HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-01, Page 6A • ••• rit back into the blue mist huge delicate- • :bivary, Snowdrop, pareet; ,Febr- 1 lit tinted ranges 'keep, tie • hortzpiel, Prinirose, Aniethyst; March, 'Viol. Dia Mont Blanc being rarely absent; and; let. Aqua ,marine; .Daisy, !yeti know that:a few yards ahead at., /none; • May; IlawtbOrn. or apple blos- i the seinniii you will look upoe an- soni, Eineraldt. J'unt, Rose, Pearl. Jul), I • . ' RubV- Augupt,.Watereily, Sat -I his<head* . . . . and. minnitain lying hefore, yeti: . At i d'oeyx; ,SepteMber, ittornitig-glory OT ,. • ' ',.Arid-• Mery thought of the woreen upstairs for 4.1ist Old coat, ' it ge011-. .'.. I. : ' ' , " .,' . ' ..'•!,• • ,,:. .. ' . '. I.• this. point yoa hear the tinkling bell:I'm:Aden-red; Sapphire; . October; Aster, .• iess1te. - ' .• . - ,.. . .::through her heart is. she Went beck , • , • • , '. , I and child who had bean driven ontinte ed; '60mehow ,„a mockery to 'be:. glad ,:h.. int "And J.then-==." She.. irrOke.. Off, I of .a. drOwslei . cOW. atid' through. the 1 Opal; Noie,niber; Ohrysantheinum, xe. , that very 'read by .the. relent:est heed that the sunds'honej and that: she sheeld. • 'Wondering 'if he realized, what her: "e11:8 a house, appears. ,. . . ..• • Ii.pii; .Deeember, liolly, TUralicifee: . " . • • . . , of the Britherton they had 'deceived, to be here. at .Rett Grange, When Ole; re,-, .words tem.:led, but he 111HCIO no eien- • helie t114 fe.i.'lity'eePieile'S et there i . . ' . , ,. ,-;7.--Le.'-+.7-.'e--;" ' Meet death, , and .a lite. ' slOvei., • shook jot:above : th4., kasiy... kilo,* ,s-ottae-r•Ta‘at,they Welkdd'On: sKently.. :: • , Will be PeOpie, ' Who. On these' ,itigh.1 • Befoie. to arrigo•, , olee., may .doeistee ' her. , '' .. „. .Where in Franee,:nnd the horterS that 1 Oneef. he stepped to 6:', 1 ' ' , • f Meadow)? eepes Shut Iii by the gray e .. •th ' .f W-. ' the t'- fecil7balantedimireperlb4nf1avour ' them -mile, leo suol worth'yvhile. 1, , • BEGIN BEBE 'Takla The Marriage et Deily tuld Nigel Bretherton prove a Mu unhappy one., wet' is declared Nigel la glad leaves.'Dolly in the are of blit friend, Mary Furnivak igel killed' in action- and/ Dolly arrzee an old sweetheart, Robert urham, Dolly, and%Robert <sail. for America and word comes of the sink-. of the ship on 'Which /they, took passage. When• Nigel's older brother, David, • calls to *se Nigel's widow, May is ashamed to , tell him of Dolly's rase:. libble clock On , the: manWslielf; It pointed to ten. • „\• , , • A, diatieseed flush: „coloyefl• !her ,"(lh, I, am ;sorry! t had no idea it was s,olette. flyover sleep on Ski this." 'liaise' Varney Unghed, , "I am glad you have, my dear; you leoked Veen Outlast night; I. told them:net to:disturb, you. Have you had a gotta night?" • Mary looked. rueful.' • • "Much toe. good, I'M afraid. I 'will . • •' , 4.0virrt8ti„lickpoil.AN8..FOR DANygo ,coNvr,47,11o.N...'••• Above la a party of BriUBh BOtarlins'on. their. way to the International".' .BotarY• ConT0141PUlield at Denver, June 13 to 20. Front row seated -are: C. White, Reitlith Preeident. ofthe Rotarians, Reif:alit; 3. lii;;.'Appleyerd,..teeds; 11 Wineieett, :Plymouth; 3. E. vvopb, „Tr6ro; Li. F.71CltigiBournenioutli, /*dies are: Mot, O.'. White,..Mrti,_..e.ipleYard;.lirs,, Webb, Mile' Smith, Misi Kingetalt. Peek:TOW:, J. 