HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-06, Page 6140..•••• , AI‘viiftlY; tirrie /Oen Not longago my ear•Ims new,`, Intpl,•ot X sald;.144, eye, • ik-Pt4ure P'-eaaing,t,e. the view'; With paint' and. *,niPkil fresh and bright •• 'Frani radiator 13oglt• to trunk; Two oar,: though, which was: my de•:: ' 1 now consider. merely junk. • ; ••:"'!"'"•!' • 1001011 CROS.QMOD-44. • 1110 -lig ON THIS- YPAIL Four different governments 'have at last heeded the cell of the peep*. of Canadtt, for an all'earlediarr'highwaY stretching from Halifax to Voneopver. Four gwernments have met on'etqual ground,' and each has pledged the, COM-- pietion of the •necessary work. iy , • Ontario says: "We are already com- peting our last re:nal:OW:link." • Al- -1;ifio.i----i$-.---,to-;ba-Nre-ita”••-liaVLOLVO:..P.Ils. year. The ' Dominion 'governmen . t; . , , . . . . , speaking for jasper l'iational Park, .., statei that it will link up, with Alberta . this year, and •Britieb Columbia,_ the • ,:.4,4,.!A....?.f,:, -, .. list to fan 4n*line, declares, • 'lithe the. Japer.,,, highway: reacifes: Tetel. . „ .. , . . PORI' - PERRY ...4.10:3.H• -SCHOOL. BURNS Juane. Caeha. -British '.Celinnbia -Wiii . Above is.,,,sho•wn ell that remains •Of,Aliii Old high Scheel' at port 'Perri!, . J I , " IftiVe . 04. rorid.• ready to .,Corry it On'to pat • l'otp,a, vent a '-; atareiEii4P.iee raw , • •••:!-, ....' .' • , ' 'I Know Something .I Shan't ,.:•Tell! . , .. • ThiCa)telcA,stal 1)ii g ,P want; • - • The Paint will last for Otte a yidiE,O; Tet -I don't like the 'can't -4 • : • Tho reason We. out,efcetyle." ' • And when neighbor :conies' nron!id„, • . Exhibiting his new olgehibe,„: • - • , feel Itkeioinking the.-renfik,,- And envy fairy t4rile'lia..e 'green, ' • If L.Ilyed'inany miles '.Where cars were, fir bet,ween„and, .. They ptand. at the jpoutherg end: otilgot where tol.00lr. 4 breeze igetlea' ouvold..4'1>tone Aone;ez. -'They are ,.'t,intAthMIC-4 tibellioag46..ehd:'1,11e.ei'tY0f.4' i4'', beauttitil .aftie as .3.,k, 104 tioea ari; I Nigel -antic lire*. int hi:elks:over its.', We ,beautitnk. Thee's, , two ramble andl Owl's. out 7nropect the heautifOl, Yleig"e• braneb.40 . ell directions AO. peed the teed eitcp.,.4.41,O.:the driVewaY to get g 'Pruning •Itnife.. Orati-apPle, ;,trees.) they i NieW of the.tres at rt. distance andef' , are and One Is' worthless • Ofs•.far is itie:i'•71'w,P• 001•44r. t43:::::.:107ectry• Ate.34.0f t'h140g,•,w14ortith(4". ' E.riltaltnsg'4openatienT1(11e•thterrarbeel;"•pribilidalltift4orl'i411649*:- ." : ' ' ' '' ,torairjr;iiiipiiirc:101.,;.,,,b.1.3„1417$, 'Ty:11411' 'ion, ,, Away "ae .-••,.-1•43S• tree"' US it gleeiPe' in :the ^fah* . . glettOeo on, 1. .10t7-441" living. .' Mitring. thing . or ,.....,,,x134,:the br,a,:r!itit,i4170:14:71Eitr' :7. e :e6iiustatore- .0eAuti '1,411.41 then we gaze: eer.Os.S. the ropM,", .. • , , , • , ,,,,,, . ,.• - Meadows and the Pasture to the ' cla 11 Y. ,sloo110.4n the, 'moonlight. .. ' most „CMS aPPleel,',Iint' the • '''Werthlese• a 11?"''.-.•-'41;•._..1•Ys41:1'r!()..." 41919t---bilrt . ;*1146. ovorY .000'Y:eat Trisc•taFtive-inanner- or-, --,,,-4-4,---,I.'04,-.1.-cMg4414A borlio,11..„44-wafF''' . • :.1. sr ways 4. : i :b, : . , In 41,,b1 i: c.