HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-20, Page 3eleeeel!,*. ,
4 ---
A 'very • plain old feernhouse is lin/IP:Wed Varieiies. The hazelAdt is
'made attractive, if 'set in the midst I a -low-growing bush WIdeb- PrQd.qqq.
• or attractive grounds. 4 neat, well; largo quantities. Of -nuts and Makes
arranged lawn will make .almost aey an effective screen.• ,
farteletead attractive. One men who One •of the, Most essentiel treeS,for
• fenced his whele„ferm with elevej,. the fume home is .the evergreen; aete, II. The Digging of thee.,W ells, 18e2g.
. , .wire and 'supplied running Neter and to „fern a „windbreak.. .. If. desired,! III: Nhe, ' Blessing at Beer"-alleba,
other conVeniences,e'clid • not providefruit trees can beflalented on .the 23-25..
' a Pad lawn for his home. Ilie wife, lawn, Yie.ding botheruit Ape shade.Introduction----Tbere is a striking
becaine disconterited and saici She wes..I • The weeplag trees Are effective rn. conerest between the. eheraeter of .
-----e----geingetoAnoVe---hereliouseeentee.teetheelandsceping;7-Some-deslealt:4enta.met iseeeekee and . _the t_eofeeAhreleetee„his
lieeP pasture, becauseit was e
niee ' c ut-leaf --WeePing birch, ' WesPirl:F. Om father. Abrahamis. ShOWn Eks,:ilii.
• s.
, ami .'grus$y out there,. , • f •.. 'and Weeping Wil'Inw" • ' ' - • merf.''Of' strong faith, Iraignanimolis,
• Tile fir§t requisite for the farm • 4rubs can. bensed successfully tor' hespitable, and eet:itteous; wisely and
'' lawn, is a chicken -tight: fence. The Sereerientl are very Attractive When i.caollbly goeernieg his 110 S4019.(1; Anil
'i.10.)a JA, goOd groWthik'grass, When tesed as a, background; for: fiew.ers. ...prompt eon, eouregeous in ere.eree-e.
the tend 'has' Voila. seedeci, own J.tisten. 1 • . •P,_e'repuial• flowers can be • piented, „geese, *tee. the life•ana .eeotr.,...e.f, A '
tien • can be Oen- to •• adoinreent.' profusely' for they •'do not requir.a. kinantall are imperilled. .••',ISaac _is.
' Trees, Shrubs •and. flowers shoulel be much care. eoPlaware: planted .next.te else,' lid' doubt a ' deeply *.PiOne- man,
., planted around the edges, or IA Cer-1,10w-gkoWl-ng shrubs .make ,a pleasi..ng ,1,13t .iot4 enech less. "diStinetiee„ and
. nor, but ':•nefer „in:the center..., ' :An arrangement, :the taller Varieties. eeeeegth ee. eheeeeter, •,,a „lever ,oe
,-----• j.attractive:laiitrn has in open., grtOsY 1-;1.10td6ring :the shrubs .' ",•9•10-64° aag peace meek and yielding- when osso•11-.
, .yeetete „ - • , , :- - deplete hollyhocks in the different eti. ely 1.11000,.neigleeorsi and, alu#0
- , if,.§hafl...*.;;Aosi:ri•d: in a ,season 01; 'colora are• beautiful when, bordering .9yident137,•Tolchig.:••iir „Aiise :•kuideikr,„? ,
twe, trees of quick. ireWth nuise,he Shrubs' of a higher grOWth.• •''' ' '' ' and control or his sons,: ' Both:are
- Planted- ' XoTO bOantigul tres • of I- 'Illo twining, climbing, eiineecting 'represented as, On occasion, guiltyof
slower growth ean ire plihtfa at the: vines 'and ivies belrote turn bOr 41VrilS the duplicity and falsehood. which fm -
same time and the less • desirable, I into. fairy -land. • They produce mar- euentlY, Marked -the Semitie character.
quick-groWing ones cut odown.: when veleus.effects in landscaping and help
. Sugar or hard Teep:o is 0:,,deeirehle any other e:ess of oants..! They are, Isaac so* ed in that land, itha. t'is';
I I, Isaaciii. Prosperity, 12.717.
the desirable ones come on. " to cover more unsightly places' then
•.shade.orminiental 'tree:, Wlien naed for grdaialcovere; and. tp clothe "I th°,8°14ber° Part of 0° Philistine
23.--leaae and His Walla, Gen. 26:
12-e5. Golden Text -A soft anavver
turneth away Wrath:. But grievous
Wordaetit anaer„---Prov• 15:
Isaite?a, Prosperity, 12-17.
. mature it can be tapped and Wi'A old buildiais, 'porches; archways, 00OntrY• It is evident' that be and
'yield sap for making maple) sugar or arborsand gateways. They -are -one le-People-exe.-..ehangingrein paet_4
seetip. Other ornamental shade trees of the most impor•tant.of Yout Plant- least, theiv 'Planner of li•fe•• The
are the mountain ash, Poplar, honey...jive seheme.. • . .•• ' • are beginningto cultivate the land,
locust, linden and he different 'elms. AnY one planning th°.• farm lawn using, no ,flenbt, the water of their
One er more • nut -bearing ',trees can have eome beautiful landscape we .s for PfirPOScS Of irrigation. The
his home, if. be rains in that region can only be ae,.
. shou:4 be •itecluded in the list for the efeects surrounding
• hiwn.. There . are ,black walnuts,will make a stUdy of the subject Al- pended upon in the winter months,
chestnuts and butterhence the solvitg Must bedone innuts! Do not 'most every nursery catalogde offers.
plant seedlings, but grafted stock of sugtestians. September or Oetober. • There are
parts ofpalestine, to -day in which
'wheat IS said to yield on an average
'eighty; 'and barley, an hinidredfold,
The- wells had been nulicioasly
stopped, or filled .up, by the
,„-............-._......... . - • •
„.,-„-_...,...........,.._. The Control of the Rose
1 .
