HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-27, Page 7Vemeirome,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " i • • •• • • • WOULti WAKE UP III1ED Raialolv 'and' Mustard Dust., • i .•CARIfTS [--.. - •---'—'7---- ."-7--- - 2 , tat!pelting westward intO a strangeli "-- ir-On: fhe ' Wild islaud " Of ..erne° .B, MA C St6111fich :00 of 'order and Sys- weird and heautifel inteeet•' :peer eeeeee. : t/Pi,,,aun Powti, . . -everything -there is a yellpw dust; ,yel, * . t•-• •, low 4144 tJle't 1°<)1'8:‘,s.,IT 41talt1,146 ijeglIT: ;" Ili Miee, Isbe.talla Preto, for the afe tall Motlt.*Orange ifshilatielP4Ei 91 ,• „ Tho Holiday Shop'is'a piece of eine;• "il "tlerea fmm st°17aaeb tr°01° fc4: a•i:.4.t::•1.101.1,4, i4ad •136,,,,,n eneebee. jet! . Opt9lateardi4eetiloi:ler.ptilaenuittitir qArqoacletion. , I grandifipruse, erbeeli elves 4 profusion 1:).011t11.1g 1 of Peo.utifill white bloSsoros.,with yel- • • ^:h..44:tenglatlibitnwil.nesis:12etwi* ee4nralWnesq drabness of •04peiaVr:Oranie4fitv:ibaeNt'iif•isig,.7:1'nvimirs'olda,Mlariaell:vseoC:istrePieas,,,reeee'; ',lupe:tel. 4elladei4I'she:s'-ttaelreeneruapwbeYy t‘ilei.intr aunitd qt ele rubs , a ad' trees. Close. tP the beee 110W centres, resembling claelelY the • • • , „ d ft . .113 onyesue ita -• , cattered over' „ h 1 ek ft'em east 9rtbe.bouse, is °Pe, of the best' means i Orange 1i:own B h II ki .„8,t... • .,, , ,,... •• • , ot iropepving the Woks or the bottse ;.(Lonicere tatarical, with its bright to. we , .. 1.34.ee, of the Mustard' dust •tO trlo. ex:. 4,114 etiliantillie its valua. ay 'careful:pink dowers and lOter with 1t red or ' teeme west,. eehesee..etesbee 'aed, d.teer.: ,.. :Aailielnit.l1,10wne.4ti..uiP4htePlds:stiirnagbieetzrobie. Y;Tlitoo,pivgvhielriorsleas; 9, rioshi.4.1ie:7114.1:1ri:hal4e_. , yellei'W deetfree break ,thrOugh . at toot:eral epints of the house Or to ak.• other ••• desirable high growing poft.- "(went intervels.:ab lf.4.:*oleatto were'. in eruption': *The 'ItY ali (Were from' leViate ani '1,0ften ohleet1Pna-hle. tea- 1 Caregatia °Ftuteseens, with' 'Its •proftl- NDATION sParsely, and go !eta (hewn in geueral • w lc „tt s rime . 1 e. pee charm. It has one fiat window and health. I grew pale and Weak, 'woe a de°1' to the 'side' The wiud"r ellen/Aired, and would wake Uti` in the ' mas of 13riglitlY eolerecl inornine as tired •ai when • went to stf may ,lallds; of InightY .shiT'g bed, Then my nor yei3 began to give towering kiantelilee above e sea Of out,, .• and my. !sleep easily 41.stiirleed, brie blize vlith tiny. streamers Naturally T %yeas beinP•treated for the •:. et the, proportions ef• gmp.tatOre., toys, t , " et horizon to horekin Tooke as if millions.'" •ure, . , .. .. • . ' . • ' 1 ehm Pt Yellow floweese• is yeti elesile rayetard IS PrafetlettlifY all that ;should • he •pree ....ae is aleQ.'aYdraTtig-47p.aaleirlata'..-eran47. so#6-.Fiimitirai-$1,yrioilie„.. ' -..e.,_ . --- - - - re. ehhe .tJed-, 'leaving i•lk0 1.0..w'" IwfrOal ehtite-. difiora.. p.Ot, the IONFOV shrubs, Japanese . 1Y free.:o.t: shrubs 'and flo.Wers. it is barbSirY J§. very oreattlental • and de; The• old • Saying, ,"in f1p10 ,Of y,911,r, h.therilig.'.Opltr 1.9,61,1i 1,1•."TV1.(1r c:,qax0e• a;it' groUed"!atrabie and Res4. 'lettgeste:' Where 'the:re ,t-i.b.P11;!.' is very ald. :It is said t� #.4.7e eii.l.,i4iii: 15: ,ri.colirnteted..,,,or,4:f. ;044 .ting• oti,,,,th4.:,„1.s.,•,..4.,,,,..chant-,,,.;.pe irewel,g. 4.,,..eiee4.49e, ,.originated wile. n Icing John, :..0..f: E.n.ge' ..ce'tf; ia'wn .1aoellirlips or gratips..e.an' be e.deely shrub, is .vei.y. •.effeetiv.4 " stp ii•a ea, ar.. land, etilled out te'riCh ,ntale's •teetne'ene„ • •Jou 43 bUt. it Aid net help e Indeed, . on• olo i•Lo- , • • • 1,rave'-'5! puffing A434 its .401)!04,., '3. I was growing worse and -Plaid 11,^0t0! tOfl 0L dt had been fhro'n ta -":14" i't7-1Dt'-ba's'al-'Planjjng.