HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 6tve ,s.:..•.•••••••••,•••'• ••••••.7., • ; • • A . Y• • 'P. , AgloriP4. rtokOP fellM. and White* *. ' • ioajp, as '00140"sincifil:PrOW.U•ed,..Alptile' A•tiVT• 'S*Ifit-itV0 •Ilt'iiiAi**tittfat•P.' 1$ ACCIDENTS 1. •,' _creel, ,at, 444.04;... , : -, ,, • , .,, ,t, .., 'MY 0*14.: dear' al?Plelirie' is richlY ' flight 1 . ' re4a13,, no such person as ,the i ' ..:irry*to jurott, on the rnigung , --tik'8.bioe0,0'igugHtunsthe C011fetti And.:teht iltd.si. line, a. peLit:D;rciasion streWe ; .t.,. ,u,• ped44riefi itt1.'ia. altagether. prehable :1)00 of ..a• Illol#00. 047 ;. that *tor -Vehicle' accidents lVell°4 be.1: •Pgrralifg 14101t.,,,er.eorideriniilig MO,'• - tilW1..mere that ..$1 per Cent.' :It is '`, teiiata?' „;**, • : • , Meet 'far .fair bridei. 14' Marriage,M0- I. ' gay, ° • : 1: •• : ' % '':' ' not OtirolY illeelieelvaVe °that Snell 1 . Pressing the street 4u,".the:reidd!re 'et ,.: ' ' ., ' int lgaY•,. • '4" " 1- ' • ' . * AO, jiaPertant; reductien in fatalities, thet404T• ., ''' - ' • , .' • . . .4 ,4::.,.i.::.,.. - wen4 : be the ',reau;'...k_.et :.1*. UUJNexealci ''Xeterferiak With : atree r traffic' 'et ,• • ManiAt*,-Yellteat4#4.w44:1...qyl .,11#4 ,I...._gense Of safeti',eu• the Sart of the, 4i.Oettyto)41100. • , \ ,,,,' • • .4 ,. . 'coUntlisj'le'X''*1-trAnd-it-heeessary_fo. " • Negleatink, to leek to sae, where. -;4'., On ''this ft.O.,_.,,':001'11.1Ot 4914:111.ft.:44, weglig.en-eUr highways and streets, ' traffic is -..., -.- . .. . ,47- *-1.9r0-40Ve*e.et=-Plehtg-O..141. li. „J. • r.t4p.inrerki•gti,Aiit ,... ItialirlY' Ver61044:1ahaei'llafra,..31fhicht.'r• °V;a17*Mg•te giv.e the .nseterst.'a fair • : land •.. ...7,-..• ts .baCked: up' by •Statiaties; indicating t ebau7:'• '. ..: .• i . ,,. . • 'PrOnliSe of •'wealth te.•',libard in .4P.,;. he .4 '.' sw'4.4.1'-;11-4fizie4';‘.4190E.iiit.'.441v-t.: t..il....i.ie,.- e:ttk• :lie .padestrian,. to . be to,: blame- Jo.' 'a4 : Skating on atreet..pa*ements?• tea$eriti.et-.recerd '.iinternebile acel, I:. lIangiqg, on. a re'ar;_sparetire f.4 411..' . itX07•11lOre 'careless :. 't,11:01t :Walk1.44 •• chOst)*. Ofrftei holding. AOrkhie.ra' kil , I, rOr..A:aCi?itern:Yetfi'ilse.'eiir :::thieV...i'slt youth to. fa!, dente, thaten•the?-14` go pedeatitailel_atti50?*'..- ': ' ;`' ; i' :.• 1- 1. .., , ,.,..: ...,,,,,, than meterbitS. ate..reeldess • In'''theWif renVef. my face? ' . '',. ' : • ; '''',' 7, grieYe4 ' ',i't. •-; 'i, • ...,, ,404:1* ;'''Cer.tilkirik.'ette-ijea•A4*.''t:e.1:7 4,0.45:?'.1g.::•,C4,(.40-4 P3'111.1.•:.*$r• l'itiii" ' .7. ' • be, Foster Kennedy- - 1 , „ 7 ,, , •,, . .„ AmVeh Ilie:ViloY.\opPoor of :_.:OW:ettik.041'• 'Mir cf,Y, , : 7. ' •• • ' • ' .'..- ' '-'s `.' '''' • •:-** ' '''''' ' Dear tree, 4. have a ' ntiesasge ':for :thine • any- eitiot ••t' see these Y•falkers°: take. '. •-•gere. ar,e.li'huillbel. 4 7".3rs' in which 4434444. :t.NO:43:0:7•Cin;YtPel.r4b; il9iir911°gIstl *11°'1• '. ' °:•'• ear. - ; ' ' ''' ' ' ' - ''''•• ' 'Ivl1diC41 'Aii'9614'''• !''..iiiit i*.hti've•weiteete;' thy'. bleglifoul- en 'nfiCirledlOr risks. '• ; ' . : lit: POleitilea: caw find out what sort of •attended • feVew he is when his feet are pleat- tion conference in London Ontario de- , • • - , • • , , ••• . . ',' 7.9.,.4P9,11r'°11 PAMTP.