HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-08-19, Page 774' :.• ' • giTem.r.rt,TW ... ••;:: ' k.f4;)- 4149 .. . .ThaieR,...Peelm.:441.floets; ' 3 * It.1:4, :WPMen:, ,g.10613,13. :43133"..13OW;e. Welconm . wag to, devlato on the aide of gtr:0, ,.01fr ,.. iFri,,,,?....4vt. . '' '''' it* v How th LEnlightened Agrict4 ,.... „. ,-. - - ... . . , . 1-0441. . *.0.04, g?,cutiito, 70: • 1 ,to go:, . it.: *0.140a -TO.Stl'ha4- shalt love' ' hrliehert,f,all.:40erlilinAioild: :t6at.every ..ia I'',1:4atirt4troil:....Y:1,. 40/3;u:trtct ",z7: . 'century ago, 'Remark *ea la' a ter4Was greatly supported by the high; '44 !!/..,;(•"'"1.-‘41""°' 44 5'" • : ' ' 0410 Pondition,.. both, oconoinigagy and? cclioe7.s.. An oneof the. resOlts, a .large ' . • • • • . , -4,,,,, "item, ,mare; Alma liap_hatt 0,t .., .m.ase atte•r, tfio Icis% of south 4e-tiand; I heart. and:Wlth.. all thy POO, and '' ... • Wg's' M. W. ,I4CQQ:if,. ' , the.. Lord thy God w i t h n • all . th i n e . ; , .„,.:1 ..,1.70 fii,tii'ln:r::4.4.4:ilvi7,04titli:e:yilihro.ie_4111:,:aot.:4:2:04:ina.,:o:ti..0t:::,0:anLitAtoturi::r. cttyleoL4ti fnt.:agoet ,bei ' - --Pg,' : 2..t7:41Pat .44.14:1icia'494:;*.tthit. •4:9!..:::::',79,,,:::: :,,,:.-4,:in.,$. it.,A.- 4,poeined.A.:::*-. , i,..,41-4,:::.; .. , ". . . , 4 , A ,,.,.el qwfotillanPgiuz4ear:gbutit,eii s' lifile4PC°.ne to ienie"drn, "rir.e.t-1311$11 Card' party tin4' °V.1414' } rteciallY. The** ecoiditioris were due. to t number- of notional, song's were adtiOd' i THEi• ANALYSIS. . .* iat4, *be., • ,,, • ... , ., et OtOetV.IP.Potatfole . 41* Wara.tbat•eherited'PaPeetiAbring.h.lte. the Obi ',rout' BOMB; ' The eleOlg, ii:,•:6;•1,81•,1;1 • or JL thing in room and table egnit•neent,. ea. to eat ,4OPencht inrge)y ;Too 'in4i744ual, Amve'L.AT.sii.ial • 19..1 2 In a banitruit, condition ,1110 pro- titre in the daily Life at the: schecils,-r:444•7i.Igfrigi9.1.1PF.11,7,19:00:-q5. , . its thing tot. ti,..4. ootsorvior.„.;wonlon .0has for. the 'meal :are dear, :awg ale ''ot74.N::::sitti'arQ:.•::lt:•:41'm.bbelati'''r,.' lho-.4gapala4ak-eira-joafX-tbia..eap.atiy44f4lasaigl brownie a4apeela.'• Lfes,,......,„,.; 3, , . - -IV'. ° .• • .. - •:.:: -,•: r . ..• ' '. 7;e'ol.„); 71, • so1; ..,,,,t1;;Ii°1.1 c0°.taitir.a,i;fil 1::(..;n ;;;-, .tliaiir.,,,' 41);:;:!.'N-.81"., ,,,,;1:,.ci-47;',,,,4,01„. 1::"0":45iPrtS4111:'n.f;rt:40.44PvpiaWn4;1 . ' **et re4OtOPCO IQ Prussia : reSultetl[4P.A.frota-the'ilehla.,:ir.here 'tile: tirni-',XV* 74.,__13. PgCA;4,:ur*;:. -r...413*, -PAgt, g'•°', 44 Otikt, 4ititil F. .11“. -417414776g.:71**7.07--•aeout .fittlIAP-0'44:*4.rimil4'74$"*ggigii-frrgr-ottaailiV-.-.""'-'-'1'744'.:.'"1:."'-'"-- . . - . . ,,,,....,,,,,....-..0 ......,.. )41 )telM4i c 14$ loam, • All kinds of hetno-Illto Ouches. 01144g.' factors • If one • 001.a. 1-44 ti'g 114001, w4i4) at, 0-0: Barna tiala;17 1..' • '....• ••• • • ogre 40.4.14. The, death' roie• of ...thei where tbeladia driving bikteare: train :• l',/ernorin,criOil.,-.-The .revelation, .'of , • ° 11-34 ne4n--tviiidetice„-isince4he•-eim-of;An• IF.Le.10,g119,..4:1•Zt..:ribaPeri riligeritig over it: mad A few, aeatertions ' people was high; and. it Was' mild' that behind the plow, or fro the '11, a • • . •;,, tsp4O-date'hotel rhanageMoot fa, to eat, -.4Pq••• ePi.PPO87.,iitW' mmile-rtlie-Tniiiii- ti --7' .11)14* tt •ehlhliolt ehararteriotie . which ' . 17'4e.241.1tti' 4144i:YaZ11:1;!°.311'itl:::Iss'!. F9i171.6.0%::11';',.,''iq.tal.3.f,i5git:d11.,49;:ng'. .,„,,,-,..:,,- 7 -8' 7 ' 44:1':d. : _gi.04,.!s N'-?:;'ciP,Ite' PVeVaten't aad in the 'stable;", Seiind 037 ti341313 file :1 7'f .ilhIll. id CTed: to ldesea and the people of Sinai 4.s.,. reque,utly .inentioned in .the ' "pCitif gUlltY, • et113141340e. 'elle • • ' Y - „ 1,laWraey :Was. common Denmark 'w_laS• :old paponal Songs .hil , .4.1.4.:iiis7g:r„:04's,e'' .: and always an aent f the li'lliout! ...;,,O.. tail° a gran 00Wing. /Mil ' • • ' 'a ' had to Iola 1,iteh the broadpii' lit% • *91C '11451 'eutaP1U.4 and 111 t114• New Testament, : i?IllIJ?. ,,o..neogrri,,ofx;:e...4c::::3:=021337..ewatsAp._i;iti4.02.1n.g.olirt, eating it, ono 1.0041,,opo, has only to, . • . . ?Wilier 'satisfied bow' • , . ,.t.40. housfor. the 44;0 in 04: (Boot:of :osti.:74.40,4iiwa,.,.14:71..tbootth:,.;vineiiiirtlis'ado.p..r.Q.,1#::::::1,1,4:;,h4tiEVei., lye, 08:74.11:7‘71..t.,1,.1.g, ,.,i, 94.--ireZttpp. 0:4,1,1,,,s,;17..,.,.,trtle,ze:1::, ..,....:.,,eil‘.tt..iiii.t4...litgosai,esi::siCn-t'laie United ;the• light . agotr r -Oat ii1:44'0 . ;ID .1 74.i 4(!i mountains '.. • '•fanTlia 7. titt"..13Prlealit , • • n'l':t:: „...0)0':(42.:4),eleljoa71411:1;tstr,!3:8P130:cti:'1!:i ...:phrases it. . . • •,, • • . ,. ,„, • . • , A rooms, • If •for any. reason one . prefers; eve;.,. wo.I..