HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-10, Page 1. *00 PER 1(EAR IN. ADVANCE; $2.509THERWISE
7 V ,
Pule* • orri%., -Ttiv:RsoN.irr, JUNE lOtb, 1926.
0, .'1,ROPESSIONA1.4 ,CARDS 9'
Miss Gertrade 'TreleaVen is.
lag frienfla at IIaulton
Mrs,Will Douglas• visited:10.
few days'of the Week ht Louden. and
•Canfield. : •
r. W. Connell °
Pit)stcian and 6utg°(!ri
• .
violin 86
DENTIST'. ') • ^ •
• Pr. 'MacLeod i ' LuCknow
'very Tuesday in, 'Pr. ..conneies
• • • • DENTIST
• Dr. It L. 'Treleaven, ...Lucknow—
Over Decker's Store Extraction
either by gas of local • Will be. in
Dungannon every Thursday.
Phone .52
Call Pr. Newton
Make- appointment
An office everyday .
s'll i • ; I
.•0. EVERYBODY'S c oLuMN 0
0-4-0 • d 0 0 .0
Coo. A. Bidden, Lackteni, Broker
• and Real Estate.—Money to lend or
first mortgages On farm Proper-.
ties at 6 and 6% 'per cent according
. •• to .security offered. •Alsc, smar
• amounts on second mortgages On
farm „propertied.' and on personal
••notes. ., A .few good farms for sale
, Latest patterns; in stock at lowest
prices. As cheap as in catalogues.
-Also_ hook patterns' Of leading ' Man-
ufacturers.-,4303C;17,1,,,R.../.. Cameron,.
Painter & Paper°, Hanger..
Luckhow Flour 11111
'This la what our eUstoniere are
saYingi, "The first ' bag of !leer has
. been!. consumed and has more than
• reached our expectations; ,in fact we,
Consider that it is the bestillavelOck
Flour we have used." *
•;Why , not 'be,ione of: the customers
- getting' such ,satisfactory roadie from
the use of ,
• ' VC- E Treleaven
Fr Sale—Twosmall. frame
• trigs, also a quantity of 2 -in. plank
and- storm and window sash:—Apply
' to, D. C. 'Taylor, Seey School Board.
3:00 Acre, farm, On the • 6th Con. of
West- Wawattosh, all in grass, gOod.
• house and barn, well fenced, plenty
Of water. • Apply to Mrs., C. Durnin
LacknoW. •• ;
. • , .capable 'maid or
:man for • general 'housework. Apply
to MI'S- R..tJ. Heys, Wellington. St..
Goderich. ‘• ' •
For Sale. --Comfortable dwelling in
• , Lutknow; frame with cement veneer,
• roof and walls in good condition;
hard and softwater; half 'acre of
:good land. Apply to Mrs..Angus•Mac-'
• Donald; Lucknew. •
...•••••••••••••••••/ arm. ..=.•
. .
Any persona 'desiring t� secure
drainage to Mein drain am:Campbell
Street or across road on. Ross or
• • • Stauffer Streets, should act without
• • 'delay in ' order that the same will be
in before poi/anent is started. ...•
• —11y Order of the Council:
, • Safety •Ildior Blades Shareerted--
Satisfactime'guaranteed or money re-
funded. Single edge Sc. Double edge
Murdie & 'Son, DucknoW.'
, 30-6-100 .
Of 16 IlOrdeth 42., Cattle, 6 Sheep
And SPAM implements. At McQtril-
. •Feed Bern;„,Iitickne#, • On' Sat-
. urday, lune t2th. These titiC1411 will
. be sold as .the- proprietor is going
Weet. Five Months' credit. ' •
Sale, of furniture and small articles
. it the. evening; • '
Come,. early it there it a kit ,Of
•• attire t� ditpOie of. Sale will com-
mence at 2 O'Cloelt, sharp.
Vidor .Whitley, PrOrleter.
• • -Elliot. Miller,' Auctioneer.
• .
Citizens' Brass -:Band now
open for all sorts Of iligitgeinentik*
•garden partisa„, *Wet, ate.. APOly to
Gorden Sohnatbn, LueknOw.
: '..efigage:14 heuse
'WoA, Inforination at The Sentinel
Offiee. ' • .
• One new -hOlitlaY .each week,' and
;.the,Sathe' Wheleisorne....hreaiteach4ay...