* '":,''''' ' ted op, terra firma i 'Perhaps Ile is also l cars that the speed of M0404,14E1 is '' e..,'...-,,, .1....i.' thath ere ,.t.cp.lfy.. , thou Aye. , *Mile "°°:are,' ''frequently.encouraged' ...• owner., 'Vila ought also to hep responsible for • the bulk ' of ,lierVene. •'''''''4"5-.1' *' ' 11 ttt'eheeli,''0 ontheirOrivin0;habitS;tollaxii in ooptink .supit si procedure as diseases and, disorders, '.. ; ••• ' P9u dst ear.: ' , • ' . ;'$6.0° if 'they ' are getting inte. :MY., Pree-'• :Wi'.:,1 Make . for the .loillitanM. • leas Of ° ; ' • ' - PIE' i°3114-ul lidi'lgs 1144t•;1•":1'a'S'te to ticaa.:"WhiCh:•tuiliCht.4 tend te,lexity :er* life..and limb through automobile.. bile acct; SelfCoininancl. , F x..4._c .England's - orahardS'. sni4!?.. ,'‘froie ' .04'..4Petitie* .N.Vit.74ot. hol.,,t110 dentg, . • - ' ' , A .nitin who had -made-ood as• -1 • *-..aller ' here, , • „ group of his juniors,: In mY youth ore- , • , of elm, ttOni he'roight'askii, hu-• Though a man O. s car it ii`stretc11- told ;myself that Soule' ils:31; Jo• the -Touchstcne in Daily 'Mail. • zen and Captain of •indastry to.- a' ' the ‘.•rwietet'a ',frost. cis • now • • • *Sie§.0.401. Chee_..le ' hia'.regular, sakl •'ef' Procedure? -There ;are .`al ECONOMY, gue . ; • . , • • • ,ing :It far • . „ , ; stresses:and, impacts of, life that 'no 'one, avoid, •I weuld' need PI • WanaW' al"0..,91,1•74r1I'llg.1.111° of TO say that hetnewS, he* tc, 11-e omn, • )41.ghlfOrt: ' :.• riffle 311!.aes Out of tea -if like s,trength antl,that I could not afford to ettSa#t° Thoughts Are zie Oroigt - 4 'iit5-*Iiic14,4k, 4r*:,t1,iii . . Other Men-, . ' '`., .,. do anything that: wOuldrOb mi -of' the * flected in Our.Faces. .strgett. , ' ..: - ., : . ge, -Will either neglect. or.abuse it. Stamina li wanted foi• the cris.es,.• Il. Because the face is an index of the -Taking v IMs in'dt41,#ingnnt°m°1 ne knows there •afe, rules to he fol- could not theii,foresee. And so 1_,..have mind, we 'Can all be Pleasant to look 9. '-`:! ' ' ° :' . ' .` '' " ' ,..; ' 1 a with care, ! ieci a decent. me .Etio.',d 'am, net sorry- tha'srrupOn if we fill our m. lads with beautiful rytrain ' ' ' ' - " owed the -t• g; e; ., .0'''.111 gett!•11; • AS to__ -- . e PeoP,e who made i , I did not pow wild oats, For in tithe.„ thoughts:. .. . • ' ••• r And.' yet' he begrudges the ,slighteet the •bloWs of failure tilid the shoela of 8'. A-lietver theory °le' that we can be- . .. diStraett.. '„.•'' ....., , In a year he is arildellSA0 trade it•:, Measure. and I• needed all 1 had and "nedille and pictures: Alid the eminelft .1••••••••4.;r4r,•!4.4441474 • omnated Land, Great Filth lAzar. • s- •••••••+•itittett,, , Nfttu�IRoUrCeiBUJktifl The practical inmchenatibIe Janda, which arefeund all aaeug thea_ Bei Furidir, eastwaid• front . :Alror•,,NeW:Pruriawick feeta One etthe most yablahle fnting ai" aet sse Of the' ; _ , „ „ garitime Previnee0.- In .ep,peartince ,theY, raseMble. 'Oat Stie.tches: of Praitil• • • LirleadoW,' CeVered With rid: grass' and are npt 0011 tobe cenfueed with•huga . t;1 These •so-•callad• .mareh r.