HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-22, Page 8• t v • ale ;,. SPECIAL VALUES'I HEAV'X GLASS TUMBLERS,••5c..i , '. .A,.roi lMINtTM .PRES. ERVING' KETTLES: ALL SIZES; ZINC D .RUB a• JAR. RINGS, ALso GL Ass' TOPS. i $ ;� -Gal. SIZ TO ,6 -GALS'. ",• li, oC��, OM � E' , . TTE o.. 0 a 1 e $c T so. L � ''T U V ►. $ROO1VS, ''�•�. P'�tiCE9, FI1•T.>taS . iQ,_„A , 74 • IGR: UNDER- L�Dl<ES AND. C$ILDREN. S. S. . SPECIAL ..SILK HOSE, `REG 51 FOR• 890A EXTRA P • • r. ND A'U'GERS ONLY15c j'LAI,N.' �' H �E C1l�pS A LA 1.11': W >iT . • 'L •• IZES-' III; FI.A . . IN• ?!L S. wtr. c. `2 c BRUSHES.' AT loc.,: 15. -., i, k _TOCK DINNER; 1VKING: OF,',;OPEN S ._ .�. >iI` X :17. • WARE, cO.ME , IN, AND SEE OUR PATTERNS ' :WE HAVE JifirltEcEiVED ,A, •GRATE DIRECT FROM THE ' "POTTER- .'. ARE RIGHT; ' Est SND ., ; PRICES 1 STo IRE '. nsy��c WOW,* T ? tcp�,o }�' WOW�,..�a.tIt tll. .„,n .,,.-y:+'.... 'r�wrt - - '"'x..•Sr+.^!+.n `T�""'os....r+♦ r8�� +•.Tr•--.Y�h.+r`!"'. a.'1•'f"`.r T L u ... .... M , ♦ ..t. • I , pD D,�y:I,j�.Al4. ,� ItE, �ull. : $. URON':CQUNTX . 4 EVALE • . 5/ CREAMERY CREAM BUYING $TATIQN 11 11 101614 cash Prices' paid for Cream and Eggs We guarantee service tend satisfactionito all our patrons.: Give, us a 't}ial and let' •us ' ,p. rove to you :that w:e ' are worth while market; �1: .1 Lr C �, CE,,. MGR., LUI �. CI NQW „BRANCH ..-."- ,_..g - -Phone: 63- - ASHFXELP No, 177Grew f ordi L.,- DieksQl, No,, 341ib1!en,, Nk 44.--MeDotaId, C (A•) R Me en "'drsek,, 1v1,; . Robertson,. D„',..Pritchard' Reid, (B), Ritchie:':: No; 6 --Reid,, l3 ,, C9ng040, II, (B); ;No, 'McGee, M. ricC Clare, No,' 9 --Kilt ,:k, .... W .Ne: 10 -,Howard, T , Lane, 1t.; Me-: La'n C 1., No.;1i6 Crozier • . C, (B)•;, hasty; =A,, (B), • GO c OR, c. N6.:17 -Linfield, A. (B); •Mi eit: abb °V Tabb,'A;�.T, and . E,, E '; - od M.� o. (. ) N.r o� ► L Vaiistone, 'S.;• !,•• ;_ Na ,3- .Marsh, E. (A); 'McLarty, F. ePhee `O (Bp, Scott, Q. (B), (A),.-141` �. Scott, Young, IL (A).., No. 6 --Hetherington:.;. • M.; ,Kings;• well, F.; W4ter, S.. , No,8-- .Hardy; W., Million, M.:. No. 9-Farrish, K.; Farrish, Linklater, b,: (1}),, ; No., 1 U.--Wiljley, Nellie (B). ,�•; Gc3`bERICII TOWNSHIP No; i 'clicks, Mildred. No..3-Cudmore, ,I .; Cttdmore,' T Glen, Ai Huller,: D.; Huller, K.;Me 'Neil,;.."C ; P, ickard, H. (B). No. b --Elliott, E.; , Elliott B,, No, 6-Ca1we11,'`J...;, Johnston; E.; Mellwain, E. (B); Oke, M, No. 1O -Cole, • Robert. ST „HELENS Foster, W MMiller, ,A:;, McFarlane; MrcQuillin, M. (A). BAYFIELD' McLeod, A-; Weston, C. CREDION Hoist, G Lewis, G.; Zwicker; G.• 03ASHWOOD xieinstiver, R (A), 'Nadiger, Iii ;• A L CONSERVATIVE" LIRL1(A .... ', •CONVENTION `era Conservatives of Bouth Br rice , will held, a convention, `ln the Town : 1•Iall, 'Walkerton; :Thursday; Jul 23t July. h, at 2 :p.m. sharp, for : the purpose of selecting, a ' candidate .to contest the coming, •Election, :and other ,business, Prominent outside speakers' and others, w 11 address the meeting. Ladies particularly invited. W. G. Warmington,,Sec'y.,; Chesley. tOrage ars • cider 'itld, conditions there was, al `Forays a certain amount of risk, is ship ingfruit» the entry of dust or' cinders, or the..high` temperature of..the car, ,was,frequently`;the eauso of twilit becoming spoiled during. transit 3ut under 2preswii condi .'