HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-27, Page 6•••
'• Present-day amplabianii. include the frog, newt and salamander. Rut
these had mighty ancestors. One of them is shown here. He was known ea
'Abe Stegetephailan and wee about the size of a present-day doukey. He.
fleurislied at the close of the Era of Ancient:Life. ..
Seortits of Science., • the formative period vithen. the crust of
' .
,Days. TOO ShO t
A,ntit:ganall, blue violets betWeee; •
When, merry !Ards sing on -holighs
• •greell,..
AndziUaaak .•..oeu 0;09;4, Must Sing;
When Will Make sip. ientv..;
, Akt theagli •escaped from liatni;s
band • • " ''•
ppr!eot" quite,; and. !2S i11
• S;,!and • • , • .• ,
DPett; they heads in fragrant: deapai
"Fe •
!4.1:1, iaiou401.9:re No.Re
• Ettc:i, seenia a, 'brOltell• irnmei
„ancien- .;••;: ' • :
When such things. are,,!thlia..rorld*
:soon, • • '• ••• ; '•
Paitlesi• • 111,:;';.fq,:i.c.40f.TPoms
J.__ •
As a, bey I used te•s.sa, theSiin, strii,g7 ,
Ong?through, narrow, OP.,...!•nings .•
Woken , masses Of upper and 1.0 %i*.er
and Wold .Observe' bars of',.
light extending sethetinies both up;
ward and downWard, but Usually dQwn
ward a..n.d outward toward the horizon
only, MY grandmOther always said at.
Stich thnes, "The sun .is draWing
water; going to rain." SometiMes thO
rain Came. to be sure, but sometimds
it did not fellow the ,"itign," so I,,eante
to leek upon the saying BS an intei,est,
lug one but mere Or less unreliable
e earth solitilfied, Life ..11Pon the ,
BY David Dietz.
. . Jpipp "TOWN OF VILLAGES" .
' Bankhead, Alta., statibn,, being moveil,three miles •froin its Old site to Banff in fiVe hoUrs, bharies Red,
doOlt, Calgary„ superintended the work,. WhiCli •Irteluded the task of InOving SS houses in 40 days. Three viliagee,
Sliver "Centre,•Anthracita and, now Batilthead, have •(hitsccontribilted, Since 1884, buildings to •theftainous resort,
English Family Estates .
Become Stock Companies
• •
as,a forecast: , , • l• ' In a few years the large Xnglish
, ,
Now the'air.alWays contains myriads family • esfates, as Such, rill .be no
t minaite particles of dust from all more, according .
• . •
, Factory\ Girl's Life ef. the Queeh.
"Who is sher Is th,e_onestIon-tha
Natural Resource' Ilugatin•
•Ott the ehelterieg• St. .t.ovileito•
guit.opnyend•nt to•the .tfirfr Pe.P•
tree Of the At/antic 'seaboard sad' the •.
waterway, leading from the Great .
Lakes lies a verdant, picturasque and
diitached province of ..Canadti,_ Prince.
Edward Island. . By the. Indians it .
Watt appropriately 'cailed "Abegweit,"
meaning ° "Resting on the ' Wave,"
probably (riling tO the prevaili4
calmness of the sUrrontlding WPtere,
and the -serenity of the:atmosphere.,
PriPeo "Edvfard. Island is vorit,
ab :e garden Ontittry:of exquisite pas:,
total `lantiseapesi magnificent 'ocean
fuming. acres, a _perfect suFtqn-i'‘'4'"
mato, well stocked -fishing For*: Mid.
streams,. •good'...cluirch, schr.olit ,and
harbors. .41 fact, claim '
best-known' CoMposItion, althotigh ,he
-0-141/1$&& wilon be aShing.aboutr ing •it, IS."The Better Land.".'
,.eartli.eriginnteA--dUring.-this. _eried 2fiur.00.4)47-as's°iated-7101-"* u e ot 1•:•'"°11- Mise Kathleen Woodward, who it is
te ,
The-geo gli-lviercing-toiether &a Is known as the Sheating stare, volcanic ash,.. .forest-• land's'estates.' • They will be con- a'nneence;•di, has
• written; axt a tho it
• • • • • 1. • • •
the; story • of ' the., earth's history has,
divided We whole litstorY• p e , •
into periods jus' as *4 have divided
the history ot, men into ,anctent. Me-
dieval and modern bistnrY; . • ',"
Th era which began with the catas-
trophe 0 O Finn • it} the
nu:anent when the earth finally had a
surface divided lute emitinenta 'of
solid rock and Ocean, is known as e68 -
pate Time.
