HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-10, Page 4- Ask , -DEWING 0:1•*4pieliders• golTe441,7- Ru oaf: Tedders;,,Grata an4, cOrn 13*1..itrOi -WS ° 11,0VP RTE41#, .4._ WIRE. 'CQ, -'-Woven /Fences; gat* 4-PoInt • ,Porli.o*d`E,"9 Coded WiKer.411 avauized WMGRA.Alt REO,G14474-711abher and .$.te,ei Pref. ENTEMAN,WILEINSON'SQ;1-lPlovilland, Witeellii...troltS , • • . " • , , .1400Sr OROAlsis.Atip'r4onoOR4Pussee us; and aye • • . . .74,irsor sono,,A0a07:.".1t,en Teti..rfant .seniethInff. in MnBic- al linitrareente, •' °I111111 • • or s iittopio*,10,1-tweioicw la ibe* Iaest awest ..01pl‘44, t. diasse *auk,' Soma:4A Cam - adieu Granitee We make a speda1tyc Family , • llikaunteenle and invite your. insp..--e- iptions Neatly, Carefull,v and rramPOY D"Pe- • _ _ - S lb -:e'-fp a-re-I'acmg your order.. , noughts It. A. Spotttm Luclonew, Ont. , GUll3E ' Ti4e,,O,Pde4. mot ,s. naneE'lant Brie , . ,daYThere' toto, Gnides7 • „ . „ . . prent and ""•;•ivi4.,i.tbrs, 3O Proeency Badgea wee awardi ea Whi.ch`Prieves that' t4Guides hare xrnrkThirL The lees/. companY atd the Pritsbytexian Church in a be:die-next • Sunday inerning, &the Saturday ta.fternnori be Guides 'had •a hike. The. Bantam Pati:., el laid the , trail and had to rpn to get :back be - fere they were caught. • . 'Regular 'meeting next. Friday ev- ening- Softball:IA.1.20; h7at'oameer at 3.15, 'LANG:SIDE Work On the geed Toad in this lo- cality is again underway. ' _ eaTiff.S. held a "ver, euecess.fn" • mee 'ng, at the heme• of Nisi 3, • Reid, last Wednesday :.afternoon. . The:. teachers 1n this Vicinity are Wilding School en Satliday for theil ,,erittende 'and fifth...classes- I We are iorry to ; report ,Mr. R. - • O.' L. •No. . 428, Luckno* meets ette,areeana-Tuesday o every month tinitr4alti at 8 o'clock;C main, . M..Ress, atpresent not very .; P., Carter, Rec. Sec. • is well - I *kr George Harkness: has gone in ' Teeswater for few -weeks', o -work tr4(1.e.:- . • and - VirpcWraith imer • last'Sunday with, the former's. Sister; Mrs. Culbert Ashfield. , Mr:. Earnest', Scott, whe :had ,the Langside Store the past year; has moved to neat' -Leckie* and work- . 112E. roXIV4N9Y,' ,SENTPME. TuE ' ucm$omr.sllsITINI• Published every 'Thursday xnorulr ' at lionkno*.Ontalia, ProPrietor And Editor. . THU"DAY# &NE 10t 'WHY THBBB bin • couple.o #004 "ago. a 70ung !nenip at Wiaaipe . Who': wanted meney, but tlidn't,]..want held m a hank. shoL on Of '• the. `,17.4714P4T, ;PTA -10W - ihat. there ark, trlanY1 •tineardine, . Kiecardlee Sept44 lulradded than rodded: '14 :0A'a Pr."*Pe'Whielt. 'would account ' for SO/ie. Of th.e. dl,ftnreneet"but the. diderenee betWeetti th numbers. of 0004 and Unredded 1).u0414ge de- stroycd so great as tosuggest lunch greateuleaallire of security for Pte rbdded, *lading. .* _ The f45., that 00419407 * rodded. bui1d'44.; idestroyed bylithtuing does muc).!:, to discredit Iikiffoiog .rods 414 USPe,:to. 0.040n4..7.t.4.belief, of 0467,e that 1 Olerics- beealleehe was slow in . put- ••,hele• Are good rods.-,;.linel• P9Or Ibile;" *Ting up his hands, St4le $2,O90,triea.. and .that„ even, th� t:4*otle". eti be to kill his "e4 driver. because 'he re-% 'Put nn fin ' it' 4ay.;*;thiiit,Avolubr. 