HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-22, Page 5w
THE LUCKNbwi s tin » • ,littliSDAT
:22nd,, ids.
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' There is a world . of satisfaction
'� in the use• . ofFtwine that'-
•; •'binder from beginning'
�•, .'The;Good, Old• eliable-.••.;
��- O„....--
g nr o '
. even Viand strop t au
teal- td use than short-lengtln..twirie
guaranteed, by the tag on
h ou
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for the
smog. hl
end of
is more
ball:of P1'54-nouth.
y, r
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.^,.� n” e t ,, •ep ellem
Q For real
I it V:'
twine satisfaction there is not!
:the • genuine P 1 mouth Twine.
Lucknow Ont.'
ing like
. � , .,
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+ _E.
niingmnnuuuuumiuummninmammi miummmmamimutttttlalWmanllllllHpla,pup„aaa1111111111Ilulllllllillltla11111IIr11ru11110-
lair,; 'and, Mrs Larkin and. children'
, ;of; Toronto; are spending; their poli-
. Drennan.
Mr.., and: 1Y1ii, John F>•rrisll 4041
- Dila spentSunday, visiting Lang:
'Side and Teestvatei' :friends.: '
,., 'Mas, self; 'Arnmtrong `.and children
".:of London, are visiting, at . MI1' mal i
;'.re visiting faier>ds ••:'and 'relatives
.We a:re•glad to report ili:iss'I\1,e;ttiq
Cottle to • have so. fat`, itiiproved
return• horse #Sint •13t•antio:d,
Are you
Shall you. be' building, this•
year? If so, profit' by the
save money • when build ::
ing.'Even on a small` job
y ou'Il- probably be sur-
prised to find bow': using
Long Di take ,'enables
ou to et.lowest': rices
We•boughtall the mat e
rial for' is $75,000 build-
ing 'biy Long Distance
it is the' cheapest way"—
writes a; contractor in a
medium-sized: town. •
"We •use Long Distance
to. get prides on materials
*before, making estimates
‘or contracts"—writes an '
' other.
The leaders • in every.
branch of industry: know.'
•: , (Chey've proved it, as you.
can.. t`
i'fl and Mrs. Frank .Petterson: orf
Llapt Detroit; visited ] week at the' home
of his fathoi,,M Ken. Patterson. fir:*
'Mrs. David Irittle's. -". ire -sorry to tonna Mrs Patterson t^
Misr; Nora' Westrope returned -r. [ive t ligan' seriously ill and had tr.
Detroit; 'after. •spending a tw'd tr,d:c'. stile•.,o ,ti�.espPetidic:tis operation in
vacation Stith lei. sister, ':Alis. 'Jo - Viighatit Fospztal:
•Courtney . M '. ;;�
1Viiss.. •Vera L.,ittle had her;ton=iii Messrs. George. r'isher,' and ;Georg
ren'oved. et Ving'hana,t 13ospita1,, las Ken ;} fatted on Suncihy .frith the
-141i.• Dave Andretw,, Asst: Aj;r, RCP •�loderich. u
and Mr.Jelin. Farr,ish made. a bliss• Miss Kate:.McL' eod Of Detroit 'an t
peas tt:ip to Orangeville,. last. tteek :.-,-AT.,r, and' Mrs. •'Jol`n Reid`. of Auburn:;
Mrs: Jimmi•e.•Bron'n.,of Detttit.•..i. •;uisited ori.Slindaylatthe`,ho,ne•.of y -rt
visiting with Mr.'.D ing. Caui'r:,n. of David Kennedy. •
•, . 'Lochalsh.
Miss Sadie' Johnston of New York•
:- ,0_0 °
has rctprned toher. horse at.Latimer. Sr.' .I'IELENS•
Miss ida Hamilton of Nort.i 'Bruce •
j• has returned :to tier "home in ILetiia, M::Neil. ; apart of Chic -Ago is•spend,
Jock City. .• " ing a week with; - Mi J. ' B. Rather -
s Mr.' and MVirs. Jas.: T Webster and ford:
children of Kinloss, spent Wel.:4;i .and Bits, .Fill Ferried of Al'=
,with. friends ; in Bayfield They vele , bests, called •on old'. friends; here. this'
accompanied by Mi•s: Tont Iritis Creek
t . Mrs: Ellis 'of Kinlough• and Mrs A 1Mr. ;Mills. of Durham is visititie;
'Hamilton of , 2nd.. Con., i•visited • tti ith
Friends in Paramount, friends `here. lir. Aitchison, Sr., who
Mr.nd .Mrs • David Naylor r of '.scut , the' past three tiee7s�at. Dur
har1•, teturricd 'with him.. ,
Macgregor, or,;illan., • formerly of. Luck.yi,,es.:4iabel:' Woods.and •' Jenn7c'
now, are visiting with Mr. and lira-,
A. Stein Mrs;.•Naylor is.'a sister of Mer'arlane` are .attending. Summer'
...Mrs. Stein. ' School at Goderich, tris 'Week, :
Miss Annie Davis • of hitfttti;' .ic ;'Iiss Anna. Stuart of Toronto; in fo Knok Church' Sunday'School
vii friends in Pat"iomurit: �ttic'tidin� het vacatlon� wan , hermo-
Teeswater . .