Golden •Crtilit.with that flaky white-
ness, mellowaeas,,Ait its gold 1,ttip;
(olden, urns
•. bread, that is 'different from alP.oth-
ers, but has ,the Seine quality, in it
'each day.. ,,Ctet your ,.grocer's
DOMialon Bak,
• • . • •
Week•RMI Sifellid&41oney "'Cream'
taireiv-Ckocolate • CUP, Cakes, Date
cakes, K�ral Dretei •Seenk Joni!.
. Lett of good things to thdoit.
-bent' at Rendlae, ,..•
• Get Your .dollciont lionie416641'..ice
• t/rSitill at 11014'0. *ft'
• ink and axiom 104101r,
Nostra, Russ Riinhie and Elden
Johnston left pa .Tuesday. for ,Ifoose
"Saak.''... •
Mr; and Mia R. D. Cameron spent
s 'few days ,at the past 'week, viit-
&ng friends at.iValkerton. , „'• 4
and Mrs. Harry Lockhart and
two children .11w/0...Motored. tient. Lim-.
'erick,..'Sask.,. and arOisiting . Mrs, E
Lockhar-t;% of town..n.
Special prices on' Diamonds irt
Asmstrungje during Juno. ,if Yea
are considering -buying a Diamond it
will pay you to- see these.
The regular meetingof the 'WA:o-
men's Institute Willbe irbl•1 at the
home' of Mrs Robert Thompson : on
Friday, '..I.ane.11th; at; 2.30 .o'clock.
Mies Rena MacDonald is the. new
assistant at N. G. biacKenzieia gro-
cery, Miirs „Johaston, who,. has '..lreoo
there for some time, haying resigned,
• Thework on Havelock Street lead-
ing to the C.N.R. Station is • about
Completed and the 'street will be, Op.
en 'for'treffic by the end of the week.
• Mr.. and Mrs. Mat. *foods, their
daughter, Rebecca„. and 'Miss Mar,
.garet McQuilbe, took advantage of
thc prey.hounCeneursion•to visit •De-
troit. : .
. '/Wit have 'thirty pair men's ait
solid leather leather Work
they. 'Come and get yours.—
W. J. Little-. • N ,
The librarian at' the: Public 'Lib.'
• rary has duite,4 number ':of bundler
of magazines') which she. Is offering
at 26e. per bundle—a lot ",7•of -good,
reading for the Money... •
• •
• M. Donald Gall, Who hai beer
thller.in•the local. Bank of Cornmerce
hasbeen transfOrred,to tile branch at
New Hamburg, leaving ,here ,on Wed;
nesdey. , In the °bank will
be taken by, Mr. r, W. - Tiernan, who
has been teller at !New fiamburg:,
Reevei„Johnstou was in Hanover
on 'Wednesday, attending a. meeting
of the Eugenia Hydro Electric Asso-
ciation, an 'orgazdaatian which looks'
after the interests .of the towns get
ting their' electric service. from the
Eugenie, plant: Mr. McGrath, chair
man of the Ontario Hydro„ Electric'
'Coinnsission attended . the meeting
and gave an address.
The United Farmers if North gur
'en Will hold their annual meeting an
' a nominatiori•convenbien in the Towr
Wifigham,• On Friday afternoon
Jane llth, . at 1.30 p.m. •A•4, hug%
attendance of electors, both men am'
ladies is • requested. •
Wm. -Rutherford, "Pres, , '
R. J. •Currie,' Sec'y.
• ,_The-Itev. C. and" Mrs. MacDow
. aid • atteaded the Genera' Assenibly
of the PreehYte.rtat Chaeli at Mont
in company With Rev
and Mrs. Meet ou h-7-0.-Ximcardiqe•
• .
In the absence of the '*Aev, Mr
‘Jaines;'..Who..,attendedAhe.,Oeneral As.'
'imblyi ht....Montreal, : Over 'the
end;' the 'kervieco, at '''South.." Einoss
last -Stiridayi. ,weietakeri' by ;Mr,. Geo.
Douglas, 'Jr., f-LaCknov4"•••••
Nelct .Sunday .the SeSSion,. Of •
United Sabbath' 'Sdieol enranien'
, ce at 10 'o!elockand close at a'ount',
ter to eleven. At the nubile worShir
the pastor, Rev. F.. Wesley Coseas.1
will, give two Bible •• messages con:
tabling . startling warnings. , Tbe
Morning subject •vvill. bo l'A *pare
Deal." The evening 'theme: "People
1For Whom There Is No Hope." Last
Sunday Mr, CoSnes took for hii;
jects 11 A.M.--"Is'aiah's Vision," an! -
7 P.M. "God's Crown Jewels.".,
programme Op Monday night war
paitnient-prepared by Mrs. W.
