HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-10, Page 5a
. • •
It's theneWi eas.Y', wayto hove.
belaitif0.1-Waxed (1.9M mid 1111.91Paiii.;
Oita Outfit Q.0.011,11ttp Of: • ,
1-rec1'4.; ohiteon'e Was; vop.,,.
t JOhnson'a..Liquid Mix $1.50.•
ohnson'is Weighted Roof,
.Polishing • Britah. 340..
-johnson'e. &plc On,1:19trnp .
• Blau.111.0114, P.-, !..!! ..25
...• , .
ti •
J 6 N-soN's.
s 6,5
4444.4444‘ 176
We havein Stock
now an Electric Floor
Polisher for rent by the how or by the
day. • Pay us a call and make your floor
Polishing easy.
Our Price is right on Coil Spring Wire
• and Barbed Wire.
Fresh Car Cement Just Unloaded
Hardware •Coal
' Plumbing
Titismit,hing .
PAGE vox -
Established 1817
• umnta.ry .of
-.• - • ••,'
sets.. . . .
30th April, 1926
'OE .
• SPECIAL c onasts FOR
TEAcuEas . .
1. .Ccourse 121 Public lint* WWI BSC,
terogy. •
2 °unto In French ConveriiatIon,i
3. RevIGweourso ft ilarh*aaatAlirearr
to Matriculation.
Also thirty other course. in Astronorhyp
NOtany Enthill, French, Geology,: (ler, ,
.• man, Gr.e „ History, Latini • 14brPr31
Soignee, Mathematics and 4
•„ kin:40114a 'weird and atlul,
ietio program throughout•
, .0610014Hr* six weeks.
Beautiful pew University
r BUildings.
Start ori .a H. A. Course
Six delightful weeks
' 'Of *ItUdY afid.'ric.reation• •
. ,
Summer School..
" • '
; JULY' ,5th to• -
For Information
write the Director, Dr.
X. R. Kingston, or Dr.7
K. P. R. Nsuille„ heels,
.„ .
° RioE MEN :•.'--•
, „ , , It •
'This it}e Place. :lit Litclono*
'where it can be ,bought 'Let •your'
• Quite r'o, oumPor of °Ili', young PeQ:
opnle Nit docn14; hExca:-sion
Mrs. George, Stuart left aa Sat,
Ill'lligaaVg9.L1or.: a with relatiKeS • IP
Mea,) afacIntosb 'and. set),
Sobby of Milverton, were vialtOrs fol"
a „few, days last, week 'with her ja-
Mss,Mr. tnanni4; .Carn
iS spending' her vacation at her
home, liere„.,
Rey. 04,ndr•Turinnirig end Mr." L.
WOodi :motored' to Termite!: On • Sat,
urdaY, With Mrs. Will: -Auinphi.e5t.
hsi little daughter Freeda, NiiaE
,'• ;
ill in • tne hospital • '• •
Mrs,' Earl Cranston' -is visitor
The regular monthlymeeting of;
'the. Women's Institute ..was‘rbeld • ,at
.. .. •
the home of • ;Mrs, •' D. • Phillipa, bo„
TIntraclay, last„, •:" There -weir° geod
attendance ," and • a epfendid ..,repore of
the Distri.t •Meetin.gabeld atWingp
barn, was . given. by. Mrs; Phillips
• hy
they buy ,ffem
Make •'up your :mind '
• . to 's et ur e the trade
r a the Summer cot-
tages' 'near town, this
• 'Year. ,Thinfe-of all the
things, they -*ill be buy-
, big ! Why shouldn't they
• buy them from. yotil
the city they'are used to:
-.ordering goods 11,y• tele-
phone. Call them, •ev'en
using Long laistanee
where neceSsary .and tell
them what •You can :,do
• for them. itemind, them, ,
--that for ''',Vfeeli.-„ergl par -c '
prompt' delrVerY. '
:When' they see how easy
it is to orderfrom" you
by telephone they . ,will
likelyprove good eta', -
iomers all SuMmer.
f told; Dominion Netei, and Sliver'.coin
• ,•DePasit ...Oar Central , Geld, Reserve' .....
Dipoilts Made Wkh •enst Balance*, dU'e frnm.
'-athCr Banks in Caned, .
Balances' due. Iii.•:Binlcs and Banking' Correa•-
.-pondents elsewhere than In Canada.......
