HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 54
-74UCKNOW r3E11141E0
THUIISI)At, ;UNE 17th.,
4 ,
.>"'"1"1 PAGE VIYII •
the new easy way to haw
beautifulwaxed floors and linoleum.
This Outfit Consists Of: `
L., -Quart johnomes Liejuki Was $1.50-
1—johneon's Wee4 'op • .50
1—John.on'a Wounated float
Polishing Btooll
-1-40mM' Bo.okon Homo
.25 •
Saving e Of $1.75
We have in Stock
now an Electric Floor .,
• Polisher tor rent by -the hour or by the
day. Pay us a call and make your floor
Poiishing easy..• s
'Our Price is right on Coil Spring wire
and Barbed Wire,
Fresh Car Cement Just Unloaded
Mr. Dick Elliott add lir, 'Billie
Jackson have each parchased, a Ford
Mr. and Mrs.- Abe ThompSon, and
iw's• (Eizai4 Paryiq"Viaited at . Mr,
neliris. Hetherington's on Sunday.
T..he HolyroOd . Women:3 Inatitate
will hold, -their annual garden .party
Friday, Jove 25th, ' in ,Acicert's Or -
hard. Kincardine Pipe Pipe Rand will be
:resent. A ,$0,oft Pr9gi,a44 . c9rsiat.7,
'nz- of mask, sPesclie-i.sand.:ieedinka
will be given.‘AdrnisSien• 0e;44, 15c.
1IIolYrood; Come, and haVe, some, 'fin:
'•' MiSS", Edith:Pennell spent the week -
..91d at ber'hnine in Culross. , -': ..,,
lir:, erid:r•Mrs't 'li Oeorg-o '• .4-larriston
speht ;Sunday with. Mr: •anS krii..• H.
. . .
---,!..rdiaa""ice-ilaTriSteri: Sang a" Solo at
he, SacraUleatal,..",servicS .at ' 'Hely-
:04 ,* 'United -ohnrZh, Slinday.
We- are are -glad to' see Mip.,:-Margaret
Eaker able to be out agein. . • ;
' The, -community Moarn the death
of 'an,old and esteemed pioneer, Mr,
,Tolin 0.-,nio.,.
Mr. and mrs; Ed. Palmer of• Kin.
znidine, spent Sunday at. Mr. Thos.
. .10. and- Mrs. Charlie Congrain IV:
Dungannon,' spent Sunday With their
.J010,, Mr; Chas. CongraM.
- ' Mr. 'and Mrs,,. Howard Elliott, of
'Detroit, and Mr.;:Joe ' Elliott, are
71siting with their sister, Mrs. Al;
mer Aelcert:„ • '
• Abases Pearl and Phoebe Cengram
spent • the week -end at their ' home,
Mr: 'and.. Bias. Almer 4.'ekeit ..rill-,
tended the Moffat -Elliot wedding at
Wingliam. ' • ' . ' ', ,
Tbe Holyrood ' Womecee, ,Institute
tield 'their monthly meeting at the,
•home Of ' Mrs. Goo:, Dell, on Tnesday,
ovening, tantle' S.: Thexe. lwasle '',1arg-P
a. ,en ance.- •.e amnia gar on, par-
ty Was 'planned-- for and it was ..dei
'. - ded' that -it be held on Friday. oven-
!', :June „25th. grg: Drown gave an
trail:en:tat A, "duet. was alo , giv-
. en bY. .1'1..rri. Fred ThomPaori and Miss
.Daisy Ayles.„ At .the slose : of ; the
' :eeting 4 s'plendid Mach' Was 'served
y the hostess,- ,
.Phone 66.
arOare Coal
Prunibixig Tinsmithrng
Nailed in /large boards direct to studding,
right ‘over damaged walks or faded unillpaper. /
Easily, 'quickly applied, without muss,• at
surprisingly low costs
Gyproc will not burn. It is heat' Cold and
sound resisting. Makes a continuous wall
. .
of rock* that is very_light in weight. Drop
in arid we will gladly explain Gyproc's except-
ional advantages.
For Sale by Wm: Murclie & Son
Kr, • Robert Watsen hae.-inve4ted,.iir
Ford car. r • • • • •
. • • .
nuMbe.i. ,ef the Fioiverdzile
)eOple ;attended • the funeral: 'of the
ate W *..CoOk"" KinioUgh, r' last'
.WednesdaY,-, • .7. •
. • ,
Mrs... W. ' P, MacDonald . on „the.
ick lit
Inapecter'. 'Bald visited our -school
'ast Thursday and. promised the puri.-.
