HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-29, Page 5• • • ••• Tin wctkNOTI enrettillt; :1:1===tall=a2ITITTIIITOMMITIE:Tirif 711-1111II 11 lTrTTUmnIU1U , 40:kore.is a Worlcrof Satisfaction for the: farmer • in the 1. use ,qof runs slivothly in his . binder .from beginriing to the en of harvest. The Good, Old Reliable • ' • even'and strong throughout,% and is more econom•-• ' stal to use than short -length twine. 'The length is iaranteed by the tag Oil every ball of Plymouth; •For real twine Satisfaction there is riothini.like the gerulin.rlynioutly Twine. Battitisailtin • RAE & PORTEOUS • Luck' now • : Ont.. MIII,111111111111111 ttttt MI1111111 tttttt 111111111111 ttttt 11111111111111111111111 lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111WM • • An'seate are placed ' a naturaik comp that you Pe relax- ation as you ride.• PAC•.; snore, sitting &tilt- • • uprigh't as in the. oWefashioned:car. • • • . , e H • A total of 200,020 trout fry from, • the Banff hatchery have been placed SyNan and "00 000 in 44' 4rieg the Nig Week, A further censiennient is to he placed in the tribatary waters of the Red Deer River. • 1 , • . ' model's •First High -Speed European -Type Light Car Vie distinctive 'heft'lines' of, the. tett Overland Whippet' resemble the smartest eustom-binilt automobiles of America and • Continental Europe. ' •Stand.in.frept•of this ear and you can imagine yourself on the bOulevardis, It Will travel 55 Miles an hour in perfect coMfort, . . . piek4zio i.n.13 , wean& ,from 5 to• 30 mules an beer.. • . ...go 355 idles on .a gallon, of • • :gasoline . . over 1000 Miles On it ginon of' Oil, • . , • AT* Anon car lengths from a,sPeed of 25 miles an hour. \ EXport Utt:pil4tard 16 EurTpO comm •tico in bulk September. iroduc".ers. have 'eentracted to tdhip • t00 tons On t- a h ship of, the .40yal Steam ,Pti..icet Co.. for seral menthS. The market la Rotter- dam. •The company wilt have about two ships per. month. •Pilchard nil is uscd.in- preparing,f6oda-and naedt!;t•- ,C:fteS: . • DBA.I.TTIFY LUC To The • gditor, of The Sentinel:. I am: vieiting',tne'hentt.tONVA- nee again .aat I delighteA with Vie: improved appearance, in many ways. The Yeinorial Park is your he'Llut spet,. The citizens generally, may not appreciate it as much as they should', Teo 'much credit can net be ven tc, the LbeknoW Fire Company fdr un- dertaking this Work and, the civic ,pride exhibited in this enterPriee en- titles: the Fire COrnP41:1Y• to the apPre- elatiaa.Ot tbe eeranninity. May they, keemp. up Otis pi:man-lendable spirit.. 1 commend the, taste shown by the Luckniir Onii in thp ar- rangenterit of their green, their light. - f 1 in011504'i. JULY Pith; 92.1, Mss "Irene Fol• -on of i3Ji Vi8iti4g W013.. hc iend Miss A.naiit MacDonald .ef 'Paramount, • • ' giss n0'Ittleol'e of Whkt.'echurelit :tleeskt_leta. . 0tiesit ber: autttl,Mrs. Jito. Henderson vf Parameunt, dVer the Mr. ar,t1 Mrs. Robert Webster and, Wation. of Verna, were guests of Mr.. and, Mrs. T. Irwin of near Luelcitriw, during the week -end. Mr: and Mts. Wilbett Webster and , . Mr.:and Mrs, Lerne Webster ,of Sea- afo iarathr,t, vpisvietredsawaidtty,fri7ds•`in Para, • of Windsorrare /visitors With Mr.. and Km; w •%Arrther step:forWard in the effort • re„itore tb- 'Montreal its leading, 'positon. in the live stecic,inctustry Was taken .reezetly. When • members of the '.Eivitern Cattle Market Ex- ' Change met' t� reorganize their operations on the .basii of •new changrs, made ealcsulaten tOluiprolie 1.16ntreal's standing is the indastry.: • Duke_ Dmitri, of L4uehtenbere, Qouiit de Beauharnois, lineal de, sr.endant of Charles, Marquis de Ileatiharnoits, :whii