'OinitheltiVetepOele W. Curdy, Dublin; Eingetei4.' petrilie; 4. RlddeU,:Ponce:eta; Edward vOleno,.-,Brassela;. G. ChariOaWorth, .Doncaster;• W. Webber, FITmolithr riagee... David mistakes •Mary : or get a t. ‘„, brother's wi.fe, and ,salre,her . to come •'. "They"re 'bringing your breakfast AO' live: at led Grange with hien ' end up: te ran. •Pio .fire has Veen lit el - Ids aunt, vibe Weide:nigher' when she, ready„ yeti see;. it •shows how BoundlY nesi,--thet$•'noliody elsiler • 'Ngel.. o - - •" ' ----; -a,4-tb.-,' -0, _ • - , -, tells the Itent, Mips Vare v,014 Now d9 0* wiTieiTITE pli.oRy. .MirY hed been so -sure th. at shel His gray eyes sear ' wou".4 not be 'able to Sleep at al, and "Is that .how one feels when' one is'. searched her face. "I think I Understand; and,/, think new for nearly. twelve hours she, in "eve9" ' ' - : - :: 1 0 ' t that night -the hrst night A Maing maid brought her break-„' aain. s' ''''c'ked...., 'up: :and i7luicklY. E.,TRaY you Would if yea had Seen David an Slept dreamess.y. •' . . , •• • We cemebaek here.. I heard a Sound ffest, end. set it on a 'Small table plose . ,01.4 1 --"She broke Off: "I 'lain < . along" the corridor, and I einne out of ;to 'the fire.- It Was all'.0Met daintilY af,...faidA have,beeik.talking nonsense," my THOM to see whet It was, and there i'sery'ed; the. little, ,,,teap t was saver-. % _IA, ' she said distress uey. • ' was David DaVid going down to the picture ithe tray cloth of fine linen, .emurtme" They had "reaAed, the ,end of the , I path, skirting. the lawn, and David held 11 ' I folowed 1:01i and I und ered with the Bretherto crest. hini-standing in frinitt'N4KiiCtortrait• ' Mary -looked at everythin,, with to: little,gate leading to a kitchen of Nigel, and his " facej-oh - Yen sore of nVve: She ,bed been need I garden and paddock., beyond. : wouldn't have r.aid he didn't care anY such plain lionieliness Alt - her life.. „if it tipusonie, it's verY:"eharm- more if you had Seelt hie face is I ."Ther0 was something hixuriotts'andl will 1e: nobody to carry op the at all. I am Nat deceiving you all "But t.YOut.'Will nterrYt" She went. to the door of the -stables "It'e not Very probable; I'm not.< garden 'Aida, eyes that saw nothing, He Shook his head. and otd044'lleoking across the sunny the sort of luau women care for; even Dalijcl• pante to stand beside her; there If I wished them to." He smiled; was a Sort of 'Conipassion in. his face. looking' *yin at her. .:. ' .:. • •'``,I :ltePe you will be happy here - "Oh, but; you musn't think that," :with us,' he: said. "I hope you will she te:Id. hifir'iinriiileivelY„ "It's only believe that I am anxious to be your just that you haven't mot the.rrght friend If there is anything troubling Woman Yet; §onle 4'Sy ,she Will come you,,I Wielt:Yeti would teil,me; and et along; and then -LP . . ' 4 me. help yob." ' • , ' ' ' • "Yes, and then?" he echoed. " His voice sounded kind and sincere; "Well, there all -the • world Will seem 'there waenothing but earnest •sincer- changed and different; „yen will won, - der how yeti ever managed to live SS -`-lie-f" Mtiry 0 delightful in this new• da1ntinesa nonsense," he said; "YOU Mar's', said Thre 'araa a surroniidings. • " • make 'feel that I have missed a lea big pitffie inlier. throat that. Im She 'enjeyed 