HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-20, Page 12.00 FER YEAR IN ADVANCE;•82.50 otrigawfsE L,UCKNOW-, ONT., THURSAAY MAY 20th, 1926. 41.11,44- • .41 PitorEslioNm, 0,41003... t . . • , • Dr W. M. ConnsJl. PhY04.r4an.,.and urgeu •4110(nOWIIour 2-4 7-8' Phone 86 • DENTIST. • Dr., MacLeod Avail visit Loaner/ every TaaschlY in - QPnliPlei3 4 Office:, " • DENTIST Dr. ' L Treleaven Luclinow- ,Over Decker's S t r e„: Extraction either by gas -or local., • Will be in Dungannon every Thursday., Phone 53 • DENTIST , Call 'Dr, Newton Make appointment Hi office .everyday Monday. next will be Victoria Day and a public holiday. , Sunshine Straws Or 'Alen* .. Sold t.only at "/3rown's," Get the T. SISMAN Shoe at W. J. LITTLE'S 'shoe ,Store....N'en's best Work,shoe. . , ••. Mr; And Mrs. A. E. McKlin „niet, - -ored--te-Tillsonburg-and--Seentt-7-the" 'Week -end there, . - , . .• ' . . Everk.'YOung'isan 7Einta „a' -.Sport wester. .See ',tile reinai4ahle ''vaine "Brown's" have at only 43. 5 ' l i , ' - • ' " Large variety of choiceha. ing at Reid's !.Domininii BiticerY;*. tei the. week -end. , • Mr. Frank Wade, of London, mot. ored pp and spent the week -end with his. Parents;, here. • ' • "Mrs Russ. Robertson and her pao- ther; Mrs. Johnston,' are.; honie,' after spending a week with Mr' And Mrs.. George' Haigh, at Seaforth.: The. Ladies' Guild ,Of. .• • • 1 Church hOld a Rum SinagPLI*- --COIXIMW-0-'' and Sale ternoon, May '291h. _____113yEKY-BODYIof Baking ontSaturday At. I • r • Geo. A. Siddill. Lueksiow,, - Broker . and Beal 'ilstate.----Money to lend of first^ mortgages on farml",prOper- tiPs at 6 and 6% Per cent acedrdiall , to security offered, Also smal. amounts .on second .mortgages op farm properties and ,on personal notes. A .few good farms for sale: WALL, PAPER, . Latest . patterns in , stock at lowest Rayon •Eiress brePts in all tlie season' newest Colorings; 17 designs 'snd no two the Same. Priced at $1.45, $1.50 &' $165 a yard.* Where, ' ire they sold/. Why, at "Brown's" We have black auto .enaineldriei in 30 minutei. Paint .your ear and US(.. it as soon. as you are through painting. We also have it in Sinai] tins for use on Oil stoveti.--Wiri, Mur-, pric00 .&lso, hoolt patterns of leading. inau-1, • , •' ufacturers.--Box 174, R. J. Cameron, - nirs,10.• • Patterson, Mrs. Biggar,. . Painter & 'Paper Hanger. • •. •• • Miss. Maryliggar Miss Mary. .14t woo! Four min With 00 hiStallation 'of new ma- --ehinery. and by .extensive re -model- ling we are making, a higher grade of •fiour than the mill bas ever .,made. •--Try - allair and convince yourself. Tour refunded , if not- olitlafat tory.--.-W. E. Treleaven : • - . Fee. sinall frame 'build - • and storm and window sash.- PPIY to, D. C. Taylor, Sec'y School Board. 'NOTICE OF COURT OF •• • REvisiort FOR •THE: TOWNSHIP '••• OF :KINLOSS - NOTICE is 'hereby given ' that 11, Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll, for the Township of Kinloss 'for, the year 1926, Will be held at the Township Hall, Holyrood, Wednes- day,. the. 26th '• day, of May,. 1926, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to, :hear and determine : any errors or curds - done in said Roll of which due.notiCe has been given-. Parties interested take. notice and govern themselves •accordingly. .DATED at .Kinloss,' this 6th day 'if. May, 1926. • •Geo. Moffat, Clerk of Kinloss, Township. Address -R. 3, Teeswater.- AUCTION .SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS —(Estate of -the -late Murdoch McRae, Lucknow.)