl
• do not raise wuch • lighters gather In the ,du• ek under the '• More. eXporieneed•driveHoe so,.xnetinies, "'roily. . anyone. le meow up on
bland- Internee tighter Mich.:year.
The !Beet, incessitlit wartare,•between
'anilety to Dutch engineera as the pre -,1 . . , ,
think wthe_ri they us w: cortlingly. 'Likewise, the 'horn shaual
Longfellow's Hues. -- From • ought to., They
*Ince of Zeeland at the mouth ot the recalling
.seheiiit; a' great -.part of ‘Thillith7iii-a-Tii1"er494 :20,#"317:-0.---.2.-11--4
1... eir• rt -their _borne it_advertLitea them as ania.-L.10 blown' 'Were coming to..., 4 _crone -
The land it subject:to a dreaded die- -- ' i.teure in operati'ng,-aT car. ,Tne best
above sia bevel 1•Ii -0----Wing both roads for a sUffiele t dista
road • unless there *a a plain view .o
........:-74,-..........., • • 'form itChorn•blewhig lies i f lid*
ease knoWit aa.the wiTal,Sometimes,' ." . Undenv;,,,,,tgligt_____,.... • the haPPY. 'Mecham between too much to make sure thAt, a collision ie n
isritheut :wareing,. rieres ,of soil, ine:lett•:: • • 7!`'''" 7 "`""*".!u! " • horn, noise .ad not enough. There likel3i.tit occur. And the horn should
'ng farmhousee, itadtareis or even. vil.; 124. licbsden •rnattatrate• reoelltlY eein' al`a 'certain dines .101100. meterinto be sounded. before 'taking 'dangerous
ted on the nnreerono Msar aerie -nits ought mound a warr.ing in the. curves in the road.- ,
limes, sink away. leaving in their Place men- --
d chlateltted'hY heeliaana• Ile Bald the tereet of aafetY, This is a mend eb- In the Main, tho horn 'should be
ti4e Sea •atut the:; -coast has sahleh,eet-''
knoug4t -WS .PrOstinettea by the •••
Ous.erosien of'tlie Oast ot-ESsex, mak-
Ing neefeaserY thereeonstraction of the •
London, .North-Eatitere Railway. be- •
tweeri•Frinton and Walto,n. The line '•
Is to be placed:farther inland. bet un-.
• • 'OraWs stern through Worm oil '061,4 ; , Oppo- site' thelsland•et Theisen. at the rarer
The will tor the, World -masters .
. ti s ee e wa ma y , , .. .. ...
and thet it belong*remilY tittlinAnieri-. autoniobilo:' Should
Is adistinetlyunpEngliakweapcin . ligation. ' In general. the driver of an tated-'es epariaely.- as , • nide: eowde, til this Werk is completed' tha,Preseet. '
''exereiee:; emettre tent Safety and good tense. When fine ":111"ontibee to:oboe Eu.aseadt.. Coat .,aie
Meath et the °ester Scheldt is'a light -
i it Conies to the“ise of his the. ether' fen h• bi- beremeeed• Other parts of
' Of aeons yet.uniolleL ' ". ••• *F- ship It -,. • • • . , .• • ,, ... ..k., .clin negro, who Specialises li :throw- senee •wita
, , x., . • . . • :Rion which ,vessels had previously been g • - ' : • • • ge- -• •' 1 • • -• • this signal • 'You Will •wanehiin :to do .being eaten away by. the sea. At Dila-
Wreeked. genially ' it is the spire of „e when as, much, for You. •On this.* hams- *Will rich the, 'Sea hes worn inland •ee far
, i Amp. tt 'naivetes a dangerous ..roc , • • • •• - . . • . ' a •
Criminate are known by their, Seep.... If there .ls anY certain -dm.
the Church. at Rernmerevaal.. a 'pies- • • • . .tkat ; the remaining portlen. of • the .fa -
c e . oda o attack. on, . can h w, 1218, h ra with unre.i.
