HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 6ORIGINAL* :PAY, TFIlEiter.0,' TO THEIR: FAI4o,EN,.00ffifilAD4qt-4-
' MOM' 40/lei tnin ' •-14: *Ante Slio,*'#-Wpahe'°*trect9leyBLV:1110-614''t:c: 0,1 be:
1 '.440incalile hOnretttiT'''i faetelr infttIVA' ht4nen'Kitil'tfliga9lIttle. to a stop'.;0360ertilife when,so,Intsch considera, traveling.f.at ' various ## rates of "s0"..i#6: I
bite been .070114 wtvs.t, c9potit,010 1 It :oft* :ttaPPelbs tisi#,`A driver ealll
crli.0141.,tiP4'..:0 ;1, AMnie; *wk. 4Viv-,I.tedge epeede, quite accurately on 'high-
-. •:„ HI....t...ht itextert44:' agreed that oiliel Ways., with which he is faintlinr, •or
!MO- fkret qualifte.tiOpv.in pre* on .uniestity Imre' roads.' Howeeer,
OPeeatiOn, of 9,4not9r Irebiele*:erfalrlY I witon this stooe• drivel. find- Ititme4
thorough knoWiedge of -'the *whine in unfmniitartereitory.' his judgment
• itca; at least f.timt*ritsr with the 04 speeds is e.:t to heetene ies:vaccur.
vOliene. etiatras WW1 *Oat be used. #64,44#!. ..g*ile04.147.-i this tilio 'w)Nsli
, ,§sootusi the . oompetent .driver driving through liOly country or On
ehotAX.eMer concentrate On his driv--elled roads. •-• .' * -
ing'or,elhoigt% have. hadsuch a thot-• ' • "'•• . . 4, '- °N
•T ••
•' "gh' tr•114°12* through )/ear s• 42• ex- '• ' ..84 P?; l'Es-,' :, ..
peri;encathat.ge, is?able to *lye Ode-, .. The. efficient driver iiii.;* he able. to
, 0044. as ,i4timatiesily: as hiy.waiks., makeup his miud.eitickly at alltimes,
'• The #11tinetter of pereohe who arrive at :04.Witin.-.-infignientS'intist#13e, partien.4
-7---- a; Oba,CO,Whi,:*-drlying.....beeenieSi.4into,,fl*rbr. 'rataWhee he 'Ands "hiMoelf In
- mak Is 'vizir Ow'',esxx*ared 'with the 'fitTpTmirEtWilroAl-Whi0:-:a4-:acciclentti.
,total number operating, ears,: . Withilniiitt'-,ehsily ,fe•'4eVe,•' Menteaceidentd
the' itireedge driVer•it,,ild micessitei fee ,.do occur on *Cella of ...d Wavering de-
hinvtie eve, mitre Or ;WS . ettecelkated Cision ote the.Part la!'f- the driver. • i.
thought to the business'of Operating # :k steady nerve is Another recpilsite
n .
the _car. Meek accidents aire,,,pausefi in, good &lying: • Not only shoed the
by peop* who. eitloW. their •ntinde to operator's metres be steady, but 14
- Walltier away from .the main business should have the nerve to go". trough
of 'mob* thecar. where it. './.3e'pOngs.. with •the. decision he -makes. For in,.
• ,This :id ediPL!eleillY trde of thnse Who stance, if a Person finds litinself in a
434441#41.103,_ . to. drive with one lend 'difficet ; sltuatipp. -and Makes•e'a de-
• •While..the,pthler hand is -engaged, fer, cision which lie dorteiclors to he the best
••'7".1aistatime,:.,,'in lighting, a deeteette: or Armlet' these ,circieestances; he should
- loWeiring,'or yailting , the ••Window ,.or (s• ,then have .the iteive" to,,carrY, out his
Chieeil- ear..„,,. •* • • ' - deeialen without lieeitation.Qf ceurse,
, .
iittYST,A.014 Fni!ktoiiitc,.; title taken' for 'granted that he will
cit.trer'*ust.,,,6ve, a certain am,- have.thelmOwer to make a Wiie de.,
'Quilt 0 coltflO011ee ta hinase:f 'end .in Otn in the 11Tet place.. .