:rim period. Wlica__Man • beeerue _the
• ,.
tug creatii'm it is 'sometimes :•called • • •••• ' • , • ' hall, been .sWeeping, hut let. a d rec
"lieve.a hobby," is his advice to
those Who wish to remain young: g‘A.lid
. UP roni the earth and thoroughly scat, Duke's halve, just been Corive•rted. The tt:ivbie ilLiwihaPohrtirit;f. lrary, •te be .ed. 'There's
a.;Tiohherteo,elonseetraingurselilket in,w:ohari,atht
%itow Tehrs ago mtaa wagchigid rigkt.stirt'ot•werk, stave Off. ioreata,
Was Working in a *lax faotory. in: tit4: ture'cad age," .•
old Kent Road, London: She came' Goad. fcir hectors!
.contact: with .that ,gifted •personalitY, Gne•ot the accomplishments Of -that
Miss 'Mary •Macart.hur and afterwards; t h Sir Him, Rollea-
0mi:etc, Era. Life grew more coniplex.: Ores, afid dust •of Many kinds: caught 'yerted• into stock companies as the
. ,
. e se
during this period but no form CI 1 te L. ... . . _••• .,..
, originated which had a, backbone or. le•Tect PY the .air currents. If r were Duke of Pert:mid is' the tenth -peer
..spinal ealaran, ' , ' % i• not for thee particles and • .their way of. the realm to take this • course, m-
ot scattering the raYs of sunlight, our.: cently and others are 'going to follow
I . The third era Was the Pale,ozoic Era .,.
or Ira Era ,Of Aiielent pfe, This' is same-. -1441i•-•w°u11:.*:9t: be: 43g 1415 111,ent
times called the era Of fish dominance,
'This,. ie. 'because.. the fish, . the 'first
animal: with,a sPirial'cOlunin back-
bone. Made Its appearance in this era,.
• •, But duriag 'the ,era,olliesamohiblans,
demlnant pros. me upon . e ,
tending up te-A011:-.Tifdluding-i;-the--Dre--.,
sent,.:is called the "Age of Man" by
• I
the geologist. . .flinee man Is a reason-
Itialtards•which •:wsreite.aticeiitdrip -Of,
i-.viSible3-1Mpurities., ' •• e..
1,Similarlyi we do not tiSuitiiy notice the .elianit:and: loveliness,- a.ntest :Ettre-.': .
: chuii in Mir •houses; •tiniesia , Some ',one'
the 'Aga of Ite•ii,son,';'• or.. to give it !,,,Iii,,,,i4:181,;,11,ife 1:n t.he NVaIer• 1914 e!kdS II Iteein Of sunlight 'as- through the slats
. • ; •. . I , , , • :prince' Ettard,.,ishirid ift• 145 ntilgs ,i,.
•• mere fOrroldtilale name derived', lir* -' - ' ...1....' . ' ' '' ' ' i .` ' ' •• - '' :of a blind; 'Out into•the rooim,and in: :tot* and from 4' to $'5;.'iiiiies Wide, so
'the: Greg:, ' 7,Whieh:, aetins :. the Sauna, '.'• Scantly." Nire: aiseojter ai•Yrlade , of 'Motes that from ft•ny,.. part one is ...ii;vvaya : •
At Alio: eleae, of the ,pitleozol.O.,Eral . : t
thing, Ilte,PsYkliotelc• grit. ; ' true rept les hOgente'apPear. • . .. •
0 1 getout Within Its course - Tliii --w-fthin easy- •-retich-l.of :the Seic.'-The'.7
„ No' oae' can.hatard; a ",ife•e,ss • 'LOS 'tCt
aux present frogs. newts.and .salainan-
color ' and it is doubtful if °lends. as These estates are Of .an extent
grea p y • C ply p y
We' know them could ver form Ikard!•Y;': known In 9r any thrmigh her. intere.st' Infineame, 1)07etinSIStE4 of Writing Wee Tollittte a";
vapor •drepleta to cOfieot. Of acres, sometimes whole eltY '9:149s, Street. it Was in the ()thee of 'a daily cilbe
they would have no litteet for 'their' other county they cover thOusands came a ,pilvate eeereta.,y. in 000(1,.If be wished. hp,.