MacKenzie and was 'Inrich above We'
..aVerage, . Following • 'the • cinening
hymn and • prayer the, ScriPtufe read-
ingwas, taken by Miss Olive, Alton
from John, 3rd Chapter. Sole by
'Mrs: *told. Treleaven: "Building 'for
Eternity" was vronounced fine
.3:ELEr)roNE • sE,RvIog GUT QFF
Fer a OOOPle Of days WS yeeh
Dreknow was practically. without
telephone; service, . The: trOu'hie *04-.
,..1krtt t te 0 iPneg aW.11,1, reeni_; c !fdoirtehairifeget: .,m4roaernbainge;
tile' alai* the aa-rili—e1;476-reaniphe.i-
: ttneirig
ing from the .telephone ' central...office
;on the north ,side to the Role. line Or,:
the south , Side. Soon all. the ; tO•wr
'IrrieW:. that someone had :bleridered.”
,the Men operating. the inachine,
zourse„ didn't knoik, that ,th, • 0,i;ic•
was there..
• A . message, to • 0 tratford result0-:
in a repair gang he*g on the job.
Within two, hours of the 'calainity but.
it was no amall Job to comma ol
some 500 wires in pairs of two -and.
two.. A large.seetion of the, old cable
had" to be taken out and a...ne:w efic
put in. This required aplicing of
the wires in two pieces. The service
was not re-established' at time OP
,vriting, Wednesday, and it looked M
,' •
(lays to get the whole works going
though it mould 'take, a • couple ' of
• .
JUNE lftli, MI IlatsMat
„ .: • . ,-------,; - .
.... ..„,
Frames .-an Trimmings
, , .,
.„ .
will lie Sold at,GREATLY
new :oil-eleetries„type of past.
senge,r train service announced fox
.. . , • .
the • Palmerston -Kincardine run sem(
time ago' was started' on this 'brand'
!n Monday of this w•eek..A trial.trip
Was made on Sonclay ancl-as tins -Dar-
Reading a .itioralrera.MtvandBitsr PrOVOtP:tentisfattarthir--=110‘r=2'-'014:1-
laShiOned steam locomotive sai,'
good -by to this line so' far as passcn
' ger service is concerned,aii11 the
new tram was. plit in operation. The:
Hugh -.MacMillan of Formosa, . by
Masa' F. E. ,McLean, was •eapeqdlY•
interesting—they gave a Short ac;
count of , their work in the schools
They are endeavoring to Taster both ::traln•-•especially the. power end' of -P
much lees picturesque than thc
Item engine,' but .it. seems to havi.•
the necessary 'Tower and speed al?
• right. ' • ‘. •
These . repi•s.
• ent a great :exprinient . being 'carried
eat by . the Canadian NatiohalRail
ways, and. is :yet is, laigel3r in tbe
experimental ,stare. they were
Operation';on, a, number Of bfancher
last year and • are said to "effeet
%great, e:onomy, which is the him. It
is said that ' the:, eyes Of the • railway
world is closely" watching .the experi.
merit, as all passenger railways ser
vices, especially' On this / 'confine&
have been hard. hit ,*by.,the antorpobill
and nuitor bus 'competition and rail-
way managers are anxiously lookinr:
hautf for ' ameans of ,meeting this
new competition. In the
*ginethey., believe- „they have some-
thing; Which con be devloped into. a
!Mich cheaper povv4: than the ,stedr•.,
locomotive, ' thus 'enabling' them, te
theChinese and ,JapaqeSe. language -
easy. task.' These . letters are of
• particular .interest,. because
Mits. t,fa.CMillan Are SO,..Welt-knOWn'ir
LUCknOw; being -students oi;the,
nevi pnitinuatien flchool, nftder, thi
.tiltorahip... of MiSS..,Metiiin A violh
'oelectien,.hy Mr: J. Little •.(,teachei)
Was Very inneh Sp•Preciitted:'
The Central :In. Oni.,•
Lives" by hy '61ztay§ ”:MoeXen:zie
was an . excellent ....;Paper,:' and • 10'
read. selection
Nevittan , "The :Last` Htipe":' was j,ta
soy 'the !Pea; an exeeption in ciiialitY
..ond.executiOn ''..X..reeeiine'by MTP.
depi;4ing Missionary life oi
the .early Missionaries in,. the :Great
North West. Their.. devotion, thef,
trials and their hardships; Makei.ohr
feel ashamed' to 'griiMble abOut. the
'oi.nfing,;:. 0. .1. kfie teirby Mrs. j.rNvjo
'and Rev; Dickinson whs splendidly
'rendered' and' enthusiastically.receiv
.Rvain 1324 and :Benediction by
'Rev; Dickinson -"brOiMht,' to 'A 'close •
•prograMlne, Instructive,' entertaining.
and,'Inspiratiorial. %Dr. Newton oc-
• .