• 7 it -7, , .year :- ,!' i .. a. when ihA. 7 e. 41 °'Sr'tC r a .' ' 41 t bif : II 16:11 1 P '411) 7' f. 3. : ilo; - . -i ''. 1 '1.47°.");ear ;;141:[..att:'$g19141:11:';'.f*tbeltC:1'17..6illi*ligt Pf°P*.11.41g•thile iitere iea Moen,' Thoit:1 .Tt'rt)I'' i-miulttt',...-'''' ,tile'viit tree' makescga, for its 'peertt .'.'•14,1°*rlY,'_ we go Iii14.474hO.rti'O.4 ai(iill;:. ., ipeiiiiiiiiion youth., .i,„4,00.„..,,,,,...w tri44 totter? tkitt._..,. tor. ,P114,4Og 'Icere• and 'tit*, 4: bran,qt, and. ' ''. 'then .corne- its ii.,ightit et :stery„.:., we: `4urgOg 04i, tfigee'14.10-eilOrPe.bii:lii,' We look 'acrogo, •tke.tilitee flehIS to the• - !t•Cjillarill4inga lad. to h 'Warn* ory oti,,o.,67:4, 1111'toi*-5.14„,,,gual;....t,,t11,1.e04fa„:0.--.„..f‘11;e11-n4..T4ligigt:ttecli°;-%.ireei'lltl'ter°14,kke-11(14d 11,i14trden'.1446,41.41' etanfi 'in. tile-. open, ,Iilteliert thioe.and, is a : matter'. of serious inipert .-and . Shonia be 'earettax. censidered in Vieog ' tIhts;14s'a0"Inat7.°Alintiiagill'el7,1ty..1:itep.ag?"Cfp,'4f.; 414W111°7441:1".1: for .;t4I'ts17:W4irg:tit..;."-'4:'''l al'ilf:41. Tofol:01'1 intbaaht ;ins 170elvvrext;70ait. JI‘t.' 4. :th,e aofteprIng night. . ; -' .`,. ' ' c9:1111°Y *I4Illa4 ' r ' '':. '''.7Arile4 1 ' terii ' n ' Mis- ' It is snit Aerosa the, Mead' ow: the, 1:3aeolailllng7.11°Int4130"qe41,..:71teti'llo" '11;nth(1.64;t'atu,mdyfe,leifieni•i/ teltei are often rnade.in condemning , . hytdeer 'mile; • hank of tbe bafra. the net simple. ner •deSirgbie. Plf-yeical l'':.,i'l4)...1,°;;4",t94'6")rtda'dilye.ntiO.c.4tt11,,tetolt,14,,:t4e.gesisi...• brook, Somali ,elearly„ 'running,' run- • doath hes, net Ouched Me ',hat flearki, ail,tr, ecowritr 4t etifn:v.ii-etteaveslutetdel.l.axnurti ,1,4trvix, 4H,e0sinw„giti41,1r.',. '111111941.13Pnie4Pnl'inili.i'ldiligCrY'd eweiliti-3asbi4 't'' °°4111:a71j4.1 river, -tillr'°°*aci'l"thillenkgs7litilit:lglitli:tlt.the St. awr-1 eKt ' thy a -nal,' , ...,.:- ,,,. ,; -,irer• ,.I -have itut_waien "too,. there ' ' '' ere are :Pee-1.1,elente,. who urge, the .coniantinent •Prirlier eini tike•o*-4sea-lAtt-ite-neie in- -knowii:41-twirtaaed life and my Boats d pleoPledo have . later .aliti our rort, •Ithogiy‘ .o•-.., • ,' .- - ' , • .'" :that .he may "get an:educationi".Aiith=, lan . out • realizing; the ,1(114 . of 'education. let, • our. . .connection with., the :InightY, . I. too am a country Wontan, 4o!PA,111Y he may absorb fronh•ei.WMinded aiso.: .I'!l'e.e° Of. the globe. . .. .' ; . ; ' own ''.•Werk "on ,a'''fair.sized ' dairy farin , . . . , .. • : . . , . •,. .. . • • , ,citite's, in the .sehool.• . • ... .• - , The tree etonds white:',„ Dui-Mg...the but while :1•'bon,*ill .niy, wee to,. see . All . sentences .Sh011id be subject to ditY,• if is lilte•,a '1,:n1ility ' hive, , ten of • beauty, • my ears to hear Inuale., Of bird rOlOWby an ;:lo:Partial broad-minded eager..hohey:lieofi, but now, it is hileht,.. song and brook and mind to Search then, backed .up; where necessary, by "Tbs. kingbirds, • here heeti':biiilding :inn the wonders tl bod..1 shall dully •ex- . . . - . . „ . • a report freM it, ineetalAutpert. ;There ite branches ail' der. , 'Yen can see: the porlenee ' a. :thlt life end tiny soul shall Ow' not a. few instances • where .' a outline of the Ifttle•Itonie if 70 know be satisfied. • - , ' . change Of neighborbood:end.cOngenit4 ' 4ionnitommtmemomonum...,,, . ' . :‘" , ' I %, .