4make fused to start the ear; shot a pohce, . . man and tried 4 to .shOot" others. % He vas then "shcit'',440*n "..Ainiselt'and 'cap; , . — -thf0V,-irviitthireSaT.07-tkieY may beeonie ,hroken. Or disconnected, so :j when a ToddeChtalding4e2:etrkkbY Iighb nincr itis qiiiiaYeNNVVIto ask if the: Julrese "-Xinlobe • Huron Plderslie Saugeen • Btuce Brant . Solway • St,28 Paisley FaR Fair.-chaMplon- , • ehiP-Parade,, •arid-• Physical ' Cultern • . •Sept..29 • Arran .Tars.; sept. • vinutbei*' HaPwertil- Oct- 1 "-Br:A:Ice-Kincardine Tiverton , ,• •Oli. ioolchig up. this .murderer's recerd, it was -found thatbe had• : throughout his career (he is 24 Teets' old)... been 41," 4;ad character' and., had 'served several jag 4.:tetmS...'He wiP 'all likelihood bebanged for killinp the bank clerk; but the question' le ries: Why was such a Character al- lowed at large? ''What is the sense of. pitting 'criminals in jail time, af- ter tithe and then. 'turning, them loose? A few" months or, a -fe*-years, in penitentiary doesn't • reform these criminals, The. Man who emalifiet. for the penitentiary a • second time 1-.1roves that be is not fit to be at• large -that he is a menage to the cernmunity, and that .he ought' to be obliged to live under conditions in which ,he can -do no harm. The pen- itentiary 'supplies '-such conditionst and there they Might to be, net for. one /Year or for two,, but until such time as they give reasonable _proof that they 'maybe safely allowed tC.• go about as .free ineii. Elderly men de not as .a ride indulge in 'rehberS: with /violence, and 25, to 30 Year ir prison would emit off 'most of these . • ' All of the nototieu§ robbers Of the - country , and the United States • it recent.s.yeara have had: crime an prison records before they . tried it 'once too . often. They, were bad, and worthless as boys enti had they been caged upearlyin there career of .tertineeethee,•lites: :oft ...75,etter.mren *thee would been savea;:, to pay: noth- ing of the trouble they make and the property they stealand destroy. Unfortunately our courts still:take the views that ,ineirisonment .is pun, ishrnent for 'a crime", instead OU • meats ofprotecting the public ',freir, the criminal, and they •.stupidly en- deavor to Make t*e punishment, fit. the crime -so many days for 'steal- ing $5.00; se many' more for stealing : hundred ,.dollere,‘ aria substantia term stealinga feW thonsitnek dollars,. .stupidly assuming that the nne Who -steals $.5.00 would not steal 5,000 if he got ..the , chance;. a.ne, thetthe man who •shoots at another ..-nan'frinamisses". ia somewhat better than the one who shoots • and hits mark.. in at painting, a 'line in which has' tonsiderabk.skilli- hone .No. 10 is at 'Vont Service Wie:Se.11 for Xas_k•-•We Sell Cheaper Than. The Credit Seer* IMMO . ,wE kot JUST PiAcED INSTOCK A MIXED CARLOAD OF BARBED AND 'COIL SPRING .WIRE tiIRECT FROM ft!. E MANUF.ACTURERS. YO WILL FIND OUR PRICES gwahr. . . Cenent•-•;, , •.' _ _ OFCEMENT J- UST- ARRIVED. • . • . — -Liniejlardwall Plaster, GyproC;Wallboardl,,- YJ WILL: NEED THESE FOR sKRiNq.nivit REPAIRING. , • • . • , • . , • • • MIltresC0°--- • . WE HAVE IT IN EVERY SHADE. IT IS BEYOND DOUBT, THE BEST WALL FINISH. ••• Muresco Brushes -- _YOU NEED THE, RIGHT