. tiOne, fruit: notrat ly retains,its color:` g" freshness land:. firmness when it is •shipped .from atone point to°••'an other, but ;it is" actfialiy "improved. / For many months officials of the Canadian . Pacific : R ilwaay and the Dominion. -^Exp , ss have:• been • carry it ,'a. �e ntal .. work h ''e 'mine s on ex in ,.. g ...p r d• ex re ss car ��•• n• tate , '::fvet p 0 wt F type-. r to' be used in the handling of soft; fruits by'express to*,prahrie •.point's;' and they : have recently arrived at an :entirely; new'method•-of,` ventilating. “Pretc equipment, `which is known as the "B.: Q. Ventilator.',' " ' This' device :scows ;•the, . air ,to be; received 'unto 'the carthrough • two • apacious intakes: located at the ;ends, of the carat the roof, carried to the floor without decreasing in Velocity :'rind effectively ' distributed', through the lower.,, sections of the car. Three times, a `minute' there is a complete change of air, 10,276 cubic feet of air per' • minute being ' recorded through ..the; intakes.. and 9,522, through the• exhausts., • The new type of ventilator was ,;tested out underfull load conditions • • • x• OYf '�! r. f •"'a ,x fi/ for 's . tri• f r /• F�. < f rff •�• •�Y�f • f a...:fl'. tt fn ': 's Yf •f f. ff:••:v fA.x: .v • . 1 .v�.nwv.WmY+�'•'•byti' w�N _ ••':'s: f %. '$ - "'�'-.' '. • ;r.."7ofwcu•f«. :'. f f £ , , r x F'v'!w.,.•,o sort f Ao�0000y,f.�3'rn.. • •.w 4.44 <ewr 4.• fh.GO JY}xr r. �efxr<. w• ;p's: '' <'°ov,6zw:o66C'.D'ingra�d'4>,i?r:?'.doo6M Ab'.,For::uKrr:•...::•rf .f A�', ?nab?:6a>iSf••.a<LfbG?"N'f�4SW4/41.7.:44+^..,4.4..x).4.44ywxeoa5ybv.w�: OA A• J' %•'- <'F.,.^`^d=':fK?xmee AAq°°°°// nr xcd b•/l.C:x ./• r/yy/ >CC6'i2E+'9� aays.. f r . ,UY.Yx nu .6.. F . fYl.SY!Hf.. YY.Sf/.Y✓8 9A� ✓A. $sa.Srf.. rx.. ffla:!> f 4cair/CfC7fiU.r.44rf7ttr�.ATi7fr0,97r aVrarr•� type4.04 of' fruit ear showing special ventilators , on the top of the Neib , : to retain ,its freshness. :cgr•, tohzch ani the fruit t / Lower, picture shows -Interior of the modern fytit car. this month,, the :car 'contains g crates o straw shout a"'�h6usand berries; which were carried from Vancouver to ,Calgary in excellent condition. At• the end of the journey .not a single speck ot dust could be - found on top of the bppxes,,,and the average' temperature of the car was i • more 8 to • 10 degrees lower than the out- side air., during entire trip., The strawberries strived' in perfect. con- dition : ad the : new: type car is 'ex-;• greatly, pected , to eatl 'help - the fruit . growing industry of British 'Colum- bia inasmuch as ; it opens np - the '. entire prairie district to that trade.' SIR. ALEXANDER MaCKENZIE ed that• his -work would take hien+ a few weeks only. Today it is still un- fnisheW for the .young lawyer' has be- .fo3ue Sir Alexander MacKenzie, head. of the Brazilian Traction, Light' and Power Company, opeiating .: •.tram- awaits, power .plants, gas 'Works, tele- , phones, ele-:phones, etc:, over a. large area with assets approaching, $300,000,000 and one of the' nios$`,'•important publie ut- .