HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-15, Page 8upplies' 10EPT4L YALVESINEEAVV, CLASS TIJAIHI,HRS, .5O.. 4L II1%L l*ESERVING.! KETTI,HSi*:ALL'SIZO.S;.,ZINC, 4ITA''411.JEE RINGS", ALSQ:OLASS,,TOOS',, ' .13I/TTER4','L'EPPHS, :Meg 1/4,44L. SIZE TO. 6,,GALS. ADUSk AND 01140R1.1s .SupotER:0440:imPS11.- EXTRA SPECIAL'. $114K HOSE,' REG'..•• $1. VOW 89e, .01,,TpS. AND' .SAUCERS GNLy 15C.:,, IT, c.„ IOC.; 20C., • It YOU.. AR THINKING 'OF OPEN -STOCK. DINNER**, ARE,: COME IN, AND.'SEE.OUR PATTE,P.N$, • . WE RAyE, PST ',Ii*:c...Sy,4,',4%,„•00.orty•ipmFct FROM ' IESNDflEFRipHS " • , THZ 14.)V,1{NONV STINV 1llVMDAZ 31„1141( 18.20, .DLIJEVAL. CREAARRY CREAM BITyliNGSTATiolst 'Ugliest qtsir Prices paid for Croess •hill!. Eggs. WO guarantee ,serviee satistalition to all.eur* ,Gtvte ut4 atrial and let us Prove 16 yea that we are worth While Market, , • MGR, LUCKNOW •BRANCH,,,0 -----p-6476-1-- • • 1 1NSTITUTE AND JUNIOR "CVSFIU. r .6,4ME1W " ON 0.04.V.41G FOR Elt1GX.4017) 'The follOwing Poem is Irom tito •Fif11. Of Um, (Rev.).;`Gonnia. Rev.„ani GernUi and family; Jived ,at Piuc Elver for a; number of,Yeara, the Or mer being tint pastor Rivei Church. Mr, and Mrs. Gom4r*P4ileil on June gist, for Enigand, andthi,1 poem, *ritteii before she left, per- haps expresses the longing to visit the 914 Land v./bLh is. y to her: ' thilOcing, today of nnY homeland •Of her h1114 and valleys SQ green, ,, Where primroses, , fled hlae belis grew, • • In the, Woods. in the. `early Spring. 'Where purple ankgeldet„crocnses__.„.., Lift ip their royal. heads,And . nAnd eOrtatdirerlte plow: °telt. ,Pbeeeas4risily. morning ,...:WarbIes his oon:•e.„ of ,praise, t• . • Whilo the cuckoo - In ,the w0041nrids Mires, out' its sweetest lays. In England the!rine , of. ImY • England, -the land of My The land where" iny fathers 'Sleep; The dearest spot On enrth. Twenty long .years ,have passed and• Since the eventful day When a good ship sailed from Eng land's shefes And -brOugli us on our way ro the land where the tamorac. grows Where • verdant, pine and ally& birch „ 1/2, -• Greet the Lady .of the Snows. • And new , we think Of returning In the balmy, Month of `June ° To . see.' the roses, and vallifowera And the Jasaminth •a -bloom. • And our hearts are 'glad and liaP1/Y At the ifrosPeet that is ours, Of seeing the. Old Homeland again' Its sunalible and its, flowers. • And the dear 'familiar. facea • That we have missed so long. To blend with theirs .our voices in notes of joyous 'Song' Of praise to the ,• Creator , Who in this bounteous land . ,Kept na through all life's •changing .! • The local•luniOi ,InStitnte • and lor ',Farmers\ held -very Suecessfill- Piellie at $ii/er Lake on July, 2: .411 Who atten4ed had.a. very 'good time, EspeiallY ehieYable was the Weener and inarshmalldw., roast in. .the evening. • ern Meet in Rockies 11%.7. -Leather .springr• coach used to . travel :tni '. . .,Rockies;:..before ,therfotor car age, sir 1.?ft;L41VdCrn,-0,.ght-seeing pars of .today. er ht --40 tor, 'Car of 1902 used in Mit • .•; Canadian Rockies. ' '• 1 S. the evening Shadows' began to lengthen across , the Bow Valley in the Canadian Rockies .on the lastday of May, a diminutive time -worn, rust -bitten, . twocylinder motor ear :of,/2 . vintage chugged through the portals of the R ''" -_c 1., Banff, there to join the throng of motor cars on Banff Avenue iind, unwittingly 'forma historic pageant indicating the. deVelepments in motor, transportation, -daring twenty-four years, .1„. . , • As , it happens. at Such dines, the shades :Of the ' Mast arise to refresh the memories of old-timers and .bring !forth reminiscences indicating the progress . anode ',within regent- years. , And ,so with the shades ' of the peat evoked by one of the, first ..fliorseless Oar; riages,'? mingling with its glittering brothers of:,:, the • '' . ' inodern age. ' , Whgvi.it too glittered with 'newness the mountain valleys knew not the odor of gasoline and the or- '• dared roar of the exhaust, the old-timer onlookers said. No fine pavenients Such -„es at-present-Vrace the streets of the ,fameus mountain resort, smoothed , out the • irregularities. The dirt surface.of Bnff• s Avenue knew only pedestrian, saddle and pack -ponies, and the iron tired wheels of the timbering leather . 