the Lord's P'raYer On.a Pmall sil
I werdo;Tket usually notice this dust : or • Plats of 'counties ; with the:v.:the Writer first met ver coy ,
Is 'hasY.,..or, polluted bY ,towns: and borough s in :them: •• Brom" finet apacirnea of e_vnglish . ologiA,hhewa2L-„ book, 'oo,gara:a mea.
cal Aspects Of 01-4 An" ad au a us
• - • - 'th extr*cted lefore-the •
• h t we know • o be smote -or ether t ,•em e -tiers , aiOOd, 'Who an'' the coursel ot only a few
dere, Made•their 'aPPearanCe. The
amphibian ,is creature „half -way be -
.4iithie:4t,st.hoefy: r4hiel:wveo,yrrisi0.41ePOStr:1111: fpanf'di: o ;
Pabilecinth.14;esirilginpootAsproarf..si?tlialre?..Ornale::: ,11
then any other prOVince. in., Canada..
'The first. ifhpreasion• tha visiter•
are described in D. small folder re-
cent;Y- issued by tho pertattM9ni .of
the Interier 'at Ottawa., •
'Tbe land •surface is clothed by
. a solid verdure intenitoly green, The
Shores, red as • if freshly painted,
rise irregularly from the sea '
sandy.heaches and sandstopc. WAITS;
, The roads, which are. pecularly
red too meander pleasantly and
through the. va,:leys. Where the
land has been covered by •the 'for -
Wising mustel raud the tiny plees
'Of she'41s glisten and p;:ew ,the .
undor an
• is,tvrtueoola.nlauAidiatg.Inahywentsa•:.1:yiok,iis.nvjtgetisib,e.ulot.rly:dd....fai;.a.bpsi
Irish tisuraf inotitraDsoiev. oat!
inking of
lagee,.stretehes meadow unmar-,,
lazy broolcs,, wan- .
d.ring highways, quaintly *colorpti
shores of ' terra cotta eiffs and slop- ,
big 'beaches broken .and indented •
hv the irrepressibletcsa '
.• ,
helpto. form a picture 'of singtfar
Yet_ it, is ther
Wend War, huge revenues, , months had •complotely adapted her-, .ing-resnit:: • The `book snas giVen1 by
utthwaust•ii•dtot4pthetawpees eoltia,prri.mlao;de-nteithu.nriZ. Sektvaitot. etliesglie peigveds7;_nroo4naidiIytiglos...' tocalla:geetly:rylis wdlg
they have 'been held hy, families sMee ----------- oWrard met the Marchioness ease. The m•edl Man had• hoped
the ,Middi:e Ages. No. Part :was ever of Crewe to jater,.shoConfided , that the. kook would make het, more
Sold ,end the inhabitants were, one 'her wish hi' write the. (Ineen's sensible.. AS it,,haPpened, she dia.
lord in. the literal 'sense of the word. Thol
tween the fish add the reptile. He be- b i t
poen in effeet.".•
and , all, tenants of the lord -7-a land. story. , • • „. ' ' • • ,
61—th—ilUTenaires, ead:inimediat.ely owned in
three ne* doctors te, See if tate had
. •
GraceDarlings 3.Y.• •
The Grace Darliog gpit jive&
Two lifeboat Women, hail ng (rem, that
• part Of the cons •torever, as-
sociated With the memory, .Of the, fa
Mous. heroine, haVe just face:lye:1 re-
wards for gallantry.. They, are Miss N.
'Steplioneon,daughter Of the coisivain
.• • • • • • • 1 The fourth eta Was the AffeaoSoicra
'or Era: ot Lite.'• Thlti is often
hew l'oott,,.Coanitc''.. TIM!. htfed,.., got
.geuiu,104,w-ate suro it..,4,8..bunarodo.,or• ',,t,4e era., of reptile doininattee.
•prii.i.11ooi,•(,txpare. • • • rePtilea. *ere the 'dorains
• .
