HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-08-19, Page 5•!!
1. •
IIUIIUJ 111111111111111111/1111111110118//1/1/3/1/1111///111111111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111•1111411ili114111111111111111111111
ere is.a.World. of satisfaction for the farmerl-
,in, „the use pf: twine. that runs. srtfoothiy, in his •
binder fr'orr beginning to the erid-v'of harvest.
'gh'e Good, Old Rcliable
• even- and strong throughout, ind is more econom..,
ical. to ase than".„shOrt4erigth twine.'•.The length is
guaranteed•hy,;the ,tag pp..,ev4y halt of Plymouth. ,
nseet Repellent
Fin real twine tatiSfaCtion, there ngthingike
the genuine.Plymouth
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Illi1111111111111111111111111111111ililittlit;r61111111111111 llllll Ilii1111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll 111 r
, All etata" are 'placed: • ,
a • netuke/IP -•.• •
Yili-rt-ofile.,,,Ipetivicii,„.-4 •
that,yen.have .
ationuOY.OP ride. No
u'pright. as in the
oltllaskionect ear: .
ir womovi
-4-1,TCTION .0et-IM•FP
0.50.ati101i1)%aobt%'Vtilarro.sit4,Proporty 14 the
There will Le onered for anIe by
•j...atty.)noef 44.‘ktu...g..tip .0149121: -!..17.i411,4t11:1443(4.irrog.:1;
flu o'f,lockin .the afternoon, at tile
-(lear;.;..,3 A, Siddall, in the
1y riLtc of the px‘ei. :.:c",t sale in
n certain mor,,gage which „will be
ornd:,end At the §:Ale, the follow:nig
.proi,erty: Lot.; thir-
k{-five-irt the :fifteenth, PoncesSiozi Of
• the l'n:wikalkzp;'etlenlIvoes•-in the- Conn,:
ti .Britee; • .•
he fo:-owing : proven) en ts are
under cultivation ilaneer.
orchard,...hfildirws aro,
a fru:). e and conent nem e, not 'quite
fin'shed, and a frame, 'barn, ^
TERMS -Ten. p' - cent. of tbe pur,
chase nions'Y to be Paid. down at the
tin -e or :MV.e. PQr, thalatiCe; terms will,
he Made ,kiroWa at the sale. , •
". For funkier. •nart:;:tilars • applY .
Jones. 8k*,;Letinard, SOpiters, 18 Tor-
onto' Sonet.• Qr to (41e01Al.'
'A.• Lucknoiv. ,
777" • •, • „7".
t9. is .hei eby given; • pursuant.
• .iS ezitritul6ts' Chap. 121 of thth:itei
)eons ,having cIains Ogainst the
-..istate of Lydia' .11,1aria MatKinneu
de:eased, who died or about the
,wenty-fohith day of July, AO 1926
..tt the Township of ,Kinlass in' tbt
.'..minty' of ,Drueett int the 'Province:D.!
3ittar;o, are reqnkred. to send by, post
or to deliver to 11. yanstone
,ffingham, Soli,Ator 'forthe execut-
ors, on or before. the- thirti-first da
„af. Autst, AD: 1926, • their names
*,•ind ridd.e_,Ses, • Wi ih.full parti,c,nlarf
n writing; of ;their. claims, and the
aathreet the SecuritIes (if any) • held .
by them duly Verified bya statorl
declaration., , , • ,
AND take take notice • farther that /af-
ter the said .thirty-first day of. Ang-
ust, ,1926, the said executors will pro-
eeed to. distribute the assets -or • this
quid estate among •the parties entitl-
ed thereto, hay'nig, regard oreyto, tho.
fdaittus cf which they ,,shall • then haw
had netice; and • thesaid. execUterf
thfzI not he Fable for the said assets
;r: any nart theieJf,•to, any person o.
* ;hl
e.leived notice. ,
D'Al'ED''.nt Winoham' this tentl
: day of August. 'A.D.: 1926. . ' ••••
R. ''VANSTONE, 'Wingharri, .Ont.
•Solictor for . the Executors
268-e. • • , •
•1.W11,. .11ET
. ---
mre, jobA -Rutledge • and 'son, of
Brussels, are visiting.* the home of
her brother, Mr. Geo, 'Garton,
*rt. 'and• Mrs. H. S. Naylor, 'Mrs..
