HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-08-05, Page 8• • PRESEI VING KETTLE, N, ALU 4INIJ . Ai1PD. GiRANIT ?W4RR SEALERS,ZINC RINGS, RUBBER'RTNAg, GLASS TOPS;; .JELLY JAit•S' WITH. $CREW..•wOPS,; %t -L13., SIZE, „ UT R CRA a mal, SIZES, 0.4tSS T1. Ml3LERS,. 5c..2. • °FOR,. 25th 10 ; TACH, GLASS WATER PITCH'EItS, 55c r 60c ,. - ., SPECIAL. •; V4L1Ug..YN' dein'. GLASS' . VA SFS, 25c;, FLY PAD 010. FL'1i� SW TS; TQILET SOAPS AI�TDI L UN1 RY SQAPS:r TALCUM 'OWDER, SEVERAL; KINDS; 15c. 25c.i. altptG PADS AND. ENV1 LOPES . SPECYAI GRAS• STRAW HATS TQ CLEA R A OC. . _ _ LADIES' A.ND 'CHILDREN'S UI'fERWEAR AT POPUL- hitt DICES. u :Ott 0' it • ALLIPIALE CREAMERY CREABI B TING STATION I•Rghest. spat prices, ,paid for Cre#in and 'Eggs. We guarantee • service and satisfaction to•all our patrons. Give us; a trial, and. let' 'US ,prove to you that • we are a worth while madrket • CECIL MULLI? MGR.: LUCI(NOW ,UR NG Phone 62 >l „ `IIVRRg i Y, AtIGV ': , tO . 1' • •,7 and' S. balloons t Fuffe Canadian,, 'Demand, • For An 'All' Canadian Product BOy .1i;". and, , js. Tires They `Arp. The RQet•, ,'Market • Cecil; : 11'iulii t. • ° GODDESS FRONT LACED. CORSETS Sized '2i to '27., `'A A. regular , $2.25 :Iiite, .:3r Big Days, $1.69 pair - AT ..BROWN'S", TO ° WINN.I'PEG Plui.haS a tent per mile beyond toallPolitts sit ]Vl ael• - fobs, Saikatchewan, Alberta, , Edidanton; Taenia, $.tu ruern ing iHalf centverniiietoWinnipeg, •plop $20:00to destination. • rtraitte foir-Wlititla via Caaidian National Rya. will leave as followsp (Standard -Thus) t ORO1!"IO (UniouStaLon)43.01 A.M. Ang.18 (midnight Qug• 17),12 3O P i .;Aug 18;10.45 P.M: . 18; 12.20 P.M. Ari3. 20, `' 30 .M. PAug• 2Q; 12.30 P.M. Aug.. 31, 9.00,P� 1 Aug 31,:12.30 P.M. -141ROM-,OTTAWA' 12Ai A.i Aug 18 (n1d,dsht, Aug.' 0) 12.01 'noon Au 11 1 s5'A;nr, An, air ,. ,,,.yam ..�-.. ♦.._ � tars ;4 • II 1 41Y40, IIS ler for. TICKET LGEr a'•. 'ancouver 'I // I ilII,tIII ilIUnI�IIIU��,"IIi%\w �I1Ii i� l,l%di�I%iIItI i ",il...,[1„ x, 11L,:, ` . i l�, JLJ II,1�>IIII'Ii1I1� u ❑. l� 1- l iaa"0IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi11I 11"' " ��alR:n,,d,dra J\\\\ ,i� ,d JJIAk, vj��y� "• •On P n°gaim►--+� , �� , • ��,,- `_ mom„® .�„� Iassae •sermum,`®iar®.eioraii®,®,_mss,Unillimii®.®Isa,aIINIIIIM,®i®esIZMII IIIIENI a� 1 ti :' , /////, n rowth 'f th•e Of , t e port. of Vancouver to 'proportions toss •put •' it on • a level with the major harbors of the world is indicated by the opening in''August and -September of the new Canadian Pacific Railway 'pier. ` The:pier sheds'' area 109 feet wide 'and lie en eitber'hlide ' of a central depressed track area .con-• Cainsng' four tracks. -;A two-storey headliouse the full width of the pier is located at, the shore end and this• provides storage space 'and ,driveways' 'into the sheds while the upper floor has passenger ,handling facili- ties, bagga8e : room and office and atom' rooms. the'cb 'i i ..for rapany s.-steams3hip and . ‘Two railwaytracks and oneetravelling ;gantry • crane will. run along the deck outside of the ,sheds- . on each side of the Pier:' Four'depressed tracks will •be located on. the fill inthe centre of the Pier for the, handling f freight o re h t� to 'and from os 'sliding g mthe'sheds, Continu- ous shdin 'doors ow both doors will be installed; on bath sides Alf tlie„,sheds''so that freight may be. -'taken directly through 'the $hed3 from shi s slings to cars. The 'columns su rtinp the roof on ,�• PPo gthe inboard' bide- of °rthe shed have been net back 12 feet frons, the line of these doors to avoid the necessityof 'closely spotting Y P __.