HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-15, Page 6A•44-irr"-,Atr-A,
, ,•1,-.--,--,.. .-----4‘
,* itne lnia .iev9taFt A .olialviMleet, the OPereting parts and takes out any
•Ili Toentery'of n toed motor Icited by dirt whieMay get lato-tlae Machine
' 'Peut. Welke: *04 cheap ollt *latch Or fliri ishieti'. May . er4Leet through
rept* likinid vow te"rO4 in pleees.:' OarelOaa fir4141v It Ceres 'else' ftw •the
.. Neit7-,iikelY that tinekaande of , hard VArticlea of earben. which tirep
.;'iantonSbRee OceelllOg. 4Paeo la PI-nisi:Off theunder side a tbo piston, These
;Area* , .00.0d. OMPX9Priat.itlY have the'lare. abSorbed in the. 1Eter. This tiirt.
pante, epitath inscribed to their meind can be taken out of the -Alter and
Ori;- The .0t7natien in regard to the' after n yea:04 uee the filter cue eeei/IX
tipeef011a, is iniproving, hitwever.: : . .1 he Tapleged• Thin 'Inaken ,it P.Osaibe. •
;Chorale: ts; bave been 'steadily devell-, fertile motorist to travel .tOthOr on:
4.4' ini it.bettor 4wilitir of Anbilennt tori the earee' amount of, 04,, ctxcl 'ait, -0.04
pkittinnoltile , , motor* mana!actererS!'saine tune :get '.; a better , tintiliy of •
' 11ave *ado eXhanstive :tests and most , inbrigating anbetaaege.
• a then now reeonnnend a Partteo.lar 1 , 4nOther 1141).Tolfelalelltie aeon in the
-!11.47e'been:15.0 improved that the oOnd 0mi:of. the'reost approved niettods.
.gra06,400 Wlitch they knOW 4114 eve .Pregani'e feed tootho& of engine
the 'beak .theiPts in their motor. Motors' comp., ,
• lamVtlen:'-af or, sh4ting grease lite the
• therefore .tb#' °wfler..7i,rell'i,Varleus 'fittings with a. PreSSUTP-40-
, •eon afford to Pay ..'iVhabsVor *10' syritern'requirei the. ottner
ttOessali to procure thebest. ,for keep oil enpe flEed with al: whielli
particular motor. ' the higheatl supnosed; to be an improyeinentt 'over
Iced, oil la not neeessaritY.the best. t'he grease =pa, yet- Many . maintain
bigh iirsk etsit should not influeude the that grease is -profer.ahle to (nine a
purchaser to accept an inferior grade.
• One , 'recent: devedopmeat- w'hielt has
brougbt *Of. 7 lithricattren artems
nearer. to ,perfeetion 'le the. 04 -filter-paxtt�Iiu .
Which lave been *ono off Ogled. of at the top.
Thtg rititoVes' -Iron , the 011.:, tile :Metal
. .
,Canada frook- coast: toloast 1 .2=------"--------"
,...._,,„....L....„,...,...........,, .TRAD::._,,,i:loo._._tT_HH
• , - MALAYA
,..H4tupc, ,11..s...Ageootoo. 69604 .0.4.1PallY,. has dellnitol$ 44404 the .
1:woather,, ,pceording: to crop reports re-,.:tiOnal'intve beenelOgsel"rforthe anialg:-, 0701.'n'x''api):'n.r4:?1;.444.'1.,t's'a's'e,'tatItrg:tti9NY'4)41'
4tot tilt:::i2tvolr.;PiaT17-1:17,!tAl 1 . Lake, , : towlnert 'i, f: ','''' " jai : 7 4. 'AAccord-1g94' - "
„eeived from Proatica:ly Olt sections., '.mtir 4alcio.f. bliereeve:oepoinntelintitniweo;41•10 do: L Tageatl7 Tet4r4!'4 on 4 Vif•Ith to Canada, .•
gave a pleghltilr'aeq-dAntr 'en- tb. a ra' -
trees i.r.how Premise. , ef nn, ,alrerage cenipaniea inolOded ln,tha c.iii1414gatatilae,'Ivt4$4:7011Prr w13*111.m.P1.1,..'e:V•74P4I'Sed. 1f1174111:11); .
.slightly:'helqw the' average;. , 'Apple Ceetral 'Manitoba NI a '
iSoodpirliShe:: 71. th.t.h..:A.:rea.ge 'PrOba. b.11 4A .°- AtiderS1494114, °iF7ak-Fil-es:00*iT.. let°. ,14gfitit '74:61L111.y.a°;.fiTifitaCIti:,a. ;IX, 7:titYlile.Yaoc'ttll'eWitit.,. :
raptures; heNvever, leek • wek with
geed crop preopecte; -fettite planting inunediately
•:Frederic:ten,: •N;B,,,New, Brunswick talQ*4;clao4kirinllt.4W11.1.be";itg:rilteStr *h411415,114 :rieSVS'InScItirealt44'.13iitt4e1K7143Jettll."Q414P44e4 .!.