- landa haVe been -created hY the •extra- otiihtery. tides Of the' )31W ef b‘xlii4y and are W'etderfuilSe.fertile, It is ;:e. - corded: that Oa• One farlai' thirty -gyp ceaseentive annual Cropi• of hay of an average-ef--tWO-tolls--.Per-1.4cra,1144.Ye."* ; „been harveated and the qual#y gives at indeOnitelY. . The lend; which. used to be overt•-•,.. flowed by- tho.tide, Was reclaimed 4. 'dikes biit by the'earlY: French At •- tiers and. n'floras a Vett' natural •ow , . . riietideW With a'seil sometietra 8irteet.. deePt yields 1itvy crepe hfiy Year after, yeai:witheat' ing.. and this inexhaustible ,supply Of cheep hay: 'feet* the literati:lief groat ;• • • ' advantage to, the efoCk farmers. , If at any timethe-land. needs the dike gates are 'opened f0,1' a -*bile so 'that the tide Can come in, and de- posit -a fresh layer of soil. TheY.are' not, howeVer, eimelly 'good „for • all. crops, but are•best for grasses' and grains, to which they" are almost tirely given up. The grasseS, the usual. *plead English hay. ,grastfea, grow verytall,,very dentse,l and. Of Very suici Mier quality; luxuriant but not' tank. attempt is made to take two drops' year, .though .seine farmers allow , their cattle to fatten:On the rich after- ., growth: .! •• ' The only cultivation consists in fin • • The Sketch shows a type Or dinosaur, eosins which have been found throughout Europe,, Particularly in. Belgium: •. He has • been 'named the • Iguanodon. ! Note that the tlitimlbe on -his foratimhs reallie formed prriverful - spiked weaPonS., Secrets of -Science.. Certain brenche,s,tif•the'rePtiles., tbe ' •• ..rePair" . .• . ••• di-sappointinent tame tp.:. 'ma in fill .ceine beautiful by Welting at '!luvel7' e Fe0,ipt to ',bee& the ;:viciotrie. of .,Ek te.itst's .herut , ' Failing to •etand in Safety'. zone irbiTertitt04-#4,to:LIUX - Failing to co-operate with trtfflc • • JOU4jitg..t• )144 ,,ta?; too soon? 449,61c1hit :1' • PO:jug': ollgo!ilt into the street ebind Seine'ehotruetien?••• thINo. IN ,BOAalkAY., invika•roa. *rid he ingOiss • • roog: 1izea. traffic , \ •-• • •• smaller, ones.; learned. to climb trees, • • .• By David Dietz.. Probably it Nvap a Safety measure to . Tile Age.„allet440'w,- or Nesiiine era' keep the:larger Pies:from 'eating them. as. the geologist ealls; it, began 1.46,000,, • • These Started. the ••concinest. ei" the ,boa 'Years-- ago. Geologists .-think it: .air. They'. developed bat -like' webs be - 1 00.000.000 Years'. ' . tween the' freat limbS and the sides bf ,. • A car, let 'me say, isn't made fOr *a The process of life, if will be. noticed, theirbodies. day,' • is sPeedilat 111). Half of the earths .These great bet-Iizards are known as , ••• ' ' • - d this' idea 't Ila was in order to meet them. and .come,; artist :w . g , . threugh.'" . *. •• bile story Whicli'lle declares'. proves. ,'„'„.'•herA are -seitHinade arien, ,•• . ' •'• • ' • . ince, who yield to the temPtation,••toi..*Wlien his 'little ,tiaughter. was 'six • ' ' 'dt• h • ' Years of.ageshe iteed •to Sit and Watoli hiseontentlofl willant ajong..tiMe.