+'M4e '41 -the 114C4. c6r1i91' al1441°; railtway thine 'With effleient, gebd-.!wajlt the,mealre..t.: ileemee-beeeeeeetne. --theXelliflf.7 pen Nat.auet of S.; 4Tives. heehimi.hg to. al/' out atoPPing 'reet. , It: Wea• at this '1°Q."'s lig4" lra"n • Ufld to cprneiand., join 'them in the, stage that, as 'a reeult. Of are adver- . tlefe.1$0t,, run thier;isethenit 1' :read that dedided to 'try • g fete U10.11CIS flayOilieon,g -...10i4C0' to th4*'-. There:is a hirtgnifteent eedetaken 11) 31)3 Tp, •site'set is. po Nti' Cial.dnighteenia. Wle.hewei!de' t•he. efol'.*;;SeiterOle Weeki`befOre " laideidiltiag•;$.44t on6'blis :116t of fir0 he1,0* '•arifitanneing "PleaRtire ••eoultl,••netice any, mip.tnyetnent ,M _MY " 4 . ••• lc!! Lin)3 lses `,NO*itY";;,FjOrt";, :•atuV cozuliti* th en / heeined',to.have.a, Tlien-r•miratele'.0t: .thirAe . . • .right • a•:06S49 .the-00443,*14-4711:t':11iiS:, ter atmetite, pee jcp,i' diffictiitY1 Ofter etapPow •;114-: al 'iv, y a I in ire. • beeitpas*I• the (sentence, .4(ln Sape,' eatirigi..and,.tbis:e,neottraged 'hie, to,: ea* F,U0er $rowS e •Alee,111w4Y.Ei phitre t:.Se•as 1'4110 'of. 0344, totihg. 1 had•;need freshe;af"'es• 061' •• • dozen be1teef bY.:whieh.thrie eOuld uPen ' '3"h ' mlk."; •graideu . • . ehine." • Inside, the Holiday :Silep the, walls 'eat 4 • hearty 'meal aed..eniey it. My weirdness leaves the skie•s' an • are lined with tiny *Odell Partitions 'general health' had iropititred sa pinch • ' g • f gold . frOna each Whieh, as.. in • the that- I felt.I.WAS again Well weinan. I Pervades the heayens, drips • very get of asking you Ito be taken, r have not Since hail any 1'0:Urn of the ' earth, hunts out eirerY leaf 'Protrudes A- riEwaY' ticket. It . is trouble, ^ti,n4 feel that I 'Can with cP1I7 tree, hathee every man, wo • all •90 Pimple. You, just Push open fid'enee reeornmend, by. Willie/nor cht.d' .itsi soft weeder, taln door, go Up to the s•meg Fills to Other weak andriMig people." k17:oeful Palm ir6'e P6111% m°1 man behind the counter, end ask- for Fer indigestion, ar any of the num- intO every stream; crowns, ere •i•et ti ke;_to_paYWheree-Andethe-tickete-Mouse-froublese'cinfiTter-tifine 'Watery ; cre9t-76f ;gold, kisee . being StO extretnelY to hand, is . yours blood., Br. Williams'. j•rink Pills are l'al9nntAin:itidp ;with golden • giol• • - • a Sec'ond, if not sooner. Strongly recemaiendtd, Mild .bY' ell Bap. Stidger, "A. Beek Tbe.. man 'behind counter JO •11. :medieine •deelere, ,ter wgi. be sent by Mail at 50 cents a box by 'The Dr_ Wit- Nedicine Onti • Getting a Nanie.. • Alany.in this age ere ereaehing tho. , , valueof publicity. Sortie have had re- contee to deeperate expedientS in or- der to pheain it. They do noteseerie to ' .have ,paidenaucle heed' to conventional netions•of leorals•Or taste if' only thek. .miglit ehreek into the heedlinee ,free quentlyearid conspicupuily. The Pule: tiponereor. later Joey Make the die: . 'between tante and ine're potoeletY. • ••••• • • . • .' One' sert ciiiries by :noisy • e • ir,S. to ' .P.",ensed ,..ncl. even here*. i; dim gut ai 11 Inc tCkOOr feet • b • bY '' one - lt.t3 uralt4. tlnk • give up' iris lea!, for to , leeee.,,tarfiee )411 of ,laWir,4with:yety,•effeetively aPPItceble, :io7Pg7trac. : ,.--,t,4'''ieY''.' e ': . ''''•:.:'''., . '''''.' --...''''''. .' . tr. • . . . . . . .. • •• , .. ' . . ' . Cle..;•• :it .:frecuent,,y,t$tne.,ta..e.ptain';:the,'MoSt ef7, •.the. 'i•cl'4 •:ef, the -front eett.ance with; .1"•41.11.04 °Ver. tiy1,... ogaom Ai, 0 lilw i;•bo.W.;•:'' e.,:i1PPti,Y.P.,reketie:. . „;,. ,...4 s. .1th :Prr(41-10iiii efeweeee eiteeet eneeeete. cirigin. ..S.lx er,seYell centuries ago; 00 iock..., ;f1(„Irhhe.`1.