HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 5' ' FLOOR I)OLISHINO '91,1TFIIT the. nest; ewer War tO, have , beautiful Waxed Padre andlinole4c4- . This outfit Coulietit of: • 1-4tiartiohoson'e Liquid Wax,st.sa • .1...Johluaott! a Wax 'op . 1.50. 1—John$oWa Weighted floe! • Poliehing Brush .. . • 3450 Infoluition'e Owl( Oa' ; • % - 'Peals tifyine . . p.35 . • :0;ving. :of11-.75 ii .1( • So •••••• 40H NS(*, S FLOOR POLISHING OUTFIT $5.00 171 • We have in Stock. • now an Elettric Floor Polisher for rent by the hOur,Qr by the day. Pay us a call apd make your floor Polishing easy. ' Our Price is right on Coil Spring Wire and Barbed Wire Fresh Car Cement Just Unloaded PORTEOUS $Phone' 66. - Hardware Coal * Plumbing Tinsmitbing • •:•,!,••• 1. - Are you, building? Shall you be building this 1/ • • WALKERTON • • • '3ert ,Wilsbn, aged. about 37 years, of Barre* Bay, was brought to the Nalkerton • Jail on Friday' 'to.;serve 'Menthe SO theft, The, prisoner broke .intb the :grocery' stere of geo. raylot,..a..Wiarton,. in which he was • TUE Lt COON., saTtnt tilp.UODAY, !itAV RiD'STAR ISgT .0„(1.Retura ,1••-`7•72, - THE BIG STEEL STEAMER gitEy1101INO, $4.00: ' , SA.Ppi sygEpy, OomFORTAMLE, A!' • , Goderieh 4ne'4V07' : TU.E$DAY:,.4 UNE Stk. at.lt3 , „. :Ariivoye potcHuiO4.1:10.p:ip„,-;'Detreit,$:30' -p.m. , Retatidrig leaves Detroit 1 p m -Thursday Jane,' 10th. Fe only boat trip frdne'goiderich to'Detreit ,this SeasOre. Children. between 6 and 12, half fare. • NI* y3urAticidgen friend: And see niegnificeet Detroit A, .delightful trip.. over the great international hlgiiivey'.'or,,,ekes. 'AO rivete., • Don't -Miss itI.• ',Last Trip' Goderkh to beta -Olt, FriJay, June ilth; • at 9:30 a.nr. MOONLIGHT OUT OF G00E:RICH ' MONDAY, JUNE :71.h, 'at 8:30 pan. FINZEL'S Oreliestra. for dancing iji the steamer's new ball ioom. 'Phree hours on beautiful - Lake Hattie for '59c.: Children 25e, COiltAND ENJOY tilt FON , . , m. whele; proceedings.' .They intend now' . to issiie a Challenge t� sOme of •the• .her surrounding towns. , A REAL WIFE • Ouis Kass went 'to the door of the • state prison in Jew Jersey the other , .lay and saidhe wanted to give him - Pelf, up: NO officer .was.:seareltirig fr ,him and he could prebably have sterY .ed out of, jail.as he had don e for the attfour years. '. What made: the:*ehange?„, Kase had -been ' iken,heibte-and eithen-Lwer-4-' . FLOW ERDA LE k '„ . Wilbert Avery wap abseet from, ' school all last wee on account •or , Hines's. •' . • . ' Mr. aid. Mrs. Dep. MacDonald and. little Jackie, of Pinide grove, spent last Thursday at the:home of L. DA..:.,- sion *heel wascliaetiSsed and. ar- anged .Correspnadenee read n - eludes •a t0mnitiniefe4.11 trom Mrs, MaeCallulr4 e e4 1PPYPP- iatio4 Of the thoughtfelnesa •the •Society, 'during ber' recent illnees. Pro•rinini: e .:onsisted of a solo' by Mrs. Decker. lateresting papers were read an, Clirtetiari ,Stewerdshil, y Mrs. Tr. :Ioroa, Kra,. J. ;p•uttee W. 4tr4io lr8. . Ratriwen 'Mrs-. (Rev.) CosenSi- Mr§, A. Agar, 'Mrs, Q Jolinaten. • A splendid talk "on prayer and missienl 'was" given by 1%.1., (Rev.) Cor. See- •' -.,WHITECHURCH " Messrs, Frank RoSS and 'Jno. Gaunt eotoreCite-.T.ororito.„,and., spent the week -end with fried ie there77-7.