HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-22, Page 7•
r ; •
• '
these tarratlYes of the Pentateech, a
• ,eb7m,1111titiell,.' of material drawn from
various older documentary soergege
Here we have a first set of rules for
' • 1 le 12; 16. Golden l'ext;,'•Fer even 'for a testIvar er urgeave°ed bread, Th lovely da ' ' . •
, BY M. O. HE, RNER, J1f!Y: '25't ' The Passover* gehapt 11: the Paeefrirer in vs. 1-10, then 'rules
TrofeSzer of Poultry Husbaridry, Manitoba Agricultural 001100, .
which avows to have Ivan erighugly .• e Bummer ye take their )aeother: Yet the fUndaitleatel re -
Christ our •passayer Ittateorlficed. for
Greet interest 'hes heart aroused registrar pf •reeQrde. And sent teeitile
frets the PaPaever (23:15,), leng' l'azY• rifelg° Are tbe gli4ren101$8, cy-f the human 'ehla are se
vs. 14-20 then a t fP i
• r, .., • lotua-gatin d
oug opt Canada In- the national breeder tO.fill'eut. bneeder can get . •
, ,secondse o ass- g days when we ,tit, r un- eftimrar that *Yore woman cast follow
. . , ,
over re* u'ations in vs :21-27. There efiellY under the. Pitiless heat' of sun ' these *Imp* inetructiel-nte-with bones
l'egfetratiell' Of liigh-pretring hens. hirde' registered iirleas tileY ma 0 • -e-ANALYsis; .
Se for the benefit f lit th ' d.-0 e laying - test pat I:. TB* aPATN OF • vg0 rutsmouN 4:1;• are*Supplementary rules in.^ vs 43-50 and accept without resistancethe d fit.'' • • ' • • • ' -
, a., ea, le: 29-80.. , .. • . , and. further‘_ regulations governing the ieg warmth of summer breezes. , : • Alar of Pure cold. cream is the first
• *roes, tie) line fall details ere given lets from registered bees cannot he the :. You didn't • think -you weren't essential if y u * eld "1 1
In developing such a 'eYstern;- hafiked quemed la a litA°g: mtest' - ' 1C4TP:44:' - . 1-28 ' - • • la. ' . - , e*Oe thet .the lazy houre were at - ly skin. Use it Use it freel rel•
. ill. of unleavened erode. and
• Of 'hew the regittrationels handled •• 'regietered till they in their rim have 11, TAP traS.SOYEA-.1„,e;W, AND pee mar least
sacriflee of the first born in chapter - ) - - - ' • o . o. a so ewe: a ore,
Mt recor of performance, poultrymenft - „ag your a. • 11,-. Were ,You • - You .Yet with .the gentle Oensideret.lea of
' ' ' " • . ' • .. • • • • ' THE sPomiNG DP 'rims] FrIANs • • Thr4!'Ir• , 2. ' was .the merit e - , , - . .
A bird that qualities' for regIstrit, . VIPraffaTfoN FOR DEPmerting eNsi e„ month,.
are confronted with. greater difileal tion 19 tattOoed 111 both wino before . , . - • - emeon t be that neglecting your your skin that ,it desert/ea.' Don't look
,ties than, are breeders of an ether ,i,a.vtieg the p-01.4.et. : In the riebe*Ing . ", - : • , , % 13:4•..• , The old Jewish, ire;at hazes in ,:r4.d-erearn.„, ler In the Summer would aPell aler of cold cream. as a 1100.1rY.
stock The hen has no connection With are .theLeontestant'a registareclAtters i, Ii-siTi? I'Varf0N•The • -ehaPtera felt the autumn, and to this day' tile ,sews brag 'auth dire resalte? or . an extravagance, but see in every
. o •• ,
-1...,ret;•eXamiir t,hose. cruel lierm pre_ jar :iiii Insurance against an old, ugly,
•• .- her offspring, and she repr d • ' - 4 'il en 'ft * ' the 'quatiting- 'owing 'stir" last *Oen tell Of ,01.e re- still recognize the: year,. as be, _ginning.'
„9,t_fe_ets or...41-.. 1 .' e ! - wing turn ' ' ' ' '.'
Atiti_•g im_Septenaher. • Tile month Abib ^oor- mature wrink.es-tanalnie out from the wrinkled"sker '
' might. reproduce' herse't ever •2e() Year" • letter= --A indicating 192.---!-B Yit'',.'07-ivIc'ses t°rE-gYPta-hfee:Oke
: times, a. year, thus Making' pedigree 1.924 and eo on No female can quale . . • • 0 . A. . .w , e iteecforals .to, the latter part of Math -Camera of your . d '
• . . • eyes -en traversingMake .a ,eiteaot these.",m.„Inutes,..