,Cupied the chair. . •
'• •
• ' • '.• APPEAL 11011 -*FUNDS , . ' • .
• "., • • . • • • . The. 'Young Peopie'eLeegnes are
Commandant HUrd of the S.A., busy playing ' soft 'ball. They will
whogave an address in the • Town Meet.''St; Helena WS' 'Week in. thc
hall on •Ivednefidair eVening, s ii first, 'scheduled game of • of the .Huron
'man of .trereendoils 'energy and ' -an 'PresbYtery League.... -
untiring' worker. Those'. ,Wiro, :heard Work is being commenced on, Ahe
hifn saw that he does not, Spare him- 'ten cliurch.'greunds in PreParatiell
self on the ,platfo#1, :and he is e for the, Golden Jubilee Services• In
qually 'energetic at Work as a 'Can,:
oulY. A new flown' he •an
vasser or in aking . arrangerrients.
for a Meeting. ,The 'morning fellow-. t.11.1.e. old 'fence replaced hy..a moretidy
mg the, meeting .heid, here, 'lie called' ,
into OUr•offiee and remarked that he Mark again in , Yeur Mind and ea
was JUSi back from nailfrteri havisi the calendar the date, arid Plage Of
Workgone erAO& that toWn returned .fOt• ,a "lassie •,the,,ditaiit garden, party, oTpho.
. e, before •brealt.
fast: ' at the home of IfIr. .1, LaSenby, 9th
The'Irmy ia endeavoring tO raise. concession. : The mortgage on ,' the
• - ,
parsonage will be burned publicly.
baseballgamo, Belfast 'end.
Liiektioif teaine be played. A"
full 'prOgrionthe will be antoupeed.
next Weeit • Watch for it! •
Servieeil WilLbe regular next $1.111-,
day -41 10.60 A.M.; neck:item, 8.,
. '1.0 P.M.The
ter preach:
WON, -SRCiONO AT; ti.A4411A,
Meesr.:Trimble WHO, If; tam,
nlon; '8;, 4teld, and losepli .Agnew,
made. up' *rink Ottuckno* howlete.
which'took ‘part in A- totitillin.ent nt
Cflrill oyl
June:d. They 'were And-
perseverante,. h114. coUrdek 711''qlktihd. 't -he 14`
own undertakings.. At the close, of . g-ecratIon OVent. sate 'of.the.rathr
hte•ineeting.r4ir., Jorit•lititiettihed $50' Cr 'cool atmeaiiiie're there 'ivaa good.
to . the teacue7ftintL • . ..attelidaned..;•ot tintcsi: kdot c;5 t.„
: The 'Rev. T. W. Cogenti!,altio ,gavie doh and :an. tht
short 'address in WWII,' behaif
of the churches of latekilOw he ek;,
tended: WeltOnle to the *Army. .
'The. ,Luchitiow Braiia, Band, -under
the ,dirbotiOn of Mr: 'MacMorran
isyett number of 'selections, Mise
itry :ecintribate& a solo
Ana., oattette. from ;the, Milted
Church 'Choir:- .Mesart; (leer and
Anderien Put it-pdMls
09bOttseli gi1V9 - '90404 ...Uhl..
1.'10044.6 • WO „
$280,000 to. be used in their rescue
work, ,Mitl Conimandant third
Is en-
truated with isecuriag $25,000 of this
in the, territory between Sarnia and
'Owen sound, He is a vigOrout.