• Call and Short ' Icians on :Bonds, Debentures '
and Stock* .::'.
, . .
•Mominion and•Provinciia.Coverninent SecUrl•
:•.,. .
Rail*ai and ' ether Bonds, Debentures
•.Stocks , . . :
.Canadiafl Mu▪ nicipal'Securities and British, -,7
• Foreign and Colonial. Public Secnrities•I
other than ',Canadian
Notes and' cheques of other Banks
' United State*. and other
• .Loans and Discounts and other Assets• •
Ilank:rrensises . ....••••••••••••
• Liabilities elf Customera ." under. letteri •
credit; (as per contra) 114 •••'• • e:.• • • • • • • •
• 15,000,000.00
• 142.496,65635
• 93.4$6.444•71
1••• . •
• 25,507,822.63'1 ,259,37465
- 11,950,6'00.00
$719,132,357.12 ;
. .
• Notes' in circulation • • • ••• • • • •'• • • o.. '... • $ 41,674,442.90
Deposits ...,.. • 4 4.• • 632Al2,155.75
Letters of credit outstanding - 12,581,897.90
Other liabilities . • 790,561.31
cess of /*Stets over Liabilitici, leo
• . • lir ••'• • • .•41 .••
• .0 ,* $61,673,300.46
•, , •
The Ashfield „ Circuit -Parsonage
•it.vas the !Beene of a quiet wedding' on
.-`11otidair of this week' when Miss Ber-
tha May COok; YentigeSt daughter. 01
Mr. and end ,MrS:', Peter Cook ei Ashfield• ,:
heeamo the• bride Of Mr. Bruce Henry Holland
son of Mr, and Mrs. deo.
• noitand, The Rev.:, C. iv
njekinsoil• officiated. The ;bride Wofa:
ta drops of brown, Satin, trinimed.
sand, AO' the 'groom's 14'
4•1 +ape of • pearls, The yOung eotipi,
•:. Niagara -and ,other -.points. , -On theia
",theY will make .their home Of
the,groom'e; farm .on the 6th eorices.'
a•tTian of Ashfleld
nureber• 'here .took in'thr
• 00rilight tilp on the ,Greyhound,
• Mrs, .T, Tergusen • and •Toirm-0'
.apett day :Goderich,•thi# week,-
" 4r. •gra. W• McLean, flarold
titct .„)14i.• •Ms/ Oinotinorl4sm 0044
Sunday•iit 'the boine -of Mr. George,
'. '
' A, Meeting of the 1.1:.E.O. And .U.F '
• W.O. waS at,, the Club nom or
the evening Of Ater° 4th. Mr. A°
• eaniefon :was appointed , ehairrnan
And Miss °Martle Jelinstori, SeCretara •
fr the evening. The meeting open.
ed With a, Community - song-
by the blisinets part
.of the meeting., A..ceninlittee to fit
tango. for" picnic Was appointed. A,
titte0by Meida :and Wirinifred "'Lane
was .well ..reeeived: •this was follqWe"f.
hY CoOPIO of pleitsing instrument.
'Atte:, ."The Wearingt:of, the
Green;" Naticly „ was • foltawed.' by.
Avtio • Myria„, Mare
bonal(r. Attitntither ;cepiMunitNi
thig the Stidtet-.4Were'appOinted -felt
.he. reisin ,e,otitest. • These were
Ewart 'Measrs. MacDonald
,arat.Nuris,, • The •.fiyat, ;was' a.
Antrkieti to "go. Aaon Johnston: the
seckiati,, to Mrs.. .tethu. •Little;' and
third to Mrs.. Lorne Parriglii lunch
Sos. mirvoci• and ' a skull h g iotr
0,40 enjoyed .1):, 411e. • .„ ' „.•
Mrs. BlachfOrd • of Vensalla visite
feii•,dayS? last • week' With' Mire. •• .; G.
Cettle." '
Thos. Inglis 'visited a fe.w: day,
:with .friends in -Montreal; -hitt, week.
„ We are sorry to • report Mr..Georgi.-
. McQuoidto be serinuely ilh We hop!