Os .half holiday.. •
• • 'Mrs.: John BuMarchY 'visited ; her
, laughter, Mrl. A.. 'Oraham, . Thurs,-,
. . • •
. Mr. R.. Martin' IS buiy, operating a.
grader on :the read, these days.,
. 'Miss Lillian Smith is improving
and .Waa. able Spend (the:Week:end,
is LeekneW,..1...ecently„ \
' :g4ozi<af..ineo.•hav,e ; been busy the
past weeks hreeking op 'fifty acres' of
laiid for flak, oil, the far:1%6f ,DonaldMacMurchy.
• S.
of an
•••• •
• V.V....V.+,
• •
r-ONBIDEBAN4i. Canada's progress during the past
`m! tot* years there ieno robin fer,pessiniism.-And
Ca t tidiane 'fade their probleini goitely and ;attabli
' with, Cottage .it .wellid be 'foresee
ith4Olinits to .0iinadn't. future prosperity."' sat&
• Beatty, K.C. President. of the. Canadian Platte Rill.
on NOv.etniber 7th, last, on the ottatdon,lif ,the
., fortieth inatVeristery., the .COnSOletloti 'nf the tan-
• tidian Paiestio PaltWOY..." Mr, Beatty nutde,...knewit to
World .hitt belief that the present prehlencia Were,
reere 'diffiCiilt thin thes'e, ,forty Yeare..ago Juld
' 1048,- able to cope with them; .
Forty. years ego Canitcle.bed a ponniation ot 5,000?
4100 as•tent-Pared 'tr.:- 9,600;000 at present. It .10.
• inankable feet that 'the Canadian Peniiin*RillwaY
Cargpan$* iPint 410;000,000 of their : owe •eaoney In
, sib*: it the llinninion, And •• Nat tar the
•' 0044.1 9100 $0,01 ‘gettOtt. lreat
forces so did 'the Construction of. tile "Canadian Pa-
witelining odde.,. The men who hod. creation
faced. thin often, ' • • •,
Today as a; result of the -courage,. the ter•eighte&
nese and the optiniisai of .the bUllders ot 'the Can-
adian Pacific, thOreliabilitY-of ..the.Centpany has come
*hi be on accepted fact the erotta Over and has beett
recognized abroad -at the tangible evidence of Canada'.
poaltion •
Just • forty, 'years 'ago, NeYeniber 1885,' 'Mr;
lieatty recalled, the ritlis,tn,et• oreigellachie in the
Dame Paoli`, Cif when a tense of Melt rittaled
Donald. gnifth.later.Lord.Strittlieoria, driite the Iget
keihsi Others In '.`the group picture S.0.0Y6. 144
diude Sir Wilifatn' Van Horne, Sir Sandford Pi
5/lajor.110garlii,thuter gosorg Pia, Gili01\10,1t
40 mid oseo,x,„„11, „.
• . ST, HELENS • .Bfrg, Moore, • Teeswater, and Mrs., fan
. . Mel Rezd, Lucknow, gave Bible read; un OSS 0 SHEEP
TOM' of Wiaghamg Iles. been
Astor wth'Ileg liai01#91.7( *1.13' Mc-
Roberts. '
• / and jaP*,, Durnin' an(1.1nin,
ily, and and Mrs. R. Webster
a;tended the WebSter at. Day.
fieki on Saturday. •
'Mr. 'end Mrs.- Salkeld, J:
Salkeld, Miss: Mary •Selljeld ,ancl
J. T, Salliejd', of : Goderich, wer
visitors witn. Mrs. lc', Nine'', on
Monday.• ' .\-`• • •
Lorne Webb Webh had the Unisfor-
4litle,:to.46;0i16:26.111ar. hnhe broken
.while playing soft. one .aight 1401
Ara,nu, d,b:P7r -7494,7i7i;ird74.11e1:e 011
1d fam'
Mr: and Mrs. John -Clark Toron-
MeSsrs;;Geerge, Clark of Hamilton
and : Donald of Ottawa, 'Mrs.-4-41ex.