• 12th ' of July. Celebration at Clin}tor
'been visiting at her nonce tri Lochalsh a :.hiss Lthel Robentsod.of Lticknow.
left for Chicago this week. :s a visitor, at 11r, J. B. Ttutherford's
, '11Zr:Wtlfred• McKague .motored tc
London, one day -last week.
Mr. and Mrs Crewsohand family'
of Toronto, : are t isiting at.the home
'of Mr wand' •11jrs.. Je: ray.. ''
Mr: and Mrs George Ariastrong, of
.London, •are Visit:ng relatives here:
Mrs. •'J Rankin of Winnipeg; whe
has; been ,.visiting .here for the pas=•.
few weeks, returned home: `
•Mrs:: E. 'Elackwell. and babe, of
I.c;ndon, visited at the •home' of hei
iuste;, Mts. G; Richardson, last •t<eek.
Tho U.F.0: held . :very 'successfu"
• •
meeting at the' home of. • Mr. ani
Mrs G B; `Ar .^strong, Tuesday"ev-
'ening' of' last week • Interesting fea
tures ` of the evening Were the.serv-
',ing •qf: Strawberries and cream,' and
an "address., by. Mi Neil ild Kay, of
avis: "',Ins.* _Melnnes, Mrs. ;Kennedy
and : Miss .Annie . Kennedy, of'White=
church spent Sundlay•,-it the' ho'nie of;
Mr .and Mrs •. •Jos, 'i4Eclnnes, '
A -Prayer '4eetinn was. held at. the'•
'home of Mr.:arid';Mrs 2Jas,� ;Harkness."
on. Friday evening;' :last, ,-conducted.
by Rev: `'D , Forbes of Teeswater., • '
On Tuesday' evening, last,,,a meet,
ing. was held in S.S...No. 7; for: the
purpose of organizing`: a Sunda
School. , Tltis . adds the third 'branch
siting old . ni 'A_ number ,from here attended the
Miss Florence ; McKay, ttho hap .trier•, Mrs,. Alex. Stuart.
Miss: iiargaret Hardie •of. T.ondon Ut. 'm:k Ease of Toronto cam
3s renewi'iig ., old . acfuaintanc.es li i• ,'1t 'frit?nds hef'e on MAnclay. •
'i i a t ai s arcs du • - =Misses' Frances and Sarah MacIver.
(. tda t e :nit �r _._s•iend n f
—iVir.--Donald and --.:Miss Ghris'tciu1 uc ni 'her f c Dnfapce
,, k1n �i,a and 'h iv r e e
sic i g a few ' weeks ' with
MtNain of Toronto;'tie visiting; wit. �" f['en<ls near Lueknoty
tf,i " 't 10 tttl•e; 't11 •successful It.
Wand.Di'rs. Jas'. ;VrcN1Z�a of 11iri their exams, tth;ire Mildred, iic(iMr1.. Ur., ,11t'arnoia Finlltysoii of Detroit,
berley, k visiting* a few days at home, h
in d,ittained first 'ail. s; honors. ,ere.
Mr.- and Mrs. Harvey Tiller Midi 1 r.; 'anti 'Mfrs Alai Murraynd+',
daughter :-Lanes; visited t, ith M' ,d)I i i vi, t4 ;lihrey `l1 is returnc�cl r y
`'i Li H tit
y ttto boys of Toi onto spent three days,
;• w� cin one' ' ; 't'' »' With het'• Sister',•.. fills t
and Mrs t , cvt itrn G " t r. 1�1sIk: wee ;. i't the home of L. •Macltver,'
cent! t'tdAlker, l 1st' '", anoslr,
y, •Mrs.. ,Dunean 'Graham 'spent • Stift
Miss.'marioir Jalinstoti ��. the: gitc. !tit .Xtrr�rral Soti•il•frig: tine• of tttr ' it 1y with:her slaughter, -Mrs. tV":*I',
of h' :cousin, !Hiss .Ornce •11 tcint id 1 t, 1.S. stons Auxiliary of Calvin Church; 31acDonald:
Of Paramount; 'fora fe-t da%t• I' ; n the church" on' Mq,rs. v,r,t<t: now, 'visited 'her sister.