be buLt-.uP • a . ,. normal born -blowing
renum14 AliOiskerd..•." . pero• Us- town .which;sUbsided 'into, the `,....11",__cl9,P-6°_,_. metal ..knuciAl".. ilster ia•'11 etrieted.• . ' freedom It le ..W.hee nearing .Philoso'phy • for /mot' ' erists. ' ••..,• ,., • ' •'. '10:aus Thum": chi:WO- tower bus been
• Queen Victoria much .preterrea a • removed for" preservation. and the rest ".!-••
waters One nighecenturles ago: . . . • l'4!•ro' eonlelon weapon ' • The 'Paris. '
, .
waa reading One:evening, With:several • • - • • ' • • • Tho desp'eradoos of Bei d S .1 • jeg"V htitIlrettegto.::-‘tnR.Etiftal.i• At•Holdernesa :the land is fighting a ••
t 'knelt 'bi- the window at :61illtiallii -.' .
limp.te•ges tor electricity tor her own 4 irety . .iselillile Material whicb,.. Wheti apache asea alillife. anagenel'ali.Y ear-
tiore• th.itttputhoii.reaehar 11:..binegaigeliodasillneook,:h4t,:l • i...e,ng :and patte'n
t Xtudt.ha
# ' taught li:".irth:h4‘z, ireatileittteo-tantha11.;f: raell.rdpeoti. 7.:€.1!:, . voi0,71..the wetld, iny tier: auk ion, . •• . , . • . • slas.outtn1.17easblittit;:ltilinild tt;eseditis. tipPperart10(ilii-. :
f • • converted' Into quicitsand. •
the Dutch engineers when they- tnay " '• : 0 . e Van a t . a. Arid tz„.e . thought of ui th• usind ilton _. _ __ .._____, . ,_•• .. , and, Sussex is .cising \some. 400 acres
ecanPaili, the queen raised her august.
• expect the "Val" 'te appear lan it pat-
hsbalili i;" itrodadall;' tee litef°onladsins:inotee°n•ihed.:Lali. ' 1:i"e°,•• '''. -,' . . . :. . • ' ,I.ontion•T--no. ; aimlessness or So.:. every Year: At . Betties ' tt • bear.diag
the horror and eston• ishnictit et.. 'the . ' ... •.•-deicl`i ingdem iit; I • ta
'Unison. the old to lies beneath the waves.
use, and thereby -hangs a tale., h
S e once the Water penetrates into' it Is title a: re"Orer a" well• '
ng over • sill house :that eashullt only a to* years .
cleat. Iteinalle la'•daii9 :the ause Air
hand' and,• ----------- the' game; ttar '..e0Thheihe.S!) - • • •• • • I Came driftl ' • •••• •
thankfulneas itineng the excavators of ag° new stands derelict' the we'eea
.kind of dyke Is conStrueted vritli foun- -
Dr. Rtiliert'A. ' • "Tour Maiest3r." saM. t.h.a lady' in. Walt.-: • .• • • • • • . 0 In one moVement • • • .., •
• Litwin, encreached Into the 'militia; '
• , dations and outworks ot wickerwork . , .. • • • • _. • • ' • '•• ..111'tholight to- the Iiv• • 1 the t t - the °I:60110e • te the • Roman amPhl- - ••• •• --- • • .
• - • - .-. ' ' ' ..' - • ' ,' • Ing''''why.did you trouble to do 'thst• • , - • • - .• • • •• IVeiguted neltii are ticimetimee used .' •: ' •
'Whose little hod.' on ."gelelWe „and ' • ,., .. • . .. id th...,.....;, 'end clay to prevent' water 'trent trick- h . • • _. according50Ilft;t7s7;0;1;131:14"eutZtheafh, ti:: ilgoReg 96Ar.ell"-Oli •
"--7-"Lite"'"-•wes-,one of the Areasitrea Of ,ihel ...Yourself .., Because
___,__ ; .. s.'_ii . •••••••-•••11., Itag through into the subsoil; • - • r. the' fiendPe • tan'. gil' -. ; ' ' A..-.11aa.. . a at .4.2.-..4tdnal fthelte:tilliveelietith•oet !thr silentLove
...yee4 .and ,whe hes inade 7ferther • 1"if •.l, ,,nad, ,ealien eint. 'ITS' iseiP , a -, curiously •enough• :wittita a, row miles .• Lambeth • wee, "e*I1 an tha '`'N. ew ' That; createii,.thoil :.L. .. • „' 'end me. .' terd* in 'el:large • °I.' tb" 'w"tb'• • ' hier.Y.' . . ' Grands• — taisd Is &mined'
. . . . ,kin ;1 onof you e , ladles would have t waste • • • • • le Gang" cause 'itti eaembers - • ..• ' • • ' ''.• .•, • • , • coins'. and iartieles; of •jeivelry :are be- • •
• • ' • • • ' • Epsom's racecourse, where the *Orli)
. .