? .ders lei e , their..intei•viewa. with an the ,first part of or our your,. ,browl'., 3.4n toe! Peeekles, devoted to beant-y. Brush beck your
.hreiding, and i„kisfrattoll fee ,Mere ity: erilesS het •ege'S average tWentY's Pharaoh and 'request' for 'rniiSsion tdo t aster :Season. It Was 'net entil• the seerSts of there, What ean you• do hair $o will pot bOtauched bz' your
. ,
eoreplicated than with livgstoek." lonr; entices 4,0 the dezen after:the gO.inte the Wilderiteas. to ho4 A Sacred -130414)=n exile that this new method
• . . • ,
•BY -W., •Eariter•
X remember PO well Pal Ora hen 1
heed da•Yeeefull from morning ,
night of general childish labor which ^i
was required Of Us. I _remember,
how . we performed. it • without eve*
receivftele.;* it seemed to us, the LSO .•.
rerenneration. 00Iy toe db ;Os
member the rebelliosi that 'filled P111r
little hearts, because work to na seeth-
-latieadyralgec •Panistirrient.: T4PD• •
there were the frequent quarrels that •
"fe",!lewed.becaue of- the shirking .df
one Or perhaps :elle VMS was '• •
it P ct.. year about .,atsheemo„__:. closer in,t, cream.. Pt101 Your clotle,ag bee from ed. by tether; nr' mat'her.
Trap -nest 'records. are. invaluable 'es first. feur weeks of laying. fpLagsta/ee'atvrtm4f,..elhttilqswe'6rail"89i';f10a.egz'sribrel! ‘Qf reckoning 'the /.°Onrae f fin
the isiaby.,9, 'Yeur ":11arr•er---ae Yea se aeW,:• your. your shoulders pie YOU can make long, 'SCOla Ha and to start US Off Widi•
"value it the ean need as a 'basis nniler ore,Year et age. can .1)i regie- trfuseleTen patgues,in are reekae, rearttibi.t...prertlauetTrl.ea. 'folloWing
. This :.,fitat. Wau1;;.g*:in reelleti • .•; r • .... 1.0r,21. f*esi1S Iri-th''.°11ngers whexi no ...mate; 'lore for; work; we loloW '
they stand; but -becOrne• of ' "A:ttfai°,15ird `evet et*. nielitha.:' and
• au • , •• here is, however, evidePce that the therefore, appear to prove' that the The answer telt all is YOur 'creati,',i • 'Sit, before., that we Maat......dt,••••er cone
mirror So you can.'watch Your face Segneeees, • ••
•When; married and had Child
• • • or regiatration Thts, As the goal to-
, . tared. emended that t is a
. h h an hietery is drawn'. from three older nar law ef the P
' Wand whiCh" tiatnetest "reeords pedi- •grandllam a.re regiatered and 'he 'and assayer, in the form
there are re'quiredIhreeaCh thi8 1 .st'ecti°11'
out • some Of th •
,ofi'reetrIvihjeetodi.71;tndTlaking contes„ tosparaarkti•s Bire :gPla:;s:edit ruie
inspection r lavitpresthiplicatva . r , e stories
,., and that
is a or examPle,, .8t, exile' .C:rartetrf:, :ille t Peric'cl- °P'vthene' cerNr°icwtin
e •time of Moses - Th
en hundred . you, must •slevote yours If to
fs' these thin e ,
th is_umform for th on i lug, and the flock t ' e
as o are' wi. 8-1 where t,. an 9;14 a o new _mem di m new moon s n grow i'd • will 'et her
' a compared ' man 10 the e -eee things, for:;''iiihat•vro.-
1 eations under . is trans'. Mcl •-1
4 e Where the word which er frogev .•. e id s_',,e,eern 'days 11 I"
s not ieaye 'the '
birds that have disqualli anY 1-8-19 and 20-2i: ei
Revised Ver- t
. a . " ' ' - ;as reckoned
_.,, arid 8 . doer Incle, Fema.es are inspected
Standard of Perfection, e tee May Int • •
, we e possibly month. •
Ameriean mean 'sand -flies" (
sihle accuracy:a greatest to hut all but dee ' methothat Is faAr: the
• anti. breed' 7 ' as to •diseme, sion margin), d gee
, ...7t.t" . a Ystem of regietrati
-. b , te same agency and ' lets from 'registered e'mntest icial- " t same .OUtn- ehrows 'which were see ef 'tile / out With all the *
I ber in a, different
.. „, so d not to
ours. - '•' . pond women appreciate th . • ' - i
. 0 and'. tigltyPt iutelfgen
• elle system of_reglatration for ed
be ,win ' hens must '
an the morn -
chicks I he...T. or the following ot,O al!" 'the
story. It will ttaUls and • - . 'at) next to their
, . • , m ition Sti
n • eausehok/, v. 3. , minds, -their. bodies..
• Crack
your vrhip of a b
. n connect' wi h '
' 1°9'ns-ft te-day i .' • ''ew -in ' tor° e registered • n and the bleed put • esn attention. • , ...
