HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-27, Page 40I$ Llicolow satisavai tovimato, No' of% vow Mowers, Ifity -!400,s, Udders, OriAir*di Porn BOOM. %Wu of • ":31.7P14 AFARS ab—Wililtit.'FeWese 92.1010, ,4 -Point Bad a14 ;4•:.1 Calin4 Wire,'"All GalvalOmed. WM* BHG411,00-4Uhlsep !Rd Steel Thes BEMAWILENSON 00-i—illirefS and 14:14a.elharP"Ti - PLMI WO-ROAN% ANO-PRONOGRATRat,-Ace--lia.- And- iourself.'soino Pater whin you 'want OPrthiug, al Winnings. 0. ANDREW LIJCKNOVV. i�ne:74 ottumenta • LUCKNOW and WINGHAM " a1argstndinot 'Peniplete, , • „ 'the most beintiful designs eie choose fFem, . Scotch., Swedish and Can- adian Granites :we: make a:specialty of Family Moninnents and invite your insPee- 'Inscriptions-Neatly, Carefully and Promptly Done. , See BS before placing your order. • 11Slig1is Bros. R. A; Spetton ,Luelcuow,' Ont. - No. 428,Luclmow Tneett the second 'Tuesday Of every mouth their haU,ai Ei 'o'clock. C. Mullin, : Carter;-B-e-c:Sec „ 101' 7-fluitt „ 'ni•p/4164e I- -. Optometry -Its Value TO The Public F$$ T. ARMSTRONG . ..Q1A(Oetkist, „LucknOviri..Ont, .1*hea-- that reading glasses arei-needed? ' The paper is held toe far felt= the eyes. '• • . • What is the correct reading ,distance? ,. About 13 imhes. • - Thep a person who eannot•see •'clearly to read oidinarY print at :th distaue str3ins,the eye's at- • tempting to .read without glasses. Yea,' the power 'that the eyes • have lost can be restored' • by klasses- • • _ '• 'faontinued Next Week) ST. HELENS. Published every TlinrsaaY- mond= et Lucknow, Optarib. A. D. 'MacKenzie. Proprietor and EdifoF • THUWIAV. MAY 27.ait 1926 GOVERNMENT CONTROti ReeentlY five Mel% died at Lanion QuOao, es n'reselt af.drinking"moon- ihine" whiskey. Over in -Quebec the treffie is tinder what is, known • as, CoVernment' Centre', And there ,•irPthose „ Who, reerninend- govern Tient control on the grgiPul that H „vitt put a'• itdp to. $tie rnoQnSlnnE 4usittese•Sed to ;bootlegging. A 'PAPER:OP 'PINS • :We stepPed. inte• Stare Oip• • ether .04' and boiight a.paper of, pips. The .'rigeH.1017.* Ave cent's. And the. Sales: niSP7Ifrhing Said that it..coritaieed 365 god pins: They were the "John Bun" brand made .England—generally • a guar. ,eStse as t� eualitY of thitge Metz:tic. Threezhundred-si#Y-4ve pips five cents. And these pin's weeeMacle in England, transported to Callada; and handed out to,a customer here:in Lucknow for•this small Sumi . - Think of all that is involved. The metal, (two, perhaps three, -Or ±Out 'kinds of •nietal) had to be taken ott of the. mines,..sepai-ated from the rock • made into, Suitable wire, the wire ,cut into ii lengths,. sharpened at onc end a a heaCform d th othe • Harold Hyde :was borne Kin- cardine for the recent 'holiday. ' • Miss Caroline Webb 'was homc frpm Hepworth for the holiday. • , vva-b- 17 "'a...47Th • I • • -I 1 chance on the !there* .pf 'two ponies. w14J sow Perceptible ,ins o ie,Yet', A. 'V., the prefeis• ionhl man: dpring thirty yearsof rtive professional life, paid out PO, - le„, in .cold cash for .these shares. 1 myself went through the 'list, •and it was. spindling to ,think of .all that Tood mor.ekt being Wasted on, mining 'And Oil ventures' in Arizona, Alaelca -idalici6-Colorado,-Soath -DaliOta;" Okla- bonta,' Nevada• and indian territory and some half-baked industrial' pro notions nearer home. , , B. Was et:!eptionally: euceesetn• n' the practice of reclicine, •ereatly resPected in :his own: neighz .!"560 4 96d aid 44E4 have been "no fool . rOst* departMente of his, lifetc achieve the:position that. he2did. Yet ,absolute evidence that ii tin '3ne, Department of Placinghis Me:lei 'n°•;40.