HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-20, Page 4oli011 llucf0f011! 0014TINS14 IIIVOSOAY. NAV 14111 �I 41‘40-"MICK-DEBROIGYI.006:--SPreatiete, Mowera, Hay toad- • lark Rake 8 and stedde.rs, Grain in Corn Binder*, Walking and Riding Plotre. OST sTEI.fr& WIRE,C0.:-Worell Feu"'Is!, Gates, 4 - 'Bath and- It, Coiled ri1G11-031 MYGG.113S*--Ruhlsai* au4,VottifireU DATRMAN-W1expi$.014/ CO.t.-Pflwo PA Wheelbarrow*, • , XANOS*:ORG"S AtIgD P110,*Kita-PH-Str-See• 111* 'awl sire' yourself some annoy when, ion *want- semetlale;i Made; al instruments. G. ANDREWS 'LUC • ••• ingh,* hone -74- Phone 266 Monumental Works LUCKNOW. and WINGIIA1VI:, Hi t,he lergeat"and most, 'COMPlete • a oth In the •most beautiful designs to cheese from, 'in • , , Margie, Scotch, Swedish and Can- adian Granites _ _ .We Make a Specialty of .Ealnily• ---.140auments7a invite your inept*: , Insiriptiens Neatly,' ibareful0' ,and '•Promptly Done. • p See us.before Placing Your 'order - Douglas Bros- R. A. SOtton ' tiicknow .,Ont, L. O., L: No. 428, Lucknow meets the second' Tuesday of every mLoath theirhall at 8 o'clock. C. Mullin . SL; P. Carter, Rec. Sec. ••••2111. ptometry74ts Ita1u6To.The'iNiblic By -F-• T. ARMSTRONG • Optonietrist LuOMow, Ont, • Should • persona,. with ' wear"; „their glassee. constant- ly? . • 'Yes,: if the error demands cot - rection,, it sheuld, be KEPT cor- rected. '•• . An erreir •of vision cannot he CURED? : ' No, it is _Merely. correeted ',and it" is• azirtete&-oNLy_vviien the • glasses 'are 'worn. . „Then glai;ses which correct RS- tigmatism should be pit on the.. first 'thing,: in the morning? • , and removed the iast..thing .at night. '•• (Continued ,Next 'Week) THE I-TP,KNOW-SENIOTW::.4 Published evert Thuradalr inOrning • at1,4,00.0W. Ono. A4 .1.1 MacKenzie, PrOPrietor p44 E4.1tof , ktIURSDAY,' MAY 2.6th, 1926, MgmED .ELEGTIOT • "lives • to the, arid *pending not .a little "bard -earned ,money to ,'.-TcitTo--ita--iey_precipiees•-largely for tile satisfaction of rieceniPlialillig-11. i'xcat.feat.. , The white; ciyilir.ed in is a wenderfill RreatUre,. rxernier Pergt`i-40.4 • rather Pout* opPoitent at 4`1,74ung tio armira`te at Law kits.**,?k.,. 4ate of Abe Aeit et14,11. ,tvrteial. eieelion, The Ik- P114004 tr,fiat bs.-ao-on4t7knovi,--4-pit, juttp, There areindicatons, howev- er, that there e. aitie ec ton be fpre. the. end, ()f. the year, Chief mow,•these is. the .laces.that muhic, ip?al..cierl‘s have received instructikna XtOm: provincial .anthirities to halm: mntiieipal_ ;Voters', lists Printed, along with, the other parts. . This., third- 'part is lised only: in provincial eleetionS, and is not printed when an election is net:like: ly to:be held ivithin a. year of. t)4,e time of Printing, :C• ; • There' is e great twat of specula- * tion as to what 'the. Ferguson .pohcy •Eegarding: the liquor traffic , Will, be pretty general belief that •the government „Will' cOme, out with a :"govermnent control" policy, but e • 'pertiewho are in a' position to *tire • inside information say that :there will be no change made from the present. of. prehobition with 4.4 as the gest beverage legally available; The. suspicion that a• govbrninent control policy may be ,sPrung upon •the proVince has been .taken serious - JY enough to Stir. friends' of prohohi- to'Itction, and theforces of 'tern- •iterance are again. organized for the • ,ee VATi APVERTr$EMENT In:Teeter ?Ilragep Who._ eave, an, dreeS at 1E:0 ;Sebeol Opening Concert on, .Monday evening-, :painted out a reason why "more of, the ,better class of young men. frem Britain do not Conle to this .C91.0417. There is; of eoUrse, great gg..,10gbifovo- bot ,orie of teal, inforinetiOn which the, 'people of Britain liaVe 'is oleo. miring 1924 and 19,25 1 1.77 . , . _ . „., „,,„.-......, , ..„ , ,.: „„. ..„ ,......... • 'fere ta bow it worl-ed nier in Chi- , . . fdr. F:40"014411.1111"*°1414' ' P.171141441s were tent to the pe0i.tent- „ .a4.es at Joliet. and Pontiac by. the• -, - 6111.-6680 col:014,-40 dilibig, tbc smog, Perieil 950 of theSe wera-released7 by, - the Board •a pi:A.40n% And,Paroc •••krici sent back to,Chieago to again roontne their:. career a igzoOegging: ipbbe.ry and Murder. Cenviete were 13ein0 released, •you see, almost, as faek,as theY were:being sent to prie, . . . ' 'It pas .toO. gobd to go on., A, paroled coiwict (unyttoitiakiaity.. ilaubt), which let. in the light OPon..the 'Yer.),"4 gepeiv.i.eolias nttarnqr Ii ef,feet4ve.,:.4.,_.g.genting It appears„that there :Wa.; ah eh- gralion, ratsinfOrin ginearingl eorpOratidn thO,,city,the ' tion: '.. .. , • (pot adVertiSeci, of ' Whene told' thae-Ceneda ,is good Poqbe) was : . capitf,0,1 :04rig tO,.. the inteligent*ling num' aelis, bow . 't :".Bearti of Paroles Pnitgard0a. oniei that'. so'. 'many • Young- - here:lett .Ceneda." end: gone to the ,..• that the Shares „of the epieihia, united States - This nr1.9V9.1rielfIt' a • tion Weia • hold largely. ••; by/ 'Orli/lets Canadians, to the great :Republic, Xr. '-who were ''atit 'on 'rhe had West • Wawanosh,.• eleVen grandchild- ren, Mid three, brothers, Cornelius SPeneer. Of Gooderiumi,. ,Halihurton., Charles and Robert • SPeneer. of , Brooklyn, Ont., who have the ,s1h- Pere s3nnPathy of a large number ,of friend i and, neloillors. , opERTar.1,. • Mr . arrY L.. Watson, South street,. :received word on Mader that be had *eh th9, P•rW prize, •430b, The •Tor- onto Star's contest, "Do mothers and AUBURN- daughters: look alike" Not only did-;- mrs, Eliza A. Spencer; widevr'' 'Mr; Watson win the firt prlze, but the laie. John Thompsbn, 6t11, Cup, his eldest • Sister; Miss 2A,, Watson West Wawanosh and daughter . of Wini the second'prize, Olio, and the Stro savat„.• wa,s oery _wor'st vim, •money and bought up fhP hares. sible kird of • an advertisement for That might be _alright, there eoUntry, naturally :it leaves a Was something inere..:The head Of the very unfavorable IMPreSsion. e•Board of Paroles" and Pardon was menth that Australia and South Af.: erring', corporation,•and hes% owned • gathered from Mr. Sayege'..s 'state- found tO, be an officer of the "engin- , . rice gets more of the better class a• $25,000 of its stock. • yoting ,Ineo :from: Britain than Pall:- What. An oPPortunity to make inon.