--, • *r. Wes Tiffin,' lest. •• h ve1lnib1e4 iorseiast • 'Mr Daniel Martin; of • Leaden 'is •ASitirig at hie, heine here,. ..11'1McivISS;;;• Br aNrbea4r:aBi.9tizileLextnf.:Iwn:nraennle, • . • . are VisItingat the home ,ef Mr, Mac • r • • Muti4Lueriarteiluby:vienretLton4 is0.,vn!eiting her We are sorry to report ih'e death of Mr... and Mrs: Herbert .Lai4ilay's :nfant daughter Wile. died on Sunday /morning. She Was four nwinths old. the funeral Which was very 'largely .ittended Was held. on Monday to Winghane Cemetery.: The Sympathy ofthe cominunty le -extended to •the parents in 'theit sad bereavepiept.. Mr. Harry kitiger"ef pe'trpit,...spent the week -ed at the home • of Mrs: 17)a•vrd Gillies. • • 'M. unt has ...•pn,c'elieseti• ne* Chevrolet Cart .• • ' Charlie Strathdee and George Me-': unleaded .a Car .of fertdih- rfl: Ripley: last Thuriday.",' •' Floe.erdale' sChool:.celebrated --- Ar- t:Pr' bay by cleaning up, the. sehoo' and scho 1 yard A game of ball in • ° • in.: With Other convicts on a road mini,the ‘',`":9°08 in -"the ahernobil. , blade his escape : Some time ' after he '• Drs Bal.t,°°ran; ed.'bY Nurse ' Hann 'net a young. woman, and although she :was imade awareof his recent) f°1111d a verY: diffl. ,hey were married. '• len 'on McIver, „ • -Those 'iyho atte • For some time they Jived in ;New' •Sat:PrCla3' m°Ing'• York *here Kass „worked, as a roofer dUripg the. day n4 in a gas Statian part of the„night.. • He returned te prison because his wife toldThini:;."there's no use •trying to findliapPineas with . this thirw , hanging' over Alter head,' You ..caprio' 'fcirrneriveinplpyed. and .stOle • $70: have .fteedeen until :you•.serv'.'; that . . „nit. of an unlocked safe. In' seueez- tentenc-e." ' ! flr thrinigh.a back:shed door in the ...A" few day before, befete,. KaSe and his •, batement. through . which -bw-gained -"wife;'he is idse7the,..niettliertof a -six- .. ' ',ranee' he tore as' *ton air jnoliths'. old' baby; talked the. thing theS and it was the: finding' of 'this' oyer. fiked" the date' for ;the .htiabanci button that formed the:clue.whith led , and fathee to .go back to jail, and a-, to lus arrest : Constable One greed that she could, get along finale-. or. Walkerton being one Of the :68k- hely until his sentence Wag', Served: r" ere that helped to work up .the. ease isn't it Coping ..ttom' land that reeks With divoree and .6y,, rith.mn,,itrhe openly law,' . it's like'a c601 hree.§et. at the' end of a ',.hot day": •1' • '• • , year? If so, -prof# by the • • . and bring. the crimes home lo him. experience of those who • ' Ci own Attorney Freeborn of town save nioney when build- ' ,roseetitel at the •tiiaI,• where a ing. Even on a small job strong effort was ,made by the de • you'll probably, be sur- prised.,to find•khow using' ,Long Distanee enables you-to-get-lowest-prices,- "We bought all the mate - 'Hal for a $75,000 build- • ,---'inir-bY_Long Distance—, „ itis the cheapest way't *rites a contractor in a medium-sized town. •' "Wes use Long Distanj to get.prices on materials before making estimates m‘tontracts"—writes an- • other. , • The leaders in ever y • branch of industry know. ' alhey'ye proved it, as You cam • IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE • COUNT'S(' OF BRUCE In The Estate Of RUSSEL V:' ALLIN, Deeeased ' • feese. to .get the•aCcused off on sul4- eelidedrsentente,- it being-'piedded in mitigation• that the prisoner, yoho hateea hadJeen Out ".iNork • for" a fink,' and with ;the moneYhe swip.ed from the 'store bed •Eaton's for elbthing foe his .farnilY.; • The Crown Attorney refits- . ed to Consent to Suspended sentence in•a tale' of this kind, on the grounds that it would be 'encouraging Crime; 'end after reserving judgment for .week. Magietrate McCartney. sentenc7 ihe ,rieeused ice . Months 'in the • Walkerton jail for the offence... RIPLAY •, A•debating ieani.consiting Of Miss. Edna • CampbtMl and . Miss Kathleen' 'Wilkinson Of our„Yoeek Peeple's, See, •iely rent to iineardipe, on May 3r4 to Meet Miss Isard. and Miss Clem- ens of th e Kincardine U n,i t e d Church. These eonteits arabeing held • in• connectioe0With"the Deba tin g League -of •Brece. ,COunty United Churell..A "large number were in eit- Lendartee and an intereating.thne was ' NOTICE IS ." HEREBY GIVEN' , that after the publication of this Xo- •tice in th• ree sticcessive' issues of enjoyed.' The subject:- of the debate• , was iltesolved" that China. .offers• • uoraha , Nieto give name. and month stlitable, to the treasurer before next greater soppertninties for missionary work than does India." The affirms' neeting. After fulther' arrangentents tiye which yva8 by the Kin-• cor Malting the quilt, it was 'decided that .all blocks ,and other eontrinte: cardine ladies was ably handled. Miss • Pard, the leaeet,tit .cleat and eon- Vincing speaker. and . enbeigme. Miss Cleinents, 'was likewise , good sUpPorter: 'Ihe young ladies yore' neeer in better form. and ° give promise of , begetting debaters of Tlie ansvirei re it elf that'Kals -.through good- jtidgment „or,geott luck MhoLeed" assist - ,MacDonald eei.• ult 'dental': operh. pi his hOme,• last . . • • ded „the W.M.S: end.• the.S.S. at S uth Kinloss last . , meek natured...to tro fine eddresses. Y 1‘4ss Dean MacLeod • �f Moody Institute, Chicago:. ZION • Mr D AndieW.; fait d. ratinet. Rep.,' . . called an;friends -in:. the burg on 4 ..:Mclidtiy,'"iiit.„.___L ....;_.'• . . . • A special Mothe s' Day • program Wag given in the United Church Zion, ' Sunday "morning! ' Mies ', Tillie 1 Sherrbod. gpmg a , alo and !a, Meth. or,st• Pay Pite•earit .. was , presented, There was: a large eongregation. ' . ••Illi.:.".iind. Mrs. ' Mei* Gatdrier:.aed. on, Lorne visited friends • at Zion. err 'I'hursday; last. .. Mrs., Je. Gaiditer, is it pretent quite ill- with tonsilitil.. . Misi Dorothy Anderion is spend- a leer •daYs. vet , ; • nein Mr. 'married a With enough character "rid Jno. lielni. . • . to fie.' diffi-ult and htivin deeided on a Course of hardship for the sake e are gliaTto know thetfts. . Of the man she loved; te.seeit through:{elni• has;,beep joundet, the doe,. er's care .for, the past monthi, .in order" .that . her husband ,might . tomewhat improved.. .. 