'spring „Coach;usecl as the first sight-seeing vehicle In the Rockies. ' In 1916,- the Canadian Government Opened' the Park gates to metortravel. In 1925, the -motor sight- , Awing' eaninment. used to card, passengers; by motor , * fee* ts. through the. Rockies_from the Banff Springs liotel .to. the chainof,other Canadian Pacific "railway hotel and bungalow cam* numbered a hundred modern m6tor cars mid Sight 'seeing busses. In 1926; the system carried 220,000 passengers- a total of ap- proximately a million miles in• three . of ,Cansida'S mountain nationalparks. •Thirt-six thousand motor cars,, carrying 126,006 holidayers, passed,through the . gates of the Kootenay and Banff National Parke dur- ing th,e same season.• On June 16, the new Lake'Louise to Field Highway was opened to the motorist, Uniting the three na- tional .parks by motor road and increasing the grand total of modern highway in the mountains to approx.. imately 230 miles: But when the diminutive motor' 'vehicle- wasthis latest ,creation in automobiles, the , mileage of roads in the mountains could be counted n the fingers of both hands.). „ • The day .following. its arrival' in Beat, R. Stacey,' , Kelso, Washington, filled the gas tank -of the 1902 car and set out over the Banff -Windermere Highwayi -enroute-for-home, -HeAa--driving-the4car- Menton,' Alberta; Where it recently ' Won the first prizein the light car class of the Old car contest con- ducted by the Edmonton Journal. „ In crossing the two summits, on the highway, Modern car, was called into action to aid the ancient vehicle over the top. By afternoon it reached Radium Bungalow .Camp at the south end of :Kootenay Na- tional Park, 'where ,the owner' called t n du! aft04 covering .ninety , • . .1 1111M0.111111M, CONVENT. AND.. RESIDENCE . • •. AT .FORMOSA, 'BURNED • Notre Dame Convent with seParate school roonis and continuatien sehOol In connettion with the hide Catholic Church at Formosa, between ' Tees. • '• Water and Walkerton, Was COMPlete-, ly destroyed by fire on July 8, ;when the residence ' John,. W. Waechter • was. alto destroyed. :The 'fire started. in the ,Weechter residence about three o'clock in:the ,afteriitteri, due to the explosion Of a • sto4e, and burning „shingle,O• • carried, by, the "'wind, ignited .the roof of the- ConVent. ' ' A Curious feature of the fire was that the ,Waechter reSidence, where '..".L.the;firelstarted„,was_in the valley at , , considerable •diStance Irons, the Con: 'Vent, Whith, was located a hundred' • 'feet aboVe, Jul' the high hank baeli '6f,• the big Church.; The sehool was not occupied at thetime and the villag- ers were Se taken ;IP with t'ge Woe. *ehter residence Are that: nobody saw the fire in the reef ,6fthe c, ()tweet Until it had made great headway and • Was beyend eotstrol, The roof' socin fell in and the bulIdin'g was pletely gutted, all the eontentit and • equipment. being eoneiimed. ° Tha v1flag6 et course, hits ne 11.hk1ng etntipnieitt and nothing cettid )11 0.00111,4, proY,ant 010 fire from • 414.( spreading. The Mildmay fire brigade and some firemen from .WnIkerton arrived abut an hour after the ,fite Started,' but could do; little. The :less on the Convent is: estiin- ated et $15,000 With Only $19,000 ,in- surance; • on the residence $10,000 with $2,000 insurance. . • -• KINCARDINE. i'Vatson—FOrrester • • The homo of Mr. • and Mrs, j. B. Ittssen, • was the seons of, wed,ding. n. Wodneaday,- Juni 23rd, wherillistv.; Ti MeCtilieugli • united' in, marriage' Anne, Matkellar„ dough. ter.ot-Mr.- and ,Mti, .1?,dwaril orteet- to.jaines Ilruce, eldest' Min Of Mr. Watgoria The' bkide lookett very lovolfas ,51C67-sifferOd'9e beautifully decorated living..