- thole clerninielis Wein 'at cOurts' to Prison for ada• doei. - He did not this* that • eY.' A wealthY 'robbei° or cr9ok is sent • ing 'of this favor, but it Was the case. 25 years or. life, perhaps:lie. engages , • • ()I course, th• e, people of:. out.ti. this eilgOeellrig corporation th get' ' • rica and: of Australia haven't ,got l'i$ ease reviewed .by the Boerd • of great and propeprona. ceuriti.Y. :next Pardons and 'Parole: . Of. eonrSe the door to go•as the people- of Can- earperatien will take his ,ease. 'It can eda .have. ; !• pr,Ornise: him' certain freedom because o o o— Blt/TISH COMMONSENSE. ' • The ..conunonsene of. 'the - British people has again puled thein thro.' • .a greet crisis.. The greatest Jabor strike ended without bloOd shed the 'head /of tbe 'Board or Parole who ilSO ,a4' officer *of the. corpoi•ation i succeeds. Highest quality 'Materials and construction. alone ere you fine car perforinante over a long period at low cost for upkeep.• • . Thily the trvist modern body .cleakir ak finish of permanent luster can keep your car- looking Well f• or Year P. . . quality construction, quality appearance, • . • And that's What, you get in a Chevrolet! Quality d manqualityfeatures the equal of which you canno -firany-other,ca hevrolet's price, ' You get Duca finish in smart . colors. You get FisherIcklies On all closed tuodels. You get smart, modern, snappy good looks plus the power, per- manence and dependability that Flake Chevrolet Or Aneet your highest idealwof. econotny.' • , - • Com• . e ,iii; -7-.-. let na show.you' whY 1 half .. million is •,vili see. that his co , rat on• Chevrolets were .boutlit. last year. . We in.Eii. be Mire that: ii, _substantial charge. will he Made. How much" w41. n Man sentenced for 2b• Years or for. life give to be free 'I .It's a su....: ,thiPg 4ossilile l'inY . -,----4•01:1304-t--5.741Y --74W.:Olution.-7.-INTIFtgliralW-41 . • nrid the successful robber or • crook ' fgleafi deal of :ae.terillin'atj4ii"- to ' put: -•:-7.It Tie ;sate to jay. that iii:'..10:Ot other :illgeri::-.1114::74:ra:07:::si}nitea:::: held: at .Teeewater :last 'Friday_was• ,• cept'. with e.' few heoduirii Alrhci.. per 14,011115e a lot when 'be zotsit by itib:' '714itgely attended---ind. manifeeted a hn.ns' were: not strikers "iii,I.fli; ' 4. --,---- - -i-iiiideF--N- • deulit7that-4er-- up strew* resietariee' to any .effort te• country; 'catild there he, such .a..atrike inoneir,fast; and What if the heed of. ard i 1/4 would draw • . 4, Mrs. John Spencer, Pioneers 'd og Whitby Tp., died eaddenly Tues- _ .....day_niorningAt_._the ripe age of 'near-. -1y SOW years. '''The ::-;funeral ',took _place from hernhotne, Thursdity, May • 130i, at :2 'p.m: the pastor, Rev. , • . S. -Banes officiating. Interment was. made in Dungamide Ceinetery, De- ceased was.born. :in Hartley Row; Hampshire, England,' and, qinie • t� Canada witi; her parents, 'when. 15 •years of. age. lived first in Uxbridge 'later in Whitby Tp. • There she mariiect John 'Inompeu.4 • living in that "vr.:inity un -ti. . • are • • 1871 ....when they moved_ to the 6th Con.; Wrest WalWanosh, 'where 'She had since resided., Her iiimband Pre- deceased her nearly 2s,, years ago. The late Mr. Thompson vies a mem... ber of Donnybrook Church, during her, residenCe here. She lived a qniet, consistent Christian life and •lest in Winship. up: te, :the day. be-' fore she died. She had a kindly 'Ale- , petition' and even teraperapienti mom • a• hiving wife and: devoted