HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-08-12, Page 1• 4 $2,00 PER YEAR; JN ADYANG,*, 92.69 oTtirtwjsp: Lifptriout THIJRSDM A 0 T :SINGLE COPIES 5 CEN TS . A • 0 • 14...4 IN ' PRorrissioirm, 'owns 0,. Pr, W. M. Connell and . $41"6eon'': • " Hours *4*. . 'plioii. 136 ' DEMIST .• 'Od •:.LifehnoW esday, ' Int Dr. •• 'Comiels'e •• •, DENTIST • , Dr, R. L. Treleaven,, Leeknow- , Over ' Decker's" 8 ,t o r e. Extraction either by gat Or local. Will be hl Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53 . ',DENTIST •.1 Call Dr. Newton Make appointment In office evirlda7. D. H. McINNES Chiropractor--Wingbam Will 'Visit Lucknow,,Tuesday mind Friday of each week and be , at Cain's Hotel -in the, afternoons. Outside •alls 'attended to.' • Electricity used also. 9. kviitypOriirS 0 . LOCAL AND "GraticAL, o• • 0, 0 0 0 0-0-04-7-4-4. MiesEdna ' Rivers of .8,eaferth, • visiting her Lueknbje Jriendid • this • week. Mr; ".Brown Mallough of Grimsby, is spending ,bis vacation' with Luck= frieods.,, Epa(I Mr. Earold Ackertand :ittle-sdaughter are visiting at -Hely% „rood and at 1.ucknew. ' The Rev. C. H. /Dickinson of the Ashfield Cireuit was at 'Woodstock for Iiifew daysof this week. 'Fall 'wheat in this part Was cut •,. this Week. Wheat , elating is report- ed also from Southern Alberta. - Mr. R. D. Cameron is in Toronto tbis week iirAnnnectten with work of the ,Itetail. Merchants' Association, The annual tournament of, . the "Luelcnow Bowling Club Will be held, Ofl Thursday Of next week -70e 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland of Hamil- ton, visited for .a :few' days, the plat ;Week, with Mrs. MacCallum and fam- 0 Mrs. Ainley (formerly Miss Daliri Graham) and two daughters spent the past' week with Mrs. Robert Gra- •!Ylf Real Go. A, Estate.---Manr4,-talend:_04w4.11_,Nirs mortgages' oss farm proper. 6" and 61;4 Per 'kent• oCeorditti to asecuritY "• -offered, Also 'inner amounts on second. mortgages on farm properties and On personal tikes. A few good farms for sale • WALL PAPER • Late.st spatternt in stock at _lowett prlces.As cheap as in -eOtalegetes.. Also .book .patterns of leading man- ufieturersi.-.:-.130x, 174, R. J. Cameron, Painter & Paper Hanger,' . • , • ue.know Flour Mill • Hite* What a customer • in. liar; • 'liken site about Havelock , . . • '7 . 114-1*--.eal0704111114.• from 'Havelock •Flour and would be 'reeonimeird. it to anYinte.' sIt • •gives splendid -satisfaction:I". W. E. Treleaven. , • BRASS . BAND . • • saosoow Citizens' Eraao. Bond ,now . 'alma for all " sorts of • engagements- . . • Olden' Parties: • picnics. etc:•Apply: to Gordon* Johnston, 'LimIce0W. • 9-64f * For:, 8a1e-.7-A` number of , 'window •and storm sash with glass in them. „ Apply to D. C. Taylor. ' • •• • 'FARM FOR . sAik • . Uhl 'ACRES -2 .Acres: good ,rnaPla ' bush; brick house 30 x,30 .and 14 •.20; 'Triune, .barri on stO• foundation. 5.0 x.'56';' shed . attached; , • 36. x 40; drive': shed 24 x 20; hen 'Mute. 13 :x •.• 30. Well located, will be told reason7. • ably.. Terms to "Suit .Purchaser: ' • 1544f. • Geo; .• _A.. Siddall. • . AUCTION SALE The executors of the Estate of the •late Mrs. D. D. Mackinnon will hold an -auction sale af the,-eatote effects at, Lot 26, Con. 2, •Kinloss,. on Moo. day, .August 16th, commencing at • 1,2,0 'o'clock. The farm as well as the stock, implements and household ef- fects will be offered for sale. -the farm subject to reserved bid. -John Purvis, Auc. FARM FOR: SALE North half of Lot 4„ Con. 11,' Ash- field, W.D.-Apply .t.O Adam Johnt. • ston, • R. 7, Ltieknow. 