HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 7• Eig.1-4h c0,0041341-11*- . • Tbleitslandet-P,refient,rl'APS-01.0-IJU VI • -- - • .1:lumber ,of the 1$0,14111. 1 vl,tp th° i'* 11 I Divine 111*•%41,11 Writteri, On „ lag ilvo , nations, the; NnS110,11,, BritonS 000.0,1 Pictand Lath* 00,01 An lt* pWtt Po- .., ,... . .‘40,eu11ar dialect ellatiVating! thoi. Sablinie 1 IT •U0111eS Through.toe, 1(41.19., oudy. . of,. Divine, trlitb. . The* I'Atia i 9h-100d-kakillff' Iltudities of Dr. • . . tongue is, by the •ritudy of the Scrip - ' first 014 18400 40: lie! . • .., i • In the life of, elnumit every Slii.`there 1 „. turebed01110 neM1110/1 to all Oa .rOit! , .:W.11144118, ' Pink 'PIII8P At ' ? other ir- ' ' if11,134anta*t;:t41"rit.°W.fr°* WIMK4 ' celneti,'a time When Wealtnene att11,01.1 It deHeed. it.is nettle, and Whr-Conling• her. The etrala.hpoe her blood, OQPPIT • over tete pritain, as, is reported, ?NM! be:Coulee too $11eatt and there follovis ArnleriO117:POOkessad thelos'LliTA .44,..111'4.*; headaches and backaches, lees of aP, .SOuthern parte thereof. When 01_1)Y, ' petiteatelta of dizziness), heart:Pah beginning '..tit.,:the Miuthk. had rdad?! pitation and eonetaist, weerineei and thetwielVes,:niast-erti tif, the ffSat,.0,41''' a tOndency to a deefine, All these _ ,..,4?4,444,4),,,ItheISPOUP4 that:tit° 'ityMPtoins mei' net he pregant, 1/1 any ni,tiell Of the .Piete froinTafthhcitilla-ifottelogr:,ease.„..4ut the presenee Of reported, putting' tOSea la a 're* `1".g' ,fArq' .0729 Of theta- sheWs-tli-i-,--neoceiSitY-- --.,•-4;•-• phigs; wire driven bY. til. •*IP,c.l.fi 'be; ter • Prnrnitt• treatment •• AO' there' ii •,,, yencrthe. shores of Britain and dr:Wed • • • • , . •,• 10 ,er, treatment so ,sure and oo sileodkl,iepthat throngh,:'ithh•;bloo4;oak ing•.quaiittoo ot Dr::•1V4.31fatee'• piny. Pills, The,k. aro the one thing needed! to Me le ta p thehttalth•of,grOlihig. f11,F,11 •and•wonien ef•rnetalrayeetn.,., • Hero 18 a, bib•40...poSitiVe.M.00f Of the vale° of 'Dr, . Williams!. Pink Pills •in - than Britain to the. north, ;fps, on the •04•446 of tbla Wad, • Miss Clara Praser. •'Other hand. It runs Mit; far beyond It Th, •Ont,; bee heen .b,rought back: .:to the Seuth?'011110aita to 06 ,4°O•heril esatilen tto henith and 'Strength • through' the parte; of Spain; though:R.SPad011a Pea; tinnelY use Of this nredlcine, and gives expression -of herieratitude is 'follows!. -"I feel; it• as well. 1i,PLa Plaa'' • sure ,te• tell yen what Dr.. WilHanue . - . . Pink*, Pills havedone for me. • They Scota answered that laW1131a.a4 eould have restored Me to beal,th. 2f indeed,: not. contain • them both; but "We Alan they did net Save 'my life. I., waii auf- give you., get*. adeigNyt : saidthey, fering, greatly.' from anaemia, 1 lost ." what -to: .44; . we know there li ,A11- flesh .and • allivage,', felt Aired and ner- • -other far from .oarao te tho veils. 'At loaki grew : sotr7eak•I':had 19 eastward, which VP:J.001i see at a dia.% lioteate, in .hod. • The .doctor, dld: .not :too •N‘lb.en tho days ere Clear. If YOU 'seepoo. bele Me any and r ;wasgrow- gethither, you Will Obtain settlement; ing Weaker; ,and •rity heart wag:bother- :. Oriii-they 'should oppose you., you shall:fag they:: At 'este-friend who Called to have our usslstanee, Phe Picts, .ac, see nie •tiald She had read era Similar ;;•eerillegiy, Into ' pr.ttain: base restored‘ by • Dr. Williams! Pink ,began. to Inhabit the. northern Parte Pills andurged me to there: . I felt thereof, for tire Britons. Were peesetue, 'heltilese • but :decided to take • her • ad- ' , of . the ; , • .