HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 4••••
-141/1i$040,- Y4.4 -Y• I", 1100.- -
HMICIEsbEERING CO.:--Sproaderas Warera', Hay " Load-
OrgliVtal!es an. 'readers* Grain and4Cern Binders, Walking
,sridiRidmg Flows • - •
PROBrJSTBEL CO,r.--Weven Fences, gates, 440411
Barb and H, 9 toiled N,triror-,All Giltrailage‘
11'nbIGHAH, BUGGIES:7-Bubber and SteeeTiress„
-DATENAN411,RINS0N "COs:.:-ii01;ja aMWhee*ararTa
yourself some nary whea you *ant Uon!ithing musk'
al Inatrinueldae.
, PhOne
Ras '60 largest and iii.Ost• eemplete-
. .
stock, ist"the Mad beautsful designs
&ogee, ftom,
Marble,\Secitc11,,,,Sweslis. h and Can''
"Ian Grates
make a specialty of Family
Mouaments and invite•your inaPre-•
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and
Done., •
ea us before- placing, your order.
, 1
; A. Spottin
• • -
L. 0. I; No: 428, Lucluiew - meets
;the second Tuesday of every month
in their ball, at 8,,o'clock. C. Muflin,
'W. M.; P. Carte,r,-.Rec..,See.
otigt" • 14
Msufance t.
Po1P4bed even' Thurada7orning
• at Itueknow, Qatar. '
I. UaeReuaie. Proprietor
and Editor
1HURSDAY, •MAY:-,12thi 1926
• ., , •
. .
It bhs. 1,,,,4 pointed. mit , that the
L strike 'now' under waY i
Britain differs'. from - an , ordinary
strilce, in certain. imbOrtant partic01,
tieTo The Public:
. , •
tOmettia '
Astigmatisai iS"anotlier'error of
.Yes, and it is very detrimental
and often difficult tn' correct, -
How can it be determineciZ'
OniY by an eicamination.
"Can this defect be Mitomatical-
ly overcome ,as. can 'far -sight.?
Yes; and thaths *here the diffi-
culty arises ; Being overcome, its
existence it, not eaPeeted...
*hat causes astigm'atieM.
imperfeetion in .the • c'-'•ivat
(Continued..$ext Week)
as. 'and it has been 4enoOnce4.• as•
mr.i1legal;and as Whiling at 'the
,...Yolitlireugls:'of: the.riatiOnal.eqnstitu7
Ari:•ordinar3i2-. 'strike:is' ,juSt 'the
•euitting .o the vag-eaning
ployees. of .a 'businesa-concern. With a
vow to:loreing the employerto gfve
better...'t.eimS7--genotallY -"higher pay.
or .,hoiter hoUra.:aJ' the prevailing
,pay It .has. long been" .fecoglitzed
that wage-earners had a right to do'
this..-..In'fact it is the ,Only way in
Which they can bargain 'with :4' big
business.concerti,, • -
,It is this legitimate kind of a strike
which started the: present trouble in:
Britain. 'he • operators of the, coal
acting together had decided
to'rednce the .,wages .01 •.those who
worked for them, hi the: reinea.. The
flii.eeri 'refused to, work ;Under the
'reduced1 scale of pay and quit Work
in a bedis., • •
In Britain those, engaged in t h
,yarions lines' of industry-Lrailroad-
ing, ,shipping, dock working,
building, iron Wericing;.' textile %tractr
-ss., building :trades, and So on; are
vers thoroughly organized, and these,
-.various -unions ;are themselves
ed ,as provinces • or “,states are: United
• to form :a Counity. The governing
holy of this unin of 'trade Unions is
known:is the Trades and Leber .Couri•-•
cil. 'This-.Ceuriell repreespta, it i
said, ',client .six nilhion Workers: .. :•
In the dispute between the •Mineri
:and, the-. 'mine operators the, Govern '
Merit had became involved -through
having for the • past six. ineriths,as-
sisted the mine orierators.t� meet the
'demands Of the miners made as win
•ter Was coming. on. The Government
was noir withdrawing its: assistance
and the :operators contended that,
there had to be reduction of. *ages
of .they ;could: not go .on. r.
