HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 1•
$too PER YEAR IN ADVAIeGle; $210 olintRwisg
:•• •
LUCKNQW),:•QPIT, .•Tiff#1.40.4T.: 41),14. 11414 1926..'.
'o 0 o o
1. ' :I
,o rgorgssioNAL cAnps, '0
Do, it M. CennelI
Menden lad Sorg,*
LuckisoWe• '
la 2-4 ' "
"'Phone se
w'br..111seLeside will visit,' °Lucknew
'eery Tuesday . Connotes
(leer Decker's $tore. Extraction
either be gal or Will be la
Phone 59
- Make appointment
In once everedaY
0-e0 .0 0 0.11 .0 0-0-e-0-41
. •
Gee. A. Siddall, • Lielmow. -Dreher
' and,Resd Estate.-e-Moriey to lend en.
, first mortgages on firftl proper-
ties,' at' 5 and 6% per cent according
to :Security offered. Also smell
sunonnt,s on seeped mortgages on
• term Propettiel and on personal
•. notes. A few geed chorine for 'sale
fea,teee patterns in stock at lowest
•,,ee_epricese e...As'_cheepeasi eeataloesiea
Aigeehook •pattenis. of ',leading men-
• Painter 14 gaper ,Hanger.
Luoknow, Flour Mill
his -* what our ,customers are
vieYing: "The first bag of leer has
been consumed and ha. Mere than
reached, our expeciatioue in fact we
consider that, it is the, best Havelock
Finer we have used,"
Why net be one of the iMieentere
getting such satisfactoryreeults from
the use of our pull?,
°For '
Lucknow; frame with cement veneer,
roof said 'walls in good. conditiqn;
'hard and soft Water; half Acre of
good land. Apply toellas. Angus•Mac-
Donald. Lucknow.17-6-P.
•` Safety Razor Blades. •Sksirpened-.
Satiisfaction guaranteed or insiney re-
, funded. Single edge .3c. Double edge
4c -Wm IdUedie &" Sone Lucknows
30-6-100 .
•Lucknow Citizens' Brass Band now
open for all sorts of engagements -
garden parties; picnics. etc. Apply to
Ciortion 'Johnston, Lucknow. 9-6-tf
• Wanted -A girl to engage in houso
work Information sa The Sentinel
•:Office. ,
For Sale -A 'number of window
and storm sash With glass in .them.
Apply to D. C. Taylor.
One hundred acres, being Lot .17,
Con 4, Hiltless: 16 acres Wood lot, re-
mainder in grass;, frame house and
barn, orchard and small fruits., Apply
to Mrs, Mary MacLead, R. 6, Luck -
now, •Ont.
•Misl Isabel J Witten is. spending
thie week at St ford. -
• Mies Passy eeDougalle of teevo:
spending a , with friends at
Detroit lied Win,:
Luck -
now , on Monday, a own of money.
formation at this office. ' • '
bas4401 ' game •- ai
Teeswater will be the visiting team,
Messrs.. Robt. Fisher, and. Stewart
Robertseie are in Toronto, attending'
the I.O.O.F.. grind Lodge 'it Ontario.
Mr. David Sob*, bookkeeper at
Silverwoods. was Istid .up for a few
days with a slight attack of pneu-
Duncan MacKenzie, M.D., of Chi-
cago, is; epeeding a month's vacation
with Mr. ,aid Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrse Temple :Clark ,are
spending a few' days in Toronto, Mrs
Gnirk beingeea delegate to Iteliekals
.Grand Lodger
•Me. and Mrs. Thee Willis,' edisl
Wanda .and Miss Flossie Davies, . of
Centralia, spent Sunday at the home
of Me. H. Wade Of town. ,
The Rev; A. F. 'Traverse who re-
,eently veaseeppoineed rector of St
Peter's Churn, etniduieed lils first
— .
BY way of . showing the e rapid
growth, of field grain,' Mr. Frank
Miller was. exhibiting the other •day;
fall ;Sheet plants which were 45 inch-
es in length. , • .
Mr . and .„Mrs. Charlie Fester' anc,
children end', Mr. and MM. Wrenn
Matheson, Motored from Toledo iinc.
elieflt the week -end with Mr. sine
MM. AlmeeMacCarroll.