., • •-• • 6'At his late ".residence' Havelock . , Lucispoiv," on Saturday, May 220d, 'commencing at. 5 o'clock ,the be sold: - • 2 Buggies, Democrat 'Wagon,- Cut- er, Massey Harris Seed Drill; Mas- sey. Harris .'MOwer, Road 'Scroper, 'Grind Stone, Emry Stone, Dozen Grain Bags', Water Vat, Rdb- ber Hose, 2 Hot • Water .• RadiaterS and Piping, , 2 Spirit Levels,' "Boo]. Case, Hall Rack, Bed and Cot, Hang, t ing Lamp And' Stand Lamps,- Cook Stove," Heater. Besides many othei useful tools and aritclea. TERMS -:•Cash. Elliett Miller,' Auctioneer. Lost,' -On the street in Lucknow, car license , 'plate no. 15-431 (1926). ' Finder please 'leave or report to. F, :( *ton, Cain House, tergon, Dazy. MOrtell and Mr.:: Arthur . Biggar,' of ,HAniilton, were Week -end visitors with Mr. and.Mi.s.. McQuillin.• • . , • .• ' Mrs. (Dr.) D.' M. Gordon, .is Oyez- frem ..Detroit to spend a few weeks with her daufhter, .Mrs..Harold Al-, linShe Was accompanied from De- troit, by,'Mrs., Taylor, who,is Visiting with Mr. and .krs. D.. C. Tayier. SUPERSILK--7Why wear .imitiv tion silk? Why you can buy a pure • ." silk hose of this quality at 51:50. Sizes 81/4, to 10. Colors are -Toast , French Nude, Grain, ..Dog Wood, Pompadour; Venda, Gunnieta Sleek. Sold only at "BrOwn!s" in 'Lucknow. • The next time yew' s,eree :some of • _ , that fruit you put up het sunnner try Reid's: cookies with 'it. You 'can get them in a variety of flavorsthat will please, Yell,and they •ar:crisp tasty, • with a ,goodness that will nflike your • fruit \laste even -better.--Relirs 1)ominion The Horticultural Society's. Roma and Gladioli are at the home Of kr, W. E.' MacDonald, for delivery.. The people of Lucknow and vicinity are urged to take advantage of the bar - !chins. Splendid ,roses at 12ceach and best varieties' of , a$ 'cheap as: $1.50 per -.100. This will Ix the last year. toget tile*, it suc# low prices: .041010'. YOUNG LIFE tNrign It was with deep regret that • the .PeoPle'' of ,St. Helens : conimOnItY learned . of'the death of Miss Mary, second dqugliter of Mr. and, Mrs; •N'irm,'MeQtfillin, at Graven- hurat; Oa Wednesday, MAY -Af- ter: attending High School" at 'Wing ham,: and 'I4,120c:now!..L.M.ArY_lAnght.,..iii' ifiTellifeli: WE'S' 1 :..and later.: in: East- ern .•Ontario,. arolind Peterbero; •al- ways sear her 'Ifrienli Mias•Ma.rgarel MilIer..„;,A. year ago last Oeteber, white teaching .:itt• Tvveed ' She •forced through ill -health to, give up dier • go to the 'Shnitartum at `Gravenharat. She .aPpaiently, • Wita improyng Until about Christmas, wbe'ri she started undergoing the. Atte treatment., , This affected her heart and her ,condition gradually became more :.,serloils. Wednesday morning a meSeage ftviie received, stating that she was ,worse, init be- fore her father :could reach -the. hoi- Intel she had passed peacefully- to the, Greek 'Beyond. Although,. there lwere-nnffe-o-r-her own• people able. to be _i with her, the..--:matron-ufAhe--hos----• •Pital and her :minister, who had been her faithfuLfriends during her stay there, were With her Until the •end.. Of a quiet o•but particularly bright, disposition' Mary. Was beloved by ev- erybody and especially by tho child- ren wherever, she, w.eiit and, her death.. will.be regeeted by friends.thtough- ut a large part of the province. Jus'e in the prime of life she had enjoyed her twenty-sixth birthday on May .1. To mourn her loss. besides her par - cats she leaves brothers --.Bea rice, .w o eac ies a ;S.S. NO. 3; 'Wm., who, a few Weeks eortie, only ,for few daYs;, from Qu'Appelle; Sask.