HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-22, Page 3teeeW
PAPiri0E ABF44.
• .V.i4l1W Mea- Wheaythey h4OA
. lief 1,0447egly hei* IA, CPO
• )40 In trOla *telt ,Q.W11 eAelf.• •TO,.
,opak le 110,0041141010, , for one,
thilig, 'know every:',1glok .of Mtge by
• • ite•Apetttr AO. V TATO' :V•Itt• to PIA:my
Iteete, hetWeePthe rem ,te, he; reie144-
ed 'of aa sorts of' things,. ,bly Gibbon,
for e4ataple, ny well740014'eiglitelfcte
ume Mftman. edttiOn whicitt haee re4
•and 'aft..A.At.l. MO' Again ,fOf ,P3Ore, th
-thirty Teaks-700er 'ele. 1..open,..it but
-:: the eeent:of•the .aoble Page restores
• that mOinfilit wheit X. Te•c41re4 it as
' 'Pi!. iny ShalresPatiree :the great
Cznbiidge OhnlieSW•tra-'-'1't 2:hatiii
,• oder. W100'00310 Me Yet•further. back
We; thefiO 1010*. •Jl.194f5t
dwindle, :met beca•use the absente of come, °T4rough a wealoning 0 .elir'X? Vo00Q 4 Year, APtra OP English I
L1100D: .1),ANGERS "Vilig BY 'His 14f.te:''
„, , , •'• ' • ' ' ' a Sgviltlikla,P,Q.a,11141_,,,Sgoi-7,110trilia.19441.1om, toea, ac4and ,
li, for any reason, the suthoriiiee
-rOthadoemilele._in elnentes, the dire In- ,
dinitry 'would die, Attendances would
musie 0:140 Or 4141,11RS13,,.but beeMise 1 1,60..01.04--,,-.A UP** 1qPe4e4, •
the plettlres Wo414 "flatten' altd ItIle ' • , ,* • •
HMO We Sheeld not lie •ahle to. eee In their earig teens it le 'Ilefte POW -
there! irithOnt lattflor PeOtlartei',att W.e3 :molt :for girls to. mitgrow° their
tta we4o now, With, Masie. °. • • , strength. and Mothers photild careftilly
•it ts a scientigafeet that .we aSsist wat4h the health of •tier daughterft at
bur hearing with Oar eyes, and....sssist. 06 tirae. It •Is WIWI?. be S•tr .0%0113
Or eight 'With our ears:" ',De we not, ' app by by rapid groptii. that 444erela
When we., wishAo filiatell'hard:' PereW , deVelops, The' firspf eigiia raaI be PP-
ottr eyes pp? The i0t, Is inyoluntary, ticed by peetrialiaelie, Ytligelir •Mad
, 'Yew ger Sight;
. , . .
, A Scot's Prank on e„"SeitherP "COPP-Se ''of Douglint: • •
':!Plte.:- latest stbrY ' itheut 'Sir • Harry gothl stOkla' )30Pg, /bid "in 11111%
zor -luy-fatherraad-befOre I was old erwagil Lauder uoneerna another famous Ocetv cii6es' Pf 1)°1 • 1108, FairbaPlis ofd:•Malr
;7'..r744711:. wta/°'04fd:teri"Iti3ethr*: wAtit,.et111;411mt artist:P:11:141; 016 74140*rtl'Ilj:.6)3r4ewtw•Za.d. Sir' 1-I' a'r*.r.Y. al ta:Yl-ng- •PThic'elif;ireld 'ea°31411C111.'nivg.e***e4111:44istc'edcclQnStbpai:i4;
1 _,
take down one 'Of thein from tb•O book With him for e„:"tartn04. .,-)ArkkL *0 '%PrePeAn' tour to 'ilia( the King, and
Cafiet and rtn'etentlk to turn the WOM• B': eOmedian :wits , leaTing his heitt: Pre-,j1)9ugleet In l'ariteeier 'wee. cltrnlin441:1
In that 0144itue,, and what strange tee, Pigeons as -a farewell Present. paid 'Pared in advance 4 Pretty epeech °tient
The *oluelee e*teit.exOtirati• they eehtet.1 hire with Slx-valitabfl UoraIng ietiele" 4 'gims1' ii""ssien" -"0:
dertlesi:•COMeet• Wen MO 'When I held. PeWitea plge00.1i)ft.$ are Worid4tOnetta.[Anie.r1S"'*°44
one them: in bend. Oka he 0.04419lied. $!1' HtlrrY had °. rs'.444; to °IP °II his
do not ofteikT00.Elltakeelniare in tide tho'.hIrdi pe440.4 fer'it•ferhilkht, Other- *hat 10 hie ainnaelnent, the Hing
edition. . I take the Globe Telutuei, Wifse tiieY :might fly hack. eiritittry. 4telPe•il f°rNtard "H°w• 4° Y°1*
which l•hought :When lietteli a Vatted the Preeer1604 time ad a Week 40, Mr .rairhaa*a7.:,
• Purch400 -*ea eltutething.„Teete then an longer, then he opened his loft, 'think- iniOhlOTH ••• ' • • •
eatravegattee; W erefOre regard' the lug It would be -safe,. .Immediately the K g Aq0linlit who Nngiend.•
• hook .ivt4h,:thet PecitilaraffeCtion WhICII. birds: retie an and away for -their old nearly 'ciar4Year, alatest as keenly
. • ' bonne- Pi,e4,'Le Scot, 'efial get the bet- iiiier•est°0 0-0: he la
In tennis
. ,
:Hi:liens Of MY boOlte:beveheen • Mir.' -ter ."brither flee the Land ;9" • .(locid-Byailgelhall.:: • •
• Chased With money'- Whiah '.onght to Cakes."'