. . '. THE CANNA ... 'rho facts that Itos'e' Chafer h,reeas
,•'.. ' . ' -"---ef in •light, sandy •soil, 'that, tta tglOgt titleSt "0 Were evidently jealefis and
, . are , unpleasant neighbore. During , the
in/portant ° breecling grounds
,wasta 'sandy\ \land, idle farrns. and 1°°g, 114 summer months these wells
vacant fields et lots and..that it 'can- were tlie ealY smire°' a, eaPnlY el
. .-.
By M;. B.- Davie, •HortiCuItural Divi-
sion, B,Xperimeptal :Farm,, fOr the
Ontarie, Harticultural.Associaton
, "The „Patina :is. gerie-reliy gmeree-for
its foliage effect,- aridewhenenntursed-
in: a suitable location. lencisi very
pleasing atmosphere to the garden.
There ere 'green leaved canners • and
red: leaved caiinas; the latter •,1.5eing
erlflips; the moee: , Te•
,..floviers • of e beth • are , attractive and
show up .nicely,l'ragainSf scarie.sort of
:background such as O. greeni,hedge or
•• °lump of trees.: ': . '" ' •
' In the small 'infOrmal 'garden
'the Can.tia has not much place; but.,
where there is plenty of space aria
Where, fennel. effect is deSir.ed it • •
fl h -se 4=4 %shaded water for ' their. flocks' and. for the
Or ,clever sad, are: a guide to the ot wai, • ge
• #S, N.41.4., B. NICl/OleS •
-i : L66It ShdrPH , to 'YOnr•IttilYeAi AIPT10.
- ' brides -if l. may Offer e, suggestion.
Supe•rstition holds that it is unwise
. to offer A- knife 9,1 a gift. Perhaps
it is right, but .I 'believe leve, is, cut
into 'more frequeiktle by the lack of
propercutlery than 'by receiving it
from friends. ' . •
No article of household equipment
is Used more frequently than kitchen
not only
? ,think every fa.tin woman needs to
take an •In'yeiee of her knives,. before
the aununer rushbegins. . y
Knives of geed -Steel pay in .the
-,eervice • they, offer, , They. hold :their
...edgee., longer '. and CIA Cleaner 'and
,quicker thanthe cheaper oneEi:•' The
bgsP. 'bihcles uatially,..haye a ',long,' elere
,der bevel Or..sloping edge which ,shiee
'pane easily. , e ' e • . ' e , •
Before inirehaging a knife, i' grasp
it in my hand Afro' see if the handle
is smooth' and ConifortAble: The
litter, quality depends on the:Nell-
' vmi,4igu•hati.'beA imigipiof;sitbb'leatinfltstulnyYneili,glihl,
bor'a,palen. Tho blade Must be fast-
ened to the Wooden handle with rivets •
'.8-1-11-1t1) POINTS
THE APTEANOON, MODE ..1,7;._ . Every well-equipped- worik,..sph,rOep„.
6.T., : needs at leitst.ene,paring,knife. Three eaiir..ing seta. It can be purchased
or four will be feueduSefiii.
, o4.riogrisete;o6s' consideraeil:safirapcetonerr.y: we41 tgit,eet hon 1 Inconies fi:tsWipte euttb.
.. i , , , DRESS. fer blades with -sharp points for in 1,
.more and•more f ti . they are cenvenient for removing the
Aien aeigetvirenehienIrseizr. t.hIets'icaorrPru9nge:-
eyes •from potatoes, cutting around '
e requen y are we
the stem of apples and for Micaslir- itcws should be finlai" ' '
ing the, pinch of Salt or other pow- As in using any, etherePieee• Of
dered.ingredient;•; The blades and the equiPment,,there is one right way of
handles of All paring knives mese be • ung the carberundum, Hold the
Short. • • . ' • I .sharpener 'with the left hand point -
...No kitchen 'is Comple-----------------4 slightly te the right; the knife
traditional .butcher knife. ' It should •iie held in the right Ilea With. the
be of excerent. steel'.and. Somewhat edge ,of the .blade. against the: ear•.:'
'Always stita..vleap. If a blade with
Intleatatiqq§ is 'selected the notches
must. be fine enough that the breed'
will not be torsi into etanabo. Cakes
are beet. cut with long! sender blades,
Stainless' 'f'fotAtel 1§ „Maier. , Its
abilitY• net te, corrode even, When uSied
in, cutting, .kid frigto'48, a , splendid;
recenunendation- • •
• The sleatltla deserves Poeitien in
evOrY'-kiteltel?. 44ifq With 'a,
1104614a blade 'rounded On the' end,
While it .ript for cutting
proper!. I find- it ift fine, for •taehing
eggS, cakes and Various ether
foods, '• . '4 •
By w, 7.4B8,
• Young:people, in O.:est
look with disdain upon the eTeinners
•end ideas of the older folks. To:bran.
a thing as `10.4-faShioued!' is to *Ora .
sufficient reaso'n for disca.rding it,,
and to have to folloW' an out -date ,•
Custom' ie. tO them a cause for -serious
regret. •
Rarely is anYone justifiedin being ,
ashamed of his parents. • Although .
their dishOelitions May net. :he ag!Te,
rifthlee and they reettrecle, unwise ore=
in4t. niiegi;, yet they are our parents,.
erld we should honor them. It is only..
narrow isziatIS And hearts that
have ne.tel'eration:for the hobble? and
'''S7AINLES.$ .STEL • tet • ideas of :•Ohere.' SO let us re -
where ••grapefruit ;is *en- meinbee that. so* day we .Shall
, . .