♦lity .corporations in the world 1''M his '. rise to„this high .p.osition in the world of business, 'and finance, Bea- ' president ' can thank his own 'efforts to a very -large extent. He was born: in Bruce county on a .farm near 4. OF • BRAZIL • ;In ' Western • Canada it tised to' be said that, you could- call a 'man most anything without getting him,; riled;. but -that if: you asked him if he came from Bruce there would be a fight says The Financial Post. Sir Alexander MacKenzie, ,Presid- ent ,•of the Brazilian Traction.Com- has .for twenty-seven years .pony, who , � , • lived an Brazil, was born: on. a . farm. in `Bruce in 1860. The other day' when in , Toronto he -was asked if he , could explain the early 'anirr)osity to prairie homesteaders • who came ;from Bruce, Sir Alexander offered an explana- tion -and it was the ,only -,one the Post • ever heard.;Ile said time back in the days of the early 'movement 'to, the West there Was an exodus :of'set- . • tiers free): Bruce. The pioneers in that section had experienced very hard conditions and .many of then had failed to •.make a success under. A the depressed state of, agriculture at that timer .Nota few 'of them, left their debts behind. when they 'went; West and•for• that reason- to• ask a man if he came from Bruce carried ce eertain inference that was aesithing • • but complimentary. This explanation is offered withoui reiteciion upon thw•-people- Who•;4eft- • Bruce or 'those 3,;1140 stayed; The large proportion ,have ,made, fiQod, as hes' been the case with.the 'treble pf otli; er counties. _;'lis ,fast, `so far as the West is concerned, those farmers whe' • had experienced' such coed'{tions• as those prevailing in truce were, per- lisps, `better !ertuipped •to; .•aueeeed oto. w the prairies than many of those whc left other parts 61 Ontario. 'It was in connection' with fisefran* since. •arrangements• in Brazil that 'a Suncor member of 'the'prominent legal e Lash, etc., A%itander nth of Make, . Macltenlie, *Of.pent tp Brasil trot TO oto• "khat . was itwentyiaVatt •Kincardine, , 'and , during "his ' early years he . 'witnessed:' that strenuous straggle for a' living which many' •of the: pioneersof that day experienced:. As ` a youth he came .to Toronto, and after devotinghimself to the study of 'law, 'Was 'eahed: to, the bar in 18$3.• Sir' Alexander claims no knowledge of . the technical end/ of the various enterprises in the Brazilian group. But when the'piesident• of a company says •that• he knows nothing about its chief business It may be taken. with several grains of salt. Sir Al'exand'er may not know the tcchnichal tlefini- cons 'of ohms •'and•'atnpheres, but' it is••.safe to, say, that in tcvat,t•u-seven years' he has gained' a•• pretty good working knowledge Of -the power and other companies; even though their, management• is largely pu ""shit t hands of "the best available engineer,.' andn;experts.'.:, r. • [NOTE. -..It rig • true • that many Bruce men 'went As pioneers to , the Prairie West, but this is the first time 'that•. we: 'have. ever heard that; beir`►g;from »Eruce implied `a 'reflection or that a 'reference to ' sing :M frar>i' truce wouldstart a row In fact; we think 'that feature of The 'Financial' Post's article is a 'bit of fiction Qrhirh needed no expianation.