(1 a uardiazi When:he:Ina& !first ,6false, move of iiiiesting•ni writhOnt • investigating, .a • far -away: nifl ng iell'ipany; he was • leSt.,' • RIap F. $ • n e .e e end; polished, and 365 of •these neat- J'y stuck in a printed' slip of PaPer. packed., ;shipped a few thousand miles -ov-ee-landLand•-seartaipsw.leed and he.: ally ,handed.o'-v-er to the user Wondeefrii, are the ecortennic result: of the division of labOri It would take one mari, air:Hist 4 lifetime to' IN MEMORIAM • ;In loving inemOrY of our dear mo- , „ther;\ Mrs". Sarah Ensiga,•who, depart- _ ed this liieloar years ago; May O. • In Lechalsh Cemetery softly' sleep- ing, •• , Where the flowers 'gently wave, ; Lies the :.orek•We loved so dearly, in her lon sibsnt grave. . , . We, hr lonely one remain, .• • But we know well ineet again SadlY,inisseci by be loving daugh- tees, Son and 'hiisband. MF.MORIA31 • Hasty—In 'loving inein9rY of nob, .ert-Hasty', ,pasSed Sway on *a..6. • Do not ask us if we.iniss , -it's such •s•Vacimt place; Oft4:4---lfancY4-we hear the-pcitsteps ,Or we See,- his 'smilingface - He has: 'gone bo' blighter regions • Free froin• every grief and •caro: We shall:•Meetliiin again in heaven:. ' And there will be.ne parting there.' lather,* • Your barn ring loud \and;cI'ear 'Leaving note's of lOve; lighind You• , • Te the ones whcl loved you dear. Sadly', Missed by Wife ct fainLy. 'Dr: J. a Barnet, Whielias• carried on a dental practiee Teeswater the 'past years ha.; sold out : his ' business- to Dr.; Mee who has: been at Havelock for some' thine: ' •a visitor for the :week -end at, her • hOme here.: Mi. Homier of ,Wingham, .occupied the pulpit in the United Church here on Sunday morning. . • ..Mrs Dan Marti* and children of Whitechurch,. Were week -end visit- ors with her father, Mr. Wit: Woods. • The, stork left ababy' boy at the • home . of Mr. and,1VIrs., Will Ruther- ford, , On Saturday, lIdaY 22. Con- ge.stulations. ••••• • .Mr. Jelin Neil;- a. prospector .of .Kirkland Lake, New' Ontario, vist- °d With his +brother here :: Mris,r9n was on his way to Montreal. to meet': his Wife, cOnling from -the old land•. The regular meeting of, the Wo - Men's •Ipstitete ?he, held Thursday 'afternoon, •,Time 3rd, at. the home Of 'Mrs. D. .Phillips. Rofl c.T11-suggeeti0ns for •our • garden • party. ' Subject—"Makin' Pin 'Mori e On The Farm." ' 1u4k0e-*PsOlts'ho4744ee1 pins' if he uteitextseolc=tri:_attend_to_all, the: processes ,fiort mining the metal to sticking the, pin i the paper folder— and the u he 'wouldn't have the paper to 'stick i in It• wOuld ,take hnn a- nother lifetimeto melte that ' There .are folk:: who sok; 'that ,it „woUld be better , for the Peel:de c.; :each' country .to make all their' Owr •things' because it , would give Ihenr.... • Werk. They.thight asWell , contend that each. family' or each 'individual. shard& make all their own -things, be- cause, it wOuld give 'them Work.-; Tt would give thei Work alrig4it, but it: wouldn't • give them many • ueefild • There are those who weird sent . out these cheap Pips, from England., •Wlik tat. Make them it hoine? Yes: Why.not each man/ make his e4.'n't• • !The proposal, tri 'shut out foreign 'made geods is just; a proposal to lim- it the tutabei of people . Who ..shall •co-OPerate in the pitichiction• of the' , . • Which are 'haWked:,aroupil frein on high pressure 'preimoter to another , • and be ,wiS advertised, far and ...wide as onc.