#1:rit.h.ere' le -a large '.11tit of ''..itiina abd Its .gisti• cehil,"Pen (fait/its hablt. ..Progti'*5.?.??P' '....i''S.11"0 'Cateli-e• Ilifil-ltr 444' r. • 0..1110 .. 'ht' :.. •. YaLable for kluch, e purpose, Particularly'beantitul arnoeig„the lOweee 414894 'ev r bet.ceals, in ,fliVier .t:.9 0.1S-,' it editi all Of, Wbich are OtriparatiVeIr tardy, • shr uha ere , the iti,•.iq forets:'"sa .the t.U.h2.1,°°•71Pb436' ''. '4... • . ' .. - a ,. .. ' ' 1 r ! as welt as being ver Y effective. In .N1,c,alf'Orania, . • Three .,norticalarly .pro,'# •'„,/ire*.rn. istndY", is :said to have..been Ron ,the ' making the...Pleating At. Is. 'bettet not ' fuse , end. bandsonie bloomers are the ' (migine'llY '"1;'1.43w fitirtrY.;"°r study *it'll' Of evei'yj.to adhe'Pe'toO elOs.q3::. 4).4' straight line, '•folinwing *Vartetie:::. .1116.11Anc, BO-• the forehead in the hatict AbOther fa- - ' • • • • . • . • • • • ' :milia.e saying . is., "You cant Say 'hoe' , to a goose." When -the fantona v,f,riter 't)..f •plays, belt donsere was intreduced to a noblenian the latter was .s.truck ry wave .yeiti• Jezisonle-'common-7-appearan • a every y;-•4•Wil, . "'What! You Ben Jonson?.- Why you of • Sune lciole'as if you couldn't.- say, 'boo' to •a • ••• . ,. . ,• • • •• . • goose!" . • • • •• • ' •.' ' • • • "Boo!" exclalined t1,1,S Wiity, ,dieme- tlinsgt;utkiurnbinowg to : th. e ne,blemon. 6.12;4 Fi. Wit- t/Si Minard's Liniment In the stablee. • gum hu, • 0,rather-plantto o entire o I • . • g • • ts eyery „Serpentine 'effete This in accottiptish- Where there Is o. high, blank telt gold edb bY4.•liav in.g the corners eome for:. onadp,'tO .he. ItnProVed the use: •ot a ward with recessions, or eloves along specimen or two ; of the pyramidal thee wall orthe. house • 'By:keep ng e ,c ar s very .pleaeing, • y ranee or - taller growing' Seeeienens at the .'ccoze hoveseene. . as a Senneer-blooining ,nerti • and fn. between :isindOWS, with 'shrub of about Slit •feet Is Usetii/ at the lower elitubS under the windoWP: and back of ..tt ntedienn-sized Clump. . • . trent 'of the 'higher 'Ones a very ' The above constitute the Most 'df‘s,' pleaaing variation is obtainedWhieh' eirable. and 'effective .ahrulis e.Yallable deeS net leek too" theohomfeol.•••ih,. its. and.a Selection tnatle froni‘. thie:'Ilet prsntitiofl wfll amply. repay for tune .and. money ' Some. desirable, high geowingehruhs expended,e; magician. • • "Egypt," youemay say. , "Egypt, Madam? Certainly.'" : • This time a hook with: carbon paper is. produced; and .affter a few pencil scratohings a perforated•:'sheet , is tern 'outennd •hancied fo'• ' carpet to ,Egypt, folded' uP and alippedirito your bag!, ;There , is such a hire about ', the Ifoliday Shop that,. you 'pause each 4day before its Window in Pleasing despitethe fact that your own par- •' e sgtos_arr.•ang..0, Iia.' nothing whatever . to ...no •With • • either Nor -way or ZrYpt. Was it chidisk to P:n3r a little pretending .garhe one • sunny summer morning, ,• •and push yetir way tallictag the ...tray- -. eeeee • who. were, :buyiPT:' up carpets left and. right? Was it, foolish to stand, by „the eel:inter between the lady for the ,Austrian Tyrol and the ' bigMen for the Blediterraneati Cruise and ask lot:telly .for patkieur:are, Of conducted tours to Cairo and. the Pyramids? -: ,• • • The • 'man: behinci .‘• thls' enunter , treated f you and lauded you bopklet, with a picture of an amazingly intelligent looking .Spliirixa on the cover, advising you to , : bookas early as 'possible as carpets to that:: particular. part of: the globe were in: gkeat. demand, ' You nodded Understandiney; • and packeting. the bpeklet, trasied, out into the .sUnshine- • • • • 0! 