- to .1see hi .sister; ItObert of the Hank Staff, at 'Chatham; arid George, Charles'. at IVIii4re0 at home. ", The. funeral, on 'Sunday was Very largely attended. by symPathetie: friends from far and near. ^ Services. at the house were tesnducted by Rey. Me; Bray of thc, Anglican Church to whieh Mary he. lenged,.;assisted 'by, Rev, Chas. Cum, pain of the .United Church. , Beauti- . MANY VISTI' THE 4E -MODELLED 5cl:foot . ' ,Concert, At „Night -Address BY • Inspector Savage • Many • of. the "boys and girls" of twenty or thirty". years ago • who learned to- read write and "cipher" -1-ri-the:rficknow School visited.• the buildiM again's, On 'Monday . evening, when, as "a part *:of• the: re -opening. .celebration .,the institution . was tlirown Open and • the public ,invited to a 'visit Of 'inspection. Of ,Course„, nobody woUld.tnoii the Old.school in its iiew- Ther is little Jeff; but the "solid parts of the :walls and the' roof timbers. Doers and wile, dow.Ei, floors ,and ceilings all have been changed and .even the , outer wells treated •to • a 'iota of stucko, which gives the wliole an appear- ance of newness. The interior has, been ehenged beyond 'recognition. Play rooms, cloak rooms and 'teach- ers' rooms have beenL.,addeAl;_inod--seriration-litilloW-for, the -amuse- ern blaekboards, seats and desks in.• ,nient__and-.Lthe-possible-peofit,-of-fo„.- eel' young people. The first one Was Sent up at noon on ,Tuesday • and 'floated to the south and has not 'leen heard of. • The Wednesday. bal.: loon drifted south-east over St. Hel- ens, and so •far luta not been report- ed. Thursday's Venture. was, a fail- ure, the talloon. catching fire. Fri- daes lanolin, did not go veryNfar,'It fell in Wm. Douglas' yard and Was picked ,e0 by his daughter,: Isobel, who. get the`.cash.priie.• The balloon sent. up on Saturday' gave a geed ex - .PAVING CONTRACT LET Mr, Jim Mitchell, son of Mr. And Mnorehouse Mitchell of town. Was: the successful tenderer for tho paving to be done en lucknow streets .th-la season. Mr. MitchelL who is;si civil engineer has had considerable cstreet' work. and will. be. eble•to do good work. We. 'understand that the. kind of paving decided Up is. concrete which. when well put down is the best pay. nig %SO tar ,discovered, se. there is good `ieason. to expect an A 1 iot4 Work be begun about the` first of jUne!' '." THOSE BALLOONS', Last 'week, *while the great ex- plorer, Amundsen, was sailing over • Abe Arctic regions and visiting the North Pole in • MonOer modern balloon Or 'airship, the Hornell -Mur. doll Cowis sending •up a few, ob. -traduce- , with the, equipment , nec- essary of instruction. in ,elementary science. The general '.1 Verdict was that it is just fine, and the Beam* . . which had charge of the big under. taking, aie congratulated upon the result of their efforts. • A eight o'clock in the evening home, talent (largely school talent) concert was given in the Town; Hall. The. Hall was ,well filled, -althougt the attendance of country (Visitors was not as large as might be expect- • r . • . • where spring. seeding has been held back , the unseasonable Cold' Of April land early May: The. -psograin., however, was thee, Oug,hly• enjoyed, is a program by well-trained boys and .girls • alwaya is. Mr. G. Anderson, chairman of the :School Board; presided, • .In,. the •course a short address. Mr:. Anderson stated that :thOre was a 'possibility of converting the pres- ent.: Continuation department s•of • the school into a higli-sehool. The ful• floral tributes conveyed. the :love 7ter-was-being4considere&-and-would_ • and' ayinpathY of the family,,,lier be sribmitta to the people of Luck- . • , McQuillin . aunts and uncles, , he now at an early, date:, •• .grandinother Mrs. Haines' and her , The opening number was a snien- materpal. aunts and uncles, the Me., did chorus by ten boys and ten girls• ' Quillin cousins, her friends at'. the firtn, Point- 111; then 4 boys gave an San, the 