'emerge. from' it all iefree Man: , . Cf -course: there, Will .be thoie who Mrs; ;Robert AndieW and -Mita ,I!, len :retuined 'from Detroit en Tu will say tihe waie foolish to have mai len :IcribOrig what :she N r 143r, of last week o see.d. mail Walking 'deliberiitely ,to ;. • __ FOy writ corks.:.KINLOPSS jali in order that he might take his punishment, apd beeaute wife .wantetF,hirn to,..is a tribute. to. Womitik- §ciekler-AshiPg;ii a. Point.1.4r bood and aw.hemorable triumph worth e-uflation.• • • , •'' _ivieg for.—Selected. • „, •• "• , Mr. M.,.._:MacInne§0 of Detroit,. iF SOUTH. 1KINLOS$ Steward,. spent Sunday at . • '• • visiting at .his licP on the Second, o .41e. kerne of: her parents, Mr. ane 'A record meeting. el the. NV.M:S. ;Ars, Jas. Fisher.• • Was held At the 'church 5,th.•;' Mat. demmel was OH the lint - The meeting. opened :with: the hymn,. iaSt' Week., • rePsiring, telephones. .,t"tako My Life And Let It Be," whieb. Miss Mari" Belle Donglas waP •Callricl Leen , memorized:. Th e Lord's . id to Holyreed to nurse at the how Prayer and Ephesians 3, -Were repeat, V Mr. Ma bald. ed MacKay then led Mr. a. s has. not been as well in prayer. Busine;S matters consisted of late. as his .many, frideds, road of a rnotioh. that anyone desiring to wish. • entertain the society during summer' . Mr: and Mrs. liollyman, of Ltiek rioW; spent Sunday at the home of Mr,:` -and 13:00. , • , 'The teacher "mmHg of Grey'Ox ,School' spent Arbor, Day improving the• school *yard. • towarele it,,,• be giVen teellfre. Al Mrs.' J. .MeillurchY spent Ttiesdity • n:• it,Ariorii, 4 9aecocridg:ntioennnmetyn-470ertiii.. with se *bit:, .sowing grain he wai. going under a tree when a limb caught ir ..tlie': harness and -then freeir e• itsel! .an -,...e -back 'Yvith'a great foree striking .. , the driver in -the eye,' knocking 'him • 'town: Tik pima .of 'the :eye is ,ser1,- onsly cut but there is sOreeihope Clf :hying 'the. O -Ye*, '1.0 • was .rOalied te .1,ondon, ,where he is now in 'the Vic- toria Hospital,' We _hope to hear .of L his -rapid iniproveinent•.. . A few froin here attended. t &Tied- byterial and Presbytery of tie Pres, ,byterian clitireh at Bensiels on rrues:' day. • :. • : . ' • , •:Mr. and Ms. Fied.Davilone,Miss ,Ilf.ilaurnyil. and : F'uJiidmvv. inii WeiroSunday.. With -• MittAnnie' ICenned.Y.' of. Gettlerich... is 'visiting -a few days at her bone here 'before going to London die .c(Cen-• ete her training. as a 'nutse. Ontario, Gatette and The LueltneW note. The jiidgeS 'were Mrs.,,Evatiti Manitoba Pree Press William m f Sentinel, and three issues; of the k. b'f Kihdardine, miss, Wcisk rifRPII ", lin Of the City' of atham . ; County of Kent, „Agent; will Make application to the 'Stirtogate Court -Of the County of Bruce for a grant • of Lettere of Administration to.othe -lastate!,,-,of--.-the---Said..L•RtisSell Allin, who,. ni and •prioe to the. year 1909.,:. •' "reelded at the .1taiir :Village -of Lucke 110W, and ,who disappeared from - the eaid Village 'the said Year, 1909. -'". lute' never alike been heard of and is* now beleiyed to be dead, ' leaving property in , the Said C01104 • .of Bruce to, he adniinistered. • ' DATED ,this dasr..01-wrhyi-Aiv, with iss c ivray o c ino as refette. It took censiderable tune. -o -br,nt 'in' a verdict which all felt was Very unbiased and fair.. The,, re :suit •announded was, ,• • Kincardinc, -11-pointsk-'and-ritipley points; thus, plittin4eur ladies