HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-10, Page 8TOE, trtlia* SENTINSI0 THURSDAii, RINE 4.0th
,SIJMMER "Sit!Plill
"• Ladies/ &Children's Underwear, all Sizes
kat %natty at lowest price, -
' Special value in Boys' Summer Jersey's,
only 4904 ' 7.: 17 :. - I: 1
'eNrgtallS! ;or iittiejolKs in :baie 4 red and,
aktand red trimmings.
, e have the Silk Hose which has no equal
• n Price and (PlalitY• ome 'nand see them for
yourself before .buying elsewhere
,Peter Pan, Suits for the little ones: ' Khaki
C .
ed. withred, 'Seethese ,.at only $1.25. .
• !en's Work Shirts, blue or khaki at $1.00.
. , ,, ,
... .
, kinds of Curtain ods:. ,‘ Four'-k,i,ilds of -
P*01141, :es. ,---io'ck
e are Mated for god Broonis, c.
tore News,
new shipment,of Rayon, Crepes
a yard.
e sale of Bath Towels contin-
25 Towels, 69c. each.
verall value in town.
enim_with bib. Sizes 34
• garment for 1.95ai
Stthwflat--.W1 *S:he assortrnent f.
• SPECIAL -- Just arrive d --the Leg -
City price
ecial in a. Lisle 4,Hose, Peach,
and and Black,at 49e. a pair: '
isses, Silk & Lisle Hose, i
mel shade Sizes, 7 to 9. Priced at
c; a- pair. favorite wiih*girlg.
,.. ,,,,... „ .
Sport Sweaters for men and wo-
men., Just the thing for tennis, bowling
. ,. _
d ,the various sports. A very at-
tractive price, $3.65 each. ' ' • . *
lritee and Huron Spend Day Toteth-
-, er•-•-A Program of Sports7,-Roulid
lable Conferenre_.'--, -Kincardine
Gstlitell-• Entertain. YI.P1tors at Ban•
emet-44. Perfect Tine and. New
Friendships Formed
.(By 4. 4, 'Heater).
WedneSdaYt, Jnne, •211(1, ' 1026- •;"a411
live long in the Memories of those
who are sitting in the councils : in the
3ctunties of Bruce and Huron, tliE7
ruling b.04!PS of 'these two old; „fine.
,Pun4eg, 'fraternized that daY,','" was
, , , "
meeting.. that,:.will do mitcli to pre-
.--,Ote good Will and„ better ueder
ending among the men who haite. to
;al with. the ,problems of .local goV-,
• nmont. , -The , Ouroli„ Councillors
ore the guests of Bruce 'Cennell.. A
..pyOgram sports had been art.
;311ge0". itiiieh were to be held in the
iseOall park, .but owing to :rain, the
Yeatirej_list, was ran off:,in the ' big
:Chief 'Justice' Kelly presided- at a
Suprenle Court Sitting here on May
. 31, and.;disnosed of tvio cases. • ,
The' first case heard , was the ac,.
tion coMmenced by, Joseph Kupferi
• • salmi& . of the .Townsitip '•of Carrick,
' o set aside, a deed' ofthe defendant,
• Jails Kupferschnuckt ty ho cOtni
meneed, to. serve;a: couple of niorith
ego, sentence 'of four years in 4.the,
• Kingston -Penitentiary, of or seduc-
• tion.
The deed. transferred ilia farn-
tO his twe`,Children, 11 and 17 year
of age. The judge upheld the • con.
tention of the ,plaintiff' that the , deer'
was veid, it hiving been: given for
, the purpoie of. defrauding creditors,
•• The evidence of five witnesses ;WA!'
given. Mr.' David.:Robertsen, K. C.
. acted , for; the. officiaL, guardian,
' F. W. Harcourt, ,k,c,„ .of Toronto:
while Mr.: Caropb'ell Grant appeared
•tin 'behalf of ...the plaintiff. This*• h -
the ctilmination •of a long iiie df, lit..