'her Meal thorou .1 great deak. being bachelor," ., !. To sum irgt ‘.NtEgts.. Qr. THE SMAL/t. BOY; . . . The small boy's euit for Play wear maY be both precti end tualY when (ra fashioned on the li es of the Modol Pictured here; whichis 'made of tan and navy striped: duro. It has 4 round ,flat goiter, and fastens in the. Centre .front,vith buttons and button hotel!. The back is plain. Vith "se drop -seat, and the 'eet4n 'sleeves 'may be long Or short. The 14s Orqloose at the kelion• and the upper and lower patch Pocket trim'the'freete NO. 18121s in sigma 2, 4 and d years. Size 4.. riquires, COS. .a . • . Polly hops distastefully from one bank 41111e CM we snerrimae.. to the..other 'over rocks Aeon• cavy • R - ' Here cant forgets kir; dreary tone,- places, tree -boles in. tbe WaY, -.Hoof' • After • every meal 'Rump ON THE WOOD TjA.1) , At the top.of steep climb we rm.. Pat into W..00110110 grasaY- open, alai ' have e galteli-Auelting under old 41)- ' ple-trees 'weleh bkiesonte still cling. Sc4sweet1; I einitgh one, and we IQ dashing daire-rto. the hreeh; then up li - ;WI:pads-again, relaxing. on ettift hemlock . needles. For this is the clIthedtal et • yellow hirehes,'"77trhe:YelloW birch gm* lefty tritnits, Wining .61.t. very -gold; golti-gio"en, canopy above, :thropeh Which: sun elite, -Red Pint, , seloshes en. the road, lkroaak,44:411 pools againi,butletwaYel the stiller Qol . (made rank upon rank 'diroming 'away ,,--intolativeryAadows,- ot net .. other.anch.Wood;, and . tbereis e .110.* mIlo of • it, sweetly and 'slow. : A '111rileh, sOmeWhere, 'kaVe his her* 'netee; dit he,:thible from the weedee, dolt, it Was, tWilight already? ' The brook, utter a"Pextipnierly Mem yelotts pool, swings up a canon to our, ; right; but a, sub -break develops in the read. T418 IS ineuntaliegoing.indeed. ' The, hiliet's zeal to &Coin. And care his face forlerit; • The liberal air and sunshine laugh , . • . • . . • • Scrabble unplebeantly On atones.: But /iram-Minhood's Weau Shmilder falls . L.400k uar;;Not eingla .golden b ; ,inult1tntlinotis . anelent' , white,'„enes,• • . Th'e erhite bireh •section. Ferns', remises, are everr where; • bleseed moentain-dampl: All liis load of selfish cares. ' , ' the wood -floor labkEt. squashy; tuft* Rowers . • . 1 us still runs the clear, pretty little sub. And . wonien takes her .rights, as • wbleh should be diver ed aid - -And brooks and birds take theirs ' 1)r"sli'' . . . . , isn't. Soon this road *ill, be itself .a yards tg-inclt materiat, Or 1% yards ' .. canon. One is sorryto see a 000, .39-inclr Short sleeves re' ' % rd Theilleense f't the'llaPPY wends, 'mountain, road that the forefathergs 10, . , . quire ye • . The brook's release are ours; ' • . - less' PriC° .2° cents*''' • ' freedom of' the 'unshanied *Ind bored. Over„ 'going so. ' • • • the. inOde is' delightful:when it can be heaven for late violet's. . Great, parple , • We walk on holy. ground; above . getne "'Sewing brings like clothes ° .., „ Put 'eking Its edge--,-sueh' violetal within the reach of ill and to follow r". glad -eyed • • < Mountain -cool, spring -water wet; I' , . , Among the flowers ' • • lune. violets; with steins a foot long. Ity mors smiles; ., I Saw ,aviolet-head 'high bilhe air be - chant 'oe' the beatitudes 6-1de the tees of Bente tall•luth grass . ity'.'in . his eyes; fox. a mune* she dote se, easily and scone/nicety, by ,, A longed to toe him at his word,and torlitg'•the styes pictured lit in onf iniser-a-ble Istory, but semething pre-. "t91"4-.1-4g-r;eae Pat:.