1. have been ePent Upon •Whettate
• .t;ite•ittet.niaries -et life. Many . a :Urea
ateed before a 1401; Or. hOOln.•
tedlee'e Whi4oW., torn by Conflict pf •In-
• tetletettiel,,deslri'end.bodily itlered:..• At
:rite *mai hoilf • ot 'dinner wlieet-ity
atomaeh :elientOr04.•10r .food,•:- 1 have
been 'Stopped. by atal4 ot a iloiaroe.-ati
•;wig ocivetedt and matketed,sit So ,S4•••
• *antitgeOUS.. a price,, • that: I could not
,. go: 'My IlqileP .TiP1711111S
waigrasPed such k Mordent It lay
".•:e- .. ' Protn,Poverty toe Palace.
: . The infratiee Of the Arithian Night!,
are net finished-, 1 litiVe just'heard of.
a. Ruitskoe doeter, .li*Ing ie' poverty,
WhO Wandered intee. Pinenta and 'saw
the Alin of the,pertniatiOn of the new
Shah,: •of • Perisia:,• He :tbeught •the •voice, -and by' her retiral - -Anetralle,
Shah's face' was shunillat and 'eame loses her bent known citizen. • i I. •
days tater recellected,be had Metihim , The story ainnit Melba Which I like
when; the ..• Shah, was :Serving eine') pid- ntott 'tens ' tints: ; Shewas iivieg ie 4 l'
vete 'soldier. in the Russian. ifinnY.:':•':' liotel•On One Of her tetiknitd Set deavii: •
: on the of :the Old !bock -010p in • He Wrote to the new .Shale and some one Morning to. praetise.,, ,A, little -boy'
, :
Recently:I:lathe Melba, Meetly
the niost pepular priMe donne; sang
her last -songs In publiC.to a London
audience. She Made her •first appear',
anee as an Opera:stager at lireesele
thiftY-flitte Years:. ego. 'Her -popularity
ts almost as Muoh due to her.enfailing
kindness oicibeert as to her woliderfal
and t,npage.,. effect ,•".of shArPeahlg the' heed4e1;"°e*. " 11.44° 4rows 141;
• • three,thleeeetes !Led 'pe4ttettee hoepate
'. The reverse•effeet -t*talu-e4 Of,}r0t, *itli OW spirits. and, fleptes,
Pur ears talte 14 Soitildet ..•• , •
-Qutpkeami. aettial: experbriente. plegivetec( eitew to
hs hcen Prafed that those who, ',1;* •l'on, Pee- i,that, your
'nrit read...printed teettier without spee-•[tiellghter's,' Weed , Caddied?' there
ed . wben was • played. ' The !rifeeet '13100 -builder '.eferdlicebYered-14-
'line on Its,high notes is the inatrii. *1111atrie will
Mort Which prodUces the, greatest tw, h141.4 • Oft. 'Otit girl's bealth.and ereure
.crease'in **ion. Thus music', 14 clue- for her health Wentahltitod. le" PrOOf.
'nage,. even It is. selected "de "ifae.:1 of this Mrs.' George JuetatiPti,, Bleekla .
tiettigf..seerfse, °•reatly. to „help us to laritor,
°timer.• ••• ' • '•' liatteP.PlUit ,e-Wenderfni. Mediz.