,Jc4red.• grapefruit kiiif6 staieleie aged, if; We .1iite ,long • enough, and
steeF adcle.'pleasatreee; •Mey, he also eery likelyeehell•be4Ound 'clinging to
.u.sed „ in *preparing' 'oranges, for the oozi 4.01:ts of teday quite StuhbornlY;
the blade • IS. rounded 'et' and we Shall be deeply hurt if'Sneera..:
the'• '4;0 w01" net pierce the orange or lallghtei!.meet, our remarks -and -
Or grapefruit OWL. ;. •• • • .Movernents, •; • •• • ,
b'there i
I am carry for 'woinen 'who have Nevert_eless perhaps .• s•
no • way a .sharpening their knives SOMe rear* for the attitude of youth •
except. to wait until the men -folks toward , age.' It may be that older
perform the Megioal stunt (ci.a the Persons hold too' &rift to :the 1°41g-
grinastone. There are so Man' 5,--geod ago; especially to its faults, are •
sharpeners on 'the market these days toe continnally reminding the young.
that :it sems a• pity for every home of the `1Wary we used to do." •
et-40-4.1averies ---Mary--was a Velaer-eaung • •• ;
Many of pa have the CarbOrundelm :that soon she wou:d be moving.
,rincotiiiteririg our old faverite, the bat -
:teal; neckline, these da31.... Here we
find it a simple and,charming frock
for afternoon wear, developed in navy
and white 'madera Crepe. The ' dress
fastens at•the front with. a r'ilw ef
in•e circle acqdaintances in which
her mother would, be regarded as
"hack nuMber,".beceurse of her anti-
quated ,fashion • of dress : This '
did mit. scoff at Old styles; nor rid-,
cule her mether's , appearance, a.s •
same. girls do; for slie 'clearly .
her -mother, ,and e besides she knew. ,
that. Would defeat her purpoie4:lier
'crusade to. break deivn, her mother's
prejediee , against "modern foolieh•-•
nese" was carried. on with the mo.st
sreall•buttOne and cord loops. There tactful e persuaSion-.-ench.' as mothers '
are gathers either Side of, the. front may take. to heart If they would
opening and at the ttip of the" interest- hold the confidence of theie . children
heavier. than .ether'''keiveS'.; This bortindeth 'at .about a thirty -degree • . • • . . • •
&Ms the lux dle Must be. well sei. angle:. Beginning, near the hatielle .1:94a4... • " She began by •grn•lig ner
ieg tiaglen sleevesewhiell are made to ,
• niothee• little presents of ElailltY neck-
." , #
be long or short., . A youthful touch
Ast least 'one bread knife is nee,ded. *the •knife and Clese to the' poi
net r c th a
4,re:1ga 2.1h-eW444-bleite. :and . itine
-37..n.41.Z.:1:saaczloaight:),iame'-ptit e
tout reaistenee and. might have' de -
:fended, 'his *elle, but. for ;the, sake of. evopeLhaek. satin; flat crepe; and strip,
peace lie yielded' and' tneved to, 'the' ed or Plain hroadeleth; No, 1034 is.for
valley of. Ceirar. Thi e val/..:ey,. called Misses 'and small vroniens, and in
by • the Arabi a /eddy, had a .stream sizes 10, 18 and 20 . years 6r 34, 1:16
,fielking•througli, it. Which; dried up in and 38 inches bust only)... •Size. 18
the summer, but the bed• of Which yeers :(36 beet) requires 27,4.3 yards 36 -
water Could 'he found by ..digging: . inch figured tn.:aerial, end. le.' Yard
II.: The Digging of *tells, ,i8,f-2.2. Price. 26 cents.' •
A well ol spring. ivy nutter. The Onr Pashion Book, illustrating the •, Sunday. -Cracker and, nut. Meats
, newest and m'ost. ractical styles will ;nay be broken be patine' them in a
HOW** wordS. mean 'living water," P • • e • . •
'that' issehig'from a• epring, and
/lot sarface' water 'stored front a.'rein.-•
fall.' 7.'ho ;herdansn of Gerar, illustrate
one ,of the meanest traits -.human
charaCter, jealousy' or emir. at the;
'eueces--of-e..The fait that
these Phi had filled np :the
wella• Showed . clearly, that • they did
he'ed. them. Bnt they tire
trig to,let,Igaac1s herdreen haie there.
'Isaac cel4s..his Es7s, Ilebreer.
name Which .Means. "contention," .$6
•alSo „•Siterah: •• Means enmity," and
Rehoboth' broad:places, er, "plenty Of
es nae4 Zit S-14: 15' P :sits E h *Igiv,, 4 sea ,e:d s- 4, the sharpener elle •knt 0 --es•
this the hips: Thelfi•Ock would, be. equally eads Teeeeeeieleeee eteeit'deeen, toward 'Lilo ,,,,,,,eeicer-aeti, oer .
-..ineiXed-fi'' protection against
Char:Ming if •thee fabrics' ..chOsen wore •
and. flolvers, ,The ftinclainentai'meth-, • a sha p;,thine slender' blade, for it sharp • ener • ' . remaritereeppoe-etne-eneutsn.
very destructive hiseeCppst of fruits
oda Of•oisntrolling it are Clean farm-
ing,. geed farming; and :the •Subitita-
tier/ -of clover fel" „grasses. This is
'demonstrated in a., new circular :Of'
the , DorniniOn •Betemelogieed..Branch,
which IM4 be obtained Tree from the
PublicatiOns Branch, Depertineet (it
Agriculture, , °Ottawa. : It is pointed
out in the eircular that the habits a
.be :of .interest -to -eveyy hone, dress, salt sack and running :the yelling pin
the ..romp chafer„ make grass land,
tl-ba, "nifty"
aene-les aritforth. • Ste, often
• , ane•e, of her client's mother,. and in
Hints for, Every'. VVhy Not Be. Beituilfuft enlitiainnegille,113111' hwearYrictIreeCrs dop.ianiegrn..aciour.,(1;
S.aturday•If you have :use for • •• - ' :"..r.--,-,-, : •••• :". day far fouled. an old Mag:azine 'with '
rubber • bands cue' froin • ald,•ineer ' By. H..kZEIi. RAWSONe CADi.S' a story' exitetly 'suiting the •situation.