• •:ltie: ability 'to drive a car and Sutoesli!„ The 'colnPetent driver should'have a
"fnlly oceriawith Any ordinary Situatlicin sense of safety. :-.11e should be • con-
- irldek--7.0ay• -.0;i6e in -:connection with sta, ritly operating on the basis of talc.
sue'h an Operation„ A,, person who Ig no champs •which Will place tile
laeka, Conit&tioe is Mere-- apt, -other. 11O" Or 'property of (ink one in jeopit;
things being .0cpurVte become invoIlved ardy. He should have enaPPieekattlOh
'•' In, an.nocident.than ohe Who is fairly oflag' and property 'which, will tend
outre:Oehidalygity;-----: , - ' to deeelop this sense Of safety. .
- A 'driver edurit,be able to judge • •It is important for a:driver to know'
le 7 of :les' car, 'as: triere es- the the 7rules : of the road; • and having;
- speed of •other # earS,', ' He ,nittot", have, ';11C4rned; thou,to do :everything. pos-1
a far& itetinite ideteas to the distanie siblet,o:break A ., ' ' ,
-..----,----,A--4,----- ------#----,oe
..esources Bulletim
Bettens' ••••••jeWelry radio' parts
P4inite•i'd°°t.'knehe;POrt#O1SOfshell, abre-
A tiveS'eltd.Cententri manufactured -from
'ekinitifed italic Seems liken lair* tee,:
but '14.9deril *twice has, Made this all
possible; and: more too, If ono can be-
lieve O report by the Natural • Re-
sources Intel4gence • Service,, of the
Deptc•ottha.Interior, Ottawa.
According to this report,' #casein Is
tbe.principal 'protein constitnent, of
niiilii",aleeelYasSeciated With Limn:and
calcium in & fornl usually known as
0.e.W.A241 etutesugte, arts -- its
thindry application are legion., It
-enter:La' tete theCornPositioriot an al-
' • most endleaa variety of eeticles' alI .the
. Watt •iteom eftea polishos to iszelki.Parts ;
• it has extth-islveuse in thienrodection
of alt Mnds of,waterproof .and eAated,
•patietwl;Et makes tiabeeivei of the very
best typo for aircraft and Wood-`
working; -and is'oconstiteent of near-
ly ail" the ..eeld-Wittei.paints Most fece
quentlr• need in many countries. It is
eeneele. ley to thamanufacture of a con -
growing 'number of emomodi-
Oen for whiCh. Canada is at present
largely -dependent upon outside sources
that 'casein lands.itself; for it has tiaL
any other:00, readilY and cheaply
'tairtable product. The'Manufactere'Of
tittineriMaphistlia that Atv., Substt-
itiites for such ;. Material's- aro horn;
cglu2oid, bone, .Ivory. ebony, , ember,
Chinese jade, leple- lazuli and , 'tor.
tows fibs's,' Is now initiort,arit
try. in Many parts. of 'Europe. •
The ""mduetry has :never been
. thor-
oughly developed in Canada, and this'
country imports about half 'a. million
• *Minds :Of casein enntially •Itergely
from • 'Argentina, it would
appear 0.0 Sofne4ley the dairy Organ-,
• • isations of. CanidtWill realize the,
dustria) poSeibtlitiee of enticing "`jostret;
their by-predueta..; '
• Paeaffin .011 As a 'FurnItere
. ,
'Pere piteflin'oe Is A splendid ell for
'410pre or .ferniture. when ribbed 14:
to antique Woods' With tlte; paini of the
'hand or A soft cloth tt does not Thee°
.the eurfaee ettcky• or etiloy„' lett.giires
c it e §:oft vefirety thiiele• ••••
No genuine trtglieluirati will densent
to take hitneelf; or anything around
• ••bliyi,', T. P. O'don.
. 'poi%
Alt theeelife:Ot heaVen*ak•rints
.A.11 the Ifirds•Of heaven may sing,
'All' the- welts' on earth May.. eering;.
All the Winds on earth may hileg",.