'St. Helens Anglican Chad': exhibition ' exerellse', • with .dumbells;. the St. • Helene', Women's institute,. BO* Thompson 'gave a recitation Mies IVIargaret Miller, Mr. and Mrs.. and :this:. was ..,followed by • a ''pretty Lost -On the road between Luek- • ' now and Kinlough a pair of black patent slippers. Finder kindly leave at or report_to The Sentinel -Office. For Sale -,Solid brick house, well finished, 'convenient to all places of • '.business. One of the finest locations in town. Also an excellent. garden. • Apply to owner, Mrs. D. M. Gordon. 3-6-P. . Strayed -From the premises: of the . undersigned on May 16th, se yearling • .,••leifer, red in color. Any person ' --ktiowing of its 'whereabouts kindly report to Ewart • Taylor, -Lucknow, Phone 70-2,:Dunganpon. • • For Sale -My property, caller of • "..1Villoughby and Bob Std.,tedn ting " of mooevo.--story.iind a hall Cement Mese, Cement, 13aith all in Al•eon-, Amon, :And about two acres of land •adjoining. Will &OW Malt Cash de • posit and terMi to eult the Rumbas - lie, Apply ti AUL 8111VITZIMI 110/1 49 or poi 491/ 9oorpo or Opus 46, .1" • A .Person PropEi llyitAttentym.' Never has been known to regret IL Even if the improvement in vision is only' slight fromthe use of gfases it •is distinctly worth • while, and of great valtie, to the patient Our trouble is to get YOU to believe that mayhe YOUR eyes are .beloW .100 per cent efficient. Alway,s!,/ glad- to find out • for you. . ' F. T. ARMSTRONG orrowitraisl' Lucktiots; • Ontario .WOODs TC HWA: NO BUTTON UNDERWEAlt,' •.PoB. *Fri,' • This plateL-fieletititV „ 7where it ;tan 13400. Let your next : tudetwoot he, riotetivvoy. and en- joy .veot. _tag: i.tett..:7 .Several stylee to 48. _ George Webb and, Gladm, Mr. Walt, "folk dance'r by girls:of the prinier Pr Webb, Mr. and. Mesh p. ekes., Then ceine a Pilgtim's Song. Mrs. Helen Sherriff, Mrs, Miller ape 'hy .boys and girls of the . ,Second Elhott,.iuni Me, and 'Mre, Witham class,. This was fellowed, by an. ex- Milier : hilition• of Sbotch •dancing Ellie - • The following . old friends and Del beth IVIacDonald:, •MarY----- Macintosh_ ghbers, aryto rest rest. Vive.-Ev-reci.tatienTand-there--was-an in,g place, "in Greenhill Ceinetery, exhibition of club -swinging by .fair, where she was laid to rest beside hetgiris, A humorous • chorus by: boys Sister. Maud; who' predeceased her from 'Forms, II •brought the . , . , eight years ago. Messrs. E. Thom, studental share Of tile programf ta a Elliott Miller, J D. Anderson; close. • • • ; la?e Miller, L.. Weatherhead and Jno.. • Thiswas followed. by a Solo by gr. Milier Relatives froni, a distance Bert Abel, (Miss Abet at the piano); 'who, attended ;the funeral itichuled---.. Hey.. C. H, Dickinson Contributed a, Mrs. as Snowden and Nrs. Robert .monologue;•. J. Wesley Joynt ,MacPherson Of -Orangeville, Mr. and sang a solo, and there was a duet by Mrs. Hugh Davis •and children, end •Mr. Dickinson and 'Mrs. jeynti. Mrs. Miss Ada Haines or Hamilton, MrS NeWton presided ,at the pianofor the Elnier Biggar, Miss Mary and Mi. various local numbers. . Arthur 'Biggar; and Mrs. 10, Patter- In opening his address, MrSity- ,son and Miss Mary Patterson, of age ;explained that he was not. ex Grimsby' ' • ftC9Y an inspector of Continuation Schools in England, as there was no such institution there. 7In England .they laYO Primary &aloe's, SeConcl- ary Schools and, Universities'. He is an 'inaPeCtor of Secondary Schools, which corresponds to our ilia Schools. He had come to Canada, he. • said, becanse "the people of Britaie` wished to learn, Sontething of, the ()tithing, parts 'of the 'Empire-L-Cau..