. . . . .
tithes; or other ..pieces of :..sheet rub- -. Hew Shall I de., My hair?". ' She teed it 'te• 1.14.,t and completed the
. ,
It' vvill cut much easier. " ' " if it is nice and round with 'a ;Ma'
, efeeee.teat. depends on voile le,ae, revolution in hee potitiOn regerding ..
pee:Sent-day...methods.' It was' ' 'about •
her, try cutting It tinder Cold: Water.
lineeeau can go in for one of the flat•
eritely :lew forehead and-a_geod•littir•-. EY good And:loving Inotirr rb'llo:nilow- ;
ed her daughter. to -outgrow her, re-
caiffirree that are so .popUlar, ,sittil silling in a tragic Inie a, ecinii4enc'e' • .
that beings Out the' iliVele 'ehape.:. of. e A , year' later; rumniaging. through
'maker. Trice of the habit :10 eents over them :several tirnee This is
may be need to excellent advantage' - e.
vineyards, Orchards and small froit'
the /
ia elayl„ two eViarittitionS, whiCh are neglected •or
The 'cultte
however, ust be kept in mind: heat :PnOr-l-i-rifivatred, Places 1:6f its HOW TO OBDE4 PATTI;,Na,
•-caimas loyeAllextiy„.70is to bring t1ieseateasunder-Cuti a rapid propag,ation. Tho only remedy . Write your name and address plainaffdWaLei.-
-, inoiature and, lots Of heat, consevition number and size . of such
Patterns" as you viant.c.,EnclCs.6.20c n
..teritaisohnasd. o. r Cool spi,-..;te, et: .dry. It:gat'aciitlaPtrteeethe'inree°seteine they elm beqt itaillPY Or coin (coia-p ,referea,
• 'tquently...they do‘ rather indifferently, effective.weapins
it carefully) for each number, and
• • ' used, at :t'hree different thees: in address •yeer order., o Patter Dept.,
s -A canna -Ls .ar•sor-t-of-bulbous
• . .
be :TateeMey. arid ehtly ,Junei inia,-.Inly; -Wiltoff Pablishing-Ce,--74, Wise •A'de-
and at the nine' whirl:late Plough- :;aide Ste .Toterlito. :Patterns sent by
.'•plant it is handled' something like
in g •iS Usually. dene.:'• , neglected return mail. '
. . . • ••
the deli:K. the t•Oot.e being stered • •
11. drY Ce.jar during. the wiftter:
. • . On fence rows' shOuld be broken UP In
,' • ,
account of their ' susceptibility to •• .
order. to make the; light against the romn." -.For nolv,:,0ey faid„-the Lord ,i, • •
frost .they should not be: set out until, :A. etiie in Children
late lir the „spning;' so that,it becomes • The patienee ' *-.Por PP, ... . , •
chafer ,still, !twee' .suegeesful,' the -re- hell,: inrode room for us'
iteceSsary to start theM in d» Thie.' . clown. and .. forbearance 'end'. .peace -loving A . child without an appetite is such the:. SleeVe.. make .a :Port collar to
chieued lard', shou...d. be seeded
to -alf.i.t.fa, or ,sweet • eoyer• . 'le tire pirit.._ of Taal -La, In centrase to the an anornalY,thet it 'is, nO wender, that l'PP-ag.-;t1.1° wnrii )11......:
;.•iseeasily elecomplished by'. cuttingfthe
land Ise eweeth,ess- for egi ieultuealejealoue. enmity. and ,contentious atti- the inother pf's'ach a on should feet Wednestlity,.. Boll -• strong:- soda
AO good eSTes . andeplanting, these piaes 1 itihnepercsi ift.: sleeted be i•efereisted., as tilde: of ' hie neighbors, are ':wholly ' ad- .a,a0li - 'i'llere fa-iYr-ITtirzfe-•-,aontothing Watar .in,ehe.eoffee pet twice weekly,.
then rinse and air the pot.,thoroughly.
old stool into pieces With, two or theee •
e ,s 5..9 zom • the trees wit,. render rnirable.! No doubt he gained entich wrong with a -child alio hoe a sud-
it .rensuita.ble fp;.: a breeding grOund. :mere in the. end by the Way Of peaCe den .diStasto •foi. feed, but itemee :net .This ':Will .keep 'the.. pot ' Sweet: and
'''' '' into 4 ,• or: ti in•ch pets. ' . The pots 1 .•
may then 'he kept . in a . good .ivarint
it. fartbeee'pointed. out in :the cite. than he ‘ireuld. have gained by *At: beinlYthittg very eerious; the:distaste 'deem:, and imprOVe the . flayor of ypur fi•om the ntek usually •proves very. ThesA•the children daliver ,ibefor;• le t
They May be start,;d in • th.is enanner ectieteidthe rose..chafer ,.is a prole- pide pot 'oar Lord' say, '`.41esici7.1. Are :itself in most, Cases is ertly' a rebel- cofriee• ' ' • ' ...: '. . . . : .. ' ' .flattcrig. And another thing ,to .ie-.' after. School:. TWO SaturdaYs a $'-i,
. room Mini ready foe 'traneplanting.l'
.., 'lem tea . Te,rean dsempmutntY °net:lb./1.. the meek?." , .,.'rhe la. st .natned well lion -of the itorimell against: toe :Mail ,. hu.t.SclaY;'-tf' 'Yo.'1111A
. 1,''' .-110,...cutP"' member. if ,y-eu are o:dei• 'is that tip.] I. hold a bake sale in 'Oentrea•f• :', • '
,ii.,,t.chl. • , .,- 4: . . , '`..."'''' ''''' e contioJ measures recommended Ayes,. prpubiy,, about , twenty miles -or unsuitable food. If the board in the hasement for Neer Ares ears slimed e . . t 1 . - • 1 1 - • • • e. , , "• .