The intelliee e ' ' • require
_ le es,, are, entas.a. died, In'
nn161.1g is Insocted , • elte.'134:,_s _2ere..,the34ith7tehee7bleoui•lrsrain7 ,e. exactly' t4
Tbcse Trine' 1. ' --en:- ' al ed
hatched f th 1 intereati to
.., ea. r. . on- _ . p country ng coritost . ,.,„ -.Inlay he - identical term for pestilence and .. A in/nl? for ii. I ' -
A 11111111 Wel:alai.'
(tor posts and 1
Intel of thel
ouse. about
• r 'eq. hY one Single ag y " .4., itt . .
itV‘d in'. and.mann em ' •
into any g . ent, before they are ad I's. a• genet' 1 .
On th ' h '
e nit of ' ' '
ng - compare th •
e poetical '
account of the
- Canadian ' -say/ • Km, •t th . g banded with
ng censests • • • e within h a Sealed band: illag‘'es P I believed theLmetilence it 3,v • / PeP and ' r
th as Don't crawl out entbilatiusnl.
t ree weeksafter ilatehi. which gives' a let of e Bala 78''' assed t at the itn°5411
are uniform from •
pschu..10.5, which h eze and In in _ Over all the hen g angel' in- :he0 in the morn -
fig b t dash:
.. lilted by the- • eeast to coast °per_ I When theY' go into th
so marked and an adventurer , starting 397 a
, .hens must be' The plagues •OPared'•their' first b
Y e mine governed eeein all to h order.
rules Trap -nest est ba d d
Lu ave been natural h 'torn was 'still to. 9rri'
that gret ons- , a sltetiee and 1
g. °Th new e•ad‘
be oilsorev0ed•itiihez.rieus•'•
made I:17s thaTmdco'' nt;heareeyiePu-en„..ore„r.,f7iIr4teete hfefincieaffil'ini:ettahlleicsrwigihntglP 1 .*and Muell7at e hand of Gad fies •
the 33 emn.lan to the land of Lmaanet" ory oe.
. carry official , c I chick band. Cock raPid is seen their eranee,, The s • . et the too
h of thel b
in eat am , roasted w to - bright da A /
en with
ereis f 'succession th ' , as be mph. . Y• nd.if not put
, , me into everything yeti do your -
unleavened. bread and bit- If: • The gray days' are good 'times
• eir.eetraordi- ter herbs. The eating Of unleavened to put on a little -extra' touch of rouge
er narY severitY• Each Year the wate'r bread was to continue for seven daYo, and to. start the 'household duti
, wince ilppjleatien for mast:ration s I of the .Nile tnras a
made muatsbear similar identification ktiine of the flood, irr July 'and Auest
re •a • • the fleet And the seventh days to be
• The conteats are operated 'by, the'marks before they beco
Domieion Ex i4
, , es n upward stroke 'helps to lift the mut-
,- a crisn 'frock or a-nron • • ' • ' • ' •
. a as ,Sabbath deYs, for religions gather- •. - - - ••• • .; ' • cies, and' tistuei that tend to fall, It
. me. eligible. ow ng to, the ' presence 'of • vegetithle i - apd eeremen warship. , . • '. Aif, you prePare breakfest or make
is', araiteing hoer. Much We earl 'help
Pe mental. Farm aystera when a male; passes -final inspection Matter. Eaeh iear the *aid 'bring* I' the. poziaimir, 'I& 21, In vs.. 21- ar the beds, watch the way Yea stand; ^countered a little Slimin of Nature by
at their branch farms in the different28, e return to the artery' of 'Moses watch the action of 'your ,body eveey persistent attention! Yeur • forehead
• Provinc.. The laying doetett-is the way at the female when it leaves the
. it Is ie 'the wings le the 'same 'with # reTriade of frpge. ,In si
• breed inthe'sballow water of the rice • -
there are swarms, of .inotiquitomi which.
• e t f •p y ca ,a i s wi these ai
hail the lase eight 'in. Ewe mil,807, time yol bend: Yeti' can form e*e:-
-• lent h si 1 h b't ' -th th d 'ly want° erelP11, too, plenty of it. Start
in the centre with the finger 'tips of
both. heeds and, gently zigzag thettr up
and down, moving out to -Ward year
teinPles. At the temp ti nib the re-
maining cream in slow, firm Ardis;
. .
as you :Cleanse- it. Ande as the old-
fashioned- lihotegraPhers.: Weald Sae*
look pleasant:I e:Whist is the use to
coax out yesterday's lines if you screw
up your countenance when. you do the
Coaxing? ' • ,
Dip out creaSn••with your Amer
tips and smooth wetly over your
akin. Begin just under your chin and
Sweep upward and outward toward
the top of your ears. Start over
again, beginning at the Centers of the
mouth,, and cover the cheelig with a
bread flat -fingered mOvement, always
slightly 'upward. and outward it •YOhr
• ,
progress. • • ,
• Persistent Attention
• _ • .
yllrou 'know ,Why, , don't you? • This'
agency. responsible for deve.oping the
reglatiatien. work. Any hen Making
• a. trap -nest record of 2'00 (sr more eggs
•te- In fifty-two, consecutive weeks In any tu6epsii: Thero eifficient restrie.