---`Editor.] Cold• = aauoona ' :3Qxa� • Canadian Demand f . For An All Canadian• uet Proa K: and ,..1:143T S• TiresQ- ,. They Ate.' The.: Best y' On 'The, Market, ecu Mallin,• 'Choice Cut Flowers The finest of Wedding bunches and Floral work on short notice, delivered anytime,; anywhere. �. Transport to suit. GEORGE STEWART ,Florist ;'Goderich,:Ont. Phone 105 • .' :DUN'GANNON Brown, A: (B).; Finnigan, �L.; Har, was, E.; Pentland;; .R.(B); Peters, C. - (B); Wiggins.. W (A�;.You#ig, G. GRAND BEND Desjardine,- jG.; . Desjardine, L Greene, i1;; Mollard,. L. (A).•'Taylor; L.; i.; 'Turnbull, d, `A) ; Willis, V:. 1ICINGSBRIDGE :Dalton, A.; Dalton, R. (B), -:'.Foley M.; Foley, Mary; .McIntyre, T. (B);; '- O'Keefe, ',E.; . -O'Loughlin, A. (B).;: O'Louglip N (A). r ;NEST -•WAWANOSH No 1 -,Boyle, "May; . Murphy, Jas ; Chamney,. Herman Lena -:'Le ad L a No. 2= Dobie, M. (B), 3�� o. d F.B Th m No. Donalp- son, D.;.'Wilson;' W. In lis Chrissie. ' No. 14-, - g .. . i vin M.; McNee,"G. A.; No. 1� Giro ,. .� Sproul, •Elmer, (B)..; EAST: WAWANOSR• No • 3-11aely, Olive.. • No. :6 --Gooier, A.; Vincent,.. Rr . Walden,' lid.; Walsh, Edna. •- •ha a Villetta; , Cham-• No. 7 , C mB. Y, ney, Vernon: NO.'S -Vincent, Harold No. 10=--,Cald%vell, Thelma : (A);: gal well,; Norma • (B). -=1 o. 11 -Robertson, !Agnes. ," No. 13=Cook,•-•G,' Hi ; McGregor; DUNGANNON, Mrs. 'Stuart Finlay, with twoo child' dren, Vera and' Stuart, are here • on an'•extended ,visit with,, the former': mother, Mrs. Whitley, having arrived en: Friday. ' Part ' of the journey, fe •Saskatchewan• was made by boat:•. Mrs William Begley and two child:. ren; Winnifred and Clifford, returned, 'on Wednesday to their -home at' 12a - miry ton, after a fortnight's visit, • 'with. relatives in this . district: 'She'•,wat accompanied•` on, bee return by het niece, Miss Edna Park, who Will re- main fora couple of weeks. • Mr. G. MacKenzie, maitag$r of the local 'breech, of /the`' Standard ,Bank, spending a two -weeks' vacation' at Toronto, and •other points east/ IIs. is• accompaliied • by' Mrs:, MacKenzie : and son, •Malcolm, the .trip being made by, Motor, : 'Wm. MacKenzie ;of . the .Standard Bank; Goderich, will' act as managerhere•. o•o-o-- t,atlyi it is easy to get a husband, i#• 3r04 Can be•sa iglied'with the kind you foil own, The young 1pwyer e$yeCt' ‘4,0104,4, s i•albs i i4 A NEW' KIND or 'CLOirElt The Exeter Times -Advocate • the followieg:. ' ' • Mr. F. Taylor has a One crop 'of sweet- clover hay on ;-concession Stehen, that pis aft racting wide at - had tentien. It ,is. a 'new variety known as E; ;seiq Crystl""Dwar-whitu-bilis- sone.• sweet clover and is being grown for the' first time in • this part of .On-: It tario, is a vigorous; early season" grower; beginning to leaf out .just a- bove the grout d, and maturing to about the same height as, alfalfa. The. hayyields, On an average from three •to-°three4e(1-1a"'•helf Aerie -vet -here; 4n Addition it is ' a tremendously, ' heavy seed -producer. , Yields of 'fifteen . t'o. twenty bushels and some as high as twenty -live bushels-° have been report - .ed. Taylor got.hie, seed'front 'Mi bfr. T,. rr. c a andit Was first introduced in- train, i �irvi d 1f>i llis1 'rib 4 ..