, Cork la Cooked,
,dorri'• 6 the „bark! of an • evergreeo
tree;'whielt grows in Southern Illitrope
The-harit se of •.great thickness and
Wide thicker . 'every year, • •one layer
forming over the -Other.. •
. After abeut•ten Year,elim. bark tall*
eirtiaterally• but ',for •etmainetelal :per-
posee. the outer,. layers' are striped he -
'tore this and. are again every
eight or ten years:, ' • •• .
The bark. is removed by •maiiing a
deep cut thetree, and then ''Slichig
off Slabs' with !e ourved two -handled
These piece* are boiled'. of
steamed for an hoar; in Order • to get
rid of ,eertain inibetene,e8, in. the. bark;
and also. tct• decrease it. In size: The
pieces' :are then ecraped and- finally
pressed flat by machinere.. Tbe edilt The Stilt. Smaliltoict4
IS th#11,-readisfor:.0e. market:. • * • ' • -
The totk,s, that are. •uttedibi 'bottle; • .&11. (3:1!,9'e,e
of eomon SO180 as
are made diechinerk, and the waste, l_ts Of conscience, not.,elveaYe • ae-
aelpt4 tarnake Peorcloth. ' s:rti.ve anora the' strideat..eimads. Of.
oiner. My daughter, . hiergaret • wee :hi,
such ' -a badly inn down Cendltfort that
We feared she was going IOW a de-
cline, Her face was pale,the leaSt
exertion would leave' her ))reathless
and she suffered Smut:headaches. She
had no appeifte IMst lot ln
Weight. Lip to the time:we began giv-
ing her Dr. Williams' Pink rills. no
treatirient had, helped her, Ant 01014
to the nse of this wofigerful meOloine
no sigms of the trouble' that had se:
sweeeakietl'ittedgei. hnvr;e,li.,' an; clstreng, 0107 Mg_
• In troubleis -due to weak, wt'stery
bleed, Dr: witifetee' Pink P1115 *111 le
found a reliable remedy. SO4 bi-. elk
m5nCeileogininitsao...‘acd; oebe.71xer 013:3,:cotrTit" the, Len, ot orb.nytw.. mi;iama!1
, , : „.„....• • ..L.,_:,....._.:..,,e.
••:-:'POOdge•eet;;;;Wie-talteaibeeOereolte.4047'...Weeket„leter reigiVed:.A. letter.„.APPOHOt- haPpened to,., be in the room With his.. ,..4.,,,,,,. • ... irivirvn
then . .ene found ., an . erteellent think ing him' :Court Physitielt,:to, the '+',HME*0-tiler. raldHwiell
. • .
:4:4,„",440Fet.4,10.20,4:,.GO'nfg;._ •a:-Ot 4km! era C
nixtoeg' entintities l?' Of ,,rubbiSh. - SW-. of .Elegs,'" and asking hine:teeonie eel MAPS trilled. out he jumped. -lip With in II,44 V ' I., ii .itiiidipa .
": .-- YOUNG 'MO
.,t‘te, WeS• the Prieee-alitpeneet• • • At ' mediately ' to '71`eiteritti,4:. the persien, exeited„."Hist; inneunie, :birdie Mei
• taiii time I neetitii Oat by midelaktiteel eailtei. :Who baid, ''Fne not your trust 'ha regards that as the. greatest .com.' • :, . . ' . ,' ;
At a 'ceffSC:Sliop in •OrtfOrd-Street, one .Iii.-P.,Flades"?. ","'. ' ' ". .- • • :- " . .1 Orient ever Mild :th her voige, :: • - • • : :- :': : .'. • - - '
of the reel* °id.. coffee shops, --ettett as - •-: ° •
now, 1 :atteteihe, ean' hardly he tound The Old Gate•'''Usliers;•' frisky willows; nodding ferns
Sixpencewas all: I .hede-4-es,'Alik,I• had ,' , • r , • • '• '•autd drifts' of hie!! •••aleler • iithok.0
-.21n the world It Weald. perChase .a plate. It •watr:i ' bediterotte day; • the :wind. me on:•;•. • — ••.- • : •
ef-meaCend, vegetables2- 'Bet .1 did not Nens• tossing the :tree tops 'iatte bihIows Atter about eatile•the.rbed :turned
• • dare to hope the Tthullus nouM wait ever the hills of•the evergreeeiele. 'It'. Off .mysteriously -bite the Woods.
