HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-20, Page 8VALUE.SrHIS HOStiri 'many vdietics. Ladies' lioSe, Silk and Lysle at 75c. This ne was our moLt popular stocking last yeAr aild a read; 1iis demand is great: We also have ,a better jine of Hose for .$1.00., Art Silk and Silk.. alkaiitifid-Ho'se--itirtlie7-- 1,1 • , most popular shade, n.,StraW liatS for everyday :wear;. Peanut Straw and Straw in Men's, Girls' ‘‘.& Boys' Shapest LEP c 4/II4 .44uORSOW ilONTIO0114" wtttfigmtf sutho 0114. , !..7e=reseil.-...sssmiel9=aespotoeseespinsemiles, Choice Cut Flowers 'The finest, of Wedding bundles and Floral work on short notice, delivered anytime, any where Transport to suit. GEORGE Sl'EWART Florist; Goderieh., Qnt, Phone. 105 Monday May 24th--Stoie Closed All Day MEN 84 OUNG Fancy Sweaters and Pullovers in the :new pat- terns '(not too bright as to color). Sizes 36 to 42. Reg. k • I price $5.00 & $5.50. A timely purchase and we are able to offer them at ,cnly $3.65, StraW Hat SeaSOn officially oPerla, on May 24th• L We have the st-ock, and all are new. We -do not carry traw Hats from season t6 season --if your Hat comes from Brown's you know it's right. Prices from $2,00 to $4.00. All have easy -fitting sweat bands. Sizes '6 5-8 to 71-2 Rayon Underweanfor ladies. We consider ourselves particularly fortunate iri securing the agency for 'Woods' Lavender Line Un- derwear." Vests & Bloomers in sizes. 38 to 42, in all garment 'las . - ' a sachet of real the wanted colors. This is the finest class of merch?n dise of its kind on the Canadian Market, and our -. prices here are a little lower than in the -big centres See these linesEach _Lavender, 1 EXTRAS --Ties with Hdkf. match; Hosiery, Braces, Garters, Shirts, etc. • See 'our Hose' forwOmen' 'Black & Sand. The .best , 1. • 2. Hose in town. •.c:AnaipKg nECituAsiNd . . AN A U LATION The assessor's figures. for the cnr-. • ..tent :year. show; Carrick's,' poPulation •...La be 27%..a; decrease of 19, in orie, year. The 'census of. ital. shows. • riek to have, a population ;of 2038" ... lose of.168 tive.irears: What chance , is therefer'Bruee County, holding 'itt: ' .Own nOmbers when the,,third gen• , elution Of thrifty and pregressive German farmers,' quit: haVitig large . faroilies ahd •I'eliorci the 'trek ,to the cities to 'enter irid4trinf life and en. • „ joy the pleat Pleasures of the great bite lights:. No wonder :Bruee is lost fluence in. the Legislatnre arid Federal Parliatnent., Our .sunmier • :population will increase bit' the influx. • t� truce PeriinSula during the 'hell - day seasen,,liut, While these visitors leaye considerable moneyin the Coun- ty, .: they Catmet hegin to take :the place' of :the ,Sons •grandsons on the .old farin who are the' backbone 91 the County.'iierhapS there rnay be. an oil :lieoni some day that will hring 13.ruee ,htick,, to it i Old population of neclrly-Htittleftl-hiStead of :44ifia •presene..t-h, EnterPried. •' ' 000 LOOk:So; LIKR; MONTAL ltURE811' --4V-herr. the-2ranadian.:Pacifid %Ws.' Ern presS '• 4(cotland, feeently .turned Nt,x,v ;Stork ..:frOM, f011i jnoth'cliutsc, ((retied the :wbridi she • brought: bark twenty-sever,l couples • who,bectune 'sngaged on the trip, be- oldee :,01,r4f); honeymoon „counles „ sho , t4'?.