- hi� n , a . . , o �te$ioll'`to � V111.a 1► '"'- -- ,, ., chi >i >both' drivintr card ..... .. Tt�.. �9>r�ti b# . � Nil... � tiln IVO ltl4 . � � f to that state in x,924, uoring choro s d ane �s0ti •�.Nilli$m of RoobIlter� r od o ori ktjo�r ay o M or . in � � tb�x Atr� lrb Y, • >; N � 0rlaor, an�� i � a>r train, Caliitorlllat .• ah r A arghtrit .y; =awo-- JAMES MALCOLM •HANDLED ORANGE'•INS.URANCE • It'•is largely due to` lie good •offices :of Mr. James ;Malcolm,' 'Ex-M.P. foe 'North Bruce;=that --the hill :empower-- ing •theOrange. Order in,'Canada, to enter into the business' of, insuring ,its inembers 'passed, So smoothly through the #louse of"' Commons in all its stages: ilalcelm was Chairman he Bankin •and Commerce. Co"n1-' f t g mittee of the Rouse, and piloted' this 'bill through...that body -.as Well . as championing ' it • through • its third reading, in, the House of Commons. Later, it passed through the Senate, - and is now; , laver. Orangemen; in :Can- ada..ean now secure as cheap, and safe insurance with' their. •born order as in. any •conimercial Insurance -Co. in Can- ada. 'This' bill was entrusted, to' •the care' of Mr. Malcolm by the Orange leaders 'rather than to. soi ie of their own members,who were members :of the House at the time, in the' assur- anee that he could facilitate its pas- sage with greater ease and less' fric- tion; and they were' tot disappointed, Wiarton n., Echo ,. ,•. . Canadia a • 'NEWS NOTES • David Beacom Who• fora. number -• -yen -has--been--winning-the�rize_ as- the -oldesf,Orangeman- at the..July. 12th,celebratione..he attended,, was again successful this year'inhisliome 'town, 'Clinton.. • Ile is , one hundred years old, and of course, .had' few'. close. competitors., 1 ale' a, wit ' ou' RAPHy Ko- dak e th PH way is: less 'expert ive than' you 'think si demon- strate price .cards, it. And any Ko- dak is-, simple to work -show -. we : can readily�. you ho . easy It is. h'' odaks Auiograp zc.T� from $9o0. up Brownies $a:•oo up A. McKIM. Lucknow .Ont. V .. : cars 'tit choosefr° We hav, 32 dependable +� :this , e move and ire willing; to' � lose '$1000 : oto,, >� . , . ,%ully 10 'da ,s. All cars have been Carefully stack in 10 days. ,. . � . •. sale.,' .: .ned :and -priced-lower- for. -this .,- recondit>fo P• rh asst. lir, • ' d fo suit', the. pu c ,... erms arrange . e. - . ic. , ho best earlyand: �. aveti�.e;�bes HELD• - � Hilton arage enin s till' Openi�v g . W. J ',CHISHOLM Dodge Bros: Dealer ?i1 YORK ST. LONDON, ON , 4 ZION NEWS NOTES Miss, • •Alma Renter, is visitint friends at' Clinton. Miss Ada -lHelm is ,spending :• a few' days with Miss McGowan of Blyth. a' decided.: We:Are .glad to•report . improvement, in 1G, rs. Jno. Ahdrew's health. She has ;been confined to bed nths. between Dun- oys' softball y evening last at Zion The Ashfield won for the'past six 'm The returned gar gannon and • Ashfield team was played•on ,Fri by a scoie 12-9. Ashfield are `ieq. winners ' of the...; J.eague in this dis -trict and'„ will meet the vianneis of Goderieli district on August 4th The final preparations are being Made for the Zion:•Jubilee, to he held on Sunday, and Monday; next. We 1%pe 'to he' able to welcome. 