, for a spee6 'iniiirovernent. .• •
- • EarneetaSpatling,, of filicar
dine, •Viaited. on 'Sunday at • the hon:
of . his •grandparents, r.1 .and Mrs:
George Cottle. ,•• • '
Mk. Gilleapie, he anisfer•
tinie td have eaveral sheep killed hy
dogs en Sunday night, • •
Mr. W. conker and Mrs. Jane..
,Enonerson hive Pcirchased new. ,Ford
°Sedan care: . ; . • , '• ' •
.• Don't .forget the anniversary ser
vices to be held: in the Presbyteria;
:Church,. next Sunday- .Owing to the,
seriOns `illnees of ,Rev. Ronald • Mc?.
Eacherri of Taranto, Rev: Dr./ Ferbe5
of,,Teeawatert ,will . take, the services
,,at fl. :A.M. and 7 P.M. 'On the .folt.
lowing Tuesday evening: a garden,
party 'will be beld on the 'Manse hvn
.Suppey will, be served frein ,6 toff
after which a -good Programme iVvil"
• lib given, • Everybody ' walconie.
• further particulars, see
• Mr. Harold ,Sparling,,,has gone •t
Kineardine, 'where he • has • a• pOsition
ne Bee InsPeetdr:- ,• • •
.We are scatty to,: rePoit Mrs, Johr
dralgo...Si-;,•- to,' be 'Under 'the deitor's
•care.. ° •
next Underwear be .1 Arrangements were . made for the
' garden, Party,. to be •held .1 Tnetclay..
July 6th,- When a .good. program • wif
• be given by 'Wingbain Kee:,
the date in mind.
.• • Mr. ,Haroid,,.,,Hyde. was borne, from
•Kincardine for he Week -end:
•, Much ,sympathy is felt for Mr,
Mrs. Will; Humphrear„ the ' dera o,
°WrieSe • little. daughter, Freeda,. toel
place in the Sick Children's .Ilospita
at Toronto; 'am •Sunday morning:. •
Mr. :George Clark motored fron
Hamilton cn .Saturday and ,epent, the
week-encir. with his , parents,' Mr?
Mrs', •Ciark. iUr. Clark!s. • conditio;:
is improving. 4,0
Miss :Bessie •alurdie, .of Liacknow
Was, a. visitor aaritb Mr. and •••Mii:" L
Miss Beller McLean -ef.-Luelcriciw,
• visiting .her aster, Mil, A Anderson
great sadness was felt 'in: ;cm.
604min:ray OTC Sa-furoli-:-. • waren
'4 Tarim piney ,Was perietraly at, tin
iek .Children's Hospital in '"Terbnie
The little.giri had not been well tO,
a couple' r, Of Weeks,' and was • return
irg'from- school with her 'father, and
: it • was thought wise to leave her
the hospital, and She was achnittee
'Friday. eaening, • She became rapidly
worse and. it 3vas aaon 'discovered sb
:ti4s past all human aid. At eight
. .
o'clock . Sunday .evening, when th..
tittle 'Children in .the. hospital- •.
Hatchwayand 'en- ,
. .
joy real comfort. -
Several • styles • to
choose from. Sizes
36 to 48.. 00
(clay night. 4
,• •
Miss H. 'MacDonald left for ' De-
treit. on Tuesday . morning,. when.,
she intend's. stitYing:'fof a few' Weeks.
••Mr. Neil Bleak, is engaged ...-these
days, working on bridges :on: the 8th
Cori•. „ '• '
*Mrs. •A.• Siitherland •D:
Kinnon, Mrs,. A»Graharn took -in the
Ekcersion f Detroit, n- en- Tuesday,
'made his „
• Mrs:: 'WoOda- OrSt.' -Helene' a:Pena
:Siintlay..at :the homeof •141r. R. Mar-
tin. :' •• r
• Mr... Ernie .;SCritt , and.: .family os
Laiviside •have moved into the hone(
on, the. 'Gravel Road?. fOrmerly • °eau.
. .
;pied' by the 'late •Mr. *: just
ninth of LIAO:now. .
Mr. and Mrs. ' Orville .McGuire an
• family riturned to their home in
treat; : after. 'spending a few •• weeki
with .friends, on the. •Si•,44- ' •,
• We are glad to. repert 'that
Flaher is able to be out. 'again;
ft -
his illness .• * •• '
'Mr. and .1‘rIrs; T. Robinson spent a
few : tlay • in Woodstock -last last Week
:visiting at the ,honie of her untie, Mr,
Chas. Munro. • •
'Mr. Alex Sutherland had a: narroi
escape from 'being hut t, the, otter day
when his .liersee ,ian away, threvvirO:
• him. off the wagon. • FOitunately. th",
horses Were •csaight befere: muci-
damage was done, . •
Mr.. .and, Mrs. n. McKinnon .slpen3
Saturday • in *Wangliatii.:: • ". •'.