--but nog,- history; 400;000,060' Years., WAS. sperit getting life 'started; The age '.ef' s . Dread oi 2,4(feet. • • , itteroda.;etYs.. bf,them bade wing ' ' 'ea their lepainted. • • .yariqua models . Ne*' We. find. hi.,0obgreater adVances, • .. The 'true• birds, however; were not Later true birds began to appear. clent life baited 220,000,000 years. : _ And Now can,:it stand11,all the maker gather No man. has a rightle exPect t sky: :-TheY like to recount"Ttlielr alrferil-lini'but rtbe-f4O•-"b°41:!:.42-heni-,ztaking_..ple.e.e inlar less evolve freet.tile pt4edectvl butlreni "e shall see ,at..e'r, •recently held atthe Parliament time. • A. -little help twee. and- little help tortes' and heve others render:homage all was 'One o i ti , p;or, : The Age of iteptiles-beginswIth „ „ . , • I a th another reptile, 'aa.' • And• ter • the :parts that , are ge#tilty. But thiS Man diti net belong 14.' years he dino other type of b.eatity. end of he great ice ge which o ed 4S his child drew to womanhood Jae ,the Era, Of Ancient. Life , '. there,'their courage, Perstheranee and Occasional Plowing; au- an average • 'once in ten Or ,fifteen Years, when 'tt- 'crop'..of oats .„ is Sown, , after .which the land iS at price brought into:- • grass . Message -t� Sod Workers.. s Addressing 'the Minna' .Convention ”dran's Aid-Srs../..ietie of On- , " • wearing, to the order of horn -blowers and feund that she was groWing, itiore and M the start of the. Age of Reptiles, ill obviate much. of the *strain On..starters. ready to ;release- a good. of Mete e • sef• ' ' th ° icteres Plailtti had Made great. advances in the recorded hy.••other..Iligues and gess.' so 0 • "a' h canvas That is why grown ever -green erp.O's. • Gradually as the Age of, Reptiles, dragged, throng , .. He merely sotteht. to. .press from his he ' believes that by watching. beauty career -or that. of any. other man--;- vie tan all:become beaMifuL., ' its' millions of. years, .tiowering plants act that one must.44st rule him- There ,arq ether people,r• however, began 'to. etvelo13- The'reptkes. began -to g self it he Wishea,th lead the: reet aid who.read bis Stery differentlY, They ' i hid, number and: fn size • ' the attar.: •• • • • ••• laudatory talk 'concerning „their .Pwri. and he attributed this to the adinirs. art living out of water. • nd save the expense of a bearing deeds. He felt his • biography to be t ion she held for the face t he had seen • We finel' Palm -like cYcads ••aad• low- , • •••-:FiARQL1),. •osr eit.• eiYjr001,ca°*'arkindrE4. of the. mould That -brings y - Seed to,,tiowev,, - Ind ,of the AU -bright' bour., ole gaunt shapes shoulder earth, a*WaY. on-ehnik'41.SATIV'ea'nia,1;daY,..: And tardering.-theM. with grace, Still in my garden's- IIttIe. room - The roelti'keep their Plate • larhaLaa tlW.hille they And motionless, and old and Wise.' ' Biggest Gamble of All. you promise never to*. gamble?" •. • •• • • , • ' .42-4/int tren!t•-we,ta..,..h.e.married?".• - • • 'what's In' a Name? - Iew inarried a ,Gentile and tbey Oth on surveying life -forms. . At the elose of:the Age. of Reptiles, . . • the mammals Or: warmbloOded animals began' to appear. . . They were small and insignificant at the time, no larger' than. Prieent-day •. • • rats and mice. • .- '11,tit auddenlY a •chatige came The, . .. Age of Reptiles ended. Geologists aren't . -sure Just what , caused the ..0.;w• wtl• at that he- who' " ' ' ' • '‘ • phenge.. ,They know that there Was a .to Ample her. .