Mr.,and,. __ .
. Montreal, sp�..� W
'.'vacation with. his ..parents, Mr, Mail :>iukiliary's'ere,the guests, of the•af-
:e••itron:' the meeting* was; optrn:�tl•
,Miff: Jas. 141cNain, of i:aurict �.
• Miss Louise. MacDonald• ,or Ilanlil- l with:prayer.' by. the •preeiclent: Atter
ton, is spending her vacation 'with the' .`n.0 df 'tit• hyitin' and• the, i.e-
.:her parents and other, . f ricitsis ' iii t frit 5.vd. SI rrllttire Lesson, \Tisa :Mal,
Lochalsh. • ' ' l't.e'ifo.dl .read an intertstihb pipet'
Mrs. Campbell and daughter 0. , `n the pt',iihet,..�Joriah'. lltts- Irene
Philaclelpliia visited for it 'week ,got ; 41:titii„ of �thi•:echurclt' rrnclere,l ay.
So with her .aunt, .files, Alec 'Mac. I. 1Filiropr ate soler,. which .° was nut: h
Gregor, near' K.nt'iil: ' • t appreciated »: The pte�i. nr ^:ttintitil
• Miss 'Tena McNain, ttha• spent t.,itc ,,tri Vit. ,Ilei="p •kitties t1-tt til.; • tt•ttc,'
'Winter in Florida, is •visitinv" far. ' r would be peeled at Vie . lt,:m t meet••-
cotipl0 of months at her Mortise et t t e', anti::tlletsc Who: wished .to assist'
1 work,. tint had .not •ilir•td'i,
Laurier. tld � I1S t . �,. , �
•, in Ire „0, Might give their contribution..
t - - ' _.,... WH3fiEE,'fi-i#RCII -., . °.. •to,, l•r.�i`,,;,Itobin:�t+n i oils the Simply
se Ieta t1 The Boll Call ti i, re -
Mr. Bonging, Henderson is visiting rn^ 11 itA to ttlth 1'en1s ,0( interni t or
his friend, Mi' Scott Patter. on. ! v it '�• 'irk i-11 Canada, Mrs: Geoy
• We are 'sari to. t•e, tort inti.. »ToIttt . r, Webb' led 1n Minty er ani!, 'toss lnnie.
y, 1 �A z.
ton Conn to have' under oite xa ser. Clark Volk then to 1i~e, en' i r ay ei ane!'.
• o s operation * for appendicitis,. Ir•
it'tix `�i'i�itYnirtti�S'y"'' tt'e:.•tFrtd rttr' stifly'.
Wingham I#ospital, '1�sst week, "We
Hope-' fora speedy rcetn'et`y '"
Master Randal' Dii hlin of Teton o
and Miss Helen Patterson of Leo'
Duple Lf weekit' ; neltibers of "Whitechurch N 141.5 I ,iaysy la�t*�ve k. :
,Mrs. Bert: 13ain and family; 'alio.
are leaving this week to live in Lon•
don, paid a farewe ' visit`.:to' ,Flower-
lower=dile fast week. '-:
Wile arse• pleased to+trepert that 1115?:
Lillian Smith: has • been :engaged tt
'teach our school this year.
' \Ir. archin ')smith of Trronto,• t:a
up, Saturday, to spend his 'holiday
With• his uncle, ' E Mactionale
' �lr M;r W"el;ste.r tiff• Fordyce, was ,a
business caller, in. rrowerdale, Satur,
Mrs, Slary MacLeod of Lucknow,
spent Sunda§'. with ber..paretiM and
bye and; tq. ,offer :good,. wishes, .A well.
alrangec :urogram, xnst�}ding Speech,.
by several of the guests; express-
ing regret at, his detiarture, was en-
joyed duri'gg the early part. -'of the
af�'ei �'�', tit' 111o•,t'{n ie
as. presented �t un: ..a liandso-;4e
hath., Mr". MacKenzie made suitable
•eply and tiro evening was •concluded'
dancing .' •
quite a number attended the �gdr•
ten party in Ripley on Tuesday ev,
and all report -: an 'excellent
titre, c•
1•ir ;and, Mrs..Heriy.` Wolly of Kim!