•, Ms. G:°". Perris` of': Riple-y;
with her 'Want; Mrs: Aal•MacDonald
Iasi Week:: • •
Mi W, rinlayson. Of Detroit, eaine
over On. the Greyhound to spend tir
day". at his: hoiar; here. ; :,.• !••••
ASE"---"FIEft °T-O#S-- ,
James parnhy of j.,othian;.
in Gocietiali for acoup.le, daYs, thi.9
week, being .selected on the • Grand:
Jury. for the June Assizes.
• The Women's Institute have • pre.
sented two lawn chairs -a Piece - to.
Kintail arid 4-14mlock City echoole
They are 'a • wide-awake organization
and are 'continuously doing, eoniiirend-
"able deeda.• • '
Among Aliciee ffrern ',these` `parts
who went` to Detroit on the "gre.sr-
hetind, On Tuesday. moining,' were;
Mrs. John Cowan, Jr.; Mrs, 14e11 41
'MacKenzie; Miss Annie Grant .
temlOck City and Harty acDomilt
of kintaii.' ' :/b
O Dr. and Mrs. • Simpson , Kintail
returned this Week from, Montreal
'• The Doctor was attending; the Gen.
. ,
We's: received here last.' Fri-
daY °the earldeit death of Mrs. 1‘7,4
MLenaghak Of Cleveland, ;Mr,
• McLeriaglian is a former,: Whitechurety.
boy', ".Tho sympathy: of the
. is extended to • him in: his sad
,bereavernent, • •
We are sorry tO,repor.t• Miss An.
rile LaidlaW to be Under the. doctor's
tare.. , •
.10Vittif CON; RiNLai-S•
.of Dungannon, 'spent
"Stirisliii. at .11,0. Wni. Robb'a '
• T4:friends , of ."Mr. .0eO,
making faVerabIe, teWcirdF
. Messrs, lorti,-,.,itnd Gordon Mac-
Ineseatif-Dettoitaasperit level:lira:64'1.
their '"hOrpe MX the. "SetOnd. '
• Mr. and. Mrs. Ifollyrnan, Lucknow''
Spent an evening ,.15st• ,week "ori: the
Fourth; - - • •
Mis Itatheritid,.11ain thiCariline
'spent. the. weelce:Mi P
.Batil, • " .
numbor, root ere took hi he
at .004etieh ' an Mort.
• eral Assembly:of the"' Presbyteria/
,Church. in :that' city. : • .
I • We •are *glad to report that •
, condition a Marshall BradleY0..Win•
O in Kincardine HesPitat, is Some,
what improvetfoinIthough still Ver• ;.
critiCal. • itis Many friends hope 00,e
pray he may. reetwer...•
We are glad to report, that Frani
Munro' is r".ent work .and, havino
better "
: L. MeLeriniirt Pn&•litth
cliiiighter,", Catherine of .tietroil, • are-
sPeliding .5. feW' daYa. At. their
• in raranieurit, ' •
. Mr: ,atici Mk, Kenipton ot
Laurier; spent the Week -;and
'•'" •
,Miss:Cathatine - MacDonald-OfDe
troit, ,Vieited _With her parents al!'
Lochalsh, during the rWeek,
. Airs, 84,-.4totton •Toroiito„,As
siting her -parelitt( and
',Mrs. 'Robert Drennan. '••
• 11fesster.'• Bain and Elmer Bradley of
ITorente, Were home ,on peeentit-- -Of
the actibus" et their btothe-
• Mtitshall, ‘3,110'. le. in :Kiiiderdine ties.