-t4Pi.7ehOPT.s.=the-4ne- ,,,_,,,, terial As .it apPeare:, when cut out. . to. laugh ' a little; though the tear* . .. Ever* detail is 11t11- lained So 'that the That' vented.. her; she ,everz forced herself • . inexjpemenced sewer can' make' without Foril ' An the, .7.14tP ole7,31,ew , . chart 'aEcom- Sw -make .a cootl bre't of there. ..B-ut 1: was.; inteiested euou :brints neaten Once more; ti • She shook hee head.' . . : ed to be Choking her, but she tried to 1 she fe1t new energy an ae ic p - Smile,: meeting the elder *Man's vitt,' thrilling her as she dressed. ,The dull - fill gaze. . • ': : : . ' . . nese of yesterday had gene; the tun !.,r:snppose we don't; all' feel -things was shining; : 'sparrows twittered to in: the iarna Way," ,the said brokenlY• each other in the ivy that .covered, the "TVs just that, isn't ,it?" , She rese to face of .the old house.. • • '. her feet with e little weary gesture. Shewent clain the wide staircase "'I Wonder if / might go to, bed?" She , Wondering what the day would bring said, half apologetically... "I feel, so.: forth... In .tho hall' she met pavid 1 . :Aired. WOtild you think it very rude "Ifeetteerton; he stopped when he saw I. ells deem. these leafy: eisleS. and .a tan fern -frond; and thought: tmO8Shbthl -11 is to 'the gracious -Providence • . • gh to disMonnt,iged.with Polly's rein over • .• • meinoriee:of . the gdod heitind : , Itee 'Arm, feel My_ way • carefully, down: ' to cook depths Of grass, past the feline' • , d hopes iif good hetal'ej . • , the invisible stein-dOwn and dot' i lii, . Whittier Scratchiness of ferns, demi, down - mid there At last Was wet ground, The stein,' perforee; had ended, and I held .• up ---to the horses obvious admiration '--a perfect light-hoese , of ; a . violet, , Some fifteen'. ipches, from"my fingers . Wben ileairing .to stain lighteetored i to the, bloone-and the bloom a sett& Inteu: are very 'kindi 1 ;r17.1' not fen,. Olf4eu:.,tk On attractive dress. „Price of ". And new she Was no longer loOtint .1Y, diVing riinnber and Write Your .n4nie .444 itddx4s, plain - .anything 1,he book ,ld cents 'the eopy.4...., . get- ° But;: -,but.. there isn't troubling Me -there isn't anything at , :HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS.. , at him. She moved Out. into the yard .patterni Ss'you•vaint. • Enclose 200 in size, i:tf such again as,if to prevent further Conver- stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap sation. . . . • ,... , it. 'Carefully) for each: number and - ' - (To' be continued.), < address your :order to Pattern Dept., • Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Mo. A Rciad'a 'Unfolding '. ' . • - - ' • ,... • ‘. - • • Islas St., Toronto. Patterns • sent 47 •,, j had been told of a road that ran xstara limn. . tor'inapy :milee southward by the Albs • "l didn't? .inene that; ' it isn't, all! :until, it elided • at the lyiedi erran . • . *ea when you care for a :PerSenvery :. • .. • '. . and,'I Sought il.; When I left mileh,,,t. ,., .. . .. ;. . . . ., . 'sitticli..ittn•Onoideerwedoig; there ,..si...3 .:,rtibyei, • "got • eVen, • when they care, Very; Mee or you . in retarne, , • 1,_..