:4/dine, ? •spent "Thursday evening:
.vitli Mi^, . and Mrs,. �'�, G„reeriwood.:
-Mr: •'Milton :Naylor,, our mail• cat.
rier, is on' •a. business. trip t'o ,W'itid
sor: for' a couple of days. Alex Hay.
oils is' handling'the . mail in :his °ab-
•. ;ence.
George `Dobbs' of Muskoka;; is
vii icing !friends iii. ` and around
•Fordyce.., •
Mr. and Mrs,:. J. Coults .of Conn.,
visited at' Peter Leaver's and: William
Champion's on ; Sundays "
'Mr: Joseph O'Callaghan •o1 De
treit',and others. roni Toronto;'visited
at -Daniel O'Callaghan's on -Sunday.
- 'Misses, Tena: and Jean •Havens of
Luckno.'w, are spending their vacation
at:. Fordyce .
Robert ` McGee, of, Wingham is en.
gaged with Mr. John •Martin: for' the.
°Baying. 1 '
Mr. and Mrs. ' Albert - Thompson
spent, Sunday at Mr. Will Mercy's. :
•: Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Robb, spent': the
'week -end ';at Mr• Richard Elliott"s.
Mr: and Mrs. Ed.'^Pierce, 'Mr..and
Mrs.,;Zeny Pierce have returned to
Mait: --'
Mr. and Mrs. -Will Eadiespent the
:reek -end at Mr. Eadie's, Gl_ennan'a(n.
Misses L}Iy Broome and .Helen.
Buit. were successful as ,trance
candidates. Also' Edith •: Burt who
passed with honors.
Mr. and .Ira ::.Wm , Elliott are vis
i`c'ing their daughter', ,Mrs. A. Ackert.
The many friends of Miss Maggie
- Baker will. be 'sorry to learn that she
is again bedfast. -
Mr.. William,. Brpome 'has, purchased.
a ` .new organ. •
Mr:Thos ' Harris ,had, the,: misfor-
i.une to have a ` horse killed by light- �`°
sing on Saturday.
'..Miss Ethel Bannerman of Kinloss,
is' Visiting ;at''her uncles, Ali. Thoinp',,
help fill, ,, wig( eacli tt eetist. Aftvr An., enjoyable farewell' party .Was.
another hYlivit the meeting. w,qa closed nrranifed this week . at the hom7 of
vith ptayey ,by "Mrs.. nftwoy,Y,,e,i:P?ii.et,.. *Mr. P., H. MacKenzie, ,where •.a num-
urge sAirced iind In enjoyable' iVelat her- of irienos• .ut..• 4u,„, mAmentle
Ur. Ken. Patterson; ' ' , . ' tune titt'l 81)"4 "" sl•I'' Y ''t 'T.O:ohisto,s'ka! hYer edavg,g.,*to.hr'dstule; din:
Mrs, slamies6ti and ,110A. of liarile, tovdent
Southern •holiday"Marta, lraceiv
a eetbaek when the: Quarter l illtnnt
Dollar: Club of the Canada Life As.
suranee Conrj�any,::of. Toronto, de
cided; .to substitute Quebec City for.
Miami as ,the place' of meeting of
their Conventign this winter:
Ice . etatuea halve been:erected in
many' of the ' quaint old streets of \
Quebec. A huge dog, carved out,,"
ice, ' with a'" stick of candy in• his
mouth, is one of . the sights. in front
of a cdnfectioner''s, while another is,
la imp g�_q ;;,polar bear,-in_life like•-
. for*: r
Abo t 13 ,000 young. a le trees
bon 0, . PP
will be planted in -the famous Anna
• polis' Valley, ;Nova Scotia, 'next'
'spring,• it is expected'• 'Good com-
mercial varieties ' of ' apples will ' in:.
elude Gams, .Baldwins,'••Spys, Kings,,,.,
Wagkers-and Graven—steins:, •
According to' -the provincial,apiar ,
ist, the value -of honey, wax, and
' other .products of the hive.in Qu'9=
bee in '1925 'amounted' to' $2,395.553..
More than 1,100,new, 'apiculturists•
were registered :during the 'year;
bringing the,':tbtal •to- 7,729, • assess,
ing. 100,155 colonies of bees.