in. the lead. They are to be cortgratillated on their' sueeess, The Tettell: Bre% favored thele present with gal* •selections mid Mrs. Parket gave ,two readings( -which were van Tednived,4inadh vas served at the, itette and a pleaSant • U VANSToNit Winghans, el,Penti-'d4,-"A-thrn boir cars from p ay% carr oh WI c #0.54• ere Psi I ilore „Lumber indinttrieS of • British cOlanibia---arehePdhlgaPruce t� Bos - ,ton and New York;"-firt-to -Fier" end Cuba, new markets created' With-, ,in the last few months, . Demands from regular fir markets in great Britain, Asia, 'Australia and 'South Africa are reported better than normal, ' • , ' • • „ ".• The demand f0; Qana.clian flOnr is Increasing rapidlys in the Orient. • -This year. 347,760', barrels,. et fling ; wete,:"exported from .Medieine, Hat irioatlY for the EaFite great Britain Canada's best taste:Peer for wheat flout, hiVipg taken 13%000 b,ertels TiOrAffe-tota f ‘6.84,698 barrel's ex-. • ".'ported during the.'inen ,"-pf--August,L , . „ , The .Canadian Pacific Rockies are_ not "shot .tip'! yet,' Fellowingka 30 - day hunting trip', Mr. and Mrs, :Kok" leek; ,ef Les 'Angeles, told ofdeer. ' thrit..walked right"uP te:eemP;.bears that prowled alt around in numbers:. rams and mountain sheep in aliend- ance; lakes full of trout caught with every thro,W of the line. •• • "Seiher)and, supely-§eeretaey. p with her., daughter; Mrs. A. McCaul • program with: Prayer by the Prsident, Miss Sutherland, and was .followed mat "impressiVe 'and itispiring talk -by, Miss Dean Taking Car. 5: 18; 19 'as the basis 1../ 'her -Message. She brought to Mind the good news, reconciliation which VeS, for 1110 whole:world, After des- • eribingt genie ,ot the .terrible' beliefs and India;.She :made' air 'appeal for -mere. earnest giving.; work • and- prayer. A. Sutherland:then tTave her -paper, "Prayer • and -We Strategyt.of 1Vlisalons," • bringing out that the inisalonary movement Was the result pf. prayer. Miss Kate Mac- Kenzie read en apprOpriate article on "Answers ko ;Prayer. A .gotia read - Val' given loY,..MititeMelvie after. 'Which the meeting citified vvitli ey, who has riot been .well for4s0me but Who we areilad to say, 11 • improving.• , The farmers :''.have • Mostly till started ot the land. " • • ,W,ALS: • OF UNITED -CH 1;1 . scu001.• lipPonT.,- , . •• ' . • Despite alleged trade depression and "blue: ruin", talk, during „the week ending October 3I,925, 67 neve. • coniPanies rete'formed with author-. . ited capital of $15i,658,000,:as com-• pared with 90 companies ivith $112,- 614,875 capital the •previous week • and with 87 coriipanies with $7,568,•• 000' capital,: the corresponding week of last year. " • • • cDUring the ,96 frem Monday, November! 9; to Tiplisclay, Novem be,r 12; the Canadian Pacific 4aiiu- A conimission .of three protestors ,in apiculture will make a survey of • wedsecoay:149sa,:nL:diliautetau3crap:oyf...i.iinig:8.ini:we5hvoefirceyatiii8.1.6.', On Wednesday 1;81)5 cars were load: o:T:01.A:tacrote.i..intoissaisoc, rtawiii; the sells best; adafiTe-d-Tia: the culture'. "— S.S. No 9, Ashfield Easier Tests R. Kilpatriek , • Sr: IV: C. Kilpatrick 61W.. Clare 2;1H., Webster 41. f \ Daily- marks •Jr. 'IV:: B. Blake; cuirair, Toni. Anderson; M. Hackett. ••..