11)11118 11-fralart'ilisO:'-iii:0•0&-`,. tiettdirktion- --cif thetit and Setvice.be others - or by the Man'llimpeif ' Another kind pf,reputee don cones hy.the. glow growtle,ef the . . . general ciniscieueneas that a..nian has _ ..,•,,.._They Mede•Ptim'Oiddye-Teer '- ifeffid` hiS conininnity •itell,, has put . .. . ..• , , . . She --"What Makes :.tnat: :Mexican hints•eif ittst.and has not rip:en in place friend of 'Sentra seteli a giiitlY ehap?"•4•,• : oe out of ,Seetea (0 demand 'credit •anti ,Heee''The • Teeoiutiene,. .lee'e."'• b • n' to claim •recognition e: How heftesiiing 'thrtiligh;' pli dear.' . • ..' •, ,: ' it. in to •Ponio,upon•ptie Of these quiet, . • ...... .. ee ,, .liatierit folk, whose philotophy. ta that • ., ."' ' ' rOpletit. • 'time .fletill decide .and-thai •it idoee. not• . .• • ' ..' . . . • . -.. . . eve.% einake 'much diffetence Whet,, is • ettid The poplars to the,fields et,-..Franee . • about. 'Or done him ra-„T7e. Are •golden tedies oMeepvilaitee•;::.:.. - • 'Getting. a nettle is agraduel Procesti'; . . :Rut' yet to seathein there ist.Tiene . to loseit •May be the swift traniantien , Bat 1 and'ilie Sentember suie.,.• ' . . . . . • .. . ef a :moment, .• In, a trice. a man meet: • ' • • • fiftfeit. by ha' awn aet all that he lebori. The girl Who le their.'shadoev seta ' ett so long to rearin an edificeof' char - Can, only, See' the 'strk she knits; 1 acter ape 'conduct. And yet; He.r dog IS watching:all the day his. :beet anti Was. lipnestlY 1 That not a co;. shale go -astray th.e. scpre. of 'lie •good . deed$ w ... . .. Utterly erased by the blaein The leisneely eeniterited. cows, of, Preis:Mon or canimiesion WI ' a from •The• Dr.: Williams'. Area.: Can Only see the earth they browse; . the record row, 'The name. a men has; . . By the side of,the-pavement a.maie .. • Their Piebald bodies through the grass: mad; for piobity 1$ worth so intiCh that cine Co; Breckville,.0d1.;' kilt cart ha§ drawn up. It s heavy • '1 • •• With bOsy, Inunelfing nos•es pass. • the least ' reinaintler'ot it Is worth de. with liaskets of great 'brown • eggs r . . )t-sprigsof-Mint .. ' . ' • • feeding to the , last,'and-the, charitable : alone the, s.un and i behold . :,.. : historian 'hes . ne more •ilengetrial ta*SK . f07dOd'irl, between. • them here and' -. r 'cesikins crowned with 'shining than that 'of .restoring R. fafr repute- ' there. At dr back: of the eart. le",a_ ..., .goldee., , . tion to one. who ne, longer gait speak little•boy seated on a witadezi." plank. Th 1 1 .. e lop ars in the TieldS of krancee. •• ter iiimeelf and explain: his 2 'real alai- -HeeiS :1 round, brown -faded little bey, Like •gloriouseladieW collie to dance. vatiOn. With' te blue pap en:his head. In his • ___.:. feranee'Cornforil, :ie. ''Spring 'Alcorn, bands is a big bunch 6 red Engash int,,, • ..,••• , .;, .. ,toser, ...C...111 the Side of the ,cart in • ' ' • • *Good Morning. newly panted lettering is •ihg naine. On Use Waiting, • 'Good morning!" 'said, in accente .of 'the; farm, arid. be:ow .if;---nuist • • - ' elle WE CONFIDENCE TO YOUNG MOTE By AIWAYS' Keeping Baby7s. Own - A Simple and Safe' .remeny for • the common ills of babyhood and child- boode,elionid.' be 'kept in every home where . ---there *is either a baby -a- . „ , „ ;lung child. Often it is neceesary, to. give•the little bike: something to break up ,a; cold,: allay fever, eorrect sour stornaeli anciAanish the irritability. that acect!tripaniee the cutting ef teeth: illighthOOSeelSe.per; You say -"Why not• retire? • Fenaion; Comfort your kind about?" Not I I held MY post!, • • . • , • Horbor month, 'e,-4.1.1aze of giant eity. where , • • ' The westing sun: taille.s red.. Blue clarity as.ea into the; east : ..Gt.itygeSs. and • un -glint and • Enchanted space. • • - _Loneliiiess.---Ileaceeto thinke-ta-eltekene- • My'hema • , How enany evee, a Moment ere I light IVIe.