• In •process vice, OQ my mother get me a supply :Ot. el; tittle, Britain,besides the ,..Ittitone • and the..Piata,-''redeiVed ;third nation, the Scots, ' whq,..migrating;fiwn'Ireland ' 'under their leader,, Ronda, .either by ;Mir :means, or by •• fermi Of. se - 011. tlth nerthern . Omits of Ireland,' Where; finding the nation of thofileotei; they 'tiegged to be allowed .to sottle • among thent';'-hat eOuld. neteUeceed:lii _,,,nbtaiiiiiig their reqUest,! IfOland, is Ova, • ,greater Asian(' next to,,Britaiityaad :to the wet:it of it. but as, it Is shorter • Hee between. them. The Plot.e,..es has, be -en Said, arriving in this island by. sea, desired to have a place granted them in Which they .might Settle. , The • Of t.• the pills and' I. began taking le111. 11 was net long before •1 began, tofind benefit from, the nse:•ef, the plUs, and: In leis than twe menthinsy• health. wail restored., •Itr fact I .•waX.. 4nbetter ea'an a ever enjoyed befere• I' strongly treconimend Dr. Williams' - • eel • , ,eniteig:theliiete -p-os• • sess.' From the na.me of their •eote•-• pink PSIS' to all who - are weak -and ..rnander'oey. are to this day Called 'run for,rfeei.:Einia they Wifliritit :rendiana; fore in their • language, pat be disappointed," • • . • Yoll. can get these from any , Ireland; in .breadth, and .for *Whale-. .niedicine dealer or by mail at 500 a , sibmeness and ,Serenity of CHI -nate,. •far box from The .Dr. Williantsi,.Medicine , • .„, . Mtrpasser,Britala; for the snow scarce- CO., Brockville, Ont. ' • , . lyever lies there .,above :three. claYe; •. • - . , no man Wakes: hay', in the ''guilimer for ;." provision, or. linilde• ete_blels . . . There IS scarcely a girl who does. not ' for his beasts of burden: reel:See :leve.REIMEt'kind of' perfume and delight are found there, no Snakes eAn live there; ..,/ iThe . inland abOutids'!in milk.'.and. honey, nor' ie thoie'''any want of Anon, .004.4, town; and is • remarkable for dear and. ;.goitts, It •Is • properly •the .f011iitry Of•. . the poets, who, reigratieg, from .thence, ' as has•-becip.eahl; added a third nation In Britain to ; the 33,1,1tons and the MO.. There hi a,' very largegulf,ef the.. owl, WItioh. formerlY divided the nation Of Plcts from- the Britons, 1110 MIK rani from. the west into . the land, :where, :to. this ,dity, '•attinda the ...strong :City 43t the Brittinti, With. TheSoots ,a#1Ving on. the north' side :of 'this •bay; nettled thnmielves • thern•--Beile's tcglealestical. History •England, about A.D. 700: • . A 71apaildie:Moitie. .. • , . . . . Anierican. :'movies especially in. iv41Ch 7CharleY. Chaplin figures; Or In- -:dint* and cowboys, have been popular • . in the Orient Tor .iteMe Years* but' 19 Japittri the artistic and ingenious .eiaP-• '-aneee, aro fast developing a film nit of their owe; Their earliest efforts. were hriltative: scenes and stories; still of the America:n*17141d Weatc. but written, • 111 ite use. Sometimes:. she. does•net elioose thikbest.'one itt.',emnlituilze her OWn. parttoulari. personality, . but care- lessly -alma sacral, which ientere eon - fusing thin • tinWeIrer.much niay like fragrant odors, 'tie. never 466d taste to-Titse' so; :much .about thp.,:person that it sheati. when we enter•a room, We shOuld,ase, 'Only a touch , frOnt*a droPiser. An. ;atomiser. doe's. not Waite the perfume and serves spray the oder over oft.; •sidSra.ble, space., :It better o buy a, • .tiniala quantity -of , a geed. perfume 'thee a lot of . • .9 .9 p odor:- . 