HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-27, Page 8' in _LIICKW" gr$,Y1141111. 27th, 1024 - LVUJES:TEflS children'S: osen Alan. y Aratiefiw Ladies' Hose, Silk. and ..Lysio. at 45c.,This itle was our,inckt popular stocIdllg at year and al7 a ready this ear its_demand .grea.t., e alsohave a better litle of Hose for I. rt SiTh and Silk,' a. beautiful Hose, in i$tpoIniIar shades.... n, Straw Eats . for everirday., war, eanut, traw and Stra* in 1VIen's, 'Girls' & Boys' 81rpes.,, • TO,pPry.SiORI • •• • •1 •/. 17 SI' Wood's Lavender 1ine Rayon Un-, de"rorear, for ladies. We invite you to see this wonderful line. lain Al Silk F Broadcloth white and colors at 98c. a yard. Vill:ett-Broadcloth- in -the' new colors, 36 in wide at 95c. a yard:• Rayon Crepes in abundance $1.45 to $2.00 a yard. Special To Men -- e have the best Overall value in town. See the new Plain Blue Triple Stitched "Snagproof:' You can't beat • BARNVIRES IN ONTARIO According; to the Fre avrarslicars, there- were8 destroy-, td, 4 fire :the rrovince ot On.: tarin during 1025—a 'greater rfamber, •Oan we built daring the. year., This, 1.s• rathera startling, szatement, and .ech;;Tehav'tethiveehldniSeeatstifiaerns:ere 'thinking • •'Lightning Prohabbt destrOYs InOre 'harna than ailY other agency, and as Stalled :lightaing'i..ods, are :heard .01 as hoing burned, it Seellsaii4e. to he-, cept this 'filetas a reeemadadation for every farnier to haye this safe:. ittYig; SpqntAT1eOu',combustion liR..-helxig fOulid as the ause of halt 'firealfl an increasing "ritimber /case, .: due. it is Said, to the iiirgearnount ef ilSY'Skored in inaws.:'The,'hay,„ 15 very frequently Pfivia quite 'fresh, • and. the moisture Causes it to, beef - and take • fire. We • are fOrmed that the. Old Country • Precau- tion of plaeing veritlatorducts up and • through the hay mows Would be a safeguard against loss of crop through this cause. In England, haymaking is. •catried on under difficulties because' of ' the climate ere being • much more ,rnoist than in Ontario, and • it is. iinpossible t.o get the cr0 housed in perfectly dry conditipm Therefore • the duct system is in general iiSe not Only in barns but In,eteeke,, as well. • It seems \quite' reasonable • that it would, be a decided' advaritage' for the •POINTS TO BEounv wooEsouri • ritootornoN., ;Vide• pang° of Choice Both WO • Referonee, to Soils + and Fortilizi'n' -+-+Prniling,• and Hari/eating. (contribute& Or kNitarie Department of .Agr.lculture •Toronto.) • "../l4 ' Tomatoes are•groWn-eatensively ktrach,grOP,. as.t,lnarhet garden Or9P; "and In. th'e 'honie garden. aereage..growaler .canning i 0'0449_4: has reached. Many flieheasWeeit,:-, • • : • . .4- , •. , •Tlio "tonnkto: -0090.- Well, on a white- rangeof. soils. , However; for the ear'4* ly crop liglitn'eandy or gravelly. pia*, " :are" :Prggeri.',04.,'.:While" .‘for a heavy laterIeld . er,00, the flOit•eandY 144010 '4.0r eta:Y:100.MS are4'Prdferired.:4„..;!.'. 41.47;tYS.,111.1.4 Marnires .General reeon‘chinidatione at .bet 4can',0iilY be:a !guide 2101,,the' uee of .terttlizere. ,,and ..iuttattres CrOP: The 'character and 'treatment,: of the poll, along With what may be the. ultimate :,u8e- of the iron, together with the length of season for the:dis- trict, ' all help toeuggest. what • treat - meat la needed, . Itis 'genarally, recticg7 Wm:id, that the tomato. atop requires. a seil in a highstate of fertility. Freilh-maiiirr-e-slrontd-n-ot-,be-applied- :Jast ;.PreVieus . to • the .setting of .the Planta, far better if applied the Ore- vioUs autunin,. ei. with the previous — , • FLOWE4DALE . A gloom is cast oyer Floweriale by the Reath of Joseph Calling whiCh oc- • Fun'ed. last Saturday. The funepal pri Monday :Was. Attended. by 'a, host et • his friends. ' • •- • Mrs.1" J. :McDonald and Miss Ma 4y I B. Doilglas ,motOred to kinceardtne last Tuesday. ';'• :43 ,Miss Hanna Colijng, of Londop,.has • took ztiv.ying' with her sister; Mrs. IlaringtOn,, during .the illnesn • Qf her brother; .1. Colling.. .