- : et ; . -- ! - •-••••, : • • .. , : . , I t. Ir I I the telePhoOe' ePetater for "reeM gueete ., . ..:,.,.. _ . ay- Reninark is. an•agricu:tural, the . .. ' •''' ' the...country., '.....di. ' • tia.Weretlie vs, - • ' KO 911, ..tlr'f,•ai. "i'Vel4 are 'S..F.3ttit:I.Iotf the'xim•• : ;. . ' '''• •.:' ;° Wherl E the . ani bote.10•WIdeli 3.3-treve43er.all P:iteti! tex•Pe t; nliry •• an Tn. 44n la* d: En° pla ng ch‘ 040.coz.ing .18 to , writo, for well.. free 4.47bab"eicoeiri..tiliii_evl. ell."•,e_E77.t.s.„.i:irnapIrren::..r:7441n:e.,ra,44410:71:4); ‘!rti:ea:qynitiaYri ,•surit.,:e$4.7t:...ccpt'u-zi°' .y:T,:r4A+agf'hr7it:::'1:t:tt4;4,a.,E:r4.1w.1:,9ee'wroi..;i:a..t!.....::;:jivit.e':a,t:t4yi'_' natural tones ..-1.4;e::.',...:,:' '. ...•, Pt • a , ..' tc..01kYland,_, • ,sirs,,A of *,,.-1,1iiiiii91:1 ,ii.leYt.;4:170 .1!Ca:t04. in, ' Oader,;.Ctiltis'ittien..: She bag' a ' 'Scree,. 74 million :agrodj of -Iv -hi& aro ' '•' ' ,,.., ,i,moi,i' y21, '1„. ipaii" s.,..., ,,..... 7 .. ' 7 ' . There'.'arei‘ .twentY-twe. ,agrictiltilral" 'Deed% Sea, " - , ,,,s- trn7e4;1.71:3't.f ..,:iGitr.::::...,.: 1:::' hi).,,' 'of' Mount::,, st°;.A4tii:',.,:i:;41.titR re Ion for 'm ' , ant .prloo, hot to .11 ...... . • • • . . ''`.:.:41./bdOd 'loPlieni "Ices-. ur greetings 1 tif4o.014.4041rot;03nnioilialce.elesniIi an -4'm- 'it.ee MI" ajOritk of young es.- . .;;t: :7, -.:oth"'re . !11.9t'l_ea.. 10'04 • ' WOrhera' ...'' 24:16:90°.71illiatnti• 's• c.booln ..in •Denmarki the ' enrollment Which in cO.:4,11',13'„:altuojitiet,;gag'n,:ti. holdings; 1.6 .3rdilien ccavs• 1.8 torien het, arid cold dishes CPcifil, hntli.91cee4191:keait 'ecnnnletrdied,nli'plini'ltcill;giVZOitshepnirr7hin:r; 1:•••• s'polifspp.uaosadai.k.10,141.011:eil-ltiehp ochickeis. :4She t_e_.n1F.i:14 ;"k•elii *erlit7 t's3'tliree. Ilualite4 Judgs '5'44- The rev-elation,,Accorn- worth Iv*. 10,"'occasionalii... . : ' ' ' • ' aiiit Dora woe b 1.r, of .the hotter „palms, Their baize. fernis in Connie- panred 'tha5Preparation of the' firnt. i . to the • world', market, nearly•'one-half tam with. the cheele:', where - the Seien-t written laws ItI., and gave them the saiw 0 ;;;Ifii,•41,11;0041:9,1i.Int.taertiiyEeeef Pf'.. registering ,at, l'ha..expresSing heYrrisel:f71:::L4sittbale.,e4kXiotar'''. '. as the sweetest disposition -too Cute. : ' ....ef tiler baeOP. and e.g3340 Hat:tan Well.'aa 'the practical eaPeeta 0 11,01 ke,',.92;i111;4:0ii:tirritir. f. The Lord agricti;ture •are. stialied.by the pupl's easy for' the Woman •..*Ith co-oPerationtra4:44...Other cmin... er 'addition, short Coarsen:: are..Offier 1!,.,i,:in...,'•tiii.inesneltzetti'deFsieid.ai;vihryavTeitft;-14a 1411o•vvnelia:ii, •• a great vatietY Of subjects. . beatprtue,Im., aiiti,oh.otea .gals abuLaa:iirieyerehi;.,,,fveors.isigwit.- 7:;i1e.4.1::;.1).0'ilt. 'Pcirove:‘..heth°r , ogrieultUral Pciptilatieitki" thegWor'd • . • till , -and has, tl,•ie. *Oak 'Oili htened ' The wanes last f , . . , conntry hon.ylchno filed; . 1 months for a Period of tvio .Yeare. ' • bil, (D ' .. n -.e• thofclici diLl. , 'ess,'..weitcti.O,:u ,,gre°aleonfl.111314 : giiii;..0.1i.i:21'sc.e.onti.;31.1t. itio4tesiis htyt 4eloon:e_ay en:;14int:•,.. _iby.,e.:tilitt:ilfe, so: tnihen..!=i:nhint:11:4);' • try, in' the: world.- ..,.. Iler ii'Ociet •cendi.. :flans mid iwr co-operative haying and ...,...basti,..,.,, ink to note' • that : all, of those hoth. of :religion .and of meraIS, and ,... . :ralin3e..coantriee yearly. • . ' • • : • • • • •• • . • ..' .1 Israel by the: hand of IgaieS, 'Inlist. part oliliff.,._ -- . ,... . - ie. ra of this simple' code, which came .to. te concerns.. wae. cur to ; , . , olr4gglignia:hi4edt...g, .•.:/ht4;17beili.9:00C:1147.4:71;nd Ilirt•i17:1.,rv:r4a:°;:ladi,. ni13:1°°I.b'w:1:1:411.tnets.d .a.nnfainlin11:"Iti;t4t5eiCkl;;,iatYs4013:;;;Y:filesa; ';'. • . . study , or hood404 or students froin... the government: Mille•for•,the most -5"7-931 iedi.lelebie heel- The influence. ..i3.9 .tob"..014yesseidtaaih this •Mt.iiimste•ttill'ea•Let.Ounel 1 '11.altid 444c*rgeh°14''s• ieifrite.h•ewg':1•514.731014theelect.. her.51:itOY-.:' •• nellifig'-'`Ingtheds- are the wonder and. 'em.‘,18. ari_no ly-Itadiolly...Anametti,xibonnfl religion and morality together • When One, :.entele. Denmark from • ° • • • Of 'the a 'heels, and in. ma. ny.. cases, hese been very gre4.- it stends.as ,a. ender the .coi•Tors...Then there caw.- th:. ,. • , . •• ' *Merl in ' the: surrounding :diatrietat, splendid • monument to the meinerY of when One ie uotietiyilng. until- a later : cierinany, be i$: at once gas-oral:4r irri, an?n 'shares in theni. • • . " ... : .•:. ' • : : :Iliad% greatIP : laW4.-(4‘ Ver and indge; *rem:RP siatAi, 19 :1.-:2 .' . notif'Y .the office. that the- roem is at, hiwr. ',Hew • goodhe id" :41014 .a.,. hour. . it 'is Well to .pay the bill and exclamations; ,"The . dear litte fel.... prestied :by the general conditions of , : Pinagy, there iss a Royal. Danish :the COuntry,•The farinitCads :are, neat, ' . r •„ •,toverYthing iala order, there in no. :rah- ±grifel_teTel c Oleg° et' bollenbagen, t'..Tak - bi..sit, there are no 'iniPlements exposed •wilt1.1.a. la.a..i.ita!P • eencern,'. and .whiCly . • 4. f!',4 third month. The total .dis- fie:17c: ' clatkiecitsix:i:pitotrtli.t317,18,:ne:ei!irtitnisgti:;.iradicrineYlledUal. ' 1 )46Fro oil r i al iSt: etoit:g:01 . that.