mother,. and 'kind. neighbor land :friend: Ne one was niore honored and respeeted throughout the cemmunity. ' There' Xereeins to mourn her lois, one dim; ghter,. Rebecca • at home,. • end two sons, Mr: Ji Auburn and -Uriah of. other two .sistere,Miss. Blanche an -1 ,-klah' Vest, were ' belt aineng - the totiil • ... of $410 coming to the members of the one :leneilY•• the .:result The. Stai said: ‘‘The Wetsens' success is in ticeo,rdfince.: :with the i• contest Whieh."siildi 'As many mem- bers in -one family as desire may 1 OOMPete: Different answers iTere sent in by 'the "Viiiiims :Members of • th'e:Wetson : . ' tirgrer:014 1' E'tI. itulaiid of Deenikton; who_ served a 'font.: months' ;jail Sentence in Walkerton' a year ,or so ago for assuult;• was arrested Prov. Con- stable ••Bone at 1V1ildmay on Mon- • day and brought to the County cit.' adel here on the charge 'of stealing thirty-five chickens 'from 'his: neigh- bor, prank ituPfeiselimidt. It is re' - ported *a consignment. Of birds about to. shiliped. from MililmaY depet pti'Mopday• were identified as. those belonging to •tuipferechinidt. •Thp • pritoner is iri:the :Walkerton jail on %remand pending his trial, 'which is te; take 'place May Otti' before Magis- tate McCartney. Phone No... 10. is ,at Your $ervicet , . We Sell for ,4Cash- We Cheaper, Than: The Credit Stork SPRING:A.EQUIREMENT& Wire- , • •• .WE.11AVZ JUST PLACED DI sTo.cit A. MIXED CARLOAD OF I BARBED' AND, COIL SPR NG WIRE, 1:DIRECT. FROM • T H,E . MANUFACTURERS. :YOU WILL FIN.D. OUR PRICES RIGHT,- ., Celliellt--, •, 1. , .,.1.,. , , , L_. • , • A FRESH CARLOAD OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED. . i • Lime, "Hardwall Plaster; Gyproc. Wallboard-- • , „ yov :WILL :NEgr.) THESEPORSPRINcaIME REPAIRING - 11111iESCO-;- ' ' ' • .._ L ,__' • WE HAVE IT IN. 8Vtity.sgAim i•ir.rs PaY• 0110 DOVOT, THE BEST 'WALL PINISH. . NitireSCO IlitiShes--. •• . •• . .. YOU NEED THE. RIGIIT, 1.3g0S11 TO PUT, 'ON. MURESCIX .W.E, HAVE IT.' ' • , -Paint -Lanciiarmshes-- , ,, ,_ WE HAVE SHERWIN. WILLTIA-Mt-MINTSrL, A C S AND -VAIWIsll:p.,s, .p.o.it EVERT PURPOSE.. • - poustwlvEs. witip 13E Gimp yo .KNQW TIIAT WE rikvE A .1:AtacttollAT WILL DRY '.IIARD ;IN •THIRTY MIN- UTES. IT IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEEB; YOUR MONEY IS ILEVUSDED ,IP ,'OT S.ATISPAtTORY, • 0. Niurdie & Son Plumbing and Electric, Wiring, -4 • ' readily' the :in theinterests of greater frebddin in the sale • o f intaxidents. The outcome 'Wes that .organization• in: 'every cpoliingsub- division' lir Smith: Brac e". has been: Un- dertaken ' with -.a View to getting all friends of probobition behind a can- didate. Who can be trusted oppose -modificatiOn :when he gets .te:parlia meat. , The attitude Was to back'the temperance. min regardless Of --hie' party Mfiliation. • . : • . • „ . , VISITING THE NORTH POLE Tn 'a world .sitch as this, where there le so 'tnueli. hive . of luxury and of ease it: is: sUrprising that sOme men, shoal& io'eagerly set out Upon . .• :enterprises involving . greatestLord- ship and offering no financial , re- and such an effort on the part of the government to defeat it'Vvithout riots an,shim mg. , Reds *ill seY. that. 