Emerson and • son Mr. A'frea. Emez.,-
.3.30„ metered to Acton on •'$.linilay.
to attended their cousin's funeral.
*I.'. P4'10._...4 ./-cePPNY. J!ag' ...°Tirl,'
InCined hia „rail threshing,
lpster TimAnti7 Le of TO.rc'ilt°, ',-
,yisitirig,..4.iihe home;of hiuttinelee,
Kerir-th. Weaver,. - • . l'i•
AVidie rp aying *lurid on. Sunday
....n . accidelkt, Be fell on the Cement.
- and' his heed, was seriously teat. ..Wc
-tope .for , a speedy ,iinproVegtleat- . .
. , ?,fr. ,iforold spatiing .. sen. ,th!'
week -end in Kincercline. '''•
Messrs. ' Jai; Patterson and Jesepli"
']aunt have i Purchased POrtt'ears,„ '4
Mise' Annie...4:. Kennedy 0. viftos,
iiQsiiitsi, 14ninAnn; .is visiting at her
home here. " ' •. •
. 'A very successful Aullting•., 'was
heTd in the Presbyterian Church, last
Wednesday,' when four' quilts .Werp
cOnniletect by the W.M.S. and Mis:
sion Band for :the Missionary Rafe,
Mt; and Mrs: Robert • Ross ane•
t7ltildren, Mr. and Mrs, W113, J. Con: -
ter: and children .speut -last -Wednes;
day at Hayfield. ,
'.•Mr. Roy:Aitchison Of Elora, is vis-
ainp, at his home, here. .. .
:A yery•geocrball- gem e , WaS.lielii :at
Langside On ...Thursday' evening, Thi
Whitechurch girls. defeated the Lang-.
side- gitia at stoftbal4 the score be.
;nil 40-81, The Langside boys 'de:-
feeted the Winteelkureh boys at base,
ball,' the score being 14-10.
. Miss Addie Rosa of Toronto;'
spending .her. holidays at her hoine
here., . . • . , _.
• A. very successful.: quilting ' was
held in the;United Church last week
when' three quilts , were eatnPleted b3,
the W.M.S. 'Ter . th:e Missionary ; Bale .
,. rfEleigh;
, • '-----7, ,,, , .
Anniversary svrvi:es will ' he . held.
In Calvin United Church on ,SupdaY
August 29th, When the Rev. J. I.Jaii-
••••,111 Murray, B.D., of Toronto, wi.1 he
the preacher.
' ',Mies Vera ' Todd returned oa Sat-
_., .
, , .
•1'4y -froiri Vineland,,, -Where She has
,egri jacking fruit for 'ieveral weeks
Mises Zylda and Dorine Webster-
.,..vere. visitors at 'Kincardine" _Beach;
,:ast • Week; as the , guests of Rev. and
Os. Seobie, at. their ,eott•Wge,
..ja.,y*::e.tR°1i3ria'Ahlothici7Philere,Pebillertprae .• 1 elae:Vi 9- :
. ,
T'-'1)4TI VOV1T Ith 110/
t 4
, .r.irdeetet4-.
l l
31 A NG
dittida':Firs.t‘High-,Speed .
Wuropegirtr'rzipe. Light. ear.
The distinctive bodylines of the New Overland Whippet resemble the
.smartest custonbuilt automobiles of America and 'Continental Europe. '
Stand in front of this car and you can iar-oine yourself on the bOulevards
_ • ,
• of Franc. " • -2 • •
, •
It will travel 55 miles an -hour in perfect comfort ,; . . pick-up.in 13 ,.
'.• Seconds from 5 to 39 mites an hour . .. go 35 Mika on a gallon of
• gasoline . .. over ago° Mile:3,0n gallen of. oil... '
Measured tests show that the Overland Whippet, with its 4 -wheel brakes,
• Fill stop in two ear lengths' from a sPeed of .25- Miles an hour.
The Overlind 'Whippet is 5 feet, 8 inches high . .not AS tall as the
.• ' average man. Yet it'provides pore'reoin and comfort than you've ever
*found in any. automobile of this, class before. • .
entralGarage Lucknow, Ont.
'fss'Catharine !4e•-. ;.