' Behbitrea,;1442,...capititli*ed at $0,000, ter.' : -' , - ' • • . -, . ; . • ,,iyhtlat: trade ..09413,alell.. *as.. •OalYet-
i&f.the nettle. of :.ii ' company incorpor: . Regina, l; '$aSit.:Saeleatehewan.. eit, .feeted 'there naular 000aldwralga clifA'.
ated for ;a7now „iiii'te/rivriso In tha fur ported lost year 7:7,4 per Pont,'" of its./ 0104' anct 14'14*.ata11414IC of 14:4 '*
raising industry:in this provtnee. The total ;PrOduetion. 'of ereankerY' :buttery .Q14414.*CC41d41644' Ptev4W11g Irrk.41.°114*' .
. f
.4kbonimerei41,hreetli4, of Chinchilla, .Provle,91,41,Dairi..Pooniiiinfitnier!The , .,
• tii ° Out itections, -being neeessary, ' the pleas,
,ipg" State 01.; Intaineas.tolleT With the
eonutonY has been formed to carry 4:0n. aeoirding to a statement niade'b
rabbits at a. farm on:the g4441 Read increase. .in production In 1925: Over.; area was Wg.eli dna to ,the. aggrea- '
:neat here. ; A-. loondotion_ateolt of 09 that of 1920' AMOUnt4 to -126.8bilerl '4")464. 4' -'°1.--• °a*t4itia'.11141.il'es: 7°. P'
'Qbino,b41.4: .rabbits 'has.. *1'01, 'iippOptied. cent., the, 'ontrit,. , .legt. argar . tetilline.then0, .'-'hirther.' lirOgrese ' was being' •
frail E. 0141,;14, . • .. .. ... :. ., . Iiii5:4116:7148.‘. .3g.upeweite:::0...zo.' Bs, tbe,...owit.1 ,i)-1,. inDwbat iiiinveret bitaitluiothy on. :
Quebec. Que.-Tho- treinendeuelY •,• • 1,0o Lottise,L_Alta,...The ,firt4 'auto.. Vie-Part:9f Other etPorter,' • ''''.'.,-' ,
.rapid,developinent Of the ,:ferest. and • .. ., . . .. ., .
teridpeiZe4erii:aethuergerecirvanttt,hf:trtraoaVion9cef, 'Yide,froin`take Laolseta•Fieldi..X0,.,.'W...4'4.(jr4grl*OdWilttilh,I;bie;;;'relilL1417;444e,r.t.aed!vb,slatr!,,',.
the revenue which_ .will.he ; dariyed ba.,' ceenifleciRia.iltiwaiti, tWcoles.. ffoaraniblarlelYor oitt re- anything l'inininit paolet..tp the OnoOdlan,rit, 40C-AtiOt",tiO"'.•:44 1:913. *all .:1914;77
.fore the- o elose'ef..•the present fiscal .anything like it voint40. Of • trade.: be -
' •
, .
year. • .ciffledals of the Land.. and For, road' is that lit the aiXtge. n. nillee' frOM.I ten7tn;:tqhanik b4141184118::18 43thIcIttaligreel. 47'14 71?it'
In -
est Pent; are confident thatthe rev- Lake, Louise to plaid, It drops, awe,' n fln1tes11aI • In 1916 the. total .VOlunle
()nue' derived 'frOnt.lands' anit.40ireete 1141.14*feet after crossing the' Great ;f4' 4 Canadiafl export trade to the whole •
and *ater' power!' .in the pi -evince w.p, olvide;ana :with no greater.,greAle'thas, area waa Only itbout half..a million' dot,: .
..,48t. 6174. ee.4011 ,tiT,. herr,hoopidnenwn iiringahdv;mvfly, il,o. , larai Io the 'uPheavel Caused; by the
War, bowever,.with trade beine,gllyneeriatt "
•Vanooit:ier;:B.O.---,Iror, the first ed 'Irvin the old:' European ll
In the -bletory. of British 'Colombia, '4:0Mrtuniticame to the American eon.- ;
'green Vegetablee Were pent frem..vau:, .tieent and Canada. Tres -sable to share
Oliver to Montreal and Toronto. Birt- In \the builneis with tide practiCally'
ish. CO'.umbia fritit' .19 „Well, established nriltnewh •teiritary. . Advantage weir : ..