M`eLenlean, Of Cht0a$P2 Miss Oblins
'dark *of ,Watfords. nnd .14ts,
icifieirithah Miiontoa and
Dowell of Westfield, ' are ' 'MrS.
Clark's...They, and IVirs;. Clark . have
ayinnethy of centinanity, Ow.
frig to the death, of Mr. Clark, which
.took place on Sunday evening: .1r.
the \ death • (4; Clark, St, Ilelerw.
trUly suffers' a . severe loss.
The following' are a -low ..of Ott'
scores , Made at the Rifle /langeS oii
Tuesday, 'out. of a possible 70: '
Ms:LE:1776.nE. '
Jas. Aitchison,• 50
A. 'D. .Anderson, , , 58
W. ' A. Miller. • 58G. ,
J. purden ,57,
MO.K.• Webb
W. yVebstei • • '5E
IVIieDenald ' 54
MentbSre. ;Of the Rifle go tc
"Goclerieli on Thursday for the',Coun:
,ty_Shoet. . • _
We `-ire,.ort....y. L. -rkrinfirt
11111 e§S , James
The Anneal :Seamier , Meeting'or
the Woaien'S. Institute will be held ii
the :Hall On ''..Wedneedey': :aftern.O.on
jtine All the' ladies'. are :
ed to come arid hear the lady speaker
By •LuCeeiiki Bori ' •
- To lily Way. of.,thirilting there, are
few' thing so sad as without
some •particular . interest hobby
that they can 'beck upon and en•:
JuY• ,
I .am Moire to rnentitnOthia because
sometimes tole in"enntnetWith Wo:
Mett-whh'eeenilo have the Paranit of
"beautir ,es 'their Patti•Ctilar hobby,' but.
who really ,hate no-sPeCial, interest
. side. freni this. Now this state of af-
fairs seems really sad to tne. and it
particularly sad, WOnian who is
rio 11Mger. young. The woman who her
• pasSed. her 'first. Yotitn must be inter-
ested. in _ether, things heaidee. dottier
'and 'good looks V She is to be really
The morar of this is: Cultivate youi
,hobby While You, are, young. Don't let
yourself; he- so bUSY in the pursuit of.
beauty. that you haven't. tinie for Othe1
things, things that Will. last after 'the
first: hlocorn of 'youthful beauty haF
gone.' You. can 'easily take care of
your -groo,ming . and ypur looks and
have : serme ., Pet ',interest' aside from ,
these as * ;7' .
:. There is .vionian who lives •in the,
Suburbs' end -Who. has a plot Of her
OWn. in the yard which- is gardeo,
•Dhe spends all het •spare tinie there
and She has, transformed the plot into
lovely ,gardea. 'Incidentally
She; cultivates her Strength and health'
as well as the berth, and she still, firids •
timw.te, look after her beauty. •
, Now the Woman Who is busy all. da
about necessary work May not .he able
to' have a real garden, but it's remark-
able licit a few small flower,beds will
•iiourigh With*. 6 small' amount of at
.tentien. 'tten ther's the woman. whc.
lives in the city epartment and who
„ quite hilay looking -after 'a farnily
but she still Arids. tinter to give to her
..niusic. each day,' and • she's ' a better
, satisfied and more 'elairtning personA
because of it. • ' '
,The yOung girl who Works in an of-
fi..2e by da may mey •find it'netessary to
' discover it different 'hobby from either
of these. With some it May be boOks.
with. ethees ikniey pursuit which
:obeepice •webh.eacig, such as amateur
iihotOgraphY. ..But with is the
building' up -Of 'Some interest that •,ir
pleasant and diverting:and Whitlimay.
mean Otero- in tireel,..‘Wf Stress,', ,
Find your hobby and. enjoy .1t, and
you ten still, have to. ihte
your. good leeks- and. yeur.,Other in-
terest. • ; • • :
ings, containing very • preetical les. T• „
sons. .