• .contest beeonieeeliethla fere.ereldetes'asettlena and limitations placed' eluen it
;•• •. . &gusted against frauduerit pre
's'Appiication,* Made to the Canadian 'sif STY hied, It.appeals to: the breed -
National Posiltey .Recotd. Association! ere-iind careen with it accuracy, ro-
tor , registration, the livesteckiiiebility and integrity to a degree net
man; applies through his association.* reached under any othe.4r system that
RegistretiOn' pipers. are 'Slued by the his so far been euggeSted..
. .
"laying eoriteqt• '`'• , . - „fields. Skin diseases are common; ant! 7as whic., . is not ninenot ci certainly • •
Irpovne • the duties. Throw yout shoulders back
This system of registration of heavy' at rare intervals. there have been cat:
. .
layers has so far been an unqualified' me elegises. Locust swarms are some_ 1 lintecelksramnodnilaer :sesprionfkiwinhgich(Lweve.re14751, straight
age* while thunder storms' wit ail, 'Num. 1"; and compare Psalm 81:7). squarely on both feet. -` These little
times known; which de fearful dam- 1
-and_sand storms 0.,,hieh.v. 'The blood thus shed and eprinkled. Or •your. bet, sating - d
, , •
nese as thick as a London fog" Are net r sytaehaiwar Gadale,s altving egra.cee- *mai. 'xin ; --:-, -- -
heunrcrbiemoenf: aiTihethriptiamguyossteriwoeuestaitadt ,' Tows' a
and. power. Their enemies and.oppres- . ' cfea g Out the Wrznitlets.
sere Battered, but they were spared. • Drink six or eigiit glasses of watt'
which smote the dirst-born ift all •the
4. 4
81 b. t
' •
• si between meals each day -make yoUr•'
land. • - • ' If! The humeri body mods lots, of
I. THR.DEATH THD FIRSTBORN, I . • • mOlisturei. and you .can scarcely Oven,
1-16 and 12: 29130. * - There -could have been no sleep that
of terOlvn, ''resollied that they shoiM
not grow up ,with the same feeling:, ,
toward Work that and my brothers ,
and sitters had heti when we .lived to-
gether at home. My plan was to teach
them to love work, have then -give
their very beet, efforts to their tasks,
not because they were to, :id they had
to accomplish a -certain amount, but
because they were aseigned the work
they 'eyed. ' • • " •
The eldest .showed fondness for
the chickens, se a certain part of their •;
care was intrusted to him. :This waS
a. special task he loved, and he never
needed to laesseeminded. •ile was..
lowed 'several thitkens all his own, and
the receipts from these constituted *
fund which he .might spend or put in
the bank. ,He is growing it love,
With, his week, and as he 'gradually
branches out into decimations of, as
broader nature, he takes . more and .'
Snore pleasure in Whatever he has 'be.
• Our :yoUngest is but a tiny tot, yet "
he is growing love to, de little
things. He does not expect to be paid ;
relasdng of • those tired eyo muscles. lie he.A3 EC SUM in, the Work of the
t G
Your nese Minat have its 'cream 'sup- home and Usually begs to de, hie nit.",
ply; begin at the bridge and use the ••/)ly neighbor has a boy who .hes
Om little circular movement between his ''father isethe fields. Ho • is not •
the brows, then down the bridge, and driven to work, Instead, be 'wants to •
use this Same circular movement for 'help. In 'Order to foster this spirit,
his . father gay, little patch of
ground; all he raises here belongs to
him, How ;:ble,eyes sparkle when be • ,
Is prisedfciethe excellent work
doda on that patch and for the vege-
tables he' produces on that groutildr
Not is he lees helpful. He is the More
interested n his father's, work; since
he Will the same business himself. '
• Their little, daughter is a :real ,
".niernme'S helper." 'She likestodo
thregs about the house. ,She does
have to be driven. .She is not a bit
vale- yet it makes her feel, geed' to
hear her father praise her neatly set
table and the tidy room when he
comet in from work. She does not .
'expect to be- paid' for .what she ,does,
but each week she receives a small
allowance, pert of Which she. deposits
in the -savings bank This adds to the
Joy: Of eleieg her tasks and there is '
no thought that her mother is driving
her to work.
