HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-20, Page 7MFORT, .
• Weak 'St Inaeha Can be Made
Capt , Tosc", titirrl9r, ' 'Stroneritrstigh the 17se of Dr.
saw littleAest•Wne Matle.thentlier • •
by TC$0," gOillMaede.r Pi 1 „ • Williams' Pink Pills.
tu 111-fatell 4fltJflOe
• He WePt Int° a• ref:94;31feet, andtaeon Thet Sitfferer from indigestion IS
after ite.e4 fieWn tale of.the :Waitress% greatly to be Pitied. Thistrouble as
sumes various feral§ Stich •as pain* af,
Oa ilrOPPM1 0.da*Water hOttle, tell
to the .0titina *and smashed,: • She: t'sr eating, gas, on th.,atoniach, seer
tltrited to CaPittla, Teat!, not itneWing 1.4.°44404 'ana often, ViMiiiag atter
'who he was,. and observed . *It'h :i,nealii• The sufferer tannot get relief'
taug4: . , 'by cutting down lite feed to a tarVa*.
Another" ge tcu pvy ionesrHave • 9°4 /)-asis• Thai only
• •• • 1, -le weakens. What needed' ist,. 'better .
yen oy,er •heard of h , -
..digestion irpt. a- poorer die.t., And the
Tliti 4 captain ginned' kriAllY
._*h_etter-dige ipn-istto---se.
- "Yea; I hayo '!' Ill'Oodded,' "He Jiiiiarr;",_.'w..Y.- -.9--.th5t--3 -eth8 Stornc14..t;
' - eiiiicit, li ill
d'aiff,e-ifirra.4141---or4::C:1141:€710ine ° Ii/Q24th-t' (la.' A
- 4. ... • • : • the work nature,.intende . •
- ' ' • ' ,d0 ..-. ... ,:,, ' •tonlc for linilding iip.the blood nothing
A Risky Pciat''
.. , • •.; • '• 'else ten equal Pr., Williams,' 'Pink PillS;
• ''' '
* " • . - • , ' .. this n* blood' to'ursee tlirongh the
7 1110' .enlal heed of the C4:0: at Kcot-, veins strength. and , tont is 'giVen the .,.
.. d .y, ed,..sy WYnahairi •Cliilds, who 'st,c,mal-II•add; ore 'pangs tit indigeslitio. .
inadVerteatly !eft his •re, dhitipPear, • • the;Whele
a train, relies entirely on ;that W6a1);•„`eystem, isNstrengichettecl 'and •news*lite,
, on, and his nimble wit, lot. PrOtection, and vini dornee to the former sufferer.
Invariably he !erase*. the bodyguard
- The vatia9.or Dr, WilliaMs' Pink Pills
of detectives to Which he is entitled. ia eases of this:Riad is Rtavett by the
He says that only the, speed Of Oln. .experience Of 1r.. E. Maitolni,*Port.
.,dar Payed him. from being attacked Orl Malcolm, N.S.; who says: --For sever -
one OCCa,slon one, lonely Cetinilry. read, nt yect,e I was a *eat sufferer. from
014 which four men lay in Wait for him. Indigestion. I could not eat meat or'
potatoes,: and often eetild, :net 'retain
Sir Harry Stores Wee Pickle In the feta 1 dm eat. • Only those who'
. . ,
"Auld' Sock. • • • , .. have been afflicted with Ulla 'trouble
' . Harry. Lauder, Whoin the World ,can realize the suffering i, endured. I
. 'knows aa, a' joyful entertainer at •the took a letof, dectoret.niedicinei but it
age' of 56, andas a jemmy Scot.witori,did not give Me more than temporary.