-accompaniedtgail st9st h e. 7dbb, by habit et. 1:1:nie peek. b:1iiIrt ' ' ,1133 •Weathers conditions. ire,* attee...tiai 9 era thogreel 31) :general agrierilture, tat. lie,e tra_seltdWas not :more than one. carromdietie .. are • landscaped, . tho dairying; horticulture, veterinary, f •"°"L'"""l son' llitY 'mites. bUt the rate :cleseriptive hoolitets. 4, comparison of these is great assitsance irrehOOsing stopping • Sac4.' • One eau visualize the building and vilative -position of entrancea, elevators and restAtirents, BO that a Freitae of. hare° 1011 greet one en arrival, • Without this prelira- 'nary etudy it might, for instance; .be a surprise to heir Of the "street level," th9 'doge and the "first meiz- anine," all 'before the aci-caNefl "first floor" vhts :reached," which, 'in:reality; may im two or three, storeys above the sidevValls. blezzanine.s are Wonderful epic° savers, as -they- are, what itbel word. indicates, half -floors or• aller- is Prom the first mezzanine one can .look down on- the lobby ...or foyer and get :a gliinpse - of bustlhig hotel .life Without being asseciat.ed with It Here the guest' will probably find" eonvew 4034 writing desks, cosy reading nooks with goof lamps ' at: just the right' angle "and' other delightful furnish- ings. litany of the newer betels have. this type of mezzanine.. 'Whenevet pos.siblei is, wOn fo nerve hotel acc<3mmodationi in ad- • _ -PRINTED FROCKS THE VOGLIE1 FOR ALL. OCCASIONS. :When you aie tired of the elaborate frock you wit :find joy in donning one fashioned After the simple lines of the .Inedel Pictured Imre,• It winaerye its wearer With unlimited ,sonaitneas and if faihioned from one of 'the Attractive printed Materials, tieing plain color. for neck facings, yeller, Jong tie, and.trimming section at sides. The bodice Part of•the froCk Imams are whitewashed at /tint once "ft."' add ja.'" -/urveilag" 'It. gra"' •mulAsPlughlre bLinsuvecnrYasiluowlege. company tuY or- the eiri,..ng arca 11: r°°a1 atnateeneoe.rta,in 11,aur, gdtaer;penw:rt.ItPdarklit:it Iii?Clraibil,Yatnhcle••trebglY:lew:lsa • • need not be art friconve • In two years and the t near e sea coast ates abe elghty students each year. stage ofjourney as f vh. the cows that -are • " h` Id in addition I wan informed•th t the w 'r Re- HELPING THE sr's-max, • • • . • • a ere im (17:1 - • probablY through the Tim following night, arriving home . grazing in t e. fie s -:. If ksle has l'assell to esinet iettersi 'late 31c id a donee. I did. What ''Ibla : .0.,;•16u4k.a.g.,,,,,..„,wtott, ..1„1....iste . areseveral.young•farioarai' mir.ha ' study fl'iv.per:_liait "o ... -_the: valley of.• .Feiran,. semi -fitted with, tb. e:lower edge of :the vanes': This estOlishes one's ° identity ,tek.grains or tolershone mese:igen •••on cal ed •"a likean trick . : • the. rillontlig,, he obirveO that ever e.-7.'ssbelter4Yerlek:ee-glieaial-stedeat3t7q1e-1:tt-°"ratE0' m 4 Iti4-1'V' elniv--ri pithg hite-a-fia7O-At-th'-, side -S. d--iterves-,anen--h-ta:roduction_te.„.1 Arrival 'ash for 'them.- Xren • in the "Was -'it inean?"...I.asked; ' „ 1, • , , .. Mich of. 'tifti-riihtel, :Pine' trees . e-heme:94-941.r-ag.nealturaltplieges,.414..,90eas..,Ekraro*...700samix419_iit.,,_ •-- Apesigned-with-a.....view_LO slenderizing hotel: . When 'Writing for WAS and. helt7eolldnotact.'llensea -there' is ,etalle- . uTha.s.idea. Of phoning 'me, this hour, 1.4v have been' p:anted, and aie keit in th,e.de•.• The gr9deetes'ef:thies‘ii.1-1 8. 8 • P wera, up unto. God,: He .‘the 9itare, No- 1359 is ill likes boOklet, a good idea :to ask fi-31 tunas, -a-sbili-lir't!te,.seivice-' g'u.est- in-the..--itiorping-- just- to ---;see --how- -I-L. - 1177(1 . • • , reloondition.... As / „stated above, atitItletv'fare ..ene°9reg94.: t.e ,t:revel: Pi- i'uil--sly - have sought , to cominiine with i 38; 4(4. 42„.44; 4.0 and 48. illehea. bile(' a ePeeI91.09 .*99e a .994. 'O'lleei. eeci. 4•?u1.4•.'!ie 'her: allFa "ral7d. laalCing "400ked•13eirivAvial.c:(erst: I. • was;' 4u'llirni • . , . , • . *ark. impresses iint as being an ftra...,?. iiill- , c°. • 7rAtries. studyt:'in..azi. ,tiot...a14. co,44u; Ttarwoh,On3Pl.pod'in, the :same: place, probabty an, Sise4(linist:reouires- 3% yarda.figu• red. Also information as. to "club". or "table tillnds 'come her ••-waYI This ls•.olse. , , leop4 Besides, . . rda' y • ,•433by': - , ad he :Vision Of • the' burning . agriailturai fairylamV3 • .' ' else, :It...is said that tho....molioity .0.u..hallelent Mountain sanctuar3r, where •he .sesorist.sid .s.• yafd..plain, Contrast'. . . ., . . . . , . • LOURS OF 'PEACE, . Inlib inv price 90•centa...