'thia „ is .. jtist. where Britain :fend down." They ' Will say- that the people are willing to• ie.' inOIC,in slaver:y,, But the ,BritiSb n0opee have just escaped.: from, , the real slavery which reds •,inipoke. , The reds :think ' only of 'getting 'hitt, :the position of :the •master themselves. : ' Social conditions • in Britain are inot.'sdl.that they. should he. . sAT"Ose, Is ' where there: is the Wide gapbetween the very rich, and very.- poor --a ,gap ' due largely to unjost sociel and bus- . . . _ ineis arrangements. But they ate efforts t� reach the North Pale (end the South Pale !aleo) 'Many liv-• es have sacrificed,,,tinuch has been eXpended and men have suf. fred to the point, of death from: hun= ger; cold :and .eidiatiSticin.' • All: was kriovin .to the ,nieri who lately visited the North Pole: . To, some.' men' .the greater is •the danger .c.,t an t;detert. Prise: the .More urgent is '.the in- vitation: • Hone mirings , eternal, ; in some- humeri breasts. • "" , Although Jim& has been, said a-• liritA• the Scientifle adVanteges Of vis- iting the:North:Pole and niiiking ob- ,ee.rmations there, we 'twee never been 'Able to, learn ',jest what theee.exieet? .advantages are. Peary visitedthe North , 1908, : but never: heard of •any benefit, that his adven- ture! brought to the World. Certainly Lieut. BYrdiS recent flight around the • Pole and back aenin as of no scieni: tiffe adyentage, other than to shoW that it ,ctitild be (lane, :and it is dif- *fienit ,to . imagine any 'useful infer- ma9cm ,Which rMn. Aniundeen totild ^nin by hovering for e. time °vet' the 'Pole at 'i height of 600.feet above the eternal lee. .•. . • i,It has; alweys seemed to lie that • the "scientific advantages" Nttere ',lit- tle More than an, excuse for the he. • roic adventnre...4 Everybody with a Spark a the heroic. In_ bia triaheaP ....vne glad that Peary, lifter. nitin'y •'failures, ,had aehieved 'his iimbitKii. • We 'Were 'glad that 'Byrd .and his: -ontranion 'safely :circled the P010 and returned, and the. •whole wOrld, Wee releived' and • pleased th, learn ' that Aminideen 'arid his conipanians . had • safely cotne: to 'earth again. The. Climbing of lofty mountains • himears t haVe Senie fas- linatiop for some that' •nretie, ex- ploration has for other. The, moun- eliniliers,. however, do" not pre.: • tend that -they -have mtielr-in view; hut the joy :of accomplislimeht,%An • unlealed Moon:Lein seems to, present sort of '"defy to :them; .and they do not hesitate. ftliaiit-the7attkOkrit onliqiii4e and means can be found„ There, -,nietattiiitil, the •elliebing 01 wlikh i1l ..giVe ample rxereisa• -e.nd demand sufficient Mi- • durande, bat Mount EVerest is. :the hihest knOwn tk 11.0badY hag Yet , . •es lied. or worse sin. almost :every o- ther cOnntrY;.' and many. times Worse Where red revolutionists get' the, up- per hand. • There is no . short .cut : to all round -social . of, political, better.: "MA,. and .'anipi-ogresi that .cen be' ' ir: .B: ritliiiin:.'once. hkdaratild. kirngll'iias : ,,at'ito: --aiiitic *asemperers .were, in Gerinenv. and .Prance, or as: czars were-inRus- sia,, but. the 'change to PrectiCel de7 inecrecyhas been. wonbit , bY bit With ...few civil' Wire and little tarinenr.