HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-15, Page 4Z,
it'. Tedd"It CX
Plo-w4,. e"M� �30 *09 -
WIRE,` C01147_WOT�* 11FOAces"'. 001'ew 4T
ir91W "_4#410
G X 1$11 tPQ Tuft.
HAr "IRS 4er sY
, _ r _V USPAY., TUr L
AN!'W"rL N 'Co
r $6UM wwcm Pow cS.
S 0 _;Sea tW *n4
PUNOA, OR' t� Z*ox�_Q
onq *4e YOR W*pt 40motbini Is may- tak�Xf
yotir"It *omm m f0i, granted that
..Wdl 'I
1) -Hall-
Aberai eazidildrato Jin 0.44, ruee'r Sit
W next FalL He'. r
C AN Dominion, elik1q;1
Voft'� the,
JpOO, he"ligs, hk_�"17 O�6
'OVTF1 �T S.
7, 3�
the new; t
ew� w. 'p, to, e
[.b.6v*tift4 waxed floor@
Th1**,0atfit1.00#;(8tF of
, 1=y3&r*jro
...... . . 23
PIT. -
NOTICE, To.-CRrRQ.IT_ VORS toxn to - ;*+Aominq e. 4'. S, 4 c cs s f u - A, S
to g
all #00, :per n
given, t�vat
pld �Oot' be P-Pplio.on
1p*", 7aildia�e if, �40' in. roo*ipati0o�
persons' avix
j�tate: !of 31 n q e
'A 'Tiiin 194t
ary , g autt,. Pre 4111
: ,�, �ba k�
W.0 of the Villag.e of U
CPI V P le at' likelihood thiat e _.t
d is grp, 004 prov, A rap t
about V e elkb of, b ,'Oil.. I
Of, fores e
D, 19 6 4 , �w
ILUCKNO' 2 4re xpquip�(Fto," for*ato b
W WI HAM; h teeritli day M be opposiA li.* 1` -
'W ep
A. e. S h d' qo - --dust
e Ave
a.c. "bee ma., .,duly jjrove0L,, to Cho ur- 95
t of th ir* iiinit'I'tion
c; 6 1 ' ln;the'forec�st f ."Coijservative nozninaii�r :the niiiin disadvantiigo_,� of e0i cat
dersigned,� n' r'bofor the u r ed
'day, of Ugo t,.'1926� preyioiis�'.jo the
:!hlor;d being that iii, the. wet season
t0tin on!�_these- 7
Qwom�_f r
And ilotice tp_furt iven—thAtA - - Ai_ljtde�*mpei�-
D -prd t1h r
flo e curent'y6ai. Last
;Qw e
d dat* the: j;je0vvto*S �of
ere es, -has, e". P. th d
9t� jised, HQ sources
the estate 6f the� said- Mary ineg keen Int st in, polid -b e s resources. pro uced a
ntages eig
Ithfu Oiker for his. liil�
proceed to distfibutc I � I eaTly $1,500,000.
'Will fa I W belii�ve the 44va opt* h tbi zeve of
t� and is
-i - Df the 'said A good. platf 6. goe- nin
assets ^tat 6rin' speaker. He should
advania Aw! as tim
& et
tile layers will. f be ome
-Ontitled-thereto, h4viole maki a much. str'011' he use o$ dd6t, ,c
Sistj en rai
ger candid.a .0 ni fr6mthe t. ning cat.a
regaid., only to sxich �lai
ins as they astdid r. 14 �.tober of Cl dofi,,EnglAnd,,.
ppert in
pe �0. 'iindq�* and', ay
then.shaViiiive notice.
The isodvaptage&^io �which. 'Mr. bi�q ace�ted by. the Canadian'
Ste insow, appl, et!
�A�ILC year 11 'Ahd at Luckno%Ahjs
D. 3t
�h Of, ye;
Government and sailed on t
ph eqmplly
he f'Em.
wa ering A ts;
July, A.D..,19! k 'THE _10SU �,N THE, Er t tree ,as rains,
:']N6xJ1y`Cvefu0y' and
oo ON
Sidd4H, 66*house M ES T press of France the. end,bf 0une,
*C t 4tors, sprinklea, str"ts be. auddy
g, estAte . of Ory 'ear'Jjer'_tfiqji,` thosg,)iot 9
.0e, Luck, iw� Ont,,' �. W jjjjy:
M "ftn proceeded o Winnipeg'After
th es Mucli' ' I ' '
prizik� We, hav6, in Sio 'k.,
�ibergl ni -will be c
is. !evident ifiat he an londilig.at Quibe�c a d placed
S40 us,before pla,=gl your,,order.:
ldjdates i n , the coming eie'etio-ri, s6ciall7.,seletted farm&,
extensiv- now an, Electric Floor
to make "The ConAii houitor by the
endeavor aq a ch year 6r re t
Po'lisher' by the
�lk used thefuture on unpaved
S i k t ewan exported last
t, e pa, rampLiMt 'issue, anyone
its -total production ay us a ca ake yo 00o
A� A; *0�4 WHITE. CROW IN h while'thc� CO is: �77.4 ji�r eefit.'n n ur r
roads dily believ
nt.: in � ... .
e msis� -upop �wh h -of clusCr0sed -b aecordin a. �- I - , 11 - I .. .
rvatIvej opponents. wi 1. wa.te. ids the �louds. a d.