weetigations in the nature ot cosmic h . „see, the lam • these e an s, vett• rite . ere Gird ' be
said to3 t e equerry, . . . p . werearm, sith this. tyli. a of .7e.sPe.b-,. .1. thought of 6, od .ti• Pathe..1%. ' ing toned at the -gate where tile early • • '
r*Ye. themeitt:tiVertel known, *to man.:
smoking" and 'the equerrY would: have eeleg'T'ecialteafi. from the. sea. : Thetis
(1°e0" e• 1°01 •• le • em"blug- ""tl that sea and'the riverservanals w eh pass • Wilite Cot* • 'wh—tee- •Ass. mania -04 by.tt-icitands. links. 'e at001-1- rense' chain year-old grand' tand atter. this • 'year's
•• o.o_rarterers ot • entered for, &mous 'DV. .rby'. hits been' ran annitally.
. • •• are (veil 'below- hhth-water• mark. and ,'• . • • • •And 1 felt the 'mystic binds ' .
.called Mit-to' the neareatitervent 'The • • • - - • • : •
• • enormouS dyketi• protect teem 'hem the • • ' • •
Drone's- WOO,'
TiAo trent_ the siding.
:-The fierathe hay':
They wind the,htorn ot.'wonder
Whick smindet: "Away! Awa!"
,. . Of that brotherhood of living :things, games and meeting!. ,•• , . i . . ..... once. 3,780,.. Is to loseIts" ninetY-six-
footman* to attend tO it; and 011 tile ' • ' • ' ' ' . ' aar'ttfritbtealatthiletoneTeliesolnee'S to the fact hoide .ottly ty,000 pereons. la 'te be le- .
,Prdeuer' ilgYera race on jene 2. Theetd stand. which'
time . the lamp. *could have gone on : ' ' - • 1.„1„,:
intoking; •:: so I. preferred ,to. turn 'It' • . • "w"'"!
Little lady, 'quaintly initde •
•doWil ' myeelf."' • Doubtless' the queen '
coul . aye ourt g ..
, , Y h a: Was it in the' realm ot drisco: '
'The fragrance Of the loam-- : ' . with equal advantage. . . • ' Ilithe71 ie 61:412e,' raorie.: Le:than stream,
The bird iong•from the•dotioryard.,. . , , Cerenionials. that could he• aim
That you plucked tbat.loths there.
They tell me: ?I'Stay, Since'. here Yon. -• - ••• • • •
Fretted.ia your chiseled' hair?
Bar:rent ivould 'have • Called out Ie. it • • - • • • • • - • ,
• • • • - • .through•thent. • ,. . 'Giant Wives and babY waved •
• • , • Front a smonlit bit ot jade: -
Roll. In and break on the send. Tilt the reahlt labli:byrroW.,
Sending 'un'a clOild et milky spray. '' : And the robin On her 'nest,
'.' Never resting. ' . , ' , . And 4 Who knelt liy tie' windOw
.. Never . hurrying, . Before I went 50rest,
, . .
They play tegether. . • ,
• Far array I can .syili see them; - Beenteitone.le tn7 sIght•Par a almond.
. .
All coming closer end Cloinor to, ia6. • • And }testier, filleethe 'ilia 'ee
Each wave. large Or small,' ' • ' Wihere I k:nelt hy.tlie Window at night-
Wenrse white cep. ." : ,- '
All the, cice,an la.ee,yeret, •
With tiny' whito dots.--- • .
Thay_aronll enewy folintIng catis: -
„ . .
• • -Mary Virginia IIairfa.‘
, , .
'goo lee, s the Sun .
Ont•ot; he sea: ••••
King �t the East
That is done;
King Of the: West,
Yet to be. • 'So
ivhere year heart% at nonte. White 'tut .eno*tall falling down .