..'. As :the Struggle was • likely. t� go
• against 'the Minersthe Trades and
•Labor Counal; repreaenting all - oth•-•
„ .
mapiiaticina in th-e-cni.m.rtr.
cainto their assistance by. callinp.
the leneral strike --that is a , strike
of ail ,unionized wage-earners in the'
country:. .
, .The aim of such..a strike is to sc
paralyze ,all industry and production
that something, will .have to be done
;As starvation seen :follovis the cessa-
tion of production and distribution
'Of food, a general strike if at all
'secc'essful would win a speedy •vie.:
tory as, 'stai-Ving people 'Nall ecintede
anything. •
The, present , general 'strike aimed
not only to, fore -the cent. mine' •pp-.
..erators -to a-. settlement favorable tc
the miners;, but to force the, Oov-
ernnient into action,' which it other-
, .
wise wduld not take." This being the'
. •
case , it ;is evident that the Trades and
Labor Council -would :hecinne the•
.;real Government whatey'er ,the king -
and parliaMent might pretend to be.
••I is On: this point that `Preiniel
Paldwin contends that the 'general
strike aims at revolution as it wetild.
the., substitute gOverninent, by a few la-
veloPed 11119P3'.'iriil a Continent, fellow" 3011 in- --ss Inarkerlir*bas•-cornered. -Be Assiseloommo""""1",or:P.
There will be a Soft Prac-
tice at St. Helens, on 'Friday even-
Thosp. interested are re-
quested to there.
, Mr. Earl Carnston. his returned;
after 'spending a few 'sire s at St.
Catharines. : • • - •
Misses Mary and , Elizabeth' Salk-
eld and Mrs. Harry. Salkeld and lit-'
tle son, Ernest, of 'Gederich, ..were
visitor with _Xrs. Miller and Mrs.
Gordon, on -Friday.
COUNTY VALUATORS WANTED • Miss Ethel ,Anderson from Detroit
• , • - • . . .
ApPlications" will be received by tile is a visitor with her parents, Mr. ani
ing the:Great .Wa` special -attention *ants reilinetitors `shut out. Th
r,is if ,
tieing given to the great eitY, of Chi-
. .
wle yioient laWlessyiess.
P0az'S: tc haVe .re4ched a Ort" centre
or elrffiax,
14*dereigned uP 'to 'lief 22nd :next; _Airs. D.' Anderson.
-Each 'Month the criminal element
theit :appears .irow bolder in de-
fying the •aitherities„ :The recent
Inlirder tleSwiggin,
'cant "sfate?-s •looseCu,ting •iittoniey' is
a .strilting. eXAmPle qf" ' the Oaring
savary With.Whieh the new tYpe
14gliviarnint-idtaeRn.thone ,who dar,
tco .-tipPose-hiarir•the-;--contemp*ith•
'Whieh be 'treats the authorities,' and
:....he.aefety,i.with, which be ersii pursiu„
his'..murdelotis career.. • • •
lyieSVviggai Ws's. a ..young
The, beeause, a the vigor,With which`
, true ef .farmers -and gardenera ar
Well' lia.of mailtifactUrers.
thi4 canntrY it i0o h4PPOOEt tbri.
s .prOtectiyi tariff on fano produce •
is of no use to 4 farmer, liecause he
has to •meet all competition4 ,tariff
or no tariff., For that reas.en.fara.
ers genefallY are 'free-traders ex,
ept.those who believe .thai a home
Market an be Created by ftrcst creat;
. . . .
mg big, cities. -
For this leason the tariff cannot
he, is Oates .attorney, , ataeked. tin
ci *naleleinent was irnown • as
•"the hanging . prospector," .althinigh
it (Lies Mk appear &at many if -any
hangings took .place as a 'result 'Of
"Iiia , activities. Ile 'was Successful
however, in. , securing • cOnvictiOnS.
fhat is ns far as his- cluty went. ,.,
It is said that in 'the 'course of a.
recent, tiial MeSwiggin was offered
,a bribe of thirty -thousand defiers. te
'fall -down" • on , Job -in other
.ziorels to be slack And,
cussed, to escape. ,This conterrip-,'
tuousir,refused, and the crirninal el-
ement seeing that they had a
L.ype of Man to deal 'up-
on'another :and more certain coirse
-of. deStroyirig
As he' and two ether mew were
be taken ont 'of Politics. There is
hteind• A6, be 3a .@igh4. tariff . and a low
, , .