Mr and .Mis Wm Ae 'Humphree
wieli to thank the friends and neigh .
bora' who .sliewed,„ so, mech..hindllee
and 5,mpittiiir et, the time Of ehei! ,
tevietsW•hbk,OeveMeette,":•rill of Wb1
were greatly appreciated
Decendenes, if the late ;Willie:1:
Gardner:abseil* ;wife (Sara Graydon)
who mune to •Aehfield, in 1852, Wert
Agents $560 Monthly easy, selling,
Magic Gas. -$1 Box equals 3e gal
Ions gasoline. , Proven merits: Youx
name on cans., 300% Profit .-Writo
quick. , P. A. Lefebvre & Co., Alex-
andra, Ont.
• too -
„ This ess the hist notice of the Gar -
'den Partee to be held tomorrow night
, (Friday) at Mr. john Lasenleyee,
corner of 9th Con. and Gravel' road.
irtir.:Sbipper served from 5.30 until 8.00
, o'clock. Beeeball game, Belfast 'vs.
Lucknow, at 6.15 P.M. The:program
, be contributed . by: The Dungan-
non, 'Orchestra, The Dunganneri
Quartette, Mrs. Fowler, reader. Mrs:
3.,W.,,,Teynt, Mrs, Dr. Newton, Luck."
' now and Rev. C. M. Dickinson. The
mortgage on the Parsonstge will be
publiely._ eAshnifeekte_ 01)e -__A
About '300: ef the woit,gr 'ramity.
and their relations through Marriage,
gathered at Bayeeed'in-.acitsual p!en.!e.
on Setuedek of last week and had
*olleorgeoil time With. 'seeirie,greeting?
1114.014 sport's.. This weetlieetouith
annual :gathering • of .• eclee,"
theee,;'prevtoue• Pientea having-• beer,
itelesite Lucknow. ; •
Altheugh ,Ifhere ' Was'," eosee- rale,
hereeeit'Leeknoer; there was none at
Bayfield and the day there was ideal
for an euttege_The_shiteeentepares--of
Huron County ' were well represent-
ed, besides South Bruce; Toronto and
a number of other places. e Mr. Harrye
.MeOee, of the T. Eaton Co.; who
has attended all the Webster ,pienice.
.so far, was there again, accompanied
by his wife,, also Mrs. :John McGee
and son Earle Mrs. James McGee and
daughter, aiult Mr. and Mrs. Gorden
Webster. '
Mt Irwin, reeve of Bayfield, made
an address of welcome to the gather-
ing.. The 'Rev. Mr. Durant, a former
Ashfield pastor, Madea• fitting re-
ply. Miss, MeNaughten of, Stanley
Township ,read a very nice address
from the .representatives .of- • Sena,
Huron to those • from \ the North To
this Mr. Sam Altori. of Ashfield made
Dinner was served at twelve
o'clock ,and . a splendid repast it
proved to be. The afternoon Wee
epent in soda', intercourse among
the oldeond in field ,sports encl....gal/see
among ehe, young, there being:- 27
-Theeifeinagineantriettee fiiet
ing the afternoon and decided to have
.the 1e27. picnicat Lucknow on ehe
second Saturday of June. Officerr.
for the, year e are: President, Thonian
Webster; Secretary, W. G. Gardner
Treasurer, Jasn'es Meese • . e •
Simper, 'which proved a very en•
joYable fesetu. vas' served at fivc
-o'clock fina the gathering brae up
.about seven:
at Street:Seine on Saturday, lest, at.
-tendingeseeke-union ---ef-the-Graydin
family and their- 'connections. Ahopt
one hundred attended the gatheeins.
and had a most enjoyeble time
.-The 'anniiittee who had chargeos
arringemente. were Gorden Graydon
of Toronto, Hector. : Graydon, • o!
•Stroetseille, and Merv* Graydon, of
New Toronto, ' • •
'Owing to the unfavorable weethet
dmayef outdoor events elenne6
cotild. not he followed; sc
the •large Oddfelliews" -BalL Was se-
cured, for the afternoen. The bale
presented a very -beautiful apPenie
Brice, with flower-deeorated tables and,
splendid' stage ecenere as a ' back
Relations of the diairdons Were
present from Toronto; • :Brariepton
Kiteliener, Oakville 'Lucknow, Levies'
Cochrane, New York and Satoh Rive
, .