c7*amery . utter 9 to
e "Cu plishipg easy
4mg. by eveiy-'ituiomobil6 which, pa'.4ses a-
...... stbins, Mesptr#
'-wek's WlAmay' sta"eijt.�mivde by the Provinci
-�el: 'Wheii. one ob-
road 0'' p
To ihe�
U'0,1,; N .,-428' L� fore- g Dairy'C6mmiAdnei. ur ric
-and Bdrbed* Wir
Theri! is A, good deal, of shain ser, rn 'y of the�e TOads proAucitiou'in 1925: over , that of.: Ais right on Coifspri
elroW�,Nlas been malung its on an
e every
g6n'cession , of
d,Tue44 4 hun 'pa d e
it *ill e di#i�u' car* ss efery adliome,'oh, tht o6nd Vout bqth�. it ay.. the, 1920�,,hi d 126.8 aniounte to
theh%lia j, jit,8 o d -it, aroused c that� Carnek this, summer, n onvinee. he ayeiage. elector road- ia.te at', which the cent.,,th�,qutput WC, tqt
year allib Fresh t
'M ti arent,
Wz JL; V.'Carter. Rec::Se. so-n4eh cu�osity in that seetion-thai, ther.6 234- po Cat. Ce-m6n Just U, nrbaded
many made. ah, 4ort �o, elng� wo ow
s uch, to the constittl oh�i. b d' n* becomes app. unds..
��aroveisy:. They will'.not be gkeztm� Ev�n 'at, it 14ost �,6f $200 per mil e
lul and t" ay, 17,: Ki"
o -way- as noi
that' the only. o �w ether r, pgt..orr�Mr.. ecot 1*oin: SL- and.. -Kinne4polis
L t P�a
cno�ntereStjngr freak, *a:%. 10, Inore,entitled to:a Alssiilu- Ae �rth taking': into k
idther, 'fact'r We, M. Phone, '66 Luc
a thro h ntreal r;ew tly on.
-on, ssed qg,
Cbal V1
le, got a 'Wivd, 60 don parliament. 'Whatever sort 'tion 't, th sh ne ns ing,
shoot lasFr lArd a
isidgr is fi' r , ,
in his .,,app e iditys. and eoi e rii�ld s1ir ir Way to the famous H rdware' Umbihg', Ti ihithi
IN t "IS pure w Qu6bec�
&36rante a talking,, loint 'Id"not li�e 'roug 8 * te� -.Amno de', . &aupreo nat
-it 4 lo.L : the subjecit' may face- -wou e450"lly h
brought 0 "1. hiti,
could. f ang , X en�d � by t e rd' Uthe
li -4�licaiio , ; :,n
ni. h ed'b "that* n of ew, They
'1V ;*hit eet ari& bill, and
were the ady"anpe� gua o
Caw is, rauedus!y as,, e- JbIack"t, isidekation; ihough'it may
gravel creat
.. I 1 1, oy Zpilgrinvs that vis the
=c lom I'f row( d' Pt On— Ir mat- ivert atte fro'ni othc 0
- 1. 1 :. I - . 0�' While- stopping
"d -will be", on 'te" "' - ) . I k, , I I I ry
rs THEXINqpOM OF' Pi.EA9U off in Montreal they StL
The mess in. t� e Ou
ke f
stoms Dopart- j ;'tn: .'that qiW, also
ly -,of more' impbrt�nci
lumt is. real
'i-'va�atiop is '.worth tak it is: =own- as -ail 'shrine.
likelihood 4s �that, ther6
has been' s, there, reg�ar& worih taking�welL. Particularly whe
a pies
ways o Hundrc;d nd Une r
wonderful va:&tio,n c&ts n t of ituOents -a .cards
ess bf� �whkh in
p More than: the ordi kind 4rom Canadia ni-
nary. zi and. AinericDz u
bad thin
e rice Tersjtis eenLp&S
However,: it. h s is"a .9
the app s , to. be. in
ery ia 6iffice- wh poimption-'and n&mafi
10 1�6, At Y ch
1 - b' sing through
This summer, :or mere, Out
our railway tielet, and,with a -jour- li�nireivl. r�eceivtly to board ships . for
ne. No
plid: en y
qey. of but four short,hontsi.oij the' E!uio�e ihizinectidn with T" on, a lajrge-�gca e is;'exposed Con
agekn6nt; 1. 1 "', .% 11 . lop'
for faiih-We cheafwr TlW of Ca�-; eas'
fast. and' conifdritibler trains Agiate Tours that:. liaim
From the, iblectoes 'st:andp6ini th V po�Ulair'
a . n :you can, gro crt-ps of la*
Na�iovval Railways,
...... ttlo6k is rather hopeless in.
risit de eoe,, co. . egians
_-V years. .,Of t
improy ewe*
kqka--6.ne of -th most_,_b_e` fif _iF Aiav- CiRi"a12"TakiHfic b6aft,--thi
Mus e Au U
after all" the . turin' oil. and expense -of
::. on. a. c
lake' re'gions on the continefit.,,. "'Empress of:�France., re 0.11t
n6rat eJe-_*6n.'-'
�i�pgdqyn, of Pleasure
u, 1 4 . , . . - t
0 highways -are, policed.: for your prdtec��.
ge Mus"4 beg all the" sites;foi, Aii# ovr 250 i-theni.,,.,
a 'party requi carrying
e likely to'tbe' �% I . ritaki .
an n—
low"ofdrr. I�L
s-crimirage-a a rath
er. e ra c cop""
ay� and fa�hlqnivble; dd .!ft. go�jeous "sear et tunics, 'ALUMINUM hoielsi sotii'e g
id0al'summer eatio attractive flon Th 'ti M is' uriieticL
ARE will be an! el ctibn 'i hi itfier
n w ic ne excellent
some quiet and' secluded, y
plostitA dgiorated with gold 6'raii,
y, can, ee. gr The tidlic patrol istnot to inconvenience, the
f eat �enitliiisjasni 1ot
part I 'the oicest: 6rty, inembeks, of the world-famous
A), the -'s urs� t�� not se' f I ecthig.
iervi' and c4' f
Mqlfties jot 61f; tieiariE—, ling; of Lon-.