25 600 yeara''. • '••••••,•••••••• •• , • ,, l'eSt• dev,eltinit.,nent. titegi.gsttttodip...0,
have Iteeciiihr for • the
,r._ •. - ant forth of life, 'reaching their:greet- beam'4 to owl; welobs,
The Age Of .klatethati,laitted probably In immedtatelylvonclude the
...the. duie.f4hIelt.... exiSted;betweeil . ; • • '0 ..: • • • • • sain,e reaStio. that those, in - the room
Gtismin,itiMe4114.•tbaAge oflati, is I. •'.''‘!,?uninOn:.•!••.:4*.,""s•Tbl..Pdtt".,.4flinittla did; that is. • the ' rays coming through
'L ThOre•, are • various. estimates as: to- .. :•. . , ,. 4 • • and vapor .PertIcIes 'Along, their -oatbs
the. length Of Ck".ifileginiii •• Time. -Pro- I ' The, fifth or last. ore.' el Oeoiogieal.: so that they become • visthle Thus if
. , , . . . , , . , . • • . 2, or two ago, Si- rederic mention-
,. feasor Schueliert fixes' it at 800;000,00o i Tune . vitas, tli•e Cenozoic Era.; or Era; it.4 ja, to lie .0ga-that 110 dr drawing process Hangs ever .11S-: ,. , ,
1 'years... Seine •geOlogiste are luelined.i Reeent ate.' • This ivas the era when,' actually?.IS..Conikeeted *with. 'the• phen- The e4re like, 4 andden'altPlOgion•powl• ed • that. he 'began'.,couipoging atui Tito,
: • ,
proves: that. the:air •••in tile. roma .con-
tain . •.
e- Vast .nuniliera-,of-tirtina:7,777.77-7.-
, we,. turn neW: to , the hands 'of.'
tiiisty.".light: seen diverging. „from the,
at the close thie .the rifts'In the.elouds light up the dust
called Geolegicat•• irgun. to app4ar
. tilik sitice.,:the_ war •the-burdene.-ot --zieemt-e clae4i,foenlai 5.414„7,*,,en,,ole
that hook. has hen Written, and, \what•di
-filiation on, big estates cs such
'estate after. estate. has had. to be int,' -re, it bus boon read and. approved
broken up Oryiniar.y -abandoned., Es-..nei-Sonally by the King and Queen, ,,
pecially the operation of the d4ath.• .-: ..,' •• ' . A 'secretl:Of •Yeeth. •• '• .
duties act has iiis'..iged 'heirs to sell. ,.,...i h•as4. , lust reaoei . 41.y:, seventy-
.• ,.. • • .• , . • • , : • .•. •,lifth• year, but :I still 'feel young .and
.btars •at Sea.... - intensely iiaterested in lite," .' • • : '' • •
The sky inimense bejewelled, with rain •:. So said the • we.1-known condactor
' . - I 'and composer. Sir: Frederic Cowe.n, At
of stars, .
• ' to 'double that.estimate. • ' the earth was. clomiaitecl'by orneilon gnown • is "the 'sun 'draWiag:- • :der the zenith : . ingibefore heivaS'eight year -sold.
a er."-Willis Ed:win Hurd. - • Vilith green. and gold...
Geo/weld . is itx...torn 'prided or .warra-bloodetr _animals, , • • w t
apique-irregigarity of the coast has '
produCed in extraordinary , length of
stiOre• ameunting Jiaogether to
over .1,000 miles. See.bathing may he
enjoyed .eVetywhere: • •
. The 'chief industry agricti:ture
and 'horticulture. The land is prod-,•
igiously .productive, and. of a total '
arta of about 1,400,000: acres approx-
imately one is :actually' Under '
cultivation. • •
beriand. and Airs. B. Stanton, wife•of a Being situated in the raids: of val-
of the lifeboat at Reunite, Northura-
tecoad-00XS:Walli.. '
,clustry: capable of great comniacial
t Northeasst, southWest, and ',Atilky; Way s • m - • „ development is at .hand:, Pr -ince
• The halt is known as the Areheozeie as the fuler•of the earth when the Age tutsh,Raii ' .t The offital• fueurning -habit „Of 171i6h tnountaiiib, teach me to. ho:d -mY. in 'great demand. ' • . •"
,into emit. ; It closed wit!' the emergence of man
pale streamers • • • ' • • 4 , ward Is:end- lebst,ers are fitroifus and
• • 01111111111g m Korea Mountain Prayer
...• .•.
: "it'f:olloWed iminedlateli after of Reason began. ' ' • •
BridergroOttiei. I rOol' S.OriY,' For: By a Furniture Dealer. ..
' A yOUng,.. Atari, • and his bride,407.be'l tillage that -7-16 keep., them `from fight-,
•havo NO- lett my shop,. and' it i.said: 'lig! --.4 have kola • Well apart in •the
:. Whit' ,1 thought, two words>Peor ishoPl- hi' vr....eitice: a ' :'*otaan 'aitufAe4.