• 'Wei hip ha'pennies, said, in a recent 'relief. I., also took other remedies re,
. faterylet _that.thiltILO,st.LlaYeet4401.11e...S.9,4meadel,•Lwith,...no....better.....4.esuits,
ever mad' was theseven shillings and . Then i read in a newspaper •the ease
, six .pehce• spent for . his ...reerriegel of.a,weman whpse.eynipiptna Were like
' • ' . 1 death of of*their Only .son IA . through Dr: V.V.illiernsPin
'.;:it.Pille. I Ai
license.. ' , .,, . • . •• • ., . • nI3.‘'. 0W11, .' Who , Petted ..new. health
Since the
the war. Sir. lierry'• and Lady Lauder ' cure . gee: a' supply Of these ' Wile and
• ift.ave given up !their .great country '0 .had nel to -4417411m very pug When I
been V; 41...dt g and .1 • ke t clear •of : fol:Age 'is greyish gre•eit .in color •and 'of SCT".. ,,By 'Pr , mpt treatin nt the long,,,the..life •of the car by pushioning
;Ante. and. Whoa in ,ponddli '. live .1n,fi I begna:to,filul reilec, Thns encouraged: - . •( ; .e - 1- call u,sualiy Aust. ea..qtlickly he set right it from :severe •road...shoche, something
. . The famens ;1 Ontintled the us'e Of the lillls;• and I Wee il6 theugh, a fairlsY riePh '•niedium the , fii)Wer,s. ' are orange. lernon and'
' • modeat BloomeliOrY hotel,
"'The. onestiOn of European• peace la the moSturgent and'immediate tibblein of all, ' peesaiit, even Over,
shadowing the stupendous Asiatic Pacific pr'oblem," stated Sir Esnr.e..Howard, British AMbassador 'to Washington,
on his 'arrival in Toronto recently bit a Conadiah Pecific RailWay train from th.e. American capita.). ,•6ht ordei• 'to.
assist:it:I:maintaining peace in uroPe,", Sir idsme continned, we. mut continue tp be intimately connected with all
Its affairS great 13ritain"e'lltnet Profess ihdiffereace•te,FtirOPean Polities as the inhabitants of the North Ameri-
-Oen •cmatinetit can. For, this reasom Britain Is Iheetically corapelled In every way to,' suPPort the League Of N40(4110.
if ,the -League shoeldditiaPp,ear to,morrew we woeld ceinnelledison•pe again. to Join eelne Euro n •conibinatien
.againpt any country whroi tiireatpned to dominate the centinent.,,
.137 Miss iSabella Preston, "for the Ontario' Hontiettl.tUral Asieciation,
-'Fb-e-7threavic-e-in--ia;rdening who ly flowering- type, atie the., others take -
Wants,qiiick results for the least. trou- too long to come into I.Seem for Qi•
ble ar expense a 'dollar spent en tario conditions. Height 4 ,feet.•
-seeds f• gait:able anneal flowers.'will'i EschithO,Itzio.--Califernitt poppy grows
give the most satiSfaction. They wee) in a stintiy, position and blooms
grow in eny kind of soil ,which bas until verY severe freet... The finely tut
.Let • Baby's Own Tablets Keep
Your Children Wellv
Little hildrejt Yeti. (Ittlekl.Y. get out the life of the tire, but will also pro- ,
. .
'exxuae#U4iqJ- 40U A 41"
Meaning .of "Detour.".
---mit-our.:".. This!' fs•a word that is de,
, . , .• • • • , „
eidedly Unp.Opulartie,itoOringreeteriets,.
for 'it. 'never ineaos exactly the :Same
thing twice.. One dekour May be over
11"aereVitilDrOved r0041 44 be ,a
ant' 'tliversioa Veit One
encoentered will. be 'over treacherous
roade•fall'of rate and Wei.
gigantic read .building.."pro,
gramnies.'Whieh ',are; heiug.carried on
and.. which' are 10 he Anaugurated 'this
year ' interest. -motortets bemuse they
Will provide better higitw.ays. Hut dur-
ing the pea:esti ,pr eenstruction there
will be Many detoars 'encountered •by
tourists, and others: . ' • • "
Beet:type ;many ,detcurs are rough and,
ratty 'and unPleasant, . mituy"drivers
seek to Alleviate • the discoraferf , of
poor read emiditiona by driving with
less than the asual amount of .air pres-
sure.' By • s� doing they subject 'Their
Wee to .extremely severe. puniehment
which often causes.peiniageht injuries.
The life of belloen tiree•And others
too,: Would be . inFeased 'if 'motet:1sta
about to, start Over a de -Lour, particu-
would ' Check 'air preititire .in all
the 'tires. Net ,oniy will thle iitarogg
,aoniedian believes in doneentratifig otel r me •
!gam •IS •the best • for Most speties. I rose. Height J" to IA feet :
' " • t' ' if s • •i„ ;tne first Ware from the stontec.h
can .bUt sum up what they. did fo PriViug Over, plebes And %dropping
nd: tend to grovr leaveti. Cypress, or Pirebasb, is grown for its
again Most of. their •troubles ariSe in underinpted tires canngt dp.