•igation respecting the Kocffer •„vs,
• XePfereebelide4ePILbee-rd!,
months ago ago. •
• The action of Sanniel McParl'ans
' of the Towriship of :Huron,: piimitiff.,
whose interests were • looked 'after
by Mr, J., L. 'Lament, of Kincardine.
atd Mr, O. E, -Klein,. of town, „ws,
ger title toscerittiiriots ,whicli he had-
.agreet4'Purchate from the defend
'Ant, atiold Brooks: Th March,
104, the .deferalant advertised in the
• London Fred NOBS the sale of con.
-.WO- fete MT Lake: linreni,at films
00010f ' flUC� Ch i the ToWn.,
. ,
, )1
.')ekeY arena •
Tbe• direction and, Carrying' •out of
` e; affair *as !indef. • Mr,. Rohe,rt
:••)Iniston; reeve of Lucknow,,,..and he.
?serves : Credit for the smoothness
ith which it proceeded..
` Stift , BallGaines ,
If you want/ real sport yeti Should
latch a soft ball.tatne. It has allthe
„.„oints-,of.„-bliseball-and 'requires Just
s much' skill. There were three .garn
t. The young men of Bruce Played
he Young men of Huron. The fel-
,towing werethe teams; ..
Brown, J. Tindale,
PeWes, T. Rourks, W. J. 'McKay,
,Geo H MoKay,s3. D. Byers, E..Thren-
-dyle, O. BrOwn..
.Huron -A. C. McKaY, C. A Rcbert-
son,. T Patterson, C.. Hays R. Coultea
M, Dodds, J. W. McKibbori, Herb.
A. E. ,McEwan:
a. close, pine ' hut the
ITSVin,'pV30424k1,, engineer, r4,7h
W. H. Robertson, „ Goderich,' and J. IT
'Hunter, Our Counties,. proposed, by 4
E. IsielSoN, Kincardine,. maa respond-
ed to by F. ,YleKerracb.'
er, 'and Mr, Holman, 'Canada, war
PrOPoSed bY Mr. Ceetes and respond-
ed to by Major 'Willie.
Tiiispeeches wera`alLof 'very high
eider and greatly enjoyed, plentild
solos :were sung by AIL Irwin, .ex,
'Warden., of Huron; ' Councillor Elgin
. Fraser 'and Mr i Jas. Antleriten.. j
Downs, reeve of Hepworth,: delighted,
the gathering with his Niolin:Sele.e,
ship of Huron. The plaintiff had ar-
ranged to purchase these from' Mr.
Brooks, but it was ascertained' later
that the •defendant 'could' mit give
.title to. part of . the: land. The case
was settled by Consent, judgment for
plaintiff, `With -each party. to Pay his
own costs. Mr. it.,Vanitene; of'Wing-
harn, represented the defendant; •`,
• •
Durnin, of Goderichs.
Who is a frequent 'visitor at the iniiem
M Mt Woods of town, was badly
shaken up by .failing .from a ladder
last Saturday. 'Ile was painting' the
, gable of • his house when the ladder
be was using slipped' and' he was
thrown to the .ground. He landed on
hiS feet, but 'fortunately alighted on
a flower bed. rhe soft earth in the
recently planted bed broke the farce
hi4 which, .otherivise
doubtless have resulted -seriously. On
being carried into the limitte by neigh-.
Vera it Wit§ leinut that no hones iVere
broken and •that, while•badly , shaken,
Durnin wee' not seriouSly injured.
BruceBabies ,Wint-down to :0-efeat-
the, score being 26 to- 22 pint . .
The- game, between the elder'Mein-
bere of the two council§.•ens, a'. bird:
it was' a swat, swat and, swat; .and the
Bruce boys 'won: out by. 40 to 18. rims •
- ,Briice-.D. Willoughby, . D.! MeDen-
alit; A. '.NelsOit, W.' Galles,' W. Rensbury--C.' Thomas, W. 4.- Hermiston, .J '
/...i:iffin; . W., Watson. ., • . 1.. .. '.,.. ' •
- •• 'Ilazoii-:-.A., . E., ,IrWin, 'G.- Hubba41
J.4r;errish,2,. T4.2.oiniston,..b.: Midd .1e.,..