--"The British" people may yet: settle':' their :labor troubles -1 as they, have 'settled their ,p9litica1.gne arid set the -world an example of social justiee as they 116 . e 'in . the :P.es, t„ set , it' -an example ofpolitical freedom.; ', 1.7' HOW ONE-"Po-l-RtHOLE BOARD ,- ' WORKED.r...- "innOcent . Un.d • ignorant"' . :to,Wri and country dweller the. iow. leV, • el to Which- politica and :the adininie- tration cif justice in :large 'cities is nlinoSt incoricievable,-4ceitainly never • suspected,' , . ' "• , I ',- ' ---- :. . Whoever,. in .• the,: United 'States .. itnick, 'upon the idea of ' a .Roaril of . fiSmogs.and•Parole' selived the. Ceiint-. :. ry a bad turn, for the 'institution 'cer- tainly is, -in large ineesere,, respene, 'tile for te :Wave of crime and „law , leesnele „which ..,teenis , to hold the lerger cities in a vice-iike ,gFip... • . 1, We have ' the :institutteri In this... ,colintiy, 11toO and . it; appears'. t� be ' bearing ninth the sa_me fruit -though I . , bn ' a smallak, Scale: -and doubtle.st 'duel to the time. Sort 'ell4torriipt infinence. Over in Chicago, which just riow is perhaps the most erinie-ritiden. eity. the world has ever known the Hoard 'of Pardons. and Parole bas reached d. 'bigh (et i..lioujd We say e low) degrep'. of development. ' . A: Beard" of Pardons and parole' is.i. s sfirt of court to which appeal may , . be made *ft the ititereets of a cOnviet:, • ' ed pereen; :after ,t,lie regular . ecnirti -'. ' ' 'have' done" their, Workfteirid 'the • at -1/ _c_u_Spiliguilty mid sent hini to the peni- , , . tertiary: It ' May -take, into coneideraz . '7, . ..,, 1 tion the character Or the faMily cit.,: : punistanees Of the, Convictedk.end fire:‘,4„,, •.sumably, exerelite a .ceeler judgment, .. . . Mere tempered 'With mercy than, did 'the "tiiiii :coot, .• -is -eatitti!sett-thovi,suCh -ft.'4Yearil ar 'aa4rt V,i6iit.t., .1)0 open to inei'de in; ' fluen4 and COrriclitifili, and Iir.elently ' eyolo Into an itiltitiitidif: .10r de- 'iltOOd 'Or walkedutob HS Suntfiti., feaiihg. th4 laW iiit'aititOng 04104 . .4n4. oO a faW pion ata ifoltino that • 0; th01104141-004014, •' the , oParole 1, 0, a'good salary frana' the state:for see- ing.that the prisenersoWere not toe readily ,..rejeased,,: and at. • thesune :share in. the prOfits df getting. • thent• out ciiiidkly, jt rapt, • but it was greet '..business, Last Jell the Chicago Tribune .Poied ' a !notOrions ease vvhieli • trates' h.b•Ar the nmehineworked to. de feet the law. 'It was discovered .th. . the sen,of a...Wealthy loelticraalter had •been convicted of murder (ha adeiitted the rnurdei of a jevielln • while effecting.. a, robbery in fa:t .• • and sentenced tolife imprisennien 1Yes " at large. The exposure by th Tribune', brought aliOut •the. irivestiga thin andit was found that the geli: ernor Of the state had secretly ehengt .ed : the, man's :crinie on the prisen • re cords-11pm :Murder to manalenglitei. i per menslanghter :the .iniiiimute' pan rtl.ffinent is. one. year in peniterti iary, • Then 'cittrie .aleng the Beard of Parolc and in it charitable spirit release:if 'the -murderer .at the :end of the first • year, -„the earliest possible date. Tbi's'convict, diiring his trial; cn after it, had ,e onfessed to the: murdei • to 200:' robberies „Wild the theft of 100 