• neeeS,SarY, iniPrOYePie.14 in, cciaChipt *.. ClearineScaPa F10.4v. Arbor. Day .Needa Revi. Val. . • surroundings •-would hive effected the • - of .0",aificotto and. the kind of ,tiaiiii_ • • The; •OeriVall Cruiser ,- Hindenburg: • The annlial.' Arbor 'Day'' . Set apart", , . There , is also..the important'aiiestion. ing ,ne,dect for all boys :shwa net he gctink• y ' her 'creW over: SIX Years ego '. for tree'Plenting eppears. AS. have .% lost at 4140,v,,,Is to be • afloat' again in ,iti • meauing in many sictiOne of the pUt ''threti.h the tante . educational - six moothi. Hevris it .to be done, •and ponntry. , !This .e.,esSation' of the. Woriby. Ppietice.-..nt:tilt*ing, rural ..stir., foul:dings ..zileft- •inuein ."'desirable:: Work lindone‘.. !,PorticularlY'li'', there need of a revital of Arbor DaY.,,,ietiVitiei in ,. . • , . ., . the grounda Of Many Of ,. the rural sehoOls. in this Country,' ,WhY-lheee properties In children Spend se' to, rise- Of • her ,ow,11, accord by having Mita. of ' their time, shOuld be left' bare the water pumped out. or her. .. . .. ':.and.,unattrtictiV%.14 difilealt.to:linder. .- To , do title all'.iier'Portholes and all stolid.. lt•iwas:te ,a;onee ti,revivel Of, tile'. eight" ..".Seacocks'.7.7. the (;le,riiians .the , planting of ,:treei. and • shrubbery. 'opened 'tO, sink : :her; l'will 'hove ...:Ati be is :1,1freg .ii,.fleviera.ity. tiehoe': •greundS, .. Covered , With patChes, . et .'epherete • or that 'the 'Canadian. Ilprticultural. cottn-.. • .••• :steel." ttr'"get at the Sea.: cocks, which tii t;igesii7,ed,.'a .taavenwat *a! .,3Tar. 44s retina holes in. her ••hall,. twe` feet,. 'ago. A .silver.2. cup. for each,:ctf' nine across, It Will •* POae.SsarF 05:1°06 I, section a 'In 'Canada : tiat 4been 'Provided inUneis.• in 7:•th.o Bgtat,,1 al? *hle•IV' sbel for .- contletitlen.betvieen •the • sections nes and. to serape away :the '. barnacles '-in the improvement that ca...,, ,b.e.• ala4e, and , seeweed'ibet eover her boitinn, .: : in:4k singe ,Season.: These cups, in All this AvIll' take, twelve tit,4r4 15i$,‘ mostof;Hie' provinces, ''Were WOn•lest months, bui.wliewthek have. done forty• 1,;,r...ariti...gra .being 4eio ...by thi,..s•iie eessful. schools until theY, iire'••beatert.. PuniPS . you'. lollop. oot • 0.inethtfig: like' * . As the ' winning depends on the ..irrii• provement • made •each :Season, the top is likely to pais .fromi School te.,fichool as, the years gii,' by; ga• it can become the. property ..of .the school 'only' after: it., has i been, Won ..three time. . 9ther Partichlaritc,WithresPeat to the 'Tempe,. titiont.niay be °Stained frem'.the..See- retaty. of the .Canadian Horticultural .Cetincil,..."14r..:.,1..: F. Burrows, at..0t= .triWa."