The delightful banquet; Prepared
by the ladies Was followed by "Mimic-,
.al numbers; Including immunity
Singing,- led by Mr Hector ° and
Miss Dorothy Graydon 6f the Gray
don Oreltestra. °"• • •
Mr. Gordon Graydon,in a neat
speech, extended a, hearty. weicennt
to all who haircorne frora .diseanee
send helped make the 're -union a etc-.
'Oise Replies were made' by mimes-
entateves of the fstinile from'' th(
it:triode tons represented.,Alt eXe
pressing gratitude for the jelly good
time they were given io the town of
Streetiville. •
The sinking and speech -making
Was f011oyeed by a few hotels' dem
leg. The committee - which had
eheige el 'ithe re -union vale authoriz-
ed to arrange for another such:gath-
ering at .Streetsville in the summer
of' 1929.
Yung People's 'League .Soft
eBali - Teaih, played ,ft Very, dee-aided
, game at the Nilex, on Tuesday bight
The score , beteg ,(46-6-hr-jAiihfield'o.,
eeoesi emnibeeesittended-the
, game: Come on gang, witch Ante.
• field :gel ;
•'-Work is Continuing on thee Zion
church grounds. Many thanks ,to 101
who ere iodide".
• PMI'S will W 1111$011lf 000 sow
• OP. "IN 11.0ft/ WUl011140t
, and. Mee., 14-.•.'444 .
Tuesday oireniegl. Of 114 week the
Willie, of Ple. e114- `,Il•Cderick Seen .
5t1*Ceeeeleiploes, was on • eeceeeop
of. joy and ea,41108, when nearly ete-
MYbeslY , in'' the ,,neiihhorlOod.,•,p0114
ered. in • their 'large and
'lleme to extend Golden Wedding "fel-
icitations,' The chair was occupied
by Mr. A. Hughes and the following
: .•
.epeogseue ;was,..eenderede •
eee .,:,eeGhorini'e••bYe•,tli*ee'erO*il.'-.;'•-
,• Selection, Haleitonica Bands
3. • Reading, by -Mrs.-Melvin Irwin ,
eer. James
fettle. '
5, Community Singing. -•
• Highland Dapee, by Jean Mac--
7. Address, T, Wesley Ceisene;
followed by the • Golden Wedding
Cerseinony, which was unique; ' int-
pressiee and ,"up to the minuee”.
, 8. ',Reading of ",.aderess by Mr.
Aloe Sutherland; and presentatione
•by Mis. Tyndall Robinson, Mr. John
MaeLeoe and, Mr Donald MacLeod.
9. elansliteeehief Salute,, proposed
by hew1113
: C08,.
; Thanks on behalf Of his par-
ents, by Mr. William John Bain.
11. Complimentary 'remarks, by
Mr. Dave Carruthers ane Mr.. P. H.
MacKenzie. e
12. .Coinmenety Singing, followee,.
by -tefeeelielente . • • •
„ The,felleevingeie seseeere of the_ed.Te
dress, endorsed by everYbedy pres-
;Dear -Mr: and Piree ;Bain :
We have gathered in your been
this erningets neighbors and frieed?
that t,%e ieay econgratulate you ,e1
teaching. your .Golden Wedding .An.
iiiyersary, While ver/refew beye th
extreme . pleasure of celebrating such'
an occasion we rejoice that in the
ProVideeee of our loving Heav-
enly Pother; your 'Wee have :been
• •
spared and you are both looking bale
and ,hearty : We know we .can have
only e limited idea of the joys ane
sorrows, the hardships and pleasures
you Wive expeeieneede in the fifty
years 'oe Your "constant companion-
ship is husband and wite4e. jein.
in praising . Cod foie your examples'
of true Christian character and fin
our influence for good in this com-
inanity.. We esteem it a privilege ee
assure you of our love for you beth.
Mrs. Bain, we •ask you to accept this,.
bouquet Of 'Flowers. Mr. Bain, we
ask you to accept this Signet Ring
and we. elee ;ask You, jointly to ac-
cept' this Cold -lined Saiver Teri Set'
These are Only tokens ofour appre-
,eisition and good wishes, and we .ask
you to ,aecept them in the spirit in
wihch they are given: May jeili both
be spaiedto see teeny more h,apPe
years togethet-ane may, your path"
be as,,that,of the Net, Which' ihineth
more ,arid more into the perfect slay'
• Signed' On behalf _of your mane
warm :friends on this 15th day of
June, in the, year of our Lord 1926
Mr.. and Mrs. Bain 'Were Married
,at •Thamesford: on Juni 15th, 1816,
. by Itev. Laughlin Cameton; and came
at once to this locality W'heye they
havesince continuously reeideeand
have shown ihmieselves worthy of
the honorconferredon them.