• ." • ' ' • r• • . , ••• • • 'W.dll'huilee"In":JUU"oa.t. ho;•te• 5lbsPilinld• cntr'llg!er.e:c.itbuiesa:r3re: .toilnepilOgifes...74111-Thein -..extelPecelihtlInt•:a'tei'leRrabtemi:ers thInSiP7WdYithshliilalli,,d3ttYd;.;:li''M'C'aln*I...int.(1°.•,..:...a '. these return to Denmark in order to' t3:14t2). . ..".. One does not sek„ ma he doeit in•Berr agent .in..the • fart. , ; her. •,31. eve. iopose.ph. off , . .. prolnise'N•c•giv-d:a11.11t•--atil-tlartenithitemehe. that ..-- e.....iti'r,iet- sewing ,ifii110 ,ilii T.40the.3. now conduced On the Harolleall ..Ilise::,alleald be advised 'of a gueit'S where- • I was nurpriced to hear. Dora,-*dinit' ' .1 p. .1.0 ied yeied. (tit, of tos...thoy ...wk._ he reaghe, all,:. and..to folloW and.prices quoted. are for teems only,' • 4Mits...i33, the.hateI it she wishes .tdo., he jaialt..y.imeriar:‘.fa... het:::ehaid. .......,a..:behaviar bat. ....... good I. kneW":this :Islip. Was:43e :to her °Ora • •• Iln. 'and Other ,'Clerinaii Attia, statues. ite agriCult :4 3: .:00t.mgreiart,17ii. , .114. ori,!,..it.;;_ts.,a741_40a that, . ;1 had the. Prir-iege.•...,:of'..tra've‘ .Iiiilg:•a. weal., d„ w.orsill1l. God 18 that 'mountain: the mode is delightful. when it ,can he it ii: just. as.,well. to . he familiar with located quickly.If. • :tTaillteads:Of Seheelthildien .631-eicur-• AgriMdtural e • ' ehme" '' rThef Were: W.. ell" drease4 the her of- the 'adr:irillege-istratifre'estaffis; a. 11:2°A)v. /3:';'cl.33..M.•77:rfireasi' . ,bolida3,a /the 0041 vppeor .to ,enshir;.grocioate . of • the no i h .AgrAetti.. roiral :said, to' h.ave gen, e' up`intO the Moun-.1 foltowing 'the sty -les• p"iciured 'in Our: j.g., 41;:nyenh!, igu. gaeststed,,:::s.ipik,ftetre.,tool,i.eorcie'.i.tr., i•roms:itfi,.1..np..itt:;.zy:'.,,'h'• oteis: .theatte. .11/0: imItlei*el,"" 11147° "ea' Ostle6e; :and a student of tlie-' Ontario . ..: .: • tam . than to With god (!$•• .33 .9; IneW Fashion '' Beek:. A. Chart: aecc3iii-•'' • • • ' . • ,....„ L.,,,.., • :•'• k . ..... - ...4...' ....,. . :.tre ..,,...a.: ki..7,4,gdoni:.. .. . . .. ... .. . ...., .. ... : . • .: ., . . • '..wip....,., AW41/ 'TIPS. „ . • ,. '. L. : '. A. ...IEND'O............z ' • .pwAriliarints. eattch.a.roapeatterrs.w._,..L.washo..,ewsti 't,tii.liet,,..om.utiv- •fairlyhristles woman floor•c_eric on every. floor Or .. t..ho....p.::•rise.pLoomet• se-ofti.,In...::::;i4:...e.;;tigs:hnelltfr:71allii....iir•iiejth.lt:nd,41:3:1,:.sy:ditdon.144.,_eltitticitTcilti::.:,,...-... more Of your son thin you do of your - picture Self. - Yen aWaken 'him in.,the. Middle'. Denmark Isqll. Peace -awing nation-. On: few . days with ,--wii e throstye 'Three, 33-3nes in this chef/ter. he: la done aa •eaSEY and eocaloideallY bY.I.the.'restAnrAnt tariff;' even th.oseti. one serVice, one must put piituUenewOubsutaele. in • . :Picture of :hell:0; as:a %Ai:* .4m to-, Danish '. /Heidi :Society.' . He :acted an'.• GO& ': n " • f . trill It is ft3r , 'll. .•tl..•• ••••• T. ht.a• l'a. Every ;detail is explained so that the thl, rtePenu•th • .. . .' The childr03; 3 and.thi'grOW11.41P , l'ai interPreter 'While On...this' tont', and ; .this•slieu hale b41rn eut ,101 „illeaPerieneed.seWer can •make Withoat ' ' foreign7.0i..illisilroyed. teatiot ltssi!.;a2a.C3Li, , every (thee .floor is o .4:comfort. to on ineiperienced *Oman' traveler:. This . of DeanlarrialiPear AO be court- • took inc ' to . V:aces of most interest ' to 'Egypt and eared foigrtlein ;31:1th diffieulty.an attraetive ., • eth. .' Peice,' i pries.... To, Offset this, some , hotels C;erk'• has .her desk in a' 'Convenient gt!.;gst 341114SullsO.Sitirionr.dandoi 7:tube,. .,..i.,...e. .i..t.;spoil.r tife„ve; ,'.. ' feet not anli to Viaiteas, litt tatiesth • /no -with' .respect b.:, land redamati • erinins. -It is ler. this that he now re- a the. book 10 cents Ile' c6PY' • ''' . Serve., what • ;tie . known • as "cinb;','; place,..usuar.y near. the Main eletator . • • . •:„ ' , ,. • ,. and ,:other, agricultural •• activities- ' ' .r veals hunself to them ,and gives th • .• HOW TO 'ORDER 'PATTEEI48.•' ' • : 3.n : . - , ... . , : . • , - . , gl enl • • • • • .' ' ;:tiible...d'hete".. Or "prix : . fixe" ; ingai. and is., chosen . for-::thia•• work •liecanse'• ' taken, dear... •What.I've said is worth • : There aro only two the. naandihs of. thin, cOuntr). When .one. !eaves. the his Yaws' to govern them,' CelePtcre w.:iit4i •youli;i:ijainri iii4 addesa•i0a,a`.:1•These . three expiresaloos ..7. ell' 'dean of her intelligence'''. a . ell .6r- ' she :thinking .4:4•Cr7"-rdelllt ..fer• the sake • Of :edueoiesal...system; .-4, an edueational";Preter,:imieSS ,lie Can i : • the Dan-' ItveiYe' ' ev° t.:",' ,°pil.dr.,:agrv.hicine•;.. aPd Patter.i.leus•'.o.,77.071,,.. .;:rot .',.).,etc.i.it:talap':!.#'3t.iltZltd- ,•;h41',!nsp'ttiii.nie%A.a..at',.:...:::osti..4.' ,de..4'1,:irt';i:‘,/ns.Apift'4:1411.1:11cigskirire9eagY. ea3T.86r:::reCe7'!1;;48-54:77' . oonini,toud. Initte,iliiking , i.41 ,,, Cnn.,.. . served" '1,1,1. the.. G•iill ItOorsii Way.. . posSible. Such ,a, c:erk is• Well ; CititainetY :But,te.iniaking„. . . , Dent: 7:6; ' 14:2; 26;18.; ?Salta 135:4.. 