• • 'Si, III; W.' Blake; D. , Outran.; M. Clare; B: Culbert.• • • Jr. III:: V. kilpatritici Jen!. stoat., Sr. I• II 0.., Blake.. . , : . Kilpatrick; A Curran C. Blake. •' • • Sr liriperii.J. Cuibnrt, • Jr. Primer: M.: Blake: , No.. on roll.' gi,•,attf:' •'M. •Maccallurp;.teaelier. PAO** ere and -There • V,aper,Valley, virginartiact of land 135 miles tramVancouver, be- tween vort" Deuglas and Lillooet on • '11;•••"1w.:.Y 'is to be • the locator medical sanitarium and I:mating, Y. lodge which lath lae established thie-",• . §°4114er by syndicate a • VA._n- 9,Pm...m04 Coliver .men. "Genera' eenclitions di 'the prairies and in 'British, Colu'mbia indicate • that Western Oanade i§. -headed for . st period:of real prosperity,' Charles Murphy,. general manager of, the chriadiargacifici.RailWaYr•Western Lines; .aftd• a periodical trip. of • • inspection, ,stated. that farmers and ' business men'ailke have not been *ieilteprairies in year% . . • On March a'crevvd Of.iepresen- tative eitizeas gailierd at the. Oaa- ad1an ,PaCific depot VanConver to welcome FIN. Heribr',Lieuterlant4' ' gOvernpr Robert 'Randolph Bruce, .pf British Celufnhia. Thirty -years • ago the hardy Scot left -his prices-. tral Invermere, Scotland, tl) seek his, fertririe in the Canadian, West. He found it, ' • During ?the Inept": a JannarY. 1926, 15,706,700:Pounds. of 'refined sugar veined hi $960,483 was . ported from Canada . as eoinpared • With. '197;406 Pounds valued " $14,80 for :TanUary 1925: ;1 Of the • total' ,amount the 'United Kingdom:, took 11,750,9.00 pounds: while Sweden -was second on the.list with 2,259- 000. pounds.• ' record 'for' the: year and for many ....yeaes.' Peat. was, reeetlee •••• November 13, wbe* 1,094 qtrs. Were leaded: : ••• • ' " ° . • , Involvirig the use Of 31* million , . tons of crushed rock or about 70 - '.000 Carloads, approximately Logo , *ilea along the Canadian Pacific Railway, Eastern Lines, have been •ballasted With tock fe date. - Rock' • ballast is dustless and there is.a very great increase in comfort for, the. passenger.. Rockbalkasting, else increases the strength- of the track and otherwise improves'', its physical condition as to drainage and other ;matters. - act ..uader .instruetions, .from the Minister of Agriculture .- Soil tests are to. be Made -on • varkus teems and alSci the •goirernmentve,cperi; :mental. stations within ' the tobacce, district, •" Government'. statistics show ' that the. average wages, per Month paid to feria helpers in. the Summer of - 1925 over the. *bele of Canada waS. $40 fel-. men $22 for women. , The. value of board • receiyed.:was 'reckoned at 823' for pen and $19., -for The,. tete]; reeetved,.. .therefor,..fer, wages and board in 1925, • was $63 pet m'ontli for .nien and $43 for Women." • The Canadian Pacifie . annotince4 the. offer of ,three fee iicheleirshiPs thaPPrentices and dth.