• He wanted. te' 'hav:e a . . • - . , cannot control himself Is ,s y. t at , , was tt „ g . . . . IlUda' little girl, andrild.11'••t., IP • . Gentile na-rne. liemet. U. friend who not • fit to be intrusted with 'the. Min- fate, all _the timerwith 'perhaps. a,. keen Ip the.sea, great fish lizardanaddled" great "revOlutlo.nT'' or.tpheaval of the about land4: it Was this :upheaVal that..firs1 • OUland• 'Veritable.dragons, the clin,o-. bought t.h.e.,,Rocky Meuntains late' agement •.:aa.d, . the vi,,eifoi.e ' of other remembrance o'f his Wife; Whoin ' she, asked hini what 'be 4.ad° ininietV the' 1)foannd' ‘..a....:natne:thitt:pleaSed' there.. it ourselves to Wither ugly and bitter • ....dinosaurs ' were more . The. reptiles were ever-specia . . an) o e• . , . , . ., ' tl • Th' first•dino- They couldn't meet the new condition's buSiness,organization,, or fl:,.oivi.c of... But the fact leo-mins. -unlesrs•iwener- A friend' lisf . Washington Said: piie :WaYs.'7.' Apil, it: had••nb.age. The 'finite satirs .w.ere Pre... .Y i " 'b upon the earth. - ' ' : , hacta dery ten:4)er, bathe :h d - . ' : dation' of. youth. lies. Within. mirsel *. : ing • creatures. living on plants. ' •Bnt Ai.a. resultthe great reptilee died ' chi,,reaching , bomis ' he Said; : fe; itife; I 'hat a,' nanle ,i'eru the:habY." „• " ' 4. '.4 .se"we,..can cnitivate Pe.rsiinal _and test_ nieat-ea.ting.dinosaure which, Preyed'on 'out and the mammals .liegan. to 'take by Ho replied that•he.hed' net yet huMan„. ein0.? fth, een• duct, of a, r.9.semb°{1. ' . . • saurs, aPPeared.' ' • , . existence , North America.. lizeu eigenie .the eaid,Why, ,den't tbetfilemestic nalt. .4ll • • • • '.• • than .100 feet in leng. eor • . , , al - you, eel, her Hegohis?,, • of the fain, ily. thoughts • beauty, can be with. us . is: .it?" , site' asked. •• .cau her Yugheenie.'P ' - • ..LOcky idRight .. „ ...Tinaltin-"lohear that While- .in Af- Tice yea. went Oxi a. big tiger. hunt. Did you have:any „• Watkina-,-'1Yea. see • a One." MINION ETHNOLOGIST TO STUDY ANCIENT CIVILIZATION . In an: effort ,to. trice the, ancient lerrand under the direatiOn.of •Iir. Alba . ..... • .‘eiYilizatien Of the Eskiino.S, and deter- . . • •'.11:iine,- if .poSeible, the, tread,Of their mi- gration eastward across the top of the . . . . werld„.Dr.,,I.3,1atilbad'i.eillea.••O.L.Ottavila; leading authority :on •Eskinio..Iffe; hav- . . . . . , bonainien GoVernMent . •, ethnologist, ilig 'sPent haany Years. in'. theArctie, ion' yes, iiimempier.fo-r Nome, where ho His researches took • him' froin -Cane • ' Ilarrow to Coronation Gulf; and it is will Outfitan expedition to explore le teSeek traces Of the Migration of the. •' 'the North-west 'end to the East '' - • natives front Asia,that he is he,ading . _ . .., Dr, Jennes will Study and record the the present expedition •for Canada. He grapaniaticalconstruction of ' native Is incliked to the belief ;that following .dialeeta. ' 1•.'' - • • • , a Migration; from Asia adross:. Bering If perniistion tan be obtained r :Strafes thoutiands of •Year ago, there . . .. • .. . the Seviet..Governnient .he will cross may have been .a .return • migration