• ada, Australia, ,New Zealand,•, -South Africa, and ene4 the methods talc: en was to' have edgeatiOnisti visit th e He found it very in, I 44fi I , %.•• • Food -Value - Bread BREAD is the Big FoOd Value in its most ,deli- .cious form.. temptin --always satisfying --always'economical.. Good Bread, yook, lust • dote...on:its -flavor and goodness, Get it at tiollymat's Bakey r • ' l• liongwPoii tine ,,,,i,=,„ „wet I ps . • , ain north- - „ vial:lour: 30 o'clock. by little Kathleen MacKen- , • . iie, 4th, Con., Kinloss, near Lang - side, who later called and got the ,cash ,prize; . . Family • Theatre s MAY 21 22 , "On Thin Ice" ' ' •••• "The Dear Pretender," a whirlpool• _adventure_directed Ify the Rapid-fire expert COMED71/ -"Mal St.. Clair" Our Qualiy Bread is Delicious, Full of Nourish- 'ment,and Economical SATURDAy'SPECIAtS Cream Slides Nut Tarts Raisin Pies Dundee Cakes , Angel Cakes. Fig arid'Apple Squares Rock Cakes., - Iced Rolls Apricot Tartlets„:7 Chelsea Buns. jelly -1011s ChOgolate Cakes And.atarge Selection of .other ChOke7i,Eifiknig nans.ro IN YOUR IIIIITER• AND EGGS AND • • 'OBTAIN TO 'BEST PRICES • 110tIYMANIS BAKERY . • Phone 36- ' " Lucknow 4 , HORNELL 'MURDOCH' C Dry Goods, Women's & Children's wear. STORE When we advertise any article of merchan- dise at -a Price, we have it in. stock and ,at the price so advertised. 'Come and see.yolir money's worth or your money back;. and we stand . ' 'MONDAY, hlAy 24 " Virginia Valli and Norman Kerry in . "Nice of Pleasure". Sus Mystery" ERMli ILt re:OrY'' '• Goo!) eo..1*Eri,Ir COMING . "The. 'Ten tonimandniente" On they .raced to ,,a watery grave - ten thousand of • Pharoh's finest ..and the RedSCM cloned -over , • CECIL.J13._ ".1,„„:„„ scoamtpmrdeanyc'enis g,h7405 t.:s.:First show, • • ,Other sights commences 8.15 Admission -15c. & 25c. • es parts • teresting and he was sure that •the movement WEIS a good one, While not a Very good.. speaker, Mr. Savage gave the impression that he isl,a man of intich good • sense, greatly interested in education and a very•patriotic son of the Empire. The War, he said, had greatly in- terfered •-with the progress of'eihica- tion. In Britian. • 'Taxation Was so heavy that proposed programs could not be tarried' Out, so they had to get along as- well. as they could,: with 'greatly limited reseurc- • You:-eomplain of taxation here," •he said, "but You 'know both- ing of taxation as the people of Bri- tain know it." The 'effects of the war would be , keg for nuinY years in this regard. ' , - Inthis .touritry he *hind that a greater percentage of the loys, and girls go to 'University than .is the case in SHWA. , There the 'Primary School. age. it from to 14 years of . . ter, a university. z 'Mr. Savage. said that he was great- ly inipressed,'..by Canada .as ilt.country ,-by •its extent and, its. pasaii?iiities, What the country needs is people and the thought that the beat people we could get is those who. speak inir own lainguage. He .frequently had occasion to. address classes :of young men as they. Were "about to leave,' school; and he .generally "advised Diem to go go to one the British' Demi:dons to Start a career.. He had visited Canada. 18 years ago and .he frequently recoil', 'mended this country to the young man about to start out in life.. It, was ditfieulti''howevet, •to cOevince. these Yenng men that Canada is a good country ,fer. a young Mein. When they kneW, that so many young Canadlane go. to the United. Stetea. •This going south of so :meg it a bad advertise- ment for the country, and he urged. young.thinadiens to, stay in 'their own,. Country. .Mr; Brackenberry,'prinelpal of the ykringliam Scheel, in moving " a vote •of 'thanks to .artr. Savage had some complimentary 'things to eitY about. the gemodelledisehodl, Wilkie he had' ...Visited. 