-lt taketLYOnA.,vDele.„, the fiellIST:ere - b f." ----- rturn" -.' '' "Rut sometimes they 441,- She til ..81133. * • ' . • . It but are full: of folk:, wherelhe . • .-. _ ,,,_,•_,..1 i . gee aye plastered hise swallows , nesis, high, Up on he feces ',ot cid% 1 With a church aid. a 'cattle over • all; .. Where the church bells:have' • a Peculiarlytteaceful note .. . : ,,- . It as a- road' of the inotintaina.- It "rises 1 as high .a eight thousand feet; and day after day daY ,.progrees COnsiats:flin •i • Winding 'tip 'Ode .110e• 'to wind 'down OM .. the ,Other. ,It it a; road, of: great'ance. t meets. ,..,.. .. ., Usually near tliatoP Iof the cos, the slope,flattens.and the - last. Stage in- the ascent • Of th.a gray, „ barren pealtS begins with. reeetlewe • . and trees: or sbriths 'On. either' hand the .spitniits • tower, :frequently ek thed .1 . Oh sittiw, and, in front is the•saddIg:dip . Miss Varney rose et, once.. She b'orned herself far her <thoughtless-. • , her, and lied out his hand.: "Aunt Florence/. tells me that ezeu have broken the record for a long :geep," Wasaid; siniling„, "I hope you • • : 'peer child'!" ' Of . course You. are feel all the better for it. 1 - tired!" • e• „ '.. • . ' She flushed a little.; . She went up to the girl's room with - et am aeeSe you must 'all think me her. She kissed her most affeetinliote7 horribly lazy; I anielwaysupeeestlyt. ly as she said good night.' las a rule: And on such a fine mem-. . tep welt, niy dear, and try and' frig 'tooP, • ' ' - ' , • believe that there is pleet,, of sunshine I "Wenal You like to ' go out? I ani iniife for you still.. , i .. .. Mary Pr/111d rather milyeeingly. - "I'll try," she 404. . . ., , tut when the door had shut On Mips to the mindew and 7.00ked drearillY out places; she:ifs:sold rather re,visit their' ! ' There was no moon 'and no Stars, ehecould never Well( there again with , 1 just going round the gardens; w1.1 yen. corrie vritb. me?" • "I Shod& ,loire to." .She was all ' •' ' Afarney'S•kincily :face, -she went over 'engerness te-see the wellLremembered th over ellich the read is carried. Behind and below, We're:id anti the dyer run„ . into.the darnesS". .. .. . -• .1 with Divid, then enYone„ eeeing. at , btit 'the:Wind Vas. Waving the dark 11.s .br°ther'' ' 1 VZ, • . - Minerd's Liniment for awns. Mock Mahogany:- . WOOS a geeci'maltogany tOlor; a mth'eausy 11.12..size; :onlY leng-featurd,sliy ' od that1irfidnees," the . 'best retelta,l{:fragrant-•-,a real violet .ot the, *iodic; these particular woods, '. rather:: ;14ernliBell•eraoartrioptitnhf€?thsyaenliesetgi.;tirte7ieta:se(ittlititr:;.puTtgs' uei.,..un;1•": ''..flgrriteiloiliVoloilithiie.leare-mo biledo,lissecerinitt44:1,Ipkoel4da .. : 1 <*sonae permanganate of potash. vis..edo iticite.,. I. mounted again! InoYing ,'..,' 01,..-kf,...,al cerapIatently off 'with the amazing' 1..i.i,thhtladae:,t.ia4a6hd 1 Ni,oiollieiltletir,thy :occinaiolvfAir Jkluusgcriittc4sinit:stsrsdble.Y. . aainopiovvd;t1:11,1tei,L:..tiin: (etihditii,thigl,..,boh-otwdoivatnew .13irush.-..