4 • • • •I • Besides the, manY ;perfumee Wade eti,, ore are .a: npmber... 'of flagrant Otrora-whic4. used about . the closets and bureau, draWere :to. great advantage: • Little ;saga thoin .hung in the closet or. the hangers 'padded 'with hits Of ,ellir Sachets' keep a sWeet- ly "subtle ithisiveneea •ehout •yeur cloth- ing 4 .•,„ . In the bureau drawers,•a. cover for .ihi-bottems may be ,fioeble, with frag- ranee. laid 'between to • keep Alta .waail ;clothing • and underwear .delicately sweet... Lavender is; always good. for . filmed end acted by: Japanese in Jan. ' • • . .. • Often...the relining were: queer • Phero a aPecial• Pedal •a' for you, ' enteigh.. To -day, however,* the' mom, lrind. it. . • • • .an! • • 7.` latanilar MOVIO •itt Japan hi' pitrely: (visi ring Alliscity, anese in theme and treatment It le' A. Real 'Treat • ,;.' : called SchOolinititer ,MataiiinOte;', , andmaibit%1'k. ltran fors, whole, year InItoe.yo.• ; 'planted thirty' acres Ma . • • . The piot, even ! with subsidiary Yecti• . .• • :• , . • • ' .• • stories; and .liuSidents iutertwined; i'ty• Meat -"I must come and see would strike an American. audience ini Yol"" t.h0 grow hP You kiln*, . simpie..to intid64,0aotIt 19based .11i,„. liever eaten an•acre•hi.iny life," ' . • . on a tree inoldent.; A .11410- beY, at play on aTridier.riiii into :the: yilierl‘ • Stiet,..6* hte tettelter,•,•'-, lidatiMineto;" ^' chanced 19 'Pans, ..MktsUnioto : ter him and. effected * **ewe, but it:: the Mitt cif his Ownlitef 'This. natural= 11 provided the tilimot:. Rainer in "the.. • A•torY, 'nevi Mr....A1' Tit .n*0 „hi the', • inagaiine •Alli&,. the. brsA70 teacher Is shown anielti his PiipilS and hikroditees • to • theta, an a moral story, the tined,' • dote of George Washington And the - .'0 . . • Thjs lmsr0 of clear eyed British boys came -Over ea the Ancher-Doualdson liner "Letitia;" else .of , the first.'" •"" boats to: dock at 4aapse this 130On. '• The boys' are from the famous quarrier's ,Bridge-o-Weirr. Scotland. 4V thn .are leen 19 get to work in Canada. • r 111E ART OF ARRISTMENT- • The art of adjustmentia the secret sertion of egotism that can be :found. of social life.% Our first natural in-. Yet no doubt: most people stert.theit Ottnot is• to aemirt-eunselvest, to think: minted life with the elisoore desire and talk.about etiOelyei, to 'treat the to Make 'mime •one else happy, The *Mid is if it were merely a place for trouble; Coutes in the little 1+44am:tints, our Mao .lnslgnifleant itelVelt; to diii- not in thehig. Our life is a- tisane of port with immense . exPeneien and pettY, trivial daily :habits, eo slight Oil equally immense indifference to the so InetinCtive themaelves.,that.ive eapansthn of , others • • are net-conscio.ue a them hill they: are , All. those a.ggresSive selves., are Interfered with,' yet 'so immenaly bind thrown 'together in the social World?, /big,. that any permanent interference not only of pleaeure, but of busincea.. with thein disconcerts us more than The iogicat result would be that they dicastera of lar greater importance. .should and joatle and ',brute° There are. hablfs .of eating , -habitis' of •,and crash: one another in ,the intense exercise, habits of eleanlineos, habits effort. to get 'tothe tep., This,. does of regales. hours for regular actions. take' Place more or, less. It would take When two differont groups of .hahlts. place' to a •raipous extent if Were not for the art. Of adjustnient, which early ,teaphes us that, W.p Must. adapt our own. egotism to that ,et that We "poi,u OnlY achieSe our needs by • are thrown together In intimate con- tact' the. shock is all the more aiton- Jelling !rein, the Insignificance. of the -details.: • • , Thle difficulty cat small adjustment* remise,- whi_h_b_realtiLit'ere-ratirite ,4•-e•i:than-the larger we are fareithreilling, to 'seer!, evils oi-Ahe. larger eine' it t. eaIIe fice our • inimediate benefit and Plea.