one 'Profession; tie 'Said ',Oen,. he it- ,bY•saYing that theY.made :in• • -------------------------- " 41 and . • " ' w 's°41° •line ea. "e( ,liowels•" that if; • Ikhy. la goOd info holes 'should, be %done :With great
• bot.,.,is the first thing prescribed by the ,
care : Tires •are bu•ilt to witlket,and the°
hie has disa ' t instead cif lowrs if tit4' soil. is Very I follage.• : 'res'embles A, dwarf,' com-• i • •
teinpte:d ,16..combine 'faraling 'with the a ilzw. Man., Every • trace of the trod- . • . •
doctor. Formerly castor.so 1,waste-,!mime' natural wear of normal toad
etage he found that'..When: he thought4 . ppeared andf can now eat. • . • •••• .
• he -was buYing -iiigs7Chey tutli-ea effete ,811AvVA-.. JOY 111 1' - .
be ees, that ,stune-, im in the 'melted elle,
Eat ly EP 'w u the post has. rolore rilliantly in •PaiL They etka .r:saaalivr• ilaaa-tiby',1657b,orwitg Tthalb•sieatr.a.td?°:4;Trial,itibite-h,at'.., leY1171.-if-Tru,i,)t it-and:vow
. , Linnet :bine:" with, a s.e,ege• bac:inter
nd Inc 5011 has dried; dig the „he used ler a hedge aini grow about 2 . , .
same 'eerie, but without trouhie't0,tbe any niere'than a; car _W,111..'•and.this is
'book. ' • $ , • . ' • .• • • • • . , .
ejeie e.o.m.! baliii,ous,witli. itynioiley,,,..r Medi iiita. deniei. or .e than at•zo coots:, gtelintl.and brealt •up the:soil so as to to,: feet high., • . " . ' •:.„ ... , .
parent or diatoMfert 'to the• little 0.4e- 'iiiret what haPpens• NVII.e:ii'tfitir,ps- drop
adthitted 'Sir Har.ry. '•*.i'Ve given Seine4 box frein The Dr.: Williains' moo have the surface, very; fine before gow - 1, , NeSturtietn--' This .'„weil-ItneWn plant -children:take Babies•b-wi Tablets hal,' in a hole'.'at‘ a high 'rate DT speed-.•
' ' • ' .• • '• ' • ink tite :s•eeds, ' T'he' tittle to .sow ' seeds ' needs : no descriptlen., ;Pew flowers are pfly because there is no neetY...taSte •.After an* ....trunsually .ipugh.' detenr
• • • '• • - • • • . • • • Yet cae get thes,e ille from ' any g4aa .a • • .. •
. . eine Co Blocky/file Ont
• away4-'-a,little, for ye. Must Iftitat. bait . • -," • . , 6 ! , • • • ,, • . • " .. , • nil , r .. t - .. - i - • , . •
CUtt1001§, varies, in: diffei eat dis•t cts ; more show y in the geaenor.,nied iess and because no griping after,Pains fot• Wheels ,aligninenta-7 Should be. ellecked
• " f 1 oni 'the last week in April to 'the Care. •They' flower well: on poor .8014 •row: their use. ' ..•' • • as. of ten "7oife deep 'flit ii . sufficient 1.0
. . . . .
When You're fishing. ;I've Spent seine,
and l'.Ve 'Peocireir, .some; and, to day
rye Wed,pickle somewhere in an euld
• 'stocking ieg. I see to it there are nae
Sentence SerMont.
You Are in Ltiellf 'your father' �r
mother•Aaught you- to work,. ; • Small. ones are. best .seattered oh .the
SOCOIld..week' in .May:
soW tbem 'depends on their size; 'very.
• IThe depth to buineed st!nny;positloof,:Th•e dwarf As a:specific 'for childhoed in.digeS- throw* them eht of aligninent: with'con-
"holes IP. the :heel or• tee,- lee ltaie learned to give as surfape of the sd-Iv
•oiI anpressed:1n .
thing to save:" .
Much to the World' it's you'expeet to :get a flat pieCe of wood, „whilst larger
.The: Polite; Prinee. .., , „...- you nevi.,,ny„ avoi o ine ..i,o1 si o‘ , em. .- „its • • ., , • <
, 7 " If .look"' for -1.- f' ' f f * 1 'fted ,e'r th 'Tr. of very showy flower lnd comes in a 1,,,• ' 1 1. ' i) iy ' t 2r - n- ts a
_ , „ ,Ine 4 ea ers, or, y nia a ., ce
The Prince -7'0f Wakes IS Polite, even erorn iKe that Y,du. do not 'earn. ' should be liresSed down thinly. ,When great variety; 'of CelerS. The habit' of
, . , ... , . „ box:from The Dr4, Williarns' 'Aleclielne
, .