, •Chapt"' .Weitild suffice, - Ills . greetingMc for :Suggesting that a . ce.rtaln Car -
.',...When be came in was "Good inorriing: I pet, would claSh, With the upholstery Of
We!ve come to boy , some furniture.'' .a •iiiiiteL-Iiii :fitiliiahlog my ;home' in
Ily "We" he Meant •Miliscif and lite 00; .my •,OWn Way, 1! yon "don.,t. tni•nd!".7.4
,but his actual share, In the •Weectithi, 'say, nolithg.,
is negligible. ; , ' • '., - 1 '1 touched on a tragedy'once. • A Man
. :1-te Said, "Yea: dear." a few •tithes in ; and a woman Selected $1000 worth 'of
.. ..reSPoiase: tp the ; girt,'''''We'il liave• thill',..; furniture.- , It ' wee., to. be ' 'sent. .t.hree:
' Shill wer but it would hill,* made no tdays later. ::"•,.On the Second ii -a-:1- .the
,.• . difference it he had Said "Itie."ior,netlio .inaU,oitine in looking : tenyears olden,
, Ing.. He's going to be liosSed.: t•P‘1,blf 'Whit Would I ' accept to diuteel the.
a siim Ade glrl•With bine eyes 'and. a 'sale?' The Wounin had •COnfeaSed .she.
. 'dimple'. Sot she had ,a2very fl rut eh in', waS already married, .1: nearlY. Said: •
, . .
, Mother Most Be Pleased.' • . •• imellY , Papal*, sirbut refralaed.
I mustn't" smile when 1 ni doing .
A ‘.50ng
;Little 'happy month of ••
.-:dayeet ot, there:ell;
Sweeter than. lha Springtime.
Fleeter than the. Fall;
Prettier than Winter,
. Wirm-heaited, bright, ' •
Fashioned ;for :•our gladrieSe
Shaped for our •delight-,
. . .
Wttle happy month or.ilinie.
Whiq with,us, you slay
In your honer'We Will put.
A11 our griefs away.:
' without thein. •
Weeping `and regret! .
; All these. thiegs.i We'.ie 'citing to
• We just forget, ,
Oh, wel.e 'hind of NV 617)111g!
' Opt, to be polite • .
- While 5:were in our guest -Nora,'
• •• • We Will be as. bright.
• Just as hapiii- hearted, • '
, • ' . We Who were ,so blue
.titst-os light and •riikrry. •
• June, ea, "tou •
• •lioreans bite. end. If there isa' • , bead •
'i7hesky Sawirling catareet, •
, •
••••.:, In the production of•raro• furs, the •
Qf fire, do high. death in the rayal family ail the Pooti- Up timer& the ekn•• Island has' won a leading position and..
• 'lac•e 'conipelled to wear the ,inouria+ Not to be' moyer1,by iittle.thinge :••• 4 is !lost the world's chief source. .
Over us• the shy Op to. the; zenith e Ing costume,so foe tbe sake Of 'eeono-' Thei-velli an.try!' '
black , and , silver *foxes %fen breeding
Palpitates withtense.g.litter: • • .•' es d 4 Wiiit • • 1 .
• • tn) naost or ns ress n e e • . . . . rposes
Ahotit oiir keel the foam hubbles and year around ::* The white clothmg re- And swift rook...leech me purity . I
. . • • .
curdles . %, • . • -,quires '.freiiuent washing and the trisiti• And langn, ter. too. • •• ' • ••
In phosphoreacent joy: 1. • 'or .is to thfolt that laundering is ;keep, gky ..spirit't, an rimy heart is. Salvation Army BOnnett-
Plaine Willi- hp to meet do.tornshing •Ktireti's,•chief .indttstiy. AlOng* ever*. •• glatt ' . I •
. „ n ers jotRanks
the open dralei of tile Streets Of2.Seoul., . • . •• • • , The famtliar :semi -poke bonnet' of
In the Wile:stillness,: • ..
Afoft, it single orange meteor
'Crashes' down the s,ky. .
brook near the cities., and even along • As the heart of ou! • I
. • .
' wilh see .a. bevi' of Women ,.,C:012 Tall pine' treee, teeth me :Steadfast- the -Salvation ' lassie entered
. rubbing and thtimPitig ga:r- .• nees,. • , • '•• the 'rani: of fashion: • With tic "dem- .