Tariff :part-Y7inte-everyAtime-one
tY. or -the other.gets into: power therf,
%OIL be a tendency to' Make: changes
.in. the interests othe party 4in
1Nwnships, and 2' forAhii. Towns and ..meT.,ses•i4nrit,ctuual -"...M*Ieest:iiinogld•oictthhee, •: INVI4Oli.
for 4 _Comity Valuistorsz-,,-9: for 'An „-•
, ' 'Villages. 'Their duties shall :be -t� .in, :
spect and 'value frOln 5 lailOiner gent on Thursday, when the follotving.'ot
.: of,. the different .pa.reela. Or . land - in •ficera Were •electedl '-'res -Mrs D.
differ -el -it parts- of eadl. IntinjoilialitY Phillins• Viee:Pres-Mrs: W. A..'Mil:-
:;•140'1.1hofngCot,gentYasfsee;snitheintifs,unedtetlefoa'aeo ,.j'e:ri.,,,s
'ec''sr:-Tre:Iii,--...M._rs; R.• '.K....M.11.-.
PrOVisiOna. Of. the. Assessment ":" Aet, lei, Pianist--evirs• !Y. A, ''.4-ther; •,-!..
Retkurieration shall .•the. is .. follows: Directors -.-Mrs ,Geo.' , Webb; • • Mrs.,
•Rural Valuators 45,00..per • day.' :and. [Varier, MI'S. W. L killer; Commit;0 •
$75.00 extra, for 1.ritileisge4sittil not;,tO '-
Mrs: E. J. ThOni Mrs.'Iledee Mis
eitirceed ,9500.00,. Urban 1 Valuators_ • . ,. . . , ••• •
*500 per day ,and $40.00 atm- for 1.1Y°°o, 'MM.' MacFarlane, Mt..n• . ilohn
naileake=tetal not to exceed •$290.00. ,.NeQuillin, 11.1rs. •J. D'. Aridelson,IVIrs.
NO appliCation.'necesiArily accepted: J. • gaunt, misses A. ,MacKenzie 'and,
: Apply 'le,. David.' Forrester, Count,' 1•k: C: R:iitherfard,; The District, 01'
Clerkk, 'Paisley.:. • ,. ' 1-37.-e• ewers and Mrs. A. Anderson Weie'
0 o ..
appointed to ' attend the District
; Meeting, to, be:held in Wingham. It
': was decided to hold a Garden Party
A. fine boy came to stay at The "
on Thursday. Congratulaclions. 1 the date' ' ' ' ''''
• the. fatter part of June. Watch for
home' of' Mr.,and Mrs. 'Ernest Blake
• • • Rev Mr Grant, of Grand Bend, oc-.
• Hr.-Ernest..'Blake an Clifford cupied the• prilPit •the 'United
baVe been quite sick with flu,. but 'Church; last .Sunday;
are 'somewhat ,"better. .Nurse Mal- Mrs: C. Durnin, Sr; is visiting. het
lough Of .Luckneys is in charge of the *claugliter,: Mrs. McAllister, at Ripley.
patients: . Methers! Dar was, osseriod the'.
, •
Mr . and Mrs.. Watt and two Sunday School Service of the United
,children from Glamis, have bought Church, When Mrs. Ramage land
the .fmcni recently :occtipied MS:1 chalte, of • the program:: The, audit
Geo Reyitt and moved onto' it last Orium was. bright With 'Spring 'flow -
•week. They. are just out` from Scot. ., ers-:--carnations and' snap -dragons. •
busy'atreets im automobile, &Mot
ir Car pulled .alongside. this ca•
was a man armedwith •a Machin(
Jn CapAble ;of firing; 1500. shots'
minute:. With this. gun the assessir
opened fire upon MeSwigglri and Iris:
comrades. '"It -,•took but twn seconds
to. put 50' bullet iinto the Car and its
.occupants--foer• seconds. •a hundred
bullets. The result' May. be:imagin-
..ed. ItieSwiggin and'. his:* cOnirades-,
W9re;•dead, .•Amid'the noise and con -
Neither'wou.14.1 '4 Tariff comniissiM:-;
'solve 'the difficult:v. f Ufa comimssior
world not do as a.imajority parlia.