• do the healthy habit, of drinking -pure ..the wino a the i.3; yeivekn vend,
Cattle for the Show Ring. I timing Young ClOver• Yet ono 'Pk4924-vi 11-1, is ?remised, 'tight for. the men:and women of. Is -
Beef cattle must hi properly' fitted' Several exPerhnent stationa. have with this eit t .'ealamitY• MeSes shoes on. ir feet and stet" in band, cod, drink hot 'teeter. It will Ware 'minutes, with this treatment. It is
As'residir Pharati‘as been't reatened rael, The ate with loins loins girded; their fresh.. water frequently. If -you feel anywhere from five twebty...five
before they are. taken on • the show' given some attention to the Matter 0 has been bidden: by the Lord to say arid they a iteliaste, Waiting for the up your stomach and seed a nice glow
,eireuit. .. Attliough the feeding and ,the 'best time to apply lime and. have to Pharaoh,: "Thus. saith the Lord, word of, command which was to send over AM. bodS/. Never the thorough way .to cleanse the face
water as a practice. w!itd;irake:f..,i,ere Mui2 it also holds . the first prinetplea
fitting. Must be begun a long time in found ,that over, a period' of years Israel is my son,. my firgt-born; and them forth upon their great'.adven-
, advance •ef the 'opening of the 'show there Is little difference in the effec- I have said Unto -thee, Let, my son go :hire.: In- the ' homes of . Egypt there
coolness that ,dOes not tentract the •
df: a facial Massage. You can make
. .. , . - . t what ' ..choose. '. •
• you •
• • • • • • • • • -that. he' may serve Me; 'andthOu haat was Itutentation and dread, and the . , _ • • . .. . .1 • 3,.
seitsenY.the roetine Of putting en thee tivenesa of -the ineestone to matter throat but merely freshens, A is, the .
\ - final touches' is just at Important, as ' Whether- It is Applied on the plowed
fueed to let Why- ''' b h ld I• '11 E ' ti' ent i on •the eo- '
, 0 te, . wi . gyptittii.a ,were .rg p _,. Less . .. . You Must have a clettre tort cioth
These habits onceforMed hese* as to vilthis ' - It has be
- • slay thy son, thy first born! (4:22- , •
ple, that they might send them out '^'7", • . • . • - • , - , pe away cream., • •
' The Cattle 'shtulil be trained to lead" during the rotation., • ,The two points: : ' f the land ' halite- for they said We . come an. oili substance now, a' sub -
the feeding. , • . _ . • .. .t soil or et some ,more convenient time 24). . . , •, • ... e •
Lef•them 'at*, .v. 2. ,Ceinpare 3e21 -,be all dead•inen7 'v.: 33. • autematic and as easy, to ' do is the
.. o e in * • e
stance that Penetrates the pores, soft -
well and stand' in a• correct position
when Ailed up before the judge, This
., training must-, be begun : several.
menthe before:the cattle are taken
.stvray Irvin the feral. Aiiiniale that
in the 'ordinary rotation at which 22. They are biddeneaecording to the ,',Ile -made
limestone can be most . conveniently custom of the East; to as:s• for 'pros- Ho a way to his anger;
scattered ,are: On the noir Seeding, ents, not to borrow'.with,no intention' But gave their life over • to : the
1 Ho spared. not their soul trite death,
of clover. following -the 'wheat or Oats of returning what they borrowed.' 1.• pestilence;' • •
harvest, or on the. Sod land after theII. THE PASSOVER LAW, 12:1-28. • Aside:emits :al . the ,fiest-born of
are propeztly trained to lead and stand hay crop has been reMoved There i • here
• " ' ' less catt:e: - see ng u yives the summer an a •terwargoverning i s am!
bration. No better illustrstron could' And .guided them. in the sv-isclerriess •
f d ' l' I cele l'' like sheep,,. . ' • -
annual - • ..
. -everk other akin and sometimes a cure .
from sponge your fete with a little witilt-
.awaY et much cream as you can,
haze:. This ' homely, healthy lieuici-Tcaa"
and receive mete/attention than rest- Probably ameh of the , new . e.oeor lievrs inade at .aifferesit • mes, lone But made his oini people to go forth
Eseyy, Akin differs slightly
sat: hie° a week far a month or six lulong if limestone were applied to•it eae ()Ace mentitazed, that we have in (Psalm 13:50-52.). 1 one person MaY take Mach longer :for - • • . 1 t • th year sidr
. • • • . isea mane ous owe . ,
.task cif dressing, and every one of "ens the surface of the skin. and coaxes
thine helps to build newer and more out eis: the stubborn dirt: Wipe this
beautiful -looking Alit - . .' away as gen* as yen:Would rills a
Have a, schedule' for each dayT
if you cen't' Always follow. ,Out 'the, roughly Even baby's, skin.-' Never touch your skin
• s a. combination of the , • Egypt, ... • • plan, at :east have one, and incezde int sa especially when Su have
Well When lined up before the judge . , Of. these, limedgethe • yoent elver story of the first passover, on the eve! The chief Of their. itrength im .the ade it and Pliable with creani.