.1n the. Easitern markets and.' potatoes taken of this; and the Aldek of :.business
from this :province have been 'Chipped rapidly rose until it rennl4d., a peak in
*Ontario and Quebec' in largo 4uan.: 1921, ,when .'tho ,Dorninion :exported -
:titles on .6ecaiiiinie 'When sthe pato goods to the extent& fOur.ancla quer..
crop in those provinces. htie been light. ter .mplion•dolltirti..... .' •'
Up to the' present; howetter; green .• :. - :. Exports- Incieeslng.
vegetables 'from Florida have supplied' With the. eesSatlell. 'of , 'hostilities..
the Eastern
market between crop sea- Canadian• trade tell awayas inniorters
1 . • .
in the territory Went -back to :European
And you:int* sn'rely borne j On tinie, . ;:
. • ., , Romance.. .
The Moon rode high and dear; cut-, slowly 7bnild' ;tip a trade ...again *Hier '
, .43:::rn.".114',anodpc.„41't, :oinriton.lig:arse.eforreeeedind.,1;) . ..
.GIoiiiingAcrec :.
. dropped to one ;and . a „quarter .million # '
Clette-robed7"4h-right-Shod,-.UnhoWea--;-'0,441*.heit A4'5'4t1r
.iiiiphacistaatto,idifisebu'rhthieintiodue, .muzZ4,0141fititi.tt i.orepoumoiptookes.... Atyli.a-
Another impievemeut is seen in tho ilelen, F. Nornittaion; British woman lawyer; first. to be acinlitted to the
is temple:1 the Mang: point about one- Natural Resources Bulletja,•[from the atmosphere, and keepa reach the SOn't of $6,000,000„ this year.
third of the height of the housing In -
A . fertilizer thatr ;4101.W mos_ the soil. where; the roots of the small ;The mike *resourcea produced a sum
Tho Qlose1/4.upein $4,500,000 Inst. year. .
tura from the air in. quantities std. Plan•ta haYo a eoluitant SUPPlY•
lubricont for the,,ehasms parts. ,
!trarternission gear' housing anti'. rear inner ;TemPle and to practise In
exle•hottaing, *here the tendency nO7
abargi'll.S. djri, b 0, oia,
* vniminr ;
" d -f)t wh'itehe
-Green thotoaot
nee of gyP in th oil may during t Hainilten; • Ont...1-- Arrangements.
ficientio carry Crops ,tbrotigh a'period . . = .13 , a , . .
• , of draught Would be au amazing boon. a draught,,drow enough moisture from -have been eeimPl'etecl for, tbe Ve-oPen--
Nirhitt- are-these,-ibirrieg. isliee)s ami to 'agrietilture in Many distriets Of the • the atmoaphere to saVe'a crepe' - within the next few menthiriif thh
I world, • Recent eXperiments ' indicate '.'Dawsen: hitt- •MIPPlenient- Weet Rnd Plant of 7' the ; Hamilton
'rattling bars. • .
Mr In , • Acadian Geology,, in speaking nof anhy.1 Bridge 'Werks CO.,' which° has 'hem -
ed eam ' ' * • koYes ' - it:4m otanhyrke a sulphate of calcium ' dr•ite' aa"' Chat for,land it may be 're- • closed down for some ,tiine.- This has
This wildernestl of 'cogs and came ,alld that 'auch a alibstanar does exist in the I • „ • -
*gr?„.s144,41ada0:13Pott °la *mill:et aa7iiiedmictilile*laad-i hi ; lickingbuzZ like -large :meiallispleii ag it il, p7simet"'inl- 3s popularly called. t,iarded as more valuable than the h. yd- II bee; n'L_Inadie Pat_sib,...r,le h'Y orders received
trout; varieLY (1.8..gYPeum). as \wanting.; A Or eelev. or' tUTO , re eiland Canal in.ad-
dition to other contracts 'which' they
:taken Years to iipentto itn-perfetaien. . ' ` bell•'' : .' . - • ' • .' • i "lend Plaster." • : • • '.'• , I. the, Water which amounts •to about 20 '
•-• - " - • ". ' . its songs of fetid slum and 1' .....uA-.11 drit i 1 ' i l ted to • '
Y re gyp - percent of thecwelglit of ih latter " able te-Beeui° a late.
d In Canada, Is as -Indosiries representing more than WinniPag, Man.--v/Vith a capital of
'um deposits Its 90
well known but iiY .14 r _
ot4n:er vcennitt;dofsttahtees repscuerantlyro..addoupeteae s . 3 ha Taylor & Sons. of
ndon, England, a large gold mining sons there.
. . , . , y ... e s c ose
The, yea 040 eeeln,d :to. haTe ...a,,ged#1 . . ;- etara,:, i . , . ,' , ; SuMand Where fonn
,. ',.P.",_'•Ve.rf454 '160'?'..la• tiliq't li'all"'" •P'7i.f.Ot rining liailanti dUllideceking exaraT1 &Debited - With' gyps
leht....pettee". for „surely ...e h. , , thii sentient thing whose hot- tilt:sights !affinity' for ' Water ' is
tit.; awl, ;tb,tebi •.. denote -Waded. 1 ... . • • . . . •• ., . . ., , . „ . , . . . . .