- of the large suinher Of bonesi and hard-working .earners •:-who 'ear be induced to hope and•trust:largele without being c tee hxantihe in tfic. matter of Sekiiig, for proaf. , I often: gettkuch, lists: of shares le his eifice; and even' with our .files , ascertain the fate.of tank of' thete.: One of the .worst lists 1. have, ever seen tanteinto this officc More-,, than •a Yeat ago, There t".wect. holdings .Of :shares in one hundtee CoinPanies, ninety' ,ht these were dem' and.the rest. either paralyzed or :di. ing. Yet :the Man in this case .thovi.a .exceptional indiistry, and in rice • g......aAong;and-7use life. He. Hied 'in Toronto and had national' reputation in hie,,,,own 'Think of what A. Trs„,,t60,099.woaki mean to his 'widow • now..SUppeeine ' that • he had 'invested in tithe Orkern. -.eat tndswhie1i be.no dohbt• •2dTbeciui,e af-tha low return,: and had reinvested. -:the , interest, his victim doeld now. 'have mOre than $100,00C ....in the interest from which ;She coulr )ave in 'con-if:Alt-the rest of her life He bin:self eould have taken Ail< lasily in his latter days And:SO it:, woukt X.ro. with the. Toronte 'map; and score's .of • others in .evere ;City and 'town it the .cOuntrjr. They • .;ould under. '.eiiPent • guidance.: liaye taken ..litger-rreturns froin securities of good toinpanies• and have had n greater estate thari have i•e- suited !rein', Confining themselves. to .;GOveittinept,-,13CiUdi and 'first Mort, gages. Without 'expert guidance, but With the.aPpliCation of care and ,ercii, nary horse setae they Would it least have dene." as well, lossesleing made , •'• ' •fl.the roatt4 or the nothchtids. . ,Foti' their price tag on the. •. 'n1Q4.t. ,Preelena.., thing in the 'world. They. are •equally free, to ,prio'ce ;lints P9Pperi and often, the. hogger ;eta them than the deps: • For. e*arnple, there is :a close ' ',intimate,. personal aeseciation. :And , -teirdt ernese mid understanding Poer parente•e4a,inora 'eaSily give tti, their Children than the weal:thy can. Afie the 911nd-that has.therit, is, rich beyend the dreani- of avarice and the child • that WM. them' not is povertiStrick- , Pp,.althimgh•it has all else, heiides: The ',mother %NIKO' rOgIc.*.liy 'baby to her whase teridee are alway5 ontStretehed.;.t6"'iatil. • en Viengstara taber, benvt-; 'W* .4::.,p9iT!,te-Ci, tired,- or tod:!buY:ti) en to childish ;C01)4cialiC6;;',‘ . . Tri77:sith—Itc'l'snii:110t*O",041T.s::.4;iiitahn::gtv)?;:cit • her ehibirdri 'far 'mere' than, does tbe rich mother who 'gives her children • nurses and • governesses, and . pony carts : fine .clothes and , costly PlaYtbings, but doe S not give ; theinf .1:erself; who bestoWs 'on. them evetything:but .the thingS, that 001:1 •.,wants'inest :arid: needs most-.!,•inethei love and ,tenderness; the real: Pietliel'• teach.•• •• • „Net long age, a very' rich young • num fighred,•in O‘, diagragefa•seambil; • and 'the. one 'excuse offeeed in his de-, .feriee was ,that hiS Mother'. was, dae: and his father' had never givery him anYthing mcept moneke He had never 4a:anr affeition hestowed.tipon him, had had -guidance. When a Tittle lad; be had beer_Lp.i_.._it op-rarid"'"reTh-eTiwitliaht Oren' being.: visited by anyone/ .who loved: •withotrt -Tien ening. home:'fbr ,Vacatiops, 71 -le had been just. x;.Pitifiii, 'little' paillionahle, Waif ;for ne- bOdy• cared. • • • . "• ' ,..The lot -of 'sit-eh:4'0:dd infiriitdv :Worse than that Of the .whose par- . , .entS • are in 'mich" hiiiiible. 