All tweet eottede tegethee;
, • . • , . ,
.Sweeter 'fee than:all things; hoard,•:,
Hand of harper, time of bird,: •
Sound:of woods at me:Ida:wit stirred,
'Welling Waters Winsome: word,
Wind in; Warm Weo weather.
Oita:Mfg; yet. theep , is, that none .
Hearineere• Hi Celine be. done, ••
Heard of male beneath the gun,
•HOpe-la•.heetren hereafter:: •
Soft and strong and lona ani lignt,
Very sound of very' light- '
Heard • from therning'e rosiest ;height,
Wheathe pout Of• all delight
a.eliild's clear laeghtei,. •
Golden bells of welcome rolled.
NeVerforth such noted, nor ted
Hours 60 blithe in tones se held, .,
AS' the radiant ;month pf .gold
.Here that liege forth 'heaven. ••
If the goldeo-erested-ween.'
Something seen and 'heard :of. men •
Might be half as sweet as -when
Laughe.a. child of iseireO: , • .
• , -•--•Algereon • Charlee:Swinburne. ,
' ; ,. • . Candid; • . •
. Themes -vise AOC a• erinte. triVorite
'evith his; rich7encle in vain did he
to !tepees& him; but the Old , man: ?OW
not: •eesile impreesed.;
One evening, the young man Visited
uncle's hema,and in theemirse of eine
Vereatfon asked: '' • • '
'Uncle,' dont ' you think It. " would be
foolish riii.*Me to Marry d girl who was
intellectually. nty_inferierf.'"
. 'Verse than foolish, Thomas," was
the rettly. •"Worse.. than
posaible." „..
'Jade Tradition; . ,•
, . ,
That tho. wearing of a jade necklace
was a mu* mire- for kidney trouble
at One tilnCa popttiar belief. -
In England:sport ia So much' ae ds
sential pert, of the lite of the. peopie
that it fornis #probably the gteatest
hridge betereart, r. 0, Fe G.
Masteetnati. .
'TT . AND. JEFF --y *Bud Fisher,.
eve. sloskidb (‘-V
Slie'S t3'EEt4
"to SsAksrk EY 1-testSC.F.
ITkAT" • n-ttNk Stke'S
GoklevA GtkVe ,iP
ri4 (bc-ed
The photograph. shows the. solenin !led Impressive,ecene at the cenotaph in front of the City 'hall, Toronto,.7
, . , • . , • , •
,when ritenabere of the Orightals' Club conducted a service lei, etanmenuirate 'these who .paid tlie sepreme . sacrifice
on the battlefield of St Julien In the fpreground is Miss. Jessie'Martin an original nursing. slister ' who 'laid the
# - , . -
wreath on the cenotaph. Th'photograph Avadtatten during the sounding Of 'the last Poet. ' • ' ' ' • ' -°
„. . , .
Matclunaking Gossip About
Visit of Royalties to London
.' The Vie.* :of „foreign: royalty, Whtelt
will he .commoit in London this ;sum-
tner, have .given those inelined to
inatchinaking.atietiat three xoyal eub,
ljeets. of speculation,, in .Whielt•.,.the.
peince of .Wales and his. „brother,
.pritice George,.. play' .prominent
Thelargest nuinber of foreign.. 'royal-
'fo ^
smoethe 'World 'War, •
Princes/sr Aisieffe of s*tavn.;.....w405,0
mime )1". ,beext,;: Connie& .:with that :..at
the pi-Ind:a of 'Weed hythe King'e'euhe
.jocte, will be. the fleet to arrive. An-
other .pritteess." to 'visit the court will
be the Beatrlce Of.:Seitht; whom,
tome•. think a ;good match for Prince'
George, . Young**ot the • • English
•prineeS.„: • 1.1
, The king and .3:laden of Spain Peph-
ably, will comato Engleed:at the••satite
time,,. bet not en a "state visit. .." The
Arley. of the,young Spantsh peineeSs:le
dausitm,,.eingh, etir and *eat :epeetila,
tiolli:but'all that Is definitele,known'ie
'Oat her parents itianet anitioui to
hive -her' Marry s� young. • '
•Qteeti. Marie .6iRemania: • also • is
coming' to -London..thin .speirig riceohi
penied ,by her very pretty and eligible
daughter, the Princeeet. 'Beane,. :
-Persistent reMpre that Crown Pence
Olaf of Norway nifty „Marry. a '..British
princess- have- . caused #''nitteh Speettla.