19-8-p. ; HOUSE FOR SALE '• • ' On Inglis St., opposite Robert Mul- lin's. Apply on. the Premises or to • . Robert Mullin. -Miss M. ,Mackenzie, 26-8,7p. •-Gad Timothy Seed for 'sal. -1 -Wm. Lucknew. (Opposite Dr. • John- •'" "'ton). ' 19-8-p. and a friend, gr. Jay Ladler, ,were over from Pontiac, Mich., for the week -end. , ••• , , _ • The United Church Sunday Schoe! and ;Congregational Annual I, Plink will be held this (Thursday) after- noon •fit Point Clark. ' Mrs.'Itobt..Cannon, and two child-• . ren, who spentthe past month, at her former home intown, returnee • to Toronto on Tuesday. • • Miss Latta MacKenzie, Who :hav •been with her father, Mr. D. G. Mac- -Kenzie, the past, few months, return- ed to Toronto last'week: , TENDERS FOR BRIDGES • KINLOSS TOWNSHIP --Ake'. Tenders Will be received by the • undersigned up , till the 28th" day of August for the construction of two cement .bridgess.,,,by the cubic yard. • • One . bridge , on the , 15th Sideroad 114 :miles east of ,Lneknow, and the other opposite Lot 2, Con. 12. Plans • will be in the hands Of the clerk, • Geo. G: Moffat, R. 3, Teetwater. Dated August 10, 1926. 26.8-,e. STOP AND LOOK 4' • Mr. Simon, Rae of London, ant! Mrs. Porteous and Mrs. Skinner cr. Stratford Spent the week -end with Mr. and Mil. itobt.,' Rae. NTS- (Dr.) L. Lachapelle and little • son; Lawrence, of Toronto, are visit- ing With the's.foriner's parents, Mt 'and, Mrs. Jas.:G. Hitwey. , The Picture Show: at Brussels hal: been Closed up Mr.Thuell. the pres- ent ,proprietor having dismantled the plant, and stored the equipment • 'Mr Darrow*, whO has been in God- erich the, past few year, has bought Mr.,Frank bole's house ,on Inglis• St, , and will come' to reside in toWii,• - Dr Alf Nekton: of Reed City. Mich, • who visited his father. Di. Newton here, has returned home, af- ter Spending a few days with hisbro. tiler jack it Sarnia..•' Mr; 'Drage Gann** Of Eloraspent the week -end with friends near Luck.. now His children, who have been visiting here, also 'WS. Alex. Woods accompanied hint hack ,to Elora. The 'regular meeting of the Luck flow Women's Institute Will be held at the hOS4, ef Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie on Friday, Aug. 13 at 230 'o'clock Question drawer and care ef flowers:. .1ilarris-s-TWede .----14--Exateir, "-Oat; Angest-Stk. 1926, W the ,Rei, D. ,MacTaVitli, Mr Elmer Leslie Harris; l'nen of Mr.. and Mrs. Vioreas Harris ' of •HolYreod. and -gigiF,TaiLerTriiie7-livikle, 'daughter oi Mr.:and.Mrs'skerbert•Vade of Luck - now. Mr.' and; Mrs. Ifarris 4re Mak- ing their home 'Lizeknow. HOLYROOD ys. P.UCKNOW Helyroed'k'haseball team % which is playing good.ball this year came/p- er and 'engage& the Luckriow: nine Or 'Monday evening in •a fr:endly seven - inning gaine. 'there was a nice crowd in -the -Park, quite a number haVing, come with the boys from Holyrood... It was a lively and clean' gamethro'. out,, the score being held,down to the respectable figures ,of ' " ellow don't make anys insinuations: about' that 4,4. That's out of date.. • HOG SHIPMENTS The. number of 'hogs' shipped from Lick:noir Station during the week ending August 5t11 was 164. Of these 53 were ,select" bacon; , '82 , thiels smooth, 15 heavies, 11 shop hogs and 1 feeder.: baring theseine week tber'e were shipped from points in Huron. County 1568 hogs. Of these 430 were 'select bacon 890 .th.ek smooth, 116 heavies, 11 extra. heavy; 67 shop 'hold's and It' feeders.. .SHF.tELD:;••NOTEg'04-1crm?" •- r. ank Min.; Jack pe:COu Of De trot, are-spending-i-eouple-of weeks - with Mrs. DO,Cou!s.. Parents, Mr. an