Reit4iz.'llt4ReiticI.,'?.'7-- '-'•': -
, The *inners of the: above' • ..games
. played, for • the championship: In' .the
oparong period of. the tithe.' rt. looked
.as: if Tliiren would make .it alunaway
',amp, but Erode's. old Otters 'settled!
liwn. to. 'business and ;Wen out. The
inal innings was full of , excitement.'
'in :needing seven .runs. to,
Win.:.They gradually „ crept, .tip: uritir
. they:, Were 'within..two.,runa of ‚win -
ting. The bages Were 'full when. Reeve
,Watson.--Carae! to hat. }Ie hit a hone.
run. and it:Was all . over. , 'The' final
-,..-,Core Was 15 to 1.: --Warden 1VPAib-
beti led-ilia...batters i.iti and 'gave three
'heart cheeralOr the victors: Warden
McDoimld,' tri,r- his. braves - 'retiitne
the, coniplinierit;'' . . ,' • ' ' • • • „
.'The ' Stiorts: ' .„ •'
' . R's. surprising- the p_ep theae. meri'
••ThoWed in the sports. ilowevelytheY
paid .op ;for it on ,'Thursday. .They
• sere' 'sore 'but happy: ,even if their
' niuseles• refused' to. function without:
:lolling. It .'was :feared . at one time
-hat , Allen: -Nelson, : who pitched two
teams to victery, *Mild .be, unable to
:write out'he chenu0,. Major, Tolade
official • '�t 'busy on 6 treasurer's arin.*Ith
run r,down for Atte. teams,
the'.1iniment nd,• saved ' the day; .The'
' -
r...vents-were -- as follow0.-:-:-:-..:: • -- d
. „ Fat Men's, Race '(180 lbs. and over)'
'-Ed.. ThrendYle,' R. 0: Hays, ... • •
Open,•Itace,•=4. Tindal; E. :basins:
. Cent Race -•-G. •Hubbard ,and' A. 'E.
'Irwin; E.. Threndyle Mrid 'J. B; Brown.
Relay. Race -1.-J. Tindale, W. J;' M'.
Kay;..E,.• Threndyle,..J, IL BroWn.''
E. F. .Klopp, C: 'A.' „Robertnen, John.
Me7,vvrift,' George Hubbard •
Stewing Jiintp.--E. • 'Threndyle, • E
I. ' Downs.' ' , .•!! ' . : - .. .. .
Hop. Step '& Jiimpi-W: ,J.',..McKair"
E, J. ,DoWns. .. H' , . ' .', • .
'. Putting- Shot -4. '11. ,Reyrkilds,. E.
- . , The Banquet. • • •
, The ,close a a happy daYcame that
,avening • ,in :the town ball,, Where a
banquet. 'was given the, visitors by
town conncil of, 'Kincardine.' The big
spread wile- prepared by the Ladies'
Hospital Aid and was. an. exceedingly
fine one, Many complireentarys .re-
marks' were made •about :it, ' Besidea
the County Councils;, the board of
'education and town officials , and . a
nutriber of leading eitliens were nres,
ent.. ,, Those from! Huron 'Were; ''Watz
den J. W. McKibbon, Wingliamt int).
Farrish..-and ' J. Cameron-, • Ashfield;;,
Ct, : ltdbertgon, Colborne;.. Herb ..- Cox.
Goderich; R. Livingston, •Grey; T.
McDonald, ' Grey;:' t, Kloppi Hay; T.
Inglia' and G. Hubbard, Mowick; Mat;
Armstrong,. Hnllet; „ P. McQuaid,' Mc-
Killop; R. ShOrtreecl, Morris; Juba , A.