. ,- _, ...„. , ......,, - - , . - . . • • - frieze, 1. .. ' . •„. . . the atmliCationsat.th
.•;--1.16"4643.44""`''' ' ss 7' t° `1)13 seen' r To Shillni singe', that 'Cairk tragedies '• rieulture 10'.seinetlit
taell.i-1,,thtt.gi' 'ut:.111-74t..,toowit-ti.'4.11t:.'it. -• reaching :',.-d.::.4i; .ii -n:- .. e' is' .,,. ---iii-114i I' it:ritilin':otfieLal.;d'oi.a4ficiir
,./. __. 1 •
elik nit .igtite anoW"*kieb bed'eo,ierea • .', and:tine ... ' '.' * ' ' • ''' ; •: tent of the air. late.
'In:Winder lied Mink In and gathered ..' :. • :' .,-, .
_.,:z .;,___..;_•.__....f.-„,_,' .,:.....ti ..;.,c,to,,,. Corepared' to ' which eh 'fissishY balalli interesting ..nossibil
outaagain i 747i:014 : tiT: : ,171.11:1 iii7,, , =7,, '-'rra : ' ' - aT.'''''Id4 ' :. ..: . .' , 1. ''' l'e•tlY.'used' in the, in
, ootloopo ottio .losrausi..4.104,iisavil.Electrie, tit:tiler,- beeting2;.thelr fast agricalttne. To Ind
tattoo, • . • " ' -- ' .: :large qUatititied of
with geld' towards ,:the Sad , belowt'. and , „.,, ..
. , . - • • ' 6 i • • •
' They tell to 7.!n
.. life'S eodiese, 'varied, .;:teriai. 'will eoe.it...r.s
4the.•ttit'w fulLtiftbe,fragrance of th.
i;yoolit.'4;.,loaves .0-tr;tue, ihaeo, -...,:Do,in,z . ,,•..- ..°.....:,• VIO parte o .water,
:Ilere is the voice without whielvre.an„ solve only 0:2 par
.,:thie,:lali,eihe°10,7;;t131,;...,,,O.;(1.41siea!alterte. in;,. ia,44•00:, - ...i ,',...,..„ -,..,.• , ''-' : • ''.AohYdrite. As 'fa
,...,,,, ii.i.,.4. 4lbili .-.;the's..ides af.U.0.r.iver.11141.' . • : .....t.iii.„-°- ',Lai#,Itiy.:.,, forrned.. as time ree
' ' -0,14Weetlititood' ainingse . the ... twa , .
ii.itejjiboe,;:',.1,41.7214ida,,,INVo' iirridiu1;•:1;.th, ''..4,tilh°317itri "I' It be be 1,3.01, ied, ..,•,.,S,, illnr51 rd,',._.°14LietsdVi;: ad:etptiipt:S1.01rbti::yds71.p*O:f_"t4iiiihellt.
Aator;114Oes !,41'0,:lar4e' Pitg*:7061 , • ' ..' .,•-• .-a-'-H,--.. ‘• .. ,. • . The ' gynsuM beds
-•Fishes. 4,T 7 .
sea -Water e
a,,sti,:thef.veri,4ak, 'Of the water, alie...united States Gov.eritiiinepinit;oeuis-,*_.
)reathInte„.e.iat,' the odors . Of liiretinifiii .Pertsahave: .discO, erect, - aom .
which took the: .el
! •-:. - . ,
eeP ' The clumsy pollards eeCh. statistics relati to vibe *tabor :of. 7
,. eikeinstes g undlykr,(,1:*reim;.The'mill'..egga: :Mid by .-Varients flehes.; The ex- 'tin:antis' 'anfl'*idfa
.aiiteel.. had regained!, , its. knetty.. look,J perts have.Warked •mOetli On import: localities -the. gyp
-'44rith---sits 'illoseend. ite.dip and driP. as ant food fishes. • , • .,.. thiclines4 at 200 fe
, '.it., Yielded' to the slow witer.„ virlitehl"-thectia'tikei firsinlade AS 4 hreen Underlain_by_anhy
'weitild•hitaeletlit' alone, but that' there . en: lifting been inetrn to ley more depth, which in at
. .