•• ' • And if I did not see each day The latest • models, all so new, ' • The ehateee are I'd be content, - For style is„but a fickle jadei! In fact; T think Woiild,resent „„ Suggestions that inahe a° trade.' ' • -Harold S: 0Shoine. AT -CH THE GAS. TANK, Running the °car, when the supply of gasoline is :tow via gather all the sediment into the SPAIP; or low' part otthe, tank. ' The. last o'f, the asoline • will suck the dirt into the gasoline line •• and screene,-stopping them so that the supply will not feed properly., Ru 'out • Of gas' is hard?' toot on the battery, as the starter is usually used fer„ considerable time .before it is discovered tharie is lack gaso- line that preventsetartiog• • It Will be possible to toar across Canada on it modern ;highway before the endofthe. Present.' year: Hereto- fore It ;has been •necessary - to drop dikvi-inte the States at many points. SOME WHICH. ASSIST IN- DRIVING OF 'AUTD*OliILE. Don't speed; only amateurs do it, ' Don't drive in the ' trolley car tracks; they will enuie trouble. . Don't drive fast on weePavemeets; this will surely be regretted. • , . Don't cut. across 'the inside' of 'a counr.Vek:V,rti,ler car may he met. hea - Don't splash mud on innocent bY.,- stanclers'; it's a , thoughtless; ",,cruel trick. • . Don't try to paii another car. on a curve; an. accident .4.,tv.fll occur. sooner ,citt later. ‘, , • Don't lock brakes When' 'starting skid; • this will oanse less of control of the car, , 4.•!, i :.• I .fitiow something; I shan't tel' Whore the twin-flpwers' their bell if yen breathe such holy things; Soon thewonderaspread their Wi4s• I know something you •deti.t know! Where the bluest gentians grow, -(If yOu'dheep: the secret true, X blight whisper it to yen). .-•••: • f, Iltriew something none can guessl Where One mayflowers 'loveliness ' filoome in the park ,izotlar away. ' Never fear! I'll not bMray. L knoW sccrets far and near would pay to hear; Treabure 'of the wood and Plain , Greedy folk have teasea in Oncee trusted friend VW hid 'Violets color .,0 old Then she reoted all .a -Way;*- • , :Wholesale 'Murder. ' f losers an y. - d friendshi 1 ----in one da ' .• i "Tho battle of Marathontsthe much : Not Beni', adve tised everitoaf ,f9il.C., w*as a hair if bright secrets yen shohld learn. • , , 4 ease .og 'wholesale. murder aftliOngli...if decided the tate of Greece. by • forever stoppingthe 'Pereitin inroads. Miltt. ades-waa the Greek general. and he , 44 • .:.•• Sir John Do.:Rop:,e0 ",• . Pito recently ,,essiitned 'the: high, rank .'" -t-; ot adiniral of the fleet. ''• Natural Rea.OUrceir • a,:f4CPRairia41.6 :m.agangintrthtlhaeweieTelt:°15beilivnidnili14.1: AprIl 1.8thas ".Save'the•Ferest Week,' • net, that in this week only. should con- sideration be given the ' subject, but With the object. of coKentrating pub -- lie attention upon what our fire loss means. • I Pur ng the past. years, terrifle de- - struction heti bienytrotight in the for.: wits' *of Canada; ,t",h-rfirer-irrealc- itig out and getting beyond control. .:•These. fires 'have. caused •:onerinous leases .to Our •country---.4Osses that Can-; not bo replaced for Many, many years. . Canada at One'time •had what was supposed to be 'unlimited ' timber': re- sources. Their apparent mexhaustlye- nese Would appear teliaVe been their . undoing:' Wahave been both prodigal .