„. beacon, -liaVe I Stood, entraneed, The d yin,g • of the (hue the -intent., ships, Experienced'iothets always. keep Sl'Inning. port ,the mirror Water, Baby's Own •Tablets in the home as a ••• safeguard. '...againSi•••the troubles: that And blue,. and ',Mae, ,:tiert-Cthe'after, Seize their little ones' so suddenly .end '• ' ' • ' ' • . . .„ the ypeng mother feel reasOnably. •IiOtt -,Many•• dawns seen Shadow-eraft . . . . • • Sete, With a .box these Tat:pieta put out e • .:1'. hand Ondeready eOr.emeigenCies., •Int,0 theilnYkere of daY1. Baby's Own Tablets are a • mil& but .101%.• 1?..11Y thoepilgh • laxtitiite that aet without'' •' P404.: ' if hedid 1 griping and they. are absolutely'. gear. Lika.. titati toys •;of , steel; . watched. 111. noe• .anWed free from ,opiates other. .ePrIneinslie:d: craft. aeeese, -hOrniful &bee. They are aeld by With Cl°*r'efelt ch'.'17;;) ;74 p dealers. or by mei/ at ,25 Cents . foani4teen Wo,vee; • Weeched "schooner,' tramp,eaed...piteeene ger depart • • , .'.• ; ' For havens fer aetts :the OM '• of. tliings • .; • ' Or, bunting:to the wied, .teterneagaiel yegiye up my poste• . •• • •. . So ;You suggest, • • • • - Meailieg weii..:1;answer:,''nor 'and. • cheerful strange coincidence•-•4he' village you near gate) What oe standing there ' . • .. I • . Starts the day off with a zest! , -. T , have Chosen' for year' bolid40.' , . 7 ,forr, •.• ' .' - '• . *Makes the. " Whole 'world .'seein • less As if by the Wave of a Wand, Cairo Stranger--"Oh•I'm•Just, 'Yi El i fing,•here 4.reartul-.- . • ' and the •Fyi-ainida and. the ihte:4gent ,foi, , . , .. . . • Warms the heart in ‘eY'rk breast ;* Little Bo Y te.'")-ott just 11, .w 'ekt go 'On Afakes the ant-1611We Seem lots , .. looking Sphinx yanish Into nothing-, • • iteps. ' A eattagegarden has taken 'f.hon. .catise ..e.., iiiiit. gotor to ha rfc no And the Mists to, fade away; their place •• party. '. : , . • • _ .. t Milkee the. hardest tasks se . . ,. • ' • . '•• , • • .• e. , , • Geysers. Work for Man.,- Sousa gegen Early Lifts tbe butelelie of the dee' • The Wonderful geysers of' Reykjavik, ' John: Sousa. Vie4 a teacher of: • •,• • • • ' • • • • • In Ieeland, are .1.011%! being used to heat' innsfe ot the age of fifteen and .a eon- 'Something Magir in the greeting„ •, That just eeems. to brighten thing4i . • tli•e toWn • dottor at seveneeen. . and net °WY. • to•heat the • brighter, em - town, . but to warm and water greenel Trouble clottdsare swift retreating— . houses and gp,rdene. • : • • .' Joy mimes in,on angel's ,yringsl , . Water 'from the geyeerS' 10 Oreed ft's A certain. gloom dIspellet.; ' -.• ibrough.earrow ,pipee laid at a depth , Of about three feet in the•soili and the . ;Wenn water 'favOra and 'hastens the growth, of .beth vegetAblea'and fruits:" ' Neal.' the largest:geyser a Very large: , greenboilse has been built, -where all kinds' a floWere 'and% Vegetables ate 'being etiltiVated With extraordinary ' SUCCOSSI. It.- is possibte, indeed, 'that • ' it 'Again!: 'Noe; J 'Must go. ' 9ay •is haif Yee"e •arn grateful but- light•eb.thes, • . . A .jewel high, my light ninetcfitish. , ."•gleare • . . Across t'he hathoi.Mouth. See': I. it:met • • DiSillublenecl• • "But,deer' 'tt. fond Mather ins:Alfred; I 01' „ her • newly .evedded, daughter: "whet makes you, think. your hisband . would -.• be. poor protection?” ''V,i7e11,"• was "the naive • reply, "the ether night:I thonglit'l heard a berg- dar ;!..so, I Woke:Fred And,.we,. both lisfened. And -41kre• 'ehough, , we could, tear -someone Stairs.. So 'bee -aide frightene,d; and: Ohl; my, husband: that I wee. going to, &awl Under.; the bed.'• : ' ,'• \Vhat dTd he say, or?" •,,"liettet stay where you are darling; I don't think' thetee.t'reolia for 'both '-cf us under hete."