BR▪ USH. TO purr MURESCO. WE HAVE IT. , Paints and Varnish.es--_._. WE HAVE 'SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, LACS AND VARNISHES FOR • EVERY PURPOSE' , . . notisEwnrEs WILL BE GLAD -TO KNOW THAT 'WE, HAVE A LAQUER THAT. bitY• HARD .IN THIRTY MIN- UTE& IT IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY?. • • Murdie Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring Mee* • • OBITUARY'. Aoh.n' . •On '10fiday; 'June' 1926, • there • °centred tig. death of john. dOx, • • wellIknown the ''ViCirtitY of Italy - rood for .6ver.50 years..; .The deceas- ed' WEIS :btOn GoderiCh :r oynshiP • of Stratford,' and Mrs: Annie New, tee, 'of Gbderieh, To...thship are bro.' thfrs and • sisters of the .deceased... Thet:ftineral Stine 9th was hell froin his late residenCe. prOceeding to Paul's church, Ripley, /Where • !"ervize was, conducted by ,the • Rev Ori NOveinber •18,43. and. reoided Ffank L. Lewin of •nrossalst. a "for - there until the' age of 23, ,when. he past • Or ,the faatily. settled Up the, farrit On the 9th eon., , c as'ort. of Itinlo.se, 'where he made. • Peter Of Chinese is home until the -time of 4is.. death. , • Mir. cox was one 'of th pioneers of ci:o„.the morning of .May' 27th. Mr. rods.-IPITerer*Orlir grounded and if 'Vfbre were 44 breaks/ • ' • rartlen'-desiring the. 'snineot", of PghttoOg'-ond .the Irotec- tloii of )niildingis'"froni itS'ilestractgre efte2ta• should get O Copy; of Er. LeW- isi, booklet, which can be had. fram, 'Ontario 'Eire 'ItIntskOlPS °Mee,. Ter4 • • onto for the asking: • • • JUDGING •COMPETITIQN;• AT • • • • CHESLEY.. • - Arrangements are being completed jeesWatet Sept. '5 .11,915*ed: Ripley Sept. 1.1 Sept. -20 Port Elgin Sept- 21 Ian d er vto 0 SPPt. for the Fourth Anniial Judging Catn- petition and. Field Day at Chealey,..orn -Thursday,, Jane I7th. •This ivent has• • beeorne• one of the largest' and Most,' interesting of ..the ,Junior Institute and Junior Farmer activities • in the' county. In addition to the educational, all/ant:1g, of the judging work for • both girls and:boys, airdthe recreation of the various game and spate; it 'agoras opixirturiity for a Teel get -to gether of the Yew*, people of the county. New 'hand§ome. trophies haVe been - , . , donated for:cOmpetition, by the' South "Wpmen's Institutes, the North and ...Beuth • Brace Breeders' Asaticia-, and the •Tunior organizations;, of the county,. and with the lender trophies , • still to be conipleted Tfor should.merit • 1.49fITNINibi IT'S AND'' . CONTROL "CentrOl"„ lightning -with its sud- den' action: and •terriffic force, is possible? We are told that there • are •still quite a 'number of people who do not believe that 'lightning -eine be Control.:-. Jed and this ,aceounts for the ihsenee qf lightning rods from "rmany build - d the community; and 1; hie efforts Peter; Grant .an esteetnedfarmer- of the fine homestead On Which he 1iv Ctriross;:north • of VeeSWater, died, at ; ed was, cleare:d Of the. '• Arrest.: and the., Winghani Hosnital brought under cultivation. . In 1872' •fe'v,infi'ess •a -t the age of -i- • • uS be niarried Mary: lpyle who surviveS ', him:. The Mith. anniversary of 'their 7(1'15 148, leaves a Nv.idOW:WItO before Wedding: wa",.s