- -.Incompatibility, but a little ,patience Wonid 'overt:time ••••• . • We cannot begin Ind early to learn the art of adInstinent.% only by mak- ing ourselves adaptable; conformable,' striking is: that marriage, 4 ls .the agreeable to Where can We .diepo.se, 'leek Of that art in marriage that fills, ..ethers to afford us coniforf, 'OolaCe, and the-divoree-equrts.• 'Probably 'Love in .Satisfietion.+Alamalled Bradford, in. its essence i the most. eggressive es- Youth's Companion. THE ONLY MEDICINE BABY HAS HAD • • Hous• Theekeeper. The frugal ,sn!I, wlth fornOnot " I pcao;t: ; • : • -Varrien-hiv,hones,Vithrhim-.--whereer , . „.heyeens;'.... '•' l*Pfi•••.tA914I-ttod there .ehoWer,Of'• rani • - ''• • mAitsos 1/4 . his emelt dcitnIctie '..Tattoll but * tip.';ok,.hirn,.. horn -'tie• ••:,`'' , • "•''',2",;•.' in bis stl•nOino 006' Itle.Owii landlord, Iths OVA tenant) Otter #77, 1;04 as he Will, he dread* no Quarter abnt h•e beards. 'and, lodges; both invitee, • •' Anff feast% hiniself;le* with Win- , Is What Thousands of Mothers • .a3T''of, Baby's -Own crablets. • ' Onctra mOther ICU; used Baby's Own Tablets' Mr her 'little ones She will use nothing else. Experience teaches het". that they are Without in equal' for re- lieving baby of any a the Many Minor ailments which afflidt him at one ttmii h The Te.blete never fait to or, not er. e be of ,bettellt-7they cannot possibly.,cio herniae they' are guaranteed to be free from injurious 'drags,' , '•••• :ConcerningEaby's Own Tablets Mrs, .1tessell Norwood; -.Ont• aa,Ya .7-7 I shall always 'have a good word to BaY. /or Baby's Own Tablets. .3 have gl*efi tliein to Our •baby girl: • •In: feet „they, are: the 'Only .inedicine she has ever had, and I ani_;_proudio,:say that she 00 secon pr e a :Our Y • ShO OletQll?'•maptheOrir..and weighs .2p; pounds. No Mother :whose child -15 Peevish or ailing: will inake e• Mistake in „kWh* it Retire: Own Tablets:" Beby:4i.:bwri• Tablets are •sold :by 'Medicine. dealers. or. direct by • mail 'at 25 cents a box ifem The Dr. Williams' ;Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. • mire, tethoSe ef. others for the sake of fUture., and general advantage.; 0.f. all the. iilustratiOni,of the: art' of adjUstment the greatest and the:racial, •• .'.- • A Legaey. "He left his family no estate"' 711.e. papers "say -Of this. man. Who • • • ••• • His life insUrenee was Moderate.' ;•.' , Andthere was nOtb 'hie at ell beside." • . • • • • : , But, Hot !quite allof the story's Wei; He left no houses', nor gear,. Mir gold • Little enough :that was worth report .:In theduty files of the•Probite (716irt. • : • . •• • • • • But be left: his!widow, Melllory Of a life lived nobly and gel antii, . 