RatItIvell lcd in Prayer. An
(4:total:Wing number of 'he
sgrat need 'f
the Gospel, among the .heathen,
how we should . he prepared to Mak:
4.acrifice . here in order to help Mee:
steapp, froin .1tailititcon W4=
'the 'Main , speaker for the • Ineeting;'•
and belt! .the attention O her audz
C. N. MacKenzie ',of
*.Nre`n,1111.1.7t. re90.1:
ef.0(0•*W.-M:S.• 0.1e. wal4coli
,11fro,' D. Little 4IaOgave ii shorl
• •. , •
..addressi• reviewing• '.1yfissionar:‘
responsibilities, showing -
be ne,eessary, for. the society :to. do, h.;
order . to carry out the great tasiF...o••
.the: 'United ''Ohureh. • •
Nig.' (Rev.) J. 'IVI:acicinnon•of (Theo
ley, correePpOing•seneterY Brae(
Presbyterial, spoke on- "Our Budget,'
and conducted the questionaire iiig
capable manner,
• Appropriate 'music' was furnisher
by the TeesWater ladies, : and
.nt,ch apprecinted.
A inosi pleasing, number was
chorus by the Mission band: ,This Mis
.sieni band has a.; mewiberSh:p of sey
entY. Seven and is a credit to Tees.
wb ea. ihegre rid att. k‘ was.ecl bti' inn6hsittyPt.'1;n6dtabeint;u11:,
ia4h. and Wili. be productive of mucl
good., -;Cor. See'y.
4 f-`+.6•••16'.0..+4
ere and There
S. Janowski - and ' B. Stanitauser,
the former. Polish immigration dele-
• the Polish Minister Of Agriculture,.
I are in Canada for a six-week •StUdy.
of farming .Cenditiens in Western
sections' of the Dominion, • They 'will
also* look intothe distribution Of:
.,wcirkamo, rig ..t!ie Polish eolenlei.,!. in
Canada. :
. •
Four fielierinee •from' the 'United
States went fishing on the Caine
River, isIeW Brunswick, for 13. days
recently, and caught 340 flail: gate
'°f bicirigtngCali:2kh7t
a 43 -inch ,
pounds. Others in the party were:
Fred NT Peet, Dr. E. R. Zimaternian
',and D. • IL ;Faxon) Only barbless
• hooks were ased• go that no fish' were
either kilted or injured.. '
, • • • .,
..The second largest outdoor swim--
mieg pool -in Canada has been olieaed.
at Lakl Louise, on the Terrace be-
tween the dining room of . the Cha-
teau and. the Lake. The new POol. is .
100 feet long and 40 1feet wide.- It
is • surrounded by, tall concrete • col-
umns, between Which there -are
gentle sheets' of plate glass, pro-
viding a 'wind break against, cool
breezes. •
Approximately •190,000. live, fish,
fresh from c• AtrieriCan hatcheries,
passed .through. Dominion Express
Yard's; \ Windsor Station,: Montreal;
recently,..on their way to Beauchaine,
Qi!ehe.,c,, They; *ill be used to...Steck
jprivat,e: takesin ,porthern." 'Quebec
owned by by wealthy eitizen.s of the
'U.S.A., who, prefer the virgin' hills
and forests of Canada to the; densely
popidated summer resorts of . their
Own Country. •
:NO'iman . 'E.. WilicinsOri, Louden,.
.EnglanL, inventor. Of camouflage
painting's whichwas used exterif-
ively ,during the late War, arrived in
Canada on the Canadian Pacific
liner "Mcintcalm" with 'his wife re-
centlylfor a tour of the Demieion.
Sir Clifford' Siften, proinirieet
ront,man, and Sir .Stepford Prune
ten; M 1 M C, fainntis 'mineral geo-
logist, also arrived on the • sante '
1. resseL
• AT TEts8vAtEit •
A Sectional ,meetirig, „of the Bruce
',Presbyterial,enniprisinf ,ten.'atiil
itiriei Was, held, in the Church:
Teeewatee,on 11.1no, pth,'inereihe,t'As
sion at 10,30j., ii4primon meeting,
1,80, • :
Mrs. Ilallagh,. 'peeeWater, presided:
,,tho ioining fireetiiig • tind'.. gra
.Davey, of bhesIey,', President of thc
Presbyterial, gave a very
spiting address' suidprealdOd at tlie
f ,
• COI; C. IL D. Ryder, C.13i, C.I.E.,
D.S.O., chairman of the Air. gurvey
COnipany of London, England, later -
viewed 'Premier Mackenzie king
and th prime ministers Of the vari-
ous provinces with regard to find-
ing out. the 'prospects of OurYeying
practically the -.whole 'of ' the Do-
minion by • air. He 'also wishes to
know about -the possibility. of Com-
bined federal and provincial action
'or these 'surveys... • •."