Iii 'recognition of • his heroic• action'
when he rescued a lady from being
crushed under a tramcar, Joseph
Tammarb,'i-:clerk and stenographer in
the Investigation Department' of .the
Canadian 'Pacific Halfway, -l'ias been
presented with a certificate of` the.,
Royal Canadian •`Humane Associa—
Anew record. was created' et the.
port of Montreal' in 1925; both in ,tits
arrival of trans-Atlantic vessels and.
in tho 2niount'of,1Qpiiage, Last sea-
son 1.040 vessels, representing a nef"'`
tonnage of" :.4,744,793 'entered' the •:
Port. lb 1924 ' there were 988 ves=
eels with net-tonnage=of ,3,597,147,
A 'magnificent silver dish,, twenty
inches .in diaMeter, presented by'
'King, Emmanuel of Portugal to the
famous .explorer Vasa' da Game in
1499, M .recognition of the. latter%
discovery of the sea reute t6 „
attracted much attention while. on
.exhibition in the downtown, fficespf
the Canadian Pacific Ra 'way in
Mi.' and Mrs. Ernie Ackert 'land
family spent Sunday with Mr. Wi•-•
visiting' his- uncle, Mr. Dick Elliott
• Mrs. polithe and her son, 'Charlie;
'is visiting her brotier, Mr, Charlii
Mr. .Alexander, Pierce has . pur-
• Mr. Abner Ackert has' had a cpm-
plete water system installed in his
The Messrs. McPherson motored to
Soethampton on Sunday. .-.
now, is spending; a feW. days of this:.
Week witlf• Mts. Frank. ,
'Mr. and Mrs.' Jack:Bradley, and
'Son, Eldon of Laurier, spent Sunday,
afternoon with Mr. and Mit. Harry:
here . from Alberta, &Bed on friends
in the burg, one daY•last Week
, Miss Millicent fl'Ackett, who 11n.5
been- asiisting Mit,' N. L. Campbell
of 'LucknoW for a touPle of Months,.
is' spending this week* at her. honie
ton* visited 'at' the home Of Mr. and
Airs; -James Henry,. one 'day recentlY,
ThOse• who attended 'Father 'Geodtt
, Mt,' Herb Carter .spent StinadY er.
ening. at Glen. Douglas'. .
Miss Wady's. Hedging Of Luckriow,'
is Niisiting Miss Mabel Hedging, here.
Mrs; A.• g: Haldenby l'iisited last.
Mies Helen Murray visited a few
Mr: and Mrs. Ae, Lockhart and
,Sons of. Burlington, are sitencling
their vacatiOn with friends and relo-,
iteningoti,:ciubjuertgly linaaat,;:k.loa
that neither of thorn S'‘..runt
Mrs." Wm. Blake, who bas been
with-, her. 'son, Dr. Blake of Winni-
peg -for six' mentha; returned home
Mr.' and Mrs. ,Will Smeltzer, of
Calgary, who arrived:in Lucknow list
thnrsday, have been calling on rela-
tives the ;neighborhood. '
Mies Elsie Andetion entertained
the juninr-Tinstitute and • the Junior
r3,1Irs. Mary StOthers, who split the
past yea in. Ogema, Sask., returned
Withers and Ddhala of ,London, and
up to spend sante or the holidays utt
Mrs. Clutton; Ale*. and Mikh Edith
and ,Mr: and Mrs. Roe and child of
Leeburii, Visited Mr. and Mrs. •
Horton on Monday. • .
Isiiac, Cranston add ,faniiIy, and
Mrs. Cranston, •Iis mother, spent a
few days last week with friends at
We' eXtend congratulations to Miss
Olive :Anderson,' „who ,suteessiully
*--0 to ,q1ifford: Kilpatrick. and Walier
Clare, wliC\• Passed 'their Entrahaa.
&money you work for and save will
mean more- and More to you as You
see die figures in'your Bank -Book grad!ially
!flaunting up. Open a Savings Account
with mi and keep depesiting,steadily.
If a letter more conventent
than a can, ru can 'Ten and
maintain an account With us
by mail.
1,-eal Branch, Mgr.
This,. year foutve•-"planned to have
the beet holiddy yet So Pack yobr
slub bag, grab your tennis racketadd
get a Canadian National ticket fa;
Lake of Bays. ,
ilerc is a holiday so different from
`Ahe Ordinary .relative -visiting vaca-
Aion.:,imagine a .week or "so in atouti.
"teeming vitt"- bids and trout; a coun-
t,* or marvellous beauty', where you'
can go attriintanig; hiking, tanoeing
play, tennis, 'golf or loaf: Excellent
hotels are available.
holiday,-zdrearnS- will- -conic-
true at the Lake of Bays.