, . ..
is the WhitoneSi. of. your:011in: .
0, Will. I. May net wander: "Pyhite -roa•mist•troi 'bi..eathleas' lipit
Yet Heart. ' T cannot. bide; ,. ' 'to four taper Anger -tips. , - •• %
Igo Witit fincY. through the ftelds,
• Hero Or theta,' No verdant hint, .
. , ,..„. , ... ; . •
Hers. yOur•peritx end• grace:
Tlie iswittotringed thoughth come litini•• Or the' Waiitiess Of your face.
. .. . ; •
WIWI-our: tiny bandit' Clattlied so, •
;WhY.OhOula Vgad, a Yagrant la3..' . Patient little cart% • ' ; ; '
. 'Mitten fancy's ewer* maY go? •: •
. You- are. like a intitinbeam straled '
• ' • ''... --1,-Dootgltis ilern., . liroM the iovely Iind at Jade! • •
••Carease.Creehn in "PlrareP Images.'
:Not the falitteit emerald tint •:'
1Vith Vender On the tido. •
•'• • • •Too Wet.
He shakes his hair
Over the Waves.
• Where 'aer the. tyrants gene
'Who lorded it there ' •
In Tyre; :in Dab'Ylo.n.:
where are the 'slaves? '
He sheets ever space • '
And the western sea.
What People shall rise
And look on his time:
And reed in Ills otos
Their empery. : • '','W7,1eakers., and much exercise :of hiii
' , -Richard Church.. oitit 5t7le-414n Jonstin. • •
• .
, ., ..
• To Write Well. •
"Aren't yeu. going to .practiee to- , For a man to ''•write 'Well; there are
day' ,said a suniiner boarder to the
, ,tequired' three necessaries: • to read
boss et a seasitit.' life-saving crew. the hest authors; observe , ihe best
' "Not •to;day, eir.•• replied the hero.
' "."WhY tett!' ..
' "What! In, this raini.4
that the • Romans ' had tiO pockets
their clothei, svhickfokled over -their
, bodimi, and which he:d brooches, stints
and girdiel. 30120 et which dropped,ott
ran forget the peace Of solitude. ;
placed by. one ac.-omniodating 2090. •
While plans have been drawn 1,..x tho
,new stand. movement has 'bees starr-
ed to mike the structure the largest
in the crowda. , • , , , . .
. and. finest in the world.
Is• pointed out that, the Fleming-
ton stand In Australia alreommoilat-,s
With the night -wind on my face. 70,000.Persous. and that --------------- -
' Comradery
• 't the Derby averages 200.00
Prandis. Gilbert. With ei:ee band -arched hmha J•rat's oso racegoeti Rpsont should liuve. •
• int an"' a :
' The morning's 'face. then•turns away J°1'7.0
TWIth schoolboy feet. all wet with dew °° see, tie& at'lel;et iee'ehe eerehel" '
• Out for a holiday, , • • -
. ,
The 1V1yeterious Bag.
Thejilli sitiga. .ncessent stars, . Any clever boy maY =lige otheta at
-Inerget i4le goaaip yeti aireln ter so ,,rolini-fastiketed on.lite redden breast: an evening gatherleg: ' '
lot of worry, . • . " • .1 And when he wades Its water -b# : known as the "Rgg-haallriefi."
The atIte of twO alone
'With...quiet rob---Ligaato•r ur. 'wn• tongtie. ,yea seng11. ' • ' Make' two bags about dre -taw.
lyoo,Aone.witharoelad°waat1°"ring .
a lot or'neW•friends. '
AAmeresetetal.cresetnanerivthe root zt;., ittir your own anirn .you The' woralftbrneh kw s and follows ! anterd11151Iiitiindel;eet Wthideeni. Otfogser'tnil;rd.1.7.ki tnlo:;
eye have trouble with the halo hha,
, gre a eae
Are gone .. until a trig' ht. of any w • • • ' • • ;
• -Mike yoursolf'quseftli You will Anttlrowuhndiut'Whim4Palthitheobleerdrstui:-tudesbos:eswi t°hnh; kutlita:ral:7114). 11.ning IIde toebit:elk.,1;k7 nne
baand s';
and white with. ways be unnecessary aeyhu°100": Ot W•oodland ;Gam and• trees." • al'.; w•N'enitutnake a ;Amber of Iltt`e mirk.