• aria Miss Mar,01
limn, have loon euests
Mrs., Gardner,• 'during Ciie 'Past .Wi.ek
' • Mri, Ma,,Kny of, Sask.,... MStet of
' Mr. Rtaph NlIttkn, W*119. Ji 1- • iprilt ',the
lest l'uontit he e, w Ui lea-Ve'OnTiitirs-4
day of, this e Li: • foir• tier lioau in the
'14 est. ' - • '
:Urs. An,sea yin4; : Of Hanley..
.iSask:; who has ;spent the lest tliter '
-weelzs with friends liere„;retarne‘l ti
h,er home on .Z.16day,'Inst. • ' :
, . .
Arderso;r ef Loadon
it the gue,•t t 1.,pt M.S!'114, 111
• prO,JtIt.:*
Arst: •telitt 1.„f • 3•N,.-
..To:'orito Ni,hero she.
Of. her • mt.:Nit:on, • •
. mI.
Mrs; :Fred !rpp•rat 1o,rihl. 1:•,1;tti
0;de, and . Are srt'U'd1.±..r:t!',t 'f,?,!.y..,d,ty•
.,tititit , •
John 'Andreir, -W•bo bus
Cont.:tied. to' Iled
on Monday mornhir:
th,6.0, hunttif her son. Ti it, Card.
reel.; She riti 89tii •V(iar.
• • •
to -',a new Potd
are •smiling ,nt 'Joe the3.
Jettsie Andreui s Otiting",with
trlodt t 'rent -Joni this tVoett;,:•••-•,.
Ritellit., arid titio
•;e)e%•11171;1..7's frkt*
t..••in ',Waite* of ,WaIkerville,, are the
of friends in the. neighbor-
, t -A week.
F()1.' CONi to:st.oz:s
. • .
"nrd Mrs. Haslara .01". Toronto
n; a fow'. duYs at Mr.. .1,
Nict..',eod's,Ion the Sixth.. :
3lr, John , Little of LiStOwel,
41 with hi S Mother, Mrs.: -J. Little, or
•the• Fourth. •
Mrand', igts: ChaS'.e,,Stepltentini ok:
-11!itro'.t,, %tete .rts:itors,at. the. home of
Mr.' and :11:4:s..B: Brackenridge, ,ie
• •11, .
• .11i8;: Chrigtenn• ' Robertson., *he
-.7'rent• t'q$. lasr: y WesltS With friends
• h t , Fo'ni.th;t- ret:trrned t9. her., home.
•IL rt.:1 Vi D Grahata Spent.
S;intle,V. ' h • Mr: and 11-ht.4. ‘Mac.,
.:t.factkougal: has ,kane to the.
;1.1, intends ,4taYii4g for
0- Cut", toailting • '
anti Mrs; Wesli.',y Robb of to
'411:411, tprid, Sunday with 'friends Oh
Fotirtkr. .
• ,..1.1".4fiketinezatui ChriSteria Thnn
NititardIno„ i pend in „n• their'
-at:01y ivith Mrs.' It Bain on- the
•*Nirs,. Edgar Robb of Win
plpeg, visited nt the home of '•.‘fr.: W..
Robb; ittst cek. • ' '
Ants 'Kathleen Middleton• of Kit-
el•,,,oner,;,speat jast.,,tvek at Air.Go
Aliddletott's, • '
.Melvin Swath of TOtorifo.
llia,grandpeteittni,Z'Xr a4
Mr. and Nits. n nit and ttZr, An s'114000bahlt •
4 1
11 .1. .1 •
‘' ,•'. '
Master Robert Irvine: had his -.tori:
sils removed at .Winginain ilospitai
siItI•iiwseeLkOre' n N.* •
.s visiting ;it -Mr. 'Will. Irvine's. '
. Mrs.: A. Atinstrang,: Of • London,.i.
A!.':Pending a couole of Weeks With rel-
atives here.
Miss Beryl Johnston, who has beer
.in Muskoka the past:month; relairkt',
home, 'Sunday. ,
.MiSs, Belle 'Andersen returned; to
her lionse in I..cnclon,
Mr i and ' MM., J. C. Stothers -and
son eftonden, carne ' TharsdaY.
'and *..e, at Mi. II: Horton'S'..
MiS 'Sit:tilers' who • had beer.
visiting , her son, Mr. S. IT.1-Stothe
at Essex, ' retnrripd home with them
We • tf'i-,g'ratulate oar former Retires.:
:atative upon • seenring;a better: post -
ton; even th9n4lit''We shal iiiss hi
genial' Presence? 7 '
The Blake's Peopleheld,
wee'.k• night 'meeting- the
head, -at Kintall,- Thursday, evening.