tr.. ;Bering straits °to Russian territory' to Asia at a:later period. • eXeavate into the Offs there; 'where I -I 'expecte, that, very iriiportaat in- .. -, evidericee,: of an early 'Civilization are formation will reAlt,from the exceva- reported t� exist • Permission ; from, 'dont that hie party *ill Makewest of 1.:Itutteitt, has been asked. through dinio-. Nothe. tie also may examine two..18- •onatie'Ciiannel,S; lint it*aki"iint yet been IMO'S , in the straits between ,Alaska granted, ° • . , • ,, \ and ,the Russian terrItery; it being re- . Follnwing the • Obtaining of': Derails- petted that eVidetica ' 'Of a4. ancient :shin to egt?loredn -Alaska-, . the •Onited Civilization haVe' been' found there. , . States Netional liIiiseum• anifotniCed Dr, .Jennas .Will recruit his expedi• Herdlicks, a atited ' Dr. Jennes, who has been in the ser- vice of the Dominion -Government for a number of Years, is< Onsitlered a: . , ,-1ud5u1ILeuL' •' - * . • - hag 'loveliness which' will combat any *tree, ' the type of man who never -4 • , .. ••• ••• • . -•••• ye. p .. .. Mcidern motbers, toe, have begun 'to . 'offers, any challenge, lest he shall of- ' • .,...Some of these...meat:eaters Were able Reptiles' into. varions periods. • These speaks out, ',nor acts with Vigor, nor ravages et time::: . - ... . • • k ' • fend. , 'He is .a,.pcior, pitiless, spineless, real°,-- , P that their own poise • and atti- to..?Itt.'''" t. .s an. apr g ,. a anti ng . their are callede. r as c,Jurassic., , ct i 1103 I' ° i th • '' th T r Si Co- , . . •.. , , , . . • • , . tude, toWtirds -life is �f great value to • . ' • ' ' •••,,, .• •• ' - • , 'boaieS on their Strong hind legs and inatichian rand Cretaeeous„.• - , ' - • ...creature who ,dares nor call his 'soul ' • - . • ' • 'Ring WeaVY tails. • Next article' , lb t M " I force to, reveal 'should Use It on :ends young so that theit• children will. come'. '-'-'''' • - --• :"'' ' that are-worth--While-not on the ex- to them with their prole -en -It • for .guid: '1i:within' of Vainglory,: jealous rage. and ;ante. N.AturallYenceigh, YOung •peopie 'spleen, in, matters that concern, mere have a tendency . tc;•.belleve that old; iy himseif. , ' ., • . • - . folks .'•‘donie•tuieratand," ' * • ' .. . . • . , . , . other and -sm.aller creatures, 'later de-' -,their•plaee.'; 4 ' • The' geologist divides the Age of his own But he Who , has dynamic their .children. They keep" themselv,es . , e Age o amma "To Home Again:" 0,• lovelier to ine'thaii* the laud organ ' • 2 pealing ' • . IS thia.Nrrglish, belt •Quartering the 'quiet 'hours • Of a, 'homeland ',dusk ;' And :lovelier to, -Me than the lcivelOit Moth -"I don't like these mte.v fang - led caadles. There -no eliiitee Of. get- .tirfg burntl" ' Poptilar Fairy. Tales. The lingering -twilight of tD.is, English AA, • t. --Frederick'Niven. Folding the roee. Our ApPetites•Growing. 'The trim Mature gardens ', The cleat red homes, , .... • . ' ''• • • , HUMan.beings todayeat from three 4)- four times as „much as their Stone "Grimm's Fairy Tales.,". including pf these my kin s .. ., . • ‘. age 'ancestors, asserts a British s.cten- Tom•;;,,Thunab, • Hans and Gretel., the `And,,Icivelier th tile than the lovelleSt • These soft kind looks,, -.4. the broWn, nut from the tree, • ••• New Watch Bands., " * '. . Of Eaglisii. eyes: . . • girt heart ef haPPY 'little bird ne'ek ' . ., , , I • . ' -. Trees in Canada. . ---- Ittiank•my.