HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 8Flat Curt ..aa Mods 2. forMc.; Firsch Flat urtail0 Rods 25c,, 50c-, 75c • indoor Shades, .cream, greenral white -green.. Only' 1 Bolt left of :Curtain ,Sc?i ,. Extra::. value toLglear 25c. a lb.. Table Qileloth' in white, and also brown patterns. )3rooms of rel abie:'quallty :60ce,. 85e.,. $1.00:' Dust Fans °with' long, handle 20c., 4o Linen' . and , f urkish Towelling by the yard • 4 shapes, Strew :Braid,•. ;F1Owers; Tit Lin-' fr. : n, s •,.- .. ilk„ Stockings; '.all, colors to:� ch,00se m . o .. :.. Ladies! 'and Cildrens Vuderwe r.: • 1_ fi�5 ;4.0.01(f.4101 �N1N14 '4111.111Sl AA, ilith olOse nice 'Cut flowers • T'he fest cis' Wedding- buncheaand lilor ,l 'wont' on short l lot1 e, delivered anytl�me,;a all»yhere., Transport's to -suit,• G FORGE ,STEWAR(T' Florist ;'Goderich, t o Phone: -105' EMIR CO MOTOR OIL ,rain' your 'crankease ,today sand .,.refill , vifh En-ar-co ' ; Motor Oil • u . Better , lubrication,- less repair -bills: CECIL 'MULLIN w,ITL.. 'ROSE " GASOLINIC WHEN -LOW :IS HIG1 AND ;'HIGH; `IS LOW "Let' me have sleeping , ae omoda- tions•: onthe train .ta ' Ottawa," I said to the' man at thewindow, who did- n't seem ,at�all concerned '•*hethei I ',took the trip' or stayed' at, home: "For a single 'passenger:?.' he fin- ally said " « e• u „ No I , e lied,, • I'iri sear✓' d• but I'm . not taking , anybody. with me. A n er 's �swill w ,single helf ..UISPer orlower?" he asked.: r.. "What's the difference?" I enquir- ed the answer. • printed; along with the'• first and sec end, parts , of 'the list in every muni- cipality' of 3400` ',Or less. In • other Mnnicipalitiesl the third part• need not be printed but three copies of he list. ' inust be, ,prepared by the clerk of the municipality and deposited ' with the "printod`,copies of .the first and secdiid; • parts in the. office of the Clerk„of the: Peace. ' As part, 3 of • the municipal .votersA listsis used only in provincial ' elect - tions the'; above statement indicates. that -the Chief Elks Cri 'Offcer of •Ont- is$'o ' in g _ to beP, , reRared. for' a, general provincial, election before -fall. There have been. Other. signs' as well. ' • ,° S•UEING,�:11RUCE COUNTY'' "Our , prices: to Ottawa are'- $2.50 and. $3.00." t " You understand of 'course," ex- p`jained the agent, "the lower is h;gh er''than •the, upper. The ',higher, price. is for the:"lower .,berth. If you•;want it low,✓, you'll have to go higher. We cell` fisc upper lower than' the ' lower . > t' didn't used to be so, but hwe' found everybody' wanted the lowier, In ; oth ei words, :'the higher 'the. fewer.";. "Why do . they Wali prefer, the low- er?!' .broke: in . "On •' account of its :: convenience,'' he replied; `.`most: persons don't like the`..upper, although :it's Iower,'•onac-• count. of it being higher,. and because • when' you occupy an upper you,°have to get up, to .{;o to.:bed,• and,'then: get down :'when you get up. .I':w9uld 'ad - 'Vise ,.you ,to take • the•`lower, although it's higher , than the upper, for ` tlfe' " reason I, have stated, :that the •upper. is :lower" than the :lower;'becauge it is higher You:, can; have the 'lower if r. you pay hieA. her; +but if y ue will- ing ing to to higher it will cost you low- _ --o- BRUCE BASEBALL, LEAGUE 'ORGANIZED 'AT. WALKERTON• - ' (Teeswater News) The. annual ;meeting of the ..Bruce •'League was. held at Walkerton, on • Tuesday:' of last 'week 'with ten teams ih the. County 'represented. The fol lowing officers " were elected for till year: I.'rsident: G: H. Linklater, Teeswater, Vice Pres.: Mr. 