' to caddies. While making a,ellot dim' --If . you .knew how' to take defeat -Ate-seed:tinge are larg• enough's° illat th:orrlant is spreading and a feW 8,eeds
. , , Co Brdckville. Ont.•
, .
froni.it, ` • . oues need aboueotte-Stfarter of an inch
ariettes e goo, or el P antS tion:, •xeiniting,. coustipetiell, sequnt incteasett, tire:: weer. •
whils.t the .tall Ones, 're • excellent, for . colds, teethilig jains etc.,:ther,e is no ' • *I '
'covering unsightly fences, linfortup, thing to eqnal Be.hYsi Own 'Tablets, . • , . • ,
'Phlox' prtitamentli -Annual 'Phie4 is gOoll • The'Tablete. are •sOld 'by Medi- ••
..They „neVer: tip ''harin ,,alwaS-s- -do:. Use in the stables.
ately they are very sensitive t� freer.
lag a round of the remote, golf links cheerfully and set:fess modestly, ' • can be" distinguished from weeds •will make a;horder • a fent Or 'marc I .
' 'recently, the, Prince 'ehewered hid yew haye the ,c0brage to face the, 'diem ...ent to about: four inehes ;wide, which ' will: lie covered with 1; A JavenileDiolomat.:-;
daddy •W fth. sand. . • ; ' • "
ca•lly, and waited' an tit the caddy.shoek'
.sand from hia Clotheti
Queer Material. •
little fellOw, about ten years of
age,' was regitine Ills cateeh•isrnI;
. • Teacher"-, , ;"Of what. 'Was „Adam
facts and abeffd... 1. apart. . Ho• ibis when the gronnti„Js ,brighi, •star-shaped 110Wers all. seasonl Torninly.,,. the dithinutivi Office . froy, ; Willie- Of the dust of tlie.earth.'•'
...-41..`-.!yett-eintykno-410e-40-essiet7-Y-Oti-41-il'inli--„;--Te-'-Preveti-tweste,-i-t--:is ad.e-ig,•;. Pell:1-e Everyone knows :annual .110D-;;Ibric1-4-wer kod-h ard-da.a.-•!kala-rY- • 0143:-&-I ' ' l'ea.di°r-4.94wil at .w as E''.11f 1 111.fl e?' , 1 '
*ii 611 . 300.]heglirrbitying . yourself. ,-, ' ' reb:e 'to. S4W esed 'veil.' 'thinly and.WW
, if pie is Pqn .40 obtained ;AV' beanti-'
,':Williione of ; . :Of. Ad-A*111'S i•ibbonST7t,--
I -If ' -.4---a" Stibiltred little cha '
Thegrince ienttin.ueS to reoperate ::., ,.1..i.„ii . . .. .., i so,edliogs taken front a. place, .Where .I•et Eif 'the; Peiropetut fields. .The
faithful and quiet: Finally be plucked , .., . . .
moiorie Bovoirr
.104 304112.. 'WWI,* et.. Totente.'„ • '
HE-ItUi313ER1j59 •#ITGIGIT.WMptIefi
1\7 41W• • elAn3, ellANIISI, AND DIJDOPts
11 'Write AlOort Boka;. Niltpt.84%. :DAL
• Organ of Paper. ,
An ergen, made , entirely Ail.' paper,. to
a ,Unique feature of a.••••elitirch , • -
glum: The 'pipes. are. rolls, of card
board end the mind is staid to
siveet and :powerful. '
A loose,.:alainmy han4s,ltake.-leaveg . •
e1401,my. impression.;,•
, ,
Cash' fOr OldStamps
,. will buy :old Canadian or',Foreign.
Stamps Used . before:: 1879. Look
up the • old letters in Your attic
er office. •Igir.' It wilt pay youi
: No Recent Stampe Wanted. •
* London.. - Canada
*Pia, 4.13 1/,'01.126".••••••6i. ,
Write, today forprieos7irti stuaraOten
them.ffr a week ahead.