governed Canada. .in, the name. of the. French King Louis XV: between- 1,726 and 1747,, ;le . visiting for the :firit: time • the country in which hip ancestor made ihistery. lie id taking part in the Itrand• Pow -Pow of'•the •Canadian Trail Riders which is being ;Ptarmigan Vaileynear Lake ,Louis, in the .Canadian Rockies. • , Mg system" and the Club liou e, Mr, and Mrs. JackCeek and bah(' ehartge When-1..thlrilt -of-LthevieVt-Sit 9f4Pramon,..1114., the .old Market square : notice that ...Miss Pickering, who bak. the: citizens . generally are endeaVour- heeen Vi.siting friends in.;Parameunt :ing, to ireProVe and beautify. returned ,to "her Jtoine in betr'elt. preiniimProirernent ,continnes and P .• would c'Ot rses: I' hope: this spirit of civiMrsStokhan fDeioit, c,: ' like to. see some ergenizatien -such as the'ftuckrieVi VireCoinpany take boltii a cleaning Treleaven's opOncl; . What a -beautiful Sheet ,e,f water you woukt have for bathing and ,beating. Where would • be a -mote ideal "spot for n. tourist camp than on the east side 1 , In walking- around I notice many • placed that Could be, made "beauty • spets" and I on satisfied the old town:, could be Made drie of the prettiest it the . province: I sitieerely hope that all the enterp,rising citizens Will' in-linedi. ately effect organization for the pur- pose of beautifying Lacknow .and that the fitst enterprise they take. hold' of, will be, the. cleaning • of;TreleaVen's The./ English football team have: finished' :their seven weeks' tour 'of the Dominion and they Were, greatly • i.toprenecid with- the generous., hos- pitality tendered to there by the- peo.p.le''..Lin the' -.cities '•:Joe. Smith: captain' of tlisteam, said: .'Canadian.football will, in e few • yearsn allprobability be on a par • with the band Of ,soccer played by . •the major leagues in Great Britain." •'According to him the' object. Of the' tear' beeri fullyeceoMplishoti. • Waimea two thsts shaerthat the• Overland Whipet, with its 4 -wheel brakes, . -ihe,Overland Whippet Is 5 feet, 8 inches high . . not as tall as the - average ranii.. Yet it provides more room and comfort than you've ever, ' found in an of this class before.", .-„- . „ • , One ;whoa, heart in•the old lows. ; WEDDING •HELLS Garratt.,-Mcall The: :home of. Me. :and •Mrs. John McCall;,„ Abernethy, Bask., was the scene Of a, 'pretty Wedding on Thurs•-• With- friends about paramount, tits., The'. , Teen; are .1h th W'' " practice to. play e am in Lochalsh Jab. , 30 at 6.3�pm. ••1". ' Mrs. RoUltson, 'Sr., and Mrs. Has- ten Of Kincardine, • visited ,reently With Mrs Alex Hamilton. and . had v very . enjoyable afternoon, MrS., Ham- ilton• '83 Years of • age and her sis- 'ter, Mrs. Ellice., who is 80, 11 her. 'Another' sister,' Mrs. Wall,' also. over ' 80, years—the 'ages, of the three ranging between. 80 and 83. Their .intelligence is 'quite •'remark- able, arid Mrs.' Hatnitton and gra. ,W7 licp are quite •active and regularli 'take part in the house work. In the, recentlY published Entrpncr results for B.S. Np.. 4, the name. e t.Dorothy RohertSo4 .should have lip- • peered in • the honer .list,1 she .haVing • obtained ,first,,clais lainers, and the. highest .in the ,district in 'compositioiL• ; The Junior, .Institute • :ana. Junior • ..Farmers."held a joint Meeting at the =1-st .-411 eVeelt,,,,w/tenr. Auli,3 • e , Elaie. AndPraon Oil enir °n1Y` daughter, -Ge,Ktkvele was Feda Yeni llth• • The Coming. 'from all -:parts of •Great Britain and Ireland twenty-five • baoreughbrids .were „deloaded from. • the CanadianN:Pacifie • liner. Meta, game when :it arrived in Montreal,: lately.' .Thare for..Mulan's breed- ing and 'training .rancih near. Win- nipeg. and comprise one• stalliono 16, .mares and e Nellie's : Pet. 31ear-old. by Cygnus (Sire ef• winner of Seottish •DerbY last year). out . of La Lis; and .Dentan.. tWo- Year-old, who comes of . the lame • breeding as.'