' '
The Junior Institute and the ,Jun.,,
ioe Farmers' ,Organization spent • a
eery pleasant and ptofitable evening
M,oeday's mail brought to our of -
'flee° aeletter"Treenee Mr iteViehelsere•
Of the K. Nichelsseri Furniture Co
Ghase .City, Virginia, U 8 A, which
-,,contains an interesting little story •
, Mr. Nicholson says that he Was
born neer; Lucknolv;°' and attended
school here 45 yeare, ago. He relates
that on a- recent- evening, ashe was
about toletire; be somewhat aimlessly turned on his 'indite Set lee chanc-
ed to tune in with messages .being
sent-, filen -London, England, by
ents, *ethers and -sietere "te 'family '
cennectioee in tbe Canadian North
West Presently he, hear the 'name of
Lucknow, Ont., pronounced, and e.
message from the -relatives Of 'Find-
lay. Wields was being broadcasted.
Themessage said that they were
Seery he did not get hoine this year
but *sped he ,would get hoine next:
, -6-oieeee
• To Mr. Nicholson this beoughtbaa
the memory that 45Yeers ago he had
attended school with if Findlay Mc-
Innis at Lucknow, and , he concluded
that the message ,wasto this school-
mate of long ego. He had not heard
of Findlay McInnifiefor forty; years,
but at tbe time the name was moic
welcome to his ,ears than that of
president or langseegreae and won-
derful is radio. • • •
We are of opinion that our core-
spondent was mistakeji as to the,
Findley McInnis to whom the mes-
sage from Lucknow 'relatives was
sent. It likely was intended for pixiiv•
lay .McInnis, now with the Mounted
'Felice • within the 'Arctic Circle, a
much younger 'man than he who at-
tended sehool .44 tyears ago. ,
• iitsfllogri"Weire shipped from Luck -
now r Station' 4.14.week.,-ending', June
,10.-.0f these 83 were mkt* 102.
thick; 12 heavies; 1 tetra besterit 3,
shoPhose:- and 9. light. '
• From, Nevin County there Were
shipped kook the 'genie Week 1155
,hogs: 364 ielects; 660 tlikk; 11.11efeto
lee/ 10 desire , 4/ .11.4fp bolls
Iiid04 kl4P111*.•,
The Liberals of, South Melee will
holda convention in the Town Hall,
Walkerton, on Thursday, June 24th
, at PO, to ,nominate a candidate. for
.the Legislature, and be re -organize
the Asseciation, Messrs. W. E. N.
'Sinclair and Nelson, Parliament will
be present. Ladiesecortlially invitede
, J. A. Johneton, Secretary.
•• Heie highness the wife, controls the
-family purse. In pureletees-eet-food-
,her, approval _must be von. She re:
spects.her budget, and she buys caree
fully --het fortunately she - respects
tite refinements that make the
Perfect- ensenribleesuch as toebe one. -
tical, she ehooseiseGolden Crust Breed
-.the bread that es different from all
others. Get it at your grocer's or
phone 48, Reid's Dominionellakery.
As vetiat, a geedleeevitriety' of yere
dialed takes. surd eeeklee'te choose
front, •,
" ,"• (71, •,
Reid's& Home Made..Ice Gropn
'gaining Iti poPulatitY by 141 fb03
eeeeeee, pall ,*n4 9 0 0$ AVOW,
June Is Here, Again
• The usual number of •weddirtes
',the customary depeneencerupe
on the Jewellery Store .end the
unfailing assurance that we meet
e all your gift demands in a man-
ner that harmonizes ' with yetcr
ides* Of, suitability.
In Silverware' we are offering.
. a bedutiful assortment and speese____
iireeleces in the full line. -11
• See our 'Three -Piece Tea Set
'Special, at $8.00.
P. Tr ARMSTRONG . Lugiolow
Jeweller & Optometrist •
Bread that is rich in nutritinent and rich in
flavor: Our Quality Loaf will please you.