.• foe. with Cove to liteei. • WhiVli
eight et treet• : • ' • • • , . • -4-SMile when, theta isn't -any Joke.' • . ,
Againettse:nith, told at. :attars. .ers'breatii of You have no Seete;e1 bUmet- • . -• • ' ift8 t./1"'h 1.e. a' eethPanletintiiiii
• •• L11erit ..the . coned mice . of your Own filo: WOr'l an eld: atithoritki .
You 'cared to, use nt: any little thin& amii•fo*taoaot ,•,„;.iita to be ,stieigatai„ Ile' ctries, e lytie et h!s'it0s,' . '.; , . apar.t. 'hetweett, tloo '1st* h.ick. 1-,witnto '
:At ill-°*thai we 'enjoyed' Camel., back . , '. -'co your -spending, below your t;;Infq-P4111 :OnecY, - • - , • • --,- ,. •• hit, ,oido, hi ih, .i.oitt,i it. hue 1...e.:‘,... „..aii •
' again.. ' •I' •• • : ' • . • ' eCtriolug•yOu will be 4n 44i'h* lit iiiittr,• -.matil3cn.: Pli!osid. ' '. PardiA t 'the of-,thei to hie eflooir., :',Xow no, 044 ' ..•
' • • .1 Dreatns." • ,
' ',-40r4 soloc a10-4.,.• turough Knoi bsp Ilust.11, N`r,,Utr. vbit*nu
. I mad :thmt i thr.ezIgh the:, -,Iii. ..411 ,..-tv•41
0.11..'snettels. • . • .• : , . •• • ' ' '
•,. • -, ...libi ::::::.:ErvEl.:su.ttritii::r:::::,ea:::i.re:,1: : "1i .- , .
.11/4:4r,. ,tair4..risia," he-- Intro;sf itt.1.11.; "I, ...I iv , •
,,,aut.t,:•tr Of.:,..t.„.rks,. stif it , 4.!, oro• •„r • *
ho t'-it..T0 lite reel:oil*. cri-o ho o !••-"•., tool
: • .- • t• • • i''.f ,•-•-sort4tO it • I, ett,Oos.sArz.- .t.* -ot..lii 1 :
•• , ' • fo4- feet f*:',om tho 1,19tineli..A;i ''!t -I' ''''.,;
taiiteneit down liy a
litace .thoao rnek. et4 *iliPqat •
MUTT. AND JEFF -1 -By Bad Fisher:
tligIT eta.
NWT* giN leAttvut:
/wt. MEV t'LL w61t
Ail AtiduT tr
• kortt4.-14
et'It, Yeti Alta GA/tIOG
uPoN A it4Aiky' tolAck.
N0/50i4 (14 Wil%
COUilfrit.Y 0 OUSCC4
VC:AsT Icsoia eyes
Sas Me:
Ygs, me '4- ece .itss r
+comb our 114M!
ARG AS rekmt4
• ALAtee AS Roo Pc.Ai
it'd A
0'. uid-Bovii EAT nig.r.E i
lAtzAt.i A DY, AWe. gel,t1 '
st.tqii ti GOT ttooi? A • .
DAY;' aid Reilai .ilLAY ' Ar. '
Got.0, iii6 BOCK WeAt?..
1,404tiitzteu I .
' , •*!1.0 ofs tor vers. ihq N"4'4'
• „ •
t. Int.' 1".60 riar. .".0'1,.„0 •
HUT rirtm 4n, .ownhpr 4
t 1'40' .1'.; r•"41:1:11.;0114 ni` rIltilv •
.:th 551120..10T44 kit ,S'•
P4tr r - 'a
*I:et:. •
•ft.:* ." •
• ....flokr „
,;.1.111te. t.r.
• , .
• ottoolt-tovi to"
. •
Wa'roit1.4 W*4.-or.i.:
1-. tlftttiot: alt "hPe ' . .
.*, -
I sig. S 4e: 404'5
t of. 1.-•e •,,
- l , thataitcitLt •"