„rown, on the arm Of hi father to' the, strain of the wedding match played '-b1r Miss tena Setitt; ,A,L.p.M. She 'wore en ivory bouffant; crepe gown. ;The r0Se • point lace Veil Was faSteried With a chister of 'orange- blossoms and WAS Weft' 'cOronet 'tarried • shower beiuniet. Of, butterfly rese8 and lillY of the.'5,11,11ey,..tind6pra • platiftunir wrist watch, the ,gift of the • groorn„ .After .the , cerement they repaired to the Aking renrst Where o. feStive ltinehoini Was. served; ThaY en.thi noon train for !Toronto, In the hollow of His htnd ' ,,YAttrATiori OF 'TiRtICE ' • TOWNS. AND- VILLAGES ' 25 YEAUS AGO • In view of the);valnation now.being innde Of • the:. • towns, and townships of :•;, Ernee' deuntY;, the yal- Untor's .'report''Of 25.years ago . will be of intereat. The 'report ef.‘, 1961 . was:. m ode „•,bY the latel •13.. Campbell, of "-'inkerton and .E.. Kilmer of Walk- -erten, and 'read as follows: "§Outliknipton, 1 the first • -village .-started at On the first, Of 'July. This. village COvers the .lerge.st,i territory .of an Of thetowns ' or, county; there 'being' 6,600 acres ' in the - -.-corperation:'--We-riou1ist2this spread •yillage •had greatly-increaSed in Veins aid apparently in n flourish- • °Ing. condition; the buildings : occus _pied atTgood'renta1s,-hayin-g4.-tiiinher of largO•rnanUfacturing. cone. -erns • .. ,ploying many ;hands. They 'nail a • heavy loss by fire burning the large tannery, which necessitated 'a second • trip by us 'Us revise' Or 'change iinee- eSsary..'However, we .found two nevi's industries; a 'furniture factory .and: 9. 'IC and S Cord Tia Balloena •'SO .g,14 u101 Vie \Canadian • 74,00:1Oad For An All . Canadian • Ppo4ipt ' They Are , , The ,-Best ' MArket Montreal •-and Quebec atnid, a owers of confetti and hearty good wishes of their many friends, the bride- travel - ling in a Miler Soeurs tailored en- ' amble of biege point twill, beige 'fur and a Gainsborough -hat t� matelt.On• return they will live, in their, sum - ?mer- lpungEtiow "U -Know -Us"," at the • beach: sawmill under construction .and *hen Completed will almost balance the loss • of the tannery; therefore we, made *very change%irOm our first fig- . • Port Elgin is in a declining condi- tion; hayieg lost several induStrieS. .Although it:•Very pretty place and a desirable place ,to •live, we .fhipid .on ...making Our inquiry regardinrfir-W- erty that it had greatly decreased in value and repction, .had to ,be made. • • Tiverton is' situated in the midst of n. first "crass 'agricultural district but the inhabitants are Very conservative thorough believers leaving the vit., • lege as- it Fer a proper descrip- tion read Goidamith's "Deserted', lege.” The valuation was reduced. Kincardine. Thiii mien prospers:Mrs tOWn fa' delightfully situated on -,the. shoreett Lake Huron at the mouth of the lienetangore River. The sitiin. tion, Still remains, but the .prePerty • has 'vanished, And the river the same. .mnoy houses are vtictint, rents low and taxes high. Here found great °difficulty in arriving at values. Sales very 'few and at prices little above the cost: of the brick. The Itightmoyee residence, which many of yeti have seen, costing ..$36,000, today.. would • not 'sell for$2,009, is an instance of 'the deel1ne.4 Many other prePertiei, are equally.e$ badbut the- reduction • are in 'line -with the View:A Of- the County judge' regarding property in this town on appeals -or the, lest few ---yeers':----This-townris-largely-teducedn Lucknow-,ifi -prosperous • depending -mostly for support on the surrounding agricultural district; hut' is holding 'its, own by. additional bbild!lig$ being erected, balancing the decrease in the value of the ' old -wooden buildings, iere we haveninde slight initeniC *. Teeiviater,--nouch the same condi. tion -as LticknoW—sight hiq.e45e. ' 'Walkertan—w,hile It 'should appear that it le poking