•Coronaeh,. winner; of . this ; year's English Derby, were . among the horses arriving '• • with hat to mateh. After their return •thev will reside. On the groones 'farm, • T.,W. SMITH Agent . Lu.ek now, Ont. Central Garage 'OBITUARY • ritis • Leatherdale . • : There , passed: alway /at Morden• . Manitilm,' on ply' 10th,• 1926, Mary Maekinlay Rainage,,belOved • wile' of :•Eliaa• Leatherdale. The late gird. Leatherdale wee the fifth.•claughter of . thelate;jaMes and MarY.Bliniage of St. Helens,' Ontario. • She was born •Aughat 23, DWI and, • tif early ahe . united, with- • the- reabYteriati. Church there; , dicer im- • der the pastorate.ottne got. Robert • • Leask. In 1890; she married Elias „ LeatherAale; , enterprising English. • Cintadien, farmer of the vicinity of • !Orden, Minitoba. Seven sons 'and daughters Caine; 'bless theil home. She: was also -a loving mother- • • to a , stepson and , a! daughter cylio Werthily,--reciproetited !leo •siffe5tion, ' 'women. ot a- Very cheerful -ttmper- intent, -alWaya looking on the sunrils aide of With. a sweet digpoSition. Her •motte Was Server aed she , happier than when deeitig. • , ethers happy:: She was " her family- and though a vert bnO, , In her.. home •ghe was alga 0 kaithful teacher in Ifie t 'Sabbath • ',liehtinl ,in her hOtne! . church; -t She was a diligent ittident .• • Bihle. She had no tide ter the super- •' 4.4.64eiiil. and although possessing one of the r,nost betaitital farm: homes in the iCplity of Mordeno Site teVer kept her hweet Simplicity • nf manlier with. a her hustaind She "iiiited: her • bus - band's 'pedple at- Chatham, Ont,;.sarid her,' mitt . people in.cluding " her agee Mettler at Lucknow and SarnIti... A few "menths age .she Was stricken •down alfeadlY disease and was operated, on at,. Winnipeg.' Hospital, and While the specialist hPld out hop; es that she might. live couple years, she speedily lost strength and was. -taken borne to .die. in the 'nide'. :of her, loved On% assisted by kina. efficient, rairse. • , , • • She died 'trusting in ,her SaVior. She has passed on predeceased by 2 'sisters and 1 brother. •. • • And With the -moo those angel • face's sMile • • Which I Nave 'loved Icing since' and ',lost a while.. •• • ' f• ezE" 'irrr..,11:1_.;', .,....6.,,,„: I.., iov..4:' ; ,• , -„, '',...! .71.e.. • " -''''''''• ___. ...._ • ;At,- "" ,,ic,t-.• ' ''' ..!••• • yojRni ".• """ • 'A/ 4 , Worey. iorseer Annual Ezpesircm. too scres,-,e,o. per.. th#11Pli,01:111d1"Pg0 --L'Atteipbnce rss, t.49 1.300 1447-, • New Ontorio t•tevcereieet. et-toclom te po Opeaca thps year, ANA0 .NAT COAL '16tr3 Dates:—Atig: 2tt—,,topt.., • , -home again:and somewhat iniproved," ,yvp' are, pleased. te say. • „ ' arid 'Mri, Jolla keel...pee./ and „Mr: Dave. MacLeaV „t and .,ebildren, and Miss Sarah Niakein, all of Chicago', are visiting at theii former heme on the 1.2th Cot. LANGSIDE. • Mr. and . Mrs. 0, Tiffiii and family Apent Sunday with, Mi.. and Mrs. D. McInnes.", •• • Misa Jean Moffat - spent Sunday with her friend': Miss Grace Richard, • Messrs. Jack and James Aitchison of near St. Helens, spent Sunday with Mr1 •and ,Mrs. V. 113111ex:ion. ' -The work .on the county , road is in progress agent and ceniists of, grav- elling • the -sideroad '124 miles easi: of Latigsicle: ' . Mrs. A. Mowbray. and Mrs. J. Mor- rison Of. 13luevale, and gra.' T. Tay- lor of gest Wamanash visited last Wednesday with Mrs. T.'eT,11fin.. ,ery.Dne.--4s.