"niter • , ,
-.Mr. Beattie 0ibson of Wmtl,,Ser
itatt his mOther, Mrs, deopitt (04.011
•zioo, Wit wo.0)4
„fort' that :Was afforded this 1 large
gathering. rellecte" great .aredit.
yoorself • and associated represebtat.
iyes'tef the citizen's of Kincardine. •
Bruce: deainty Conneil.,owes, ,great
Our thanks, Are, ...Ilse due to• th,
:Kincardine Club, 'fer tae 'fregclOin 1.0
.cbeir roonia°. , „''" • :
Ourpleasore vine greatly enhanced,
While, in yet...1r- town ,by •thel.eouttea!
af• the heads 'of. yOur dicaellent inks.
ries in. opening the 'doors of ,the
facteries and, showing ns lines
iraducts nowhere excelled in our
Your .meat products aro known al
through (Par cotintry. Th 'e smile ..ww
be regarding the Malcolm furra
O ture prodacts, the Watson reed 'pro
cleata.. anti, 'the Mitchell' hosiery.
Your streets and laws' shim Solite
• the aesthetia Side of Your
, ,
community -life, -and_:„.'your hotel. ac
unimoaaiori. is all that' be d•' .
• "red bY the •inost critical'?" .
•In we desire, to:. expreS
• ;meat. heal wishes for tile eon.°
inuea growth and .develepnient • o; •
/oar town and the 'Welfare •of ' yon
and can assure you that al
• ho were • here at the excellent, 'bar!
" 't.t net, soort. forget the • pleas
ant and prefitable,'time. We hay
• xeiy cOnAidenee, that ..ariy -•
O 'hie town. ! • . , : • a
.ouncil that °bolds -its June • aessio
aere; WM 'receive. the kindness • irra
freedom of ycitir wonderful progress
Appoint ,06.#43'`Yal
Twenty -o5 • applications for.
. . .
:ifl:for the sarne. Thos applying
Urban -E.
•-',.:e..eelv..edatiti,..--taa'penria..4 • •••• •
Urban -E. Dineen, -Wiarion
,T A 'Johniton Mildmav Wrn Mae.
Donald Chesley• J • McLean 'Ripley
Rural ---)3. W. •Bain,, R. -2; Ripley
C. Brown, Wiartort; J. Cook
,Lion's Head; • J. K,.'D.a:vjdsOrt; ;1
Hepworth; A. .Knox, Pinkerton:: A. -G
Mentgoniery, Tiverton:. D. • McDon-
, aid; IL 5, •Luaknoar; T. R.McD.onald
"Teeswater:. S. • 1VIcEvian, ‘Chesley•
C. Nickel, latilthriny; T: . F.. Pearce
Paisley; W. ".ReaneY, Pert. Elgin
A. Robertson, Paisley;,. :W. 1-1'.ct
'ledge,:' Kincardirie J. Scott, Pert.
Kineardine; • „•
Again the inetribera• of our eollaCil
-haVe had the pleasige of assembling
to transact the liminess of the June
Session of the 'cOurity in Your lora-
gressive and up-to:date town,. eituat-
• ed on the shores of beautifal old • Lake
iturore'lind the wonderful Mee- Wat-
er• -
Kincardine has •ahvays b,een rioted
for its, generous hospitality in enter,
tabling.. • You, Mr. Mayoy ana yrint
wortby reeve -and •ceimell, have been
qn to findertake an exceeding- .
• task as meich as you not
enly have .,Bruce County CouriCil and
'officials, but also liornii Council and
.rffielaLs. he accomodation and .Com•
engaged • in their, evening' worship.: • j • •
. • . Tin;, . W. Sinclair ,Tara; L. Taylor
d •
an yvere 13 ng pg. •
'God made the little, birds. and, flow..
• • ere, „„,
And all things large and small,
• not forget Dis little ones;'
• He loves me:too; He loves me too'
Litte yreeda ,closed her eyes as •ir
• peaceful .sleep and passed aWaya..
"!Clf.#tich •is the Kingdom of :,Heav
• en.", She was: a' bright; active,. strIn-
aome and Mrs. liumPhiteri
have the sympathy of the wholg
community. l'he funeral „took placf.
- , .
on Wednesday' afternoon.
----- •
• ,
Teri Rat iii Down One Mill -County
• Valuators •Appointed Children's
,Aid be- Investigatted--- Coonty.
GyPea on, Repair Bill-Ediicatiortal
• Costs Lower -- Hospitals:Gee Big
'Grants; •• • '
• . • , .