thin:. Lady May Cambridge, •daughter
of Lord Athlone' and Princess Alice, is
'generally believedto be, tho• Young wo-
man who is. 111 litre'. for the .Nerteegleit
throne.. ".LadY.N.ay Cainbridge, Is •a
niece of Queen Mary:antl her mother Is
the first :cousin -Of King George.
•Eitreitete• yptingest.QUeen: who only
te-fatir keeps age-Woe:attending-8015o
part in ..social Affairs tern."fferieg, the
coming season.. Sheis the. •Queen'.',Of
Jugoslavia, who, hair written the piiko
and • Duchene or York' that she will ad.#
einnpany, the Jugoslavian king Oti lais
visit to • England Within the next few
Rural Dwelling. •
When.the..inmate stirs,, the initetetire•
• 'discreetly •
From the windowdedige, Whereon they
' whistled sweetly •-.
And .on. the - step ;of .the doer
• In the inisty morning hoar , •
But now the dweller is up they -flee
To the. ':crooked iteig•libottney.•cedlin-
And; When he. 'copes tulle 'Perth :they
.'.80(*, the garden,
And &-alI'from the lofty. custard, 77.1.4.•
leaditig• pardOn.:•. •
]'or shouting so near Setore
Meaewhile•• tie; hametereig, cloek
. .
• In their joy • '
in goesi•flye.,.. '
.. • : . . , „ . .
I know' a domicile of bro-wnand green,
r,b%hii:rlred;.i.su..,..iu'Metts, .th!re,
;net such .euaetments,104 'suck. day -
breaks ese* . - • .
-Thomas Hardy, in '-;".tinntitn--Shows,
„ Far •Pharitarties," • '; • ' '
. . .
. .
. • , . „
• • • Telepkoniig. at Sea.,
As gime -os the-grearl leer Leviathan'
arrives lit New ,York harbor. it ispos-
sible for Padsengeneto get bitzp.pdtat,e-
,ry lob telephonic copielunicattion. With
any 'of, the 3.04)00,00. subscribers
tered . overthe Nei*. . Americancon.
tinent--,and this Without leaving: the
. ' • • • . .
Oe• reaching • the •harbor T the • fleet
cable to,be: thrown ashore, beeo.re the
vessel actually' docks,, OOntaine'a tele-,
phi:ow-lea& , This, is':preiiitly,-,iitted into
a -Michel on the (Lusk,: aid; the great.
Chip le, at. once in . touch with any # Part
. •
Pf•tite Milted States or Canada.
It s' likely' that similar facilittee. will
.-provided 4 dt-Southeinvitin rted,,-other-
he ler Bri ish' orts ,in the Cour e
of the next 'few menthe:.
. ,
pbfi# is miff of the 'nurnereus
and It had been reported that • while
here she Will sea her brother, brown
princeterol, who remeinceel hid rights
to the, Rumanian thrope 'eoote 'months
• • ,The ofcthe Morning.,
Vale ,Of the. waterfells
• • ' bleb of the streanie!
Wake frem your. alunilieringl• ;
Wake from your • dreams!.
•wild sings the mountain -lark,
•••of the hir!
Coiling the volley -NMI,
Up to hint there! •
Fresh breathes the.. morning -W[10.
Bright looks the day, '.
Tip' to• the heather hills,
Liliae, atvayi
• --Cebrge". eiattley.
• ThekbnlY One. ;
• ertVell, 1 at Imeet haye one ftlend who
• •
hag never lo,dked me up, in Brad -Street. '•
• ,"Who is • that ?" ••
»"My dOk:` •
oLost tinio, is, never found.- '
'tvery, wither thinks. there tie
baby like her own and every ,other
mothee is glad lhat-there isiet, •
ektte, - ACK t,• P.M •ACl.
eePitt1GES tosT moNey
Arqb TIAts t_ooks '
• A Lot:),
• 'ids, r.L.f.,
• ,tmt:t1-1 THEE
TH67 PRoiyet
Map of Red Lake Diattict,..