'purst,;.Chesley; Secretary:' A. Nelson,, Walkerton; portElgin; Treasures ' •Mr. Buckley; rt P Executive:''''A number from each team. Entries 'for the Bruce League must e' in: b. May lth. A motion w a s b . Y. May • passed .that . 'if there' are' .10 teams .. ore there will be •two `groups, abut if more than ,ten :'teams there shall be three ;were .' ;groups. Spalding, balls . w e adopted . as • the official ball fur g''ames. A new rule 'governing 'umpires•• was passed: ' 1't will be the same as formerly, , the. opposing teams' choosing 'the unipire, g there is: dis Aute the are to but'if.teea, 1? y , notify ..the executive • within .three days. of . the game, and the executive will choose' the urnpire,,,.The mileage for 12 Men, be 10c.' a mile one way. Umpires'to receive .$15, to in clude all expenses.' • The big, battle hentered. around affiliation,with ' the O.B.A.A., Chair- man .Nelson, of Walkerton, told' the Meeting the ;'whole ,,tory, of ' their three lien' 'Parker; 'McCartney ' and Anderson, And it was the consensus • Mr. Ephriarn White of Moorefield, formerly_ of Walkerton, and;.his.'sis. ter, Mrs,', Alfred Fennell • of town, have /instituted ' proceedings ''against the County of Bruce to. recover $500. damages' as the resultof the formers car, striking` seine loose •gravel on the; County ''highway at the 10th Coni bridge; Brant, and:plunging, down, : a big embankment, 'last Fall. , 'In - the spill Mrs: Fennell had tier 'arm aiid. 'collar bone 'broken and her head 'milli injured,, ;while -White's. car: suffered: _severe damages. ' The ' case: will come before. Judge Sutherland in, the County Court at Walkerton. on .May -25th. Mr.•, Campbell.. Grant: of town is acting.for the plaintiffs and Mr. Forrester, County Solicitor; is looking . after the -'interests of Bruce. HOLYROO /. We are sorry to report that Miss. 'Margaret taker, ' : whq suffered ' a Q improving as st ast:ee isno't ✓oke T week, quickly_ as her' nany: friends wish, Miss !Hogg, R. of Winghani, is. the nurse. ..its : a `number 'of 'the ° riling pee. plc- attended. the dance' .'at Kinlough last week, -and'. report 'a good time. Mi : and Mrs. -A. Ackert'' sp e n friends ‘.Har on. with. r ie ods. in .Honu Mr. ;and Mrs. 'W. Guest were' Sun- day 'visitors :with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. 'Thompson ' Miss. Mac Thompson ',• . , spent ' Atbe Week" -end '•Iw h%Mr'and'Mrs. Struthers off Kingarf. . .• HurryuPTcm.. The girls are ant- iously awaiting ,your recovery Fishing, is the order' of the; day:. and, Gordon says he can fish just as well. on ` dryland as1ii -:the water. -.The , Holyrood ' Women's r Institute Held their monthly "meeting' at : the home: of Mrs. Congram, 'on May 6;, with' a good''attendance. This be- ing the. last 'meeting .of the year,' the election of Officers : was the first item of business. Mrs Thos: Harriss de :clined to . a.^'t as . president for ano- ;,her year. ' 'A hearty vote 'of thanks was tendered to: Mrs. Harris; the i'e- 'tiring' Pres.,. for her faithful seivie- es rendered for the seven years be vas' president The following' of- avers ''were ,'elected for the coming year: rPres --I12xs. Jas., Hodgins; 1st t Vise-Pres:—Mrs. F, Thom son'' ' 2nd Vice -ices. --•101. Thos. Harris; Sec. ' Treae.,-.Mrs. Earl Hodgins,; Asst, 'Sec.