-USW telnitiroW; When a certale :email thick, 'Mild mjet was blowing stooped to h1tezi to .war''':',tetekiing
sniti'lell:ilye to Me. I. paced • the pave cans .rode the, waves Of the lake and demo; theoe'gh the torus.' •1 Bean:bad'
'meet,' :fingering the coppers in my. Crewe shriek:0-60M the :ten ef n old bhesed oif Mee a thitket.• Then it was.'
pocket,..eyeing the stahl, tyn eppetheit fir .tree- : dog --.eat shivering at. InY.•,that 1 notieed the old gate. • It steed •
at .conitial.With1n ine, The' hool.. was. feet 1:AA'S be 0!? td.ihe,,v10411;(1s! Beau" open leaning. biek:against the inteheed
...bought andwot..iionie, withie,40.. mike1 • • •, • • 'Fie road,fellowed the ravine down the•
as I: Maden•A.7 4ffiger:pf:bread ittd imitr. • The read ran 40.• a gravel hill then hill •in.'"pereuasPre nay, but T did nOC:
• ter 1 gloated over the .pages.. , • eeeend .eleng through the.:woode.:. hes': •:'venture In I leened, on the oldgate I
•So with many another - beoh,on. the ,..Pitable.•' mitelee In .their gay 'spring wbil t welted "tor Dean • '••
•'thronged shelires, To take there down•green Spre'id their arms in ,Welnome, ;,Taewind his calrned into a breeze;
• t
estritggle and dignified • fire/ wearing • buttonhole bon- that •set all the, trees; to- singing and
. a triumph -George Griasing,,in!lite inlets, of dogwood-b.essetne:.stood like :the MiSt_•bed.lingen teilIft 1 beard a
. Qtalet Book • '1 •
A Stirli'af Summer.
. . . .
. .
, John Milton in hie:yreith•Was extra-.'
••. ordinarily •;handsome .: and 'bath:malt.:
There •emld hardly -.be a greater:Pee• :
..trast than -that :presetitet( by' theblind
hard el 'Paradise Lose and the .youth
ot twenty-foure *bp ;,wrote that • lovel-y
• • pdpie Of oheerfulneek "L'Allegro,". and
that :equelly.letety. ,ppeat dr conthie
• jplativ.e •IttelanchtslY,• All • Petition:4m"
•from which' the:•f Jawing !Mee' • leo
. • . . .
teliett:•••,- , •
. .
„ •„
Sweet that ,shenfiest. theneise Of-
door slam: down- by the iiit:PF.4 edge
• • : "• :and e bey :whistiing: the ring et ahx
• " echoed • 'through • the Woinis;• -la :man
celled: then ••a woman'e'voice singing
, •
Most *fluidal!, beast melancholy!
•• ' Thee;.-ctiantresa, eft, the woods Smoak
I Woo, to heal' thy even -song; •
:And; missing, thee, r &kunseeU '
Z-11113,the_dri :mime thahavea.green,•'
'7 Ire behold the :wandering lition,•
Aiding neer her highest
• , Like, one,: that hati.baeit led astray
•Through the heaven' wide pathless
• And 'oft,.ae if her,.heati' the .bowed,
Stooping through a .t.lekdy dent!:
Oft, on a plat iterieing ground, •.,_
. hear 'the tar=off:ctir'fevi "sound;
• oier some Wide Watered sbore,
Swinging Blow 'With ettlieu• roar: '
Or, if ;the air will not p-ermit,
Some Still teintived, plede will' fit,
Vhere •glowing ;entherS, through. the
Teach light to c.ounteffeit a gloom;.
• , 1.1tr, Mori ail 'resort 01 itiirth,••
Sive the, prieket on the 'hearth, '
• Gr' the drcivieY harnt
To, bleesthe.doors from nightlY 'harm,
aSixteen „Century.
•Engraver, • .
" lettleet iirtiet.: llne by- lino, '
Vo.,11 have 't re cod title.' ri t Of taine
your deft, incistve. toed, •
. 'Tis no print of tnedetzi R01,0C11,
ilashing ety10 arite'deeivit with
. 0060 With mere:Intent-1.o
latautY Wes itet •hoth
' • Inthe dash of one 10,04 morn,
, :Out, '4 was: slowly lonngnt to, loth,
nook hine ittding:to11.8 worth..
There,,14 4ingi upon MY.