-L---v*ii 'drY-,:---IPPly..., tnahogallt.taide.Alle, i stOr a dash of 'pink; •Could• • stain .e4.stain and Varnish Ronbined.itbeeerirkbdidltb761,thThe, , If a v17 silty iiniiis desired,U5 had ntereenpeki.heerW(eds twbeitivfienryo .agl.Apdt-:1 •bi400Bla,r3:;!" I , calle:1; "here's .,e • 0.0itera..:, ..71,:., 1 ib),''thri..i.bstd4oiliw'nalitlte*.l'ilipnisilish' 0 appapp;ridote,PaceV6cidietredorPit.iitimutiedei.,Uirafptxeeria:Eirirda,111,2.:u7i.iii' itn,?,ge..ii,o.balidigimn, 4y1.;,eirt.,oilutii,ideeintinieyreyaedt... . . • .... • :a.Pianitt'llenolfs4p.:otaT"silhias.Suasetit°s!t:' btI(.7at :furnish- I , "'Yee"' I repeated: ledignantlk. "A et ,ii good body, cider,' ".. , ' . pink IOluineifie!" and slid excitedly ` Teacher -‘,`Where ee the emu 'found, 'iltilsing the.. litl...O4f .'it .i.iets, rec'ee:tale ..°10aff.ni:"t littNA:.:naoltill,ttgeg°,1aelreNt•ehg, dhaet4:1:aats.: . . • • ., ..ita Habitat., • !Intim , • '4147" • 1 Bobby?". . • I for cigatetg intendee for benie Bobby ---"M tlY in cross -word. ppf- starts:a nitssiebo* to playing etane. • les, Miss." . Flowers and•Geins for the Year.- - • • Us I this single tower. Any e ntuniiine has' • branches. of the trees and sighing rest- A rnonielitarY wave'ef sadnesS s'vePt "But you vvi'l 'tarry" 11. other Wontteettl eanorame CHAPTER XXV., . were daily being enacted there. hung,. • tinwm y o swee er b yea ( toone - pause the gardeners:, the Man glanced at "ja$g'ed tYP: t° '914. love; and after marriage spend: We- wander up the Mountain pat s, to d of his time provingit. But one caprttrA be altogether sad iiviery and teuched 'his. dap respectfully. thirds of 'by the streams to see the sun. AT Tilt RED UltANGE. when the sun. is shining, And before ..o.iThis. is Mr. Nigel's widow,' said/ '- • • .• • Mary Purtival Woke the next numb- she had gOne. ,fat With David. she foiled; D ,. • . , • . • setting:and rising, and to feel the :awel Ing to find Mist, Varney . at het bed- !lama chettlng. and. telking with , him ., li* ' 4v'id. . ' - i[zi Aid arii; iaok..ai, gal he apoiie.;.of 411e ' wonderful land :of ,fOrest and ' side' she started Up with . a little ex- alliu)si!. ItaPOil5i'' ''• '' , or he might have sefii the Midden int..,. stream and village and mOuntain lyin't• clamation. ; "Aren't., you , very . proud of . your 1 that drove the co.iir front her ftce- bel°-.*" bS","(„1. alia, above ''' , ' , :• "I s it very .ate? Oh, I int so soiry!it. b tifui home9 I think it. must be she .,'tutned abruptly, and walked . a' 11 l:ttit etitni si Of the hundreds was (lull. 1 0' 0 She glanced niprehensively. et the ateP awaY-' • ' •• : . . !'s4iine,,, ,. . Gray hare nionntalint .. '.. the contrasts •Irefelight; \ TORONTO OFFERS :BEST, • MARKET' FOR ' • ; Poultryo."Blitter,' fig6 We Offer .Toronto's i3est Peices. :LINES, LIMITED ' St. Lawrence Market Toronto,2 wenderful! to know that yin] are one - of • h family who has lived here 'for generations and generations; thet' it all beloriga•to Yon, -d-" • • "1 a 1 proud of it, eye* though.,1 to live i'lf'0," , • ''" -.. 'I'--, 1e".1'Nfiti oxen and' .ctirts; *as the. steeliest 1 . ., shall Probably he the isseiBretherton . ' ,.... ' ' She < did •not ansWerl, :she % a • Sliiti 'looked, tip ptertled. ' • , gihning to realize .with a' sort of r.or, .. ,. and happiest. ciethe places .we went, "What do yoe. emelt?". roi, what her deception tea y in , . torough, . . . ."‘K)nly. that *AV 'Nigel is gone, therel,It• Wog o 'eo. ntiaa.