-g- s. mot0fi6t, and' foi.-the �po cot I
sColditreaim Banii
ft 9ne can ge. 'is,to p
be ow
just what eac fines. .1 e -if
recentl on tb*, .,.ts 'aim nd the.
boatin sivanimi g
n ivivchW y" rot' it I e and'lirhb,.;U
hjking� dancing,
out 'of it.. public inv stm nt in. the'roads.. - Its work makes
I Montcalr�" e Wi Canadian Papific liner e e
COMMEN.MG SATURDAY, i ULY. 10, VX- WfLL HAVE The 'most avorable 16diure-'a the add o1hii. a%"tie: :sp6r4. Go one
OF. ALUMINU-M, WAR E; at' it..to: Canhda# havin for the ty-of you aAP-youll'-want to,'go again o their thiid/vis 9 safe rselfafid. ur fAinil
ASSORTMENT. atiqu i& bi the.pe6ple in g. A964 �and' 494in: 1911.
TKE9E 4RE'.,*;6 CHEAPi LIGHT G006i ",,GOT UP POk. SALE, For full information li, IWe in
-lea a xressive n1wre in
ral- are- in favor .,of !c n g
PURPOSEso MJT TH B�&ST jFAjIN bi iy Canadian,'Nationiii Unar'.4he commafid of laieui;6nant won t 11 C(1'
QUAX ete-i aPP Y 0 a,', wdo your part in this movement,io
-oveinrhent. -arid. however handicap -
F la- t Br
3L va�;s th�jy wili,
JS YOUR. re� t IT -Y, TO FURNISH YOUR,KIT 7 duer-accident on the: -hig4ways,:and en ou
S OPPORTUN ped. 'they, may. be by� the, machiiier.y d4n,:,Cal Edmopton,.Saskato n,
UTEX irizn�. - ft nds he:pme?
Ipgo -Toronto
CEIM, WITH ',VC E�NEW' LOVOFT COO]KING k", yque ie t�do t
they Are wor they, are de,ter-' NP mined t DgATH OF JOH CONNELL Regina, Vancouver an , d, the
itCH, 0 WijN . ; . .
URI IDOW FOR fflk COMSISTING hat, �ma, way or another th.i
-1,94hiblao, n.1
and the cfbqlcs'� must to bo not fall into tjje, temptation �bf- spie.diitk,
OF- &-nothings
A son of Bruce
G6unty, who' won
because the road ahead"'is cle emember that'
PgUCOLATOUS elecrifica, of ar.
othe main,
CALC UM 'CHLORiDjg� di�t netibn in.. the ni 'excessive. spee
TEAP6TS 'ATER: PAILS wbjaper worl The. is one of the g
SAUCE . rANS John Pollock MeC n reatest.agei.it
3111Kmicv BOWLS onnell, died,. i - Wel- line ofthe Imperial Japanese,.Gov
The Luckviow Village Coulici is. ornniept, Riilwitjy� system from Toldo e0 some', roa s., While RICE'BOILOS ructidn* of d
POTATO POTS oft' Thurs..
es dy MospitAl Vc'
PR luni chlon av'�- 'day cri.
.'use civic" tieii, ;to' ghimonoeki, 750 miles, ha -bee
about to de'on H of last�,week, fioll to "st t t
owing a =0 ra s tha thi' rffic Patrol -will do its full, duty.
-Street as Aust -layer. an A and. � ently th6-45
el d on Operatigw tfie� day r6vi6us., long prolactZ Zed . g the la*, �h�, GoVernment urges t ei
a , .1 in: enforcin h
W, lk nii e. 1)0t*een - Tokiii� itnd
ere d izeris, re- Mr.., McConnell born. at , a,
the"othor streets wb
ae -atioif of - m ref ex-!
has b1i d 4-�pbrimenta co-op r otorists in raining from
quest thai it �shall'be used. eiton 52 years ag�. -On leaving shc6ol PdA*ara , , a I
A wn. y 'tit
train . dr A 6 in motorist is n! oa,
n ie ..of ''this. fact 4 little b i-_lectri loe 6tives cessive speed. Each' I erested i' r
he,went.t6'rwork 1or the Walkerton
r run.twice a day: betweeh,these.poln �s.'.