Mrs. JOhn'Solinston of Lothian: Sam Bradley of Detroit is spend: lag his vacation at his Old home a!' .U14107. " • blacLeitn of •Llithian Wari;ov- or, to Detroit for a 'Couple of•days last Week. •• - •Misg Anne MacKenzie . • ,fe•rSrileila is visiting at the home .f he mr. R.' A.'GrtMt of Hendoek Dr; and Mrs.' E. • Lee :Bender, and Miss Ada, of Chicago, are returning , on Friday after spending a cOuPle Ol. weeks, *visiitind. With friends in Ash- ' . ors. • Will .buckingham and baby are" visiting friends ,on the 2nd of HiosuMsr:rnvriaaninid:IMKririlrii.°1711dasi .JCat Bayfield d• it!'g :3;litshse E:vvIleeen1"4„. MacDonald of • Lochalsh • is the guest i of her sister, Mrs; El- don Henderson Paramount. Jar. and Mrs. Nelson Bushell Mid" daughter Eileen 'of Ifintough,, wert guests, of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards .ofPre.ndMrs.raanidentdc , during tie gthe a Wtdek. lichild- en r • of Kinlough„ and Mrs.,Jas. Kincardine, spent , the •week-ene .pwaitrhamMourn: it), Of • Miss Roberta MacMurray' of'. Brim, . , sets, is the guest of Miss Annie Ket• ST *HELEN /.1little' boy "arrived at therhOme of - ; Mt and Mrs Cann McDonald, re- i'eentlY.--Cohgratulations. • Mr. Jahn Dankie and his Mother of Moffat, ' vinieed at Messes; McDon-, Mr Torrance Anderson'. ,motored from Detroit- on Saturday to spend his •,:vacation • •witlf his ;parents, 'Mr. and Mrs 3 V.; Anderson. Mrs . Todd, Sr, of Wingliare; .and Misses 3/,fory and 'Tens ,Pord. Of MIl ton were visitors with relatives here. Miss Annie Clark is a visitor at Kipeardine.; ' -Messrs-Wilson-and----A1 ,nn -Wood 1 enjoyed A few days camping at 1V47 saga 'Beach, last Week., 'Mrs. Chas. Darnin ,and ions, Wit - ;pert and Jim, motored tO,SOmbin for a few days Visit withfriends there. Mrs . Oa, :,keReherts' is• a visitor With. relatives. in WingInsin. • gis. Hamilton and son Jack of Toronto, were the guests of Mr.. and -Mrs. Jos:, Ramage. . Messrs: •Jas. Darnin and Earl _Went a few days at Inge*: and London: Mins and the Messrs Wea- therhead have ' the sympathy of the, community in the death of their bro- r, Will, last Wednesday, after • a „engthY illness. • ' ENGAGEMENTS , Mt and Mrs John A. Farrell', Hur- on, „ announce the engagement of ,their daughter, Mary Margaret; te' Mr.. A. Kenneth McAllister, • sdn 'of Mrs. A..1dCAlliater and ifie tate Ale. ander MeAllinter of Bloomingdale Ont The rna'itiage will fake placc the thin!, waek in August- : • :MissAnna K. MacGregor, of Los Angeles, Cala, was the guest ovei the *eels -end of her aunt; , Miss M. Csunpbell. She Was accompanied by her.cousin, Mr Ellet McInnis of To • onto. , 'Friends of "Mrs.. Bruce Ganinlie, Elera., who was ,recently in St: Jos- eph's Honpital, Guelph, where she 'un- derwent two 'serious operations, Will 'be pleased to know that she is get- ting along nicely. . • A feature Of the Canadian Notts:in'- , al Ex: this year will be MI Old Time Fiddlers : Competition. The sContest will be ,Oris' September lnd. There will be two classes, one for idistykrs Over 65' years Of age; and the other fer thone between 50 and 65 years: Play- ers -make their 'Own selection., Two young ladies alighting fie Car a few miles. east dt town, the other day; were very nearly tim °e'er by another eat because the:Ydidn't look before going across the road. 'Dile of the ladies Was knocked down .--iand had her atm cut and ' brnited. 