„-Mr. and Mit., W. F. McDonald •'ispont Friday evening at the home el* , Aloc. Nicholton, 2nd. Con.. .. •The Fntrance Clads of FlOWeldale school will, try their filial, tests in . 'three .of4theii subjects'this week. • ' IC. McTvoitokIt ntininer• . �F ladies to the: IT.F.W.O.meeting„kat • • ,Hugh' Sutherland's, Iasi ThursaBy, • with the "Grey.dort" Mr. John 1%.:4Donald his; pureinisee. •:h new Tar, 'Quite j nVinber of the FlOwerclahl • people .attended the Anniersary Set- .--viect at.;_S011th 4Kl.a.l..9Ss last. Sandill• • Mr. and Mr. it; .Martin • , (lien motOred ICincardine on Sat- ttrday. . , • • 4. Mr, and Mrs: Joe liarringtOn, of, Palmerston, came up,Monday to at tend the •funeral.- of t h e fortifies 4tin010. Crop. Tomatoes will do well,follow- Ing chiver, ph:Meted wider the pre- vious auturnn. Of the cegunercial fertilizers, these bearing relatively high quantities of phos-' • Phorous are most • generally satisfs,c-• skeleton feria to • -mike an • opening farmer to adoPt the, early planth are getting . a start id 'Ontario. alfalfa Sometimes.a light application same plan. The duets .are built in 'thrY* of nitrate Of. soda applied just when through the mags of hay that will • useful to help them on after the . permit a current of air to pasS , ttnreugh. These can be Made to run • hp: through the •loft co: an opening in the roof, or if preferred, built' .ed ,inverted V shape on the 'floor -of the AnoW to- extend to, im 'opening • in the side. These. openings can be closed .when the hay' is 'considered. free Of moisture. While .there is generally -sufficient-geed-drying :weather during - the haying seaaonin Bruce Cothity te • cure the. alfalfa:AO a condition fit for *ring 'under cover,' yet there are sons in which itis a "catchy busi- , ness :and' besides there . is an over- -:1181f niany times on account Of help •cingshort to handle a heavy ereP: 4.46 that -no precaution :should: he ne., g.leeted that will add to the safety of *hat has now become •really:tbe • main .Crop of a great many farmers • in this. 'and, neighboring .counties. The • time to build +chiets • M before...the • haying ;season ',comes on. Size of • ducts is. about, 20 inches, and '9oc • should be placed in every 15 ft. x 15 ft: space. - • " -WALItEltTON f••••••••••••••• The sight of. a ctozep or more dogs •into, p scrap on the .front Street dui.' • ink :therush, hours' of Saturday. nighi, when all canine i , not under of their Odrners were supposed to be Robt. Fitzgerald. .• • Messrs. John and Will :Cook ep, tertained a nuMber of' their friends on May 24th.: . A number from here'ettended: th( circus in Kinettlfdine on Saturday. happy event, Of interest to man; in tliscorerminity, took :place at $t. Paul's AiictotY, Stratford,, urday afternoon, :Ma y 22nd, when Miss `Myrtle."Shaekleten, only .dangli, ter ef.Mr., C. Shackleton, of Wing 'ham, was united in 'Marriage to Mr. Jas. R. Mise,ner, of 'Ottattord,' Rey, I. W. Snell affiCiating. The young Coup- le Will reside,in 'Stratford where they will' beifollowed by the best wishoi, of the bride's may ;friends. hero. Mr,,, and 'Mite' C.. Shackleton •.and •Comfier& of Whighain 'and tli; and Mrs. J. IL tlisencit, of Stratford . visited Mi. and, Mrs: I1i1i i;111144 sit. Sunday. • ' Mrs,- G.;Twamley. and George spew • the holiday With Winghatic friends., . GAELJ7C4 