0? faith and'hutiver add .tenderneSS,- • Of love .tkat trouble and toll and ntrese eld never altm. , Fie .I ft .a name Fe -courage clean aea.bladeof 'flaxne,, For high true serviee; for ihnele'deeda iturnan ,k1ndnes, thls Qld world needs. • •• . • • . • :•• : He.;,:left• his children 'a legecY Of health and Wiedoni-and probity; • A. strength, of purpose end power sure. To wait to labor and IC enilore..', • • • :He left them fitness to cope With' fife, To keen, their; spirit . through :tell and •• ' • ',He left thew honer,. and Pluck. kind nerve ••' ' • • And faith • in tb,emielyeti-4aiid .the *011 "MINNIOOG HOTEL" On one' of the Islands of th• deora)itn ilea • • OPER JUNE 24tILI • Flaking Tennis• •• • Melina , Dadaists , titan elate In even, reenact Excellent culling,: • • Ideally •iftitatea,. High attitude. INOty etearneeJ from Midland. • , Direct connection froM Toronto: • • ' • • *rito for SOOklit and erne• : -cace.,•3 gaLCOLARION.. AndIatd.• •(hit. °beret, tre Thie Story ie aoted out, aid' weare provided the spectacle Of 'a fillt-oied,aittle george Wlio just. can- • not tell Is/lits,:' • . apan.to-day }still takes oeducattpil • :Ith great. iferlintatitcse ..and exeltaite • teachers , to a'correoptaiding •degree. ' Young Childrenare idealized as, !liar, nat1ngaieiptiocent7and IiiVable. la It corieelvelile that -in any other countrjt•. the most pepider .film could be pne dealing Withthe life' of the graiii.thar •; grades and:hating as its hero a school- insetert •. — • Fr�bnbb not And •probably that ,movle lILtle Clestge at anY, rite, Would Strike us as -'funny, bat: ••Weil.done • . .JaPati! • • •• • . • .1. .Or19tilOs13hilgeist !.Cleck. fre neW,•beill& ereoted itt 161044:11/",- fottF ilialst..ea1h. 26ft. SOOSS. • 411 the ' candidatee effects*, than; , eives for the Elritieh Arnii. 'teat year, ' per cont.„*ere rejected for vatleiti • '14eSisiefit ' — • • •He left .the.,•world--or tie- world that • . knew him, ' ' • A sense' thellife, hiut -b.eee hetteretr • through • • , • -•• ' Ile Loft a record for all to sten; Tite"Here hue laboredand He !eft big fanilly•ne getate,"' The papers .say, thice "inan Who. , • "Llis life Insurance •Wiursitoderate , " And there was nothing at ail beelike -Berton Braley. APIA° trees are Subject to sixty six "diseases. ' Real Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession „, , , • . if you deified' a •PrOfeeliitill -yen .ehould: consider what.. %. .the: field. tit Veterinary Sistence has teciffer., Oraclu.. hied bit*.e splendid oPportiiiiities for aueCeentui'career, The live teels' Industry is, the Coreer.atenti of 414 Cultaral development end the veterlunrY1rofesa4on 1* Its greatest safeguard. SessiOn Begins October 14 1926 , . • , 4,141te for outi•iii eel 'taloaCat to d D. Ife011etafo PenolnaL • - •._ ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE • fklUitta#ti„- • .0140ANIO *itii mit*** it twolt4 Vader Onteitte•111101, at ASNIVIONt gos tOILS • • t- 1.` 'ThehevIot-Hills. MrS. Aristah Kratt :"When yoa were In: North England You visited• the. Cheviet-Hills:, of miurss?" , Mrs. WoodbY Cheviot- Hilis9 To be sure- We did And aline faintly their ttre, too," • • „ 7 ts . . !dent ifia.ti pri;'. '"-;:'• -:' • 'ei. am sorry, Madam,' said the; bank! teller as .,,lte handed hack the , cheque; 'hat,you must: he, identified.", '"Ideptifted-" eXclaimml the wiiman. ". • . . . Islet the .eheMie gond?' ' ' ... ,• '. "L have • Ma doubt that it Is the 'teller geld,. but 1 dont know you.. Youtil haVe to get,eimiebody NV e jowly: to identify, 'you." • , The .lady • drew herself .tip. cheque " she saidwith dip -00,3' :"Was given me, by my husband, ...There a ibis name OD it. ,,Do you know iiini?": • 'es; but I .don "Then.111.sho,W.you I know him, too, huehadti •lotall,- with reddish 'hair. .1.11a ..face 14i omooth•abayed. He has a mei° on one .oheek and leolts sotne thing . likea horse, Some, people •saY; but l. think notWhen he talks lis twist's Wu month to oneside, and one Of • his: 'front, teeth: Is ..fidatilog. He Wears. o• No: IT eollar, 4 NO9 shoe, and WOn't. keep his Seat bettonett'l'Iteitthe hard est„ Wan to get' nioliey-•o4b, Of y on ever took nie. three- 'claYs ,to get thia Chenue.".