(14A4, ,whe oldest a the 1.4 EIVAR.00 MOTOR OM 103441 YOU1: 'rank case" *1:4 today and refill with, .:-... E,n.ar-co Motor Gil, - Better 'lubrication, less repair hills,' • CECIL MULIAIN WRITE NORM GASOLIRC 1' coova,Goi• ortCANADIAN Oil. COpIPAN10.11,1100. "r0Rot0r0. 014T, • CHURCH NO'YES ' .'PresbYteriatt Guild ..The pregranrine Committee had ...harem ' Of the., Prograinme, Monday evening; May 17. Jean SteWart read. „he Seripture'Lesson; George .Dotig, , las took . the. datechieni ,`Question. Iis Anine McKay took :the topi- 'Qur' ,Flig.!, .:.Verna. Steward gave reeitation, '1VICsical numbers were •SOle ,by Mrs: 'HoraCe:. Aitehesori,'Und 1 a. patilobiC---e••• --barns I meting,- 'closed the : rational Anthem: 94411g:to, 'next Money be- ing a holiday 'there..,Will.be no Guilth. . • KAITIAND PaEaBirr.PYA‘ 'A 01.'4 OPt4/4i140 -And.thns ataraPterizest ‘'th0 addrOeses and reporte, dellvered .at, the 12th 411M1P1 Pienting of Maitland Prefiby,,„ tern)! •Soeiety .of. the W.M.S. of the pfesbyiprii.i olkurch, held in 'Brus- sels on Tuesday,. May 11,, Mrs, 'Stru- than president" Of Brussela:Anxil- lary ,(10.v.) Fowler vvel- erned the two litindred and, :thyee visiting „delegates.. At: the morning session, president Mrs; perrie in, 'lhair, Devotional exercises were' cell.-- ductd by 'neither& of Cranbreelc and Aqxi1iar.ies RePQrtS. frOni. the Te'CleterieS"-tif the -VatiOntsr"deparfr :limits were given .,cevering.the. 04 between June 10! and, • Dere,..,. 31,', , were. very nraging rutue'outlook' bright. TTeasig0, Mips. Nichalson'stated that":63,981:00 iesSed through :her., department. le that ,period., Secretary states.. 19 , Auxiliaries!' Membeiship 612 Mesion 'Etrids 11 inernber§iiip- • AuXilleries, 2, alidcation, for '1926 is 331.90. Closing . : 'exercises in !hr.rze of Bluevale Auxiliary. Lun- cheon,. was then 'served by Brussels ladies. • • ", At ,the .afternooe Seseion 1VIelville • Church, profuey decdrated With deffedils and fern, ',held an audience that comPletely filled the DeVotional, exercises,' werein ebergs of, the ,Lticknow .Aiteiary. The presi- dent's address, by , rs.. Perriej lased .on the' Word; 4iTruly the Lord bath done greet' things' .for • ns.!!.. It was • e breath,ef „bite; confidence' on the greeter success of . 'otir Work, a call 'for deepening. - Of ',,our sPirituar life : through constant,, prayer. Mtg. Ark - ell, Teeswater, delegate to. Provincial Society .ineettng, gave an :excellent ;report; .As an evidence of. the deep- ening ;.of .oresponsibility for...Winning thi.World ,for C,hrist. Advanceinent .ciassiteem ,all through every depart- ment ..of. the 24 Presbyterian which,. 'Constitite .a.e.:Ontatio Provitielal ;relety..Mrs: B. 0,, Arinstrong, Durham* lite .0f. *Ong Moon, South China, ,ad- dreped the:Session and brought home ithe: need,. fer more workers: in that, 6eld. Having had:, much .experience'in hespital MiSsion work, . she stressed bestee hY, wind and life the 140, -1,111.11.1111"."1".111.1140".1".1111i"."1111.111.1.1. • the ballet the -day-of the'.'total 'Pre, .hobition .of the liquor ieffic. :rho el,- imination of salations. . literature , was also endorsed by reselution. Mrs.Rd. McWhinney, pre3s, S,ge, DUngannen, Ont. May Poi,. 