„ ,
*--.4•07tIr Gould FletCher,' 'Irr4(lia" tnents; J3eeause,, of the iteeesSity Of Let me not fear. • • •' ing of stinuilei, hnve' dliesen
. ,
' lions," frequent washing'InanY Of the Korean ,BOt-O 5,unk firtalli•t-i1P'r°°kY 4'rtthi the style far general 'feminine, wear. '
• .
enlaced Syifiphthy. • ; ; ••• • .
• garments are not sewed, but instead- Let Me .grow each year!. . • ' Trimmed ,with velvet ribbon, the hats
a atalwart peliceman. led a little child • ..-•,,-----d*-4-;------, :
Through the bilik:Bleige'w streets
, . .a.,part for each Cleansing. .• --:.!- " mindful of the crinoline. days; says a
-•"Elmlidr HP•Piniond. have an oldr,fashiooed..aPPear.ance . re-
' Guide London .,. - Lontion.despatch. , " • ' ,
Cott.' .
..by the hand. • '• ' , . . • .• Egyptian .. , on.. , :
A.:inother1y-looking winnaii paused . , Who brought Me 'hither' • In. Straw. and bghtweigh. fe t, 1m '
.. Cotton. the" eemte,PTP41 staple of Will bring .me hence, lie other Guide' foshionahle °Poke'? effect ,is .accentu- •
before: them for a: moment. , Then, ,In L •
bent Egypt. is the foumfation an backlione ,, / seek, ' . ,„„. '• sited by a droop over ,the eyes,, whi:e'
-• . •
a sudden 1)0,51. of sympathy: she:be_
of' -the prosperity :wadi' i 6. Englfah ' . •.-L•milten. at •the.back dive iS a large turn-liP,'
. are pasted, together and, are gm'lleti
OFeri(i. anil kissed her. .;
adminietrationlaraught tO gypt.' The •inStead of the cut -away appearance'
"Puic wee: she said sadly..
"She looks' sae cauld and., starved 1 p,
business, but 10. not. alivays etiay,' to • • • •
. •
. •••
Mary Carolyn Davies' in Sucand she hasna been washed for a weelf
keep onOess. - . • ' ; *:
'ke's face Et•Flt_ alge i'111.,tiler 'The Ankle Corsage . , , .• • : • . ; Some,f6.1.Es canna be tilisted wi bairns.
, . .
,. week, Itiyi :instance a .Young anerted , A tinyelty .being introduced in' the :. 0 , _ . a .,.. , . ,Whatir did. ye :flu the wean -pollee-
.00OPle' eathe in ..te*.`'get furniture for wboltille trade is the talkie' eel:1410. • ' APPr.,,clation. , ,, , . •inanr.,, ' • •• , • . . ' ••
band, ,poititlag te• a 'single' he4stead.. ',flout r8, ,ji 1.8 &Signed, to A* worn 6n unsaid ' .• :, • ''' . Men, angrily. "I didna find her her at a".
But his face -WAS a Study % hen ' . ' ' ,, ...: ..,..,.. , All that 'we. thOught -,t.,•.. he Us not ..,--•••-='-s-,--.77.;
their 'are hedr.00M: gab' the lytti., inad,s of ..ttruill.'bright e,oiored,artifielal There are so Many, things We: 'leave "Pind the, said the ix:dice-
"That's rather nice ,se, take the right •ankle.' . Vatil a man is dead. , She's ma ain bairri.• .1 •
Nile Delta•was found to. beji one.of the • • •'Hard
raost favorable eottontrif ng',regiOns
in the world:i,,(otten planters ' and.. re
Jailers Of Egypt claim elafm that their pro-
duct is the filiest to' the; world: Egyp-
tion, cotton IS cream-Co.ored.ctr brown-
ish. While, American , Is white. it is
said to be Meta ailky,114, :Mere ,nint:,
cortied than the 'cotton ot-ilie.S-eluthern
'on the Dog. •
Landierd--"You saY the apartliont
.14 toe. narrow
Tenant -,"I •slikiiid 'say so; why my
O0Or puppy has/to wag his tall
nty'and down instead of sideways like
other dogs.4,•• '
• • • • •
• " Tcso L'ate• ''
pop'.- the' dtiest fon • last
• ' • . "Did you .