automobiles, yet here he Was,. at larg free td pursue his:career of. crifne. • ,••••. Brown; Teeswater •Ont. e 11.1i111 . The pubiica lon of; all this caused 'mph furor, that' the authorities Were to linve 114i -were.. reati:w ' ed to 'priaan. Is be likely now to Serve his at all. The !re- . cords of hit confession sow .royster• i-, nely disappeared and when. steps are again taken to: teetire his releaer:. ae denbtless they will) there will be nothing to 'thOW -that he ever.' Made 'onfessioris, ad in til likehheed . he • . • will soon be at large a -gain. Evidently -the whele :edforeing • lachinery is permeated by members, • f the large • Criminal organization. heir agente, areeverywhere-in the ' concerning the work carried on by the Junior Clubs: It wea' also decided to held a Mueieal Festival 'in. Walk. erton tit:wards the letter' pert of JulY. Plans' Wer.e- alio made-te hold -a field Day in Cliesley sometime in June :for ' , the Junior Girls and Boys of Bruce . :•Cohn -t3. . CARS COLLIDE AT CLINTON -n 11.1 collishin-eceur-red-at-Clinf t:ores main cerner, where: 'the ; t•W•9 highways' cress, Huron'. and. Albert .streets; nn Tues ay melting, .when. . Mr.' C.. Elliott Of Dungannon, w h•o ate .100is1ature:, the city .couriol, in . wk,iS;..e..,oing'Pziet. On Huron street,. rap - the ,eoditsi.':ork the police force, in . the I, into'. the Rev;.A.. Macfarlane who was . ity:pitices and • as , officers andguards driving north. on: Albeit Street,Mr • ent'prik••••• • • • Macfarlane had inaticed the car coin.; ...• Huron 'street and'had et9Pried, to:-elloW 'him to crosa. The ,other not trig him -to clikaoThed de - Oda! to Paesteliind.him, with the v07. 31,-4 tkat--:11' struck, him 'broadside. - Mr. Meefarlaties ger ,:was. coflIer- a4iy clan:lazed and. Mr, Eliatt's. ear ieSteinect sonie 41:iinage a .Well. bdWevari admitted tht he'*as, the I,UNIOR INSTITUTE 'AND' • • A number of •boys andg-u-A-i-The- longing to the Jenier Institute and Junior Farmers' Club, of Lu.Ckriow., enoter'ed t� Walkerton . last Wednes•-: day evening to attend n 'Meeting held M51th C. Leer'4Ariull ei!-.andl...'A.11;11C .AT:ieneseie r11O./' •onto gave 'seine splendid information' ' •I.".•••• ong, said he. WrinId Make geed the damage,' Fortunetely no one Wee liurt,FNews-Reeord.' A Veteran Talks o Artija-vi, rpgress • rt iurn MeDetield, Delwood, rnitag10, tribute. to those ..e.tigaged In the teleptiOne io "'I iiiffieniber'Vellf*ben Vi.„1.40;:ill'51rrth;In P.,:papers arr4 yIlenedrans.;.ess Well. 7-I esti t. / *?o, wt•t, 0.4.4tir Vi•he O&M torJk "Ii..Jtv 1.nr. . ;Ike ie when ..511p: • r'sievitt grgn4-t, fltiihtift iiarao, 441 liatA,innoyal40'4 •0004914r leproiluOlon, cretaty for the West oaratiaxa Tatephene COmpany, paid alba rvIce *ben he said concerning the 'telephone's. 60th birthday I, - y . 0 t b f" .1' s. 'y(14 , 11 Gotta ,abou t-ztils, Amer:leak' tdy 4Y -the, •Old Country -mileh ffiferchted in the whole thing even in My eIght•y-slith (14144 yilth thfs toy Men of vfe1011, and bread -Minds ' I lic , . , ti, q•,inni.,#)Y, • Mil/1434 4i:040s have chat)ged often iskes 111701 • . , , ., ,.., I - Ili o .Valt: 14rInt11/16 " ' fl 1 St:61,0r tal by . tbo--iiiiientori 4130$0111 btts,unitko4'4 0,t0#4irs. Steil LOYiltra #14tor attiolAitor ,