1926. 387 passengers was83 years; and the ;Youngest , 9. During 'the •cruise,' thy cashed More than: 6250;090 worth travellers' 'cheques, letters t4 ' credit' 'and 'other notes.74".. • , . BRUCE,..COUNTY'S.Hiuri60. ngirr ,At the beginning of '1926' hrtiee County's debenture debt ,for bridges arnotinted te,'65764,3.95, Made upas ttdo. payinents ed.Denrry'S •-.3ridOe amountitrg . to' 62,984.08; :Stir., ton's bridge:64336.61; 'Southampton bridge 45,515.92; 'Brant bridge' • sir paytientd, 67,930:37; bridge re'build.::. ing debentures, 8 PaymentS, -372.49; :Elder:die hridie at Vesta; 8. . payments 00,3'12.49; , Chealey bridge 11 payments, $1624L09. Besides.the .."Aidge, debenture debt there are. Still 18 paYinents to be Met on' 'Provernents te the County buildings, besides the. debenture- debt' for pat- .riotgrants during the .War years." . o 1.1 ' • VIL0110111010N. CON VOTION. • At t e .annual .convention of the Ituram,110.e.ntYLSoclal. Senile/Ie.:C.1%11AL to be held in North Street tinitell • Church,-.Gederich; on Friday,' May nit address ;wilt gifteli by' Mr. Ar- thur }lakes, ehairinan of the On- tario Prohobition 101e. su1b.lect Politics of PrOhebition.".4ev.. Peek, ,edueetional ...seeretery....ef the Pro.hobition, Federation of c. ,Capeda will speek on the failure of "Getter:1, ' ant Coatiolrieperts Of the yeei • Will be ,giv.en 4Pd 414,PtiPP, polook *ttend.hand and. play the. Ratue,1' tiother:Land!,. Thia th* iwomso Are blitzi-04441 Ind lot Anniversary Seryces. . ,The Rmr. Lachlan .MCLean, of .Tor. Onto •'who' . the anniversary' ireachei 'tt the 'LpcknOw. Presbyter, i.411 'C'hurelt .rin Stmday,,,,waS., greeted: .y ihrge ceri4regatio.ns', rieriiiiirig: and ,,,,ening,,,the..,attenclaam, in :the eyeti- ng being • especiallY large, ; Many laving 'Mae in from South Kiflos'- thd from..,,the..- local, United .Cluirch here the -evening services were ..Yithdrawri. Mr..' McLean, ' :ono of the; outstanding Ministers of' the. :etatich, ;ii elear:' and ',I impresive: speaker and needidis :to say, ,zite-ritteirtimr-ofThis he;arcie--frorn- ',itart to .6niSh. The. choir, 'assisted,. .)Y. Miss Welsh; of Pine -River, rP11-. ;lered 'Splendid: special mitsic; Miss ,Welsh contributing a solo . at the vening tier vice... The, Rev,Mr Jam - es' ent.1 the Rev: 'Mr: teien's took )art in the evening, • The' 'Rey -end' the 'Ray, Mx, C.oseni.ef thelO- • al United: exchanged pill - pits fpr the' :Morning ..:Service . last unday ‘The ;annual, Slinday Eelio01• ' riniyersarY " Whs.,. celebrated ' here. leday .morning an,1 'afternoon, end Jie tw4 addresses given :by; :Mr. Barkley Were greatly.: apPreeihted. Eleeuent- andearnest he: has 'qual- ities whieh,enpeal to old and •yonns alike; */ * Anniversary ,Services, . South Kin- :iegssk' Sunday next. ';' Preacher -,-Rev. • Dr: 'Pel:rie Wiligham.. ;11 a.m.' and , Tut NORTH II,D.RON EL,ECTION ' AGAIN *IN. couRTs 'Acting :f9r, J W .King; and three 'yoters wha„ 'eppesed the elegy tion 'petition :brought by Gee; SpOt- ton in North Huron; Q. E, Parkinson has iseued: execution against „Mr. Smitten t Q recover $630,94,. thecots nt-tlielitigatioir.which, ended_ „ic.,,the 'APPellatO,Division 'and.resulted in. J.'