'eiV.Ctine) „ stances that theY ,dan -give it fierhoi °Pt; the Plainest of food arid .clothes, biit,•who do give if a,,real home that1. is of Close; war/Tv/family. life., • •' The: fathers,. and Mot -here 'to .Whoin children are 'gratefel; and w ''.inernetries they. revere; ',are :not .thoseii_. who bequeath them great' fortunee btit,!.those., Who leave 'them the hien , ory of love and .understanding. that *beer •failed, C.I.tildheoil :that. ...was'. made. ',sweet ty their pare:its': - up ,for by :the.higher.retu s. • Why do seemingly. intelligent peo- ple take these foolish:and disastrous eours6$1. It is becatisethey believe -there is such a' thing is easy nithi- many ,people are wealthy, as the Te7 • sult of lucky veritures.• ie beeauSe they •have• heard all the tales of the Men 'who grew wealthy,. overnight , • . AyOld ,Itarbour and-. .little Bobby Phillips,. Messrs. kobeit and 'perence, and :Miss yloli • Barbour, • and df Fergus, nioV: �red.'uj, from-Porgus and Speet the' lteliday with. Mrs. •Baihoiir's Mother ' Mrs. R.: .1, .Woods: , • , • . • • ef 'Miss May GemPr- .ori, daughter. of Mrs. Josephine: ,Cant,' eton,' to 'Mr. .James ,d Douglas" son' Mr. and Mrs. .Davich•Deuglaa, ef•- Luta*. took. flace . the United, Church' 'manse, here, oti Wedrip,sdaYi May:19th. Rev. ,Chas. 'Cumming of- ficiated LAfter a Short boneyrpoot: at • Terepto and Ottawa Mr. , Douglas reside at Wiltoit OrtiVe. The good !wishes 'of mapy friendt perfetly evident that itis 'Wide cce, eperatiOn Wbial makes the produc-• tion and clelivefy* of 365' good pins ai •4five: eeentapesaible. , • '.2•"b9D.BLESS OUR , From the .Stratford',Beaccin-Herald More statistics, gathered frons Jiivetile court .records, -show. this:: ., ...Children who ciiine 'from hemes • where there are Christian eecee,•Where there regular at- •. teedance at day! scheol,. where , there, is an eft.ort 'to- disohaixe:. .• the full obligation Of father and mother, very seidenrac:tome •ta cOurt. the Majokity "•oi to"rirts' • with Mrs. DOuglaS to het new hotie. ;such cases. are s° rate to one No 10 is at Your Seivice We for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The it reetit StctJ Wi"7 - A "LOAD HA•VE JUST PLACED IN STOCK A MIXED C R H OP BARBED AND COIL SPR,NG WIRE, DIRECT FROM T MANUFACTURERS. YOU:WILL FIND •OUR PRICES RIGHT. Cement -- A FRESH CARLOAD 0.7CENIENT.JUSt ARRIVED,' Lithe, Hardvall Plaster, Gyproe Wallboard -- YOU WILL NEED, THESE FOR SPRING,TIME REPAIRING M11T6SCO--6 • • • • • • • . •• WE HAvi-rr lac gatitr IT IS BEYOND DOVErT; THE BEST WALL FINISH.: lqiiresco, Brushes,- . ' Y01: NEED THE RIGHT BRUSH TO ITT ON MI.TAESCoi. WE HAVE' IT. , aikn.ts and . WE HAVE, SHERWIN 'W•ILLIAMS • PAINTS; L ACS AND -YARNISItts: F011. EVERY P,r:RPOSE. • . • HOUSEWIVES fiVItL TIE GLADT 0, KNOW THAT WE. HAVE A',* LAQUER THAT wif,.t.,,bret HARD IN THIRTY MIN- : VTES. tr •IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED: ',YOUR. :MONEY 1$ REFUNDED IF NOT SATisr..leroltt. ne Practically ,.non-etiatent. That m can's Somethingthe ceimee wave,' if it isto be dhecked, mut be stopped at the Start, ancd. the • luirrie is the One place to 'stoP it, 'The' country is Paying the price taking .,don' hemelk Old. • , motto that used to 'worked in 'colored •AY-ii!ri,:' "God Bless :Our ; and ititt:ng. up in its ,plaee• t h moderriiim, "Let's.. . ,Go." • • 'Every, intelligent persen atonce re; .',"cegniecki the truth, "of the