.riiSpe(-tor 'Stothers Of London, • war.
preselit and addressed the meeting
and ‘PaTtrier Kilpatrick: ga,„ip an 1p-
teresting ,talk-‘ttin-:trees, :the topic be
a nature study. . Announceinent8
hy the President, Cecil.. 'Johnston
Were followed by conuriunity singing
7ind a' weenOr • roast., There was a
good, attendance and aiverirpleasant
eveningwas spent:, " • t-
, Mrs., Grace Webster, of neaii Luck -
now, is Visiting. her 'daughter, kis.
Thos. 'Blake. •• • •
• Misses ' • Lenore Logan of%. Ripley'
and • Edna Narieekiiell of Ingersoq
were guests of Miss Olive' Anders0,
O.,er the week -end. -
MPS. J. Petrie Of near Dungannon
.14.8, M. .Skingite and son Charles.
;t Chicago visit& at S. J Kilpat,
rick's :On 'Monday. ' • •
,Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Curran and
family, with • a number • Of friends
,handserna • Studebaker car.
had a iicni.eiri.,:dildoeLich. on 'Friday.
Mr. Isaac Cranston has purchased
. .
Drugte1s,4--Spi.`10th.Oet: 1/
Cape Crokei-Oct. 5 -Ott; 6.
Clitsley-.,-Sept. 21.22.
Durhani;---Sept. 28-24;
Goderkh.-.7,.Sept. 840,
lInnoVer--Sept„ 1648.,
Kineardine,,-"Sept. 28-24.
Lion's Head -•Sept. t29 -30L
• MildmaY.Sept. 21.22.
Pinkerton -Sept, 24. •
Port Elgin -Oct.' 1-2
TTR aei Per s4eiv..- "tY rte- P5t0t: c62t!. :25%. .
TiVerton-Oct. 8`..' •
tinlerwhod-Sept; 29.
Wiartotf,,-Sept. 21-22.
Winghem-,Oet. 740,
big Whislie3/ Still he:Longa to Mi Sig-
t,r-ahrte:se7s:telee:: ,t a9' tTh,.5.'411 C_;.,•:lacPahte; .quite brOught . Out at a trial held before
...1.).er4.3tifrre76,4117.0, 'oanPr3r $74 and te
eiittir tear:tilt fho a4a141111gI
will not lOW ., tathe outfit i .
aW 4 this Paltry loge, whn. they
The" Department , of padie works,
Ottawa; haslet the .`centrac.t' for the
reconstrnctioa. inconcrete.,Of the east
end of the , north'. pier Ara length of
500 feet t6 Meeirthr Looby • and llifer,-
,gher, of Dublin, Ontario. Work: will
commence at owe •
The current number of the Ontario%
Gazette: contains, notice of the :op:,
Pointment of Miss 'Edna Webb, of
Goderich, to be Deputy :Registrar of
the surrogate Court, poinity Clerk
)f ,the County Coprt•and Deputy to
cal Registrar. of the Supreme Court
d Ontario in and -for the county of
. Miss Nina Sharman daughter Of
'34.7 and Mrs. :Wm./Sharman, who
suffered terrible injuries in a street,
ccident,,in Detroit- last 'week is re-
400rted-re:overing. Miss Sharman
tstepPed out from behind a parked. car
right in front .of a moving ear. She
sustained sIrulI fractures, three ribs
broken; and :tWo bones broken in one
nriii. Her condition was at'
Op:night hopeless.
AsgmgLD Nfnks
ng Miss ,VOs Rutherfordt ' 311,,a. in
,clieff on Wednesdayafternoon, at -
;tending the Skinner -Cole 'Wedding: .
Mr. Currie of Goderiek visited his
'Elakighter, Mrs. Dupla' Phillips.
Miss Fareiice 'Mndivide of
hanl, is the guest of her -friend, Miss
*he: Woods. • '
Miss•Ruby -stinkney, of Guellhis.
vis;tOr with Mise Gladys Webb.'
: Mrs. Jas. Gaunt 'is recovering from
baVing her 'tonsils' removed .at the
Wingham 'Hospital on Saturday,
' Miss'. Helen ;horn is under the.
doctor's cure, Owing to blood Poison.