. W. Progressive, being ,.diclar- Lx1.,elected. ' , • . . • . • In :making declaration, of .pposi- lon payment, of the 'costs, ' Mr:: ,Spetten argues': "Notwilistatiding. he proceedings 'Which: hevelein tek-. an herein, I stilk`submit I was prop- arly.'eleeted niernber of Perlittmenf, for the'riding of; North.`11nretic and that imy eldetion gould. not ...be • set ,aside except, if at all, under' provis- ions of the Dominion • Centroyersed Elections Act.',!, • , ' The motion seeking. payment 'of costs 'came .up, 'before Justice "Len- nox,' Friday: Of hilt week,' the -ease .was adjourned until May. 21st: MRS, ANDREW SCHMIDT , DIES AT MILDMAY the irnPortenee of itinclne'ss shown to the Chinese women who ire in Canada Very interesting was, her 'citationof the"-vatious::aspeets of Chinese sOcial, religious and in/hitt/I-. 'al life. Anti -Christian .fOreis -have now ellnoSt.., stopped • Christian Mis- sionary ::',aetivities.. • , Her i:•ntinnate knoWledge. of eondititeng; impressed, theantlienee of the great pessibilitt ,of the people of China, who are intelligent and clever; full of vigor' and 'prOnhile. .iwon :for Christ,,. The. 7.gree-bittg37-offfthe-7-Bresbytety___..wers:. 'conveyed': by ,Rev. maqnoria.kt: LucknoW,,:, whose ',kind wishes for Success:- and blessing on' the 'W.M.S.; work: gave added. encouragement.' •, pleasing duet by tiAeo young ies; 'also ,:ebertises by thirty,fOur metrilii19-017-13russerif Vissioir Band: Were; : nineh enjoyed.. ,,An invitation eardine.:WeS' happily tiedepfed: Impressive was SerViee.condueted 'hY; :Mrs. Reid Of ,Teesmater„, following .the election'.of officers:. ,`!Service'! formed. ,the sub - of address ably giv- en-by:Mks.. (Rev.) James, K*KinloSS. :before , closing session.: .by Prayer, Mrs.. Forbes, delegate -.,to :General Cmineil meeting, to be 'held' in Sas- katoon, May'19-20-21, .thanked.' :the: Members for the 'honor' and Privilege aeterded: her.: • . . : At the evening session,: presided; by Rey. Mr Fowler,:addresses were giv, . . . ,en by Rev. Dr., Forbes, 'Teeswater. 'hew, R.- D. Arnistrong, ,Dlirhtun. • Officere' eleeted for .1926: Pres.-. Mrs. Perrie, Wingham; 1st . CoMne, Kincardine; 2nd .Vice -Pres. -Mrs. Strachan,. truStels;. 3rd Viee.Pres.lis. Tees-: Aviterg .4th Viee-Pres V. 'Mc- Kenzie, Ashfield; Treas.-Miss N. Niche:Isom South Kinloss; Cot -Sec. =,M.r Carr, Wingharn; MOS Mather,' Kincardine; • Supply. ge0"--4fis. Gee. DougleS, LileknoWl. M.B. Sec.-,L4Ita,• Litildater,' Tees - water; Glad • Tidings :Sec. Mrs. Porterfield, Ileigrave; Preis: Sic.- Mtg. MdWhinneYrDuriglinnori; Home Eel/3614' Sec. -,Mrs, .8inipson, Worth *Vtrel-and-:WellSec.,--Miss Car. kick, LlicknoW; Lib. & Lit.