Manson, Stanley; A. Neeb, , Stephen;
J. Haves, Stephen; ,.It.'Kennedy, . Tile16.
'erisniith; J. McEwan, Turnberry; J. I,:
'Hanna, Uthortici; R. Coiiltes, not
„WriwanOshi A., Johnston, Wo Wawa,
nosh; C. 'Middleton, .Clinton; /3, Mull-
nings,•.•Goderich ; J. Molter, Goderich!
3. Beattie Seaforth; A. Erwin., Bey.
field; 3. Doddes,: Blyth; A. Baeker
Britasela; W. Sanders, Meter; Own
, Geiger; Hensall;i 3.11endribUrg, Wrox.
ler; Wfw`Late;• G. !Tolman, R. HAYS.
T,- Patterson, J. 11eyeOlds Goderielt,-
Others tiresent. were: iritY0t..3. It
' MatfWan M • It'Wiale, M.P:P., W. It
Bobertsqn, W. .1. Naftel, Inapoetor .1.
,Tomo 1h4peetor..1. Field, A. McKay.
'T.:Mitchell, R. Reed, Goclerich; A. P.
Mewhinney, M.P.P.„_ N. V, tre*tit.
the, -M.P,P, W. Malloliald,•ex,M.P0
l'hese with 1h0--.11ruce • County Council
and °Melillaand their wives Medd 111)
the gnesta.' • . ' • •
' Mr. Robert Jolinaten,!LicknOW, had,
been •chosen to .act AklOtistin aster Abe
be performed' the duties! in ,a- 1 MOSt
Capable mei-Met, ..At the 'cOrielt Sioe
Of the toitat "The Ring," .litoposed bk.,
'Tile PirOgrani Trek) 'the OOP , Was.
'cleared:and 'these iwne. cared ;remain.:
ed ,eed 'enloYed a very Pleasant hear
of daneing.'
;Round Witnle Conferenee,
the visit ..the 'two !..courtells.
held a round table conference 'tree&
over by ,Warden dVIcKiblion• ,
The --giAbieets‘. discussed were:. "Meth..
!.of, Proceechire . of County
fir introduced' by County Clerks Hel,
-man-:-and,,...rprrester; and., "County ,
Ilitrhways„' introduced-by•-•,-Entineera
-PatteriOn.niid Stephenson and Irwin.'
•Kitcliene-7ir ecord • tells. 1.01
Iccee:dleP16t.liWerS4:11•";hie1145,17917sear.13eYi g‘T°1,Istr,
CMS Qf The Roadt‘.° ,The St9t7::bas, an
eantalnieg'• beauti.
leSSOn *Man kinchlega,, VoSS•
Was traM.Ping .1.4ew Vngland•
he sought the Shade of a tree
dalofig . 'the readside- Nearby was.- a
xudetign Which, xead; •"There is a:
sprint here, if you. are thirty
.4 We. fartlier ' on Waa ,n
1114clt. .'was. written; "Sit ',dawn am!"
,4r7ptioita wa laarecotinregt704.44.y'A
. 'If yen; apPles ourSelf.'.',
Who placed ' the sign,
'1Fdtairattaducgehdt okl‘,401Watn.erw'and n ftobuentisrd..1
pen said,."We'yelratep:enlenty. and •1.
thought it Lwould be a 'good thing 't(
•share it 'with. thirkey .tiayeliers., 'Pits
ISA. pleasant ! spot iest so I brouglii
9.vin• an 'old, heneh irorn1he attic,, We.
„of, et) nur ad 1, thought it Would., WI
!ace .to-divIde with Other,•ap We bring
„some 40Wn everyday. It .seema to do
"good, so we rkept it. up.' 140 ,Iniatte!
how, remote is yctur peraer.byllieside
those who pass your mak. , .
of the road, you can -bei a friend to
• About all you Can , say, for seine
husbands is that;, they reducethe
number of old•
Mosrof the people •who want to.. gef
out• of the matrimonial frying pen dn-
`therante they, *mitt to 'get 'in ri
A' CotiViCied buteltirTfias fer
a new trial on tlie grthind that tilt,
nian who identi4ed• hirn had 'his heaci.