_ tstublOshed ov'er au Years
.36-3s Bonsecours Market - Montreal
.13athe*the head •with•,Minard'e
in.Water, Also:heat andinhale
Minard's. ' • •
•ll•you have. a talent:for ickaig togaps ...11Pe vitmod „later :to fill .titepi. by; tat delicate pinks,-• as., Well: as the scar,
,iat f cottrage' te asit:for intreaSe. 4i•ea of :Sueetior::'
rapidlY front his 'recent Minor opera,. .. ,-;----7-AC`.4-7- ••' . . „they are too thick.. ' ' ' lev strain has the greatest %.ariet‘ 0 rt
tint). 1 -le rises early and passes lila Thoseoid enendes, gas, acidity. pain atici•dis.4. 'A-nnttals cairme grown' in- rows -.Or in .colore: To get the b•eei resplts the
. • ie. h -Moi e ou ; .„ • • - • •
. 41 Kt' eneerior., tne a arges t expellee
" . .
, • e
, . •
'1 t .1a hit' d inquired his .employer: • , • ' • • .
...day's in golfing,. Walks.along ,the 411ord, - comfort are soon, iinoeited for a fare.ibee.weil eeda fresh .water. in the' WCirld, an
• •
roltdini • or restieg. • ' • • • •• '* • by geigers°.SYrup. Any
drugstore ' I • ••'' •
or herders,' a:CcordThg to the Space lean s, s,. pu. ,ie•t nne .cinc 40 about
answ ..red • ,Tenim.v, •"i 'Qf
• ,:too • ,‘
• ,,t%.triabie..- The•varieties..describe,d can •1:1. foot. apart.' It. the •froWers at*. tut - • " '• • • • adon 1 rea of 7,1,. •
•think that 23' a• week .inore 'would be•
-.be n Where they are. recto ired to tus,t the'calYx islareakip." the bloom . • • ••
. , . , .
. The Causes. , • : '. tio wee and treated -as stated 'w ill: give will open' end 'will 'wet .ti few. . •,.,, , ,• ,, , i,
Companionship in'it Garden. , . .. ,. . ...
,. : ,. , , .,xoti, are rathe.r. a entao. ooy .,o :ie
' , , ;., : • • -. ' fbere are -, two causes lof .hiftui. t. 11.9.wi?rs,.., from.' 4-atio :until fraSt,...-1,•: ..•,- '1days In -water. •butT:if,th ... 4ocens- are . ,..,„ .
,.. eateing a a ..weea.
• • • ,
reorfalit y • peverty ,sand ignoram.p. ,A,!yssurn....Sweet Alys.suin iS One ,Aef. left. until ,openbefere (tut 1 ng heY. dret,: •
"I• suriiidse aiii,"• said mnix.:
iind. it Matter for wender that all'
human beings.... are ' •Mit . gardeners • the-infantwelfare nieVem,ent, thn anti-. the .best' dwarf ;edging .plants. It Soon •vellt nuith.14r. • , • ,
I • • ,
f(ir' if -• •
know.1 am small t -
Theeets, a ppeelb.e Eagh 1•11 • toberenIW4is caloptOgn and• every 'ether. forms a carpel, •covered ...'l'efftUhkea• ' makes • a getur-ga Mutt'
whik, fragran't flowers.' If they ,rh:. tell the truth 'Since.' l'Ve been...Working :•
den, and yet 'hew tew of the' hee'ftli,, we: come soener
• • • . • • • ; - cover ill a very•lietpdry situatft nt*:
LI/ .
•'Of rnen.eitter and oosseSs it • There 0,r; leter to if fealimition 'or the fac.t. :to ruti-te s.eed JIM! look, -untidy it is .e.,),•eavet -are. ..flesbY hat: tiot:Conspicitotts. a°. bi-‘!sY
, . - , , • ; tune t.o.giow, ..
. centiiiiiitinalliP tO Po fellud..within i..t. that educatien. and • medicalend nuts •good pi..n to.,oliD off the dower stalksbut ;the floWers are, •auite. lerge anti. • , He ,get the: ridse.''
.which 'letter offends ',,If ere; we May fog' sei•;•je,„,' Wit i'le' t h 0 Y'.call ac'coni pHs)! then in a week or.ten ,ilay•S'itr will term verY ornamental, ThiS, plant is „very, • ; . ;„ _ .. . , .....„.4._. ,
„ , • „• rnpe4 "Whit ettrnet again ., ....,. - I seneitlie to frost • '..... ... • • • . • .