--Eazel Percy; Cor, Seca---Dntsj; Ayles PrAgramt .Coni,=Mrs: • Jos, Of the ' meeting that ', McCartney l Hanna,. Mrs, G. 13014. Aire, Wit Halt. Should be allowed. to;piay. ' Parker was declared out, and Anderson's •'ease was, left with O.B.A.A. When it came to` a'•yote,•"the'nioti.on 'w s turned down, but an amendment to ✓save the' Matter witli,'"The Lxecutive to decide•• en entering the O.B.A.A. carried by a ;majority of 1., --o. o. --LOOKS LIKE PROVINCIAL ELELECTION'COMING . ., Mtinicipnl- Clerics Alive ••reeoi�ved ,4n s yo The ✓rise et 'the thief. struction fi rYi o ffia' r fe' Unta'rio that in Election O r -Els on �. t xc ordance `with the na act g o v err ingote�' Mata part 3,co containing g he•ttame4.ofperSond vailed•tovote St' ittivi0041 oloctiope ()mil tnuat bsa' • denby,; ,Directors -Mrs. W'a. iter . Hod - ins, 'Mrs. ,las, ilodgins, ' Mrs. Alf: l.odg rsag,' Mrs'. Cox, 9, Mr . W>i►. IIsi-. denby,. Mrs. :Matt. Haldenby;..."Organa Fist=- Dh sy A'yles; Dist. ' Director iVirs: ,tar H$d'`'inn>i: lit. ;="1GIK' „Geo. Bels, Mrs, A: MadFarlane, Miss . L. Purvis. Miss • Webster and Mrs. Aylme' 'Ackert gave recitations. Ro"11 Ban ,was answered by•:paying of . fee*: At the ,cl se of the sheet- ;.lf:g :a,1splendad .Wait vGaa •'nerved isa= t .8 ' ' . • ,i . . io_ , the �lostess. Tare District �oiivere,C.lon twill 'bg 'held ifs°. Belfnorer ani Jtn a a ectal._ tin -o oo A ,13 „ � meeting g �i H 1yr ., d • �Vomeh's: Institute will be held on the nom•e 'b4' Mrs Aylmer, Ackert on ;tf ay 'l0'r wpon- the. , Lamy Spe'akar; ' brise' ;,label frajidoyi+ df stl Aotiviltet will' 'give oft' iddrenri ;0!�o+11 NrAascu.AOYr aL C0110•11111,404i .' YOAONTO. ONT... DISORDERLY RED MEN , ON SAUGEEN RESERVE (Port Elgin Tinges) r ed • i : 'Practically every Red, Skin on , n the Saugeen .Reserve' . 'attended • Police Court 'held in _Southampton g • on. Mo* day afternoon when' charges of, as- sault pointing a.;revolver, and 'non- support were • aired by.' the Indians ney., The first ease, that. of assault, arose • out ,of a melee ' in , which . a . . numt'er ' of .the tribe Itook 'part; and which' ,was . staged at the .''French '$ay corner on Saturday.' noon,, .April. 17t14;. According to the evidence,, three . Ritchie brothers; 'Louis, Liv ingstolie ' and . Dave were' on their, way home.*vhen: Arthur Joshua,. Vic: 4oi' Henry, and :Robert Solomon cane along in: a car, stopped the bus .and, the course •of an .argument:. Rob- .._:rt:_`.ipisinor is said....to :ayejstarted, a fistic •battle in which ' all parici pated, and whiehrresultedi in a Muff - her of charges being laid. ,Louis; Ritchie •laid .a charge against Robt. Solomon' of disorderly conduct .•ip :starting the .scrap; Solomon laid counter charge of assault • against. Ritchie, ;who he claimed knoeked' him down and kicked •-iron.' 'in the ribs; Dave' Ritchie, who was.'.` badly beaten sup; by,ArthurJo5'hua,. he re • ceiveing;.two boautifnl discoloredop= {sips and' -a .bad cut on' the head,'. lai d a charge . of assault against his as- sailant. In the: meantime; "however; 'Joshua -skipped-the-country-and is now. supposed .to ' be. in Detroit...544 -result of the trial' 'was that . the charge of, disorderly conduct • which 'had `beeit.,i nproperly • executed by the Justice of. the. Peace, could not 'a -e gone on with, while, .Louis Rit: chie, 'who was charged with assault'. was fined, $10.00 and costs. Oh• a charge of , pointing a' revolver, at hip father, .Sidney -.Solomon, the -Comte:, aIe on th ' -Reserve,. a .eared before n eappeared the, Magistrate. and on• he, and his. ;,rother ' Robert agreeing to va2ate' their 'father's "wigwam" and "find" • homes of their. own, theme charge was. dropped. A squaw .on the Re= serve • , had her pale -faced ' husband, Adam Oliver, brought • before .t h e Magi. on a charge of ; non-support, 'but as the evidence adduced showed. .. , , , thath 1•' ito twhite was iv n � a g up his agreement • . to pay • . her ' $3.00 a week together with providing her with wood and water, .the case was dismissed with costs.' against plain- tiff. , SUICIDE 'AT PAISLEY'. .