• . •
it a few minute for special attention
always present a better appearance would seem. to be of *specie' interest. of the dePartnre m• 9.3 ,"a I ' • tents a Ham; • . After' you bave carefully wiped
• -Show animals • should be 'Washed at Would be preserved 'aeinst winter- Iv keno ee the face already more: .like a flock."' ; • thet is effected in a ',short time for •be Purchased at any drug dere and
weeks befere starting on: the show cire' during the summer. If the stand Of, teess- " ' , -as- - ---, -
cuit . Washing ° increases the growth clever is. pet thick enough it can, still; ' . ,
. of hair, and snakes the skin clean; soft bee'reseecied during the month of ,fu y,' 'Calgary Stampede a' Unique Event.
• .
*ad Pliable.' Soft water is preferred jest before ,or after the liming takes:
••• • • •
..to hard. water. Tar • 'soap Should be, plate., • .
used -when it is possible to get it; In In connection With .1zerface •
r . • •
weehlug the cattle. first pour '*ater , cations of linlestone, we have found
Over, the. hair, and Ain tio that ' the • that coarse products can he Used tO
• .fr
• dirt is 'thoroughly' soaked. After ap- advantage under these • conditions.!.
iplking the Water, • aeap. should be rubs . Lying on- the surface of • the ground* •
bed into, the: hair by meant of A stiff the kip particles are exposed to;
'bruth until geed .1iatifer has been weathering action and tend to be, re-
set up, little water is added from ducedin size and to be dissolved* sub-,
, time to time while rubbing to teeein sequently becoming.i Part of. the Oil.
. the dirt and Wagh'it off the Skin. After'. July and .August are teed Months. in '
the, entire ' surface has been thorough- which to study, new seeding 'of ;'
ly rubbed ,and *fished. the :animal clever and. help .it prepare :for its,
should e rinsed with °clean • water first Winter, when. most the catuall-
until the seen his -been ,removed. ilea .occur. • • - • , • .
The surface shouldebe,Wipedi tut dry as • . . • h.
. possible. If the hair is long enough • • ,
:It rimy be curled, .which usually' gives: Sele,tting Young ‘,..;ocgeren.
• the animal mdre attractive During this mosith' a lot of young
awe. ' • Ccockerels are going •to be, sold ',as:broil-.
It is quite essential that the anima. era. From among this number, a few •
be kept out Of drafts and .blenketed Will have to . he saved as future breeds .
MO the akin' is iitk: , The geeitien-is how to deL
In addition to. the washing, and ,Citle' which ones are most 'Worth. sae -
training to lead well and steed core •ing. • '`4
reeidy,, the feet -Meat be trimmed, the When. Pedigree hatching is possible
• horns .c:eatted,' scraped and polished, and, is practiced the problem •is grunt -
In the ease of 'Aberdeen -Angus the ly simplified, in that the parentage of
. head rted.teil•shonlii be clipped. estier•ehlek is known, so that it is pos-
The aiiirna': should he brushed just sible to save families .of good chicks •
. before leading into the ring to remove rather than •g'eod individualeestkatt-
any particle of hay, straw or dirt that families in which there Were perhaps,
may adhere t� the body. If the hair many poor •
moistened to cue', the water should • since, pedigreeteArig cannot al,
be used sparingly so that the skin is ways be do ,eis• enzea important to
. . • .
• , saturated and': too , wet *hen tile study raetertstics of the grower
' is " brought into the ring. If hese.' ts with a view'to determine ,
body wet'.frord the use of te!' ,!fig a bass legical: se:action ,
^ to can -be made with reasonable assur-
as is since of accomplishing the desired re-'.
'the. ,salt; Ready:to. contest for thc ,..;n- c. itteie trite;
de. pethog tvin, maat, nnorinnt tedt to Lowces-sludoing the Einektog, contest:
011.:(1' keep in tnind-is that n `good cockerel' Th° calta" stamPed''' ja'Y 5th t° 111;11 wa8
teek bird in miniature. .. -unique Caaalda, in that it Was not Prefe,sfonbl•
'ttaalied ' is not an idea': twat cowboy adult eithaMotatons -nd wot
led A cockerel --that. SboWS at twelve .weelte , a as
horses trent the rsechet In thd district were the pee'
iiiiceV` of age the shape and form of a rita-" formers. In other •wordS, this stampede was; "the
not tt_slcsirable. ,,thIng" th 0. rag 311ing territory. where every Izthe
apechnert, to Save -as a future braeder.' ' ITI'Filtriiiritorrkumi-ro-tlrcr "trust SCHS' 041 tstoluatetl-,-
*".."...niminnum If 'you 'give your •skin this
ran& water, the judge i
,adremine tlio•animAl
lone when. brought -
',eery best eondition„
net have rt long Coat,
;bet shown' dry and Alit
" Thd
into the ring' with e•
Through. -the, 5
Through. the sunny ga
" The hunim ink bees
ThS-•fir,clitubs• the hem,
The heather eiimbilkireo
-1"`'''s The low clotkre4.10.0,i;
A little fift thrtteneene,
The tce-se.