The latelit product . of soviet ;Photo-
graphk-cieehined With ground surveys
Is a map. Of the RedLeke•bistriet,.14
north-western. Ontario,. in "WWII so'
Much propPeeting•is being done at pre-
sent... BY the uge,:et this method,' car-.
ried,On, by the Topographical Survey,:
Departuient Of;the'Interlor,,OttaWa, An
.co-Operetion ',with the Royal „Canadian
,Ale• Forme, a Wealth ee 4401' badheeri.
404A -sing
pOrtageic:falit and:Similat inforinaticini
erlileh• would • titiee':'tequIred,.. ari
jnenso amount ot Offett to Obtein:. be
ground serVeYddlene..,' • .- ,
• Threinap.hali been. Pebilehed on th.e•
scalo - of one incjL to two mile*, and
covers an area about forty znlles by
.Sixty:.milee".fia., extent; ..aproxiMately"
-centred at Red. -Lake: Whereas pros.
has tip to -the 'present been
.conlined tr.) -dread. chide.1:to Red Lake
!teen, it is anticipated that with the
aid, of this *like as a geide, the exten-
sion of these activities aver broader,
ereaS will .hd• greetlklitcilitated,.As
an indication Of. the mate, Ors.witter-..
Ektee.in_the....diateictLit inay bo stated.
that', ,seteethilig „like.- .100lakes are
sheiwn., Indeed,. se ,many lakes •and
'other: featilied:•- have 'been... suddenly
brought to lightthet, only orelatleely
arnall number: have been minted. •
This ••Mate which 'InitY he .obtained
from the iropograehleal:Servey for tee
nominal :.charge of twenty-five 4eente
per eope-Will aid , the prospector In
getting through •tha district and will
-help 'hint tO choosii the -Meet di•rect
• '
• 0#011.• C•011i0TY•
Spring le 'wally a eent30n Or npit,r
eons theughtS. Chaucer knew tide
twentY„h011eit f',•Clanterinq:p114rim7r
age. promoters, cif travel, te- the ende
of the earth and those .wher't444ege
cempe: and every sort ot • pleyllig
ground at home• or distant, .plitees
appeal to tb eeernily. re etedieetelect e,
nrnst-- normal Whioh Ma*eit lis
'want to *pendoers and windowpi, to
the bland, sweet, vernal 4nd-den:ee5,
There are .stirrings .in the brood ot,
s'reertnle,, as in the woodland -of staging i
choirsand thrusting Nide and run,ning
brooks. • Our very' theughte Are pet -1
ward hound hi this season!. mid -Intoil
lite ettreteplierAlt-Whhht• !per weld of ,•
r'sedeto: and eatifleidg-isetratioes. that.
re7entarofet eoeerete itself is tillable to•
i3Vtit tfettble • witli a.wyiter,'
says re: elunt ane wise etoitnilet .,Is
that be, • his alwayS. iftree. In a Own,'
• Literattire suffers andlinay altogether-,
'el(Pire *hen- it letes boetact with
,whence t ipree,riied, They that ars
!wide -areL,aar,10eljt.i....:and.-,thereforee-
They close -.ilia bookie 'twit :the rierrew
limitations of the houses .medewith
hands and go le:ix:at of the freer:tile-
Meetet• verittei of earth af),!1 see and
, • • '
Theta are not to .b. found iff-the
Bohemia that • hee-, , come, to meana,
forced hothouse growth of selenrats-
hie Teethetielecni, the little •erut.ual-ad-
eitfretion eoptettes and eoteries,*of those
who talk e lot about the things they
mean. to do and berate the world ' or
Ite supposedtailue to rocoglztheIr .