• 'Tie- Of tito dest • tolore
Set in thia Retain -ton
• That tto
ItiotteK Omelette pitleut Ineert-
o Imre
The hew killd
of soap
e viroric
. •
ficated tip. to -me with e metsage of '
content '
The next .titue I Sew the Old 'gate,
die matilea had changed their gowns
of green to..oties , of soft ;yelloW, firs
were weerieg dark .eelvet Coats with
boutonnieres of ;rich' red burs that the.
:dogwoodsr hadp. bitted ',ter their latte:s.'
Adventurous, snnbeants flitted through
the trees Mid ehadows lingered at the.
curves.-The:gate Wat Clesed, but 'I
did:not eel forbidden; for its weather-
beaten boards hung from their ltinges
.witli the grace of 'an Unspoken wet.'
• •
By Always 'Ketiphie Baby's Owi
Tablets hi the. Home:
aiiienie'..and 'safe' remedy for the
common .1118 of 'babyhood and
ithould, be kept In every home where.
tbere' is either -a baby cire• 'young chi*.
It le flecessaryt�'- give the little
Onescinietbingto break- UP it cold. allay..
• .
fever; correct •Sour etOnnach and banish
the irritability that accompanies the
ttin 'of 'teeth' ' • '••• • "
Experienced, ,mothers alWaye. keep
Sabre 'Own Tablets in theletirne tie a
safeguard against the • Leonides . that
ize: their little 'ones- so suddenly' and
the Yettag Mother caw:feel reasonahly7
safe with a.nhos of these Tablets -et
band and :r.etttly far ,ereergeticitts.,•
Salty's Own Tablets are -a mild but
'thorough laxative • that act* without
griping and they are absoletely,guat-
t ed . free • from.: opiates in* :ether
harrafni drugs.. Ttei •aee :sold by
Medicine dealers or- by ..zueil at'25...cente
•a -box tram The De. Williatits'. Medi-
• eine Ihotkeille„, Opt. • : " •
4110 LIN1
. •
A. 'White: bird ie 'a earkamughted tree,
• Gave to the i'Ma-Wei weed
-A touch -of belie*, a plate
. -Where God 'had stood..
t dayts -Work the ',importunities Of
so ci al deli:es' or business. We have to
learn to listeu to.what our better More
us een thougb It speaks In a
not 1n a shout
In fact, the - greater, purer' --insptra-
tiens of One lives never. conto
Tkey take poieessiel2eLoor •Itoilione
tamest' IinpOreeptiblyi• like tides of:te
iteaeefel. toast or,oletall Of a' eutet Sae
. 'We. receive.... tlieSe entiebliog
and fortifying intPuleee.lbese clearer
iedicaticine of the way to taka," when
We' Withdraw to the deep,: Intimate re-
ceiseS et Our being, It: is there. that
we me:Oder real selves and encounter
instincts that. :are .thY ad usually. in+
articulati, ready : to 1* Put tofllght
• As miestevannot live on ;terms ofjel-•
With*noise, So the;essential ire
'fleet:emit Of it • native eatinat eusy,lve
einietent discouragement., Theinwaird
Mentor. ,that is' ready to shOw.tie the
•thatare_iiet_inerely innet
beet:0041 ,but nenet
t� function es' antapcle atreehlee if wel
never , glee :It. 'anything to de, we
.never listen .whenit epeaks,' if wi:vitsli
• onward In a' heedless And belligerent
couree,, never pausing to -•listen to that
rnoit Prekiehe, source of comisel that
-wa&ghveniis when the eoel . was be-'
Stewed :Oen. the :body ' toe.,a faithfel;
comradeship. • '
What' Is the •use-ef the still • 'smaii
'voice that. is Within its if ;we neer
. .
' •NTektY,' day,' in• the •city of London
044r bilacing teteet Wiier01,144dred6
dieeta Of tea are bought and sold, fllett
are busy teeting eaMPI-Wi• ' • „
and 1,4t4g 1s CArttc4 ,
011t 112 this manner., A eithp:e of
tea Isiah -ea, !c a orelltainarY 'oPle,ifat
baae4;',011 the. apneareace of the leaf
and armea while dry. -
• Then tea bathe weight .of slapertee
is put 'lute a, teetasting ,poe niade, of
the best white. thine: 'Titia 8 QUO
,With bolling'water ane OhIPIt 114 Put
on; FOr retnetee:the.teAtcis. leftto
bre*: and: then by allamit InTerting
the. pot withthe lict,at,IR '0,#;„ th:e
Itrionncont! into, a china :cup.