:hit return •frent. Urecantiohr
inspection Of the Conigaity's Western
Crint. M'aIGNIceiPito**, nt
,the Canadian Pacific Railway; Stated
- that ektiorta, to the . Orient,. in the
terra of grain, flour, dressed meats
;-.•tincl..i.notor.cars\Were:Steedily intro:as-
Aug 'in volume -and that :trade. With
;Anstrallii had been Considerably'
itimulated by the,. ..trede arrange.'"
• monis with that D�fltliui�n Mr.'• Hell
'adsle,t' that conditions Weise geed in
the West, , The, Mining, industry in
Lititith Cbtuplbia shoed up weU,•
;* while loather shipmentswere haiWiar
, thati.latt year.
WLTO .1r9R; .ThE I.41.0.01443*
• WORN:. ; •
404 Illo of POals Is An011ot
*tat Malady Saggestigfle for
..1yeatment,of• . Meth, Troubles.„ *
:(.0OattlbAuteed.o'g'04Y,' t040‘..i1440,47)tiaell.. of
Thla Parasite Is prObably tee00.4.7
Ible for *.tne. greatest :ins* to sheep
breeders., iidegy-goeh .9yi49ya,40, not
;mow. that. ;nett pheep. are suffering
lnvaslon :of
crQurt'ulb-tr-b4yh!iTel It tor :Atli IC; 'Y'tPtliT ;7114h, sheep
• • . • .: , r
are the Teri it of ether, nt.tiaenCeet..•
etonia.cli wormy .larvae
presentonthe. blades of green grass•
awaiting the -.Ceraitig ;of the, sheep or
,ififebe.. • The' sheep , pihhiea off ...the
‘!,,Btr."118,13:4:400:,'otatitterilec' .,10::othn4
goille7ge, 9104M4inne447.4.1etealtotpasehtebein'.la:tlittlrfi.tile...
few, bailee .114,
when present in thousands they make'
their presence apparent by 'eatiaing
digestive ,dletuirbance anda general
unthrifty condition. . •
Preperation. bt'Vrench.
Copper sulphate cryOteli four
otinces, . disselved, in w quart of het'
water and then 'addto three gallop'
of 'water. Thia is 'Suffielent to &tee,
.100 sheep, ... • .
Drenching Is beet done, :With the
Sid 201 .a three -eighth ',.inch rubber
tube, . 3 or 4.feet long, one pad -to go
In .the "sheep's. Inouthand one end,
• etinnectedtoa. funnel in which. the
liquid dose may . he „paired,
The ,dose • for a sheep Orer.". BO
pounds' in weight 18 4 ounces • of th0
Solution; • lairibs weighing 60„, -rounds
takes 3 ounces. • . ,
.* - The sheep should be, treated every
tor Weeks' daring the pasture season
111itiriauch time the pest has been
eliminated ,frian'the promisee. •• .The
W6r1t well done ' for two 'least:lea is.
pufficient to clean " uPthe,. pastures.
Reineinber fhe*, young Worni ,spends
Pert Of Itailife on, the *rats :and. part
of thetime in thesbeep'S stomach:
-drenching be Careful there Is-
darf-er o' the '^Olution finding' its
•Way'to the lungs. Two men are need -
'ed, one to handle the sheep and the •
othertodo the•drenching. god the
.:eheePli, head ',horlientaL. not -up, .and
,Bive the animal a chance te.:Swallow
In as natural 'a' way as possible.. Don't
hurry arid be Sure and .keep the IIpB
level,, just so the liquld will 'ran.
Out of '. the . mouth. Lambs * are not
'Arenehed,, until , they are . weaned.''
•TeMPOrary -pastares. as Clovers; rape:.
11•Ye, oath, Peek, and turnips, are an.
aid in keeelagthestoinach Wornr.M4-.
der,centrOL—L..:Steveneon, Dept. of .
„ .. •
Erten:den; 0..A. College. -
• 'Aim:ILL. OF FOAM'.
?An Acat.4!.Difect..Aliinininge isase.Of jr"00,
' 'A.' heavy toll is, taken: spring
from the recently-beita. foals :by this
'disease which is as Widelipread . as „the
hOrse.industry. • . • .•
•1•Voint ill".is recognized as an acute
Infectious disease of young animals
and:. it Is .eltaracterIzed :• by, Inflamma-
tion and abliCeiie re:imago:0i, affecting',
:the joints :and limbs. • The disease
May .develop ase result �f infection`,
•eithe,r'before or .after .btity.... •
symptoms. .