'The other was unhurt. The kitties were the Misses Thompson who. are ; at Alex Purves".. The ear they failed • to see was 'driven by Mr. A. 0. smith Winghint; The mishap' fortunate-, ' ly Watt.110t. go getiong as have been, nor at it was at one time re. ported obout...town, We muist leen' to SO* and took bototo moms .0tmos Delicious prea4 ---GOOD for the start; .perfect for the fiish Etead, combines -deliciousness houriF.hmetit . --economy., GOod Brea has all the qualities, Of delicious Bread plus. Atrcefsor • "..‘ 'TO° Hot To -13014r' • We hear this eyery. day Why A make your home and yourself iiiieoinfortable?'":7 •Let'-'ps:SuppIY-Your Needs.' -7-• - Try Our Home Made., WhOle. Wheat and Raisin 36 , " LUcknow." • • • SATURDAY SPECIALS • - • Lemon Aerangpo Pies' : Dundee Cakes Jelly Rollin' ,Flielsea Dona BIAIR' Current Tartlets • ChecOlate' ' Strawberry :Tartlets Sally 'Browns • BRIkg' INAOUR' BUTTER AND -4 .*0AND TiT:BST ii"laCES 11OLLYIKAN'S BAKERY - Phone 1 rertrzW-=..:Am„sres...-..'.‹V..csnsior..,-77-7itzFs*=,*".&xtlArAtv.sin School Days! School Days. .Dear Old Golden Rule Days THE SUMMER 'VACATION Will SOON BE PAST AND YOU. HAVEN'T! YOUR BOY OR oracs CI-OTHING READY F04 THE RETURN TO SCHOOL. LET' US ,HELP YOU CLOTH THE CHILDREN. ••' _ GIRLS LIKE TO. WEAR7--A MIODY WITH, DETACILAD-' LE FLANNEL CUFFS AND COLLAR WITH A' ,p-LETED -SERGE. SEW.. MIDDY PRICED -AT $2.6 & s2.25 EACH; SERGE3; ALL -WOOL AT 75e., 51.25 & 42.5, PER YD. SILK & LISLE HOE. ALL STZES 50C. TO. 75c.. A PAIR. _ rolr.S LOOK WELL IN ;SCHOO WITH A COTTON OR WOOL JERSEY. HEATHER illiCe( BLOOMERS, K H AY - SHIRT AND HEAVY COTTON HO.3E. JERSEYSPRICEDAT 45c. 10 52.85, HEATHER DUCK AT 50c PER ORD; SHIRTS, • KHAKI DRILL:AT 85c, EACH. HOSE 'HEAVY RIBBED, 'COT-. TON AT S0 PER P UR •EVERV• ITEM TASTED HERE IS A 4 REAL VALUE. .„ LOOK and Mrs. , .Alexaader. and Aga ghter, and. Mrs. 7J... Pickering sine. Catharine , of •Detreit, called' friends. in Paramount the past *eek MitaMay johnstent o TorOnto, visiting at her home !in Laurier, 11/44 .Catharine Mittliesen of 'Flint, is. the guest of •,Mn. and Mra, T. 'Brown Of Ansherley.• 4*: Mr. and lgis 4.34 Gibsopand it tle Son spent the week end With Mrs Gen.. Gibson Of Zion. , • The 'Paramount U FW 0 Club met at tin. lielne, of Mrs. Jas.' Wek, ster, for theit..July ineetieg. Twenty.' hive ladies Were present ; The tol call was ails: *red by "Don'ts' in tlic Sick Itotsia," Instrumentals wen, given bni.Mirin Olive Helm. and MrS, Webster- Ms E Headersoa an Miss Myrtle Webster gave a duet 14ias. Webster gave44 • reading,'fi riPtendiii • paper on "The' Advantages of the Farm as ta Place to Live'* 'Wet prepared'. by Mrs Geo Murray Tht, :egg' grading lasts and the. 'political situation Were auttjeAa :Or discus- aion., • CeinmunitY tinging., and Vic trola (dosed ;the meeting;•:The. . , • • August, 'reefing will.; be ,held at the' home of •Mrs : Geri. Murray on Augiist 17th." The roll call will be la 'favorite • • pickle reciee.-Mis.'MeGill, Obituary , , As , extremely /. sad death 'oCeerree n „Kincardine Hospital on'. the ,sty: inst.., when Ella, wife: Of: Mr. !Gor- .. don Prennae..Of Laurier, ,passed a. *ay,. in her 32nd, year. She :hadbeer• ailing for some time, and on Frida3 the doctor advised her -removal ts, ' -Kincardine Hospital; She. died Aust: three hours after ben g admitted: Slit leaves to mourn, her huasand an three vile!' 'children; the ';youngestoi'' which NILS leas than •three years of •age, her mother, Mrn.' 