„1„goin2;., . ineW 1 V e r)g,July •topic ting f the girlsithave• -..organized, married .to Claude..., Garrett, , Softball .Tea.M. n't,e only. son of" and- Mr. A. D. Gar. prepared-• • out and help them piactice ma. d. .• HOLYA001). Rebt. r.Ell!ott apt son, Joe., ot • l'eeswater, have keen, renewing old 'acquaintances, here. ••' • Mrs. .fohnston Huston'of Kincar- line, visited 'with her nephew, ,• Mr. Richard Elliott, 'this week t' Mk.' and grs: Wellings spent. Sun - •around HolYrood:'' • , FlolYrood Baseball ' Team played 4. . . return: game' in Bil*Y en 'Monday night, score 11-16 in • favor of Rip:. Mr. and Mrs., Wes: Pollock , of . Clarke's; 'spent %Sunday' at. - 7 Richard: Elliott's. • • . •• ratt. Rev: Win: Keall• perform Mids. Mary Cook. After: the .bnainess • iiceordeol;vioentlyoalndbeernarThaeri)chrideaf. flhrwear: a piano so16, hy miss 011ie Anderson,. • • •• . • • .art of the ''..rtieetiag evervene enloyed •C'''FstPAle's and show. your Ap. • , ,preeiatton Of their efforts. •cd: the diawin reeeiveika few 'clays acpe . • -.—o o , • dressed in CheVrettss georgette enter- Word was Money:may net be hapPiness,. but -whe ..eat.. 'in Ca-pe•Breton of g " •LI. makes a•lot •forget their troubles. grreom •with her ,father ;,1 y, Xiss Gthie Garratt. *was bridmaid Mrs, -Beckett -.IA Kintail. ••somebody sore. • • •' • , .•114: Mr; arid Mrs._ Harold. Harris ', .of Toronici,,' and his • mother,' Mrs, • J..: • Harri s of Clarke's,. Yiaited Mrs. McPherson and Herzig :during, ,the week. . • to , the .straitis of the bridal' choruS John ROsei 'wife Of a 'fernier pastor lgoliod s 't d th • • '14ard bY 'Ailias , Steveason. •of AShfield Church, and a' slater of telling tYhematruthias red amratki ' Ihe faster a• lives. the sooner , :Ielielialegprz.7457.where' the' patir he, is trav.- :(16v64j1dledbeioa hgair41:' enzdeyt-. • gt v•vColinLtebs:sgfitN),:ng. ir.,1g Only. .• T.,hree pri*es yre.Baii.i,de,yol'sion.tee;tai .p.r. oces, s third month., "our5;" secei.,4 • .. • , ,and Mr. Gordon 'McCall supported the -Dr. Alex: Barnby of Hamilt6n witb grooni. The groom's gift to the bride hiS wife and children, are visiting sie jape . pearls,:tri the brides.: at his former home' on. the 12th Co. . . • Maid a gold.: bracelet,:to the piani4 a suede handbag and to th groomsnuin' .gold cuff links: After: the ceremony :a 'wedding 'breakfaitz.Was 'served. and later the 'bridal Couple left from Gill- espie on a trip to -Frobisher, Regina and other. points, the bride travelling in a -coat of raiewood poiret twill, . Captain KilrOY Harris. lieturer neit. Abernethy. The : out-of-town' and radio talker in the united States guests were,. Mrs. IL S. , Mints.• and, on Australia and: New Zealand. 're- son. Qu.Appelle, Mr. ,3". I.,ambie; Du- cooy passed thrmigii Montreal on bac. arid Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me - bis way to • the west Where, he will . ' Quatrie and Mrs. Annie Forsythe, • take part in the Trail Rides in the Brussels, 00: 'Canadian Rockies. He, its already . • . : •poggessor Of a' silver. Medal .for hav-• . . Arm, ,cornpleted 100, Miles. of tra, ii ' rides and hopes this year to earn the . . Mr: and • Mrs,' Colin E.:' Brown and, gold medal that •testifies to the earn' ' daughters, LouiSe. and . Rah, of ;Viil- ' pletion of 500 .mules riding trails .in - ',scinburg, are visiting with 'their ,i.onsz, that. district. Capt. Irarkics is gatli- MS, .Mr. and. Mrs. Sam: Durnin: ,eiring, material from • Canadian , Miss Winnifred. Woods, of Galt, Is, sources for his leetoreti 'Sad radi6 . . . . home for the vacation. • Lelia- ' Miss Caroline Webb, was a • Visitor". , . • ST. HELENS igs '13.. MaeGreger Of Kinteil,-who been ;lna Toronto