• •
(BY. J. .J. Hunter) •
The • Bruce County 'Council .mem-
'hers opened the June Session On the
evening, of Montlay,alay •81st,
'„Kincerdine. All reeves' and deputies
•Vier pte,SOlit with. the, exception • of
Dugall %Smith, of 1Greeneck. At the
. request of the Warden; Reeve ..(11ev.)
•-J. C. Toiniie, of Seuthampton, .opened
the session with devotional exercises.
Warden McDonald spoke •briefly;
eominglhe Members and ',asking them.
to 'give their best. consideration to -all.
*business of the.session. • •
Address of Welcome.
• The folloWirig address of welaorne
was presented by Reeve Wm...Watson
- To 'the Warden and members. of
flruce Count Y Coucil:
•'Gentlerneri-On-, behalf of 'onr.wor
thy; Mayor,' who has been indisposed
thrtiugh.a. :serious illneSs. I welcoine
•you Jo :our town. ' ,
• kjfew. years_ ago we had the pleas.
tire,sof the meeting .of the: CetnitY
• Council June. SesSion and' •we look
forward to a real ..week with ,you, and.
think you, one' and all, Will ,:eniel
whet we havein store for YOu: it is.
tlink; .good way, to -get. acquaint..
ed, net Only.avith the town and citiz.
ens, but that We' 'may as .a. ',people
.rneet .with those who endeavor tolook
after the affairs of the county. .
Our: town is very fortunate in hav'•.
ing, some real industries. The Cole.
man -Packing:M:41Se; "run by • Rieman
ia• Sens; 'The J., B. Watson Reed -Fur-
niture, FactorY which is ; steadily
growing; Thp Andre* Malcolm! Fur-
niture Factory; noted for high -ohis!=.
goods; The F. E. Coombe rurniture
Factory,- better quality: goods, . also
high class; The Circle -Bar Knitting
Factory" eeond. one,
- and 'run by ,Wm..--alitebell;: also the
Salt Works, which is a big addition
to our town, with s 'zeal consuming
capacity Of 36 to 40 tons every .24,
-hours' :dad ttin aviitput ,of -. salt from
,•four -ftVe' Vara in :Abe -same -time
We invite you to • visit the shaWrininis
of • these *factories while here, .Which
will 1)0 of rent interest to you,
.„/, again welcome' you to. our town
htid , in corning back at* any time, you
will always find' .the front door open.
The Reply' to the Atifireta
•Malar *Tolmie read the fol.
R. 2, •Teeswater: <Ms. Vance, R.. 2
Mildmay; "J. Wright 1.Chesley,; T. •A
Stout; Southampton.-• "
• It was moved. that the Equalization
Committee %and Warden's Cominittee
be a joint committee to. report .on tiriF,' anything te do 'With' it .0ti Friday a." ••
pairing" the Ii9400 of • Refuge' pJaslt
was thrOWS •out right smartly. • lt
ealled •fer reP4irs 'arnlinnting•
Street Paving •
The village of aiiirlmay atteinpted
to butt in on Kincardine by request.
n,r Voar •naven:ent be. nno, in
However, the .couneil ;deferrad „;action „
anti!• 1.1,0 Tao\ inc.4e..• .••0 . an-.
nonM..ed the plans.. regarding the hi-
ghWay that passe.; t.
may- •• .Cheeley asked for pavement in
;162$. It was- de:.idect to leave ta, °in
the hands of the biglivay conimittee,
of that year. ". ••
110;olsiidn.eVraesbtliegadteies. Catiliisifti4r-telttanHA, asO '
county's connection wt}) the- Child-
,. ren's Aid Society. is, in the's" ininds -of
piemaers of the board. ,As it is . the
county' funds that ifraetleallY .s.aPport
the institution, „ it is,. felt -
• osc:boardm44.as the anageis,chpati grater.Auof board
00 giant
as retreated, .
but the elPig wAs illetriieted to. secure, •
21.711..• mfOrtriation aa. ` the coriaty's •
.responSibilit3i to. dia. Aid, for the De-: •
• en ber,.'eeseiciar,, and that lut,ure,
piirebaseS,.•. SUPI). oP:
te:randrtPjp17)Ovi''°evel°blyelitths'el.C)Parorte;:.' •
rrty Coriunittee.".' ,
• -.•• jiospital • Grants.' . •
, Walketon hospital •• requested a ,
-grant •of a3000 and Kincardine..hOg-".
jital $25O0., Corriparison„lietween the
. Wo financial statements Was. made
,by members. Of . the courral• • Kincar-
,cline had more patients and more free
•atient9 • than Walkerton Yet their '
.expenclitures were around, $2000 less.