b me -a eget., part of w tere ape of tee. grocers gives me :
' eliout the ft•rstebe April, Or •child has
, '''''''' '• ' - • - • ' I eliouiW be, : adopted' ovei the lvhdle exe aduthwest, of Beer-shebe been .o.eet fed; ' ' ' ' ' d • ''' ' l • '
quicker than grinding; arid' no trumhs your head, . .„ . • ; . ' .:.
are lest., • . • • ', • • . '. •••••• ' .. - :If Yew', fOrehead ie. high You • Will
,71‘iondaY,...Drive .. a - thedinin-sizeit Peoblibly not 'want to -wear your hair
nail.' /het& the perk •of the bluhig straight brick,. but will • find more .beL
bettlet-Vhe-bitring-cmr-tben be POili, - caning' a .seft ariangeniant .Oortang
.thinger or getting :teCd'il°111,13lIscli7:lo.'i-htl (5iir tlil''..-14rect fitraca::°u$-:tu'ahltlyfitilr:olk14441.6 mil' Ah .thlir1
bet -
staining .fingers'. . ' • .' ' .. .• • . "ter. with the hair a hit .fluffy.
• TuesdaY.-Iii the '. sPrieg, lioN's' • '...If 'the -head or Peck,is lpng, hair
bliniaes- that. 'are worn, at.:. the, Cuffa should • neta...isit'Inialt un. pri tow,
and...neck an be coneer* :Mew sport • Tey in•etead tar a broadening, efriot.
wouies ,RII:: ••sammer: by putting! 'Off by means of • a low .liorizorital•'!fi'gure
t9 eight or. "'roll.' of hair across the back
sgloe:dvesii;lataebrdialb.:einnIntlhijeig..loi.0.;•eTr°'Panirt Of,...,and .alittle softness over the ears: .
.. A short, thiek neck should ever. be
eniphasized by a Jew. 'hairdressing.
'Often a French twist er tiecrosiever.
flat eliead 'arrangement is nice.t.his
is '-especially 'true if nietere Womerie
to whern that ele'se sweep :cit./mit UP
• • •
a c.oset• where .there WaS. some ' caste
effeelothiing,. the mother found, a- duesS '
she : had 016' Warm, She 'tried' it on
to•seq,if she had groWn stoater. V• •
-aiteneci-Leasilm---••andi.-Sho-Avent era
stoOd before:,..the
Meryl" she gasped; aStenielienent and
dismay :pictured on bei face, e"ilisl .• •
ever•look like:this?"
.I Bake Cakes for Mir.
. Neighbor&
. . .
1 make etree money' baking cake'i.
for neighbOri„, Last Year ene
count .'book Shelved 1 taken 11 .
$.500.,through my. hake -day
. Angel -food.' cake is my :speCialtee .
make. dozens Of them every year:
ieetit the 12 and 24: e.gg
half of my:cakes are baked ori Order.
theehges•tive preens are An etiees, put she ves in an :old 511V.
. . •. se.lingespace. and .ets me slue\ me ,, •
. , ,Ill Planitng" ...Pr 'nese -0'.'" - ' t.i: tent, ,of. an infested distidet, 'abet -Wise, :II/. The' BlasSitig,..23,25:. • ' ' . tired end 'are ere...ling 'Opt foe rest. 'carded, 'trunk.' /".iace,. A gn i !1St . gie :wall. . the/nose ts..prom ilea 'it 'should • cake le his window. , Some e..e pre•
If tl / ' ' '. i ' '' - ' ' • .' '' • ' ' '''' t
. '
' bed In •the fail digits -Soon as. ftest I t -el • .... .., . , ... , :13eer-ehelia • WaS .64 in -woe -tate eee.. ,
Or pe'rliaPs the food has been of . the, The teivereeitS. as riedoet •and keeps i....
Wrong.' kinde-tod in tic h Milk' 'and. soft tiee. :. preserees\.‘''.1thnni". 'teem • plaeed . at the -tack to lilted eeit ' nsually. MY eetures'"iteeleige 'a toile' I: ••
' ' abote 'one:feat apart .etich. Va.y ilf .the •
the•ii effectiveneai wiltbe largely enr- ' ' ,.. '-••• • '" ' ' . .' , we eotinterected, by .a hair arrange"- ' days: 1 ,,Infike...ta entich rte. $20, lee. .
f " t
• has 'killed. the• to, cut off the old • • . red place in 'Old • Testament •titnes le ad et •espon y. that' 2.' • ,
top' and dry out the' stocks, store in I • • • • - • - • breakfast: • cerca.s, mashed • potatoes, • ..
• ' Abraham had passed that way and food, p'redigest,e.fi ;Ana ,oyerroo. tliefetihien ,
1 . , „ tcwed f.oni • the "itie , it .00lts bal, 1 A 3
11 he e di 1 $1
• An inch, of .rairi. on -an' acre would had given the p:ace 'its nanie, which its yowl iang . . , . • , oak,e_hahiag business, eet..1..
breed' pedding, •
an c .1 se -o
'a' fli`t `"1. -_° i• r' chafes ate sagging. turn ,ihein' upside rineced. . ' eight years aka when the. LediA
, • •
. a dry cellar vie .sheives where 'pOtatces)
y keep •. • ' ' •. : weigh 113 tons. •
• . . • •
. meats, "the ,well'of the oath" (21::
betoo much 'enild v. • down, 31/ash well with s'eapy .watet. The smart' style in ah6rt: h -lir now; gave a• Series of bake sales •to rape
,- • • • " 31). If wiee ,here thet Jacob, ,aided When el r.v, -thoY 1. is the • heirdenoidi ter, clese effect. It some itiollee, for .our tOry. •
111 .117-111 • A n nrATrn evvertinii ;`. by„liii Mother,. cheated Esau, of .his fi.'61',net•ht.reatinent of a • foor" appetite. es.o.aying thoroughly,
s cause is ver sim Let. ' 1-•-• ' [•shotild.' ' • • i •
lot h•e attempted'. un.ess the: uee10. f the sale I roar but.4 a.i
vo.1 have. eh nee Looeider rilly..