Tar att•ti3/ erIagee'•
Mare 17-
1000- ers,"
44.44, , e
India 80,0(i
imperta only $1,661.
Implements autl
r ceeeeres with good frames. ese04.; , in bY: genuine westerners, it is described as a glganes
. .
large im bone ancLthote that feather ' .tfc celebration, staged on it, OM grottnds, by a west. : nit those 08tiltinti.tr$ \vita even:et up Cl,.. • .-.%•,•;,
rattiay, normally and. in balance ,a.4.4: , Tun cietiternitke There zi.rielere few -Such. event& In • i, tr.ins„ is nn.....eyeat of intportahee in the, i"„tIevie.,c6.
• • teriea or even in the wort 4, • ,••
likey to 'deveop in a way to`Suatity i ' Tile chuck wagons came trent, ranches as, diskatit I •,' fl'ojrIty 1,yeal-rs dgiatitt;liteirttt tfiONtytni:(' e7fItl'a•Ig°aliirYt`l*IlL'...i'aS t !I
theft* 'being saved, Furthermore, jt t ite• one hundred and fifty mese.. eow•beare from 411 ' ,typical rfild-west enrichifig centre. Now MO elil a
pays to taws the dookereli-that ere', parta of the COttntry, with real bucking stack'. depict- I mingled with ilie modern :doe:cement of the ("IltY.
"growints, mete rapidly than the aver.; : Od the4Old and thrillieg da'YS Of the 'Nest. Pack trains' The eel thuers phe ortrayed t'ploncor pCrioa.
... ,
iiikeef the, Tiock.„ .. . . . ribm the mountains. stegcd the most n6T,e1 peeking ! ; Tourists from all Parte of Ammat'a eftentlea Mite
eractittitleite en, the Ilitiir.Streeta et •Calgate, • _' _tratia• now, eonneet vtb oil the 0,ettrre „of the eel).
, ,
• The old Bed ItiVer cart, the ptairie schoone..., the tineut and many ftarneyo.1 by the graal eirca:t;aiVi
..' riot eteDlein at ailaderthet. • • .. democrats,. paraded the street. 'There was en. 4netlaii ptitk.r malt hielataYtte te Ihe stamp) -!e,...
tveri . rtitnent at Aki:ersliot 11.6;1* FT- tillage, and -the Insilses,:in-all t116,:glor•Y of theh'''tfitial ' , • ., An filteTegnite.: ...fc.itar.‘ , Was thei latii...rhit,,g cr
dressegere .delly p0'.'. is The 6*.d Haddon's Par Mil:eats. Of vartes• 4.4Qc;;4' olt r.ln„.,:./ ,`,..11 til+,.•1 quea
t it .files its' own dilg at lie allot office. ,tho ' log. tred 1 ag poat arta ti,o picrtKer.8 hut 'weldonied the` SiaieL4. Mitt:ere. t•I'es.atad1:.r,trl el , et ra•.:',.s. serrista
4ila Vnion 3At-lt" being l'eserred'Ier.'goade., pioneers. Ties eirettai --,U l,', of fernier' 7Steanted mid sight aeeing, traveller, ieeei'eed the er,:mt, wbivit
r., quarterei"Mid gOVernriteilt hatietie,
rOline,Veterankt•tattiCm‘:,11,,,,,Proapeetete.•trallern and broke alt. -,provion teorilz. • • -
' meet rust before retiring at night, -.We• praise our Children for the ef-
you can let this tonic drys.* your forts they put ;forth. Remembering .
-bur ewe childhood days, we strive to
keen our children frail! following the .
Unhappy path We trod, ,It is so much
hetter to have them accOmplielf little
tasks because they love them, than- to
compel the performance through fear
bf pueishment, • •
akin. : If, however, ym have tak a the
Serlier hours of the day, finish the
trearneet with e liet:e ice rub over
the witch-harel.
Siveit Cieam in Smaller. .
1 • from three to ten cents more •per -
*and can he obtained for sweet cream
ui summer. lt can easily be kept
Pure *Titer for Piga.
goad' Melly Of the laig Plantie.
. I .'
1,zo.,tTioheo .fiwirtWeliqvuoire8ntioeoholeleoftite, ti,siteoirii',.1..... A
which. we, encounter in our visits to,
letensils.' ". • • ... , ' ,, ..., • : farms •provide fewor lie facilities for
keeping clean, pure weber before the
'• il•TcahrIeh:O.otti.rnietheo.:comfrinanritfraoalimfttefigeseteprarlatithne. hogs' at all UMW); ' • "--,.• ',.. ;'-:
ritisers seem loath to get 'w'ay
. should be cooled beferethiet•Sier mixed Li:roil:the Idea that the bog is neer ra:•-•
ly dirty, and they permit him to ru.s-
': With the other :cream, .be placing the
- eeeteinet, in cold water and atirrizig ' tie for ills drink and take it out '°:';-' the
Wallow's, ditches and ,bywttys 'rather.