- Sec. -Mrs J., J. Wingharn; • A hearty; vete d'thanks was pass- . ed, 12Y the; Presbyterial to beotenvey- ed- to the, gditors a. the: various .county newil`priperf3,. • who hi* so kindly published our isetiee's and re; • • .:(Mildintty • Gazette): , • 'it *Our sad 'duty this, week'te re. cord the death 9f Mrs. Andre* Schmidt, Nthich 'tobk place ,early' Sunday Morning of :this , Week. "De- ceased ,hed been. in declining health for ...several yeari. ,with :malignant Stomach trouble which later d�velop- id intie carcinoma', and.: for • some Months,. sheOffered, in.ense . agenY. ,Deceased, ' wlmie Maiden name' was 'ICatherine'K/Oenfei, was the third• -daughter --,of Mr. and ...Klaepfer.'ef 1VIildmay,... and was bore in Carrielt en January -.6th, '1872. On the 80th of , ...Tannery, 1893, she , was ,tinited in mairiagev to . Mr: Andrew, Selnuidt, , tO. 0.10 Were born fif,' teen ehildren„all of whore Survive. :Mrs: Schmidt mss a weman of exeni- Plary.'clitistian.riheracter, a deVoted. :and affectionate ,Wife .and Imother, and 'a ',kindly ;neighbor. Possessedof .A bright, amiahle. and :charitable dis- position, She made :warm •friends of every one *horn she: met,. and her .passing has therefore eget. a • deep oioom over the entire ,community. She had .been 'directress Of the • Carrick Agricultural for 'Sev- eral 'years, and: was a merriber of the Christian Mothers Society of Forme- . Bei' children are:--Willtelmina, wife of A. '• ErTltrei .Centre; Rachael at lienie;. Seraphine„ of Culross ; Annie (now Sister And- -ley): ofKitchener;. Albin; of Patrick; 'aenry, a divinity ' Student. .at St, Josephine,,,,postulant at St. JOseph's Convent- atAiamilton, :1gOr4 . , man, Leo, AlptionSe, :Georgina,Jert ome and Andrew hinne:.:Ali ex - dept ,Henry and.' Josephine viele-iit- her bedside When the, end caine. The funeral. teik, place on Tuesday • niorn- ing .to the Formosa CemeteXy. , BRUCE .COUNTY rAgyitits, • • J UNIOR INSTITUTE: . • ' 0. Wednesday evening May 12t i.'Very well 'atkerided:ijoirit ,.tyleeting. .of ::oVer .sixty 4epresentatiVes of. the Juider' IiiStiitutee -and innior Farm- 'ers' ..AssocietiOns of Bruce and Grey Counties WAS held in the •Agricultur- al 016ce; Walkerton, with W. E. Rid- dell, Bruce' County Representative; .a.s Chairman. Mr. A.. McLaren,' .of :Tor-. , The 13,.ashop of Buren :has appoint . mite, who has. been very intimately' . ed the iteii: .,FaTeman : Travers ai. :..orine'..led With: rural ' young peoples , Rector olqhe..Petiah of Li:140W' and work in, the ,Proyinee''of Ontario or 3t expected to: take_ -Oiarge, in about 'lle Past three years; wee present. and intlined Very elearly the organize - Bt. I:felons. ReV. Mr. Travers • jr,. Awe weeks: ' • ' ' :ion,.of a , Musical' Festival . for each ., County • Mr. /..S. Atkinson of Tor- • In the •ebserice of the, Rev. ,gr„ onto, Director of the Canadian .• Bur. , ,COsezis, .who will he in Ilamilten at.. au for the ' Advancement . of Musk 'Dickinson. will oc-upy the \ pUlpit of ,stilekegegsativeens.rnarlit, ;helpful :1.:d.otis ..'and. tending Conference, , the Rekr. C. AI, Lueknow United: "Churefi , next, Sun. ' Very: Successfid Musical . 'festivals , day morning.•,, , . . have been held., for the pasb two or ... • : ' ';hree Years' in vatIoue Counties of the At a congregational meeting of Prevince and are increasing in popu- the LnclinOw United Church, held on 'aritY and In beaefit to the Coinari- TueSday evening', the. invitation or ties which undertake this Mork. Bruce ,the Official Board. to the Rev W: .r.lomity.'plan On helding their Musical , 'Craw; of ForguS; to become pastor Festival early in August and *t ;s be the .church,. was endorsed: Without lieeed at least five comirinnities, onm. ouwg ROTtS • • :compete; , • At the meeting.