"pinker and in hie' address 'tellsof
the work the: Army ie .doing fn holl)!
inic the doWeArit&Oute... It is a great
work And the world never before had
On orgenisetion eo well Adopted
it tithe ArMY W)th It. many devo
ed upgQIflsh 1.,vorkirs. The aim IS to,
get thing's Who .haVS.:fallea hy tho way
beak .ta a tiosition . of fielPretipectlitg:
:selfsuppnrt ngain1' - • : •
• . Mr„John
Man of Alio nieotlng. /is Said ' that
he owed n grOst deal 40 tho
The.,,pereistoney with which
he saw thair werkq1 J1Ut,4II their
endS.taught, hini'a useful, 'Of
give more tittraetive rates to tlio
publi,' That is the only. way to wir
hack • the. patronage at ,present los
to the ..automobile and buN • '
. • •
. •
•• This issue of 'Phe•sentiii'd waF
'held up for just 24 hours by ' brcal:
:or father a hurnaout;. which occurred
in the iinotyPe..meiting pot. The nec-
essary repair could not. he Made lo-
caliy, so 'a Man had to come' all•the
way, fi•Mn Toronto till do about 'three
hotirs' work. Of course, we had 'tr.'
pay him,cir rather the eornPanY'
;Which sent ' him, for 13 hours, as, he
Was 5 touts 'on .the train comigg.and
another 5 going back: Then theeez'
was is railway are and material
which be supplied. However, it was.
n't,' is :costly ;AS Making repairstc
dthe bunian y—o iimehine ever
more delicate and complicated thar
linotype-rso we're not 'coMPlain,
ing. The machinist •eame uP, on the
late aid went back on , the` early
train, do he didn't loose' Much time
. OWInglp 'the' rain lest Sunday af,.
tortiebn,' the:rositi• brethieri
did net 'hold their deeeratiOn aervice:
in ' orentillf CernetePy 113,. wet an-
nounced. Weather permitting, the
service. will be 'held SuM-10--
neon, 'Juno 'Ea.::
ed to 'Meet itt t6 'hnlier5eni
e'cloCk P.M. The' pra§s tail& Will
lead the, march • to the •-eeinetery
where, following n short Service the
doorated., Visiting membors of .the
Order are asked to loin
. •
xptIcs ,
- Riding btcycles • Ont.the7'sidewilki
at lucknow is tearer,/ .to. the ..bst.
laws of the .village, Any 'further (114 -
regard n.t: this law. will. Moan pgandli.
tiOn: of the offender. •
iloyo t4k6 botico
' Onto? 'o tho (104001ii
, Kinloss ToWnShip,.. or
„Mcy 20,,4026, to Mr. and Mrs, Ra-
dii. McNeil, a daughter. •
• •
PetersOii—At : 'on
MnyMi'• 1026, to Mi. ott Mrs. iloW.
•ard Peterson; . • twio6,40Y and id
'MPS, Niterifin was tormorly ';5111111
Omitlt tiftitfokt)ow;
JUNE 12th.
The„OdYsseY of a' disappointed Wo -
whom beauty passed. by.
The Eplic of an unattractive Weinan
- With Good tomedy
ith Serial
Saturday—Two Shaws. -First coin- •
• All Shows 'cinnthence at except
Wedding Gifts
„ Silverware makes it oasy to • de.
cide the. .moit .suitable : wedding gift
Our new 26 -piece Sets are beautiful.
These. Bete consist of a heatitiful
serving •tray with special plate; glass'
bottom, With Mahogany' •finish
ing. The sides ,of•lhe tray are skill,.
:fully moulded, and silver .: decorated
with burnished • Ornanients. The barir,
-dies :are ,also silver decorated... The
blue velvet lift -out •. Pair , holds 26
'pieces, and •riakes an ideal Set. May
Fair Design. .s2,2.60, ;complete; Other
Seta in CAhhiets. $10.0O up.
WAAleolhaVe many beautiful single
gift nieces from 41-413,,tb $10.00. ,
' We Will 1?e pleased to have you call
ind seethest ,new pieces.
Special' prices on all lines.
• •
• The. !-•ei.1.43,n of th Webster fern.;
Connections Will he 41,d this
s.'car riayfield ion Sirtiirdaylkf.this'
• • ,
w(ek—.Line .12th: F'%e•paratiairk :toi.
this. annual • family event are ',finial
i ore eli,borate tha-.1.., in previous
.Yeare, end (late a ,lengthy PrOgrain,
:et etiterttininent • has been' arranged
—27 sport events7inciuding, a tug7of
war between...teams, • rep re:Auld:1e the
.initiliern and the sonth.erit division
Of. Huron. Dinner vfti ConiMence
pfornptly ct .1.2 .o'elotk and supper
.will be served at 5 "O'cloCk. • ' The
gathering will be in. .64 Dayfield.