°;--Y. Oeted; lie' 8he , i +row that we plunged, into deep', ' • .. . • „ ' • • . WAS propOsirie .to live, day after .day. . Hirer gaiges; i..h totrk, 011,..both,o,.:1064,,, 1 ."When PaVid rejoitied her: 1," leaked doWn upon °he of "Sinittiers itnetir •who,n, d h , Were both little. boys," 'he tvhit6te4du•nblaisiehistii.an. ha.. eS'It'lelef Yra°tItleds§e131:: .141-14...wai here on the, estate as a '•10 low, where 'it. crow'd• of people were: tai in my father's tiiile" I the fields- lift ing„, potatoes vvith Mullet ' . 4:taking the rC5P-t''It' and 'attenti"" . rising sheer as stlinz fOr loot," tO-anbther-t-TObbing-. the' th;ad--r4b--1.411,ed's. oy feet. above tis,"iIie. clear, blue ; High 'School Boatda and ,I3oayds Of 'Eatica.tion bisg the dead, , wa.ters front the Feetil fields above, CHAPTSIt XIV!, usam, 1.600 ,sharp • cotl, • AIsiDUSTRIA.i.,tBNICAL- 'AND . Are authorized by-laW.te 'eStabliOh, rusitleg and foaming down: over greet: , ihe-r"n-ti Petri Znainel-rpoSitively as • 1!”.•1'1', -.rtiklegbih4T3/A9N°F Earn money-'-snd get it every WC4., SOC. fruit irece,liowerloa shrubs. shadetreee, hedging. ruadi ead ,ri,crpreene. Mont furni:hid. cad, womb - IM Arm It, an. attradive proposition fer man or woman 0 neat standing energetic, • E. D. SMITH II. SONS. UNITED. • Winena. wide, •."-'1' .• Rg4S .- 1,dietinction; and this:- :tvas . mit _ the ". heart, that mestlive by a grey' i.ock-;--- - . ' and It'e 'beloved • by in es: --•-but 'the .rure; , golden kind,, the beaky Of whoue min - 11,1'0%1 bleont, and • it,s' ;spired rosiness, • ,waS not amise,everi litre. .,1And ,,these , *odds are a. teat . of ani •,flower., .470' . • mast .it tr,ciPie luxuritineei- Yet he -d Ife•.'• be. a • lefty,.. thitealted. meentain ,ree .. . serve; their forest agaioSt ..lifiedi-c., • .,terr:ineau .. blue.; Interfered'i with .by. • ovoling . white'. Clouds -streaks : of.. whiek 'mite' , 'Come to earth again' * thagreat clumps Of hitches!. A sower , ... ...that .can hold .its..own in this searing, 1 . ,sess, thisl'enCittintedness-7sud the col.; , • tinionwbentre..fo...rdeigd;.0. jdot_reisgrotiutiloe--osey.aie:_ina. . •suele a Woods; ' far ,One. has. • nireadY,. • , three worlds- giCitilid. 7•11 pale Mid-at- Mospherd'of.trunits., then tree•tops and.. - sky?: . • Any one Of. 'these *Mild'. he enough; yet nearby a gray .wall gatie . • a:lost teueli-4Opplieg along so 'burled maiden -hair fern , and splotched ' : With ' otange. :Haien', that. he fuMblY ,old tine of It (once the solid meek et : ' 'a farm -edger .i.s. just sonietqing. to heft) ' the coluitabine: ' 'From eeme . old' 'gate I . ,den ,lilevi 0115 Peed; setnebody,ii , he, loved • garden that once looked. over titls. wall; or else tile secil stuck to the futzlitti6S Of a pollenlioeIng bee .who,! forgetting his hive end his' proper gar .% delefloWers: in ' theta • . weed.;clitirliks,', came, seed' end all, 16.Ctill• on a, wbott • :.' violet- and dropped It sage Where It grew to 'be the 'IOVelit'st, thiee trtejieL.,.. fairy wook---Arine ResWeilli Greett;'.htt ' "Itipecr;l.111V-, *.__.t. ,.: . ,HOlitlield'S Capi,tal..... . 