•WhS no other out Of the lead to than nine million eggs in one year. ceeds 140 feet. Ani
'00-0a;* ' ' • ' .• ' '• ' " 1. / Thlibalibut innot:So.slow,‘having ali in, the ,Salt niiiieS
a unanimou8. resolution- urging the
lig' that leg, not so
mni:::it- , so ii-eitv-tiate-c:rstooal,• .----,.... - :---
Ing the *.tiier'c'i, Should a widespread demaad arise.) your fervent ekes '
the soil that'offers
for aehydrite for use as a fertilizer it
ities, where
'Pr° -.1 would mean a great expansion of, the
. _ ' • Illumined with a quiet Joy; a chime
Within your heart; great expectation
. ... , , •
UghtiOg your face and gladdening
, .,,,
- • your step ‘• ••' • _
As -his is gladdened who has inland
I United States Bureau of Miges to un-
-. .- . - .... . . .,,„• . And Mirthr7abstractions and ... pa c - well establis e . • • . . • --- " • ' A . • ' ' •
'".tafrari-i'',e-T=.- Tem-'..., '...ii"..i."`= kr-i--''"e.7.----et-.:-:- - _ '_-,.;,•e• ' - ' ' • ; ' ' ,,t.--''' -.1.L-11:"If . ' ed '_.-„,;'..b.-'al,:te' •;%1 ‘.ertalte work on, the utilisation Of tfhs
Gnarled old' trees Of , may ' stood. like *I ' • -
ea -r,-------,--
looked far and. pale; a. 'painted. ina0 ed theta .and the effectiVe.,.•co•Oper&' •
„ „ .
Mate .thing' "canirottred.With: the.thous 'tien given by Cerfata Capadiait bust
ands Of Wing. lighte:that stewed on neee cornMenced,
every branch of every tree., A'apit.the new use:cutlery:6Y,-. and . for the. naval ...
tall atitaran Howe** hadroverY'Planizits year eliding Marelr;,'31sti
1926, Cana
lantern: The terraces were out diaii exports'. to .Millaya. Were- approxl-:
With :light, the mitlinett.'"Of 'thegreat Mately seven- and 4 qaarter-
house .sparkled •with blue and green dollars, showing ./increase . of six .
Aliens for the brief period. The Year,.
Wis: a record one in the•Straite Settle-
ments; Dutch East Indies,: and 'Slain;•.,
figures in all:three areaa, being. higher
than vier reached•before.
' In the CaSe. Of the Did& Eastindied '
the, preirieuS zenith' was •reached In
1921 when trade Was under .2% ••
million 'dollar% .Th -is yearitlsiieai4Y
;% Canadian „seeds'
exported to the 'Straits. Settlementa in
1921:'had a value of p;a00,000. This :
fell ,.1t.Voy.te..$600,000,-. anit basnow
again been -pie-pre-1
Sent ye,ar.the value as three and a half •
mllllon .dallara inproicimettely. This'
.desttelopment. helmigi strictly.: to the.
Meet 'recent years; and ar- much larger .
business/is :stated to mast , for 'Cana-.
difla eapOriers proper study de-
vote& to the peculiar dernands 'of. the
various septiona .4. this broad and. lit-
tle knovin territory. '• '
terestsof scientific gypsum industries of the Maritime
icate the relatively ; provinces./ -
water/ that this ma-
lty be stated thatl
A Song tt) Sing
21" . F dis- •
t Of anhydrite. ' I -' When Webeve. a 'Song In our hearts When he is Leaving for hill childhood
.. . ., , . • • .• * - •
und.ln,• Canada in All the *grid .singi it to ui, from .the : ; .. • seaS. : - , : .... . ' ,'-, • 7 . ,, . ' ad ruddy lights. - Each tree anciShreb.
Led withStke.gy-pattin'...kettleekthe hearth to the birds 1n the ' . •' .' 1 . - •..- :. - : - : •• , , Wait 'heavy with a' fruitage'ef.radiant.
Maritime provinces.1 Wood. .. The Waterfall rushee it 7over You know . -the . plaCe,, that Ira/groat lanterns. .TheYsiwting_fairy-likealiove,
presumably Were . the. rock ledges " and iiwiria it . down'. • .liill 'that- leapt°. , - . ' .. ., 1 the grass .' A intik of Materned. fighte
tilt of tbe Ova.Porti,',..strears;.' the -Wind ..eougks if through To view her silvery ocean to the South rode On the moat. •• • The.dreVibridge'
nclosedin a series • the tree tops or ,..turns the roadside And ;cranes 'heron:MASS.- creet. and, Sings ',*as jeweled' with a network iii.; lin-
land-loeked hasinS, i wires into .an Impromptu harp to hum '• ' :' white, arms ..' . : ' .: ' ' 1 teriis, each intern lit: , 1 .....' •
4ce of :a onee .cen-' it'aleng our -path. hi the- meadow 'the- -..:In haven liolne_ braVe shiPa: '._ -_•_. ' -.• it wai: a darniVal of Caloreti lights.