••Cred thati_can See The, blossom on the maple tree; . I thank: my kGod .W•hen I behold,. • •• Some morning after rain, new gold . • Sifted upon thet:famaracke:, i' „ •• • • Wriest) very. nerne of grandeir smacks, . As of rPestinee does ledge -pole 'pine; . , I thank God for thesilVer. Shine, ', • i , :Throtigh •dusk. woods, of a 'birch tree ' stem. ' ' A Buildings, TorOnto, Mr. J. Ike-so- :gave- .social workers .the following - message: Keep *arm in your heart the 'real spirit' a Sympathy and,goOd will for. the poor, ..the distressed;..the erring, for we can. accomplish' moreof ,permanent geodhy It -friendly forg-' hig attitude than' we can ever hope tor', through -employing: the 'Machinery 'of ' law. Officialdom -following blindly tr. set .formnia-hardens and deadens; ' • but love restores and makes 'Olive, and this ,alone, gives' inflneace and power in philanthropic as lin Christian do thank God for,all:Of them, . • • promtall aad.s•tately. Deems fir . TOO Much. , 'To little twisted juniper; „ Psineare the Artisti-7-"Yes, Mr -Peck, tetald go down • upen 'My ,knees making a.speaking likeness of your Wife.". • . • Henry' N. Peek-•,,A'A' speaking -like- ness?•• I- wthildift think' of asking that Mach of . . • Our. 'guiding principle should be to overcerne •with `good; to, Substitute reformation ,for punishment, to im- prove or change environment; to re- store self-respect and I the- sense of responSibility, antaken in dormant hearts it real desire for better . nobleiTivirig. Such pelicy animating all our actions .will surely be produc- tive, of lasting results, ,and give to the . worker a joy and -satisfaction set-. vice that will compeniate for all the failures and:disappointments that are more or less 'inevitable in Spite of our best-efforta. - • • . - Swallows. Wid,e'fields of air left luminous,' • Thoiigh now the uplands comprehend .• How. the Min's loss Is ultimate:, • - The silence zrows; but*still to us Prom yon• air -winnowing breasts elate The tiny shrieks of glee deeicent. Deft wings, each moment ts resigned And sing God thanks for all His trees. Some toueli of day, smile pule or light, While yet.in ,poised, delicious curve, , Ecstatic doublings down the wind, , • 9, lovelier to, me than .Streets:Of geld . „ • ' "Sing Blithe Bird!' , sta,rs , ' plucked the perry from the .bushv•tist, frog' PrIace, Ilthinpelstilskiri, and hun- drede of. ethers,' are actually folk talee, of Gerniany4vIlich were collected from • the peasants and compiled•in the flret, half ,of ,tlie nineteenth „century . by two" , --A. E. Johnson. , brOiten was by me. ' ,> „ .,,,...A. more 'enappY'. 'hand fOr•••the wrist lieSte, watch 18 being triedin Leaden instead '''-'-'. ,„ .' , . ' I saw, there le their curious . . ' ''' •"' close eroliellings slyl.Y. peer . Of the Ustial plain. black !noire: 'Wrist- brOtherS, .prefessore. at the University; , To Crimp Persley,.„ lets in fancy, colors, patchwork and ..Of Berlin. .ticob Grimm. was born ab „.