Hospital, is M has. :••• (-: • kind. word for event000 ' witU mho,* ill Incite ROI' • • Ar. %Ad; Mrs. Wm. ..Blegating, of Soitth Bend, Indianan; visited a day last week with their- coudin, gre.' •Kennedy, I . Mrs, George Visited a few clays. fiat "WIWI* che.tierz- ; ••' 'Atisses Irene Moore and Winnifre ' Farrier •attended 'the Summer Selma' held in the Wirth tt. United Church at Godetich, %VOA. • s. • • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne, of Geder‘ebr ViZiteci ott Sunday at the twine ,of Mr. David Kennedy. ,W0 are sorry to repert liPas DA. gine Pettersen have broken WO Kinairdine 'Beach 'last week. •4telictrta• tioin Blatiff Spring• Miss 'Hegel Pslnier; "of .• Moosonaiti„ Hotel and from agen along the Sask., a' fernier' teacher at Ferdyee, rat, forlambhlaCnaffnatottia.hn rtee Pa41f1C:CoaSt hneegizeisiooldf acquaintancesmr.aadraaahaearemti ;bin_ • 4 treceiVed 'at' C.P.R. • headquarters, . ster. ,i ' ' , '• - . ' . s' state that the • 'forest fires in the B o r n—Iti WePt Wawanoth, ' an. ' . their near- ' ' At m• d Mrs Kootenay Park region at .„ Thursday, July 22n , o r. an . est 'point are eighty 'n'tes 4istan" Tom Salkeldwa daughter. . trim the hotel,. and that they • are , Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Sayler and fam- ' nowhere .near any of the. tracks of . • Ch th ' isitors with Mr the railway., 'Guests at the hotel ,'IY'' a • a am' are -Nr• • and gra', Satter Taylor. and, travellers oir-the railroad have. . Mrs. • Wark ' and daughter,' • AliSi , in no Wavinconinietled•-by the Ruth,•Wark, Of Smith's' Falls, are VIS- ires and these are cart stated to be well wibhin sight Of centre!. %Banff Ring the 'former's , other daughter, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld. , • . Springi ,Hotel is at • the predenti time Misg Annie Clark, of Guelph, has • enjoying ,the "busiest &wall .11'•.411 • iliat.oric •' • ••• been a visiter with Mr. afid Mrs. 'Me- • / MAFENOM , , • 'Bev. and Mrs. L W. Kilpatrick and • Margaret • of Homesyille, snot Fri- day with S, J. Kilpatrick's • ; • A large number from here attend- ed the Zion ,iubilee,son. snndny , and MondaY., Mr. and Mrs. Thea:: Anderson are Visiting friends in • Seafortlii this • Miss G1ace Coleman o 3.7.411!11.'• Wit Sunday at Mr. Thos. ,Blake's. • The 'young People'S Meeting was - held on Friday evening: at the IMMO of :the , pr.eaident, Cecil Johnston. A Very enjoyable evening Was . spent playing' tennis and Other 'games on the 'WINO.. - HOP'S conabisitien.---Meityr•ef----the! pow *Moo ogo lo oompoo**44 lott inn ot tho 'lbw/ loot we •. 10 IMMO oontont, . • . • • •Kenzie Webb and other'friends. ' Mrs; B.• J, W•, Ood's is holidasqng ,M• Bayfield. : • '• " , . -We are sorry, to report, that Mr. Will Witherheed 'is 'seriously The regular aieeting .of .the Wo- men's Institute will -be 'held at :the hom,e.of 'Mrs.' jos. Gaunt on. Thursday 'afternocin; • Xug: $th'. The subjecti 41,lie Influence: of Dress on Charac- ter' ht in Charge of Mrs. Geo::Webb: Rell Call, Falk:trite Anther and'Why." Plana are being maCle. by the , Wee. ma's Institute for a Comnatinity Pic- nic to bTlfeldin iftitlanr-Park, God- ericii, next[ Tuesdity,--4tigi--Ard-4-.11•ack- your. lunch.„hasket and...dente , • Mr. and Mrs.., Geo. Parker and daughter, of TorOrito; and "Mr. and Mts.