ereadnea. In pine cricket•gayly charasit as be takes. tiy, We shaft slovrn-clamber in the Vettiag: 'Hatt the slioneitt Britain -that stocked
et or more and are real saairrel On the lower linib of ;a The stare iweet-burning in a mOonlid for these.' An army of ;decorators had
,least one ease, ex2:eeasingly with a -great swelling eres-iWe shall down•clamber.;to_the_singingAillr_novr. Round paper lanterns tall
of, Austria Hungary,: ower cup; the dows 0? corn nod their And go aboard, and wine again no sreall; alone, festooned
sum beds have ,a Ing leaps over summer grass; 'the ; . ChinesOlanterns had been ransacked
rite to an unitnoWn-tree chatters it; the bee hums it -sky. , l'hungthem up, busy at it from .sunset
Ydrite is also found cendo as he booms laden out of 4, shore • Icylinders, odd-ahaned ones, great and
ntains of Gertnany• Yellow heada and rustle it, ,waiting the; , more. : • •--A;;B.*Johnson. groups, boiiquets of lantersand every,
inetimes cr„ s a mei:. arries it -up to the -blue -in* very. tre,'t .. : . `'' ' • :' • •• ferns, smooth lanterns ,..• palated.lengbiy estaidtalted, but 'though We,' like little Pant Dentbey, ably high, efiff, White collarrel.ae.:Part Would catch 'or wire hold, some chi:
derablelironottioes, little chi:wren. and ' it 'echoes in. the ;Physicians who have started an anti- with 'their light. -.-,Louise Jordan .1111113,,
ent, le the tinited-„eolig on "crier the -.field 'in. gentle , _ . Collars : . • • ;latt7hne,T,tigTocra:1,anim.siiiitsy.:;,.d.'sdidoiiii,is,ta,.(;:r..wy7.:alsa.n.„thte..erni..eitosiykil: ..71fully.
rd white or greylab-. swlehes Of Sauna." From thegrass at I. ' .5rift'for Nurses' , suspended ;n1; it :floating., InAhe air;
spay granular la '. our -feet' the lark seadealy. springs and . ', ' . • ; - a sr4forni. s-: • 'erinkled • lanterns, boat -shaped- Ian -
that ultimatelY may i saying. It ' la heard In the .vbiees
lue Of anhidrite his ,ehining rollera eV over the • shingle, doned the ruff,' , . neomfort- every -point land crevice where strink
dreasing for thesoiLi sing o7 Sing Me Your song O."; . ., ' ... i• raebdataisphee.:.xid :watt tihaueneud;rteodm snheocuklwd.baei,
. . , ...•
Nova 'Scotia, to , world and we are perpetnally teat/mid.; these women declare the wearing of
in egriculture May ; ens never quite catch' what the are Of 'their uniform, are to be, "emAriCi7 nese lantern swung and glowed; for
e eargoea are being' heartfelt I tones •' of a ...friend.1., . The: stiff -Collar Campaign 'for, the relief bf. in
physical propertiei Mole of Soy: ' The nee Sings It °vet and' ProfesSional nurses in.lEngland Who. terns tasseled lanterns • flitted la
. where it' is used ng an . : " . b -' • ', t linen chokers is. a pleee-of senseless `.`' . Clever ToMm.y.
lover as the waves send' their long, •• ahnost since good 'Vegan Bess aban- terns, " bell-shaped lanterns •;--- free:n-
et Patea" from such :. Old-time relic% glovring„aeres the .old place •glittered
, • .
"The: teast of Lanterns!..."
. AttitYpi7a .nstr p.o LIT et"tatie:tra' "IlTimt;
s kidirectiy .as a fv.r.., ,one of the, linsieSt ratilwak statioas in' ed tbe-chitage for Which pi,:t.:Graham Who discoVered Australia, George"
ps of- a • legthinnous A e • . . •
beann:hcaisnihYodnItbaeaavrira I, •.' , A,U5L7'ra.ila,00ti'ilt. ,R,..eio_t'rd. it.: b s. iasreadityiepcbarttyi.atisudbisvUminei p:ii;rne:d6ri... 7ati.e....,,::
I.. i -,L. rthf.) world In, the Flinders 'Street ter Little,. M.P. for •Lentloa.trniversitY, is the teacher aSied the next•boy„ • •
- a of. 'the sponsors.: • "Wein ..
with the-suicates or /
' 4 useete via' nder 'abotitt' in the Ileitis' record of nearlY•', feer .Million; •while ill the 'Hari 'Alen
, .44tviopds. y,iith:* book !O my hand at the Sturgeon iralle' along with about and, • to ;swine eit
• *hich I. Often did not look, the .whele 'sit' hundred. theunand, • - ' -. • •. ' , i States It is A ha
. day and which /yet 1-1flied to haveWith i The Rile herring lays Only' an aver_ -, white • mineral, ai
•stancttire but .so
Ine; • :And I seethed setnehow „ to &Jinn; age :Of twenty thousand .eggs . a
back with Mont Upon. these days in ' yen, but as' the ocean Is aireedy full 'int' siniCer hi its
:Which -.I did nOt read:: In tide -manner' of . herring it is a lucky , thing for the io Marble; .. •. .