Wm..:Mu die So,
roteitioii bei�ause each'imist-cointribift
mafon will be. of interest, eeliscope and �h 'als'.:spentm 'short a
in,,Th e Ldcknow Seiitizir 'to the oipense'inv'ol,�ed'�'
He�6ig,,pluinbing And Electric Wirin We nviice that'.Mr. MacDonald o tim )Mee.
e many. years. be.,-
Li&6 Hardwall-Plasi -tbci 'Chiesley Entekli'tise recently be. ffi�, taste, Was for- �wri in Tather, it, is feared, it, will b'
ject an than and'he Ao($.n fowid
eldni rested, in the, subi' 'd' i6r rinting fqre,�th� entire main'llne be el-ec-
I d' to a c e( r
appea e Mr. G.- R,; Stephenson.. ito'-of the Belleville triJrWd-
Us'nisier of Hiih* o'
/ 0 taiii.
elater n
Brine, Cotility tnginleer, e i i td.' ihe
presi Daily
ded 92 years a o ib. gar. ens.
en't is, 0 ergeeifig, the treet paving 3, ific doast, and -in er ros 9�
to jamo hopgh., VancoUv e bj the Ont�rid Depaitment 'i
an thi site �6f, which
fo s',�diiorial writ- the Carvadiap 0
'to secure the co-opirtio, of mc �torztoyzil
nest 4h '.in'.the 8; tur&y §uhi�e a paper
rqP y a'11acific Rail I way Windsor Street In I to Mk, itcDonald's req c� t ahafing�.the'abuse. of the r6a of'th Ptovince..
A§% 66win AlontieAl now stant& the St. .4s
en i nee!r wrote 'as folloWs --fashioned after 'Toronto- - S
'Calcium,chloiidii is made as -V�As, it the height c Baptj
sieitn�' iste. Snekty,of th;it,.6ity
9 brat
in., ch, there'in 191' &141 " ed th*�t�Veht` ori-juj10,941h
actutt eznica�l fame and I
Nuse 'in of iibusivo. ng- alving a memori . a
'al t blit
main -a great, domman
d 'was 'less in his cilt- Pffii6d'.tO * the walls. Of the stOti0l!�
its, nianufactu-t being, cornmon ialt ubiiej a merel
�w e course
The tablet. wus, the, gift f, V.ajr
and fiydr�chlorlc' 2:6d." t �hvq . 0
a iAsm, of public nie�, of: '.hos
gi. jt)rd koof gre e did not apprqv M rinj fornier piesidentt-g-nkctal of'
at Iffiri ty for: *ater and- colfe�_U h e. About that time Toni* 'Of 'A.
stilt and. ttn�,
Rkti� Soft -moisture at'/fiiht and, during humid he was constantly pngaged% in fight. the S060t *110 VV43 Pre,..
damp. veiled - it.
!Br6ff�kC"ph'alt Slaieg. -harmofiltd'With any style- of -sirehiw days, iind. k he ' 9
Wj eep ,road uilts, none of, wich, how
tectfire, a I Ad.th*eir ri�, soft t6hes blefLd th their'si�Tquildin though, it hai been 'prihkled lightly,. was
s we�t igainst hi
ikt " ;Zs of the yearo this prevents the roid
and ih *ay Liber4l� in p6liti6 and he ii �F�dited
-�earz� ar ��rface from '�ldwing -'away. with hating done. moch towards put- They last.for e w the erection... an .work will
llElio rt'y upon a VC
simPl Ipp yt,.. being tin'g, 66, )Liberal Part' ij:ininal, y jq. �sp Terne. bo
e fir redstalAaz4 &e &dftt protecdon from
very, e tb,'
spiinkled from, a1rotigh. on'the' back control of Ai 9. C" Le slat
gi ure. He
convenient for' pu�li 'a. M Joil jtj� laft6., "lo L le" . -
c lliori dt�!Iari
of''i truck and is very ea agzinO
jove ��&gecl *�'A
siarted Ards, dirftt
'tise small Villhg6s'Ahd in the ebu�n- do I e0. -voted, to British *lurhbi'a'aftq' ft.
baUlL 6 Its or tadid wallotpo.
t to , t
try, its it.i.4 a long 8uch!pla&t whicli promised -to bt 'VgkY inktruc. that it will el,�6.-sttu�ted fop", -r oUt
A for a liquid dust lay*r and usually a Ith the cit'd (it ludi W11
tl�e afid ebtertaiiiing, but
_d -A oft he 'a, 'Will y 1W Coilt*
. L_ettati_,�_o_
hl' �W6eh: Hanover. ooast�_ fift ardis, ng, Ypro� will not� tj�. ea co
eon the 'east end of the road 'the traffic hit -gneL He n ve, come to
a-' stin MAO* It continUoUis *W
hat it A if' Ii *0 amt eat -V o
V , , �, I - bf J�Mkt thgttL 'it V*rr Ai d llirfdt
Ad p to apply cAldurn hlorido tc., with'the, MtCohnell,& F'et#uts6
exp AM
la the dtv�t all it orould be to renew V�ktigin attid w wl YOMC110 0i"llf-
.1 iladly' I P�
the gra 'el. every year tha.0, would Agency of 1 0 ud
40nal adyanttIM4
I%e of
be, bl6*jj..wWiiy. 11fe late Mr. UcCotlholl� was 6
time ppli
e Oil
ore 'grihtf,6rj,, ontiAo dust lay" will 'become, m- I gdrveftl hii home edtinty, 'fin
d Vibil' the
M o th0 Py Son
�*Wiii � t6' th"Xtit fri dthf� toa-vt was or 0 -
the �?J�Othett ..Art- �t ucng- utitri - - - - -
w-eil thugh in e or eipeng', 14it fr6jdL
o*, Stantfdrd Roofing �*ihg th 1vo thati ro. Otl blown Slit., rermatis, tr a gr W 10 L'fn n. im t'rO 11Y,bld on'til. ho 'bot
itkert6n jof�, intofttot t
ok -with tht, Oil 1*61) it wo
WX im -Murdid Son Luckhowt'Ont ytir
Tht 404t, of th
,%e a �?aren
er Jae th
1 �4
, —7W -
ITol C 1*310.,
I -
it'. Tedd"It CX
Plo-w4,. e"M� �30 *09 -
WIRE,` C01147_WOT�* 11FOAces"'. 001'ew 4T
ir91W "_4#410
G X 1$11 tPQ Tuft.