Raisin, Home -Made and WliPlq Wheat tread
Lemon Meringue Pies , Chocolate Marshmallow Cake
Apricot Tart14t$ ' Dundee Cakes . Cream. Slices
Puff.Pastriei Cream Puffs •
Chelsea; Bunt
• naii4 IN irouw BUTTER AND EGGS 41.in
.orrtan‘r THE BEST PRICES .s • •
•k SMOCK. e • '
on Thursday of last week ' at the
home .of Miss. Elizabeth Alten, south
of Luce/neve • " •
•, These who 'arrived early inthe
evening enjoyed a game, Of/ softball
Mr. Kelleegh, Asst.' A.gticulture
Rep:, .carne over teom Walkerton to
.attend the meeting' He gave :some
very helpful suggestions, after which
he asked the Iteir. etteDicicinson • te
preemie all those ..who were success-
ful inpessing, the tests' at the Win-
ter Sheet Course at Lucknow, witb
certificates: These are signed by the!.
Hon. 'John, S.. leiriAtieandafr.,, We Ite
Riddell, . ' •
Arrangements were made to go tc
Cheslei on Thursday, June 17, 'Ilse
concerning the Musical Festival ee
be heldatWalkerton on- the 12th Of
August e The two elubs intend to
heed 'a picnic at doderieh on July 15,
After the, meeting the hostess sere-
cdelundhowhichlerought the evening
to o; close.
* 11012N1
Bread Sustains--
IT'S the one food tnat
always satisfies because
- fif,st'ilknmlrtstlrPAt-
- -first in deliciousness
- -first in economy
Good Bread
more than, "fills the bill"
for 13read satisfactkin.
At your grocer's or
Ilollyman's .Bakery
St. gift's- ticipit,
el, Ititcheneiv Ont.,on hoe fit 4924
to 'efe.' end Mtge 'Steel t. Slacking.,
I Miss Pentland
will sell all Trim-
. vy
med Hats at re-
duced prices. Also
all 'Children's Hats
at cost, during the
remainder of #the
, A FAST. RIDE .tri 189.6.
The Stratford Beacon-Olerald in its
'reprint ef paragraph e from its files
of the "nineties" includes ,under date
of May ,e9, 1896, the followinge
"Alexander Scrimgeour enede-
fest ride .to Gederich,, covering- the
forty-five miles between Stratford
and there in two hours and foeti-five
minutes;" • !' ' •
Although it is not stated nc
doubt was 'a bicycle ride, th,e'rate.. of
travel heing"a little over sixteen
es an hour.' iqowiday,s some motor-
ists are restrained only by the preS,
Oiee,ai the traffic !‘cep",front ,malting
the trip 'between the two toiene• in
an hour; but thirty years •ago there
were no gas blackings to ,est up .01'
, . •
• 4 e
• Family , Theatre
. Reginald Barker in
- • "The Dixie Handicap." °
A story of racing blood and 'Southern
love, withemeny a laugh, many a
" Geed Coinedy
Reginald Jenny in •
"I'll show you the town!"
Serial & Comedy
All Showe commence at 8.15, except
Saturday -Two ows-First com-
mences a 7A5.
e Misses -May McKenzie and Celle
Mciamara of - Detroit, are visiting
fri�nds in Ashfield
Miss Sadie MacDonald and her
cousin; Mrs.' Lundy, of Detroit, mot-
ored up lest Friday and spenta few'
days, visiting with her patents ,here.
The Lochalsh -Laurier
were to have their ennuatemeeting
at the. home o Mis Wm Keiuptoe
on Wednesday, the 16th. Wet; but
owing, to two (teethe in the vicinity
they have peseporied it .to the • 23re.
inst. The offieeis , ere desireous of
having , a full ettenciance...
of7ereetJi6i7leIeKto ityrrirt
the illness
tr. of Henilock
City; who is conened to his bed and
is suffering froM are attack of sciat.,
ica„ neueitis and elieematiene e His
friends hope be Will soon' recover.... •
An exceptional sad death, and one.
which has ciused deepest reeret,eoc.,
cureed in, Toronto Generale Hospital.