• on r a car*; ,Eight.'marine'elevators will be installed on the Pier—three on each'. side „' and ' two on the outboard end. ,Th'ese elevator's will be of what, is known on the Pacific Coast as the "Barlow” • type,* being so constructed '. that when .the,,;elevator .is lov6ered an, apron will project -out into the sideport of :•a, ship, llying,alongside,' thus enabling freight to'be moved - direcl t y from. the shipto the dock bymeans of:'trucks: Most of the: coastwise . boats' load andunload ..from thdir, bide "ports; while the 'ocean going steamers' •of the' Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with the ex-, • ception of the "Empress :o Australia," use side ports for the loading and unloading' The deck above of silk and of baggage, c above these Barlow elevators will be con- structed of a steel bridge,. which will ;carry two•rail- Way tracks 'and sone crane•' rail: 'Mechanism will be provided i P, ded so that these bridges. may be hoisted very ticaltya distance of 15 feet thus clearing the elevator' shafts. for the operation of the elevator.. Two ten -ton baggagee , ,, elevators connecting the main• deck with th the baggage will zoom, on, the' upper deck of the headliouse will be installed On . theviaduct.' willal`'- there alio be installed one twenty -ton team ole- r vator ;with. a platform, approitimately. 12 by '85' feet,,“ 'COLORED', U IBRELLAS. Silk. • & :Cotton Mixture. 20 -Inch+ frame," 2: steel ribs' 'fancy handle. A r•etrulxi+ $4.00'\ line. '• 3, ,Big ' Days, $2.39. • ;' �ISR ' Al' O'iVL�I 'S" • C BAIRN .b FIRES DF:C1tChSE . - -w. TO- LATE SEASON :l Fre Marshal Heaton in his month- ly `report,, poiitts out the 'striking decrease in' the ,number of barn fires in Ontario during the month o'f. ' June when tFcre• dere only 37, as c ared with- - tiring '.the same' omp 101 daring- . c month last year. This-rleCreas , he ittributes 4taalo" -fact- that -t• there This is• regarded as' an Object:llessen and goes to prove that the majority of fres in barns . are. 'due to •spon= tan"eous combustion, generated, , by improperly stored hay or grain. 'A general d'ecrease,in the fire loss in• the Province. .• is also . erecorded, 'although* the number ,o fires ' g f last monthwas only slightly lower in June last year. Th loss s s- of Y • e fir, tainer d by'tlie 836, fires diming 'lune, 1925 amounted to p974 6$9 while in the 833 festhat occurred in dunt _o' thepresent pr s, nt year,the loos wn5 656 933' .or decrease 317 56. $ a of , $ ,7 The insurance loss durin % the 'month. ,was ?!$1,364 leas -than :Ids' year, and there wast also a decrease Of $136,392• in loss not- covered by insurance, THE VAN AL Torous '' Throughout Ontario many toWfta and citieq • s have been providing rovidin 'auto camns and:, arkin rounds ,for.tour: lstr-th Bass be:' made .as cont= • eoar:r` were do crops housed _this: yar max...,fartaltig es possible during their v ni fng 't the lateness of ` the , Iseasof. i ht . Most Abe in e ten 8 Iid3'eurn of thei<rt u, 1 1 tl ct, r.6.,.�k �d ,F,.