• in theirQuslienfi careless' in their pro- tection;., we have exploited ,thein ro- • •gardlese of conseenefices,'and have ; bnuers,IFIreellist*elhhothriatiuestML9Otr‘ lt;eli°akties4ifo; one trfused for;a6mMereitil PUrpoSed., X*11%1 Ihave nt'irdeas;"vro°Ledg country Struggling to teetre,n tutt0 world consinerce, in .ceinlietitien. with'oIdr nations. • , " • , 1$neti per cent. of the forest fires are the result of carelessness; not . liberittely are ,forest fires 'stalled,: but:. ' without a thought,of the, result. Camp- fires aro letteinnotilderiiig, smokers att.' low spark; to-eacape Or threw Matches or cigarette-stubain the forest debris before they are dead., $ettlers with-' •-• put any intention Of doing harm, set ,clearing ;fires which get beyond their Control. It too late ,to he.. sorry after 'a forest ilre gets Started. The time- to. think. is:before :the 'fire., We eannet appreciate, what Canada will look like withoilt her -forests,' &ed.,. :yet We have the authority of .11,1r:' Ell- wood Wilson, Chief: Forester et the rentide. Co, to- the effect , that at , our. present. rate, of consurePtien and destrnction of toroth in the, eastern Provinces there Will be a severe ' short... age Within the next' tWeitty .years. • There are cpmpOratively few Patin- -either large or , in Canada* Where. more :or less of their. people are net entirely dependent upon othor wood -using industries. - Before' taking actin,.:are :We' going to Wait , untll,for . lack- of *oak' these! indus- • ' tries Inuit -01A 40,711. to4 throw their. einployeei on the Street?. As' Canadians we need Our fOresisi., we need and badly need our ,fereat • industries. By keeping fire; elk • of, • them 'we can prolong their' eXistence .alMost indefinitely: The answer to the qUeetiOn liew,entire7y .with Ourselves. , grind -a-S--ht prf,i!eei rel.Any_gs_1,4„hni.. Stmt.& them!' Veit Propel'iY, Viterested`i'and', cei-operating .•1i ead tweet.)i_oee-,eie•torer wiithhie,s . wed, •• ;•• for the boy's bast. Welfare 'Should rer sniface by \ .1 meansilaveI?e.eciiif bwrPirue4sht;ta9PC4:'tlide. Mesa. andaleave thein. Never ;tem- . cove' consideration.- atmn.. oworthyunder them FarWell, • BroWii* la tottth'13 relatives _are available: then the • sooner from, floating ahnhew but. the •lithoo,, found butt, with a tonnage of 27,060! IS much stood 'his ten thousand menet the tOot, • Companion. . . a rehab.° ••foster -home can be of a •Mountain.. • with his ':front , ' , , the better: Interest the boyl•in him- toe heavy for that: ,,§he is to be itiaile thielny :strewn with felled' Areas.; to, East Nett 'April'I self. Develop -whatever raid oand keep 1.twor the „Feisian' horsemen. . : • *ThefGreeke. fought against one' huu. . ' : Hurts French Finns . , out alluding to past failures or dwelt- kindly'qualities he ipa3r possess With:. . died' and twenty thousand . P 1 ti • ' '''' . have i gme.,r7, pig on his faults -and his reformation .twelvo.toene, but the Greeks were .all, • Freneh'-confectioners traliled, 8°Miels4 .. to ,ethan, with long' ance'ag,ainst the, calendar; and earn- Is morelikeiY to be oseure0: .. . ' spears, strong thetal7shieids. helinets, estlY lone ithe Legge° of Nations .: ' • 4 ' ' ' breast PlateSand short swords. Teo, hmet,ide. it so thaf„Easter.Suhday never " ' •- Plaster'''. untrained •-Peitana' had 'illort lances fells se nefiir the, first of Aliril as tlii4 Poeta Paid to • . • .. • • • • ' . • • . " • • .. ' light ° cinieters, very Wicker. Y'Pail ' • •• ligilt • shields end: no 'bodY'arincir and thus •• : ' ,..