'Tient wanted it to',.do..it.Fopld be re-
Plisecd.by 1 mere obedient, go long as'
4Ye haye., a 'protective tariff we•shall:
have'• tariff tinkering and ,,,tariff •
, .
"Every., dog has. his day." That us -•i
ed to: mean -that even the 'hig deg
iho lorded it over others, of his tribe
,soon or late met his Waterloo -had
his day. . • , • * • .
' • , It's different now' with some, dogs
it any, rate. • A newspaper •reporter
'a a big American city reeently made
ante of :the fact that he Watched' a
"lovely,lady" .(all Of his sort are ley,-
;ily)' buy 'a raincoat or "Popsy-Wop-
sy;" a 'dignified but •diSeristed ter -
:ler. ShL•also bought for the dog an
0/en-night: bag with • brushes ane
manicure set and "other articles de
;.)eant," and finally, a travelling set
in Morocco, 'case' with. an iniividnal
bc?wl for hie drinking water and• an
individual; plate,. for his biscuit
eyes," comMentecl-, .the
portek; "hath seen the corning of the
4iory of the ,dog.",
This Sort of "lovely lady" with ne:
thing to do but lavish- wealth (which
.the • has not • earned) - and affection Of
_a 'kind upon an UnaPpreciative beast,.
is one of the pitiful products of ous
,ime. They have been prodUced., irs all
'countries where "wealth accumulates,
'and men [arid women] 'decay." It is
this, 'disgusting miapending of un-,
earned .2wealth whicir , a• measuri
excases ad., "red" .and the anfirchist.
How does the life of the clog,wq-
Thiping-,"lovely lady" compare Witt
.that.ef. the....e0aHlea,Yer. or- the
,vorked shep factory hand, or 'With
the honest wOman who is cltsparate-
• ly endeavoring to make a nieger
Come meet the family; require-
'ments .
I • ..
land. one Year. ''.ki ire wish them 'ev ' --,-.--ii-a..6.-.....-
ery success fa their new Venture and ' Tobacco is ' found:in many of
. welcome theinto our, community..
fusion of a, "city Street"' •the affair
Would not attract the-, attention '• Of
people not in the iMmediate Vicinitr
and before. these Could-. re,slize ion4
',Ida been done the Murder:car •Would
lae• far erietigh to, Mike ideetificatioe
The • enterprise was' see,
cessfnl. The -Man ,who isree raking
4ouble,' for the• element was
'forever silenced and the niiirderers
get away,.
As a matter of fact no hninediat9
effort was niade to get the Murder-
ers,.! It was •7 .liours,' after McSwig-
girl was killed that. the ,police were
:authoritatively informed of_ _ the
and -the slow machinery of the
•,laW waS. Set: hi Motion to catch the
eriniinalS 'who by that time could be
:lost in. another ,city.wie hundred Mil -
ea away.
There -Would he no, policereen:about
at the time, of' course. Those • who
„saw.. the affair Wotild•„..be aMcious :to
keep dui of all connection With it:
'Suppose they ,shonld be called as wit-
nesses and 'colild'. identify the, gup-
man they. might be 'shot down the
Ile, -24 day for doing so: The .authorit,
les cannot guirantee their safety.
Perhaps the police, inany of ,whotn
r a
are in league with the criminals pur-
•peSely • delayed the s.earch; or it, may
.'heee been. the resrilt of confusion
and 'bungling. .
Another Man de as lificSlivigi
g•in did -put Vigor into the 'prosecti-
iion 61 • nriurclerers and thieVes and
eke clianees.? , Or will the twit' map
play: safe', aecept the -bribes, andAet
the eritninal4: who' came 'before him
• scape? Certainly, as 'thirigs are, Hi'
life of , an honest, State's: attorney,: an
honest judge or an honest policeman
›. bad insurance risk in such a
:Time centre.