- •Webeter, tif Burlington, were, visitora during the Week with • Mr i And grew DUrnins, bie jobs' Are %Aid' by imea who don't pot somioal oloov. t. • AO:Atte', lityit;.e mon outgrow. leita hog4 lug Witiet 110e 144.4 tht 1444e , I•\ •41" yisitors• at. the •Purvis borne the • past week, N'S.,er6; Mks.: Itarding,- Sr., Mr. and ilarding,-", Jr., Miss Bell ,Stewart of Chicegn .a..114/ :Mrs., Pear- son and soa:torrigan N.'toodateek. The ladies' of the licilyrOo4'7W6-,, ,mens •Iestitt4te :hod., their, 'monthly meeting oit July 1St at the shortie • of ‘. Mts. •-Duncan Cainpbell. There , was ' • „ large attendalice.,. Readings were.: ••• given- 1437 /gra, Wm.. Heldeuby,.. Miss, Grace Haldenby and Alias gargarei. CamPbell,. An',Instrtimental . was giv- • • bY Laura Bell and a Polo by 'Daisy Ayles..• The August meeting 'Will. be -held 'at the .hoine of .Mig..Archie gei EFYING 'KING FROST ICTC.31RIA Afteritimi faa Mt :a 'Winter's iley at ti;e Crystal Garileas awamaiinit root, Victoria, 8 C.• . The -Winter Garden of Canada shotilti be the' de- acriptive:titie of Victdritt, B.C. • Why sEek douthi ern climes v.then such attractions 110 50 clbse t hand.) • Clear skies, bratleig sea air, - green lawns anpilarS d spring blossonit, ma55101 be' foorid there In mid Janu- ary, . Leaving the - prafrie- grain fields, where next spring's wheat nestlet warm. beneath a thick blanket of snow, crossing the Mountains whose passes are _tp -,•..... .„_ppecl• „by snow buried peaks. -here spring in all its wealth of -Veitlxilt '-greett,-tile-triveller;_,ThAre ii a .• , , arm• about V toria harbour, .not shared by m . For.Whare landing places generally are unSiglitlY,• and a distance from the -beauties, of the eity,• the docks of Victoria are a pa* of its -attractiofis„ Very. tine i'S the approach, ,Th, 'short way to the Stately. old • .Empress hotel is like. the,carriage drive to an Fttglieh castle. On the right are the green lawns fronting Parliarnent buildings,- perhaps the finest, in Canada. -., .•, The teas' garden that breaks the even green sward, is even now stylinggi ' .-gooll•• account of .itself, for atimer- Oita rosebilde reveal * sae beauty, sa if not qui/4 4uri Takink diti In the Sea *kr:0e Pool ai the errated Cardinal. . . Son; reveals -more daringfloweis„ The yelleW lasagne is covered with bloorp;v1olas.s1and out boldly in sunny ,nooks, liYacirths• and dafSodiltr are heavywith buds, %lijlenasturtium. seeds have dared, to germinate and put 'otit letiVes r‘,., if in chtillenge to tke'll'ro.e:i King," • A aew end fa:;:ipatirg reature of the 'capital city: is the Cry'stal gardens. Situated jut beyond the Rinpress h*. 11 they lotive. to be •de.aired. in • • the way of wintor atiractio-.;ts, , The glass rcief:covers i..!Wirneting peel one huhare,1 anti rift:. feet M length ' a' g rad Liu tc.11 :‘ptii • from .th Yee to ten feet. • The noul w and. de-- cw.ictliN*1v sen witer being ounipod avd. rt at an- apl•epable ternpeiature.• Frim the 'poo,, rise tlers of seatn 'either" e and „ it the' ot: the 11181:1 floor, are fine &wee 'hails. tal:tes with wp-i:er chairs,'placed" it tempting' &Ogles.. Afford agreePhie reSting 'places: Here arid, the., littge ferns' anti pialtris lend a tropical • Air,' while smsiier, Plants border the, waft; Cliinbillg • vines grow in rroftisn •abrint •steel "Mtrp0rtingft1ierroof,,,."11,4'elhUine ratitily_in the wartit. Air, they i-.111 tOkVard the' OuSS ro7if, %rod trgil their fdliagt.'„over the 'Water. The.w.istarto essays tha • clitrilichat...fhe', priqlf 'vine flottritzhes and trails its trumpet, likE, flowers firm' aboye:vvinfit in green.' hess,with the Waters' ef the pool Canaries in gilded cages Voice the comfort of the retreat., An occasional . Oriental Umbrella adds still , -mere .to the suitiner.liki appearance of the place.• In tile evening, with' lightt- and CrOwcis and With 'Perliab's e Water fl.te hong, sta,ged• the -.Obit no Mattet what blizzard sweaps tho ,p1o1140410 Ilaz0 , A 0040'4 WO Yiddri,%..rf.4.*Afikit,tilt:104-„,inve.T.14,1.047suinomo that ts, burst -at -once nte _ il •