Allndor a blanket:Willie Ore hOtifie Was
. • .
being riibbod,,, • • ,, : •
A ,
Wale -a number took' Part sand, much
,information was- imparted. • ,
Counoplors W.E. Mahood and W,
J. Morrison and 'Reeve Wation..were
•busy seeing, that visitors • a toot]
Warden McDonald, Mr. W. Lane, the
veteran treasurer of Huron, gave
fine patriotic. address. -
Our Gueet,., was proposed by Reeve
Watson. and responded to by Reeve
Neeh.,..and ex.Warden Robertson; Onr
11111WROf propogta bs-Wordon- j
omilfrp;rthan4y..M,sree.tuedCin:witerd,i4a,erire now
C.' Alton, ,has moved into
Wi•tfCterrifthger. drel8;11uloaurse.servic' e, on Sun-
. •
day 'in Erskine church an ordination
service tOok. place when. the following
elders elect were ordained; . Messrs.
110:-HYlurray01:-,--Ross, • 114cAllitter_
and J. Bennett Es, B. McClure
and WM. Connell 6 ueknew Pres-'
byteiian church;" assisted in the or-
At the close of the Semi& on' Suli
day Rev. C. E. McDoniild presented'
to • the congregation; • On. behalf .of.
Rebt," Davidson, beautiful individual
eiiiiiiunien7se.t.:Mr.-1:/avidion's. Amin,
OW beerr, memberw Of
Erskine Chdr'
.l. The gift is. highly
appreciated, by' the congregation.
• - .,•••
If you are fortY-fiVe �r fifty, or eV:'
en sixty, and 'haven't reacbed thetop,
despilit, says 'Ferlies Magazine.
The average age t`initut General Elec-
tric directorS, is' over sixty: C A.
Coffin, the Venerabielinhuilder of this'
unique 'enterprise,, is eightyftwo. The
age ef the Allier -lean: Telephone 'St
Telegraph' .directors •averages,' , cun-
ously' the same, aitri-
• fle .over sixty." ,The range here, ir
greater than in any of; our pther
industrial ,eorporations. Getirre
• • . •
'Consumption now known as tuber-
culosis, which for 'more than two
thousand years has •whitened the
world with tombstones, •has during•the
• last quarter of a century had its rav-
ages on this ,Continent reduced by one.
halt. For 'centuries' it-vt,as.looked up
on as a visitation , of Providence and
w as' considered unpreventable --in.
Curable. Its cure , is not effected by
medicine but by ,fresh air, rest and
sunshine and trained physid-
ans have worked azniraclein a
quarter of a century. The crusade is
being waged and it as heped that by
the 'eind---orthe pretenCcentery the
Bakerneads the dcto.ra! in point
of age, with eighty-stx years to ilia
Credit,',While W.. S. Gifford, president
and • director,' ja only forty4the:. The
United :States. Steel diiecters average
still older than" these Of these. alio
twe companies: sixty-three and a -half.
Mr.. Balcer alSo ,heads- this board, fel-
towed by Chairman E. H.' Gary,. Whc.
ban just entered t eightieth Year.
The youngest Inember* a son Of thc
oldest, George F. Belot, jr.; eit.The ;members" of the finance:
,Committee Average inoie- than *sixty,••
five years, No Member is as young as
•fiftir, , "'
, .
'Likewise in Canada, any of the.big
industrial, and financial institution
are being directed by men who have
Passed the sixty and, even the seventy,
mark. Cyrus A, Rirgei, on the .boar(
of ,Thany. Haniflion companieip i sew
enty-eight; Sir ,Vincent :Meredith is
seventy-six; Sir, litirmidas- Laporte
preaident. of the ProVimiai Bank, is
aeventy=five;;C1t..liosiner, president
of the Canadian Cottons, is seventy.'
'Mori W. G, •dooderham ieVenty-
three; .Sir -John • Aird is seventy and
• Sir josepli FlatielleilSir Herbert Holt.