--'74----H47s---,,, . ,,. .• ' , • ' • ' • , • • . ' ' -•7..-----':- ' ...' '':.''' the famed .1vkatithon'beenulv (NI iiKeili , • . PaiSeS:. for tiuou LUCK. ' , %.:The latest Loudon society craze IS sinifiar 6:I.:a TTI -4.n taking' candy Iiiiinti'"e; • ; : The Oitinete S•tili hold iSgeetacleS in .likelY..!..t4i13'4.4., an;Ora Of prosperity to , ., 'i'ail-17: 7'4fif .. oiro:#14s i•okc:: 152 ' otOteri itwerkitiou; ieverenee, and ti, be Y°11Ot.POgt°- ' ga.YrOT's iie4'M'st idea* .whila Ihe.-,persoos had 6409 l'illied An .pelite it ii, Oinuddered correct : to 're -1, of tleCortitio it 'consist of .. baiting the tile, wict While, ntAltitudes..Weresfilther :move- them' :when -greeiitig,, n 'aOelai walls'•' 6f "r°°1118: c6ifei.ed; with "'verse°. drowned or slaughtered whileutteMpt,i suod•rior.. . ', • • .•• • , . •• ,• • • Written4o•order.', A fee -of five gain- .50.00 tone. of water in, twelve hours, iairte flee to2their Ships. : . . : . , • .01 • : • :, • - •• " eas 'is the ,general itriee:peill for each and the 'Hindenburg Will then • slowly , asses are worn rot only for .eye. ' .' . .. . , rou e;.: buttor good tuzieas.I.Vell.Thed t bl '. • the demand is' so. go,,Od for • riiete, the .surface. ..' . .. • . : : . ,, : • ' billtiades: by '. the WAY ' Suffered the - • 'Firemen's New Mink fate of many once gre,at men: When 'tortoiseshelt frame comes trent a sac. lyrics,: Wilh range,' between eight And. what then? She will .he rue aground and broken go for easy,- the The"Parrell gai mask aiighter type e captureda girl spy lie forced her red animal,. While the lenses are made' h` hnes and twenty, tbat prices -aro-likely . • value .• of Nvilieb Will -he. 00.re, than to give him information which he was 'of leeky .stones„- fomul -In the, sacred to • • • , ' •thit Is being introduced in the Toronto Fire DePartMent; was used for the.first. tune. In it.',•4ing Street pea recently. gave 'vary -satiitagtori results. PlenteiniaBeality.. . . •.Wherever sun fall*: or .water .flOWd • or blrds y,,wherevor :day and night: •.rneet in twilight wherever • the bliiie• heaven is, hung by Cloudsor, sown with, Stars, .wherever are ferias With' trans- parenki'Scuindorles,, wherever are ont- •Inte'•delettial space..,Wkerpver ,is awe and -love; there, is haaittn; Wen- ' tabus Shed for , the; and thoughthou t7hoiiklst walk. the 'World over,,,thou s1ta4.-not ;Able- to .find • ortditiort • inopportune • or ignoble. - Emerson; ' • • t • it • fer this Worth thecost. -After that the 'remain: foolish enough to believe. Acting upon mountains and, ground with sand from, Y this nitopfermatien he perSenallY'en-• sacred- rivers., ' • i fad' 'ore naliSie• rooms, studies log big ships will Ito raised; at • th.e rate tereiltheonenty-eitY:ana following her ' ' 1 ola boudeirt S, but Persons: have Of t WO a year' till Scapa Plow As clear instrtiotimirien: into .i, well and -broke. started *witch decortitktns on the walls: tbe°1' , • „.!:10 Mee N a ri-pw : Rriade.. •. . The, moat. ,of•sold Rome, Were So nar- . . . . roW "that wagone were ; not, tin wed on , 0107 at lietirs When. people. walked' dra.Wing re'Oms.:. ' " ' •'• : his thigh. For this -and Other things ProSpective bridegrooms have ' given.'34'VV.asherlOttien,Ett he 'Was fined equiValent $51;000 tile to and,es he could obi paV such' stun orders for verses of ''iveleolne for th° ' he iint Sent. to )411, where he died: . • Fashionable Aredding ' He Knew 'Better. ' • -The driVer'"OfItramiliackle'Cak wat.i. Stepped! by . a zealima «instable. ' for• careless driVing.- "He i refused_ to: givo. his natio. '..• ,'. .: .. . , ,:,• '- • , • ' •:.; ' •.. ltott'.11 : get • yettritelf I:lie trouble . it you don't give ute ..y.our' nome," helves hand laundrx,iti• Oxford Street; and, w, all'ed.' '' .' ' ' '. • ' ' . . ,„$till be rolifSed. :" • as. She and her daughter:are: Well an' (Illgeted Ar.itli 111.1. tho •Wonien eM nlpy-.. • "Now; tliejl, ...What i4', Kr "'Pere -toted the constable. :: ' , • - , '' " ' ess.. front • Seats . were ' reserV..ed ,fp,r . . . . these,;. in the gallery:of! 'St. irarko's" , . lliett'er :Dad opt", :retorted the ether. •Citurcir,.. North. AudleY.. Street, where-. ' 'dilligh.'lr sell 'Ole . ee.'neta.b. 1°;."goilig round to:the side Of the cart where the-. the faah tenable Wedding took Plac44- .• - •, .• • name should , hare been. ' . '.:(,.•,‘:: „ . . °A -ha," • he. saiii. after ' a ..tuolent,, , , , , • ,i • , . i t,• !'!noW,44ou'll, 'get '-otirs•elt into trim ,ble,, ' Salesnianshig" Plat; , . ...: our,fog•y:name. is oblitera ted.''.... • At• the inettir shew the.salesniap wai.,- n'Tede.rO iwrong," ',...reareil the' driver. • The' Mites ranger.' • at, • iiichnilitli ' .,Smart ;little two:Se:Li e r • 1111 , tee *jam!. I ‘It.15.°13rt'aii:?\... . .1,- . ..... • .........\•....... .., . .. ."round -up," The proco.d.ore, vas for • riders to eba.t.e the dei- for all beer or 'endeavering le interest. a girl in , a . Park, Ashridge, Wts: in. charge et the , .9-itui it, ;got' ..every modern Intprove- 1., • ..Fatai Habit. MOM?"' she ihonired. .•...'., , • .., 4 , , . , • t, ' two !n gktars'..esette 'rtishinif: With timelt 8VerYkiling.. Intuts.10." ho. roso<int18i1..; .,1.)1q19)- "Do 4)•!,1 90°14 f.„4:1`41ving..;•40(1. otoottog• alit 0:Valli] n g or •olvii$8., ono' gAttalitty;,•kilio. Only% •thingqt litehs is , Is a habif?". .4, .. •,' 4 . • .. ' .. . f. ,willinfil8,\;,..k,i,,,‘ 0,(„4,.. ow.; .1.1tpa • tibeant•iful.oWn0•". ' :',•••• .....:14(.eselllip:•1•11;!eiiiitii-, i't:11':::..., J'i.5,,i'04:1,,,t 'Aktel!:; OP.,:,-ti.:;:ty(q;; were:Idrro.ien .,..il:ite ...rin litolosoil lie sof(I..it, • . . . . • . An,■paktir....3 .•. A li irliabi Jill:Tenet! fOr tliell!pis. Wero" --r,.....L ‘•''''''''- . Thr.e. Beau•ty s‘pe.c.iit' hat li-i)t • Niro, mutt Ail • paritti, „, Ole.n ..ipenr:ed, ofter .1ve'..oft throim nutch. • . , . • loarle,t1 ion iMitor trots for thtNjeurney , ,ss a cowbriv "Int!latigl4". a steer. auti'. ... .. - • • TO...1.. lie-(2,,,•VA Oul, . . ,. TAL,IK.s.. r sQs-r , to! !)Pr iteWfbeetes. • :NiQrt..rr ... k-A.t') ,W4..LtrAcE.