Southern . States and in sorrie cigars.' b°r leader's for govern/ilea by the
• representatives;of the •people; regul-
Phone No..10 is at Your Service'
We'Sell for ,Cash, -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit 'Start
OF BARBED AND COIL SPRING 'Wm, 41liket piton. T E
Hardwali PlaStet, Gyijrcie VVillboard.•-
114.0TeSCO-f:- . . • • • '
Muresta. Bitushts—
,N01:1 NEED THE RIGICT BRUSH TO PUT. 014lkititEsed:
and_VainUbest7__ ,
m. Niurdie
fleatinikrininbing and giectrioviring:
arly elected. ' •
In another Way, the general strike
is :regarded as wrong and unfair.
Outside of origin791 striking un-
ion, all other_unions which g6 Out
under the'. general "strike order hayc
ne`grieVeance at., all and many of
thein are working under cOnditions
agreed upon for a number df years,
Their going on ,strike therefor
Velyes a breaeh. of aintritet. Alkk• the
general strike, in ,the present case
is not strike again'St the 'thine
erators, hut a strike,against the. geri-
. oral public -the aim being, to
flict such hardship' neon the'country
that 'the country will bring- I duch
presSare Upon :the gOVerninerit or up-
on the original offenders that • any.
point .will he conceded.
Of the ...fety general ".strikes . which
'havp been attempted, as in Italr.
Germany,c France; the United. Sates,
all have been defeated,' and 'present.,
indications are.: that the -Strike in
Britain' Will, "fait'. The Governitent ie
in 'Very able hands -and very. thoreugh
• preparations, almost as ler, war, were
-wade:- The-army-4nd -the-
t.h groat body. of UnOrganizea:Workt'
el* have remained true to the Govern-
rnient, and where Stith is -.the case a
general strike is cloome,dfront 'the
:begat -Ming. •,
Villitr.ttn$18 tot,b,ty
.1)6Litot .A.I•ftY UIT
Preinient editoriat, reAirenee..
made to: the Orin* wave -whiph 404
' Whenever • a Cepaiderable. -change
:In the 'customa, tariff is made•or even
iuggested there is taik .04 taking the
drntective".Ltariff ;out, of polities So
that tariff tinkering may ,be avoided
..,nd protection to. industries, put UP -
on a scientifie 'or business basis.
But • neither this Country riot the
Clinted States lista ever- suceeeded in
4.etting the tariff out of Polities, and
,every session of parliament there
is „"tinkering," with occasierial great
far.reaching changes. ' •
.•• These greater' , changes always
bring:ahottt mere or less besiees
.. s
:onfusienn, and, proteCted,.industries.
are forever .elamming, for More pro-
teetion• or else' in a -pa* for. tea,.
• there shall. be a reduction. , ,
There always are and always, must.'
• be a diVision of opinicin regardirtg
a prOt6ction tariff; and •a protective
tariff is -bound forever to :be 'In pet -
A protective lariff any Country
estahlishca tOnditions. It giv-
e's erie ,set citiaens. an advantage.
oyer another set.' It. prevents buyets
from buying in the cheapest availab-
le . market,: Their are foreirer alive
•,to this fact, ,EVerY man in -respect, Of
hi'- buying is a free-trader, thiee'
not Wanf to be Vestricted 'at to where -
he eha)1, Ort the other hand;
most every nian prOteetioniat In
, .
iften•iticia Thiplirostwo
C H EV R01 E. r
All.,the.distiriction Smart appearance that youe..
• would expect to find in a car With body by Fisher.
Swung low, , gracefully .proportioned, finished hi
attractive Ontario Gray,' Duco, with smart Landau -
bows, this .coupedespite its low price— is at
home in any company,' on any occasion, business or
social. In addition, it.provides Chevrolet's Charao;.
• teristic econ2imy and the superbly smooth .operation --
of the Improved Chevrolet valve -in -head motor.
Artillery type wood wheels are standard
equipment on the Chevrolet Coupe. Disc
wheels may be obtained at.slight extra cost.
Brown, Teeswater,
Mrs.Fraser Patterson and atilt':
Leeknew, were guests of 'Mr.
and Mrs. A. Stein of ParamOnt :dur-
ing, last Week, •,.-
MisS.L1VlacDonald, of Kinlough„iS
a 'yisiter 'With Mrs.- Garner Staley;
of near -Lucknoni: • ..