' Select aceerding ,,to. oar 'finest Prefer! munii, nonnt. 1.01); g'11(..es.it•Itilwith a eo
' It takes- a brainy, woman to. Make
, (tripes. these with' Whom we Shalt 0 Wei:'.the • evil 0 ff eets of mantle ril 6 of living' ,..,;Calentllila, erten caIled .• Pet Ilar!• 1.• Sunflower7•Therw.are' s.eVerai types a t'id•iceen :A.1111111' happ y, iirid contented. • ;
. in our septtrate,,Edene„ and,,theY Will:. too low co.:per:mil the ttntilltetti,ll'ep of gold,Itelike 4:dot1W daisy 'with orange l of till$ useful tieWer.: Tall. with large , • ' • -.. • • 'i •
relhalll with 115, 411cl.bl'ef4p 10 w!tlt their nornnti physioal health" -. ' , or. le,mon-v(olOred liewgrs. Tlaey Ilewer 'I flowere.,' height 6 to 7. feet, in,edium ; •
, . • •
loyalty :as well as, their loVelinesi. 1 well in quite 114)01 sett...Height about ',with: 'sinallcur ilow:ers.. height 4 to 5
There ere garden -days and house-
dayS,' as thei•e are. garden -hours and
- Attitts•e-litiar.s;ILtlaYS'ands•liefire*;,Vlien...otte:•,
• IS Nya,LIS end, tittue;ti depend
•uppn.. i,vb a t beauty 0110 haS .been aide'
to bring- in and Imprison.; nil(' it May
'happen:Its. I have etitnetlipos known it.
.••• that:- one 'can arra'nge.'ait ititisrior
„telt on of ilet We r, 'ciilor 'fat. more eim-
,e'eetitfve. and perfect , than ha's 'been
;..possible ' the .garden,,, just .a•S'.
floWerS, • were. far ',0itiore •
beautifurin her house ;thee in her gar-
" I hair& 'experiefteed almost 1', goQdIs
:Pation of' enipytn‘jit• from the
. day ' toraPanionship. ,of two or • threte.l.
,generbuit liranclieS, 'of the Wild pielt,
a4aleas set in a blue-green SPettlsh jer.'„
•:aga•Itist the, faded 'blue., of . the Mildew. ;
curtain: as If '.the' Whole :pleetation
. vere Auble-st:".tn. y.te•W. in. atiort,:'
•-•-loyof , nkl acintaintance
• nineh to. do' *lilt ifeWer.beatity.'ssltbiii
"a5. :hod ; •and 'the mote.
of flower eliaraeter cote triingfers
"doer emnpaitienship, mileb the more
. 'One Pro6t. ishard to .
. realize that. there, ere '.people in. Ilto
World win): .arti 4.ebarred gardeu
- to , tbe miracle of . is .
,unkriowie tied whoin.,the acqua fol.,
ane,e Ara t.
f,ihink.-1-60:.,,iin.y."(;r5 wood talh•tanie
elierever tht,ty grew, Their*smearete
• alto gathered perfections. wotild.' ail me
sdtb • • it :lie' features, of t;Vell •
ble"68ed oituintaln Is ,Id•otiod 'OHL .
"-•11,gld -•leste.kei--of 4rapetl
there'Y were ooly ttistatt90 uovi sky; The`
'AO W eq's Wont(' ;, si ill 'gather roiloti* ino•
; like 'coin pa of friends ;fit Whose
being i -,o111(1 rejelre and; be, •
,..,eindaee "Wheeler, itt„;'flott Cent . in At
..'„Oa mon.-
. • -. _flying leritur of 4the-104.,
)trobtilolago., whicb.i's,only-aVotti, 30
longolin leap hilly ttiii} feet by
'the tise•ofthe membrane
ite limbs with each °Own,
- 101157-
11(11 111.11Ittittgliottitt11111.1))
• r•Aol MR*,
• Take it claily. A spoon,. "
fttlirt A glass Of water
b'efore • frieals . and at
:bcdtiiric will do you a
„Weald' er. good if •Stpti
.feel out,61,sottd, dull
And h&tirY A pletiStint,:
efferveScertt•,. Saline
:laxative prescribed' by
, • leading doctors for:
' over' -20, years:, .
Wingate Chemical CO.,:
inti Montreal.,
18. inches.. , , • ." • rfnet, and .• •-
witlr Small tloveers, • ' • • • • • -• .