• (Paisley Advocate) .This community„ was overwhelmed by the tragedy • of, a death whish; oc- curred. in,- our midst on Sunday of ternoonunder most distressing cir- .[3untstances, when Paul G. Oltaher, in fit of despondency,' took his life in his hand's • and disposed .of it by. strangling himself:, It is: quite appar- ent; •from a , note which• was found- his • coat pocket 'the'. next . ;Morn- ing' in' that the deceased • had premddir , tated • the deed, 'Yet- . neither, friend- :nor, acquaintance, had the: 'least. inkling of such 'an. intention 'on Itis 'part.' "" :T"lie"fifs`"t`-'intima`tion"iha'i`ariyt)•ling" unfoieleen had ,occurred was` given when the • little' four-year-old son,:• Jimmie, came in' from , the stable' about 4.45, Sunday afternoon and told his mother' that father' Wei' tied ,up With :.;a <,rope. iii O1tsher .hurried. -out and .449 'tihorifieed to ..find that What'_thb"1fiicl eh d -WU-more .:than'• t"'rue. As 'quickly , .3T 1e ` .1 1 F mn . 5' � pea, obtained a'knife and 'cut the' rope. The doetbr'd were: 'sum .hotted, but the body: e;# ora °•lifeletis tho' ' bt ,yet cold. Th.d deceased had ` fastened a ` ro e l to the ,flaw* ehatrte4 then 'appOretd. w• t a r ce we: have. It 'and' have: it at t . en e. advertise an artjcle a p. lo� 1 • Vcforour the•n t0 ^•m•etndh dsn• • store and let: us..demonstrate. 'WO have the Goods.. Big; :bargains just now in ' Under arments for every member: of the family.• 'fish Fast D e; Gin hams : in new and i:Q0.0 Yards of 3 -inch 'Br . _ y • p•• atterns. Special, : a yard • ., :B. B:•Fl Wil• ,Blankets -at_ -a- a:i-r-•- :. �Anothe � 'lot .zg - . �n� p , Frees• Balloons• for children. unr schoa e. hil en who ha eve to dr ve '. Roorn and •RetYrin Room'• for ladles and Rest g • Meetour. ke y ourself mf coortably. , . friends here•.. ma y elon Operated by ornell-Murdoch Co. , tl. iY• P ut it ' about ' his . neck and al- .bycorning into Walkerton, . the sup ,,.,. :'owed his unusual' weight to fall up= .posed centre of :law • and order-: for on the 'noose,' thus . effecting, Strang- the County, and disposing of . their ;alation. warps to the •• .yeomanry,. who go- out .Mr. • Oltsher was •of most power- and wobble under °. the influence• ful physique, 'weighing ' over. ".300 ,without anybody so' much 'as ques.• pounds, and 'known. to perform not- tion ng• the legality of these 'stagers. able feats ' of strength, His •condi or :peering into, the. secrets of their _kion._ generally_ was soy healthfully,_ro- .source. L supply.'. Somebody haspug- . bust and he• was so cheery and; bright Bested that "The boozers 'fear : no disposition' that, he was the "one :foe, ,becausethey have.:no foes to last 'mak who would be considered,,' fear," and if' this is true a' lot of men liable to 'end his own earthly exist- wearing the brass buttons aresadly envie.. But`'this is only another :in -.'Esping 'clown on the:•fob here. It has stance in which) -the battle 'was not , been said that nearly' everybody 'but ,to the strong.: Not. long ago'ne suf-the •policeknow that, ,.boozing red is 'an: attack of rheumatism from going on here, and when the light fin vhi,ch he appare tly recovered; but: ally breaks in on the officers there , •,ecentlyhe was afflicted' for colt-;, •niay.' be something doing, but in• the pie Of 'weeks, . losing, both flesh and meantime' the .Goddess . of • Justice is ivaethatb Si'='last resultbug': may' be la pollee: '.o • i t with�'h h m � acs tblind: - 'Why e vt Y .I y,. r e,. _ Y e, P . . 1 ` worried him. ,s ta o esmon tra ed at cess. and'Other : tr ub to get next, was' de eventually ;bringing . on the break-' dance in a neighboring burg, where down which: h culm$nated inthe •'tir - perio isio s, are h e]d. Havi n g . • ,`;