* was 'elso. deeided, to held' the. Bruce County Stidging • . ei 6 A, dikeenting .note, ' ' .:001.npetition for beits and girls and regular 0.1.ricif Meeting :die Annual' Field Day et ChesleY • Submitted by resolutio;i committee and. carried that: The ladies of Mel.; IlrusSela-he lendered .figarty Vote of 'thanks for their kind, lioSpitality to all those, of the ,Brus. „sels cengregation who' will have 'con- tributed' to the pregranme. Also .tol. the speakers who have se .kinclly, come to us. That the mdinbers Of- thits,'";Preisbyterial use ',their -;:influenee' 1.n .Ussisting, the ...Lord's rtl ay :Alliance -protecting bur Sabbath. That 'this' '.seine tide _Stine Baseball and herd or Priday in the school... ori e.lountY orianization. werk elk>, There was SiIrlendid 'Atendatied, bwri--Guides---abseetv,'- , '" Aiseuesed T. S. Cooper, AgricUltifraLlePreeent- ' intresting 'program of work ntive for Grey :County; . and his asSis- and games was: riarried Out. terit, Mr. S. Nelson, brought a Very On 'Saturday the. Tenderfeet; gni& built a 'fire out Of doors- without Pap- and Yining women over front, Grey representative group Of young Men -es tried the Fire. TefiL "They e11 er 4.153 . Munro dead leaVee, .Copnty, while .Bruce County had .rep, ,resentatIvea• hem Ghesleyi.,. and grass and lighting :it With tiOt, .Velkerton..und ItieknoW. TITOTO. than,ftwe:mutches. passed. tbis test: ' 'the Bantalna'.. • piobytetjal. uniebn pray: thaf The man. *he helievee, meney can . • VV 4 . of , . aintjv . ' 1 peace may seen be. teetoied 41,- the de,evprithing hafini/t 401te Will WO' p4teit4 Tha' '01, wig, 1),vltd 410:O3g, , $414034, ,,ftoilbytoty, 14 0104104 to 0100$10th�v V4VO to ' • • 1 • When. we advertise any article • on sale, we have it and at the price . . that it was advertised; • '• Wa.tc,h foi. our handhillS, Bring them to the store and :et .Us demonstrate. ' YOutr, 2.010"rieY woth,or.yongjtoney oacis; Fkee Rest Room, Tor women an children who have to drive in placejo meet your friends and eat your" lunch. You are welcome! neknow' • • , Operated by lieteell-MertlechCo, • . • -Ontario • 0 11 tHLIOEAL. spon & SUMMER SHOE . .•• .Fi.,FET:Footipois. ARE MADE FOR Am, xN.HOOE., . ANi:, otyrnoot. SPORTS. THEY. ARE. MADE . OF -• STRONki CANVASS 'WITH 'CREPE RUBBER 'SOLE: THAT WILL STAND . . : THE :HARD WEAR OF' LAWN 'TENNIS, BASKET BALL4 , leAWN ;BOWLING, SOFT BALL AND BASE 'BALL. THEY ARE ALSO ' SPECIALLY ADAPTED' FOR SIMMER WEAR; 90 oHowuka,..• BOYS AND GIR.LS.. WE . CARRY A FULL LINWAT POPULAR . , PRICES.' -NE: HAvE..stvEHAL. BROKEN` LINES 'THAT. WE ARE, • . CLEARING OUT ,AT .$1:06. A BAIR. ' . WE HAVE A SPECIAL: LINE OF ' 'MEN'S , 'BROWN' Ox.