Progress' 'having iota odded tine oe two lechistriest we slao f unif eaVeral Other,' elosett dur 'Choice Cut Flowers The finestOf , Wedding bunches and Mira). work , on short notice, delivered anytime, anywhere. ' Transporttosuit., GEORGE STEWART, Florist; ,Goderich, Ont. ' Phone 105 Gth MAN • DROWNED WHILi, . • ' FISHING. , •• Joseph • CaSkanette, 'an old resident Of thopstOwe, was. drowned While fishing in 'the Teeswator river, just. • west twit vihae-,.. on: the, afte., nOtin Of Dominion• Day,' A. iiartt of young Men. who hrid, been attending ,filania‘ about a Mile from thO'§te:lie tr it motor .boatt and found . he of the tragedy took a.trip up th.k.14.. body-La-Alio-ago( victioi-lying..4n—a. rowboat with his' head hanging Over -the edge of the boat and under' the • water. , Tt i:believecl that he •was • seized with. n stroke, becarrieflincenseious and waS drewned, the beat in. Whieh he Was ,tonnd: tOntained a large pike.. eleng with the fishing- supplieS. He Was abont 15 year of age, and • -had been A' resident of 'Chepstow° ,for 'about 30 :years, , „ • A 1,1 A.' Oxesate' diffetetit. A- Mini can't love e Ionian unless -he re., spects her, • It ,USsid to. Werk„ 'Mille*. iloes nnyboist tri lfingliage on 4 MVP vat thott ha loll , I I Fut it in ..kour pocket 044 pits -your trip • KODAK HLM ,our size is hre., 1(.01:1AK. Accessories.: They're.all in stt;c1c here. Let Its; help, you. p?au Kodak.o4fit for „good i;q9- lOts A. E. McKIM , • Lucknow. Ont. We.hav32_ dependable carS.to choose 0014 . ' and :are willing to lose $1000 't6 ,t0071 :this ' stock in 10 days. —A11 "Cars -"hi-fi-been carefully . f ", reeonditioned" and 'Priced. ,,, lower for,. this : sale., Terms 'arrAgecl- to 'snit the.; purchaser. • Come . . „ , •,, early and have the: best choke.: .*. E.,HELD AT Open eveni!tgs till p.m... VV.. J. CHISHOLM Dodge Bros. Dealer 70 YORK ST. LONDON, ONT. .--‘141,=-JtiP-- • t, STRAW HATS' MUST GO! , Following.our usual custom we do not allow a Straw Hat to remain from one season to another. heminta_tbese rouPs: G. 1: All 31-.-75r0:110;a54. s or . • G. 2: All $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Hats for $1.95: • G. 3: All $5.0O,$5.50, $6.00 Hats for 3.45: Supersilk Hose for women. 18 Shades -- sizes 8 1-2 to 10. The Wonder Hose, at $1.50 a pair. -FRE! FREE! We want every family to have a cake o • Olive• Green Soap., The soap all, silk mills use for washing silk. With every sale of Supersilk- Hose we give a cake of this wonderful soap, FREE. NOTE -- Oren after the tremendous selling of last Friday & Saturday, we still have a few of , the fol- lowing specials: OVeralls, black & blue, size 32, 34, 42, 44,, 41.29 ea. A few Princess Slips at 69c. eath. A few Night Gowns at 59c. each. A few Bloomers at 59c:a pair. A few Alarm Clocks at 98c. each. A few &len Cakes of Soap at 5c. each. ..Comparison of the sales, \ rents property of`the eounty town is far from being worth 100 etrits on .the •dollar.. The property' bought by the county' for the House' of Refuge was sold for less than half the valu- ation of 1889. Many of the; Stores are Vacant aticl have been for years. .We ,have made "coiiiiclerable - reduction here. • a. ,Paisley—tbough a . good business town .18 almost destitute ,of any ,inan- --tfacturing-industties—Therel_areinet more than half a dozen nev.i, • houses since . last ,valuation, therefore, we ' were obliged to make a reduction. ChesleyNis 'a thriving .villag.e with ,a,great number of new buildings of:a superior class 'Which is not .only a credit to the county. ' A nuinber I abt ntial industries; add very arge u s a materially te; 'the 'prosperity of OK* Place. We firid here. that property: is worth the Original..coat which, •not • the case with .any of the former men- /tiOned towns. . •' •-.Tara has gone , :back, much like iseme- of the other villages, which are • dependant RelelY an the agricultural conntry fpr supPort, ,They find theit, prciPerty -continually, on the decrense, Witirteri. We found the 'greatest increase here of any. town or „village In, the ,county. ,buth of inchistri • with sawmill's, fiiinittiro, table and Other -factories being pushed, to. their 'utmost beautiful, harbor Ale hest On 'Lake ninon; affords acV • mirable.tihiPping facilittee Alfa Atter • ulat4d b,st the Itirde .of timber liinda,nlong the waterfrent, a general benefit town, A large incroaae has • . • been made here, 'llieHfollowing la' the Vatiatien-iis .comptireti with that -Of I669: ° . 