�i•P •w' 5^- ,i�h�I A.aR 'predate .this,: but, . among ,tourists there are. boors as'amongother �"eo- ple, and kother done them :is like casting .pearls' before swine. One of these fellows reeenty arrived atthe trees, of:the camp grounds and, split therm up for camp •stakes. It is sucit. vandalism as this that prevents those who "live in the house by the side: of the, road," frombeing "a friend to than. Many Often suffer through the sins of one. ' • ----0 o o CA'RE' ABOUT FIRES, 1 OUT Iit>;S . . At thisea , C ichilt s sonof the: year 'd - len hio`ulad be ,warned•:by their par- ents a starting gams' starting fires ,in the grass 'and brush of 'vacant lots. dur- ing ; the ' hot • ,dry: 'weather.; Fires should not be set' at any time, unless carefully svatohed-,. but they are ,es. pecially: hazardous during the stnri mer months. yIt is a dangerous prac- tiee sad might .,result . in' hun an as THE:: FAMOUS •CHARLESTON; DANCE' Mr. G. K. Brown, , editor of The Teeswater News, •was�in Toronto re- cently, e ; entl •,yyni . , and at "Surmyside witnessed,. for the.. first time • in exhibition of the much-talked-oLCharleston dance. •::vidently,' he wasinterested and dis- ;,,,usted On coining ,home he wrote up' a- description ' of " the dance' for his :Japer, and as it,: doubtless? 'fairly re- presents , what, the dad ' looks. like to an. average'sane perscat ,we. pass' it along. `'Here. •is the description: "In all there' were: 17- contestants;, the boys beingpin the majority: Four ,actors, dancers or,,contestants •were, all we' saw; and that was enough. The first was a :girl, of course, and"on be- ingintroduced to the publi,i , ' and -by: the wa were four._or five thou - Sand 1'n.. sand along' the board walks, ' on the: beads and in autos, 'instead of bowing like a regular lady she',turned•a cart- wheel,,' and 'then started .kicking her ;:get as 'if there was, a, mouse and she was. afraid to ' run. Then she , started to sway like it Was her first drunk and managed very ' well, putting a hand on ea h' knee she did, 'stunts that looked as if one leg, was going around the other in a ,circle and didn't • get tan led up; then' she Start- ed ed the mouse trop again.' After that, she 'did some slow motions which ap geared _very graceful.: but she spoiled it all in another minute by' doing Via' s wash tub act only the ;washboa d wa.. i• ,.>k very straight out, 'and it didn't look ve, y. lady=lige .The next one Was a . tall. ' lanky Irishman, with wide balloon trousers long legs and arms and he bowed likrj a `gentleman•. He' went through much the same 'performance. as the girl previously only he Was much 'snap - V pier andy' ' heti a. •few more sidekicks„ twirls, jumpingjack motions, ,and marvelous arm -swaying:- Of. course, the balloons 'helped things a hit - and• hid" -s bow le to'certain' 'extent Iii b ,w g , a Which was - the- advantage over one of the girls, poor *things. Well, ,the •next two: were very 'much the same: but each one had his.. or her indi-v'id- stalky and probably a`tur'h fir, two of their own get-up. • • "Our impression 'was that'. if they had dressed' upas clowns ;it would ,. look 'far funnier' and people would' be. inclined to laugh. ' As it *as, the -well—prol�ett r In , `~`A:.*teed of1 nc"was neither' incerretativ e,: a ntng to the ybiingsteru *oat -hrirt i - rlscei'tilyixcituttythridtfentir loss. and it may save' a disaator " iiiralriltyolcati ilk hard *arks fir• . bl!;tulk3i>1 relight :. ' xA ,i,#•I.a.IRA :ti�tr av „ 1 1, 1. Mla f 4 dJ ✓A�k w t I, ,K'-�lX 4mVn.