- „ „. • ., "We quite jilt right," said the teller.l, "Pht. Yetir .ntinieright liete-uo,.on the baelt, net on the Nee." • .., • Preeautiote. . , The heety • llillii .seE'uned• the • bill of fare, Very, elbsely, • •.. • "Oh,,.1: don't know what k Want; rm. nOt teal'hiingry,".. he intid•to. the waiter, "f guess, though; have, a broiled lobiter, a double :Welsh rarebit a couple Of Side erderti•!ofvegetables and bait tt. Mine! pie:" • ." • • Vili yea please Write yoUr order, etr,,and digs it?"' the waiter asIced re- spectful1 "We always liker•to have soinethitig to•ShoW the coroner„ stn." - • self o' night% ' . Ile" "pares .the tipholiterer trouble tci Chattels; himself is h1 own furnititre, Aisd his role fiches.. Wheresde'er he roareL7 Knock when you •will -he's *tire to he •• at home,. ••-Charles Lamb. , • • tIse :Minaret's Liniment in the etabies. . Bible Maids. :Esther saved her people • . herself danger.; :And Ruth to. belP another :Went To alien lands. a stranger. The idle of every...Mille Maid, Is to my ,life.a.htilp and eld. Classified Advettisenneitb. • . .• SILVER PDXES. 147 ao LARQSIE straws •Yv ciassi", •••• :I' • • : So Kind of 171Pe... ' wad "a hot day • and the treillo Policentee4S having a busy time. In tbe Midet Of. it Ike Saw an elderly wo••• omajeolting aoroiset hint, iso he' held . up cars, N inotOrcYole..,or , two, • and two loaded trucks. The wo.• man sidled up to him and the officer bent his • head to -hear her reqUest "It's all right," fthe said.- -9147 thou -ht you would like to know. that the number on, your collar is the num- ber .of 'MY .faVoritedlimn." Linen ..Proteeted.bYi. What woman is•;there Who would net, .1Ihc.te'heeti:.her handsomest. pieces Of linen ...in Mll view at sil tinies,,, but hesitates' to o se:beeinuseet,the Wear they are likely to **ire? To her, .the4, • :Wilesinfseal the novel Idea .of .covering thein with eiatnglasi,on,but• .1f.nette,tdal,l reacle. drossing. tables and eery- f hOr'years, business: eXeontiveo have , covered:, their deeke. with ,'plate:.glase as a .proteeticee, but not iintilreeeittli has. it been 'taken up in.theboliseheld, with Atte,. same .purpese. • hi this waY the most eX..eatolte llnens eten be en. joyed _coistantiv and. WIN • needwasli:. lug only one0. or tic a' year.'whlehin necessary,...in an, event if the Vocen. are,to..renurin white. • ' . • yrllen all is cenOtilered,, the inVest-' ment in glass...I not, too rinieh,' ea the weekly:laundry bills:. fire.Saved and the Potential -wearing • .value .• of the ltaen is increased nianyfold:, •'..' , Genuine" Ruby • •The.:genuine. rikbY le obtained from the milteral*. knoWO a eotanduin, '1)- , Ing :, the ; :pare crstali1ue variety . of cOrunduni..: Eniery, 'the abraat,e, ht auimpure • foein ofcertindem.,, „ ' Henry71, •Handicap. "Poor old •Heilry!" said °tie ;merle Man to enother. 4-I:ea so 1410h -sight - edited. worktug littnaelf to death." ' wthea,11-In4iliertZelght„-got2to- with it?" • "Will"..he cail t o whitn the htias ain't looking; toO" #43: 11E11.10 iteep shoveling 'e.11 the time." • , Statis•tieti intlitilte.'thet the peePle of • NOW Zetiland• Oeinn nearer the at talimient of .