-fore: hirri;„.oie -tea ' te1f, and the tee
leavee Oa. ,th 1d. Ip the 0.1,1tethe
leaves are knewn as the 104414
• Ple.114011:11.04•11)314t 4,0 bilg,ht311
e*aOrale a Sign, 'that ,,the tea IS good.
Dark-tirOwn leaves ere a sign that,
seneraliTsPOIFIllgF thP.tPa :htf.091`.
Ati'regards hz •,the; tea keel( the et
Pert looks at it for coher: The IIQUid
'may be *hat Is known as ,ficolorine
tea, in other -words, of good calor
whielt; When blendedlater With a tea
of gond gayer' bitt thin in •appearance, -
will impart the:color wanted'
coMeit the actual
juet one-tenepoonfal. :
• Though the whole • Memel* boils
down to peremeal judginent.11ie Years
of; experienee,behind sound tea-.
,tasters is suck 'that three of foue-men
examining' the Mine .semele
Mora than likely epee) within a farth-
Ing a poundas' to: the,',WOrth•ot • thitt
particular -eonsignineat • • •; •
•blintitre's 1.Inienent for..Eurna,
• . •Wh7:qo thetot"?
Dark nmerir,.
,Coldert In ix() gmad:
• It tiowa: along forever,
treeann either h'inle•
Green: leaves .a-tioeting,
the foam_
• .. e :Where :int all.come home?,
Oa goes, theriver. _ '
itivthetupast tth;llemy;filt
d . 1."
AwaY dOwn.the h01.
Away, &twit .the. river, ,
A hundred Miesl' or, pore*
Other little children
, • Shall bring 'My beets ashore.
--,--FrOM "A ,Child's 9aiden,-of VekSes,"
by ;Robert lantle Stevenson. •
For 2Q Ye4r4 Per OMPloYMent de,
PartnterIt be 14444 actively c,0
operagag wIt4, burtnesif houliNIS lil
title $44. other cities of our cou;sr7;
•Fnee: :ef oefue:Irx•oroUrk. 7441P4102.:,'
attested the chalacter InuleTher'404.-
Ye& Ohailee 'of Rae*); age: fellate
Your Mime itudr * our #nagem.•
'vyrita "tr tor Partfeadara-
. Portrait eV:Virgin.
The -only 'authentie P'C'eltritit' Of the;
spocerthert rrusill.kafriaraile, geo.Y..W.4040Vad
, :key to .th4i M4Y4,11Ingliage• :•
the &moue Resetie genie Whiell helPed.
scientists to rev! BOP** 111-e-.174-,
glyphice, has yet be4)21 fOUnilt
HaadocanaIl Mantrated with plans of.
shoderatatorleed honsaby C-aaadiaa AT-
ettitsctailactiaa Suildste,
Gtdda *Ill Warm tadaeldat
'• ea the ovoid lame, azurite
' Aid*matadods.Intatiae ar-
tannameat ad diewatlaa.
Saud 25c for a copy. .
. MacLean BalidareCatite
• 14•4 •Wao.
FoILEcoaQuertie by FILE- •
• . F1 treatment. The
, world's greatest rem-
edy. Gives Instant relief. WO - stiffer.
Send today. for 5elaY FRHE treatment
91 13.11„pda.St4 Toronto,,ont
gaily Railways in Canada,
On Apriri.0..1563. the Toronto Loco-
motive Works ecimpIeted tbe first loco -
come: : The weeping greenness of the leaves ientive built-in Canada: It was nained
. °Ilea aittin ,1 pasied that- iWay. A , Poised in thehenYY air' •
. ,
. t . • battered 'car came:chugging nolthere
p.teiito,, And hang, forgettifigto fall. sinee 1, .
1S§-AVe . ' hill, The. boy was driVing,•his dgWas standing ,ere
Rain° mk4 - . • ,.
• Pii e:-..-in--the__-__.r,_"......„' ,., ' . ••' '
. • it -the -eiat-, liesId tin . --i .
Feat eat the man tied the Woman,. And 010 •dark houghs henL• ...' "tent
ate.A. . .• eontentee, galena,. ' , ... ' • together
146r - ar Int° timAent•ii ssohathi le wgVnellesrtildioeawlell;illiiiitt. SfeGrinnye.' .Tallikuisnilge'lofweiOrnd: 1i)nri:';11'"7'it'IPea:•;•itctiurue.1 is ():
:0T-4-liftertlicebted-hat • •
, ----51dion Peacock.