• n the year, Almost everY dtern on
c,11.4inh.eo:n:c row: at lb ife:rdtdup:cisat.itoi 04Fri.4 rable coin -
he '.rnanagenent of the:"'Kincardine
Botr. tristitntions Were •
:tent was made on the efficiency of
;ranted $2,5Q0. , • •
in • 'Bruce is
;erne $13,Q00 Tese titer! laet year. The
Iieavyef '.ittnenei nleatt.eytehaein- -nets .,the
build -
This • 3rear. Contirination School grants
• Amounted to ,$15,658. The. '-
ing grants were Made to • high?
-schools; Chtsley ,$4652;. Kincardine ,
38199; Part Elgin $4210;
The read:- and bridge•,;...,..eareinittee
tion of gq:#4;4: foitozfv'esez•: • r'4'itt"--74'''''
dale bridge '050; • Indian road : .at •
$150;.. Lindsay, TWP'.. $150;
•apelCroker 41,50.; :.St:• Ed-'
,,A.t..1Alearbeali.i.ds50A;1,beBeiraarnieorniine t
"oridges...$5Q0. ,
Regarding the ,bridge. known as:
Snake Creek bridge ih Saingeen; there
•vaa 'eensiderable discussion.: Had
•Reeve- Dagail Smith teen -present the
•eau4 might have been different. • A:
few years ;Ago the county took over ;
a Saugeen hAlidge and didn't feel
:•ike • doing So. in'the.caSe. There was
sOnie' ('S le as to its coining
the . 36a, feat regulationt. make it •A
cduntY bridge: - The "'bridge is: d';„
bad ebape. and will liave to be re -.1
built •• The highways: edmmittee went,;•••
on Wednesday, and loOked it evet."0 ;
HoWever, the coimail refused to bave ,•
item: • An eniefidthenti to this named -leptitOtiOn, havinr hea-rd oftheae-
on1y the Equalization Cornreittee. This Hon, Waited on .• the council, but the
brought the first division of the ses- jecieron was , not changed • • ,,
non. For the atheridment 17;, against ., The -Dept -of Highways of °Ontario .
the amendment:16. ! ,Informed..the' cOuneit that they, pro -
The valuators acceptedivere-Wrii. posed spending $160,000 On surfae-'.
'..aieDonalc1;• T. A.L_Stout.NI ._aecteati__. in the_Durbani': Road... The •countY '
Urban; • A.. Roberteen, C. ,Brown, D. would .be . reqUired to pay '.one-fifth
S: McDonald, Rural. The 'salary is $§. of this or 8.3.5",00O; A. motion • was f•
-ler day with .$75 extra lex mileage passed requesting the Deptto take
for the -rurala and .$46--for-the nth- no action' in this ease this year as the
• tbe loin -Ler not to exceed $500 . road -Was irl a good enougk,comiltion.
incl the latter ;$290. each The wal •
atmg is rn
,to be coOleted by Deaen -
•her .
„ . Engineer's Report
' The engineer's rei6ort stated thel.•
the roads had come through the rare
•Aeather we have had better than •was
It was felt that the county eould not
afford the e4enditure at this, time.
•• • Miscellaneeus
• . Representatives of , the Glebe
..lemnitY co., and the Adains Grader •
•o.; •addressed' the council, the lattet • -•
demonstrating '‘vith seyeral films of ,
expected .' Erecting , portable snow 'Moving pictures.. L.. Warner, Of Tees- .
fenees And braiding others, had -lesS. Na.ler, was appointed a county :con-• • ,
caned. the 'winter expenses. As ' tliP stare. •Only one hawker's license
pubhe, demanded a -better class of -were issned. A complimentary grant
roads the expenditure •could not be
cut, this atria.. Considerable new •e;
tarilanent would' be required, . Siy
small graders- were purchased and
team. A' gas tractor will be 'replacer • . 0-11- •
with a. new one and one or to
Irashers bought The . toad frau'
Hanover to • Walkerton is having eat
cium .ehlorid,e put on. The paving at
.Paisley is being icoMpleted and com-,
' !vended at, Lueknow. The latter wil'
cost $35,000,of which $10,000 will
O be ;raid by the- village.- „ •
oP$290 was Made to the town of Kin-
-artfine.Motians of regret Of • the
illness ()nudge Klein and.,R,eeve Du- 0.