�4bat4 4�,i u. k !t h t I ing, mild •contortions, yes .clever, good exercise 'for short, periods,' idiot-' ie as a danceand something that .will not last as a popular pastime. "We, have heard 'a niin ber : of sug- gestions as to . how it ,started- even before we ever -saw the exhibition: and some of the most 'vulgar 'seem to fit .the invention." o -o -o BOGUS.' POULTRY• CULLERS • • Poultry culling.. has, proven a .valu- able factor in increasing' the profits from the farm flock. The locale' branch; of the Ontario `Dep'artment ' of Agriculture • has re- ceived complaints ,that itinerant pout; cry buyers are culling flocks free of charge, •provided, they are permitted to buy the gulls. In. many cases' the results Wave, been •anything ,but sat-: isfectory. • • The •A De artment' :' of is lture Department gr .0 strongly advise g y se ah 'flock, owners • to deal 'only , with established 'firms and 'dealers. Some of these have compet- ',: nt cullers. ' : The local branch of 'the • tarso Zepartment• of Agriculture wishes' to, inform the public' that all the partment's ,c ullers are carefully train- ed and supplied •with a.letter Of the ' before in- troduction'tire" sanctioned Y, by the Department to evil poultry,, 'These men • are not allowed .to 'buy poultry but work. at a charge of,,two cents' (2c)' per bird. This its the only. remuneration, .they receive for .their services and this is the only culling for which the • Department assumes. responsibility for the results, M ORE LIQUOR SENTENCES (Goderch Signal) Fourli uo'" cases g r sea were disposed. of by 'Magistrate Reid on Friday "last, Danh Jo nston of Strraforth, and N. Beattie and M.:•'McDougall'bf G'od- erich:.township,'each was sentenced'fo ' pay $200 Arid costs with one 'month's' imprisonment, and in default 01n a -- Y :ment two months additional; David Crawford, hoalkeeper ,of 'Clinton, re ceived- 'a -..heavier': sentencea- fine-' of $1,000 and two months in' jail; and hi default of payment four months ad- ditional.• The sentences' were for"sell- ing lignor; M. B, Tudhope,r,•Orillia,• f assisted Crown Attorney: Seager in theprosecution of the cases. Twenty .: :days , are Ihilowed. for entering' ' ''an a gal - n ' in the 'ineantln e! ply ►. a d .the mon ' . under 'sentence are nt 1ibertlr o7; 'bti4, WPI ,tt.« • -Im:.l:�t�# Wq.�.y;�i�.�,x�I•�k��R+nq:je .THREE' `CANDIDATES 'IN. • SOUTH :.BRUCE FIELD It, looks 'like another ,three -corn cred . contest ; in; , SSuth ,.' Bruce.. Con trary to general- expectation ::- the Progressive • Party at the convention held 'at. Teeswater, Wednesday . ''of; last 'week, selected a -candidate. The candidate: is ''Mr. John Weigel, reeve' of Carrick; who is expected-• to stay in the field. Mr. 'Weigel was former-. ly• a conservative, and no dou,.Y is ex - petted to make a strong candidate, ;With the. German element. in Carrick;. Mildmay and Greenock. He ivill also get the .votes of'strong 'Progressives in other townships. The other two'candidatees are " Dr: Hall of Walkerton, who ° reP resented the riding -in 'the last parliament, "and Dr. Fowler .. Dentist,`o '' ,, f Teeswae tr. • • To 411.appearance. it,will' be' a close 'arid . very doubtful,.electio, pn as three - cornered'; .fights' usually are. • Neither. candidate • had serious -o ositio '• i 'There n n his Part ' convention. There was o' Y,• n opposition t all` toDr.' Hall Pp aat the Liberal convention. and none to Fow le ,% at the Conservative 'meeting, • Mre' 1V it MacKayof -.Huron and Mr.