above from" •Beacon -Herald, But if the hornes in 'which,an effort•is piade to "dis- Charge the .obligation of father, atd mother" are to ke taitd through, systems of old' age pensions,,unein. j iniuranet aed other ,I:scifemes to sup' part. and' eedourage the •; thriftless "Let'S Go"; type, we 'may • expect' 'tce see the, forrner type, of ' home decrease in sithinbOa'While, • other will increase. • •• t •-0 0 ,0 SPECULATED FOR A "IP& •.TIME—,DIES 'PENNILESS I I „ • ' tn. Murclie 8i,(Son lieathig,PluMbing-arld-Electrit Wiring '1• ;4. „ By -Wellingtdn ,JefferS; 'J inanciaI Editor of Sathrday Night Mrs. .A.. E., let us call her, is the willow of. a prpfessionat Inan who hi' I :lase died after a thccestful eareer hT an Ontario t6wn. Iit left her 12,462 shares in 15 mini'ng Oil and ve ;- yompanies, these attd • rng represented by 40' eertificetes, 'go fe:r Toratito broker has been able to „ ri.vai44e trie tote, investment -17,4=7Zielenall Fine 'quality built into an automobile makes: it run well, wear well, took *ell for a long time. It :keeps: satisfaction high and operating'costs low. When you can get, fine qualityit a low purchise . price you 'have gained the .'highest 'degree of 'etonomy, in the purchase of an automobile., . Because Chevrolet refiresents the highest type of quality car at 19w cost it has been the choice . of over two'Milljon people.. •, 'Visit -our showroom and 'see for 'yourself haw. truly Chevrolet combines ouality.with . .. • rown, TeesWater, Otit. 11./sie, • JOSEPH; GAMBLE., OUT ON .. PAROLE , Joseph Gainble .of Kinloss; who two yea -,..:s ;Igo • ,was Sentenced :Ito. :spend; four 'years in Kingston'. Pen.' • iteatiary, 'for forgery, is ,ont oh. pat.- • olei •being liberhe!:1 Monday Of las( • Week.; • He served tWo. yearS and „ . UNIVERSITY: OF WESTERN .:ONTARIO. , „ • ,summer school,- 4pLy..sth to AUGUST:14th SPECIAL COURSES' •FOR. TEACHERS • •,',1„ 'Course in Public Health and Bac. C ouree in French Conversation. 3: Review Courts in kigli School:Algebra . to Matriculation. • - te tither courses irtAstronotnyr! • • - 4: Botany Englisb; 'French, Geology, Ger.• . man, . Greek, ,Latbi; Library Sei nce, biathenia atiklo C - A. splendid social ovisi.:kth-$: letic program • throngoout tbeentire'six weeks.: 1,• . • • Beautiful new Univeraity , • : a :B. A: Cpurna • Se/tart! eixn tZult. weeks. • Onto .Ludv an0 reprton. gl* For Int'Ormatiort vorite the Director._Dr. i. It.-ktriviteort. or Dr. 1+% Nenttle.Rogia. trar. ' •ly at the •Shertifri offide; yifalkerter . . •until Oetoher 10, 1921: It will •.13c • remembered , that. •Gamble •cashed. "n 'forged .cheelt a the Batik of 'Com- • . where the 'population Of ,this: ocipptry • is•the .densest.- That's an •, easy •Oric --•,.froM the neek'up' brother: , .• , when .oil was. found on •their farina, • :tierce 'Walkerton; having induced •• dee.' $ .3f the inen'who Iodated:More by. ac ...idene than merit, and 'knOwledgc ninin clairns which:liter turned out valuable and , of Men' who bought stock he, the, early' stage e of an• in- dustriaI' promotion, 'getting • wealtlik- • later On, as 'a result. •, • ,. " Both by mail. and by Persenal vis- its. the High Pressure promoters and • 'Salesmen piny on this :belief' in easy' .,rponey'andthe Lucky Star. pick up himOst any: one, Out of a ...doien of leCters or selling. circulars seneout -.3sy toph people, and they are tellitg the tale of Benny Hollinger • prospect ing and fieding what,afterivards be. - came the 'Hollinger (not. mentionite• , the 'hundreds. of— prospeciOrs as te14ent; •wh,o. Ibtate 'on .