Miss Vera 'Robb. of Amberley' is.
,visiting with 'friends at Langsiae.
: Mr..j. MacLennan,: of Laurier left.
last week for.. Chicago. ,.
• Miss Bessie Blue, of Airiberley,',
visiting •with friends in Detroit.
Miss Hael Raynard of Paramotrin
visiting With her 'Sister,,Mrs..„,Wal-
,ter. Alton Lanes- . •' •
• Mr. and' Mrs;. Albert .'Coek .and
family, .peramonnt, 'spent Sunday
with fri4nda at Helifryri.
.Mr„ and Mrs. T.: IVIoore,. Irene and
of. Whitechurch, spent an ev-
ening' recently with Mr. and Mk 3.
Henderson. . •
Mr. and ;Mrs. J. Starks, Mr. encl.
:• Mrs: Gordon -Starks, ,of , Petrolin,
spent the !week -end withfriends In/
Lueknow and Huron. • • ,
Mr.• and Mrs: W. F. McGill, ..of
Paramount spent Sunday with fricedS.
:a Kincardine.: • •
Miss 1Viaria Long, Nurse -in -train-
ing, at tendon, .d one hOirie to attend
the 'funeral of her grandinOther,
Mrs: Rose, of Hendoek :city.
Mrs. Clair Irwin,„"of • Paratheunt
Made a business:trip to • liondOn,last,.
FarMers are all bilsy as can • be,
this week, iviiith the ,spring work,
..vhich, owing to the Wet condition oi
....he clay soil lies been king delayed.
The cOol. weather of this i•veek, the'
:not the meatagreeable has greatly
fevered the field 'veils by Mudding
horses to do a full da-yits'Iwbrk•
The heat, ok sonie ;days :last 'week
'threatoned, it breakdown. The' long,
drawe-otit wik‘r eshausted the 'feed
supply in many berris, so that •ts
quick groWth Of graSs. will be .
Obituary • • -
Oneet the very old: residents '
the •TeWriship pegged away'oti Fri.
day' Of last week in., the- person' ef,
Mri,• Daniel Rose, 'Mrs, Rose tveS
— her '83rd Year and had not enjoy.
eit, geed for "some Anne. &wing
to natnral infirmities. The funeral,
largelY attended by -friends of ' the
faintly ,ivat, on Monday Of this week
'retvi3Cot to.'bis telling.. 1710 Woo to "..40q.i0eh
. etery•
R.B are scores of ways in which your.
Bank can help you— methods that 'will
urptise rift bytheir-c-cinvenience-and safety.
Take the sale of an animal: If it is
a .cash transaction, you can ask the
purchaser to send you a- marked
cheque or your bank will attach a
sight draft to the bill of lading. ,
If„it is a time sale, your banker will handle an
the note.
. •
Our managef will be only too glad
to Outline to you the scores of ways
in which he can serve.
, Established Oa
Total Assets in 'excess of Os o.000.000
; '1. Course . in PublIO Health. and Bat.;
tetiotogy; „.
2 C otri.ae•In 'Preneit Convetention. L
• •
2. Review Cow's.° in High,School Algehtti
to MatrictrlitticAl. ' • •
Aled thirty other courses in -Astronomy,,
Botany griv11611., French, Gee/logy, Ger-
rriati, Ctnek, • Hintory, Latiii, Library
Seienee, •Mathematke and
Pityalee. , • •
A twat-it/id itoCint anti nth.
letIc pre,,Ree -•thrtaraikottt
. I.haehtite eiietigeke. •
• B.,intituif new.: tiniveteiti,
Eidicliopi., • , ,
ktf intO
icou,rso ti
»-floW-IStxii1tfu1wuek.» *•t
, � •ttidv and tcntention. ,
Summer School
• JULY 5th t
%For Info, matters
write the Dliectorti Dr.
11. R. ICtersto or Dr.
R. P. R. Neva:Regis"
A mak is safe as on asa wo-
man only laughs
-Row :many Sunday.autorsobile tie-
eidente"are due to people
, The nest generation of grandiiie!"•-•
tilers tvill , probably' net knovr
ritertabeut Aarrag needleslien the -
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