celebrated tour years. her, .marriaq was $iss. Annie Don- -agerand on-ti-tat,'occasiOn alds4d two• t;,,i • greeted by a large number .of relat. and .j-errhie, axe also a•axv.ivia4 lye's and friends. - • . ▪ t, the • lat'e Mr. CON.. a ritan Dr6:11ers: ItOtert, '3amea' , upright..charcter and was highly re! "41 and °avid; and one si!ter:• Mrs. .,Oeted, by all Wh.O. kne:re him. He 401O1an CaSliek; re.ktents OL thevt, '1,Vas a. •inein-ber of "'the Ang'ilca'n ,,cipity, • - ' . Foresters; .flae..de$ 1,44 •widev,"•.,OO was. a '"rtilY g•• : The title; of 'fin§ article, '.".1.4glit. ning, Its Origin' and Control," how- ever, is the title of a booklet issued from the eituee 'cle, the Ontario' Fire Marthall, a toPY of Which recently came to. our desk. :It is issued by. the. Ontario Fire .PreventiOn League. TfiP Contents of the booklet is an addrestt • delivered sometimeago by Mr. Lew- is, Deputy',Fire Marshall of .Orttarie. The fact that ,Mr. Heatenr Fire ,Marshall, and Mi. Leis, his deputy; should put their glanies te.sneli a pule lication and that it. ahduld be iSsUed as a. department ,publication, might well euggest'te the public that it eon - tains useful InformatiOn: , y • " For many' years the destruction' barna, houses ancrlive attack, though - out the country, has been treMerrdous • and it is the • business of .the , Fire Marshall to ieduee thiar:deatruction • aria loss as far. as possible. Lewis , uphesitatingly, reCom-• mends the, :use of lightning rods on e p o sed He, of course,' ateatri the right kind of rods, proper - le installed' and kept, in 'repair.' Any old'ihing in the way of'a •rod will hot' do; neither will even a good fed put On any old ,I;a:y '• Forttinately. there is not now MuCh danger of getting' -Worthless rods nor of having them badly: put en.' ThOse who sell Mid install 'lightning 'rods keen competition. Miss Marien Itobertsoe of Walker- ton; in ..charge Of. the Gins' Judg- ing OompetitIon and of:the general Ceaching .werk.., She 'Will be assisted -byZMis.Florenee Rowena and :Miss .:M. Of .Wailietten . and judge's Irene the IriatituteS Branch. W. X. Riddell; Agricultural, itepresenfative and his Assistant, 'E --YXellougli will: be in charge -:$1 the Live 'Stock Judging CoMpetitiOn'end Will be aa. • slated by RepreeentatiVes teem , ad- j01nng Coenties..!•-•q. QUPET KNOW BETTER ' YoUbg.taen and boys:eught tekteiw , ; O,vni114"tight 64:-ela:Salkfs4.,..4Trihd:retIlhiat bee a grt 4eal of this going on ii now thia.sPring„and • at least two derly- , persoria: Itave. been knocked, :down ad injured. by bicycles being- tidden on,"ilfe walks re Miss Rutherford who wasquite badly injured:. " :Shild not be necessary for the Wage Coueca to• publish, everY spring; it notiee,fo the effeep that the • sidewalka *re riet to. he Used .for bi- •'030e nidng If a few, violators were fined . Of a few bieyoles confiscated : it would perhaps' intereas a lessen upon Offenders that WOUYCI, not eocin for- gotten.