' Mr. , and Mrs. •Donald Clark. and
'Colin, have left for a visit at
'Westfield and Milierton,before re -
'turtling to their home at ' Ottawa:
John:: Webster spent , a. • few
days at Montreal and otnee .points.
Re took the boat trin ironMontreal.
'Mrs. .Joseph Smith is visiting 'bei:
son-in.:law; • Mr. 'Beyle ,. at Holyrii0d,
and will ittendthe marriage .of her
granddaughter, Miss Pearl Boyle, on
the .19th, beforeshe returns betide:
The funeral of the late Mrs; me.
"whose death took 'place
at the home of her son, Richard, last
Tuesday, -was held to the St.. Helens
Cemetery on Friday, ,
• Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie Webb and
children and Miss Annie MacKenzie
Motored to Guelph. on tThursday for
a few days, visit with friends there
The late 'Mr/ Wi.liam :.Weathep-
"head whose death took place on
',August 4th, 'Wits , born Sixty-four.
years ago* onthe fartri. on Which his
brother Louis resides'. Eighteen years
ago, with his mother (who has; since
died) and his zister•EmilY,•he moved
to the village of St. Helens., Of a
'quiet disposition, Mr.' 'Weatherhead
possessed a 'wonderful inte le t and
his knowledge of ancient history. Par7
titularly was fait, above the average.
However, he was ,handieapped-brill
healtW Never of A ragged
den he 'failed to recover front. an Itt-
tack. of the flu in ,the spring; and
gwradually became weaker. He leaves
three brothers andone slater,' Mal -
cairn of Michigan, Louis; Frank and
Nelenst • The funeral.
lerviCe w,ast,cenducted :by, Rev: Chas.
•CiiMming Of the 'United Church. The
following pall-bearers.earried 'him •to
Iiis last resting 'place in Greenhill
te-qiotetsti-DaViefodd.,"iiiiA:-* -
Sinith, Wm„ McQuillin, Wallace Mil-
ler' and Ned. Th9tn•
In theet new bungalows you :never
knoW,Willielt is the Ititcheri arid Whith
the. elothes cIdeet. •
T:lie\astoriishing thing about Eve ist
that :.slie..landed -.the first- man io
gulaly wjthout PO%
Misses Alice and, Annie Brown of
,Detroit, returned , -to the city, after a
ouple of weeks' visit at the home of
eir nncies, the "rbt
- Mr; and WS. Lorne McLennan Of
Detroit, , motored up and spent a few
days visiting with friends in Ash-
field. On their- retain: they Were ac-
companied. by 'Miss' Annie MacDon-
ald of "Paramount, who will ViSit. in
Detroit for 'a week or SO.
Miss Annie MacDonald of, Hamil-
ton, is spending 'a . couple of . weeks'
vacation with friends :in -Lochalsh. .
Mr: Kenneth. MacKenzie of • Sar-
wartn'-uis Aa sfhfiid.
for few days,
with f
Mr. and . Mrs. So'. AliteIntyre ,and
their friends, Mr. • and Mrs. Franki•
of London, ,ontnro up and are vis-
iting at the home of • Peter :AdacIn-
tyre; Hemlock City.
Miss Amu MacKenzie who
been taking'. a suinmer course ,in Un-
iversity work at Toronto, ,is spend-
ing .a couple of weeks 7at her .honsc
•tihe. 15'th
son, • a daughter. --Congratulations. •
Inst.; to Mr. and; Mrs. Ewart • Jamie-
' .
.cecii Rabb , is off work ibis
World.milcnt.ineut Annual kTeeilivaiSAttrkettea• tee lieFe*:=430 per..
New.thastio ("vernmegtAsthhnit to Ili cis:masa this vest.
192p Ditte-
ere and Tliere
• Salta,* exports 'from , British
Volumbia. amounted to . 1,571,900
' OAP's/ the record for several yeara-
• past, ;,Shipments in 1024, were 1,525,-
• .009'. eases;; .929,000 %amen- . in ' 1923:
94,(109: cities: in. 1922 and .939,990
eases, in401,. • .
por the first time in Canada, a
avert known as the !`mountain
sade,"was' performed at Revelstoke,
DX., on Friday, January '29, before,
hundreds of visitors to the., start of
Revelstoke's twelfth winter carnival.