7 1886; -1961-• , alianipten; ,.;..$196060 '6312,12/1 Walkerten 060,549 303,220 Kineardine 432,135" 410;250 801 282' tin Port. .lgin 822:270 24,570, 1,u4know 4 t • . t 224,352 '221,814- Teeiwatet 218,116 02,810 Wiarton '268,080.' 40'4000' " 281,420 8060446, give youth semet fog' to do that; will Tait . $i;. 180$47 154,8201,develoer 0 Mentally' IlltysieallY and th.0 Iasi till 0111t$, VAI $lam found OtOriiiii$ ett 4 40.411* 0401040 '04/41 /11.1.."90)"ti 1/9V° /100; A • 'HATCHWAY Underwear for men and bOys at $1.00, $1.50, $1.7.5; $200. . : Wood's Lavender Line Underwear for ladies ,Only place in Lueknow, where it is sold. • * Headquarters for Men's Work /Clothes, Overalls, Shirts, ete. Phone, 1021 • IS :TUE. SCHOOL VACATION • JUSTIFIED? The suggestion has been Made that in the cities, it 'might be better for the •juvenile population if there Were no long midsummer vacation. The boys and .girls -Whose, parents are not'in a position to get them into 'the country are more likely to get in- to trouble • during the 'vacation- be- cause there is nothing to do. It would be decidedly better .both for parents and. Children lt the latter were at some organized .institution, such as a 'school, than to be wandering the streets a prey to every temptation to go wrong. certainly thero is ini- psing 'percentage.' of., parents-. ,wbo. would -welcome a Chaage in the •pro- gramme, whereby the children 'werc. kept busy throughput the. ' Summer, Even it the. ached, work .',consisted largely Of 'outdbor, activity,: it would be 'great. linproVement upousthe two _inenths,,„,ef loafing_ and opportunity for tielinquenty that :tb n eon' fieW liresenta. • ,• Boys will' be boys, and if their e!,..e. not busy 'doing get& it- it a foregone conclusion that they 'will he busy .de- iro; evil, This suggests to society that juvenile delineueneyills inuat be treated by the antidote of healthful activities that leave ir- rePressiblo, ago -no time..to.,get trouble. ' time to do evil and run less risk of • getting into bad company. In this matter society choose between' two thingS. It can renounee responsibility for its youth and then ' paefor: the maintenance in reforrna- • • tories, prisons and Other • inatftutions for the vietinie bf its 'indifference, or • I it can payfor 'playgrounds; gymnas- .iums, Athletic' fields and hoys', organ,. •izatioffS and minimize the, operating . costs of its penal and corrective in- • stittitions. • • • • 'Youth ever la ,bubbling over with - excess, energy and anuat-have a asfee ty. valve.---aarnia Cariadian.ObaarVer, -WON' HIGnpst MARKS • Margaret -Campbell; daught4.• of Mr, and;Mrs. 'Campbell, Won' , -highest standing in, the entrance el.. aminations for this diVition, One ht dreC; and • sizty-nine. ,candidatoss wrote,. Miss flrtipbell redeiVed 74 markS out cif a possible 750.-4Cind -cardine-Raview-Repoitter-- „ ' '.1j1tEltAitCONVENTION aammemi7.• A • Convention Of the Liberals of ` South Ilrbee will be held in. the To -n AValkertoii, On'Pritlay, juty 15# ' at 2 -o'clock sharp, to 'nominate „ .,eandidate,for the House and to transact other iniportant -bnah' The noy sd.buts movemeht, boys' be . present, Lttdies -will be , inade ,pittYkrotiiidt,,, ethopl,:sthittira ..rehniten-seezi; and'Surnmer cam sr are ciesigned Sqvorat ilromitient ipeocett Tiverton ; ; ; ; -; 1074440 • ” 014601 mor0 stg, 'Buy* etielle by these in. ' • Ivoll oousini; Brio marrg•,„iieltlior oltoyld. thOY. PO! ), tt.,) 0 4' ' , •