1 :. priests, • • . a:::. i'eop:es• ,staniI3". • giving • nnmher and Bile of Surh i • about the same thing' that .ii• a cer • ie..readP to tike•eiro Of 'k ' • ' trivial in.'afF. ruin the health ai•tvell:''• • . • . :One Percent, of the people *Iieninarle' Welt -trodden route of the ' • '• . • *hi; are . iLl rato--tlianks le , ..r , lourz i is ,weII to It • " ' IheY ..:7::::-}, 'a.thd ..ttedbe' . ' * thedisPositiOn kof the' Mari ;fir he."' ....P99.Se high school ' imminent . for A Young. lady 'in a railWay• restaurant T. Het, -1:5; 5 ii0 ; • 20:16. Peter •2:5_i : 9_,. address your order be Pattern Dept., i Where: ser ice is leen. feental, prieeS. a' versed' in al that pertainatothat par- f • • " • . , • • ' WO Pete:Pia etvis mich to the Vision'ish: language: I :attempted to make' arin:ip-,a'.r.edoalb.:1:1' oil,. 61 6, 'aad in •pra,:yer. it .etnrefuni)• .for. each number •• and! llatgar"* Ir. Mt: .ICOId, Treatise he started 'the:the Purchaso.Of 4 bier of mateltas front.' •,o _ ,__ _ • an )104",wpsou.puhliahauft. to.,.73..west Ado.!..hit lower .., and tipa. therefore. ceires- ',' timilar hotel Pad inieeelileg ilerP . _ ...les- Ada, Is not the (Iasi task it was A &an, ' , ..,11.4nas. Accord.. ing: le- Dir...1t. 'Keinpp„: in the absence Of Ali', Ornetrup- •-tirsi, 111!033. -4....ileY--will. a.be.,...Separare.....3ron3 Side igt;! TOrout,O.,... row,* sent biit:tiondiegik lesir Ten per cent' • in the! ities' Often' disaiPea - :: fte„ ' : little_ iStosaratiiiiicese4Vely fewryyears-,;ita4 Ago. toi. wiriii4ennite411,.-that1;51.6 .... _•.y 3 ..iii the .'World .AglicIdtare,"•the high I 'asked for :•thelli in Enieisa. ,sr:rid was .‘,....vr martens, mane fit for tfeWs ser- • • . ' • ' • ' .• .,r•eeognized basis for tipping, but it is. talk ,with .r... .... :Behind: niov.,, t, . hteh • ed • ...? ' . • • - - " - •vis "ce and. seeking always. to .lie 'like return !..-Ins...n" ' • : • '''' ' -..,..•••••,...,..,.....,:,..,. • . . . . . . : , , butter having:good .fievor: body, tO7'. . -men ..,W start in. 4 •iinsitcceSsfal, and then 'attempted to : ' : . .. . • • • • •• . . .....r, :. 'him: See • Lev. 1144; ..;,9 :2; 'Ise. 02: . "yery ,modost way seine :Seventy yeari•-. ask: far the* rn 'very poor tiernian-L, ....• • _ • . _ . • . important:;"Pure•ctilterea tiire,'Coler,:este4 regardless of ,the..per.:, . ' altere41 ''•tu; 'ill* •:Tuulli. f°11.:*":8C111:' resorted t'9 °*'°g•ntguage.: ;*adeLi The Lord adu.. , e; d .. The ' Aced by the tee eaten' liSe of grain 4., Augustfir147nwet. WIsl,tatreer.17-Gow; • 41)37.13m4:er:illadhat the; ....'..stS•lil6d4111 *hire a few grownAirisonn, of fanners .a, movement, as if .$ . telling A. mat.,Ca i Farina and Stations. • - .., Gartadion 'creamery •biitterinaidng . ir,,•• . • .mgi,„ when an old ;farm laiilding was, again eraa unsuccessful,.. and,..finall, II., in. rife rimorgernt, 19:10-25. . • ' Feeding, . Experiments. . - An ,•anu '.'SeP r: . 4:1/J from. Alte • :different'. ExPerimenti4 est:t. 'Aeceiding to a Tie* btilletin ea. .pi.ofitie, :hi 4.soing„ are .erten:aaeil, T. . . . . • • i. ' . ' . : ' . ' ‘, o egurne bacteria. may :be obtained •cesilage, eorePOsither Of fap'*Otei,4tOd,'' . Spent :' a.. winter' studying under . the on my trouser pearance of the • Lord was noCiii.•ineL in t* fed to =kb CON'S, 1131Sr water is safe. to use. . : , . • • .. ,.: 3 ..L.,,,„; ; ...,, : . leg, and.agaia, I- :Wag Imo, forin, but•in.:tiMnders and ligilt-•• hOWever- -depen4 .admewhit On . titalf ' 'Path/tad; water Should be sterilized -•••• .. : ...er ....: ys• . ..0.. 4.6- ., :. , eiteisileida:bjiiethetot;DaitgA.kr1.!17:C-Aa4zed„ ttIV•be ..117'tut. • • leaderShip 'of that reentrkabie ...man, • evidently misnnderstood. .HOOn ',the • aings'.'. and • a thick 'Cloud upen. the ''priee eetlie Milk' or butter, produced befo,re being. used , for drinking Pur- .• ..,., , , V.a r RIP :,.:fillitrui.Kboro:da.d'e.nTbe, the.. iiimminoofetfli:esett4.sepui:Oiisiis parrle•it'vere,!1;x0et ..s•l7pedeonineiltyudhatot.r ;adesndi're,inate jor-.winaexiisntt'0'...(tTI.1-64)eb.•;eTe4 '.tiheiml,doetici.:74;.aits34, ;7 , t. - definite • ConClision I .. T ' ' '. be • etc ut -"Asked '0 - f tile i •dd •. .• .. ria<is' . te#1alter of te-day .le 'itxteit.04.' ?let 4: . 004 ::to. int.nufactere .1i:titter barb* *teach- them individuai,thinking,' and Obtain:. and .I told him that I Wished, Lord (Ss in Psalm 29)..• Yhtlightning soa.,•thin reattorinn eXPeriniont,,eitand.7 file .esee Ase..eds of .about 15,0, itay.,3 1. eaditctiheti%171. co,hot lilting, atitihteatta..triol>pritchyta' t:11:: ,. iit..nh:he'torl.)i:oni..ttafc.,entiogrocivihtizzon* .Pfrpiemennoesgood eforkinstriship,, but also' to control tha ley. eework.iii:a simp-o 'and med-.