'smaller, wild; searlet eort with Its geld I , The Tcorel Mcpital tor 'incurabla.18 etheation with dellevue and Mind ,frilospitali. New .York City. offers a :three year,' Court, of Training " young wenn,* having the „required education; and .desirous of beepnEng nurses. Tido hae;edopted the eight. hour system. The pupils fecal*, Uniforms at the Wad. a niontuir ‘attowance 'and travel;ng capeiwei 0 and frem Nevi, York. for farther intoren.tion write the Superintendent. SrMbNCIS - •'' CAVA SAW • COtAPASI'Y usr.e. as az, -..e.we...ar:fi)r T'S so Strcing you could stand On , it without doing. it any , -h40:11. nilq.;•;ct,'Ins le Tie • litre. leitping oVer stone walls, ' the , • rubbing surfate is heavy S7 P • 14 .4...m.o. 'SCHOOLS 4 tep'k her dOWn. tether:deb:es, Om!. eeee us. . hes: t 'glass -it cantibt fl the aPproval of the ttelk.rtiser of catjent showed .her the loft where' he. Scenie..t.:uwere unfolded; .011111 itt".'Iasti • 'un e . bAY ANO EVENING CLASTSES • " " • ; ."' find e'',e,yed, ehilaiere;: he .g.ap,' th...i.h.e,• -.bilis, we. .0.‘,0 break! And. it won. t wear out, like • „ may tie conducted in accordnoce velth-the reguld-tiolts Witted by shoWed her the step-.arlde.r, staircase silort straight line oft the hitrizow and 1,, 21h.t' TiCe b• "the Department' of E t o dewil wich Nigel had ohe.6' fallen on a muter beIote it,' Then inewwe with: wood. It's a washboard that . the last day of 1:helot:id:AV, ' --11.fltd toile:hod th.e..gett,atiti ttle olid of teo, l last !o.r .thany ytarsi, and. ' itonTicAt. AND PRACTICAl. INSTRUCTION, :direettori. ef AN ADVISOF1V .COMMiTt:E.E, As, given in various,trades . The odhoola and classes' are under .ttia calls foie btrd- .roid --1,3-utitgay-mprerroyai rnernber,4t SMP mad.e. *Appqeatioie for attendance Shetild be „niade to the POikiciast of the , Schatit. . . COMMERCIAL aUtliECtSt 'MANI.11eL •11:tAIN100,, HOUSEHOLD. ' SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are pro/idea for In the Cetritte of Study ie Pebilc, Separate, Continuatioo and liffilt '6chootadolleplate Instftiites,•Voeational Scheets and Departments. , doplod of the Ftenulatient Wiled by the Minister of Education maybe tbetaffied from the 'Deputy Minister, Perilament. Eitilidltigs","toriette. • • LIC silY . You: have. seOl 1 ' ...A ' e . ,.• ':••' tld ar-)at Iiderings Mid-EXttrelenspis Sh!et .otal rroouosa Co atLCinasitned 1 , Niantrial • VallardlIK-- ligletitletit--., ' Edelliqeltert . , Vancouver • ' eiiisars d'en't Think trilinied, let it eXtra Week at bottm. Ile alway::,.hated! MIfldC8 ,.....e.menL for Backatilt., • Symano n--,. • • : "Ves. 1kookY," li inwi d v gu The: Blue Asbestos., I ly. She was wr,ahri.n4.): what watr:41 Blue 'tbe',to'' WItkh :ocenrs oily in I happen iteetidtlettly 'she Slobseti, twee< I -tenth Africa, IS a 101 non.coliductra. , ;11 ed tti this matt, anti 'xid 01 twat th:111 oi,Shisty white asbestos, ,nni not Nigrl'g nIow rva%•-- • wr),- k 1 kava 110 right hero • 'ittkie N��26 • The halite of: life capital. of 101104 .is it'reeetled tlY the word. ,"Tho", be - gage the Mitch ti tine his' the. halide equivalent\ - or athir-rtierrilrib— , tams Catenhage, it, Means the Comit's - .Hedge, In the. ThIrteCallt .0*ml.. the site. of the present city: wits the hunt- ing iodgo.'olici"grouild:1,of the eeents of . IfolIand and ...ander -Count :Pines V. ,41.2ti4-12661; hetante the ..otilcitil . ttlettest. „ lintilt,Wftliani 11, it also, be _ eenie .111e, site qt. t.11-0 sliprooto., teart 1 :ittiv(titti;v1sti.tnl.::ntieniellotititi:::‘Nteolvft;'0,,atiiieill(ittio%totilil‘siltreft:a:tnttitititiell,i,i76, , 4,1 4 tVivA • • S.! 1. " lenre ere ebone Pe?soi.S ett ar.beekeelleee lit the 11.,