In most •casei.ittfectiOn7takes. place:
obortly. after.• birth and •sYintams de-
iyelopduring 'the:first three weeks o1.
the foal's life, 'First there Is fever,'
and: breathing IS..re.p.id, and the appe-
tite is 'lessened. The • colt appears ,
dull, is ,IitMe, close examination will'
show ,one Or More .joints ,t6 be swol-
len: • This may be..mistaken for '
Jury: Segni' however, Obiiie- 'other
Joints become : 'sW011eii„ usually the
becks andkneel, stifle, letlOch aad.
elbow' May be also affected in severe
cases: •. The Colt shows ' general 'con-
stitutional :. disturbance, • by
rapid load beat 011ie heart, panting,
elevated temperature, and thirsti In
Severe 'eases the eysteniatic disturb-
inees are alWays serious, , in that the
swellings • become very tense tense and pain-
ful involving.. the .surrounding parts..
Frequently , the affected jointssup:-
eurate; absceseesi'forin, Joints break
eitit In running sotes, and eittens cOl- •
hred fluid exudes from the, skin'. The
'hair fills. Out flint arbund. the Pilate:
nel the skin hecoines bareand shiny.
fn many cases a severe diarrhoeade•
relbps and there Is ntarked-loW ot•
esh.0d' the coltbetomes too'. weak
to stand. Ifthe navel Is examiriedit
will be hot. painful, swollen, unhealed ,•
.q.nd, dribbling pus. AS the diseaSe',
,nrogresses the 'colt gets weaker, COM-
ylteatiOne 851 Pitelimpoia; periearditis
of a general SeptieConditien hastens,
Its end: Severe eases pais out iniltwo
;or three :7days; average Cases' lad'
about two Weeks; ' Any colts that re -
Cover' are left. With large hadlY4orm-
kJ...Joints •.' . ; • *
.." Curative "treatinent is not • always
satisfactory and and is.• beat. Undertaken
by the trained veterinarian,- .
Prevention. ;
The disease can be largely pre-
vented by a System calling for the
best use of hygienic and Preventative •
Medicine, The first Consideration la''
"an; abiolutely dean maternity • stall
. for the Mete, and proper attention to
all, cletalla of diaintedlott for heth Mk:
mother ,and 'foal.' Hundreds Of fettle
are 'oat by; permitting. theintn-
arounit•a manure pile•oe dirty barn
yard: . Get the& out .On Clean . green:,
grass • /Way froni ,the
tcrla Of the Stable and barnyard', Tho,.
navel reeulree attentlon. which.. can
-best be given hy-"Petti age; --1,-/-1000- bi-
chloride solution in a BlialLoW Cup
and bolding it,n,gainst the stump .of
Cord, , Dirty hallda betroth fected. h.un-
dredii SO -do Of touch the navel 'with•
..yotir:Atigert, . After immersing• the •
for 3*.
roinittet4itigat itaritlilottifie'tir dust
it1iitotringent itiWder. The astrin-
gent .POsider' may be repeated every
until the. cord Is dry. •
• , Pretective- Ofthe fog ,
,I,M,S* been practiced with nitire Or leas
iucCedn,,, but tbiS ShOtilti be adhilnis-.
.ered by a graduate veterinarian Inv,
n^eiately thee the Vial born.-
more tiOtti.::'11401 Of; 114tii104,
01,11/ • •
I — Th
Sawn lumber., production' in Nov& '
Pcoilst 412ring 1925 totalled. 390 mil-
. lion feet, aCcortling to the, provincial .
geVernment:itaiistics. Of this crap -g.
•tity 175 million feet have Jaren
130r.4d. • • .•
Canada's mineral( output ler 1925.
IS estimated at $228440,000 cOmt ,
Part.d.- with ,$209:095:400 for '1924;
The previous record Was .S.2g7036,9%""
.i65 in 1920, when metal prieesiFere
about 35 per ' cent. .higher than in
There are-4,045,760acres.of.hpine-
" 'steed landa in Manitoba a radius
'• q.f., 20 miles from railway In
all there are 25,286- qUartereatettona, •
oi suffIcient.to;.lettle 20,000 families,
the hulk of the land being. iri,Ealterri
Tho value- *of wheat :delivered° at
:Western Canadian paints from
ust •tc; December 16, 1925, :Was,.