` evident /that the banis,hpeople do not. messenger ' (1.'iglir. 104:4)- OornPare'e4chl was catou . • • 4 ried t. .at •• the Cap T)10,Most,anitable, disinfeetai.lt:ia:Ors. feeds 4.0.. ,,i)ese$ . te. we"- '7,14e!reteer); thi" U°1141°51i14111Uf 1114 PrudUci*thill: ''' • ''': ot wak,,, .as0,03 to etrora.he ge .t..",ei!,, ha7a tlia..4aatonnaf ic!ataiia in. fa.ina .the Ae4etiotten. if this divine•inanife • Rouge, Quebec, •kaperlinental Statien;., pared as felhysil.13. sl.....A. ::-• '' - , crop with its tendency to . ups . . Tte,' new' national inoveinent vtliich .lial 'a good •la h. at ::. :-.- '''' . 1°t1.-17,1'. 4".5 ..'ilis° iDa•at: 4:1143' i(d5. at:' abaat ;'*e 6*Ine.'w*gial' this: fia'Sti:.cicmk•titiix)Cnalkitall:::r4' te!°E.Watel;: rin'f'. d*et'i7.2i* °1:14.141°. of . hungry 3.45uxig liritriiSioln- : .: :' .. • ., . . : ..' on tireir trouser' leg, inasm• ucgli•a.Z they. t•atiaa. in. Pagan* /L'Z'''1'8,-. #14 Hebrews 'with tial1t3r7Sevell cows divided ',into' . : : • , , .., . , i pg my expense.. Where. t e fact is emp asized_' that_ God same ea_paoity as milk•producers and. One-lialf Pound aderide- f The old idea that adtut TO ./1017, Thi Fairs Again • t " 'f th chit. storm, and not inhr All housing,.., care and feed were . • overa.lowance 0, new corn and a s d water to make °a aro been east into the dlicard, but an ik • parents ,the finest chance for supple. arweveerscisrhiinmiselfp in oti,irr:Islisp:ie:iliatdudenn; lactation eon 'perditi.onu IA regard to 'their; iima. with pint. of water. bringsoutbreak of cholera has long en rate, with the exception that Group i • 3. DisSelve 13 ounces of Sal .soda den change from the simmer diet of 1 received Pirsd of ismq921' Per crystals in 2 quarte It&e••warrn water, MF.l feeds,' old torn and soMewhat • ' ' • ..nlestiag, herne.' 442:tning `) a - i that IS not in the • eneas of Man or . The U.AutOuttion,to attend the: fairs:,..dien. • it, develops caro, persistency ,...rti4.ina , . .. , of ene an :aninial one... Siinie. need it be- t thoug'iajoieesa, .r-oportialeale;h3;": .c; IrAst.„,Or, __,tinyr,...4.tof,the'lio_sitz,idy heddallre: Ma they 'hive ' 11114 been in' the habit ,. oiieretkie. .and oii, the ,otho., onatitiosi;z1,54pwieerde le,ssog041:37n .in , e: ;. .. ‘ ,,.. :eight pininds of milk; . qraut! , 01129,•. _ 4,, Ackl sufficient Water tOnialte ciao *Oody...pastnr4 to this ar,Atigether .dif- • Of atteadlag• ' ':'Eltlers*::*114. PerhaP3t that...maie :for fine ' Manhood arid iii41'r,..,1-lis vicAles.s.,s1,....sissr. .....sm.i. 20; • of Meal Per four pounds of .milk,,. and.,, otzea.:. - • ' . ... , .• .••,.- . ' 2 1. • • ' . .. .., ferent. feed, puts the sieteree • irtto S#tirtiust Cugla'avr4,17irilr '' th4gesaiells*•'. iiist.calittietfoanirss.iiin,J.;*, Trianh."ck. ' ' ' • . ' .1.• .1.4.1. , • ' . .. .. .. , ., ..Group 3,, ell, the meal these ecivia Would I •5.,. Mu. there two 'sOlutiona in .a her-. Sneh. a state ' that .ahnast. any disactee general., 'should have the welcome band i .. , 'Then after. the ' :Oral fait :is ' over,. IVO other 'wide. The first .coiniriancf‘ eat"' -'0.0e Pound per 2..13 ,pounds et; ret or :creek. an4.,allow the milky so:a.,. may 'oed a betd.in the young heed: • we -tit le in. tbe''automObile°: and are 060,31.4k41: to the.11/' ..s. • '. • • . " ' I off. for twit 'days to 'attend One of tile:. Merit is against the worship Of Other milk, prodaced., '• It :is. leen.. that when ; tion, ta),--lettle.. , - .. • . • ' '7- ... • . ••1; • Break % the pigs late' the., change • have their ut.ortcomioe They 4- f ,,,s tie aris ::within reaamiable :gadjoha"no'nkrer:sel 'Utast. have' Mt.' One • Ged3 hal;" • was "V•arth: *I., and "44 '404 en-, ' • it POOle Oft .the'clear . Mild and fill 'gradiiallY.' •Feed a little eith day fer. . ate• hintian iiiititutions: Many are who delivered them from 'silage 0 per tonIliaal 31.25 per: cwt,.'.'...ii. hstct• t1tan:hat:1s; 'cork or Seal Well . a few days'ilong With the old diet, it- driving.distance Dion: four of •theser. 'Egyptian bondage. Compel* the. _!•110: • ,co-operetion: net a• one with:which.. we OborlY:•11433a; some..lack exhibit°t '''`FT•'•"- 4,, Nse go‘ tho toands tram year, te 'as. itatedelaAf .1?iii.31.i11:;:rioutot3560d. lot ...reec,...ting all it woUld eat gave S. it "Steek, Solution Ilypothiorite." : •'!. Coin until the newness of. the latter and. blitter., 20 centn lier . poutd, the! opd keep • in ceol' dark pliOe: 'Mark 'Creasing.. the .percent'age of the. green year. ...We eee a• best of ,intereeting The r . e ov , are itentitinted but needs new or.acided (thfroi. , a lo 01 fine. tock and ,Cropi t, ,„1.,.1.r._him, ni in . his pte,enee.. ' d Will haVe no riVids;41O'Other .gocis . •profit 'over feed a .15.26 • Per Per:ielt,• : To, T.L.--.;-: Mir on:oUnce of the Stock has Yrorti off and 04' attack the Ver'Y the -let receiving :one pound. Of 111#4 Ot)ttitiOti. Hypochlorito twith;5 gtillona•steotimonie, 'viand with .:esn "hoggish 1141111Piii6Ite: the ' Inala!ilY .'ara .' t•6°. had . are Welt entertained, Througho.ut 9%-1. ore PeorlY gnaneed. ' • ..,••• .