()OK* I itiRit. BY YERn. IR I LR-. 113.4 il;st the. 'shape t her *head,. ,Vorth seeing.: angel -food I cake, for. that is 1r y pet
• • • •
plate withk that 'funny look of mingled To/ save' much dive. encl. dirt...that 'cutter. 1)ark hair tie in this fashion ' baked the • angel food? . r want .
. • .
i i
ilather'S .1?lessing, and sa•of the had-
ehip of his fath:ar's bousel end it wee
from. .thia •place that hicols set .out
tory ef the radii:). The Putilp Stops •eisit• • hiS, inother",i';" Perini:6 (28;10). loathing. and ai,i-o:ot.ty. 'Vou have too 'flies about the room' when hilt n?•,• the:. anti %a/erre...ea Co to the -head is ,o,het ono •jus . e . y . .
orator for' Charging the:storage bfi.t t,n 'his.' long journey. :northward to
'sbott as the tank has the nress4re tlijah fled thither from the enger'ef don't • , „ ,, . 1 e . . 1 I
much sense' to Coax'. .tha .p Uppe; yet; ' veal' '.:40V.e. I till ell „the paper seeka every tide; '-lottie beheis less 'effeetke Oio• bake sal/es Were Over, I had se'r- :
. Little• 1
af. . . • -. . ' ' • i . , protein' tna.t ',01.1 mg o‘ercotne, r go, wall coati, tarn bring them in.,.bobirea and can, rareey he worn in •ete.. tegt,ear., L.us °mots..
required. - • .. -•Jeithel. :and .it, was a, place of pit- 'with • grief or .,that, you,
,. are very krotii the coal shed' as' 4needed., end , Such tie' extreme roreniere . , - , :iftle., the beemess etetiv, mini jiow
. .
..:' , sr seen•le uegAis tc; ea( a his. ing Moat dirt, 1 (ill t! ot welcen ,i he hoon .to wom e: w leee hair is- sparse tune to baking. .... • . •
ere(' at frequent times and this ',tot* XingS 19 ie , and Atrios ti.). It IS rie_tt . i , I
... •
• • ' 'peppy alone When' in; 'turna. from his Persona . ExperienceHints. rand unless foil "MVO VeiY. good hair- , reciPe. People began' .askiag, .
• , • ,•
' y .
' e inve•=t part of our
encome in .i leprovemente, that not oelei
• bring cash .return; lett Make Jiving .
conditions better,. We raise periah-
. • ,
able' l'rhita v6getiiiileS. that 1111Nr
' • ".
Out ittaWberry field has tit he lVat- grimake' .in thO daY•s. Aoms •(1 t • t I : no (I i tli itoi• • Beiirie 'say- The permanent •alivo; is a • gront I am. giving &waist- a half,. ef .nlY
• ket., hotir a .day saved at this have' the ,water piped to it.. Now..11;• ern ehoUndery ,of lealestene • da0 \lain ata t4* ,,It• 'Aa)• .tylky ...kv,111. bold a Wave-.•aild•. MaYbe •oili•• °readers would .like to
• ,0 'it ot • ...tbr 'Os' •
• . . .
• iivvn accord his• sit mach hey re' e e • 'e'e s+ 14' • I •
'• to I;e harveSted When ready let 'Mate' near:Y half 'a day: ihen, we did not oiler! sii•olten of as. the extreme. south, • '
.i Watell your' 'ehil•d's •eatifik bablt F4'. (.)iii. yeinigeter,ivelY lit.ep rryt- .71:01;frpoljt J. ,..44,1y.„ s/.1d o1. irtisidom.,,. never' kiieWn it toout a failure. .
.. •'tiveeti profit and lass, • Oaf. bogy sea -1 itild 4. (11 1).0."ciprie. 'without, interfering . Peat ilOt..---The ante .6f iSeace la..•,,, 0,
Jr,' tic, ertts • ton '1111tWii, but "espeCia...y 11 4114? • l• wits afrala that, he' rnii.rlit,;.ah'e, hut, u join!' (: pp I•atiir .ruyt. Tiut, ' i 14 e Ups x.,gg Wititt., 1 te, etis ug it
, lie eats too fast4, lief. Masticating Prop- I tip oyer in' MS . high .elittir, or .PUll it ona in whieh :ooks it :,,ee anti: soh•f;•;' .1'•etip limo'. 1 piiielt :-Alt, I ' teaspoati
'•atin is alga the tin*. when -Or 'stock , With ' other' Weide "The:garden is' wale blested' Of- GOT Iti'eliat •.blesSing he •
. 'needi.1 . the 'nitist WiLter..; f!timping. tiSed 1 e rod front tho, sante 'tip, ;Wen ,ittioes- itt' infipitel§. etcher 'than in , the,,,pos.-
I stay; so it, des not drt ;up eny more, eession of featly Wells- and Much p. a't_ eoely, , ie Si St 'that lie', come \ to • trie'als , over, ort . It im- . 1, ---put an °raillery . ta•t,, %,•,.,via. in.m.„!ent..1-,,,I. a who...,,, ,om.. ,,r,,ran..of. „tartar.: . - . • .... •
. . and see th..it he takes lime.',..reen anor hook ter elte Week of the , nive. tr yon r,,,r,rw .divot.t.i6i1,1 ' intro; 'I :, sift'. the Aiwa r. , an& .11( ur iepar-
' •' to taketivei•liatir's a day, .• ..; , .