Atnusement Perk. . '•
Ineknow. CititenS' • BMUS . Band
gave its firat..,open,,elr concert .of.• the
seet41,1' gAtiliday,
0 t'
0 e ,p u 40: It at tact (
Ilitite!g!'.bil'ge.ltetiid Which •'OVidetitly
Who Weli•entertninkl•- Tire band Was
cenve"yed: .trOot. th@, Town.' 'Hail Ond
••back, again .by' en° ••dt. •"SiliierWead'S
truck, the' lige 'Cf. 'Which wag steur
ea" b3'1r.17.X.,7" Mier°. After' the' corT.7-
-,Cert Rcevo JO:118ton entertained the
boys to a treat, 'at the restaurant,
feature of the OValibg • which was
.0eatly appreCiated. All are invited
totome out and, hear another, oi
cert next Saturday evening,
• ,
: SHEEP' ' ASTRAYL-Strayedfront
the Tyromieegoef the Undersigned .04
bout May Lei.:_ester ewo 'and
lamb,. Any peron knoWicg .of their
whereilhouts plose report to trilait
Gaunt, 'Phone 64r 1.2, ;4404!10,4
v. •
' r •
Bread that is.rich in nutritment .and rich
flavor. Our quality I.,oaf vvill please yciti, ,
Raisin,. Horne Made and Whole Wheat 33read
Lemon Meringue Pies • Chocolate Marshmallow Cake
Apricot Tartlets Dundee Cakes Cream Slices
'• Puff Pastries Cream Puffs Jelly Rolls
Dry Goods, Women's & Children's Wear
; No costume, Complete. without thCm. ,Sup-
.1erb newcolorings—rase taupe, bois. de rose, 'Peach,.
apricot, moonlight,: etc': Perfectlydirect and
ished, all sizes, at a•pair $1.00.
There is real entertainrnerit and more atith=
• • .
oritative information and inspiration in looking
over the new Dresses we have just put into stock:
Commencing at the lovely Haus:: Di sses at $1.00
•up to the more elaborate ones.* to, $25.00.
Special Nainsook or Naincheck or Check -
Lingerie Muslin. ,Full yard wide, in all the ,new „
posted shades, very pretty, at a yard 25c,
CoOts. Standafd Machine Spool Cotton.
Full 200 yards any color, any size 2 Spools for
15c, • •
v4,zir.vw,X ....&7•4*'..4*XV.AnAttACI9T.4":4,4tank:OrAWAT.A*.,.*.Ariir4 , •
— 6
4 .ExcRPTioNALI.A. ImE4cliANDr$E,
SUITABLE rog.. sHowgRs, WELTONG Gyts,..-, ETC. IN
.h• . Hyugt DRESSES AT -0.5vi".ol...65 74: A.RESE ARE•••
. YOU.
1 •
unti son w
Th 4tth)
11104ing. of
now ' .
utilt04, -) Was held on ,T,one
it, the' 'assueinta'president,
Burns residing * The Seriptor'e les.
• P • * •
SOU was read by gr;. A.. t..B.Uswell
TofltsedThy a piarer bYgra,STth
. r • .i i••
4. letter: from the sectional see.ret.,
nrY' 'et' District. NA 6. ,Avii '1.6fid; in.
viting &legate's'. to the. Sectional;
.1"*reabyterial, to be held at, Teeswatei
tinted Churali on .4ntie ,Dth;
petit' of the Preshyteriat.recelitly .hek' •
• at. Wallierttm and? gave Mitth useful,.
infOrmatien regarding "tho.
t,rn,04 bY-laws of Societies:,
A reaatitien' Of appreci3tioi)wa
Mi14. Ox:IgOnA,• foe.. her' able, faithful. • •
and efficient 'ser:•vicas -to" tile
Uri.. 'Murdie ''o•gr4,1. . ver9.
geed reOort oi the former W.M,S.
the 'Prustiyterian Church, whielt had •
e °nye, intel•unien and which eerised AS,
scparht rijt,.' on March 1st,,
allpeution Of. 60006 416150ared il
undertlkin,g jt itg tothe
dr4,w8.1.., of, tile non-eeneUrring
llYterians from the Sot;icty. but nil'
were delighted to Iearn that the all
locatidh of $0000 =had not only beer .
rae1ied butst,trpassed. by -$20,000.0v,
'er 'and above. • • , .
Mrs. Newton favored -the'. Stidiett• •
with 'et piano solo whieh "WAS yalell
appreciated. After roll; 014 4r14
c08041, 010Sed thc maoting
atr. • - • . . , A