`'perfeet heatth han t.he 'Ifittabittinte of atlY•olht CdtintrY.4 Liptriiibt Krrio of. taii), Cod; give -me Ester's courage; The hnselitobliesi of Ruth, The steadfastness Of Namitan's mid Who testified to truth, • * . God give Me. Martha's energy, , And. Mary's lOyalty to. Thee. • . • -Mari Carolye Davies.' . t. Optimism. The nearest approach to Optimiiim 111 some people is a' griidging atlmlssloit that ..they.aren't quite as iniserable•as they were yesterday.' • , • The *retch, ' Mre. Thomas-' Why did you %fall in loVewith me,' Tom? . yoit:Ve begun, to won- • der; too ?"• • r ore i aft weld ears * hofeS hes' been pre- . ecri physi dans as an invaluable spe- ac fertile treatment of. Indigestion . Constipation •Dlsorders pf.the toni.iseh and Kidneys Rheunisitic and 'gouty Cariditisans A palatable, effervescent, • saltnepreparation of Liihia ' . and Sodatm •Phosphate: highly beneficial and se- n teditil in the case ef dis- orderk nseationed. •• „Ai ail Drnges(o7-thrqe t!fse., v.:gill .Tit.rri' di. , , . .... „ , , . . .:.-.- ...A•OiSly. IVI inard'e.' freely, ... It. removes alt the •pei'eOn' and . 'allows ' the. ,wound 'to , heal, ' .. quickl., • ,. . . • '. ' • ' "- .. . .. 100 Mites Per gallon Of Gas on. the: New Single Harley:DaVidson Motor-, cycle. •Lbse than one cent per. mile to operate. Write• for • catalogue and Prices.• • Walter Andrews Ltd. 346 Vonge St Torente I :•'"P`r . • 'Proved : safe, by rnilligr4a4d,piescribed by. Oysiaansfot, Colds- •Headache . • Neuritis.. Lumbago• .Pain Netn:algia, Toothach6::' •RbeutriatiSnt rES NOT, AFFECT THE ,HEART, • . Accept, •1it..,,93ayer which contains proven directions. Etenai' boies' of 12 ftib101ii •Also bottleto of 24 and l00 --Druggists, esipirte 'the 'irade*;•cla-ticr•iii;tertd In oitia) of Bayer liktofiliti,000 e17::04i(:". A acIdeetee,Of (Aeoll1 8*1141110 S.614, Inti 0, A."). o efe noN that AaOltin meant Sifee'manufacttate, to *filet the Debit° against freItattonk lha Tablete '•;,• 01 .tittfer O•itteast will le *thieved wOli that general tree. out, •th• "Sayer Oroae:," Mrs. Parks, Tells How Lydia' E. Pinithada Vegetable Compound . Restored Her Daughter's Health • 7:-. Toronto, Ontario. --danghter Is 16 now anffhas been an invalid ever singe she was Oix. months old and has been com-• pelleff to remain out of. school the g.reater_part of the time.We have tried different kinds of medicine, but none helped her inuch. 1 had • take n. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege., table Coinibinur, when I Wes run-down,1 and it had helped me so much that I thought it , might help her at this time.. She has gamed ever since she 'began taking •'• it She attends school 'every day now and goes skating, and does other out- ' of-deor •sperti. I recommend this Medicine to any one who is run-down • and nervous and weak,"- Mrs.:PAINS, ' 106 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, ' , • Lydia E. Piratham's Vegetable • Compound is a depentlablnmedicine' for young women's troubles. • For sale by drag gists everywhere. • '11 NS , 1. • .4; ;46c1N4L&TO1LeT Best For The Skin ,13;tc,4duse it olediists, inViger- fifes ,aiiii7presereee . the skitri. Scalp and. half, • Used daily; atisieted',„ by eiliticura Oiiittnent wben7required,. it PreVents pkOrc-Claggiag, •pirnples, black- heaOti lifritations. 114: 'A;I•Isecot &main Dead: 4llealteece• Ron40.40 pose V)& . oitltnni *6 001,1 Ole, Teitom se, • *Mr red.:Ora •Shkeina Stied 2id' . , ISS1.7k-lit.. • •.1