'Alex Mac- Donald , of . Amberley, two ,' brothers . , . • Jim and Hugh; anda sister„ Mrs. El., wodd Drennan; The funeral on Mon7' • day was vprY• largely attended, Rev Dr. Perry, of Wilighem- conductin. the Services.: Interment • was made ir Kintall Ceinetery, Very much , sym-, &thy.' is felt 'for the. berestie& hes- hand andfamily 1 • II:itb„ CLOSE, •CALL. • Mr. Thomas, MacDonald of town. while attending' the • PreshYterion Chureh Picnic at ,Goderich , on Thert- day tif last Nt;eek, took a •walk,dOwn by the harbor and While crossing the adrad ,track was hit by, the Yard engine and knocked down. Pellen. ately the engine was Moving, slowly, and Mr, MacDonald' fell dear, Of the raits. He: was unconsciees for a short time and suffered a. rattier nasty cot On the fate, bet was net seriously in- jured. He was Orme a the time, hal the traity Men' saw that he received cal...Attention an reported,' „tht aCcide t' to his friends at the, picnic Mr MacDonald in soinewhat deaf. A fact Whichlikely accounts for.. his no knowing that he Was near. inoving engine. • • Mr. Ait.....watioLot Galt, was a itor in town Tuesday of this week. Mr,---Watsen will be remembered by e,„ 'for of Luekno*"s• older residents as one Of the real "old boys" of the town.' although he" doesn't yet lot Very old. Ile left.LuckneW '40' Yea - ago, and has been back only Once in ..tlikt* time.. 30 „years. ago. , • :LOCAL MARKET . . HOgif ittiftt*** *,* I., lign t cv t 0 * t 4gato4g4a0•190t .fr, 19444 1-1,414.11Lff • Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Iluinplureys an- notinee the engagementof their' dau- ghter, Vera Clarke, ,to; Mr. Wilbert H. •Haldenby ;of Termite, son *of Mr. and !VIrs.,Heriry Haldeabie Of • Culross the wedding to take .place quiet= ly•diiring the latter part of August. - • :PUBLIC NOTICE , On ,account of pavtrig in the Vil- lage of 'Llicknow, 'traffic from:. the east will be 9detoured south at Tor - fence's' Sideroad to the 12th Con. of W. Wawanosh, thence went and into Lucknow by the Gdderieh Gravel Road. .• 19-8-c. * By Order, , "UNCLE JOSH SAYS" This is the ;flavor that housewives, Avant in the leaf they buy. That 'flav.., or of properly conditioned; Well-bak- ,ed bread. Such as can -bellied in Gold- en Crust Bread. That bread that peo- 'Ole are all talking about and . Getit at .your grocer's or ; eid s DOrninion Bakery, phone 68. SPECIALS. FOR sAirtfaDAY Devil's Food Layer, • Chocolate Cup Ciiket;.,Scons.'Cream Nut Rolls, jetty • choose from at Reid's:, Try Iteid's Delicious Home .111atiC Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cones, ICe Cream Sodas, Sett 'Drinks, Orange. • IIARVISSI'ERSt ;To The West! Travel, 'C.P.R.. Best deceinodailon and quickest route. Tait Jack Munn Ripley, for your ticketi. August 20 :-September 19.6-c: 6/1 the road between 'tneknow said Gtideriell o, Plan on eross.se:tion pap- -or.-FindOr PIOA00- leAVA At The Sop - 41044c I Iv. # is.,t#ic!#811, tinol 0111Ort ,„ • Baker FIRST;iINNUAL. BRUCE COUNTY MIISNALFEFIIVA 'Or 444s4 :- w 44 • tp. SALE .OF STANDING GRAIN An auction tale of, standing Vain • 20 litres-. of barley and 26' acres of oats, on North Half of Lot 1; Con 12, Ashfield (the MacIfftre, ram) will be held on Monday, August 16 Commencing at It 6 o'clock Johnston, Prop., Volott Atot " .• . • .1 -will be:held in the• : TOWN HALL .•• WAI4ipwros rs, daykAugupt_l, Afternoon & •Evening Uadei' the auspices of the , 'County. Junior Institutes, Junior Fanners' Associations and The; , . , Dept of Agriculture. 'Splendid programs consisting -of competition in piano, violin, soprano, "contralto and tenor no1.1 os, .enattettes, duets, recitations, orchestra and Chorus selections., Afternoon:Program commences " at 2,30- P.M- 1" . .