There • are se .many ,beaut104 hliee .
that .may bo Planted #.4.n0. left In the
ground year efterleffir thatelle.W011-*- • *
dors- why there are not more- grown. ,
kNoceps with lilies depends toa great
92tteltt404., :the ealeettoe ot proper ,
varieties, and ,gtvieg, there the hest,
Poeitthie 99444.194V '
tObletrac,ed. to 4440 of oodorstAuding
Of the retinlreirienfe of the -bulbs. No ,
matter *rat poor the e.ell" nor hovt
shady the garden :Some varietiee, Tay
he grown ..en0000,f4,017, ". •
The -Soil for Meet luiee
a• nd. set.in sand
Wheklilanting,',".'f*dept4,-.of 1)lau ting
Vailee„not only according to Size but
iteeoidiegto heleit• of .growth
and, Regale, teeter° deep' ,plantligHe
from elx to eight: ArAdies, . The Maden. ,
.iia 111.Y is d eplentlice,tall:grevilng 111Y
Ailth large pure, White: flowers. It re-.'
Senthies the Well known Easter lily.
The' fiowers are very fragrant: " It
bloonia lit juuie. amiitiplies•rsPSY and :
shoed be In every Orden., . The Aura;#. •
Om lily has large, gracefie fieWere Of •
delicate. .ivory -White • closely # dotted.
With, %chocolate:crimson seote. • The
,ceetre.of•eadi petel'haa a Iyoad stripe -
.of gold It,Is exquisitely perfumed. .
The, ilo,wers are large and: showy. The .
new Regale lily is vs*, beautiful.- In-'
side the. threat Of the flotv'e?-te. hright•
. .
canary yellow shading teward,white at•
the edges, sontethnesthere is a Pink
shade on thievetals.' 'there areMetty,
'other lillee. 'that, should be in the gar.
dep. •: They are Mt ein3y! to grew and
.th•e amateur need noebesitate to plant.
the belie generously. -Mrs.. Jeimette
Leader,, toe the :Ontario ' Horticultural
Asacielation. ,
genies. •Theyhei AO cnItep. they 0,e/
worsittiners":ahd they burirhe
cenee an talk in. siibduedIceiett about
'sohte. lint . the .ritmospliere
thioltened.by the sinolte of .their
tion ane,pnwhOletiome. Tliey
ought to • get' out Of doors, tuto'clear
suelight :and accept :certain simple
rnees. or diet, exercise and Sleep which
they hew seen:ties d concern of 'Conl••
nuili Mortals. : ehielenonsTinTre-that Is
heard, and:seen if:eclair:in' the itaiiie of;
' •
music, the pictorial 'arte, oe •iiterature • • • •
. •
,would not survive.•expOsure t� :Gods
On-t400rs:;, renn; only 41ve,:`.41.ne, -any
• , .
mojdy f,hogous groWth, iti.n damp cal;
lara0e ShatAwitY•from aicand see, • .•
. .
Woodchuck Hibernates. • • I•
, ..
Tho/. woodchuck . abitendre,Kneerly
everywhere 'east of the ItOcktes.
stead of stering.tip toed like the
if hibernates during the eel& 'sea-
son, and when reninved tte 'bur-
roW lOwintee appear* to be lit• elt
cOneetrius;::Condition.•i ,•• • •
.Thelledit been but d•fete fintee.ier
inteutened respirationte Vere:siew; so.
that • the feed stored Up 'largely in the
form Of fat. in itit own body :onabloo. it
tho:preirfe 'deg. pinging ,froni Texas
to -Canticle, is a'Socettaitinuil dwelllng
in:large coleitieesoetetimes Mere than
fifty mileit'lp leogtie • . '
, •
• Worse and Worde
'Shot-Hy:after tin Indignant neighbor
• . -• • •
wemait had gene the itroivn home,
Mrs. Brown came •to :tee doer: and
•called her son
route of getting out to the Mining Re. ; ' .• • • /-*"
ceider's Office. For Properly record:. .11.6';'We'itleillale•,t;Oshthse'atqa•yirtilf.i.:•.;a111Iledl•terv;babee.
. .