01%ri;S:. , The IGincardine Roview-iteriortei, it *eporting a recent-...ixtritt-nettni+e- , Mile Grace Blake •doderidi ,over the week -end, MK an. grg; IAMes. Ctilbert and 81414g•tY tlifl" hOPIO,10., ' 1", . , Vora. and Annie MebOligalto ogee 5 and 6 respectively, took the :mid ienceliy sterni by their singing 0' •two eld Gaelic songs. Mr. Iltigt 'Me , .Dottgally introduted4qhe •'children! Ane: explained the songs they tititigelt was gno. nuMber. They sang "Illy List • Farewell to FUMY!), anti at entlitire Of. "Feat a blui'tti' (The Outman') and'Ilo, ro ma 14106m Iltiord‘ shock :of transplanting :from frame to field. ..Since' early fruiting and ripening is important' with ,this crop,. tOo Much 'nitrogen will .prolong the ng ' • vntig,, growth at the expense •of :eatly fruiti "WHERE' IS. THERE -4 BETTER, We may d$ a let of grouching"zu Canada, •but' looking the World. over Where is there a More.fOrtallate eon or where •a ceuritr *pore hap- pily:, situated, remarks, the ,Londan; Free' :1res0.•England is, just, reeover., 'rig from a' nine- days! litrilce; *bile there 14 'c011tillaa1 Indistrial „strife; hee and Opair , ars burdened • 'withAglits,„...and,:-..are-- carrying on a war, that seems 'tc hare - no..4 .end. with -the, Rill:lapse of, Morocco; oland- in the throes'. O. •.a revolution; German,Y •4ae,poiitiaJ chatis;4'Atis,Ilais worried . by teirible droatik and .South 4Africa iavng harrtd. blacks fro n certa'ir' induttriesii,fdail a UPrising As for the, ,United States, tile daily reccnd' if crime And growth uJaWlesaneee; isialPPOling, . "• sci.t.nada, has to -day 'What. the World needs: The population of the.. Unit ed States is 'growing so rapidly that it not only soon cease :to bo ar exporter of agricultural • precincts, but. will be actually an. • importer. The demand for Canada's food pro; chicy is.• bound to increase, rather than to decrease.' The forests of the world' are becoming-den/Wm:1:-. einadt-r- has the greatest Virgin forests. It is to the' Dominion the +world is •look- ing for pulp and. Paper. Canada has the richest undevelopect._minerar re-: sources. Nothing .4can • bold back the devel- opment .of Canada. We are bound ,tc go ahead, although if we hada Can ads for.: the,.Canadians policy, in. ef- fect wi would in, the next ten kearF. break: all records for progress ane, prosperity,. Inany case, we ought to be thankful we live, in.a country so fertile, se .beautiful :and se peaceful As Sir Thomas White., once said irt 134am/tent, "Where 'is there:a :better" ..Tomato Plants • are :tender . and should, not be set out into the Said, until after danger from 40E4.1e:over. Previous ° to setting ,out they. ehould. -be-we1ltyiatered7and-ns-niuch of,the- sell.. and roots, be moved, with: the plant as possible.'...„ It is. well to ehoole •a dull day dr else delay planting un- til late afternoon. : The 'Usual -distance of setting' the plant is four by; tour feet, VariOne methods are uae,d to facilitate the work, • of setting ,74scime," grhWers :plough' :out furrow, others., ma* their fields and, dig the..holea, while the. most com.inon. Method withthe• ', small :grower is to. Wm a trowel in . setting the .plant. It is good prac- s' tice to set plants somewhat deeper. ,than .were grOwing. in the .pot+ .6r OM • Firm the soil .well around .the: roots • Of :the- 'plant, title important. v, CidtiVation.: • Cultivation should 'be' frequent. Keep' all weed growth doWn. As the • plants 'develop the tillageehOuld be - collie' more shallow and' "finally:cease • when ,in.inry: to the roots IS noticed.' oretring Staked. Tomatoes. • off the street, and tied iup, showq how the Dog .By-law beingflout.7 ed ;by Certain of our 