• one heed ,to greet me. 'There wilt
be dowers,• there Will; be apple trees;
aed a tea -kettle will beitieging In lite • •
in. - Motorcycle Pilea•IJp Btg
clothes tlin' Hdges
e" . •
kitchen: • • • 1 , ' •
' •
Mileage in -Recent
Econotity est."T
,T. on
Owti a ove
the •cToecnto.':' ..hiee 13. 1858, the
Noethern Railway nas opened :from
Terento to Bradford. Onlely,1.8,1853: '
theGiend Trunk -Ratitiey 4). Pertlaint; .
Me... was opened: The Great Western
Railway ' Was.' opened . trent :Niagara
-River to 'Hamilton on. ,Nol, 1353;
Crime Hamilton. to tondee ••on Hee...31,
1853; 'front •Lond On "tit Windsor. on. Jen.
QOM ilantittoe . Tortetto,
, 13r.-1::-.1.0.5•e-e-The--Ilest ,eapSenger---
t rain 'went from Motteteel :10 Throe to
Gi Oet, ,27:• 1856: The railway from'
P.0r:t noise to tintiss,,y WaS. evened. on. .
Dec: 30,1857, The ,1•at:Way :tram: tepel.;•• .Send Ine for gPiferona setup)* •
t'rieh toPort Eris was 'oliened on, NlaY'' • WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., LTD,
28, IS6S.. 468. a., Pau( St. W. . . 'Montreal
clear heacl,bright
eyes, an ,alert
mind,• a body
full of healthful vigor
•ienyean have them
v all every day if you aro • '
, a nonnal being and
keepyoureystent clear
of cloggin•poisens.
,flow? slarriftil of
Sat,Lithofos st,gliass,
of water daily laefore
breakfast anti' at bed- -
time. • •
the etately .
Witnessed by representatives of the •
br Weee euch dainty. trillseet ptak, press and tnetabera . of the -
•Silk petticoats and stifdtiol, e., Motorcyeie Club; a new
and -that's a
' -Iteselie SI, Jacoby,. It "Poe;i0."
EaNy Steeet Lighting,.
"h • I' Al
,rtn.t1 t o tst n 'unit .1)
trt,toro. or
.•burning rfet rp.Ito torhes st.•
. •
k The '*'oftror ri0.1 ittn•nt the
enda Onti. ettnai
Davidson' Single receptly bung up ti•
•:Nei Mtn the nodding ffitirea'eloeli
Preseht stilteller spite: ! .
• Than nalviastiff and etreight,
flaunts •
A head of fleming fife. •';'
highly' impressive record foe mionotny
that lit fuel tenatittiptien. strietlyi.stock
. other that'the eealleg of the gasoline
tankti, Proeeeded to plle :
machine, with noeprevious•preparatioe,
, • • • mge; until it teaehed•a greed es era ge
, .
,allfor, poppies vie
With 1ns/d 6'Y-coloreplil�x
e 'butterfl' oflark.spu'r
Ilehinti the giant stocks,
lot 120.8 miles per A I leyi eati ga11 on.
1 Cenibienting oo. thee Welter An•
lade • ,• drewet• Toront(t distributoe for the
litseley-Davidecn Hee, stated: .nlVitile
i :
, 13ur.taice me tei' the Itedgerowe deep?
• ,r, The hidden, IttwlY.epote, . . •
Where hleown the heatt'etertsie •ehfily
, :
• ehrined e :• • ' . '
Mating' forgeettePteetie • ' .
" - -Mb. iltit(tOti 4.4it",Velt'S.
.4•0•40kIrst 0 1491
•? ,
hitt IWO proved n tetirp. '.0ther eol-
'end hhip, ,
l'Oretc$DOrtmonted" With Ineltide yehlow
kriok. Green belle httVe 'been tridtf,'
.No PO1pr baa been ,totitid.so suitable
for erleket'halls
le:. Shows,' up. to:. atteitelege • agaiiiet
_ •
drleket • '
tflAb s - that ;t
ISE MAKERS ..1 • •Ira it' • '
„ , •
•steagigimaiatia' And 'cl:3ci tho,cayeed,, '
economy trsts are rery interest ng arid
Inter east ve. the ,real 1te$, t of Any' testor-
gyele la Pi every clay constniat fist,.