/We •deeidoa •• to...bey • tied inkell , a 1 The eltiefcen hottses have ' Waives- ' ie ture . land fdr line flacks- and herds. 1; regu'''''Y L .? 1.,. „,inc, 4. ;At( t ,,),., in f.s... I ., .1.01. at ..9„.. N ,.11. tilr, ii ,i OT a • rualo you att.,y seven times... Ao.Na .1 teens ann. •
i .Ael, • lil en. - , e ' , - r me • ' r 1 1, •,. ., ' to eat .denberatels. ' llie diet, must .1-f;ti . . 1 ,., ..,,,,-v..... •,,. - ,-, -,,, , .,- . t.° -iv tvf. - t. t - ,-... , • i .. • .... , . . . {, ,, T, ,, • , i
. W 4104 . system,' pol't ./tt et, erne.' ."ur., . tete,. we ce i•ayes . in ny. stops alUI tue aSsurallee ; ant WItri 1.1400 is ()teen ' ,,,- be too .,,, ,,-, , • 1,, 7 ' ' ' ' !
1A1101 li.I hpve' ,telejr.e.,I• uSettl.y , yet elle heby..•,fly' i•an ,eec' your- permanent At horite. nteasure 1.1.10 'iogit ,wilfte., '• Tita ii .
' first piti.Z•hase.'ivas ana6-iiia-one-lialf-,•nitteli:Carrying.of wafer, We laid the 'Treated. in the eeperiefice of heel' lie '''''' ''''' 8"'Pi4 4. '42.'"-- --- I
craokrs Ana nii.a not, more' tlein onee ..thiseljtele di i ice I juk hooli the frigile, The. proetee erten. has a qiglit • dryliee: iseiten stiff. ..Adri treani of. .tartar:
liork-ipowor gas , ongiapi force intinP.,. PiPt's• l'.11'11' th''` Puill.i;-boOse'.1..ii: liarti,'..fitith: See 2&:15;. 31 in; 'Exodus 3.:12; ,. ,
a aay,,,but plenty of 'whole wheat *r, (emir to ,the nein. Anil • ree "wertic's etri..1.. •timi MNT,' t, Ile eiafly' iwatiti'lying And heat , throe, initiutei ','or' before
''',,preistire•-tanki nastu:ro and 'dweling .with our '' Dia., 31:8, '23 ,Tosil. 1 i5; ..Jtia e e• ' •
. . ildo '%% ttl.otii A:. fuzzy. 14 nr$ allpel-food 14'1. 'Pet ' 1 haVe
tima milky mean the ahro.oure. bp...) reMy teltee nnwe than a "htilf-liour phrase, "frein Dart Beet...eliebic" al' .3t44 f*rl • hr 1.1411 d's
th water and, pressere.gtoge.. '1 1I1' • at different times. Tbe hard•- 12, 16 Ps,' ; na mans. other r TI a, ( eeite:r iire tele: 0.. ,' y.• • , oi;> lat:lic .• with the p4,-p'op, nee ,,ti.,rting in*.the s,agar. at:el 'ilavaring.
'g 8 4 C ham "ad Ana' tat',
Was i 11 Sial le 11 and :ONT., gooil who• sold''t he. %op 'cut'!" passages: '• • let thn dinticr and steWed frttes .1 III . • , 1 • ,,.' • , ' , : ' • „ , ,
craekers, keggs, ,-.egume$, Mout.' one,. 1. the ,steel use. tie eie'munclit waviee eve'd 'net Fold ie the: Nut; Bake le nieti•;
. e en, „le tee eae. mut, lee ul t (4.‘ • • ..4.1ty„ fi ep, ;NI s, h,
• Wit ' would ,start the engine befere it kite 'proper ,lengtha end threadedi. Ile ballilCif an ?afar, aa his father! ee. - •
ilhdO!n.. r„fik'd APPlc.• f or •',14'."l- 4"uneer:bY lt aft.` -'1` The gottd or ai,y •
` feeding t MO qa hy the ,it its .it ,e'mail 'extra charge, t had 'done, 1.'2:7 t 1.3 :18, • 'The ,ho-trie! rie°'
.411.4413 • • • i using, and hanging it •ficar mY shtl, d,..,Itener,r on' it -zufttny, • Or., ht:a.d. And NO Chance far Tlies.e.
in • . - sert. ' - • .
i i nie •We .11 n ishi•d ,the ..tanit Woilitl be'l " After the system had been .corri-:; was ,not made Merely 1.0-.• th,e pitching -1
_prlien the less of appellee is' a se te- by means ;tit! .n snring (1111 }.111 In ee,•, „,,,•ipeie„re ;el:lee wee 4“..it. !tail. ' A :hi of th0. complaining t14 '.0
fall, : . Ihoto: aro several systems itt '• plefid,' to the ttWelling, a plumber, inz.', 'Of his , tent, e The altar to Ood n
1111,,t; tern of rent illiTt''S.:°aloe sign'' Will; Iiiis \. 11 • it ilrii•s eui,,kly rind tlever stragg's•anfi uninfittof,-es• are linfor•-; hoar, (1.0111 4111, rarmA ,toe,i-e .•-tiet,e; ' •
. our ticigliborbood that have. been i, stalled hathroorn fixtures and put li4: be. built. Poi.. the. •ii
• t'f•Itt.' 8'.''''''''''Z'I': soon apposr, i and 'the "larni:r ally,. ' rustii; leawhig a 'lli4 d i' (1St „SPO t ' W11111* ' gi'vaele, fltush and Iniusli :and hetisli.,. oflism '4 ell/0% of far me ts W11.4).•co'ver •
:bought iiiiii "installed part at a titne,end. cold Water le the kitchen. The: pod4A: pef.stneo, And ',ssnetotos raw i ,i.
h, ga1 I.vi.f. n. e7 •A ,n'ohf. I,t, Li )4}5.%g, • I .eat ',e...71•,Y,pet ie.