` G. B. Armstrong.'of Teeswater,. :were proposed, ,but both withdrew in• favor' of the reeve of Cprrick . - Y.W.M .S. :MEETING 'Tie regular'• monthly. meeting - g .of Julthey' $Presbyte9th.rian. Y.W.M.S. was held' at the. manse, . - Thursday eg. vening 'After :the ' o pn enin'Al-. g hymn,,, Miss Al ma McKay gave the Scripture Read ing. Another• hymn was• 's'iting and Miss Anderson read the .list •o f ar- ticles Which are; to.he sent . r n the'a b le an -... ,d told what: each,' hap :promised., The President 'also: told us that -.Mg.• .Forbes of Teeswater'had romised t•' address the Society at the Se pP tembe r meeting. It was ,,decided to invite .- �, the members__of the W.M.S. to 'flit meet-: ' Theri , offe ing ryas .taketii and IVIr""s. Q Coale; :. gave` a`- reading'- . entitled' "Prayer. " ' 'Miss D:. Henderson took the topic: "Prayer and Mlssions;'f taking; the personal side of the, sub- ject. The .meeting' closed: with h ��n a yin, and Mrs. A, Andersons' offere .'r M Satan.n9 A 'e d to have 'to .find wr`ir o�� >d for idle `hands ''t` 4 blow 'hero i the,Car, lends N o, .end ,do; golf;., .il�: awIA,4 '•!• ,. 'Choice •Cuts; dowers . 4 .. The finest of Wedding bunches, and Floral work n short notice, delivered nytime, anywhere, *. Transport to suit. GEORGE. STEWART Florist ; Goderich Ont.: Phone 105: Pictures2� x3%' Price 2 5o 5 Without experience and without "experi- meriting anyone can get-good-pictures-witl a Brownie. The pho- tographic, ability is in... the'box. �. ? Stop; at our Kodak noun ter . for. a moment and we.'ll, show you -or your boo,~ oir girl how shz pie it is to make Brownie'pplc- tures, and how much fun. ,•.r A. E. McKIM •Lucknow, Ont. I1ETROJi' 'MAN PURCHASES -ISLAND .IN GEORGIAN BA'Y-. r. Gideon; a to, . 'o' e Ks er,, of :Wiart n,. as sold .Hay Island to Mr. F. J,' Tal- k'ad'-'t m e of Detroit, At rice ; it is n- • gaP ► llerstood, ' Of. around. $12,500. • .fust h t thee a new: rchaser lana. Pu P o de :With,: it has 'not . been , divulged' but it is, presumed its isfor summer 1 resort purposes, 'as an:aero • is ' P li . plane - e„' .,petted up: thisweek to take 'gen-•, eras o r i bse vats.o ns,.and photographs of e 0:4 district, so that it can be Prop- erly Tipped out. It is rumored' that ' y _pile -it is part -of,' n- plan to ''develop.,the. to ' i ur stfBruce ossibilities o thecP ' en- •• P insula , district. ./ Mr. Keener Purchased, the , a number of years ago and timbered'' •it over. There'. are about 2400. acres. on the •'Island. It 'is one of .a• : oup of three iisitu,os . `situated „.directly north ptt''Keppel township; and just y outsideOwen 'Sound. Bay 'and • Wiar- ton a . There' are' :three W Y, islands.. in the group:Gri flith ,: White loud- rid•' Uayr:. Tlie 'latter. is: ' he' one. farthest t tb 'the Northwest of `thee aoii : ' • - 'Several ' yearsagos Ina la a Pittsburg burg in n built a, tine summer e, e, .. hom .on the 1S-' land, but it watt burned' to'the gaodnd bb so_it.,was..ocea ied�' '' • P . '' MEN'S CAPS' . Balance of.our 'Spring Caps. _ Reit* ular up ;!� �i2.ol)., To Clear/itljll>;llQe T ""RROw i i.� 4 O