• Cospres fe, an, ekeelient 'Plant tor a feet. The tall varieties ake Choice Large Bulbs. 50i,c1Oz. ,
mw h9dso.: giveti*SPeee hoy .screella aed also be/Cried 4150' per 106.• $30 per 1,000,
ferni,qeite large htf,ibe..i WiTiell are very to. prov, e shade for sniaIiitt
ants' • America, •AUgusta,, Baron,' ,.J. Hulot, ,
oinatitental itli heir fleely eet, dare The seeds Of suItflO"wers rl?.1101) •Hailey, loveliness Niagara Panarna•l.
greett leave;; and showy flowers; Cai.e., sought afier hY birds n.nd,w06.111 grow- Peaee, Pink Perfection, Prince el,
must, he taken .to buy seeds of thin ear.: that reaStnt alone
Wates. Princeps, Marclial Foch.1
, Schvvahen, Mrs. Frances' King, Mrs.
• kP dlt War RdE I
Stop Snoring, ,,. .
1)0 '011 snore? If yott do. why •liot:
. ,
I St011 it ? ' II'S realty quite easy, to de 89;
' Snieing is tlfe result of eleepiegwitli
. the'inouth open; and bierthing ()II
.. ,
It instead ef thmagh the Mese.
I At the back 'of our nidittlia, is a tie-,
'811e .ou ;lain .c.:1 parate."'
lien indi 45511 111 „cpmei .ag41,11w.,tbk,s. ..,‘rattway. station, end with Mod rn
ft 'Vittratete and".makes itio; traflie'.of road, anti river sweering•Past',,e,
of, Workineti have Started. digging .deeP.
knots as :snoring, The 1,•olutite: intre'tingiish, bletorY. „Ver. if is ;
°lir° d"e'!"18 013 the age of tti'f' °'°"er 'graVeyard. Of St. Ola,e's flitirch, „ear..
'L-Iletthet :tbe the verY °Id by; that, is being.tUrne'll tip by pick anti
. StiliAidlary causes. ot ,s'nefing are.-
, Aiithoritles. say llittO tiplf
F.:. ogling Ire mae`R, back, 'or at. oltstruc-, a.hai0311 'oho' of gittn.ir pIOII ai•:.
1)f. .the' nasal Pasiatom 4de110148..1y Kiliga, may' be. .berted thPro, '.rhe
or Other growths, "Bach sIeeeilig,"..'hY bilge) ae. n'f • et., rnqre
ttOj)1 Is Ing t:Ite• of . etitiporf,„ tl 731
years aen,
it to 31311, • a ii:I: that intinees: "itionth.1.
TI r I l' when] 3, '1111 links •
""ring• : -•• : 1 t‘ it h the 'obi ('011( 301 .pt St. 1)1tiV(?'$'
.;111 (*ere is aim the; ; •ss -Soh; -Or „life
,b0; tied hiv..--'..:shor-ing- h.-Lino-n:11n 91110S" Danish ging pr KtigTaild. Who is citier,
• , . ' . 't he ieiend • .thn,t,'•
. , • r Whell gal pit Hip nt
Thei•es iitr'Word any, la liguag0
„ and contrite tiled' • the • feeetning •."
thP..tY(":P1 1)1!*te: d:Cq ,t1:11V0Ve '01 .114$;-.10 stop 'the ,tido igtiored 3(13 (1
etiteritrise than' the ,01,01. and p0'0.1,0(1.efl ,t,s1 AV et the royal'
British Looking for Traces .
• . of .11arefoo•• • Son of CanUe...
, aeurch has been. begat) m ;Londe!) for
a trare.orld nieltuawd
"Hartild farefoo4,....'wnO.'dkel 'in .1046.
" Tooley S
sridge, .untier the SlitidOw Of a great '
Fran en e on, a e mperor,.
White plant Feet. ' „
' 'We 11,r*riter eipresq .0y, mall Otl• !
orders for 4;5.00 .t.)r over %viten aeoutiv-••:
panied. by cash.' t.,nder 2.).00, add 10i,
pot cel?ti:.te edveP•t'oet.of'1.).rfslag•e• you, is (.(Aor
• •
tist Pip to ..'or
le•cent pack .
.• tipns :fitY ••
otnit it. Nye. tin t 'sof
-Shades. 1.1r
eolOrs fn; ii*gPrie,„ ••••
W t 7
c 5 erie '
2.• •i) ,
(.41 (•ring;;,
el 01 thing; •
rhts i)ilinenp.i 1) e'. 1:0 0110 1,1 111'
sea t yeor i.rtig.g11-.3*,!4.11 4.:111er 4.10 1111.