:"Glissading" consists Of flying dawn
, Tough uneven. mountain Sides on skis,
Froin Augtist 1, 1925, to January
31, 1926; 8,182,198 bushels, or about
one and a- half Per Cent.' of the 195,4
•637.112 bushels of grain shipped by ,
the Canadian Pacific "Railway went
y he 01-4-.4 route. Abetit Aire.
eighth, or 30,216,134 bushels triveP-'
led through the port. Of Vancouver
• and t the. balance of 85 periCent waa
Shipped vie Fort WiiHam. .
'• '
Week with, blood.. poisoning in his
Miss Alice Harrington spent :the
week -end with her • friend,„ Frances
MacIver. ••'
Mrs ..1 Geo. MacGillivray is quite
,Sick. pr. Balfour isattending-, her.
Mr ., John., A. MacDonald' of • kin-
.catdineo in assisting. his eon, john,
with the harvest: '.
Bost of the Flowerdale for!pers;
have Started to cut their oats.
• Miss Edith Garin*. of St. Heeni.
fMent a few , day* of lastweeh with
.her friend, Lizzie Hodgkinson.
. kr. :and Mrs. Douglas Graham:Mid,
3irs. Duncan .-Grahini were visitors
at W. 1'..1gactionald's 'the first of the
week. • • :
Miss Saralv•Macp.ter, wha has h po
sitiOn,in LucknOw, spent Sunday at
• . Miss' ,blarY 1Strathdee, Satobps.
been :attending &mast • School; in
b.:pronto, is visiting .at the .horne.,of
her brother, 'Charlie: • • •
Mrs,. Mary MacLeod' of •Lncknow.
spent Sunday at the home of her ti-
ther, E. Hodgkinson.
Quit e a. large crowd, attended the
sale at:the late Mrs..DF McKinnon's:
Everything Went for a geed price.'
Mr. and, Mrs. V. Emerson and Mrs.
,ii. Tiffin visited 'friends in Moorefield
on Sunday. ,
• Langsido ani i Whitechurch girls.
:played :softball- last Thursday- after.
noon, •The Whitechurch girls won
the' game. In the -evening the:White=
tharc boysplayed the Lang -side team..
The I.angside team being the victors.
:Miss Jessit ,Dilekering of Moore-.,,,
Emerson. • •• ' • '
Mr; Dave Scott of itiPleY, is ,openti=
Ing . a few days. at his borne, here, as
he had his knee hart ,while 11144411g tt
horse. . • .
Mrs. E. Mditis gormerly Mu fa*
Hill) end , children of Chicalm Art
ViAitint-wit.14 siut 14n4 t Hill.
Why shouldn't
• you?
Make. • up . your mind
to s‘e cu r e the, trade
of. the $ u fitin e r cot, •
'thges • near Jewri,:: this
year.1Th4ilt of :all the
things they will be buy-
ing! Why shouldn't they :
buy ,them from. you? In :
the City they 00 used to ,
Five hundred Montreal school c.hg•-,
dren Will give a Conceit .on the con.,
eluding night Of the triennial con.'
• !mace of the National Conn* of
Education, to be held in Montreal.'
from April -5 to 9 The speaker for
the•Occasion will be *it Wilford
Davies, wellknown' authority On
national and school music.
Under the auspices of the French
Government, 'the French universities
and flo Philippe 'Roy, commis-.
:dotter -general of Canada 'in France,
a term through -France has . been,
• . '
arranged for this summer, starting,
In •Quebee .ori May ,26 _with. the de-
partire of theCanadian Pacific liner
•• Empress of Scotland.. • I
•phone.' Call them, even
:using . Long Distance
where. necessary and tell ,
..them *hap yciii can do
for .thern,' Remind then
that • for week -end par-
ties you can give hem
Prompt deli:very..
When they See how ea3Y
It its to ordei. from you
by telephone' they will
likely -prove good, p)..
'torneri au-stimmer.
riilp.and naner uoar6 Irvin can.. t ?reek on unday.
oda' during. 1925 were' viiued at
II154,555,951, as compared with $139. -
491,469 for the proviaus year. News-
print produCtien for 1925 was esti—
mated at 1x6,060ii too,. as emu-
pitredtwith 1,852,994 ions for. 1924, -
This is twice the newsprint produc-
tion of 1918. •
• Mr. , and Mrs. Fester and Son, and
M. McCormick ,of Toronto, are
spending their holidays at the home:
:of Mr: W. C.' Smith.