HAr "IRS 4er sY
, _ r _V USPAY., TUr L
AN!'W"rL N 'Co
r $6UM wwcm Pow cS.
S 0 _;Sea tW *n4
PUNOA, OR' t� Z*ox�_Q
onq *4e YOR W*pt 40motbini Is may- tak�Xf
yotir"It *omm m f0i, granted that
..Wdl 'I
1) -Hall-
Aberai eazidildrato Jin 0.44, ruee'r Sit
W next FalL He'. r
C AN Dominion, elik1q;1
Voft'� the,
JpOO, he"ligs, hk_�"17 O�6
'OVTF1 �T S.
7, 3�
the new; t
ew� w. 'p, to, e
[.b.6v*tift4 waxed floor@
Th1**,0atfit1.00#;(8tF of
, 1=y3&r*jro
...... . . 23
PIT. -
NOTICE, To.-CRrRQ.IT_ VORS toxn to - ;*+Aominq e. 4'. S, 4 c cs s f u - A, S
to g
all #00, :per n
given, t�vat
pld �Oot' be P-Pplio.on
1p*", 7aildia�e if, �40' in. roo*ipati0o�
persons' avix
j�tate: !of 31 n q e
'A 'Tiiin 194t
ary , g autt,. Pre 4111
: ,�, �ba k�
W.0 of the Villag.e of U
CPI V P le at' likelihood thiat e _.t
d is grp, 004 prov, A rap t
about V e elkb of, b ,'Oil.. I
Of, fores e
D, 19 6 4 , �w
ILUCKNO' 2 4re xpquip�(Fto," for*ato b
W WI HAM; h teeritli day M be opposiA li.* 1` -
'W ep
A. e. S h d' qo - --dust
e Ave
a.c. "bee ma., .,duly jjrove0L,, to Cho ur- 95
t of th ir* iiinit'I'tion
c; 6 1 ' ln;the'forec�st f ."Coijservative nozninaii�r :the niiiin disadvantiigo_,� of e0i cat
dersigned,� n' r'bofor the u r ed
'day, of Ugo t,.'1926� preyioiis�'.jo the
:!hlor;d being that iii, the. wet season
t0tin on!�_these- 7
Qwom�_f r
And ilotice tp_furt iven—thAtA - - Ai_ljtde�*mpei�-
D -prd t1h r
flo e curent'y6ai. Last
;Qw e
d dat* the: j;je0vvto*S �of
ere es, -has, e". P. th d
9t� jised, HQ sources
the estate 6f the� said- Mary ineg keen Int st in, polid -b e s resources. pro uced a
ntages eig
Ithfu Oiker for his. liil�
proceed to distfibutc I � I eaTly $1,500,000.
'Will fa I W belii�ve the 44va opt* h tbi zeve of
t� and is
-i - Df the 'said A good. platf 6. goe- nin
assets ^tat 6rin' speaker. He should
advania Aw! as tim
& et
tile layers will. f be ome
-Ontitled-thereto, h4viole maki a much. str'011' he use o$ dd6t, ,c
Sistj en rai
ger candid.a .0 ni fr6mthe t. ning cat.a
regaid., only to sxich �lai
ins as they astdid r. 14 �.tober of Cl dofi,,EnglAnd,,.
ppert in
pe �0. 'iindq�* and', ay
then.shaViiiive notice.
The isodvaptage&^io �which. 'Mr. bi�q ace�ted by. the Canadian'
Ste insow, appl, et!
�A�ILC year 11 'Ahd at Luckno%Ahjs
D. 3t
�h Of, ye;
Government and sailed on t
ph eqmplly
he f'Em.
wa ering A ts;
July, A.D..,19! k 'THE _10SU �,N THE, Er t tree ,as rains,
:']N6xJ1y`Cvefu0y' and
oo ON
Sidd4H, 66*house M ES T press of France the. end,bf 0une,
*C t 4tors, sprinklea, str"ts be. auddy
g, estAte . of Ory 'ear'Jjer'_tfiqji,` thosg,)iot 9
.0e, Luck, iw� Ont,,' �. W jjjjy:
M "ftn proceeded o Winnipeg'After
th es Mucli' ' I ' '
prizik� We, hav6, in Sio 'k.,
�ibergl ni -will be c
is. !evident ifiat he an londilig.at Quibe�c a d placed
S40 us,before pla,=gl your,,order.:
ldjdates i n , the coming eie'etio-ri, s6ciall7.,seletted farm&,
extensiv- now an, Electric Floor
to make "The ConAii houitor by the
endeavor aq a ch year 6r re t
Po'lisher' by the
�lk used thefuture on unpaved
S i k t ewan exported last
t, e pa, rampLiMt 'issue, anyone
its -total production ay us a ca ake yo 00o
A� A; *0�4 WHITE. CROW IN h while'thc� CO is: �77.4 ji�r eefit.'n n ur r
roads dily believ
nt.: in � ... .
e msis� -upop �wh h -of clusCr0sed -b aecordin a. �- I - , 11 - I .. .
rvatIvej opponents. wi 1. wa.te. ids the �louds. a d.