• ' ' . 'the year fell:owing there is a good. 'deal ?inaAtia'grareartstnfoiii•bi.ides, Toll? .sriteactildgCodnw- .1P:tr tee..e.ft4*Tivi't7lete,!t.'pef :t2iliendk-11:4S,..4•11' ,'/,t114r.....61,!uw.a. ttii,:enc.itit'liiinig*,, for °4641:41.°;176-pliaaril,,'• bneese3;9".isde%(1.. M.,tilli • 44:'; the.,:".r, , l''' will. : But. with 11:1 these and :.inare f.a0f i oir et.,:irirt.i.f.lon in ear tstome eoi.leein- .. ei still int.that everY..fitriner in the . l' With bog'Pastnies iisuAllY aZezigtide. land etribit to heet • tt,a.e e0) of A.D.: ihe hig .tait.a: • ontn le aa hilm4.13r3- Ili. graven image was of carved wood .eones.itrates. heaviiY: when Milk in ne;•13 clednene--s• of the water Supp4 and de- f'letting' short and' earning higher .as, the 1 i.,,„, .tlit.attatritiff ...oht7aole:Liy.'wohttehrgOtf.:11.eelt,gar TU. !)!.47. :ble;:f;firi?7!,41i-64;11.:',broti:A: 1:,e(11:7 i "es., , :, hitt tha subjects of but inhitefiori at . if 1.-;ou are 'Suspicious Of •the whe.e-,,the,growing cord.. and witli, other feedl • fairs. Sim:test:41614..4a the 'tans Of ' " .. ._, .__, . family,: :f I d se): itand I give cre 3 • . .• i • eleh tarMert,-PrevIsioll,sheS•12 be ina416 to .the'..fair4' 'ter .aid ti hemilng It out: . t• " ' vrth this ' dein t" f • 'meej or 'four pounds Of lrirllt ; often . overlaid ' With thin .theets of, ineat a bigli pri"e tvi`h ore pound of sire . an or...tininetion ', made of.. the stiminet progrestes, it is htt wonder 1 . . sine a... . , 1.. , , , is con .. na ma, o .... . Yon -skip beneath Alio bars, then. cross ' • . . entatte...ttit`fanill$e to the loial,•iiiia one` : . ." ,. , • . . • o - , . • . • . ...Iola& worship compare. Jedgl's .2 4.1-- a. good average: .. ' , . . Mating *Ater; a Sinall .3autip".e sant to the;.that, the bog feeder le tempted to ao. ; •• • ;.z..... L.....,:., bieob, . ... th?,.:11`ger tatrg. "14 414444 "f` ' As we think atout this letter ate are:13; .2. Kinge- 17;7-12; Psalin • 16.:1-9; It. . • .; .,.. ., • .0. .., ; I Dept.• of *Badteric,:ogy. ,.0.:A.C., can be .the eaty thingand.throw theta over. a • , 0,0.......77,..= thr gh• tite••••-ime that . ' • done 'n ' ter ite Other : r9OSOO ; than • that .--"tteictinited. for -Yeu Without charge. .. large portion for their ;conrinptiort ;.: .7 ines.tr; the. hiz, . . • ..... ,_ , ., „, I c'';•fied to believe thut.thie man and ,Jer, 16:1-10: end. 'many' other pass- .... . • .ft. iathe.ltitst, W4 in wraen tocorruchii taroty are 'getting their money's n,m,, - , • . • • - i:tiOw•td Preserve Cut'FlaViert. ' • • * - .. - , right from the start. Bxperiments at • etnie. of theile faif,te.` '• • • • • • • ' worth 4\14 of fairs. ' .• • ... • ., 1 • The rianie. The third'Commandinenti.• , . . . . 'bleat' people realize•tluit' 60$ -era for • See0.• ht. oial. tifipii, . . .. ., otefit et linggitig dp*a corn with the ' l'Itchtr'ce'' . . ,.. . many stations 'have all,. proved 'the Yee eliiith and climb, ant.114cti .,see a . , . ,••A .letter came to the Oftiet re--",' .tlY, ' ' • . ' . .. , • • tfothich the use of the 'panne of God the I' is wilt Isst,hetter if the tins Of :. L. .. „ , ,. ...,,.... ., _,.. .„ . , . . _„ .,_ . , +,. lOVebt tender ietlires 1.'" The pornnnen ,agricnaurat. J,Istcteri pig crep, end toore :sit v • any question .: • . • • . • • • • . • . • .. 43::--: ' •••,•• • . • way. • It 'does not forbid : he sincere be nei-a'iy known that a farinore--0*;00iet • ' never: aill. '•• .• - . •.. . . I. a rii...'§agitonfairs to tint folks, . . .. in shy. i ., , kil9i - Ot, toslotere bheir stalics• are recut, but it May net. I* flora an Old, fernier who .tco . . . rat Mends . a • more gelter.a:ti of .the value o the plan. But when • . • • kAnti all tit oriee you're' nt the " betty. , to Perna theyuee .of his rfanz; • • taking•ef an cath, and ,beivring .wit- .. effee,tire .wase.of battling their tree& aSe. of pure CU tu 'eS Of Ingitipe heel,: the. corn is quito'green the whole stun- . . ally; h111,1,4-11"etotori"iree.eeoltIl ness is to do. the •cutting Ander the oterff'atottiotr,fiSe4dalridlloen,,it.lhll:etni; 4:19.1,Icat 1!Ittpt41 : b.1,1rTheov.Se.Yr.rt4hrtlown( itrilatnliattit.tchlfhcitraPrefl,, te:lottiacall -vv. Ia4ti'r6 • . • • . : •' ri . ' *0;14y 'Vines . are runittng fie SAW n.coald.tet.titiiik•of r.o14.at.:• ''0/.4ard,til:t.Irli 11 iitt, fatse .streathtv., , . ,,.. ,,, ,„ • rwater In. which theY, re ii:ited. Thus ‘ wild arid free: .• •.- • . ilindling tOr. :4CAt Iitit_r..1fiLile" I ' Vit4r..1t ,. , . „ ‘ iimr. poop!O bestrioa,--tiiy„ tittle:tate • ,.., 110,1..sitt,bati, tray. The ,Obsevanco . th:a aa_p ar,„ not hs-eden At, the trp• sown to,leginnOcroPs, in.•Gann,da,,. on.y:by.:Lnett 6.1 toe in *trod:tieing, them, to , ., ',.. . ". - • 'inoculated- seed. The BatiCtrio:oglSt.' i . •.' .., , .--7.÷,-.O.,.-.