gall Smith were passed. " " • "
• . • 4'
' Much "gravelling',' filling and dram -
'age 'Work willbe necessary, including
5 miles of. gravelling ..west of Clam -
is, resurfacing eat of Walkerton nib-%
north -and,• south of Teeswater.
tWean •Piaie River, and the county'
boundary ,. Goderich road shank"'
be gravelled ,nd Approacches Aide&
* Scat:1.0L REPOETS
.• .•
SS. No. 4 Kiitloss
••• ' ' •
. Tests in . History, Geog.,
Sr?' IV: .L. ' Broome' 92; E..Burt, ?;i
Aakert 71; H. Burt 71.
Jr; lV i„Ijcovtani '77; L. John -
;ton .73; T. thonbpsofi M. Cassidy
31. ' • to
; Jr. A. Eurt gd; R. BrOdine 85;
▪ Congram ,43; L jehriston 39*; B.
`assiiIV 25°.
• • I: I' Burt 'Ackert 78' L
t The . amount required for road , put Jr.' " • t .
poses will he $18.6,000. • . .101inston; Valaiii; C'assitioaa•
' ' Assisting Summer ' Resorts
The coniity_ 0011101 is Aiding sum,.
laer resorte along the . lake. •front..
These • municipalities.' have been re-
quested to forward reports. on
• traction' for tourists. Pktiirea and all'
,inforroation ,will ;be publishedin the
advertisernents and literature Of the
Ontario Tonrist Association.
, Rate One ,Mill Lower
According to the last •ropert..of the
Equalization • Cobiniittee the' assoss,
merit amounts to $28 A61.10, 'Citi
amount being. naceSsary ,to meet cur-
rent expenditures for the year .n ill
°eneceSsitate. a •Ievying: of ten '
This i8 a 011:4 TOSS than., lagt.yetir and
Means a saving ' of t,aporoximately
$28;00Q to, the, people. of Bruce..
Council Was'Soaked ' •
borough, was •hired• --to inspnet 0'i/ -
heating System of the county build-
ings" 'Chia - he "did liha Sent' in WA re •
ellanges and •repallitrist?..113.Here°°eflanileneacdsAiirtv Tiye rich, larae‘ar, never kimat• the
VAS an 'eXpert• and was ready' to 44:1* my of pay'rnI If* last. ingailitent;ori :
the WOrk- tleill'4.1.1 ".StatOci- :1314(41,116 bt,1
C, nobly,. ' •
• • 0 • ;-. .
. Jr. r; 'J. BrOome; T. Burt,..
. • `Primer: it,. Cassidy; M. Cdrrigan:
141, Webster. '
Report,of S.S. 5, Aslifield
. Entrinee :Test Exam's •
• Sr, •IVY;" Reid (11; Pritchard
71; A,1Tuntr 10;,.F. Ritchie 62; E.
Ritchie: 61... . •
'• Jr: "I'Vt..N. Anderson: B. Gardner;
• Sr. C, Gardner; C. Andel -Sent
L. lItititer; J. Gardner; S.
Gardner*.. ••' • ,1
Jr. II; V, Ritchie; it);
• jr. I: E, Hunterf R. Reid. •
Or lg..' Average att. le7;
. Aidn: Web:store.;
•o•.- • • "*-
'',Cd°'.56.nr4iiwttilet'ehPtrtig'Itit'016AdV* 1;10'°rPeiritI3c. ITII!.1011,1oi;g•C'ty ' Ina:. that ..spnie *beonle
'learn from experienzze. IS What total'
hare- been," ' •
When a Maii,SaYS: lie never has litot,
,chance,. he usually: Items .5' thence' -
T Oat', Oattitatlk ' Tem* badly' 0104 Stlirtieeit'a telitiet felt' re.. at:. '040 ' itiqfitilf4 •
time, he Spent on the Job etna ..the
.arbrla data, Ida bill IOP !$1200 was
Staggering., The coMmittee Came in
for aorite 'Severe • criticism • and the
pride VAS 'dedlared 'exhorbitarit. The
lowinge ruslyt council ate of the, opiolon they Were