• 'prepertice • PrOthising at surface but: disappoint, ' elow),, the tale of the• men : wht held Standard' Stoek from the !, • beginning or Bell. Telephone Stock 'Or• Ford Company Stcsik. They • are seldom th114tig of..their oWn, achieve - merit 13tit ninch of the big men whc hint Bade good, and most of wthon:•! i*ed arid studied day- and night, t( • make their miccesses. •• , -1 ..Mr. David ,Robertson to. :identify; him: He *wai.convicted in March of 1924: • faulty trail:ling iz lnldheod, for, pan, . Pereci.'children make ,very„,'poor tim- • bre for husbands and wives.: . net• to be. preferred •n's against, the ' Self-reliant rl VCIR:0is 1143t afraid' to' look dipleultiei in the .face„ Physical. attractiveness ,is the most . . Concrete bass • and Without *. it 'even Mental and'. spiritual harmony: will tot satisfy.. - • • • • • •, POOR 'PARENTS MAY' GIVE • CHILDREN %SOMETHING- MORE VALUABLE Tht vrtAifrn • . ,Dorothy Dix, in, 44 Of her redent ; artieles in the St,. Thomas , Times, , says: • • The bittereSt crY Of poor peclple is that they haveonothing to give their „. 6 6 - •The fathers and tnothere who can- . . not -bier imported' finery for their girls or sports-modei, Cars for 'their boys, •and fili their pockets mon- e.V$, feel that they teene empty,liand-• • ed to their Children alikliaye nothini to • f give them. , Vet the !Poorest man and Weinen'- who bend, abOve A cradle have it in their: power"te *stove' liPen their bbe treastres so great that tiie worth cannot be aompaied in dollars ' .4s:,A0eSSO:tiee. y the tripe„ he has .gathered ell his equipment and • impedimenta around him the average Man pre- •paring- tdenter the ovoecle.with the -idea -of game hunt- • ing begins kotwencler, first of all how' he is going to , Carty it all, and then just, how much of it he' really •'needs, Eventually he sett off, with the bare tecedit,.. • ties of the trip, minus most of the paraphernalia he in- . tended f.O' take,' but one thieg he will, not leat6e behin nld Caeth. • It may get in his way sometimes, but . as a rule he.„fincli it, iiiditi3ensable. „ Without it he kpowelthat probably. to support " claims as to big moose Shot .or ferociont oitne encountered. • • " As a tnetter of fact quite a noticeable ntinber of • those entering the trinitdiiiti• wocids during the liat and cents, and that Will bring the • few years have been known to aril gurai rather' than 1 With "PeelibilitY Of $20 if Certain child mare pleitatire and hiiIiirlesE ..o.poctiutteti; 44.'4 indtited fo*.take a in life than they could putt4oie . • cameras as se.cessoriet. Peet'deeil 'Mere: skill and • Isiab :ksti •Niiited tiab10 oni to 000, ollot • • • Cirtlipf:-:- 0."'A •!..1 with a ellnletil thtnwjt. a rifle the ehase•4eve11, - more eeeititig• and: the •end, Witholit • entailing an slaughter, produce's, ilitite as much . thrill. Thiawill le readily, ticknowie0ed by the true .spertitriele. • ' • Reproduced 'Above. are • some the doting teaticin's most interesting' thetS. The cioe- was .goCwithin Sats after three days-htint out: of4te.4ovite, S • was not the large.lit• anirrail.seen, tut'she Made the' best shot. "The iiiatiat, Which -is seerileiSurely that -pet, lift its teeth was, caught in the Kiptiwa &giblet -of .0titerio, While , the °thee, faced the camera In th* *titers of the Tobique$ Nova Sdeitia;': The Inidk clerk: • Int' the Lake of the ,Weeds shows. *hit 0114 bt Oki tibid In tit p 0 0434 aot •ft '