Ing , his claim also 'he •will. belietter *old fool., Did you?"
le-teinclieatio.the mining,arecordef "Yes'In;" • . ' •
exactlyAvhere It is situated • A • sys- . sighed the :•distracted :Moth.
em-er'refeeenee erinatese into Whin- atirgled you. arertruthfuL".
the-erap has beeirderidedipartieulail7 '-'1/411#4-11-0*--.-eb#3 • welders • 'why ,";ti
facilitates this object. ' This Is of Crebbe, -doesn.lspeak to her. • ,-
:estie.cial.ImPortatice. on "account 'of. the .. , • ' : .
'large • • number of so • far unnamed • . • , ' Fine Weather !skis. . •
physical featmeest,.. Mild Winter I Weather Is ..,:faverible to
,• .
the .epreie ;or inteetioue diseases. be.i
'.Lineit. Inspired . by Engine: . . • • •
. , . • come in for contagion:: • ' - .- , • ',
Mine people m;eve'abaut more and so.
. . . ... : •
. Trouble, -.." .., ," 4•••••;...-0 '
Ci hen*. you are a , wondertelthing; improve Garden' Soli
11 . -
ntO push; nO born, to honk; _ .
Plenty" of. orgartle Mat ter'in,the gar;
yon start 3ottr5elf;.n(3)i P dn
0101611'. te It foil.t Moisitiet• end
no tipark to . miss, no gear to etripl; ,
;r ' nleali 07-111f. hrhelr4ore OM ily • Workable, Sup -
no licelliter!M"Ing .*irri ' ' ' .. Ye°?r .w.1.--i-h.1 plk .- the organic matter With., a heavy
plates ti) screw oft fi(nt: and rear; no coating•of mantire; or by PIO:wing en-
• gee bills Nhilhh* up each
day, ee1der,a ryecrop Seeded lastfall or e
'Ing the joy of Ilf# awaY; no speed eoPe .1 longer growing green cite), sileh 'as
te.;• I . .
chugging tre..yonr, .rear, 'reline sum- 1 • • • ••. • • . •
-. - - ''' of • the clovers. .• • "
. •
mons in yeur ear, YOU e. i”rim' ;Imbed
Axe all:O.K. thank• -the Lord they:
, . Lotteries In Argentine.
' t 1 t.- • O s ark Thee never
, .
:::kets1.8.1151ses::: your:: 1,01:11), is. /404d., th'ere is' draVAttg eVe•ry day all the
.or • many .a .111 your ir,if • .,
nil:is and fuss; .yOur motor .n'ever.l In the' state lottery:J #rior•gfkiina
• .0 • •ound with extra prizp#,i nif
.aliangeg style; youe *sante are•teteeand d.e37e.• •
'easy 'Met; you've imieethilig •ion ' the, - •
11 * • 1 1 eviir 1 k
a•aio. y et. ,•St. Croix Courier', Th"l°14h nearing 1,)0. ,Y.ewaars.4 e f n•laatti;
Whet scrubbing eIt(1 JW‘ori Iti jolt: iit5t4 rtlivrieco");':(u);O.tibrti,
dear table ltiklit7tnallo00n
'slvilves, add half an ounce -otr.ovilderefl
borax to two ee'ams, of water, . ;• •• • ' • •
when .tear •etelle-Ontr 1/4 k
r •
' •
*The Beauty SPecialik Slips Mrs,,Mptt An'Earful,
tek'..)111 eilQSX't4.7t
• -tI
HANLt).< td
• .
' •
At 'malt
. •
:11" •11.:',.1,1"
• . Welsh. IVIbte Polus 6,1104 .
Ctir;d: jffelfTiOy nieWs"tnivl Irelleletethe40411;:e. the
!tweed. and ;Ponied defall•Sey find :their'
Wei home to their uedergroend •staliles
from Ink." • 'part of ••.distetit werkteg.
piece% however and IntriCate,
the, roadways -without- To
hear on dritoire.talk•to and •Ot tbelr
.Cliarges. ininee One might ,
POnlee 'were supposed to he the, Mines
otnien in. intellig.eitee;• Often,' had to.
xemincl.:drivers_..theyere •nbt Inman
beings. ut it is :on:.such: a loOtta'!