..." —Arthur Crew Innien, in "Ainerlean. The imposter- • • . A proud. young 'father. telegraphed the pates'ef happinese to his, broth7 er. in these .wotds:— uA liandsOmeehoe hae, come to house and claime: to be • Year :nephew. We are doing -Mir beet' to. giv.e •him proper evelootne.", • . • • The brother. howevee. foiled to see . the petint and wired, beck :•-•-•• • • t . „ "I have no nephew.: The epong roan ; • ip• an haposter!" The "rnigni,". a • Mexican tree, .stip•-,, :plies ,ti;Oni ;its .bark. threadr three! :Oates, ale stronk •otdi par, , Cotton, ' edWaireitriements 4,4,4 eriteWeeluer rulers 11.111-2,1.1.TOR. DUNIAW, SS.0 -Pi. MAISANO; Brepdrwlse. ,SG.00; N9cerfe11; 4100, Thee, • reterborb, Oat ' • • .• . . • • • . , 1.ECTUIO MOTORS .BOUGHT, Aro). .sot.n. • .524, Frederick flf:. 'Torento., - ne-inieineateta BOO* eiV4itee • Ely:. 131345,. VILSIZ.17•;,414,.. 'ANT) SIVB/-1.141L'. A -Wert Rolm. Nrait4Mt.COIst.- • ' W he'd . a Teecher? d: spells bed,' sale the teach-.: er for the twentieth time to :her ba-. , •ward M11)11; "New do you Underatande ' Toetimye". • , • • ,„' Yes'Bald Tommy): glibly. . • ';Well, cat, , pails dog tied .:he...e.,despells'ere-eehe,e• did I tell yeti le--e4ed epellere - • / I—Ivefotgoe,. Whispered ' Tonlmy eontrieelY. • , • , "What, you.dOn'tsknow vihat beLee'ed. spells efter all etold.you?". ' • Tofnmy shook his head. ,. • • . . . . . •• once more, ,he -e --ed• spells . What you sleep in. NeNtr',' What, do; you eleep.•in?" ' ".itry shirt!" '.Gerrbany Paye. With • Radio • /The Japanese treasury liar& egreed to accept *4„000,00e'from.Ciermany the fotin , of Telefanken, radio antler; Mae to cover reparathms..deee • •• RA . Apply fifinard's at• once. it •• Airaeee. Out 'hitlarnmatton, .eeiethesee:the.-museleseeeende ligainents4 • . • e . • • 11M111.•=41.116111.11.1111111, oids Are Not Nicessary EV` s Observance of One Funda- mental Rule of liealth Pro- tects Against Them IAliether one caftheis .cold easily is , -largely, a qmestion physical condi- tion. ' If the general vitality is • low, . resistance to disease is weak. and at duch a time a'cold la easy to contract . and difficult to check 'Constipation is frequeritly the cause . of such a state of health with its Mien- Sillienettes.," . • • , dant listleSsitess, biliousness', headaelieS and general leek of . Peisons se. • c-. , behind after iniptoper, irregular. bowel A Queenly, dit4e0. front the waste' inarier: that...remains, • • -Of.,WOrknianship.,• ,•.• • ' Qteeen Pf Etg/41111 Is a "Immh?' ' ellininatien are tecked Up be the -blood are • Yen sy preud . of •••yntir 'Of feminine greeeet annerts pityilear and Carried to ey' eryeartal the body. friends?" ' . ' -, • ' culture expert of. Loneon. , Her dignity I N. TheY weaken your resistaece to disease. .. ectimi I made •thent, I • and elem. both eitttrig and Standing, ee. Thoilsande, of 13eople wile have en& • Cuticura.Heals Eczoma, ,on.: Head. Arins anit Legs "When neby wa0tWo months' old a slight touch ofeceema broke out on. her head, face, erne!. end legs. It turned to weeping eczema and formed .bliitersi. whiCh 'breee and ,the eruptions scaled oyes'. It Was very hay causing loss of sleep and else was very frritable„ Her face wait. disfigured:. The ,ifoubk lasted eighteen months . • ' ".1 Wed different remedies but with no results: "began using -Cud - cirri. Soap , and Ointment land in about six weeks,I Could see an Im- povemnt. 