I'Preparectalinost.all My sermons that" other fishes that the herring' eg.g? ate 1,:- 11P-e.._ecegetnie•va
-sunamer. ' .. '.' „ • '-'- ''''. • mostly -eaten by other gahes..else the never heen theroti
• For 1 ahvayi found the'oPen ait the ocean* would :have irooin for 'nothing :.iis growing use •
Mina geniai-influence upon me for the bncherriaga. .• • ' • ,.ki.. ' ' Provide anoutlet
Productioa . of religious feeling and "•.• : • ...•:-.-..•-•!-O .--------.° . resell .very caeSi
thought • 1 . had been Jed ' to try . "Stdr-'s Glow Depends' on, Heat. : .... At the present tire
shipped from Wel
, whether' it might not be. to. with'; me According :to 'pr.• 'Henry Russell , C‘
by: the, fact that Our Lord seenied to ,Princeton iffniVeraitY, some of tile 'Novtolk: Virginia.
with success as a.
. take go mach delight in the open .a.li, stare are 1000 tiraea'as. bright ea:the.
Ground gy:pstim
• . -.and lite in the 'day as well as early' In Bun says , The Pathfinder. : 0.wieg. to ',.
, C sidered very.
t thiymerning Would climb the mountain their. great 'distance from the earth:.
to beaione with. his Father; I .frinad• Many of the Stars seem faint,'.irhen;tis sells an4 on ere
' tnat it meto give.a. reality to a. matter Of fact, theyere.Much larger .,,iareebter.; It.:t
ti. zer y reac mg
lwerything 001.1 thoight•aboat it 't than thaSe tvliich. appear large,- ..-The
onlY contemplated • it .iinder the bigh brightness 44 .5 star, says 13r. R/onell, potaah, thus libera
feed. It has also
Untroubled blue..- with the loily green depend upon upon its heat, end: the•heat is
• heuath Inir feet. and the wind blowing, releasied. within the Star. . - ' i advantage, accord
. .01; die. „.• : • „... . .....__,....-.._____ ..4.. ' ..ipervey, deputy- In
• •
1; therefore. smight -. ...: to gad 'an '''-' .' . Depth Of the Amazon. 1 Nova Scotia aro
easy • passage between Abe open -a . . The Arnaion rilier IS ' estimated ' to ;nre Pliee.. where .i
' 1 the church Mood., so- as to be 60' feet deep at apeint 1,000 miles ant and else feta'
'from the Sea. . 4 . , ' ' ;greater part of w
''."-"r .L -r--4---' 7.---- •• I from the: manure.
. , • • au 'ikons, .. , / ,• .• / The Nova Sc
ting won as -a plant, urinal, throu,gh Which 300,000 persons o . e . , ,
.• .
beeri used to great .paes_,,dailyr Believing:London! stations clothes, as a, rale he says are
tot to .*. J. i.,: me.s_ conleCshow higger figures the: British gularly neasible," but .men • are SiaVes • .' ' igiggest Wing Barrei.
seeder of *mines ,for RailWay Caiette, ' checked time daily to cumbrous and overheaVy' clothing. • *The .famous Heidelberg Wine bart:el,
the largestofitil kind in the
flow of passengers through London's pr. Little. regrets the . inthienee exer- once
und ' stables or Maw
largest stations Liverpool Street and eised bk. each 'paterfamilias ie. trans *or:4, is surpassed iti size •by am..evr.
i acts ,as a disinfect-Waterlee, but totind the 'total , it the • forming his . Milan . son intb "a eruel barrel • af, Eltsiiie-On,.tbe-Rhine.• ',, it
ins the ammonia, the
fOriner watt:only 244,33g. • '' • • caricature of father's own ;too- ridica;. 'holds. 283809. quarts of Rhine Wine
hich.is otherwise 'lost '
.. Mary Popular Stagg Name.
., .
-e--, .• . ' liiellts wSreailtuf •• : loolisee fiftatVitiogrectiolgoihitn.g7!ighi--.
' , nearly 10 teat :high. The, Ifeldelberg
•It is '49 feet long; :23, feet 'while/... and
. Mar) at is said, is the moat popular . - • . . .
, . ,b,arrel. 'has been dry, for many years
otia 1DePartment of ; .
• ; ber ere •contraeticas or Bleanor, Teaciter-ent must contr. 01 that 'held 200,7,09 quarts. _____,'
Why He Laughed: • ,
r .....-7--,
s latest report, aniOng actresses. Next In num- •
, but in the flays of its usefulness it
ntion to this interestuhep-'eame
laughing!". • ...t • '
' \feting Bird, is yoracieus. ,
.... ..