• •L1FIt-1): • • • Thirty -Cour weebbrwornen• '. were • Solving a Mystery of Space:••• ... among the invited' guests -the :recent It is nrobahle that startling. new -Wedding of 'Lady Sheila ?Scett,:daugh- theories about what. is going On in ter !of. the., Countess., or Slonmell, te s•,.• • space.Will follow the. discovery •or• Major InanSeli;Jackson.. ' freatienef. petietraung rays or • cesuilc , ,• •••'The C'ettuteas of Clortmell. owns; a origin by Th R 4 Milli1an,..• ••• • in 1922 Dr *Mikan; experimenting wtth halleono 'reaching- a 'height of heftily ten Miles., proVed that the un IttiOwn :radiation 1%'11.6 !dr greater..,ka high ,attatiaas, Theresults of experi- , Mountain Top, . • 'paints made at Mull Labe+ 11 8001' t ilmititain's are generally admitted to I high, ,pi eved. the: existence, of a new, ' be • the grandest, and • Moat. suggestivel itiA4 „of rndiatIolk of ,extreniely litgliof alt tfle c" • oblebis of •Nature.- They -are pertetratiVe• pow�t able to PAPS the /earth7s 'natural cathedral's,' or na,•• through :4the '' atmosphere and: 'then • tend aItar nit.erlaid With gold, and through" 45ft. of Viater,.,or, 6ttof lead:7 bi-Ight With, broidered workokiewere, This was an astoplithilig dis•CoverY, and With their cloudsresting on :them. trot: Abe :most..penetrating.radiatien':nt : :as the smokeof a 'continual .ittteriffee..1 Our, cninnnind (file hard X-ray);:' . ,Great ratbedeale; whit Their. gates ef Stepped by leclin. of lead. The shortest • „: rock,. 0.aveMente of 0U(lS cholra ot 1o6 these 'newly-diseevered, rttclihtionit streams and...to:lei, altar of Snow, and' mu,st: tlit•efere, hafe,t wave-lengtlf..of vaulta pi purple traversed by Alio oep ten-minim:tit •of that or, ordinary ..• tinual stare: -Ittiskiti, hght FOLLENVING THE FAWN • , . . .t.I.ki-lor.tng.in a differeot,,asgect,,the ttnitssalnesS of whk!ii is not 0744. 4. -t: 144.11 ' (I'Vett by the hotteS Pr 'itebee. The pheioirtt Olt tw'itti talt(m' near NI eK ell:Ir.' „ • . . . ! Ont. . ' • \ •• • . . Royal Deer "Roundup" hi \Vila West Fashion A deer'iround4uP," pion:living scenes tiler° reminiscent of the %VW West Of !'Canada tan pearlefui rural ••tiig.. • land; hal' been, held in. IST:Ot to .eSt'ain" deer to be maiAett ,with the: few, rem nin. • in; tieron the .anctent itttate, nf. • mpriT AND. JEFF -By Buil Fisher. el/6 JostiED 0).+V te MJCk Wsic-e ttife`s, •Th`ftK1G • 't-z!"BeAy.•t-tFV tiertse-t..F THINk •SkC'S'.• GaNINA GIVE- UP 'We M'Qb P ACK% ANT) !ACIAL mors4Y tws. L06tcs Lil<c• .A L0N LAARb • „ WINcrdtal .• SNAS tkl$ts, c9C-c2SE, "rt'eE°t`') Ttke 1111111011:1 4•41•••,,,f,k//' •••• • • - 1 King George, Econoullzing, Cut His Palace Expenses litickinglvarn PA:so9 ;,tit;1•.tlie other roj'at..irsitlencos 1; porgo tincl . en Il 113 IIIIVO 4 004 it ilit the range Of at eennority „ winded, •1;y the • • th,, opening ...(1f. .Iftli4I1t, to 1411lSiZi!fr t110, (14 ee3 • SRN, 04.. " ei•enonq y.in and 1)1.1 1 IN t h TJ 4.'"t(1( 'intti• -,• practfc'td effect: It 11 t' .that, thi!ti pl; tito.•`royal. al LL: (!:61.:71f tir:thr;":1 tal,T (.diapoo.) 1etz4 t Al 14t"yt.ntl, • IT-lie,involittettrer.wtdrit "taid out of • ths.,,olyil • matos,• ino°,u(te Otiyiii)orough•Aloos6,• Win!isof" elkstie anti' Vroginere: ' In tiri•Tai 41:• g the sell to:grow 4r.6oS of the highesttjuttit3r. . ,..441a4 4.4