$338;800„000; refSresenting an aver-
age cash return to farmers of over
$1;300' per farm. • This is a new high
record and the returns ere greater'
for the four ,and a half mentlis than .
"for,,the entire preceding year. • ' '
. According to inferination at Cana-
dian Pacific Railway Headquarters
at Montreal,- the Canadian curler!
who went over to ,gcotiand on. the
'C. liner "Montrose," are tearing ,
the land of the thistle with sueeesa.
The Canatlianowdefeated Strathmore
-end Loch Leven at Edinbargh.- J. G.
Macdonald, of Fort William, 'was„
still. unbeaten.: '
*,The where cempany..of "The Three
• Little Maids," an English musical
eotnedy,:stra-ring4helerahas British
comedian arrived at ,
the C..P. R, Windsor StationPgunt-,,,
. .
recently, 'end grouped, them.
selp..es, round an engine for a novel ;
photegraph. The show , is due in
Ontario during the months of Feb- ,
ruery and March.,
settlement, to be, known as the
Clan Donald. colony, Comprising 100.
„families and ,covering 30,000 _acres „
of land, will be established neer Ter- -
Millen, Alberta, this spring, through,
a joint einOraet entered int0 by the
:Canadia'.1 PaciriC RailWaY, the Over-
seas Settlement Committee and the •••
Scottish l'ininigrant" SOcieti.
The, railway 'keri purchased the land
and the*,. Scottish Immigrant Aid
Society to secure 'the inunigrante... ,
' According *. to.. a., . A, Harcourt, •
,Seeretary of the Seldiera', Rehabili-
tation Committee at 'Montreal, fine •
work has been done in the placing
of manyreturnedmen in goa4-posiz,
tions. There are about 800
.Montreal, who are: out of work, .
but .many •of these Will be placid in
the. model city •,of Arvida, Which is
being constructed bYfithe AlUrainum
John district in 9uebec. -
Company 'of :Am. ericallin. the Lake St,
Alfred 112 Devenish. has been '"itp•
pointed manager of the 116Yal Alex- ,
andra hotel, 'Winnipeg, to succeed
D.7.• Pierce who has gone to the
Vaneouver,; Hotel, according to an
&noel:interne:it: by the Canadian iflit.•
, Departmerit. Mr. Deven-
' • ed the n ific
ish Join „ e ens ac . ,
Hotel Derrtment .In 1912, .and
.later aecountant and assistant man-
agef at the:Place Viger Hotel' In
Montreal. He/Will leave the Algon-
quin Hotel at Sf. Andrews,. N.B., .'
Where he has been Manager, to go.
to Winnipeg. •• ,
Wide.anil • distingiiished galaxy'
of akerS .frOrn Great '
nce and. the, '1.;1,...nited States
announced for ,third triennial
'Rational • Conference, 'On Education,' ,
t� be held In Montreal April 5to ;
9 next. Among 'those - Included are;
The Duchess 'el Atholi,
tary Under-Secretary to the British
Board of 'Education, Sir. henry Wat-
ford ,Daviei, Chairman Of ' the • ../sla
tional 'Council of Music , of Wales; ,
,Senater Andre Iferitiortit; . fernier.
.1tenilter of tducation.al Paris; His,
''Crace , Mgr. Alfred' '..Boudrillardk •
Archbiabcip, Uf•:Paris.. 1
Air rodds Ted -to Wiiideor Station,
l'.7,11Ontreal,, for three citty:,g•Tirior to the
• opertho: of the te;nth amMat ihte.
• natnaf Kiwartis convention, Which-
oPetrod on ;1nne G. Not only was the
gii-tb•WaY .flirdeOh
a'rniy lCiwahlan Ittezoti,
i r to. Montii.cal,. e'very ,ehts;•:4f thd,.
• ',1o."':t'.11t..::()..5;ot i 1,1717:11.1"c1;'n'ilefdrItelliledress.
AckAltir-Ststion h1.1 licen chnotittited.
f ,:h4
. for. of
, • thgage • to •
sndlc t:ite .ti•ot;z,'
and, also pretty Ws' who • itahd At
Care pick 4.,.p tacks, glass, nails
MO toter.. • .