B. Hanna, Pat Ihitnit,.: Sir Edward
Kenipk, Peleg Howland And A. Nir. Aus-
tin are amOng the country's bit busi.,
floss leaders, who are approaching the
threescore and ten alloWance,
•• '
-• The W.XS. met' at hechurch on
June 2nd. The meeting' he,
the usual manner, after which, Psalm
126 and Ephesians 610-18 were reed
in unison, MacIver then lee
.1n, prayer,- followed, by rofl tilt,: and,
the treantirees: and. the seeretarY'l
reperts.. Mit. A. Sutherland kindly
offered her home Mt the 'quilting tine
packing of the bale., Mrs.'Rs. Camp-
bell invited the SOciety to'meet
her' home lot ,regidir , Meeting in
Sly.. Mia. A.,. Hughes and -Mrs.
• Sutherland were appointed :to net aee
the lunchcenirnittee for the Munro&
the topie "Prayer. and Missions" tviis:
well prepared arid given • by kis,'
4tanntt Maellonald; after .2•Which hYiert'
426 was sang. ':".it.iiplendid report oy
the • Maitland Presbyterial;.„,held Ir
flruse1siWals given by, Miss A.', ku-
• The. Meeting wa elMied with
And-4taYet,...bY (ROW).
ibbon, Wes teepondetl to bk •Mri
• (Huron Expositor, Seaforth) •
A gar accident occurred' on the 'Bay-
field'Road, one-half mile •eiis 0j3
Brucefield, On Sunday, afternoon, May
30th, when a large coach car, Own-
ed nncl • driven by Harold Anderson!,
from. Deibit, Struck a loose stone
causing the driver tO•loose control of
the machine, Which' plunger into thi,
ditch end'overturned. The Seven, Oc,j
cupants were taken to Dr.. MeKay's
office in Seaforth, where' it. Was /mine:
none • Were seriously " injured. 'Thc
three girls, , -Misses Madeline Bell, .Mis's
'Jean .H011and and Miss Barbara
son,• had their clothes. badly cut and
stained With blood, and Miss Holland
wag • slightly; injured. •The , car Ism -
considerably damaged, •'.
• ,
Mr. It E. Little, one of . the old resi-
dents of •Teeswaterdied at his, lionie
there on June 2nd following about 2
• years .of -declining healthand. streng-
was in 82 year:.
Befere.-7making. his home 'in, Tees
:water in 1905, the:late Mr. -Little fol.
20...yea6 occupied a Mini jUst. north;
.6f the Village. He Niias- An intelligent-
nd/ enthiMiastic agriculturist aa a
•thrmighout ..his long life Was a man
tocomnianda high measure of res-
pect in the ,community. :
Mr. Little was native of Scotland.
As a Noting man he. went. to Clammy
and entered 'm Mercantile 'business , a
line, in -which' he •steadilY'rose mite
he becameheadsalesman for lig,: firm.
.411884, at, the ate of 40 he ,came
Canada and flar a few' months resid•
ed at Barrie, travelling, for ' the .EbSr-
Blain Co., wholesale grocers. In 188r, .
he purchased the firm' near Teeswat-
er. He hadlinailied in 1873, Miss El-,
len HyslOP who .died, in. 1905. There
were eight children, four sena and
four daughters. The. 'two older boyA
Were drowned in a mill pond near the
farm home in. August • Of 1886, and
the two Younger daughters also pasi.
ed away in young womanhood. Sur-
viving menibers of the family "are:
Mrs. V. R. 'Walden, oentautb, Minn.,
Mrs. Hugh McNaughton, of, Loverna,
Sask., Henry, of Vanceuvor, and Jas.
ofWindsor. • • :
- In 1913 the late Mr. ilittla Intirriee
a second t his bride being Miss
Jessie ArmetrOlig, Of bumfries„ Scot:
land, who survives:' Little' was'
.front,' early inatille0d- active, in the:
/work of itio Presbyterian Church
While, quite a. youngIntin in Glasgow
he became superintendent, of the Sun-
day 'Qiiien's Park' IT nited
Presbyterian Church. In taat he Vat;
Made an elder of Knox !Presbyterian.