1 continued -the treat- ment and after •using for ,several months ,ohe•was'bealcd;" (Signed), lifrs.E.Angerman,94P-122nd Edmonton, A.lberta, Nov. 3, 1.925, These fragrant etnollients are all You need fer ,all toilet .putpoeses1 Soap, to cleanse and purify,, Oint- ment to soothe and heal,' Talcum to powder and Sweeten ,. %apple lisoli:4!ree Addreii Coriadind Depot: '!Atcodzove, Ltd, )loatred." Price, Soap Ointm'ent ikod DOC Tele= 2Se. .1111111r- cutiFurs Shaviss.Stiek• 25s. gnos„,( orq elt,e(l gig exanivies for ole,t)ogy•A(0. I fered from self-poisening in this waY ,1 • _ haye found_ that Niii91, the ihternal 77777 Man who would retain her health., Are tliere going be atiy regrets tokurrow • • aboltt• that goad Meal you'rei all set to- stow MakeS • the whole world .eeeni. leeS drugstore. ' • '. betty Knew4. away tonight. Better take Seigel's Syrup. Any f e- ieitth the MCA is.tartce geY, ere COLOR IT NEW VVITH. "DIAMOND; DYES" • just pip to 'Tint or Boil to Dye ' e • land, Will be &tele tO COEOPete kaeh 10.Cent I161 SIMI& Siiti St. of early age contains dit'ec- Potntoes and fieWera. • ' ttotia So simple any ' ' -'-:.-;., • WOntati an tint .oft, delitet shades 1 er Why the Spider Was , • ere.. d y rich; .1)0 rttitt tient . , . . was editor of Itt .N10484ititi, plipet•,. Sit. si!lts,.riiilt(ttis, skirts, • "--":1;11en.,Marit'TWOlti, in 111;earty days 011011 In TIngeriev rperstitiouS ,buiiscriber ‘Vrote, ,W 181 s, eireeegoi, , eteellee that he had. found a sp.,ter, 0.1.0 t s , atoc,kIngs„ 1,1 either, and eteltitie .wheiltee that ' 'wag sigtt goo,I ot bad. The PoveriogA• ,ilangings I ' diear; , , • ' , ' ' • • • .----_......;.:-..........,,...... • • - •. „, • ;kitty pod bless the stinChipe feller., ,tui 'Your POdia; Diinger-Poitits, . elthase i•Good Morning'," ring§ wi . Whii:h is 1116 Weakest external, part' 'rt's • eit Per! • . .4aleee Relieve elee#erfeee. of the . mutat' .body? Some people would say tbe spite. pleeue ; °there. the '• region Of the heart. Scientists are iq- , . "Betty," 'asked the.; teacher, ,t'Whate • i that' goe orient $ • . . s , • "A tow," aitswered 110,tty. .., ". • . ." What goesnbout bait in gl".40,te the . . . . ,.n.,e,,xlit. quurtie;,tieoant.d. • I.3e..t.ty..:....a. ,,hationii:',f.e, t . . ' froose," — 1 List wishes,. • L,ast Wishes. of dead take OD (1011-111g into this' littleknoWn -9'leject, Witte "Mtn fotind ,that the Marll'S of honor the more -powerfully becauser They 4t.re butmiut a great new bridge nal pare slight blow '1e, likely to i Calinieh arid 11%teill'ePt intiery may result.. the vietini a breath., aeros.it, tbe other day paeeecl a fuller- tne Callously atithotitative quality, sett' end l'IreaclY sbute inipertent eatiche of sanctify that dopeais to our udusie have been reached, (heWishers• have ne other resource. apple le" 'Pan 'nes" vulnerable' exeer. affect it 80 serlouely. that Permanent I acroks Delaware ItiVer, between Plmiladetphla 1,o opened to traffic until July 4, yet#ing lind be't" 4/111°1.'6: u recant melees boWeleittranatton sure • REsToRED... and easy, Ntijoi poftend theivaste metier end , i .perinitathmough and reguler elimina• ' tem without overuixing the intestinal 1 intiselea. „Nide/ •can, be taken for any ' ' length Of time with no ill effects.,' If :,.ou Yoke cold easily; ask your druggtst for ,Nte,j,e/ 1c)-dav--and rentein- . ber, leak for the name -"Mtfol" in red " ad both bottle and packege. . • • , tlyeto pressure by :1111mill:eat thie ppi el • al proc4ssion bearing* the„liody'e•f a can have injurious results'. A bad • .womate She ittei been the wife 01' one iiie„*' ,einlee de•Pil" • 111 Of t11',v colnints,:ottnrii who ere building. 'eulw Oe'. ht(.r diseatertes liCatte Inidge. and had so looked forweid tu`c "f 3:0"8"*11 to (-rasping. it that it was altnoSt. 'her' .tho jalYdne'''' art- 'id .ifit-iit#Ar hlt11101114, 8S:111tO 1;l11(1' --‘vt-'1'Y "'fig. • • ..., • a Pinder in "d ' - good. Ilea tier eterial Yell. vt 'slier) color 11 wee* or silk,. wbler rh;e1.. 310r oven ‘11-• t r , „. 