. the cream a. feW. tniriutei. ' • • '
.1' if. the 'Well water: is 58 da -greet 'than provide Ore wat'*•'
4.iffictitty • • There are a 'number of patent viatt, .:'
'• Valirgabeit 'or lower', little
:. Will be 'experienc,e11 in keeping the etarechersdontotheb barrel
ilteotr tt,ei;iscich, cboalibdoesat; '
Crease betessezi shipping periods.. A ',
waterers which.
tank *hcildings the' water id Which, tee number Of galvenieed
pans of ofeath are set should h4 placed i are reffai illaisPeasah:e where any
water supply 'great number of, hogs are grown, bat •
•between the well, and the
for the farm. In this 'way 'fresh; f6r -the 'man Wh4; haS. one •O'.'..,tWe Ilt-
can• bp, mit into their •
' water is circulatieg around the cream ' ter's, • Weter
There are sevprel ex_ cleaned. trough' frequently during the
.. ail, the.. time.
day, and, generelly speakirtgethis Will
eellerit types of tooling tanks .6n the
market and bulletips deteribing home.- a°°*et: the Pui.P°°e/ it 'we dcItt't get
bus'Y with other work .and neglect .
• imoalidoe., type.s•nr„ may he •cyls)tairie,. d from
9t•L :Ir.?. There's where the automatic louts-
' If it is itepestible to have a cooling tain e°rne° hi,' and rarely falls; and
you can go on about your ether work
, -tank,. etseets'. mad: of teventl' thick-. .
aesses of bur+.ap
111.337 be made. for the iirtDdt')ilr.63tt trror.*w4.cold•nl'ater on hot' hogs
•-cans. Thesesare dipped in *atm' end!
steel put „„.,e,,, the cream can. If th4, or pigs, especially on top of their
If they get overhs.atett 'fix
can is then set wherSit is out' of the shnader°.
Seize but ie a free circulate= of air, a c°°:" Pa- 'for them to lie 86,11 frt.; ''
.,. , evaperatian, "even 'it Op ' Water • fs•:.,t5e4111:idae-tea,01,e' rPhleenat? 4 good water 141- ' •
.. NVdtht; \VC.: lc.iiie the cream reel.' -
Thick creed keeps bettbeehan thin; • ------. Ls-
• er.: sm. Therefore, the' t,retatt, screw- A Front -Yard '' " 1,..
. Pk BeiArr
on ,the separator should be set to 'es , -, ' ""' ,,' '
. .
te peed:zee svereatn testieg 4;3' per eeitt "°41Pnatc!'' ladce°' are : en'l'iren,
whose homes have raimitig,watcr,.fer . '
i (•-.Itthee.g ::cr.., the .n.avantn,,,t6 of good 'the
in 'torrid -v.eatI,O. tootio. 'Get •;:ring
' care, of eream are '.6st hi' the can be- ! the' sell to th"1:11'1,etting the Y°F.114- .
sters den bathing suits' and frie,e in
iinr posed to the ":‘01 aurin.g. °in .t/P :the Shoivet-' titOWtt Yie-ir fAstr.,!--,...ilyi.
to the statme: A we, been et s lie
' be -thrown ever the eau.* orl'• rdith to sPre%pY ra:tnt4,clieer Ll'' t:),.-t!Tr.t,k1„04.1141:$,..‘11.,35 s4vi. ,
:." -1•01e station.' ' .. . . ,-
'fossil:In a dellar or:it'd WAS parellaet.
. . Tr,tet..'0,rr;i;'' in itnly: „ 4o iliteir,:r4ithreplo....zrth,,tthihnitn7 g.ent",.e:aprey
. ,
Tli6. inacrit'CUVernibeit nt 'Italy 'h ea .•-•---Ave .d,3, yine.#.01.1,:th,,„ .01t4/1,e4rAtur.,;lity..._„.....,.
: iinteeeitheti to preventAigging ort.the airect, force of the garden fte,,,to ,o•n"
• 14'uliirti,ict'cieg°.:nctle.Initgiprea7etg. ,i'llititc-gcaftiaties:ad't..:ste;i1114a'letit:Ora, "'‘e.IZie•tilatilitifitheli..t:tileIttlth'eatilliiii0.:ItIlrottjthpiodrir;u-s,:,:61i, ilr'ilet...
, . i, 0,
. pr.:4)er and immoral hooka and ,pitiPeta;, Iv* groat 7; ail- Li), ,
• • ,