Church,..Teetiwater,. holding' Ace un.
til lime 10th, 1925, when he :followed
the church ' into the United Church 'oc
•'Canada, becoming an„ -elder -hi' the
te*church al3o.- • - • •
The .funeral'io Teeswater cnretery
was 'on Sunday, May 80, the Rev. D.
G. Paton, of the United Church s.
sIited by the Rev, Dr, P0i130$ of th#
Presbyterian .ChUrch. conduet4It.'lel.y
......sped0 .440' i)ill't1*.*eek;:.1).y...0.41--...
If you don't get yours, enquire at
the store for it.
ve--lotvseroyfthitLnagnwc:i! advat tehretisperiw.cee:
t is advertised.
and let us demonstrate.
O e arid
Ope.Tatpd by Hornell-Murdoch'Co.
Commenced Thursday Morning, June 3,
at 8 o'clock --Ends Saturday, June 12
Bargains For Everyone In The Family
We Will Look After Your Repair. Work Promptly
Don't, worry others..
En-ar-co Motor Oil
efids your motor '-wor-
ries. A smoother run-
ning motor -Jess re-
COPVIIIIMIT 19170141.111MSN Oat compammikee.
Mr, L. C. MacliTer and on, pot..
Were*. viSitors at ltringhant,' 144 Sat,
'UtdaMirs'''s JesslaMacInt�h spent l'ia‘tit:
'Thursday .With her • :friend. .• Alice
Hetherington.' • „
W: P. MacDonald and Mrs
Maciver: attended the 'W.M.S.?, at '
Kinloss Church laSt -WadritiatittY.'
, • MM. JOhn itMcMiirchy and , son •
Norintin,Spent Sunday at, tho home
of' Angus • Orahinri. ,
Miss ,Mary. B.- Douglas. ts.flursinp
LticknoW at the ' henie Of .Harohl
Alan. " • . .
mr, Entry, Weolly and family o.
Eincardthe, spent. Monday evenin!
at the 'hoine -of- theeritier"t-isisiorr
-Mrs. Walter' Greenwood. ,
••'FioWeidele ,PeePle Who , attended
listened: , two 'find 'addreases de-
t::ttetit krtelititiow.k4;:1o. 4a. se6,1C.:::::;hou, glaiatitti
: •
end Mie. I1o;11 Cur.ren,Jim
on soturdriy, .tetottloo Moodott
Baby C
8. C.White Leghorns
l'ens with male. birds ,wbose
laid 226 to 267 eggs in their pullet
year, 15cts each. ,
• Pens with male birds whose dams
laid 200 to 225, M their Pullet year,
12cts. each. ' ••
Barred Rock Chicks, .16cta: each. • .
By test in, the Egg Contest at
tawa from year to year there 'are no
better egg producers 'lir Canada. .
Drop us a card sayinihow- many
Chicks yo..i want. We mill write you
by rturn, mail when we can, supply
We have 1600 S. C. White Leg.
hbrAls for, sate at $1,eitch. June
hoice Cut Flowers
The finest of Wedding
bunches and' Flaral work
on short noticedelivered
anytime, anywhere.
Transport ti) suit, '
Florist; Goderich, Ont.'
,Phone 105
: The Many friends of Mrs. ' Richard
•Twandey Will., be 'pleased • to learn
that. there is . ,a slight; irnprovemen
in her cOndition., Nits. twidliey BUS,
tained ivStrOlta.:20t,:paralytit --abouk
,tuiti weeks :ago, .whicii,„4ett her left,
.'side • heiplesti. •
A.,4toedly .47ount,
people took 'in the, MoOnlight'EXciii.. -
Mon on the Greyhound; *Mai eV;
ening,;. The Peit, big event Will
,tho'• Ashooiti Partyr At Mr,
t. L000pby'o.',,l000 J.
4 atitaisj