••- er employees enrolleden the perrna7 bent staff of the.einpliany,and under 21; years Of.age, and to minor sone - .,of empiOyeeS. • The-. seholakihips cover' our years tnition architec- ture, ...chemical,. civil, mechanical or • electileaVengtheeringat Megill 'hersity and are aubject. to competi- , • • tive examination. . , . . . .T.eadag:.atepe in the "Inked Sates •• (toward a greater redogpitithi of Clean •' spOrtsmanship• and the. need of 'mil. „serif:diem» of fish, game and 'forest teisources, Ozark of Tennes. see,'editor �fField and Stream; Ont- deor (kLife, Outing, . anaoanced : • Montreal recentlitliat catching gam' e •%fish with *Orins' had been 'banned In. practically all states .:of the : public. VVerm fiehingit cOnsidered destructive as small -fish returned the,. water ire.' too badly wounded • to litre. •, stigai beet production in Canada• I; increasing on phencnnelial scale , 'while the veined. refined beet .ingar, • has increased about 100 percent. in 1924. In '1924i. 31,111' acres were planted to Sugar beets yielding 295,- • 171 tons of, beets" 'from vehieh 85,- • .770,70V pounds'of sugar was refined . with, a 'value of '$6,19,2,645. In 1923' • there -Was a Yield of 159.t200 tens, of •bets ,froirt 17,941 acres'. he value of the 39.423,160 Pounds a Niger' kl,ifluid, was $3,745,200*, • ' . The inonthly: meeting of the ya.s. held on TeeSdily, 4. The mike:tins' was :01)0/10d. prayer, .fol, ..lewed by a Hylim. The • SeriPtiire, 'toss. pri:TWIIP- giVeli by ,11-1•Ri-..1:•:-loynti Minutei of liet ineelleg rere real' ; by. Mrs..' 0.,. Greer and were .'ellepte; • The queStien•of mite bees was dia. citsiaed and it was deeided that the boxete-VVOuld•-be -Ordered: A eollec:/.. tion rah italten ;in *aid .of the. 'heal:" hit flint' hi .Cofifieltieri ;With the deeei" A 'destiatch froni. •London :gates .-that,, in the past ihiea. was more than h4eti. a. QUebec-nuide cheese ,have arrived end. been sold In LOinion at good prieee; the cniality, it is said, 'being of the best:• '11 pointed out that if Quebec PrOdtitta are to obtain the ,Positioa they do•.• serve. here it is necessary to .keep" e. ontliwout cOmitigi in order to make them known t� the 'genetif than to nisike either 4,4e..eaeionat ePeeidatiee • Phiements. • Along tliih dine, sank. 7,604.3 bekett of Ottehtte-"Mtidt eheete.," ilYniff 381, and, Pr§Yer by Dean. ondia Teronto, A .,Dala °' lent forward 'front lieri is' the Loa. — • clething th be sont.:0,the• ‘Pittle Itito t • ' • aniaatiot thkrus4 pot wstke • 'Solicitor for , e ni)P a portAr4 0,10 en)nye Abe wliole3101.4001—Presa4,e;y, • -At 'the •third triennial;Conferehee Pf , the. National conneir a: Educe- tioe to be held ,in. Montreal .during !the week of April 5, men 'famous .in the, World of ..music will 'deliver „'• .addresseS•whiCh.should add much to ' the knorledge •of the. subject. Sir . Hugh Percy A,len, professer of musk Ari "the. 'University of Oxford' • and 'conductor "ot the•Batb. Choirat London, will speak- on ",Music as ,a .Nationsil:11).iseiriliae?"" • .T7 , Z • t•••• • 7 e SANTA, %CLAUS. IS C914.t.Nd ALRIGHT •116 has Sent ug Word to that c,tfoct.., Ile Says that he; has loth. oftoy ,lor good little girls and 'boys, but he had an awful thno gating: dawn tel tiyilizatiOn'‘and his tenideer were•kelite'tited, has! ,bortered big -engine from the Canadian Pacific people one of theis • tie 'Petterflil.thal it a heavy train betwee,n Montreal'and Winnipeg leSe than '1.04 'heeire and -he's 44Don'ir. You worrY,° h '0141!,fir4 Oa' there thirlOt 1404I ataYS awkiti frying. tox eatc,h rag,