For full, information, literature,
'ett., apply' to. any -Canadian National
Ticket Ageritt.
There -iveuldn't be any love at first
sight if the'„first sight was at seven
There is a vaccination to, prevent
:everything in kids, except the desire
with the °ability to pialc *Nes who
en Wednesday, lit i2.80 o!cloeli: a
wedding 'was. ' :solemnized* at
home ,Laf the, bride'e mother; at
of ,;:particuiar interest, to ninny
but latterly .of Ne'd York, where,:for
a 'short time,; she priieticed her prii-
Oranton,..s' the favorably ,:knoWa and
which .he 'is Meat ,prominerit• are the
Junior Institute; the Elarniers',
linproVement Assneiation and the
United Church of the County ToWn .
Where he is• superintendent ,Of •: the
SyndaY Scheol. Congratulations were'
and the: people of: Walkerton, yvhere
Mr: Riddell Makes his headquarters
are delighted to learn that .they.will
,• The. ceremony was 'performed by
sence ,0 felativei and : friends, and
one that -is becoming, . inereasinglY.
adya.ntage Of the seaSon heavy
,epgrogdsue,ftoiorn and cpqns.egnentlY.. 9: •
urposes for" ase
during the .sessqn of high priceS...
ber of pr,:inniativeis that 'are. satis-
"waterglass"' and "lime water!!
poptilarity, to the,, feet that' it can •
:be readily procured any drugstore
in -convenient' form.
to watergraSs. For a'number Of years
has been conducting tests in the stor- •
:frig. of ;eggs.. , o.me ef the, egg*
Shipped :to the 'Farm. each".
season ,..for examination, And , IS
foynd., that „these -preserved in' lime
When eggs are' to be held a -eont= •
dapies and • ferni. The bride, .2° who
ter,\WaS 'ye).* prettily Attired in Pink
Chiffon embraidered , in :seed pearls;
'trimmed 'with orange blesserns. She
' fly rakes and lily 'of the valley. yr.,
bridesmaid was Miss • Florence M
Spong, sister Of the bride, *ITO NtOte
yellow reses. Keliough of
Walkerton, aCted as best Mary the
wedding march was ;played by .31,iSS
• Mina .Fraser 'of Paisley' Sang
l'Untilft during the 'signing .of the
register; Tha gift of. the..'greont to
the bride was a cabinet 'of Silver, tc
it); Case, to Miss Fraser a hat' pie
and tO .fiis, Vest man a parr- of Cliff
li After the Wedding repast 'coth
very' handsome and useful preients
Were receiVed- by •the bride.
Nr. and Mrs. left .tbr
hOneymoon among ,the Thousand Is-
-Ampng the :guests ;present from,: t
;distance; in addition to the 0/Vent'
Clf the .grobm, Were Mr's. Edgar IV
Itogera Of:New York City; :in Stint a
the bride"; Dr. A. Smirle Lawson of
Central. rArM hah ' been Carrying on
Osts with this proceis• and .:the re -
,sults ,obtained v. -arrant its recconnien-
Literature . On the pieserying Of'
•.dorOeStic-purpodes :Ton
Sr.u4i.4Tiizing will :be sent on aPplica.
fion: to the Poultry 'Division, Central
'and break the• long ,land joitrney
..vestWard with a trin on .inland seas.
'Whether busineSs•' bent dr pleasure,'
vou'll enjoy, the extra •leisitte Arid the '
• 'fiance to stteth yotir and. lounge
'around,' in.,perfect eaSe.' Take the
'night train to 'Toronto, have your
4te411111oftt train' that takes .you right
aboaH,the gialit liner yen
,vill car there's nothing.. fine!, Spa, -
or room' to roam ProMenade
Master of .Ethel; Mr. ar,t1,NIrs. J. A, 'like it.,: -.fon and thrills galore rib:Mint.:
charge ,Of. 'the Departnient of Agri.
sititin and will take charge, 4:1: thi Let Canadion .Natiortal RailWayS 'Send
ilicl it's, worth it if 'you Merely plan
co dOdge -the sweltering heat ..tliat
nearly melts „You 1-.1iett ,ashote, But •
the, siihts° there are So ,enhance the
trip tremeTiously. '';'''Ott hop or rit
Pert Arthur with a %'-hrinhering
more. Thence hy train yOu , travel'
--west. Train connections- are -the- beSt."