' j"ittll'ihe::;°nB'ut tyoll tic?a'r'l:L" . A fledgling bird will elia mor
'...I"I'be crystal of my watch is broken ,twice its freight My Worms p
and the bands keep .tickling me." sunrise and sunset.
, •
- -
r - •
If There's Anything Jeff Hates it's Silly QtreatiOns.
• bp 'able •to brliii into . the chinch as,
' much . of the fresh air, and the tree -
'gladness over all, as might be imssible. t',When you were in Italy did you see. Mines draws atte
. • / in niaterialan it
,, Music and the colorbarminiy, and thet
and, in order -to do this; I thought all PoraPell?" • , . , " ,, •
lnY sermon oveLagain in the afternoon , "YeS, nilt,deat. but it was frightfullY; it sa,Ysi •
deantni Before Painting.
sun as it shOne alartingik Ihratigh the In need; of repair! . t „As a fertilizer it limy be aptaised it°01_4.1)aeirntw4701110prepeilasfireerin. a:iirdetshsotiorlfad eneos
'" the soli hi drills or in hiffe, or sowed
litained window, and in the fallitig light- . : ', .. . .
broadcast in quantities
fr'olniias';an°,•,if- I he applied until the surface is Seaso&
'thereof and the gathering desk of the ,' . RiCh dlty of Ottl,Day% ,,
as the 500 ponndS to the acre: It
tghL-L-From "'Aerials' Of a Quiet Carthage wati once kilowa tinily fOr 'water and drawi ruoistaie ' ed„ ,,,
Neighborhood.", by George StarDonald, "wealthiest eity iii the World," /
-.--. -- • ,
MUTT AND JEFF -.)5, Bud iisher.
Geoemess. es:10 wniete-,‘
tsitieru trAtob „ee•
,6a tie AS F ThO
c. •
A6 Als.1.,t'ss
r 1.11(6 tolitok, istri
6Or'r'#, 6e. artCtc. To tiie
lal\STED. srATes • be BOP'S
-t•14. Ate
0 !I
-) A • rl 'r,r • • -.1
St.tP fkae" °me
altT %Fort _
'BoAt flM S s •*.
FOR im•tu '4oetc
rot> , Pt: b TOP.
s Ay, oLb
YCit , A kounin
,ncvt,T '
• ficturgscitieCustofii.'
A delightful ceremony' is that whieir
takes place, annually hm the little town
of Nanterre, near Paris, When a'prize .
of virtue is awarded. The: girl who. is •
chosen is CaKed the 'Itosiere,ana
picturesquely Creamed., The custom ,
Jt 600 years 'OA,. but it•eontlooe&,, to be
Practiced more enthusiastically thati ;
ever. TO years' Restore is Mlle:
Yvonne Pit1oret,7wheilfOr Several years
has hs4 charge et alunisehold of fourt .
younger brOthers, and who,. by the Un-
animous 'testimony of the neighbors,
has displaYed'excelitional sef-sncrifire
and induatry.' In addition to receiving.
a crown , ot roses, Mlle. Pitioret• was
'presented a smile? money ,subscribel
by ,adniirera.
100 Per Cent.
. .
' A schoolteacher once asked a boy
if he couldnemean important cit Y in '
"No, nem,'", replied the boy.
"Correct," said the teacher.
e• than •, ..
ettreet • • -• Old Ruins in Germany..... ..
'• • Estensive remains ot a Roman. set-
' tlement probably dating back' to the
• first century have bten found in Co-
' togne, GArniany.
• Fill' Crease Cups.Oftdn.
Lta-fcei: tuktY SItbULb
•X GC.T. A liotqot)
t1;0Ii tliticET
• •• • - , •
ad do.* apa• •••• .11.14
An active grease cup is otte that -is
frequently • filled with fresh F'nY. If •
this :is overlooked thepassages:,
come flaked clad It a rd.en le 1, prbven t mg
the passage of fresh grease litthe sur-
faae nettling IL ••;
Antiquariutt •-'. ,These rail's are two• '
thousand yalart: old."
, Tourist s• -Pion't he alma; ;!,
tsetrtity o"IX115tr,,"
Bkue ttsbest6a,"W•hich Cer. k ius ski to
-;40t.ttli Afriea, is a• lInftei7 aa,a r:avidUct- ••
Or of 'heat llian'tir1inSky-....1..ite:agtes.
to.s. . •
for Setae high gpeein
i,t prting
pre:4sta is fed 'to .then't ly fOr peAlinte.
pi eeD Of -"CliAr-tral. 14d in. the
stitteepari in iithieth ,cubl)rige:s bailad
wiI pre,'roi%t, Any &sage:cat:lite :inte:i
arising ti tirirtg the coking of the,vegek.