• einhthe-treetaeuddt-0- eefo.i riding ‘bn the walks: When .T.aree.Y-iri." • the'streets "are not 'flt to ride on the bieyele ' should not be used. There' is • no room on the walks- for: pedestriaes. and boysor. young mee on bicycles. The .Council has issued a warping that prosecution wil1 fellow ?farther • Vieletions.pf the 'law n thie resPect. , [1: JUNIOR INSTITUTE • . , . A. very- Sirccessfel :joint ‘'meeting of ihes. jr. Girls and •Firmers' • In- ,tiute Was, held at the hOree of. W. :X. Martin ;on the evening of May', 28. The earlier;, Part ee, the program core siSted of tOftball.• and -!.other Outdoor • sports. After. the opening exercise'i Of the last meeting were read .arid -adopted.. . The :real : call • was • 4nFNered by "A .Habit. that builds or • trieinteins god health." • Plana 'were made for - the Field 'Day and Judging •Conmpetitiens be be held in Chesley on June .17; also for a :picnie to :be held at. Goderich in The 'nuniber. Chief, ImportancO Pe 'the peogram wee ,in ecCouni; of • the, GirlsConference 'Girelph, • en:by Della Vanish: Other nunaber: Were a"piano duet by 'Annie and 'El- len. Ket:habewt ,readings ' Mary Cook and Myrtle Webster; and • e: mouthorgan selection ' bY ;;Fred Me Quillin. A 'dainty lunch Was, served by the hestess brought a most en. • ioyable and profitable evening. close. • . • • .• must : have a Depaitmeet •pez?nit te do ',S;0 AtId : -Meet come up 'to standard, There are Depaternent , inspectors :Whose • business it to leepeet lightning • rikla that Pat on,, so .tfiat the par- ty having. oich ,work done is practi- cally :a_s_stirert•ota,goodj01,- ' • Church And :,of:the Canadian Order Of zhe. late Nfr Grant isurVived sctis the Geo. • Avhc; *iniath • at knw home;,, a/so, by 6ac,1 'Church,• Teeswater, The. turierifi 000,Fge 'IL ; 41144 !die§ " Seta CoX, tended. • •. '• Mr, ,Lewis' giveS figures' thewing , the nuiither .ot Area due to:lightning •whfhuttarred in 'Ontario' during the •:S:ears .1020 to 1925,dividing, them in- .: -A0-tti;#0 ,elaisest...rOdda,cl.nnd •unrodcled• buildings,. In .192.1 ..fite ,rodded ings and 1,267 titirodd,ed;!‘buftding were destroyed, 1622, eight; rodded buildings 'and .1,64 unrodde4 In 1024, six rodded, . and 68/ urirodded , DIED • • t . r geOneteaktirreffilinrentisin , Brown-In:Lilelpael•V,. .Irne. 2nd 1926, 'the 'infant son of Mr. ad Mrs „Robert Bi•givn ,:(born -.flute 2nd). • -1026' • 7' : at Lot S.; Coneession• 0; Finless; Joiiii" 7, WiIham Cox, horn. ‘November 16, 1843. .Aged 82 ,yeatS and .6 ,months. Int,erinent ' ',Ripley Cemetery,. by tW fienSon COx of, ..N.7e,k 'York qty, .rnerOter. Of Preabyterian slaughier; .kda-LMrs, Alf. llodgins1 Sotntday, May 29,thi. was 1ge1y at - bUildingtiwera destroyed, and in 1925, nineteen. tackled . and 1,013 nntOdded bttildinge destroyed; "• :PP 11;•I• 11•,;:r, NHH ."' p•P. , The next Meeting will be held at , the 'hen* Of David Alton on 'there., clay, eyeriing, June 10.. Everyone ir tordially invited tO attend. dente ear,' ly and ui have a ,goOd game of Softball. BRUCE ,-,scgtpL. FAIRS Distribution of School Fair, materi- al w,a'S completed. the letter "nett of May, and atatistie§' furvishe.d by the 1.e c al Department • of Agriculture :show..tbe large' scepe of :School Fait Work in Bruce County. There are ,17 Fairs ' held • in 'the' County including ;the Chapipienahip Fair "held with. the • Paisley' Agricultural 'Show. The s'e Fairs include 156acheiqN with 028 ,pupili; taking 5356 -packages ' potato,. 'vegetablesand flaWee• • seeds. These,seeds, are,grown• by the... 