'citizeni.. • Apro- pos .of 'this Mayor Holladay said :at the Town :Conned Meeting on Mon- day :night that while most dog 'own- er were.adhering to the By-law pro -4 hibiting, the canines from •rani -di -1g at large during May and :June, other's were . openly defying the Council and endeavoring • to make laughing- • stock' .of the measure. Both His Worship and COun. ;McCarter knew; ,of dogs in their .neighborhoods that had been running at large ever since the Bylaw •came into Voce: T h e all -shot was, the Chief of Felice was notified to take action. against every owner. .of clog that hereafter trans- gresses in this .way. SummonseS • are to be issuedand the owners pro. secuied in court for this delinquency h 4fine ; of from '$1 to- $10, together With all costa of prosecution, be ing provided for those ,who sin in this respect. -,--Herald `& ;Times. 0 , • WIFE'S. MAINTENANCE • A bill Which/has passed: the Ontar- io .Legislature at its recent • seision hatt.'‘ special interest to Married peo- ple cul it amended the law which re- quires a 'men to RIPPert his Wife so .thitt it will force him to make 'such • adeqnate provis on Or e• at t ; the I f r tune, of his, death. his circumstanees 'may, permit. 'It will prevent If: man from. etitting off his w4e in his will. •At the present time a. matt is .bound p provide foi his wife • as long as he lives, He is tinder ne le - _gal" ,obligation,. howeKet,. pl...0Mo_ le! his,. wife after his death. If he dies without a Will. She siihrea in his estate + as • previded- by law, l3ut if he mikes a will, except 'as. to 'teal es- tate, he an leave all his preperty to wham' ,e4er wiihea. ••.kle .may be ' worth 4 'dollars,. end ..yet,,1 dispOseib-f Iiii'setate,-iiitheut leaving his wIfe, one cent. The bill protides • That when a 'tiled 'eating a Will and . does not !rialto reasonable pro vision. for his wife) tbe deurt MaY, iteatien, Make protle}On 4or ,(1r6, fru, Ult• 1)tott)h 09:41) ttsiplas.) •pot.o tht,t ositoto.• .4, ,*• ;Many commercialgrowers produce h. drop. or tomatoes from 'plants sup- • ported by °stakes and pruned to. a singleatem, Thie Man excellent *sr to grow the 'home garden :crop:. Training. ' ' • Plants may be set from twelve to', eighteen inches epart 'in' rows', that are three .or four feet' apart., dlvidualitakes'otvwdod or iron may - he used to -support the, plants Or such may besupperted by 'tyingt� wires. Raffia Is the most satisfactory tying material, used as a loop ,around the' plant stem and • attached the sttpport. PrOning. • In order hi produce a 'single stem 4plant, all, side shoots and suckers imust be 'pinched off as soon as they appear.' • • Harvesting. • • t Tomatoes allowed to ripen on the 'vine •ha.ve a superior flavor, so fully Colored -fruits only shouldlbe The eleven -quart basket JO -the Elrod popular Marketing pctckage ;used -In Ontario at the preeesittime. . Fi. sound; well graded, clean fruits only:. 'should be ',peeked fop Market.—]opt. Of Horticulture, College. • , ALFALFA: ',4 ,Reek`rve, and Ability to Iltith,; eland the 'Whiter. analyees' of the roote of alfalfa plants; from ,which the ,hay wee Cut When:all plants.'were In full blO0m, have been read° to determine the aMount of CarbohYdtates ;.and both soluble and .insoluble nitrogen present.. The recite cif plantS' that were .alloWed ici corae to full bleora showed raorathin twiee InUch serve Node, as did the roOta of plants that were cut in the .bUd or One..' tenth bloein' stage. It has, also been 'noted that. plants that are harvested When the bloom come through the. Winter .with less, The More vigerOus, condition 'Of, the •root,, alk Indicated by eheinical analysis, for the plant the hi