eire lee.!,
Anehoryour .knotUse't.iitfugh luthhave 41!iwhoat '..'i ivimakgoed
ille1 Use fvol ene,andOelelf teekitehen rane was fitted wth a weler ene'etes the Wm* Be"-ehe... '
C 1. • W11:04I 1)1) t, ' jA 011101,114.'''I''' " tulY ; ' . • --.0.%' - , ..`,,lii/:. rind Maybt. .1t nOt. it yotit lia.ii,' St'o leent exeeet this ..:ass•of f.t-inerift
asa., iha' '.oval..eil' Wadden tank for ',ink pelted in the bathroom. .This seecteary and a .0„,, „, f sac j‘e: 9., - ,tri- ,e-rt.i. „.°rtillraf rtr, vylv OW 0 di6'.11;tior 0 r ' int' :Inv; ,- tile: ,
,t> 1 is ustially tfirWh, air with cod- ' A th , ,,,,f )11t. root.* , f gittlit.ti Ihiso eoittn•rt..‘4•.(1, it's- fteql,', ; , ' , titnos, twhen Arty tamer. can't hely.,
. A Cheap Rug,.freeter: ' i is :‘,r.g. Awl. don't/ fteis well yeer to. 'le* pro:Tool:is. eeeept, ie , home.
heeeeeetver enginee .for PI:Aver but :back flor heating water, the oeuer',uer- 1 corneal, ocaeptortii to every. isi genie a
..,..preaktire. . )ttai *An...thinks his outfit, heats ,tho ,blithroom fine. in. winter, Ore,: a place of ,refege and of ; /Ivor on inti, nourishcntr• hut. emieete - ,, 4'1.- :- , elf., it* i ' t..,,, foe ,te 41 ', • , - 4 •''' . , hut 1.rttki, th41,10., ,, ' they wour. ,,,ut
''•"*" so horrxtririfent-ii,r,needearlir-Sarn-•• yiinege, fin' ey,O•i:-,,a4+.•sinilitted-witli. tlie. i , an isa, g:•• . 4.`• • , • i". five. vezts tus that Plight
Is „Cli heA. ,
After usinfz; our SyStent..and find.. raer.; if one Pleat is cobketl on the name ef Isetic - • - A't 1-eeereerreeette--ende of
• ine'it• nil right We buiff hotise. 1 2 range tilff.e. Will tie .warin wttter let ()f eet,e, .siee • OAR (Xtraets). cnoce.'
tap nose A ,Wo., 'cot erigt o hoOnt. • ea (we p 3.
r .1 1 t 1 4:1 Ati le' 4.0
(ho?' 4444tfl 14 tt "Elasticity of :endurance: does' Int°, " ' "r• ch)'S )' mid h d • ` I • (41- 1 1 haarder eowq 1;o•Irdvr
atid.e; eft $E1r, Llte N .11$ 1 t 10 •
. ▪ n.
uni); arid tank. They do.not freete The waste front kitchen Sink and not restat evil net' cantend etainst et, • ' ot he r end to narrOw. striprt. foat •• NM: a". baking dish a;;•• i1 tr''''"0,1 they let their swine and their ro
' 0 feet, with'. oollar same size, for day.
one in- two- If i(e.c.TT.T 'Tyr IV/ r, Xlny
14 s'Nyt) • in A11.0 nie•• h .vremte • and tt pi% i)10Wl t ry beroirio et,tte.a vcath ltt.sthai
a1 i'eldY• to pump lvgardiesS Of bathroom is t i.s.poset by patience. teed ehiltling owe.. • • ' " • • ' tong. 'rtiis t in. -weig t• en •
*Ale' Whe it; -ittlia.Petrt 'tank. ' This has giveri ,:geoect eolvi,q. it, eons • "1.11( 8hou 1,41°1'4 Of ' en,e ierceemele m.• sugar, Put 'in,' it layer. -of slieed Thoy ti;e5,1, their
, ft heirst tvi re wont(' pletsed frit ppy piny greese "' • • 6 It 10•.110 • - t eta, ,tititt • -f tit trio
..lrobt tt ar.iwli'wel-v 25 listtiklop;-, using- sorvioo-and-titore,,,t,tio todore ' , ' - ... atid 411, Ilii. lies .118;..r.eal. claim to) 1'1' '.t 7.44)111 1400?i'4`` ; • .' '''' • " ' ' • . ..,•:•-•.:11.;.....;«':••$;--,-.1;4, : ' 11
tiht1Arlilt0 1! 0'. -theE11 "' 01011- e91.0: t',t ',Yuma's,' and orgit- t4-41i.t. req. fungohg ilit-eas,ya: twith.f.,..,
. . . . 4 , .
Pavindo . t tii,:,' tvst-- the eTieforei they: plant
t,no:finti-onk-ctourth-inelT, 4•11.Pa.t. which Wk paid for eaCh part ,of.our sys. ' ' -, .,----,,,--,*-----,--,.. l'Itippy 'hearts', ittitirAlitApY to0,4A, :. 1 ...11, '1.1-..i=,-',?o',g;
'conies •141 the -cellar three feet, ' The tent 58 insta:"ed;, adding 44 little eaele
. 11" 1"trailio •"11'"Ii ',.tryttr":011, tki • ' I * ' Tr ''t,.. -• •• t
ttirge birlelnivq
discovered' in the PhIlipplitei;
eitgii1P. drives tho puirtp.froin .1i line.' year-. Others • may Want to '• tee 'flit: 'irv 0:K11!itaff.P..n#7-:TI.a.:( ,V.t'7.0Y. ste0A That "watt' PLOW aTiCk'nt. • ag.c6,-i., rotop•14. ttt.Le' WIttel!'or truit..41.14::•te; anti, :h6••••,,b, i;„1,„; t.1.1,t-,80,'
1141P11 tit 40 ehrtre; 1 elso drives ••,it Keii-,samo plan. for k,iy'Ifett. Corteelt.'ertileS. Chiliiin'gre,W to 1nts and Safes, ,hak• ' '