- . 4.mil ,leade&witil they frilit,. ire lolly ' •Iletithlears. ' This is' 'worth While; • I,t --'.: vi3f the :Sabbath ii the stibject of the :, end seal thO, thannely,through erbleh abOut.,84),(0 sews. hate been Otorii , the nvar diet: .. . .‘ • - AndPf.4.aati:&r4at.'is"Ork anti IntipPy. the, re: , , 'MO a better *tunic Mid. I hope - fourth ComMandaterit.':• It • Was: -eii.4 .tratorl is" absorbed, . .•., -... -.. •,... . . ' ' • ' ' ' ' . points Out, in his', latest report; -.!hieht . '•:Go, 'over . your ,plants : dniting ottin AS thent'bettei et;431,6,.. ' Be'ides 42' c dentiy.gten0 an old ettablished cue, ' -.rt., ,. r tom; but It' may,„'have beep negletted. .. Adviee• ' . ther gi.. '",Pg'S'"ti."(4:11149671'14 i'etietk Alia 'Lite tz' •everr*: • ' II' •bt1::' • --Alit ThOrn: r• , . , ., . • , . . renewal .itit, acquaintance, this r,.: eerslartind'Pletts7.,- 7';''ttititig-th4lharkiEtettAthe-g tiairtqou4ealaudod,uty.uk.01. a ri.e.ttTe.; : ',„ : • Manch,. pork.,_&t,,,,_AstiFtilty: ..Ottawai i (Jed flower to pros-ent.- the fOrmattou - • T, , . .. ,' 4,......,...,,„_,..„_„...„. • • . . , andmuchinspiration, ' ' ,i, • .. owittoknu., it it, to ta. a_ lady da dar,i,., , Anil It stingsfor pyaur ,pitie.; that the value of 1O0044419 iii-g-i'Uidi, . ,.... :1 of u.i-4-4:7-,-Ici,.:•.st 1•,;ant 1333v6-1313t--oneH'-'-'77-11•Afierahetiiiinit.-- ' : 4 ref, 4PAtt trent other 4tiiiit'for' thehigh- Oraai) It like a- Mari c't metit'e. : .rakiir Preyed- hi :CUM& Mid' ers...11gOtierti.l. low:ring . period"; it - left' to t q ni,istre., me.. Geatent..sail..,04 •00,,,., , 0 0dthat the. .hoy:and gle'reeelitserVite. ot. Ma, and .1t4'• is, to • ha 'a . atty. .' • Alta it soft as. eittt remains.. ' where., .Iteporta from farnieis lii Ca'fi:' I Manage their eidll trairat,' Alt 9,, f th.,,.,,,eit feSser of 'teglfah' iv Eithvoilitil.o, 'rod '• , ske '' ' ..,., O. rest fen 0/1 who labor . It i, irked ..... . • ' . ‘• , • ailii'idietr. that (letill.itO hetlefit hal.11eF•ll energies •wil be eipaldect.. la toe Pre": lege! °that la yourycli ma.ko.u.4...1 • ', it ' ' 6 P. jnisiOrs et MIA in . the' " . ; • .q., litte..(tt lo# with the st.t4t of erea."'Tis tbe $Aiitti *fgt. 00min:in natures: . derived from it. ' It 'IS SPeelaili int.'i auction of .Sosed,' All'a reknit 'they will of the .tettri 'gent,' WIT1 7,4.ial. be gtIo& Pe a d ger '''.4160",tfitlerit, . 1 Conid ,, , The fightwad„ , •I twin, hot irt, Dolt.,•, 5 r,,./446 the: rea'sott tree Pont kiiiiiii:`• AO' 'rebel: . Portent in ruiner illittriets tviesresood-•44re hnt,/itii' dowers attet-thoft• dret . C' 11 etpw.ift to, me t!'.:.... nin.tthig::' t ... ri to deprIia tlient ofl , • . - , ' . •' • ' •• 7.-"--i-,! `.' forrits observaike is einip..!thitt thy tt , • .it ,.g..,i • . . .....1..,,la . . ... , i . .: ..:- • • .tc; . -. -• 4,,,a,.,• -t . ..1 .. . . „ .. ........... .,.. , .„_•„,, ,. , .01:ktitt. Y.- ' IStet,; aid they MO . •shil--W466Y0t I 71_,_._Lre: 11t41 the ceull'••• .Mitinictvatit and thy roax4erl'aut.uuty . • • • . - • , And the vogues:obey •••ott. well. " . tweed clover Are Anstledeseful. ....witheat° 'their ,g4.0.a. vroductug intent and they .'csehy...' prot,i4Aor.." cii,1" mItion, ....it it be tong. • a itineg graters. .. • - i mg of u fa.fa IQ ,otoyor, i o'.0 ko and , buret of b_ m. BUt ps., rt, Item n oregent ''''`'. ' ..• • •• - , .,• it, wen. 1 1-40P them tivnt tiie,i try g,e„t.fer„.it,to hutigu.'" , . • , k.,it al we us ow, -Mtn/la-ft also: ' ' , : , ....• , • • t • , ,111, tintOilIrla-'',..,6 ,u9F' ,....q .0. 13Er- 3/..;142.41-; Lev. 10-•,;.a.;' jetetti,. 11 I97, .-1.''''er.t•es *rittert On a Vitale* in ittaltei itiddttlatitt.n* T116 inetenpect redittang4*ilt try to got tyo #tigt it you, by ; out rs,.0 futhyv,.. that lacItii obent ttio. ,,.._, .,..„ ,,.k...._, , .,,,, *tat thee lier boys and girls ',-ere' • , , * i Lui, . , 111.0,4. jeigoi 601bi,t,t., ogisr.:, tto •attett.etoned the street -S.,' . ' . 58i, 1344 ' ' • I react ' " • ' • . . • • ' ' I Of I teltArai tied cropn: to whit*: .killing, hiontoming again. • :,, • Ithlixin Or be141-..getitlettaitt". '.• ,.......... ,.. very „narrow limits. For instance, economical eanditiops demand that the moisture content of bitter be net less than 15.6 per cent., while butter eon- , tailing More than 16 Per Cer.t: water or leas than 80 per cent. fat, ie.fillegal. •The asilfoontent of butter is also tory important ioa.xnuit be carefirltly regu- lated. Every detail in the process of inakitig butter ofhigh quality:fulfill- ing all marketing requirements is de- scribed in the near bulletin, Which may be obtained' front the , Publications • Breath of . the Dept. of. \ Agriculture; ' (#hti*fl- • • • .. . The Berry Pasture, tel 'You hove to find the, ,berry It's on my grandpa's' farin,, and' up /113h3 - ' • ,Throtigh piney • woods 4 twisty path leads to -it, ' You'll find:,its, if you really Want to "But , more intOittenittitin le the