. A 'nnmber from here °attended the
:Kineardine ,Pavillio,n last Friday �v;
ening,: and all reported a 'splendid
The Junior Institute hod their'an-
nuali. meeting at. :honie ilie
'Sfisgee. Laura and X.exy, Bell. On Sat-
• arday afternoon, . last.: After. the :bus-
iness was ' conducted a/ dainty tuna-
. was served by the hostess... was
• decided that the next Meeting he
held ' in the Ladies' Institute' Hall at
Holyrood, on the second 'Saturday
September., • •11" , . •
'Mr: Ed. Haidenby, accompanied by
his two sister, Blanche . 1114.J:cantle •
attended the shower in honor of Mr.
and Mrs, Herbert Carter at thehome
• of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon, :piv-
tprsdale; on *inlay evening, last,
. A very quiet wedding 'Was • ktlemn-
tied in • Ceibeurne Street Vnit..td.
Church Partonage; ••
Saturday, JtilY alst,' when Dorothea
•M,, eldest daughter, of Mr.
Brown, '11...iver1da1e; was •united in
marriage to Mr. James Herbert Cer.-
ttepr, el daer s te r sonof G
otr:Ie .1:n0 e
. nkn,d
het. Ont
.and .,11,M„ Carter, will leave for ti&
*est on 'Friday. meriting, August
• !
• , ,
.Mr:. and Nirs: • Wilfred- Drennan'
Spent •Sunday With Mr; ,o4. MI'S:, M.
'' I'd; Urek.neti'.
Spent 'itte"Weektend at, her ho uc
-ffgi4p :t Donny..
Vii. and ,tert. Reed and •
- - •
- Miss
t,Mabel Reed. spent Friday with
rie•nds- in • Dineva/e„.•'
NI • n'a f
. ,
. n4 - yeyi iggins o.
are. spending, their holidays
with , friendS 4qe-
Mr.: and MIS. Bert. Treleaven aria'
fondly, , visited_ Lucknow friends on
-.'Mrs. 'Tate, of Saskatoon, i visit.. •
:lig her ,sister,' MrS..
Rev. and Mrs. "Gallagher Of Fort
Elgin: spent the Pad week.. With .
friends here. '•• , ' • '
BORN -=-On .Siniday,• August .15t1t1•
to me. and, Mrs. Raymond'
1St., Thomas . Tinfes,lournal)
• In'regist'irIm: p hotel, • ,the 'bride-
Igroeni' shon.d, ahrays sign, his on
neMe -first, and thenafter gettingiri' •
av to the elevateto; return ;'and,
, .
write "and wife" .after it
'• • Dirit't tell'.strang'ers :that, iloif.re*" .
just.Married. L.'nles; 'they're blind, it ' " •
wijI not, be ueeessalyt, •
• &foie , shakihg yourselves and
'opening 'year 'umbrellas and ". eltib
bags. spread a' goad Sized sheet on the y
Odor. Any .teliable cool .book wilt con-
tain seveivd exCel:pat recipes for pre..„
paring .rice..
. tjtiti`t' become , too :affectionate '' in
'.the. hotei. dining -room, heinember
that .06 othoi guests !have to .pay, •
Jet their meals when the develo.P.
..mclitcat rittackS ,of nauseant.. ;
The., bridekreoini.•Shinild, carry
'rnke Jelogrnm, hipi
!lotiir Aece, for use in case his
•tniirrez.- runs short. '
-Thiy br.ide:fhoutol aprid, picture post
ras' of the hotei.; w ' • reit- she
• • .
to all IlUr i4 friernia,* -with -
..-4;.;.:Isesut1natix tr tle gener-il! feea.,
tion et her and qiurpla's tool*
Don't give• the cOra-iat. int.*, • ' clergy-
He doesn't 'ett:riect mere than ten, and° ,
the Shoat might .prove, too Inh•cil ftio*
Be dc, there's °always; a te1i.-
dent.‘,y ,cri the part htliOgiNthtts to
over7:08timate the serviceg. that prea,`
oiors ppdorit.. Wait untn.tiai Atilt
quarrol and pool', wish Oi. had al1P*4:
•pe Ji "thbta, '