LONDON, ONT. goods.
or whe'ithei'dr..ts li:icu„`Cottim or !Kea,
The Above ...letters 4;110 .properly arranged form the ..tionte et a tate
•,Evoyotle reedincinAbe.{0treet SO11111011 will be awarded, a beatitilut lot. sire
20 1100.1eet.:FREE and.cleat of all inetnebiintiii. 'Ideated iii;orte oI tatrAub.
divisiono:between New York •otri'd Atlantic City.:Tikie Oiler akin.. *Ai 15,.:11924.
Modal Deitiopment Cow, 110140t0 St., DePt, 1200 34eviVirktity
, The Proof,
Slit: -"I showed ,fatifer„ tbe v.„-etaes
Yoit sent 'tile: Ile wail pleat:eel stth
'thetol".. ' '• •
. Ile "intleecll *What Ilia he 'say V*
, ,,811111. 110 Was -det,gliied to
titet 1 U41.g3V.13 44.).,9)}1441Y
poot,'" ;
1 Nlinard's. Llnietedi ktng .4:jf Pain:
tura Stk..
Keeps The Healthy,
• It produces a• creamy.
lather 'which doubles reierefficien‘,.
CY and Makes shaving oisy, for ten-
der faced men, wfiile its delicate
medication keeps the skin clear,
and: healthy, • •
ancip .Eac21 retrby matt. Ounairso
Depot: .iSteratouiel, Ltt. montreta." . Prits, Soap.
25e. Oititnient 2.5 and 40e. TnIcum 25e: ,
.ndir.,..Cutiaora% Shaving Stick 25c.
Read Mrs• Menard's Letter
Her EXperience•May Hetp.
'Cliiiihatn. Ontario. 7- 'i.`1 want to tell
you how,. pinch 'good ,tyour rilVdielhe
has thine me. .110-
:. 1010'. my. baby ,
m° i;fre-l•I`to.119
w -
. . •doWn that f could
ached contintially
cotibi er y frit, la
a71 1111 f•hor •
„baby justetie'yt;ar
. and a half old 'and it.gavetne .a i. t 10 .
do: So I thonglit I, would try
Pinkham s.,Vogetablit
• es had i•etui it m ter
.Pre*01 bAt Milliops and .preScrilled physic vans for. i.• titte lt t'eLlti,te much.about ti
, • • away as tno. tead retie% and .•
• . . • •
COWS' • H:daCtalit'' Noiritis , Ltirnbago.
ik.11.2titnit'is' In
, my, tired feelings gefie. My, sister..
,Ited breti cloinA tny washing and she
continued .doing it, as, she. said It
might sof me ,})aellt if .1 started to lia . .
' tit ajzatr, iit-Nftre dielielp mt. rciit.
had taketi Just two latitt les when.tnY
. by canic. Ho is a
now •nea'rly Ave: ,inisitifilfk old. 'I ;in
tal.:.ing yilur medicine again tied T arti
abli.• to do my work all by myself ralW.,
1 always recombiend the :Vegetable
t'ompotitid to woinet., And esp,ec.ially • :'
to t'l: pee, ant mothere,. as, I beliot13 ,
they nee( help at thote titues."-i-
Mrs„.01.IVE tAftt.altli,:eit tenter: Sti,
cliathem, Ont4trio,. ,. . 0 • :
.... r. . „ .
).Accept 94,kel .'`,(Itr", i)ackcige
i!,'Ilicli c..ortittitts provel iiirections., .
.• _ , ,. •-.,-,-.6.-.•: ,...-.,Alto: licitleSt't;f, il;i• And .1•001-e:41.eitggre...4-
tftir,fly "Ilaaaor" ',too::: ,o,f1 1:,..,,,titi,Idets
ASplitn l's •ttiOtracte; tr,' Ark' ,kritstor.i. la t!,,otocti(ii '.4 )'.7 M,tnintirtitro oe' •I`ttgrItott-
. aeldr,,otor, Of S'Afte$110/1eftl'• ( A.:1'4#! Pir.1.7)10 JOU, ''116,, 7`. 1. ' 0 %, • ii,!0' ,' 0. ”c, ..tY?I‘n
that Aii)iii.11 Wain eIttite, ant tl afialffre , la .gortoge !le, p41.44••• ', r A 1!: otetetqe.t.
er ne er Oom tip win 1,e'llaiidiIt* d *litt llartt Att,tral• tr•acx, 11414(1(3 44 • Pit.r,tir Crass..
• i .
• '
V 14 r I
' ' A