allowed to cents id full bleOril and harVeeted onlk tango In the season, is big factor in 'carrying the planta over winter. Many aitam. fields are ruined by late.SepteMber.a.fid,Ottoher MittinfP.4' the roete are, left in a too weakened condition to stand' ,the rigor e of. winter,.. -L. SterenSoii, Director of Extensjon, b, A. College. • „ A fsetirth laboratory atialYsis and field test Of the ociterilereittl OrOdu6t 'known. is"'Soligro" at'the.:0:. A. COI - lege by spetial'reqUeet,-.'"The retains' Of this test tallied Nitith those : that. *ere tteviolislY reported by the•De• partment, and *es to.1/4the-effeet that. tSitt p*Oduet) Which retina at tht dol. Per:01010.0 1,11 of no b000At to. 0. L,fiL JV 1 1 11 •144, ' 44 1•1. tol-e 7••••.'7. • 0 -0.0 -- ARRANGE GROUPS IN BRUCE BASEBALL LEAGUE An executive meeting. of the Bruce • County Senior Baseball League was held at the Central Hotel, Walkerton with P,resident Allan Nelson' in the, ,hair, when groupings were arrang- ed and other. important ,matters dis, •.:ussed. ' An 'appiCation' for zneniber- 3hip was received from ;Owen Sound • Club. This was granted on condition, that the Grey city' tecun be given a 'bye, When groupings:were arranged. W.:, S. Reid, of Lucltnovi' Was elected meniber of the, executive -of , that town. ',A sub -committee was appoint- ed , deal with, protests, the mein - lien of which are G. II: Linklater. Te,eaWater; G. W. Hurst, Che8ley,, • and Allan Nelson,' Walkerton., Eleven teams have entered the 1 League this. season, and groups wen, arranged as follows:. Sontltern: -greup—Kincardine, 'Luck.. no*, TeeSWater, Chesley and :Walker- • ton. G.. W. Mira of.Chealey,4 coriven- Northern' group-Allenford,. South: iuppton, Paisley;.,Port Elgin. and Eb- nzer. L. Buckley of SoUthamPion:. • convener. . • ; .0weri SoundL;-,..a bye..., _ ' Group schedules will. be drawn this ,Thursday,..May 20tiii the North- • ein.grOlip exeeutives4meeting at Sou-. thampton•and the .Smithein grout/ al TeesWater, 'so; that the League gain- • ea coniMence as,1:soon. as possible at, • ter, May 24: • ,i .• 4. AR schedule gares .rinist, he over . • by August 1St, Otter which the `bat- in.'the finals Will be staged.•4' • Messrs'. Lou. Anderon and Guy Henderson of Walkerton were named Official , umpires' in, the League. • 4,GYrssi ,ARRESTED AT • MILD1VIAT 1.4aSt week's MilmaY •Gazette hal) the.following: . ' • ••, , province would be ,well rid 02 • the bands af gyPsiei who infest the •cOuntty ecieli summer; Last ,.Wee Sexieral Palmerston; stores were :hur.. .glarized, and euipicion fell on a. hand of gypsies Who, were 'camping in, thc; 'neighborhood. Three detectives *err nut On the.valie, •and,they tOok tip:a vigorOus search 'for the suspects. • tracing them as fir north ae. MIhl may on. Tuesday even1ng flOre they were informed Of anenOriPpieniltr the 'Urban. Schmidt ewdiip oii. the rith sideroAd of rrick, atid.at once, repaired to that Plate. there...they •found- the gy'Peles preparing for 'Eight, ;laid Eli el/Citing' tussle db. sued, The detectives. went right af, ter the gypsies: in gelid style, atitic had to' knock ono- tV, OE Men :befcire • they 'effected . his arrest; l'fhreS, Of tifliTkv-eie-taken-Priiiiii4•-• erg. by the detectives and lodged Ir jail'to await triai on the charge of. ,burglary, 'In, the early 4part of- the etening e cobble' of these "nernallsl' called at 'Mrs. 