on ,Fridey ,night the, 11tlieinst, when,
Marshall, the youngest son 'of Mr,
rmd Mrs : James tiradi.eir of Laurier,
Pained away at the itetiy age of e3
yeats. About two weeks ago he
operated on in Kincardine ',HespitaJ
for 'appendicitis, w,hen it Wasdierbee
red ;that his bowels weiie also die't
eased .: The local 04FteirS 'h10 little
hope for hi reeoveiy,,bee a special-
ist, •which , tame bp from Toronta
held, some hopeif he were •icemoved
to Tot -onto. General Hospital,' -i1;;Itere.•
the system and equipment ‘14-eie su
periere.which was steeerdisigly done:
He Wei ',again': operated en; but ,•
hes` weakened" conditionand ,despitc
all that Could" be "dime. death ,ended,
his sufferingS.:, ,Marshalt wale a quiet.°
ineuseriouir gentlemanly young Man.
and Wai, a genersieefavorite. with .eve
erybOdy who icne,iv him. He . is eine
vived by his .piteebte, 'four brothers
and one eistere who leive the heart
,felt sympathy of ,everybody in theit
ttad ebereaeimeet. , The funeral, on
rieiday,, the 15th testi was oneeoi
the laegeee *vete seen it. these PStts
• leterniene Wad. :Mside" in Kincardine
Mr Jun iceteilibiw of Paramount
lied the imisfortune to fall, oft his ;
wheel, resulting, ie a broken • collar,
Mr. and Mrs. John -Spence and .
daughter, and Mt, Wilson ee Sasea..
teen, also Mr. and Mes. Beek, are
visitors with Mt' and Mee:. Jne...Tant-
ieeen of Priremoent. •
Mrs. Clair iivviii•Of Paramount, 'at-
teneed the, Graydon tee:mien,. which
• was held at ,Streetsville on Siturday.
Mr. and Mrs 'Wm 'Kempton Sr •
of Ripley, vieited, With , friends.; in
Laurier,.' during the Week: '
eWe were sorry to learn of,. the
death of Mrs.' James Johnston, who
for many years was a resident of
the Laurier. district She had resceh-
-ee the-egoodeeele---age 'of- 03, and , of -
late years had niad her keine .With,'
her. daughter; &re. Brady of Anther.:
ley, where she passed away on; 'Mon. -
,day.,. Before ' her marriage the late'
:Mrs.' 'Johestiin vas Miss 'Grace
Campbell Shewas in many respects
quite -a, remarkable woman, being
peesessedin .a.• marked, degree ,of the
geed qualities attributed to ;the best
type of pioneer 'settler --always kind
and helpful. Her life -partner, hav-
ing else.' attainee a great age, died
two ,eears ago. They raised a' large •
fanelly; five of whom -eurviere. \These
are: Alex, 'David “and Mrs.„ Treat of
:Chicago, ...Tames of Santa 'Ciez; Cal-
ifornia, and. Mit. Brady of eArnber,-
• 1e3e. . •
'NOTE' •
The envelopes Which we supply to
regelar correspondents, and which •
be4e; only, a one cent /eterne, Should
notbe sealed on being returned ....toe
the offieeSealed enveloees ' should'
carry the fell three cent postage and
.this is unnecessary n orreepond-
&ice- envelopes, Whkb may 'Safely be
left opcn We oceasionelly have
our envelopes returned sealed.
1114aut rs rprnettieee;"Milar
and Irene, of WhitechUrch, 'visited
With Vit. itee • Met, Jack Heridereon
(luting' tilt, Week,
le‘nitee.Church . •
The Church 'School will ineet aiekt
Sunday morning et 10 O'clock; The
slogan ee Whole church. in the
school itui the whole school in the
chute:h."' :The Pastor, Rev. T. Wesley
Cosens may he expected to Occupy:.
his 'own Pulpit at both services. Sub-
jects: 11 eA Great. Preacher's
Estimate of 'the Coepete :„7 ,
"Ieory Steps to the Golden ,Terorse.'
of, Success.Betoie 'stetting the eve •
ening' jiiscourso Cosene will glee, -
Iiis reasons . for . sometimes using
Question Drawee in cenneetien With .„
the Sunday •eeesnieg. service and will
answer the question. "Whet ie.:Luck.
clove's' most desedly. sin?", 'Excellent
mese! 'will be reederor by the choir.
.Sefeicee .bright and helefels
Mt. and Mrs. E. Pertestet Kin-
cardine. announce tbe ebgegebient nf
their daughter, Anna elzieellet, to
Jatoes Bruce Watson,- Jr, Kiri..
eliedieee the 'Marriage to take placq. "
t the tat, part 0$ 41,e.