• . L ', 1 ( ' 1, 1 .• ..1 )0' llot ,Ifitrry if . you 'an lie,1). it, ; ,•_" ' • ''kn9w,i' ':-- ‘' • , . , ' ' ' ., • . Mari. is:lik '4 taik7-tisectil ?i- 'he }es', stItte•S".••• • • — '
.1ilreping ou• a singri,l. betistoad1.' :Nati s. ' . . . .k - i. 1 : ,P. • •• 'then write blogrziphizS be ; luts. not ' a kood h' d d ' ' ted ' • '
"No; I 'got
, .witen She sato IN e must , get. .t. n tee •-- direction bat even.though he is -driven, - Huila Tuna Flab. ,. •
.,2 ,. ,. • , , .. tett to 3out wor a Ittle eay.ler in •
no tire w i .. ,
ilf,e must u9t p the harvest lie has.' he can only gc; as far as is ea wt , ,tinti hr.. caught In Japan weigh with her fath
. . ,
ill t I>e" d 1
en you get there-
' hitt cket c a r- Itiother doesu t '
like those little etraiglithai,h' tbinv," Ix'
Saki, '"Oh ' tio'' Atit ,* t 1,4
• night?'. '' •
.., ea an porn in the nght
that in, the -Salvation Army hats :eft
a place .for the, libun" of hair; • In
the extreme styles; the W•eaker's face
will 'scarcely be ,ylsib:e became of
the drotiped. front of the hat. In many
cases the hats are giiade th5sztnie
material' 'ihe froek or, cost •i‘,:orri
with. them.
' •
When preparing putatoe:o, to r
gr Sikd new, i • potatoes, boilett art: rs4vor
to talking oil burners,sttre even,cooki.n*, Avotd.ctitting ,Weili,
e f• line! it 41:g:etc:gaze them equal ju s,tz., to. en_
nice Wohee , ' • ,
1• •
They're Still:Qiiite aVaYs-froin Stinni.171614da...
ited "the morning -and take ‘vo.ii• tilne yea . • rent , • . .
• . .
' let. hint. as•muCh 4.4 750, pounds. she, Went out."
. sown_
d -ett• will Vol`
5 k bettet ,
his ja:w dillpped an•A 'Ids pipe „tambled .311
tO 411Q .tiOor. 17, may e ,
• . I 1 v tint lt a
• 'lot:. but he said nothing.
, • . • , 1
tadmit that the 'selction f;irnitafe.
reuireS tinie uud•thought, 1,144 inc pro.•
eT;a .often leaves me limp. This 4°11'. •••,
of thing .happetts regal:44y... A ...ottple
Salen furniture for,''s.t.;,-, thedt . •
' • sitting-rocti,arnrbedr,,lent.:.• Ti': Mav •
, fake, an fiatit'er,:lit;r0 • • .
. .
.1' -hat's • the Toa. tit ;-10, fat
• I give it.-and,th'en •toit., that's .
raueli*: ' There 'Ste .kitelton.,, • '
th.f.tgs to get yet!.:se• tit: the ,picking
<hoe e g ani
hint r:43 than jltey Tab •
afford.' • • • • •
..ele;41-4 the littingi for a
tiye ought to 'he a happy b. -Usti -loss, and
generally is ma, there aro .e:toop.
'MY" ftientIS laugh ..t.•
illite like that:" 'iriapp,e•loti‘.,, prostw '
• tits bride.; ."itts lio*ehle 'ottol*-Ord.
led to iihalit1177-tfeit'atInSr'th-. gig 1-•••
• strouped.' her toot ••4 ii C111 -
marry' you. if this •fik ytur. id!qttot ;tura!• '
tufo ,!" , . ,
. Taatrat 11 •t'• • .
pickedout; fovit. totother 111 il 40,0*,
UTT AND JEFF7-13i itud—Fitiher,
IR tit Go'eS.. ON "171;\
7tItAt, .Li1<e•
IklaW*Akih • PRe-Tlf.
044.e• A's
totiNtdrRciiii s.
• •••
I A t !Cr Get
• A iltiftc,
' Bat we:EN
A..> V.
BArtitNt :
AS,Ni Oti GS'. '
sttett,-iA•na cyPt$ ,
Rtall" Pt:Alt-RV?'
, I H
'Ccktegto, tAoerT;
flA ,ot.e: fire•
• 'X 1,kt
GO,KiNt't WAUct
LiSTE6j-t ,7••••••
1172,2- 2.,Z
• 4'<7