-. FORDS WITH: CREPE 'so!...E.s, sOtgArLY .riticE0 AT $6.00;' RATHWELL & TUliNER Tim STORE wax A STOCK We Will Look After Your Repair Work Promptly , HEy. T..E. KENNEDY INDUCTED . AT MT. BRYDGES : The ,indUctien of Rev: ..T: :E.. Ken- iiedY, of. BruSselle, iiiii the pastoral charge, of '. Mount Brydgesk North .;aradoc. and' Kentoka was 'held on Mak 7th, in the Mount' BX ydges Church. The sermon was preached by iteV. Mr. ': Schneider, ' d Kilinartin; While ite•i: Mr. Hardie, formerly Of ksho.eia,' addreaSed' the' pastor, and Be1VIr. McLean the.: people. .After, 'the induction dervice a reception was lield and.supper served to all 'present: gesides those taking Part in the in-, • auction service, short addresSes.,were • iven .by ,-Dr. McNair .end Rev. Mr. • Oltell, of Londen and,Beti. Mr.Bemp-. • hill, of StrathroY, ' . ' ' • ' . . . . -70-0-0-, . ' BOLDROWNED IN'•SAUGEtN . Frank :Gibb s, the eleven -year-old... • hon. Of -.Mr. and Mrs. trhoi.' Gibboni; was drowned in the. Sauge,en liver last Saturday at noon.'ltAlong With anether lad he was Walking along thc, top of the:,cenient well 'which enclesr, as` the race through *hid' the 'water flows to turn the Water wheels of the. Saugeen Electric ,Light & Power Co at Denny's bridge,when he .fell into the race. The wate , 'is deep and there is nothing to get 041 of Inside the. :race except. the tare' ht, cetnent Wall. Theether, led ran for,help and the ',water was shut off andthe raceway. drained but life was extinct when ,the body was recovered. : .• • iicio'`•sultimtNTS The number', 'of hogs .shipped from Lucknow station the week ending May 13th Ayes 148, theSe- 45 Were Select baton, 7.a ,tbigic,. shipoth, heavies and .10 shop, liOgS: Prow Huron 'County there mere, ..•ehipped Attiring -the -same iweek -of these 1221 'were -selects* 434.4bickw 48 Away. lee, la extra lulitiVieS, 17' Shop hose and .0 feedere.' ° '• 4lat '-Quantity of koi (440 c1, plit4 '0011p11111,' White-Leghorns Pens with male 'birds whose dente' ' 'laid 226 to S7 eggs' in their pullet year, 15cts eaCh. ' • • ' Pens with inale birds whose dams ,laid .200 to 225 in their pullet year, 12.cts. each. 'Barred, Rock Chicks, 16Cts. :each.' By test in the Egg Contest at Ot- tawa froni year,to. year there are no, better,. egg .ProduCers , in , Canada, Drop' us a card' saying ,how many • Chicks you want. We will wit le' you .bi return mail when/we can supply We have, 1000 S. •C„, White Leg. horns for sale, at $1 each. June deliv- WALTER ROgitIVASELS, 01N1T. -::NOTICE,-:-OF 'COURT:60T FOR THE NvwTA0W1LISHolsP WEH • • NOTICE is: hereby. 'given" that la Gond' of ',Iteirision 'Of the AlitieSsinent for 'the Township of ,Welit,Wa. kanOsh- for the Year 1926, . 'be held at the ToW.nahip‘Hall, West • warMehi on the 25th cley Of May, . 19260' et ten 'o'clock it the forenoon, to heat and • deterrnine any .errOrs-tr'' OrinAssiotis in; Said Roll �f ,which ,notice. has been given: • • Parties interested- take notice 'and ''geYern themiblVell accordingly'. 'irttif day' or ifeY;-'1926: • ' ; 04'11D at 4,WeSt. 'Welosh„ , this" • • DUrnin Cler ' of 'Meet Wawanosh,IV. 2, Lucknow. ' • Speaking of Bread,' Reld'a Golden Crust" bread still has that peculiarly temptinT crispness of etuat an snioothness, .of texture that have el, • ways • made it so setisfying. *eveti ,more, than evor.-Itaid's Dorainieo Bakery, phone a, •,". • , BOX soorm. , ..L11„nder -the IttisPides „Of /.428 will be: held Vtiiiath May • 2L. 'm the Lodge Room; $ilver coned« tioa at. the 'd0o Ladies with 'hogia free; poittapts/ta topirn,Pos fl , D'91941,!1•740.96,1i '7*