c7*amery . utter 9 to
e "Cu plishipg easy
4mg. by eveiy-'ituiomobil6 which, pa'.4ses a-
...... stbins, Mesptr#
'-wek's WlAmay' sta"eijt.�mivde by the Provinci
-�el: 'Wheii. one ob-
road 0'' p
To ihe�
U'0,1,; N .,-428' L� fore- g Dairy'C6mmiAdnei. ur ric
-and Bdrbed* Wir
Theri! is A, good deal, of shain ser, rn 'y of the�e TOads proAucitiou'in 1925: over , that of.: Ais right on Coifspri
elroW�,Nlas been malung its on an
e every
g6n'cession , of
d,Tue44 4 hun 'pa d e
it *ill e di#i�u' car* ss efery adliome,'oh, tht o6nd Vout bqth�. it ay.. the, 1920�,,hi d 126.8 aniounte to
theh%lia j, jit,8 o d -it, aroused c that� Carnek this, summer, n onvinee. he ayeiage. elector road- ia.te at', which the cent.,,th�,qutput WC, tqt
year allib Fresh t
'M ti arent,
Wz JL; V.'Carter. Rec::Se. so-n4eh cu�osity in that seetion-thai, ther.6 234- po Cat. Ce-m6n Just U, nrbaded
many made. ah, 4ort �o, elng� wo ow
s uch, to the constittl oh�i. b d' n* becomes app. unds..
��aroveisy:. They will'.not be gkeztm� Ev�n 'at, it 14ost �,6f $200 per mil e
lul and t" ay, 17,: Ki"
o -way- as noi
that' the only. o �w ether r, pgt..orr�Mr.. ecot 1*oin: SL- and.. -Kinne4polis
L t P�a
cno�ntereStjngr freak, *a:%. 10, Inore,entitled to:a Alssiilu- Ae �rth taking': into k
idther, 'fact'r We, M. Phone, '66 Luc
a thro h ntreal r;ew tly on.
-on, ssed qg,
Cbal V1
le, got a 'Wivd, 60 don parliament. 'Whatever sort 'tion 't, th sh ne ns ing,
shoot lasFr lArd a
isidgr is fi' r , ,
in his .,,app e iditys. and eoi e rii�ld s1ir ir Way to the famous H rdware' Umbihg', Ti ihithi
IN t "IS pure w Qu6bec�
&36rante a talking,, loint 'Id"not li�e 'roug 8 * te� -.Amno de', . &aupreo nat
-it 4 lo.L : the subjecit' may face- -wou e450"lly h
brought 0 "1. hiti,
could. f ang , X en�d � by t e rd' Uthe
li -4�licaiio , ; :,n
ni. h ed'b "that* n of ew, They
'1V ;*hit eet ari& bill, and
were the ady"anpe� gua o
Caw is, rauedus!y as,, e- JbIack"t, isidekation; ihough'it may
gravel creat
.. I 1 1, oy Zpilgrinvs that vis the
=c lom I'f row( d' Pt On— Ir mat- ivert atte fro'ni othc 0
- 1. 1 :. I - . 0�' While- stopping
"d -will be", on 'te" "' - ) . I k, , I I I ry
rs THEXINqpOM OF' Pi.EA9U off in Montreal they StL
The mess in. t� e Ou
ke f
stoms Dopart- j ;'tn: .'that qiW, also
ly -,of more' impbrt�nci
lumt is. real
'i-'va�atiop is '.worth tak it is: =own- as -ail 'shrine.
likelihood 4s �that, ther6
has been' s, there, reg�ar& worih taking�welL. Particularly whe
a pies
ways o Hundrc;d nd Une r
wonderful va:&tio,n c&ts n t of ituOents -a .cards
ess bf� �whkh in
p More than: the ordi kind 4rom Canadia ni-
nary. zi and. AinericDz u
bad thin
e rice Tersjtis eenLp&S
However,: it. h s is"a .9
the app s , to. be. in
ery ia 6iffice- wh poimption-'and n&mafi
10 1�6, At Y ch
1 - b' sing through
This summer, :or mere, Out
our railway tielet, and,with a -jour- li�nireivl. r�eceivtly to board ships . for
ne. No
plid: en y
qey. of but four short,hontsi.oij the' E!uio�e ihizinectidn with T" on, a lajrge-�gca e is;'exposed Con
agekn6nt; 1. 1 "', .% 11 . lop'
for faiih-We cheafwr TlW of Ca�-; eas'
fast. and' conifdritibler trains Agiate Tours that:. liaim
From the, iblectoes 'st:andp6ini th V po�Ulair'
a . n :you can, gro crt-ps of la*
Na�iovval Railways,
...... ttlo6k is rather hopeless in.
risit de eoe,, co. . egians
_-V years. .,Of t
improy ewe*
kqka--6.ne of -th most_,_b_e` fif _iF Aiav- CiRi"a12"TakiHfic b6aft,--thi
Mus e Au U
after all" the . turin' oil. and expense -of
::. on. a. c
lake' re'gions on the continefit.,,. "'Empress of:�France., re 0.11t
n6rat eJe-_*6n.'-'
�i�pgdqyn, of Pleasure
u, 1 4 . , . . - t
0 highways -are, policed.: for your prdtec��.
ge Mus"4 beg all the" sites;foi, Aii# ovr 250 i-theni.,,.,
a 'party requi carrying
e likely to'tbe' �% I . ritaki .
an n—
low"ofdrr. I�L
s-crimirage-a a rath
er. e ra c cop""
ay� and fa�hlqnivble; dd .!ft. go�jeous "sear et tunics, 'ALUMINUM hoielsi sotii'e g
id0al'summer eatio attractive flon Th 'ti M is' uriieticL
ARE will be an! el ctibn 'i hi itfier
n w ic ne excellent
some quiet and' secluded, y
plostitA dgiorated with gold 6'raii,
y, can, ee. gr The tidlic patrol istnot to inconvenience, the
f eat �enitliiisjasni 1ot
part I 'the oicest: 6rty, inembeks, of the world-famous
A), the -'s urs� t�� not se' f I ecthig.
iervi' and c4' f
Mqlfties jot 61f; tieiariE—, ling; of Lon-.