'a ,great. many of`:'Zion's 'Old Boys and.. Girls back to`this event Miss' Beryl- Gardner ' spent - last week with friends in lucknow, Mrs. Andy' McKay, is here ` ,from• the West to attend.the.;' Zion Jubilee and is new' the guest'of het.brother; Mh Ralph'Ni�con. to, i -Mr. -George ,• To . ..of.:.Toison .,� .. _ M .Tapp ,, spending; his holidays_ with his cou William Orr, for*rnaniy. Years ,Book-:. peeper' for the Breed, Agricultural Works. at Teeswate', died in the: Gin=• - eral Hospital at Toronto on9uly 14: at 'tile';'age of 84 years. Of late years Mr, Ort' had ,'been living ,retired Toronto, e d vs ;Liss. line Ritchie 'returned to Tor. onto after spending a two Weeks' va- cation at 'bete heme, here. Out of the five 1:supfis who wrote 'at Reheat, tine •Were dame:Out. These, *saint 'were; ',Evelyn teed,. PritChard, ltitchie, Elms Hun, ter. 'rho two forntertaking ,h0nors..; ,eat het/ 1 ,n MEN'S :STRAW HATS ut they go! ,All at $1.00. len S arid Boys' . Simmer m-er wear at 5Oc.tito' $2.00. Dimiti-Princess • Slips, Broadcloth Slips and ` Silk' Slips at : 69e to $'4.5 0. Men's Wool Bathing, Suits $2.50. 11 "' 9$c. 'e Boys' 59c • • oatless.Braces, Belts, Shirts,. Silk 1 sle Socks. 'L e7a. .. ,. for °rs arts _i headquarters • OTE Wear��hea�q , NOTE-We ,Clothes. See the Khaki Men's Work • real l. Pant we have ,at• $2.SQ It st�re ,is a �: & 1.95 Pant. �' Ot�ier lines at $ 1.50 � ' to wear that ; old can't .afford You new :one for' -. can buy �a at when you Y is • n �•$1.00. only.•. .. ROUPTDING• TIM BOOTLEGGERS Last week's Goderie,h Signal the SPecialr officers of the Provincial Li - tense Department, wotking in. con - iCintin Miran and Bruee Counties;' and 4akii‘nng*aithrolunda:ltip4fi;fe'r.so'ffehah'ideer4lie*el: 1VIagistrate 'Reid has impoSed heavy sentences lit several cases. Stafford paisley; Of Cultois toWnship, was fined' $1060' With 'tear months in. 'lag, deratilt-of"Paymeet of the line Additionersix Months in jail. The same sentence, -Was handed` ttut • to theit Offence' was the sale of 'liquor. Russel Weikel -7-0f JJewie .toWnship,-'-wee- fined: $50, and e0StS far :Walker; Was 'fieed $200 -and costa on a- charge of selling. : On e charge Ben °Edwards of BrusSels, vita fined $200' and costs with thirty days in jail, in default of paytrientv,twe .4 $1,0od fine with twp Menthe In jail default' teur-troinths•-hdditional; sad lOs. Brenner, Jr., of Gratici Bend; pays 8580 and tate with thirty dayii in default tio moot* , in et Refuge in Bruce the , adverae" n• jority 2,378... tut by a' campaio,n of educatore by the tope ty press and. leading! citizens a inalority of '2,477 - 'was „recovered in fairer 'of thia hum- anitarian institution in. -1898 and the earner stone of the building was la4t. an June 24th, of the smite year; t,;-,te late L. T. Bland oUlkineardine Toutt."' ship being Warden. There has been very little Crititism° of the House of 'Refuge in the ;28 .Yeiars jt; luta-been existence oveirtg to the very high type.. citiseni who have been manage:3 arid. matrons. At 't1:4 end Of Mit .y4!4r there were 44 inmates,. 9 having hee.a admitted during the year and the ay... rage emit ".of `isteping, of- the .agedpeor per Week Ives ,only 42.94 pr, 1.4c, /per. Meal. 'Tliere • were Ave deatli:S, 75 years.. Manager 'Wiles and hip, ` 'White who ate now living in ret11-ettie" Magistrate Itc44; at,Huton County: last Week Sent et drcY under' th41000, •