• tinder :Buell." COlatticits .the
Devidstei :Single is tte- att ine
,preisite retottl, mile:: to 'the
Atnerterat titlion-nnti 10,0 to.lee to 1110
Cenadian gallon and lIet,ter ICeing
. average report. lieeause, t hitt, the,
lartotorey.ele has fOur.d
modern business. end ever •
panther of stores anti iiiiiitiruess -eltr h-
lisittnenta, tare nuiturcyt/les
'tor rapid., delivery servici..."
a. :. ,. .ntli.a.....,.. .....a.a.u• 1: .
' ', '+We largest Libeary.•;
. .
.1110 •.‘4.:Or14'A int( library, - the
11111,110thenur Natio:We, in tarts. whivil
• ihrs li.000,e00 volptues. lutt:lot
rutripPed with artifit:tal ".:ghs. •
•• , ...,-. .1.41.• • ..
• . ,-- .,... 4 . ,.... 4
604 Ina PirS ' Liniment -tot- Alt p#141. . i
.Provedsafe.by millions arid tire,scribed by physician fa
. .
old' He4dachi. Natait'is Liirrttlgct:
Pain Netintigia Toothache Iheuinatisiii
Accept 9013;; 41Bavers' pack aze
provet1 d:rectmjs, •
yanks, "Bayer", isoe0A ..f ts1.1tee
Aleorhott,lee of '.24 and 100. -i!rtIggiata.
A-'0011.1* -fa 111-4 itailer" tarV4e.kelsorra Jo Ca sit. PAYer,\144r.nta
• "411*t.- naior au.riutatultr. t.6 It66tat, OMR' Sritn4t ltui!•tife"° "4"
In•to•Plar et galfiliveatia.f.kcttyt Atit1,1'"A; "1•" irr`rat'it4A :•9‘1,4cti"-
"•lister teeesee ant, be asattp.td ktni the! ttritsitaW -0.ttas •the •
. -
Get eomeone to 7,121aSeag0
thoroughly ilitth Minorite.
It relieves pain.
Vegetable CAlinPOUnd
• titiaWa, Onfaiia, was iert*
;len-down after .the birth of My third
, baby, I had awful beariag-down pains
end was afraid I had senotte trouble:
I Was' tired till. the titne and bailee
Lydia E. Pin1ham'aYegetable com-' -.
pound and canbot praise it too highly
and asked me' to 'try it: Ihave bad
splendid resells and feel.fine all the
• time nevi. • Any lei& who needs a..
thorough •,,,toon learns.
• from Me whet to take, --/Arri.Reele
iritQ61;t3.iN.-32t2riCon.. mleeeland
Terrible Backache
. ,
tlemittOn. '`After. niY baby
Wasborn1 had terrible backeeteMi
headaches. I gould pot da my work and
felt tiredirom the first linnet° Igot •
• up., But Nvorat all were tbe.pmei
in My sides When 1. melted abut I •
had t4.? sit or lie down fee a while al%
terwards.', I cOuldlteep ink house in '
. order, bu,t :many thifigtehad to go en+
ttititts,aft4th_e4ms_ttirrieol,,db_geb;_usit_ene.oitf bloyraitol+•:.
take Lydia E.'Pinkharri's 'Vegetable'
Compound, as she said it would build
me up.. I was relieved before I bad
• taken the fitot we bought and haN-e.
not hadany trouble like it sinte."-
• Mrs. T. Matta:Lt115 Ferguson Ave+
'sae South, Hamiltim, Ontario, 0 •
Lasted About A Year
•Healed by Cuticura.
.''"hly .scitlp Stetted io•gerred: ate.
i.tctly and haa a horning 'feetng.
1.ater tetotria broke °Mit ttie faun
of a rash and spread to my taw and
bady. 'It Wai 'het, all the tlite..Sed
tfly *tirdolell cloth:lee Made it worse.
'Mk fare- wat Att.:Igor-ed. and My..
natt, .fett. out and got shy•
voublelasted eboet ayeett
"l•begatt esing Cetieum Seip
and Ointment and after ittireg orte
.eatte_ef_eticurri Soap arid tisner.,lox
of Cotwura Ointment-twat:4' heat :
i'Sigifiedt Mint 'Alice Reiti
5•,, Woodri1te nt "
. 'Oat ot4itictita opp.,t5int,;
Mein and l'alenin belpt tite artvent
troublea. • •
Ti reti.; tit Vie"
+.t,,rr wt •
Cutteoes A1,6,41-1.? getk 25c.
• it1;61./E
\\'''‘""\‘'k '\""\\*\\ k \\i't
' •