-g- s. mot0fi6t, and' foi.-the �po cot I
sColditreaim Banii
ft 9ne can ge. 'is,to p
be ow
just what eac fines. .1 e -if
recentl on tb*, .,.ts 'aim nd the.
boatin sivanimi g
n ivivchW y" rot' it I e and'lirhb,.;U
hjking� dancing,
out 'of it.. public inv stm nt in. the'roads.. - Its work makes
I Montcalr�" e Wi Canadian Papific liner e e
COMMEN.MG SATURDAY, i ULY. 10, VX- WfLL HAVE The 'most avorable 16diure-'a the add o1hii. a%"tie: :sp6r4. Go one
OF. ALUMINU-M, WAR E; at' it..to: Canhda# havin for the ty-of you aAP-youll'-want to,'go again o their thiid/vis 9 safe rselfafid. ur fAinil
ASSORTMENT. atiqu i& bi the.pe6ple in g. A964 �and' 494in: 1911.
TKE9E 4RE'.,*;6 CHEAPi LIGHT G006i ",,GOT UP POk. SALE, For full information li, IWe in
-lea a xressive n1wre in
ral- are- in favor .,of !c n g
PURPOSEso MJT TH B�&ST jFAjIN bi iy Canadian,'Nationiii Unar'.4he commafid of laieui;6nant won t 11 C(1'
QUAX ete-i aPP Y 0 a,', wdo your part in this movement,io
-oveinrhent. -arid. however handicap -
F la- t Br
3L va�;s th�jy wili,
JS YOUR. re� t IT -Y, TO FURNISH YOUR,KIT 7 duer-accident on the: -hig4ways,:and en ou
S OPPORTUN ped. 'they, may. be by� the, machiiier.y d4n,:,Cal Edmopton,.Saskato n,
UTEX irizn�. - ft nds he:pme?
Ipgo -Toronto
CEIM, WITH ',VC E�NEW' LOVOFT COO]KING k", yque ie t�do t
they Are wor they, are de,ter-' NP mined t DgATH OF JOH CONNELL Regina, Vancouver an , d, the
itCH, 0 WijN . ; . .
URI IDOW FOR fflk COMSISTING hat, �ma, way or another th.i
-1,94hiblao, n.1
and the cfbqlcs'� must to bo not fall into tjje, temptation �bf- spie.diitk,
OF- &-nothings
A son of Bruce
G6unty, who' won
because the road ahead"'is cle emember that'
PgUCOLATOUS elecrifica, of ar.
othe main,
CALC UM 'CHLORiDjg� di�t netibn in.. the ni 'excessive. spee
TEAP6TS 'ATER: PAILS wbjaper worl The. is one of the g
SAUCE . rANS John Pollock MeC n reatest.agei.it
3111Kmicv BOWLS onnell, died,. i - Wel- line ofthe Imperial Japanese,.Gov
The Luckviow Village Coulici is. ornniept, Riilwitjy� system from Toldo e0 some', roa s., While RICE'BOILOS ructidn* of d
POTATO POTS oft' Thurs..
es dy MospitAl Vc'
PR luni chlon av'�- 'day cri.
.'use civic" tieii, ;to' ghimonoeki, 750 miles, ha -bee
about to de'on H of last�,week, fioll to "st t t
owing a =0 ra s tha thi' rffic Patrol -will do its full, duty.
-Street as Aust -layer. an A and. � ently th6-45
el d on Operatigw tfie� day r6vi6us., long prolactZ Zed . g the la*, �h�, GoVernment urges t ei
a , .1 in: enforcin h
W, lk nii e. 1)0t*een - Tokiii� itnd
ere d izeris, re- Mr.., McConnell born. at , a,
the"othor streets wb
ae -atioif of - m ref ex-!
has b1i d 4-�pbrimenta co-op r otorists in raining from
quest thai it �shall'be used. eiton 52 years ag�. -On leaving shc6ol PdA*ara , , a I
A wn. y 'tit
train . dr A 6 in motorist is n! oa,
n ie ..of ''this. fact 4 little b i-_lectri loe 6tives cessive speed. Each' I erested i' r
he,went.t6'rwork 1or the Walkerton
r run.twice a day: betweeh,these.poln �s.'.