• Evening Program commences :n't SAO P.M; ApausSmN • Afternoon 25c., Evening 50c; amily Tfieatre ' SATORDA:14th ''The Street of Forgotten Men." 4. Romance of the Underworld pro - 'heed bY'Verbert-'•13renon. ' Comedy /. TUESDAY-77'1,7th; ' WEDNES;-,-18th, Laura La Plante • . . The Beautiful Cheat"! One •of Ameriea's most •'adorable movie stars. _ :SeriaL "Scarlet Streak," • • • • ASHFIELD CIRCUIT NOTES The pastor will be on his vacation, foe three' weeks. Services tiet day will be taken by kr. Cello :Catha- bell of "Stratfork. representative , of the*Lorti's*DaY Blakes 16.- 30 A.M.; Ilackett's P: On Sndays. August ggneand: the three; eongiegatitaild will warship, "together at 10.30, A.M.' The Service Will be at Hackett's Church, , Aug- 22 and at Zion Church, Aug. go. .•k‘ isters: for these Services" will be an tounced later. ' Peopte's Leagues Will tentinise their regular progranintes • throughout the , mooth,, The night of .-jnotteee meeting' .has been changed from rriday to •Wednesdat. • Rev. R. W. Craw; patter Of Lock- eow United 'dhutch, will be available for any' ethergencY eatis Of 'the :Atli- fiweeklis 4orenztionaH„ititting., the ,pao,. A FREI) SW ELL- vighorineemgrAmtlusgrammr.orasistammengogesnier.emsranstrAndratu IIORNELL--MU RDOCH Di* GoodS, Women's & Children's Wi NEW PANEL CURTAIN -,Used one flat on each , window: Real 'Nottingham Fillet Net Patterns, Regular $2.06 for $1.39. - ' SPECIAL FISH NET PANEL CUR- TAINS --4 splendid curtain with fringe acls the newst style shOw. Regular $2.75 for $1.89. . • • • NEW PANEL CUIZTAIN - Wide width with fringe and a new fancy pattern: Good length and.4 very 'strong curtain. Reg, $4,1)0; Each $2.00. 'A BUSY SECTION OF R041) ' The section' of iSwarnp.road and the hills -to the west: of town,. have been for the past two weeks the sceoe :of great activity. . The steam ! ..shovel •Whieb .did ,the street excnvating . in. •LuelcsioW has been steadily bitind. 0. the hill and loading tlie ela.j; oeto the train of durnp wagons ..w uci. cal - ry, if down .to the Swamp se,:tioii. bringing Able' ;alit et tilt, read op to the standOrd, of a provirtei". highway,' It looks like a ;fine piece o ' work and 'When .cOmPleted; " "'With the ' ,tiSnaf 1 crushed grave surface tli, read Will 'be AI -the hills, cat,down to ail PasY/.. rade, :and the swamp, section ,witli A 28-footi stiffilee; -a tentptatiou to any speed fiend. .. The clay 'in. the hill has Ornved 1:iretty hard.' digging for the Steam shovel, taking every eunee of powo to loOsen it up„ ' '•• . During" the ' heavy rain Of ',St• 'il:eek ago' the-,-expoge4-44,-.404ioti, became; nnpassable for .idhicks of ow kilith With this bit or ‘., wet* •pempleted ' _Luticnew will have: :$01*, .$1)1thdid tools loodirig 194 it. ' . 'MARRIED; 'AT wmpsoR 'ion -0 eil ' • • The bride referred to in the fol- Ioing notiec trom. a Wind= Paper, is a daughter of •Mr. ;and ' Mts.. john Ithwe', of town. quiet but pr6tty wedding ;took . pike 'Saturday evening, Jul Y 31, at .. St Androy'A Presbyterian ,Chureh, • AN hen Mrs. Anna O'Neil, of Windsor,- ho,,aitte the: !wide of • .11r. Garnet kiisson of Sandwich, Ont.• I • "The bride Wa$ be:Orniagly „ rt n gown .of ,Mtie; floral georgette :with a black velvet! hat and: earriecl- a 'bouotlot of 1)ink r,osts and lilies' of; tho •.:She 'wtti;•attended Mrs: EtwtiOd Robinson of beiroii„ anir 'Mrs, Alfred Raxter or ''afid,.vie.h. Mr sioon *as. a'ssisted Mt El. web( Itobinsoo and •Mr. •Alfred Sax. FolloWing the Kirontony, dinneo.- Was served' ti, (ho bridal party,' after which Mi. and Mrs. Sisson left on An exfotiefi trip to northern points. • Thejlwfll esifie At 405 trie street west, 'upon their return. o ,• - AdversitYaill Jeveloi? what 'YouNte g4 in yell; bixt Ova ninnhoost to born Whine% • •