• Wash and pick I.' from the large' With their . i, d eyes, like glittering , . v.° ° • em,broulery are being worn bY a few: • Henan, January 4; 187.5,, and broth- . stooks , 'After the...fish or 'Meat. has ,. , •,• beads. , o note ic_. harm er, Wilhelm, 'February 24. 178q; .. 'been fried, boil. fin' .the• fat. ,ip a hian, ' .,near; . • , _......._,..,..._-,,.: .!..,... . , , „ . s • put in the Parsley aed it Will SOQII crisp 1 pro.,,,sed -them by. ,and blessed them • ' • . . . Hebrew/ Bible • • • • s • . • • • and retain its.coler.. Take‘it put-apd -1 felt Itiat it as,, goo . • Long Journey. I 25 s for I" t from Washington. a similar and, white assistants will be engaged. 148g,' • before the fire. • • • whose twine Was'in the Wood. travel from the s , ta ,Vega•to the earth • *111 • that :an E;xpedition also would be sent 'tion at Nome where native workme111 n The entire liebrew bible waS inipttd dr it from the fat for a few mihuteS To leave unmoved the ereatures Small • t retie res year , o M Urf AND JEFF -By Bud Fislier; 1 • • 77'7 • inis.-grarommismorommilimor" , , . For Duce the Little' Fellow Proves He. Has Brains.: YOU BALLet• .This takiebING US 1,N, JActst.tikitL.Le•• 11-1-UWAS ..I.N33EAD (se ...1Act<seNv(u_ek • tai-imil) A.N.11) Now •io,vyc. :ouk. LAST Tli(2.c-E. tl,VCItS t'i*itT“ A co iti ThAt' via CAN COA‘it Tuie A milclore- out oF• IA% S • NteT6fe.cyl-et 004IC-. A RUT oFFICt-R, t'AV tPANTs: TO CALL oF MAT CRA,ZY ,f4c-T,1, • t FINE: EASY iAtBe'r moNdy! srAwbst IT'S TEN) MiLeS To ilia OLD 6Att:t.' ,ANb, Att.IT BActc. • ti c- ("4 Etve MiNlifre/S"'..: Li %MN:. R( ? RIGNT0'. 'S'TO ON • Cr, WeLt. NEVCC**: ISO Cr ti• X. , 13*uT t WONBCR w NAT'S DC-TAiNiNG V-ke7c`A , AND. we: Tb Et:cMtD6 c-KtIzeks lito mtiroRcycLe- I3Ac.Ic To NINO. • 7,--oowAkett: 44, '•°'-‘,`"°;-• 4.1 fo,;.•••• \ , ..• .t* .r.S4A 44• '41, • • ``. • T."-••,•• Light dash and , and sidelong , • swerve ' • Yon try each dainty trick of flight. • Hash, onceagain that cry "hitens.e! . High -venturing spirits have Your will! Urge the laist•freak, Prolong 'year Keen Voyagers, white still the immense , Sea -spaces haunt your memory, with sesta and Plugs Ineffable Not In the stitishiod of, old woods , ' Ye Won your 'Warrant io be gay By .dnieons sweet :obset,inucEks,•, who dared" 'tltrough..•,darkening .s011,, • tudes,', . ' ' ' And, Mid .the ItiSs. of alien sear', The larger ordinance obey. • . 1 Old Castle, C-. • ' rn e'rieeleth castle :;\.'alTs a huge ' breach has been discevored and there a danger et Alds•aneitint CarnErv--. Aire landmark iat4ing• into ruin.•.:An : • ar:chltect renorteg that.the Casite had een trarabling fast .tt reeciit years; and r(nthnatic- sL1l •, were takew the' tine old pile wcuid be a 'bolistoS by .• ' Welsh prhicest the .cattle WAS,. partly restored in 12/16by Ward I. :11 was beseiged tmo ttiginantted ()wain' diarrian;t10,(1 by croinwell, and- once More repaired; The 61;011111W, hat been mitred to ,prese•rve . the ancient , pile. : • .4aA.AAA A Dutelt engineer: has construbted lidlt,only lot eighth eftin ittOf 491 can be iteapd'idiiginritility yet away:, ,,t)tt should. be attathediVtd ° every collar stud. -. punch, . • . . • , . - The name Beeziebub means '‘godeof Luce• . _ , • , •