'Me: 'AL l)."Caineroir who eec- onded the motion took occasion to make cOmparisOn' between the *ti- ent Lueknow School and the pioneer school he first attended at, St, Melees, Of coutsse it was very 'ffindh to the -advantage of modern institution,. and he thought the boys and girls of of to -day had iinich to be grateful for. ' :kr, A. G. Smith, Of, The Advance :Tithes; Viringham, unwed vote of thaiika aiieve• Akio had •contri, hated to the eVeningsc-prograrn, and also had eemplimantary to es? :Ellett the Sehebt and the Town. The motion was seconded Ur, A. 1). 'HOliday.needs are here in profusion--ew patterned, Dress Length -- :the Dress:: that thnOst Makes Pretty colors, pretty designs --no two alike. you. can complete them and step Out on the street .well-dressed for ' • New .English • Galatea . in,: the farity, •colored lgOad-stripeS: for e Perch Dresses, Child'sClothing', etc., : a Cloth for 29c. • New BritishPri ted- Fou ar s, a ne,high class fabric with a (Sod ',appearance; .for ladies . , and children's Dresses : Special 29c. • British Broadcloth, a high loom fabric in very fancy Broad Roman stripes' very fashion- able for ladies' and .SumnerbreSSes, at 39o., • -COME AND SEE!. 4. a*fWl•WW:441FgaWm:i0k0'109:1/4 9 MAY DAYS ARE BRIGIIT DAYS ANO OUR STORE IS ,JUST AS diEERy. J I k AS Ail THE BEAU'rIFUL out OF' DOOR .,gtfartouNb- , , wg „Aim CONFIDENT THAT WARMER WEATHER, • wrix SURELY OMR, SO , WE /IIAVE AGAIN PREPARED A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF WARMER' •VVEATHER MERCHANDISEA INCLUDING UNDERWEAR 8:` 41081EitY. 4 LADIES' UNDERWEAR IS 11El'E ALL,THE VARIOUS STYLES AND , QUALITIES. , SEE. OUR ..S1 ECIAL • ,COM)01-. NATIolsi• IN EITHER, OPERA TOP STRAP SHOULDER h STYLES. • .AT $5c. PER SUIT/. • ', . • , INGS. ' • • MENS/ BL T. 1 UNLESS, 9)1BI N AT 191's, PL•RE WHITE, 40 THE PERFECT FITTIN G. CL l , TONI. ' AIN I NI AN WILL DE-/ a LIGHT; TO WEA R, AT ONLY $.100 PER., SU IT. , WEEK, -ENT) ruE GE N TS' K,Nrrigo *1 SUIT SIZE 3, 4 ci 'ygtBs.. CLEARING AT ;66c. PER SUIT. ; • : ALFRED Ei :-BUSWg'LL : . . - wiltowdomoraorisrowdorAmptigar4oriotrArmorhousgaw&oitztor..0.1&' . . 0,1 • 44 • A NUMBERREcovROI NF,x. K kit. V. rini ist4iiicli en duty at Ins store, 'after. being c,oniined.toi the neuSe 'for A couple of ,‘,.._cOkg,;' Witi .fto ana titter .efitectS.Mi Wrlliaiu. MmEonzie 091'0: , dealer), who \rite' very "seiteusiy it Tim; iihatiaiurrigatiro-pa4-4(,-614.1.14. shown marked • inprovement • for ,:\* few :dam., mid thought to be on the .wity to reeoVery. Wm,. Connell Abent town h„ gain, having retarned home from ,tringliam llospitil'-en the 7th instMu Teroy j4otnis' hone. Ifroni • Iondett; itavieg Ammie 4very,..favorable • progress,'' folIeWitig ft 111/7001. vt...rera- to bed for mOnth, du • and • .pn,enmonia, has, s6:,"tar. recoyered• tiS • • to be ehoot' : AN OPEN' ugtttft •:• T•'The Reeve And 'C,oinicillerst Of goo. villAqe of Luclineiv Gentl e e`n . • .-tho---undopalle:,.no:ci....11- •Merollants of this, ,community 'ate obserNing. ;your t.sarly eloging ;mod eckl holeAuAiday Oidiniitrees, and we , makl,: this ttpiiea1 to'j'yoa to.: en, force , the ]3y Liss connection. therewith.' Hosnell.Atitrdoch Co,, aeht. ;Brown, g. ivr Us' it Negtifeos the Vi -d ._ee• Cleam •106 Cream s000s, ego, thcElsedndary ritiol age up te --tg-110 to SSY, nio- t at ctotni _ ospital th 40 year's of age W an the eseulee „OM'S Weell stletsol wlI vory lifattlit grot. Weeks ago; Sort Drinlis, at Reid's lea "Cresina 'ioq'Q girl 900.11y li propetsil it int opOstiost . Wirt wm, Ivor, Oa Was) olliined 4r1or,. •.1•1-",•.•141.‘, 1.1 44 • H.; 4.4 , 4 !y.