'Schmidt's' .rOside and iselently ..demanded a kumily of utter And -the Oriel that if they were,. net handed tint' voliintarlit: the -14Etttali.., *mild he • thou The PeCiplo IWing in the 'country sactiOne wOtild rest„ettelet if 0140 digliflIrtaill Wets put out .4 t c,1 When Nive, advertise any article 'oil sale, we have it and at the 'Price advertised. • Watch foirourhandhills culars,• Oring theiNt9 the sore, and let us demonstrate. YouI nlone worth, or yo:titi.' tnoneY back., P •. FreeRest It0.4;:rni -hi1dren. ,Who••flaye,..t.Or . place to meet your ..friends '044 eat yciur. lunch You are welcome opirated'by.Hoinell-MurdoCh Co. Lucknow Ontario • THE IDEAL SPORT &SUMMER SHOE . . , . . • • t• FLEET FOOT .SlitIES,-ARE MADE FOR ALL :.'INDOOR •AND, OUTDOOR ''SPORTS.. THEY ARE MADE STRONo .'• CANVASS :4WITH . CREPE. RUBBER •SOLE 4 THAT WILL 4STfiNti •THE HARD, WEAR OF LAWN TENNIS. 'BASKET..:BALL,''.LAWN • il:OWLING, SOFT: .HALL AND BASEBALL. THEY ARE ALS0.1'. .$PECIALLY ADAPTED FOR SUMMER . 'WEAR OF. GR0WING7:4.. • BOYS. AND. .,G11tLS. WE .CARRY: A. vim'. tisE 'At POPULAR:!: • WE HAVE SEVERAL, BROKEN LINES .THATWE •ARE CLEARING 01J1' AT $1.00 A PAIR. WE HAVE A SPECIAL LINE OF MEN'S BROWN OX- FORDS WITH •citErE SOLES, SPECIALLY PRICED AT $6.00. • " ,•• • o. ‘./ ATHWELL & TURNER TLIE'iSTOR,E WITH A STOCK We Will Look After Your Repair Work Promptly . 411104111•CO MOTOR OM. Ioont worry others. En-ar7co • Motor, tnds, 'yOur ni„qor 7 wor- lds. A smoOther",. /kin- - ing Motor'—'less: re-. 4'r - • warm, NOSE: aAsoiLimit ,• • t• e' • , 000YRIIIIITKW CANADIAN OK compoilasoio. , Toper:rm. orcr. • THIEVES GO TO JAIL Pleading,guiltylo Charges' of enter-; ing and'. bfirglarizingLghttiges • at, Bayfield, Varna and trUcifield,'•gor- donilarvey and Edward IlarVey. were sentenced by.,.Magistrate geld to' a terM •Of slt itootbo to. Ono Year .n the Ontario Reformatory; truce Laver' 'to three iliontha and • ItShOrt •Davis and Ronald Redda to twO inOn-• • ihs in the county 4jall,. The • Men, all. • Londoners, ,coinnlitted ,the robbaiigs early Sunday morning, .May 9, and'. Were; arrested .; tit London on Thurs. day' !Ea. --V,b0 loot they stole .itenslit, itt of autditObilo tired and iteedaasi.,,- ' Ida and dente ;'4481144''.IVisst :cat it, v.got, reentered; • • CLINTON EIGEWA An early decision IstgPected: in the' , matteofthe paving of the libren road hetWeen GOclerich and Clinton the "Provintial nebartment wnys advertisedrlOint weeks Ago for alternate tender ir :for r. thinetetd • be cra:ilent4 ntid 'an 'asbh al tic ,p iive ni but up t� this Weer had net 4iWarti. Ed on$i Contract. The Cleternnieat 141,0 OlfhtV.Per. Oefit, ot ma cost, th� I 10/0114 Or 490 WON 00 • • 41 y . C. White 14eghorns, Pens with male birds whose dams :laid 226 to 267 eggs in their pullet year, 15cts each. . Pens with male birds Whose dams Iaid 200 to 225 inl their pullet year; 12cts. each. • • Barred Rock Chicks, 16cts. each. • By test in the Egg Contest at Ot- tawa from year to .year there are no • better egg producers in Canada. Drop us a card saying' how many • Chicks lye.' want. We. 'will write you by, return mail; when we can supply We have 1000 S. C. White Leg - horns .for sale it $1 each. June deliv. •WALTER ROSE, BRIiSSELS;'ONT. Choice -Cut Flowers - The finest of Wedding bunches and Floral work sh pn ort notice, delive anytime, anywhere. • Transport to suit, • • rd• • GEORGESTEWAR'r Florist; Goderich, Ont., Phone 105 41S eSed litiAlinitrilietiiiiiiitY-:-There be.. . ing, sOMO .,qtisiitien as to the attitude , of the cduiity cOuncils,,,a, memorial ad. dreatied to Highways Depart... rient and asking for the ion•stirtiction„ .of ..the eorlerete 'pcivenient hntaveen 'Clinton and Oodetich hoe boon pre• , pared and lide44been. signed. twen. 1Y-tevan �fthirti-ene inembers Of the to,tinty council. , It, hi befteved that tho presentation. of this1)atItioti to tbo CotrOttimEtit, follaviotl.. bV, 00 04nountorinort pi 'Of osrly• aototiltottonitot 01 tlIO • .7.