Wm..:Mu die So,
roteitioii bei�ause each'imist-cointribift
mafon will be. of interest, eeliscope and �h 'als'.:spentm 'short a
in,,Th e Ldcknow Seiitizir 'to the oipense'inv'ol,�ed'�'
He�6ig,,pluinbing And Electric Wirin We nviice that'.Mr. MacDonald o tim )Mee.
e many. years. be.,-
Li&6 Hardwall-Plasi -tbci 'Chiesley Entekli'tise recently be. ffi�, taste, Was for- �wri in Tather, it, is feared, it, will b'
ject an than and'he Ao($.n fowid
eldni rested, in the, subi' 'd' i6r rinting fqre,�th� entire main'llne be el-ec-
I d' to a c e( r
appea e Mr. G.- R,; Stephenson.. ito'-of the Belleville triJrWd-
Us'nisier of Hiih* o'
/ 0 taiii.
elater n
Brine, Cotility tnginleer, e i i td.' ihe
presi Daily
ded 92 years a o ib. gar. ens.
en't is, 0 ergeeifig, the treet paving 3, ific doast, and -in er ros 9�
to jamo hopgh., VancoUv e bj the Ont�rid Depaitment 'i
an thi site �6f, which
fo s',�diiorial writ- the Carvadiap 0
'to secure the co-opirtio, of mc �torztoyzil
nest 4h '.in'.the 8; tur&y §uhi�e a paper
rqP y a'11acific Rail I way Windsor Street In I to Mk, itcDonald's req c� t ahafing�.the'abuse. of the r6a of'th Ptovince..
A§% 66win AlontieAl now stant& the St. .4s
en i nee!r wrote 'as folloWs --fashioned after 'Toronto- - S
'Calcium,chloiidii is made as -V�As, it the height c Baptj
sieitn�' iste. Snekty,of th;it,.6ity
9 brat
in., ch, there'in 191' &141 " ed th*�t�Veht` ori-juj10,941h
actutt eznica�l fame and I
Nuse 'in of iibusivo. ng- alving a memori . a
'al t blit
main -a great, domman
d 'was 'less in his cilt- Pffii6d'.tO * the walls. Of the stOti0l!�
its, nianufactu-t being, cornmon ialt ubiiej a merel
�w e course
The tablet. wus, the, gift f, V.ajr
and fiydr�chlorlc' 2:6d." t �hvq . 0
a iAsm, of public nie�, of: '.hos
gi. jt)rd koof gre e did not apprqv M rinj fornier piesidentt-g-nkctal of'
at Iffiri ty for: *ater and- colfe�_U h e. About that time Toni* 'Of 'A.
stilt and. ttn�,
Rkti� Soft -moisture at'/fiiht and, during humid he was constantly pngaged% in fight. the S060t *110 VV43 Pre,..
damp. veiled - it.
!Br6ff�kC"ph'alt Slaieg. -harmofiltd'With any style- of -sirehiw days, iind. k he ' 9
Wj eep ,road uilts, none of, wich, how
tectfire, a I Ad.th*eir ri�, soft t6hes blefLd th their'si�Tquildin though, it hai been 'prihkled lightly,. was
s we�t igainst hi
ikt " ;Zs of the yearo this prevents the roid
and ih *ay Liber4l� in p6liti6 and he ii �F�dited
-�earz� ar ��rface from '�ldwing -'away. with hating done. moch towards put- They last.for e w the erection... an .work will
llElio rt'y upon a VC
simPl Ipp yt,.. being tin'g, 66, )Liberal Part' ij:ininal, y jq. �sp Terne. bo
e fir redstalAaz4 &e &dftt protecdon from
very, e tb,'
spiinkled from, a1rotigh. on'the' back control of Ai 9. C" Le slat
gi ure. He
convenient for' pu�li 'a. M Joil jtj� laft6., "lo L le" . -
c lliori dt�!Iari
of''i truck and is very ea agzinO
jove ��&gecl *�'A
siarted Ards, dirftt
'tise small Villhg6s'Ahd in the ebu�n- do I e0. -voted, to British *lurhbi'a'aftq' ft.
baUlL 6 Its or tadid wallotpo.
t to , t
try, its it.i.4 a long 8uch!pla&t whicli promised -to bt 'VgkY inktruc. that it will el,�6.-sttu�ted fop", -r oUt
A for a liquid dust lay*r and usually a Ith the cit'd (it ludi W11
tl�e afid ebtertaiiiing, but
_d -A oft he 'a, 'Will y 1W Coilt*
. L_ettati_,�_o_
hl' �W6eh: Hanover. ooast�_ fift ardis, ng, Ypro� will not� tj�. ea co
eon the 'east end of the road 'the traffic hit -gneL He n ve, come to
a-' stin MAO* It continUoUis *W
hat it A if' Ii *0 amt eat -V o
V , , �, I - bf J�Mkt thgttL 'it V*rr Ai d llirfdt
Ad p to apply cAldurn hlorido tc., with'the, MtCohnell,& F'et#uts6
exp AM
la the dtv�t all it orould be to renew V�ktigin attid w wl YOMC110 0i"llf-
.1 iladly' I P�
the gra 'el. every year tha.0, would Agency of 1 0 ud
40nal adyanttIM4
I%e of
be, bl6*jj..wWiiy. 11fe late Mr. UcCotlholl� was 6
time ppli
e Oil
ore 'grihtf,6rj,, ontiAo dust lay" will 'become, m- I gdrveftl hii home edtinty, 'fin
d Vibil' the
M o th0 Py Son
�*Wiii � t6' th"Xtit fri dthf� toa-vt was or 0 -
the �?J�Othett ..Art- �t ucng- utitri - - - - -
w-eil thugh in e or eipeng', 14it fr6jdL
o*, Stantfdrd Roofing �*ihg th 1vo thati ro. Otl blown Slit., rermatis, tr a gr W 10 L'fn n. im t'rO 11Y,bld on'til. ho 'bot
itkert6n jof�, intofttot t
ok -with tht, Oil 1*61) it wo
WX im -Murdid Son Luckhowt'Ont ytir
Tht 404t, of th
,%e a �?aren
er Jae th
1 �4