'Children in limed plots and. the pidL „ duets; :shown...at the Pair in the .fall-, along with inumerous 'other •artieles suchat sewing; baking manual train - 'in ci1leation4)rePared,by_the, pupils. Over 450. dozen 'carefully se17: ected..eggs ,..froin bred -to -lay arred • RodelloekS haVe also beeri disteibut- •:ed. .;Prize1isth.wi1l be ;prepared -arid; distrjbutedat at earlY date. • • :Dates "ide the vaniout.P*Cra•ir. _ 'fltut,e have been, set .es, fellows: • • rea.trie* tia;ir, Whore gotd. 'bate' • cartIck •' MiIdrna. sept.. Mbe'iriai'1 1, poy!itay Sept' 0 ,Eastnor Lion's Read Sept, tO i ,Wiartim Diat;' Whitton'Sept. 11 'Pinkerton ' • • .1 / • ' the lowest price in Chevrolet'his- tory this handsorneirugged coach gives you eyery ,quality feature essential to modern motoring satisfaction.. •In.. the Chevrolee Coach %you get 'a • beautiful Fisher Body ,closed car, fin- ished in beautiful colors of lasting°Diko. dOfiflg , features as 3 -speed transmissiOn; balloon tires, - „Alernite lubrication; oil. and -Water pirrms, and Remy.. electric •staring,-.,.. lighting, and ignition t. . • Come al! Learn how little It now costs :• to own and drive a quar,ty closed car of modern' design: 1 ..Brown, Teeswater, Ofq. • Supreme in the Empire r of Ontario's Beauty JOtroadslii�ntali� have made-each-,MOtorist the , Monarch of an Empire: -of na_tttral 'charm and eatity. This Empire is his to know and to enjoy; with convenience and ease. In an hour or less; he can pasi through unequalled scenes Of farmland; lake and 'stream-- Can mount hills which 'open out a 'wide' and colourful panprama-r- can descend Into valleys where naval'sis moste-i-er.1 iisitu beCittee most intimate. , t. - ' _The highways invite yo'O. see your Province and thus to' knoW 'how good a place it is in: Which to live. . Never have the roads been better? Enjoy them. But use tl,i.eM Sanely. ExCessiVe speed ,darnages road surfaces , and hastens the need. for costly' repairs. Remember that • _reads, are Maintained at the expense of yourself and the. other inOtorists of Ontariorid not break the Speed law. ' The doverntnent. relies On the, cordial Co-operation • Of mot'orists in ,maintaining the'.roads by sane driving; , Therm who are careleas about speed restrictions are rezninded that the law is being rigidly enforced. TBE xo'NEO S HENRY, S. L. SQUIRE, i • • .141.nister of higiirin . liepUty Ministir. • Issued by the Ontario De partment of Highways to secure the co-operction • of motorists in ' • abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. • • -cr._ 4• I .:.#.4*‘*/444- : , rir , • - 4 , /".,:‘ lI !!‘;4 - L. 14 I. .• . • /4' 14. 7 ,FOltDYCE- „ aiid flx V:ifAted at 11';', ,Chaippion's , Stnid4,7, '• . •, • and. , nj ps, OrAu; born 'were • guests at Chester Tay, ! loes on 'Sunda., • Mr. 'Martin Made a hUaineSA. triiii.O.London 'fast 'week, Qtiite e 'number front this lecalitY, took in to koob)ight,,kt. 4'64410i dh konday, night; Ana ye. port a bit. CrOW04 •, '4 • 1‘, ;. •• Glad to hear that Mrs.' John Tat. • torsi;n,.:%vho his nOt been far n4 ear , 'tepee ing , •, John'. O'Mally of laottolt, !tad under the parental roof Or, a, dayth and on returning telt Ni4”. 4 otothur, tLk Wttb itiln tag 11