1 ; ••• .S'udden .pressure beiiii the cant e IIII . try Dininotid beee - other Itind,-,* last, wisb. And .ee, even thongli sae baqe'll evit.e.rt Itoowledge Of.: these 131 31t 1 3* vonedieiggist 'who Tee, epteeeew ae.", or whether 'it 15 1141Onc eattone or tnix"ed leirtle for a white and •Km.m.1 hare- "e"Inslc"'" eucti MaY ',frachlro thee' titer tiO tha. had crossed a greater bridge 'an I a 'llahger4loirils. Fot Pxrcuipiti: tt blow . . , „ With ilte edge. flu: Proved:safe by.mitliora :and prescliNd physician fpr °P':Ittlistrifiltry plat. pal 01' was nettle', • bad. luck rot >an. loblxhig _o _ r tete, paper to see g' ou i merehaut is eat adiertiSing` r lie can go te that •etorte tepid his • web e oi4g. 1)10 -door and130'!e life of , endisturbed peace , ever ltfterward." Arlsiltie.,Srfand. t Aristide qtitittd, Potist4t litte • he...uled *trite Liu- (littera' than -pa sited,. 81°111' Pr e1"1" elniP11$'1't)n 0r 1110 brit:1th • • F Jettmoyarily ,trippiing pin its offiet;1 . si)r, nti poitt6§rottui 1902, *Ada, hi Early pays,: V-10 aselt by the Greehe: iiO4,oyko 0,110; iieete Can You Wive This ? Abe ,-aboye letters -Whea,properly.itraneed. Iona the matte, of late Pre:lidera. . tveryoile sending ire, the correct *elution -Will. be swiniled •a• beailtiktt Sae • 20z100 feet,, FRU and cleat of tiVencutibranderi, located in One of out sub- ' divisions, between Nev York sad'Atlanticaty, olfei lily 15,. 1926. Maim Delf9100/069i•COrl`,„ '119•49th Dept 1296 *:44,1ew York City t 'I I i•'` 4 ',le 1310 \vs' 0.11 tile 'ea lie• or. ih6, 'ne riric dangereus. •Other sensitive te 'pain and ininty ate the ttiirer lip arid ,ihe abilonren: • ..4•••wei.et•e:4•..' dorf. s rt• re'r. • -.sat. luan. ran 'yon tefl nee eteateitieg Or enrol -1-tau•• sight ,of dent igt • Nlinard's tinlittent king at -t 64 •4•.:y.••• i'••••161.i,..',..'• ,••••••.) -GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children • Praiies, Lydia E. Pinkham's . - Vegetable Conipoubd ilex Interesting Experience 13tiekinghatit, Quebec.- "1 are the., mother • Of eleven living children, • and •thy baby i. fiVe month* old. I SIM ohly 3S years Old and 1 haVe taken .L ydi a F. :. . ...et k,.• , o,f ilemeeyville,, BO. ilVe years 1 dow...•••••••,•••••••••••m•• ',;t,t trt os....ttv and was always ready- • to ,.1,..% :, St .t'v r 4111 SU happy to-lla, 0 Colds .H eada'clie NetirItis ' % 4 tiamlitgo,'.' ,...,..g.ktil health. My de:le:liter; Whir ,. ' '.144 "St*Atra'41.1ci. has alPa taken' it ., . . , .. , • . • • . • • will bt-iitipite, t.)-,tetiorp.irtentl if To 1 , t : , • Pain . . Neuralgia ' Tootliacild. • . Rifctinlam ,is . young girbi.„ --1)0,1)10 WIT 11.0,1 i'''.;‘1•II!'• . . -• •,-,•• •••• ,-•••••-••••• ••••••••••••••••• ' • • t• 17.*41',1 11{ b 41,1, •ILielongitati; Qtlel,(.,,,,,, .. v...1karm.tima...6.mm.imilAu- --- -W --fil,,-11"-.1thq, CI•11' y0314S-411:41t-• 34441..,,.... DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART.entnroott te• •wenetil from early 11 t tv to ',twilit, rt..11't,toilYthosc.• and o,O.Pi•• Aiintpt t$ , . .., it4titlie AO. %heti Lid is. 0... ' Pin kluu ; Vegeta& competind w II gly.• yea Pinkbarn Vege.- table Compeund • fot weakness end' • myetervee. I ' of it from ..11iy eisters:Dattle Ed - ()hard Belief collie .„.• ' • • Accept only "iltt'Velt" (packftzc which coiltdins Kovo tfifeCtions, , "heeler itirtee et 1 1 14 • Also beitice' or. 24 Da itte' free- vnatli reeler -ere irt Veleta) 3 Statire'rldinc•31,e18te. ,c•or ::•e+::,• • tor&ster satte$tta eme, -A. g„ A,- Y.. SVIIIe 11 1,0 1 3' 35113 :Mat Agnflin means asset dIstinfttqc.lto.,te,a4 33 the 3'ol.:1AtP )114tr 4COUItOdgi' Wilt be CLAIPIA.,4 Wfth their 'steatite pada 9tl3r, the 1t 3" , • 0., • „ t eel deeete ' t e4 • * rer•ot.t tr*OtIrtry • %hie (...;$11Itctuts e of nsirt itapors.of•T.,..ydia • Vepetablo Compound, (kter 1.110'es'oot...receiyed 1,11 Oq Ol` (rivf •, cyt,ry1 o3 reline:Ceti' they Were bene. - fit,,, '..tp :190. ;t7 u3'• -•,*26 , • I , • • 1333/411 '14