that boy:eat:a Pentee oik together
es'e rule tienY'soniettimes' will
•ereint the'nentber of fehil
It s11l pull -
lie cointe ef each eoueling
• he • starts, hitt if. In
thinks or eight to • be It reasonable
lead," 'tor him will'refuse,..tntako
more Can't:.e.nelly..be (sheeted,
One pony:hed a.•SeriOne objeCtIon to ....
working Overtime' and always ;•
• . • • • •
pearsd if given, time least -elia.nee-te
be found later• in: his Stall, In table a •
mita ateiy. One .evening thee p.ony
eriet. a.. trete et. empty' loin; coining
down tlio incline as he teis' ruening
hoine-Instenti of- Weirking
a -Mom: on the s141.- tiepeeiel.
down -corning train lie. turned and gal-.
loped In front of It 'n11014.14 the. first;
tub to touch his. hind legs then lieayed
•1t off the -Mlle and etoptied the train; •
:He :alai saVtd hie life to the •stirtn leo „
fir men mates Who expetted to '
Jilin. dead -under' tite train:
Pit Pqnien 'Seem to have u 'kind .of -
"Sono -lid sen86," :for arty, ilangdr: They
• minelroadWaysi; , This sense" Itas
saved InanY Malian and pony.litree• .
Another vony objected to erorking.in
a :new. djettIct, :arid took ‘.'revenge. hyt •
xurniing•aviey•Whenevei•lie could., One
day ho got an old Working plare
through vett, low paesege. Ile coutd. •
not ,14, got out,''detipite Sit erterte,, 'Affi
'last. hist drier' Said loudly: "Let's • g011.
'out, boys, end leave hinew* They went
a' gooe diattinee. 'banged a` (1001, 11411 •
Waited. 'In ti short:Mine the .pbtfy was, • ..• • '
eine ..tit.the dreiri How Ire get In or
#mit yeenties his Heeret. -• •. ,•
Vet Iiiireller Witty wettid 51611 tilit
"fried" of tell Whs. lea Auld iW
illace. on the ;leiee whei..e. lie was sure
driver ntlf got at, hen` from • •
behind t hr.• After_•teeing '• lite"
he decent -it to move ott. Amalie
1 1,
• Av.ottgo Values ot.Varin ' •
' Lands. • ' • .
, . 71114`averege .valan of -11i1 notiunks.(t;„....
'... kyle, iambi for t'imalle Mt ;'.1..1,;11#11.0, In
".'lli;247,. thee:dime both Itimeov,ei ant tite' ,.
leritreveellind, ;as At -,..13 !..,#4 (iweatrig . .
1!) 14 hams. viable. sani -011ier .fartn
bitildln usi i 4 rot ern ()A . :1;.-, $izi pe r tt (;ilti,,
• t-'t't(110-1 tOtt)oVaila(thtli (.111101tin#,)ift .
••104,111.1, or. 4tlitiAt017. .1-iy. oroittit..ii-
oitt nvo-tage;.are as tollkwq.,,. PvIio 141d-
rd 194,ramti, S45.1. ..!‘#4oti:17' Sent la,, :$37 ;„
- ;P,.., irrintswiek,irdat; , .gli0bitift .0 4.; . •
..finoitle, $474 #Ninaltolya., .. $21i 'Sae- *.
•kn I di e VA kit; . $23 ! ,-' ATIOrt 1 $24" itiltlAit •
-4...........i-..--:-..--#4.. , c
;Colt imbiri,, $13,3,' . 'lite aver Igo: yaltioir ititi- .
1 11:125# Of torthitrt.Tand friar/ 11 ti;L, •rilnlitti...
l'irk, Imr:alikgq„ 'v,(r.:, .1 -it th #.' frOgrov0- .
o rug dierriers„ ere rerfireaAed as rollows':'
iNovi,. ;4#01,h1,. $1 Og : Oh110 1.0, $1-43
- :#4* -it ,volottllitm.:' Obi,' ' . •
Yaq Mittniefitif4'4sts.
1'ho#III:g*nW01..7fittit.H, a 1 ho heiv
Irtoof, -ilPar thighy,##
Nkiirgh: lop". too, .n13.1r- #ana are S20: Nat
111 he•rith.t.