HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-06, Page 3' BY Pr../IS RAYROP, °
With :the treater:dens' tricieftlie...iiiaarOn4:11iODe til,tOstheth° goof/ *if° can
piotor eampiag; there has :going a new "Put up fiei. Bite!! atig,rara•bne lace
busineas for farm honsewives• which, , Ing eaah way, Sit on V.er vide -shod
fOr profit, riVals hattetenialt-: porch readingehealevorite term papee
eusteeee of proeidieg camp aetes• for I the. cars slow down, and awlegiii the AGAINS'147.11141ErsCIIST.IES OP, THE
andeuiinor hoardetaT-Jt With' ene eYeand wtth the other' watch CfaltitetaaN OF THE EASTERN KINGS
the tourist' whose nurriber la•beseming', drive. Cam front all oyer the country, PLAIN 1-12.
;10011an_Land the eno is.uot yet, ,lieartug .coiet, .orderly ^ folk with II, ABRAM'S IticTREIQUS PURSUIT, l346•
supply' of desir,able. camp, Sites ...whom it is Pleasant to ,pass the time DETDRN,• oFFEtatsa !HE. TITHE,
" IS far toe sniall: Oae can eften ride of day,. for. the Average taurist a a P.X.V1sIDN • OP THE SPOIL
for -miles •th h •
Abram and thes,KinteteGitni 14;
1-24. Goldcn Tetiteatlheettit * eat-
• thinks; we firre more than cpaaatfre
- through hint that lovedsBOirteln
essteerariary'e aSterrnaer
21,1roy;0ms:144 'at for as Ean, -in the 'ID
eXtreine north, of Cenaan, at the feat, -fine
of =Mat' Heriaen, an,(1- unto: •IjObeit, '
PrObably IMMO dletanee north of Da-
mascuot end: rocOYereci thesestptiVee • r
• 4 -for ries .end Deo:soots,
V, the ,goOda Which bad been,- A Swing, :Tow. in.Sfilad4t Homely.*
-Ng'-o Vale is nie4tioned
•Absaleln erected a Monument, It was sweetening it gild serying it is "tho using two teaoPoons of baking PotOer 'active ad restieselPieOe 14, hutnam..JtY -
net •far • trorn Jetusialetn. &its/0 is easiest way, there soon este* the, to a pint of flour, half it teaspoon ef
4,, that ever raced around in irnoh.1
4fKing of alghteOUSQes. S'.'! It would. ,•
Probably an ittiOtent game of ,Tert-1-• eh -erne, "Nene of that for ale, 1lea$0.' I salt arid scant cult of hooputZairti., t?:_te :Ls de,adair. antim, lovin b$
bttlem. The nanne McklasOdels nteuhs When you feel the appetites of the blybesPor:Infuituli$31,4netolietihoeush° • • seas been anima on certainOecas •
see* that A rant reeOgniaeds.the God
Most IV it (Hebrew M Elwyn), whose cream, either plain or whipped.
Bit Mildred RapPleY%
•11-1-Sith-CS 18 :18, -ati -the phieerW --Although-elirsply-ceohing-Thebarbvanct-just a little -water. -Makea- hatter, , '*'iraiausea res Aunt. t. met
•fannty are legging, a ehubarb. omelet,
may be .theatippetielng bit to bring
theinitack' • Md. to five. well beat,en
egg e• a :heapiag tablesPeori oe eager,. a
feW gratings of nutmeg mid the. gret7.
rind. pf lerrion.' • When this has
cooked in sinernelet pen unti•l egt, add
. . . • •• .
three tablespoons 'of ehopped rhubarb, folloaring mixture° Stew enough whichhasbeen ;Tovered. with barb to make, a quartesweetett to teste:
sager end • steamed natit;tender, one altd• atilt to. itat•cult Of •ChOPPed Citron."
ta4iPOO1MhS•P°9 Tliftet;
••••en.st heated dish' and
•Pea'r . •-•
barb .in. settled ferm, yet; a simpe
goad selid• eutting the Witt•ere„...Thett.pat in sa layer., of rhus
stalk" into, half•inch 'Ogees, • covering hai.b.; Opt •Pieees• 4SPriltkle•
reel •01.41- water and erengirli ,theie 'With eager:a/lid gratings. of
slowly to • the boiling _peirit Remove -lemon POOL continuing ie. Oda order
from the fire, drain and eun .cOld .ntitil the; ciM If* few IUMPS
water through theni, 'Sprinkle them 9f batter on the top. and hake a 'golden
with salt :and. cover with. cold. watere. brown. •This. can -be served cold or
When :cold drain and serve on ally hot whichever Way deeired`.
. salad :green .with Frenelt dressing. 1 Rhubarb cup .puddings ere -unusual„
mere nyetentio us salad, Mae, Ise: Putter as many -cum as there are Peoe
Made .by preparing. first ,.a ;'gelatin . pie to be serVed, and. into each. pat a
foandatien, Soak three tablespoons of large tablespoon of cooked and. eared.:
powdered gelatin in half a cup of cold :fried Oubarb. Pour 'water'
:water. until:soft; .add 'a pint orb:oiling oyer a ;pint of bread crumbs and let
•fotir tablespeone of lemon Nice
'Witter and stir: 'until dissolved, ••add there. soak soft Add
ane to .thein : a.' Well -beaten egg, a* -large'
ububtuv shortcake is 41.seti pod :to ehe stores. ..of scolding o.r
•light. Make a isbortdalte; not 'a, .Pie seen" t° •!nalc° menUt0; 144
serve on a day whee tee dinueleas apeman n.. ver poueq her-onir
Orust ougla make it in• two la •• UaUg s • .
era, on:the op ea wteh layer put the uultecr haengelytasheamarizalzir,ug,.....a.ttyap.vero'
afternoonehaving tired Of lier
:begika 'to leek ; fer. 'e?coiting'
aniusy,fient. ' p,ht, feunti •. Papal •
haetc, .hai at Lang* mY:attenitioa, Watt
ontor au1:tlaapfuref ehz4euddx, ac oWn tvl ,ie:t turned rt eo. a V. 1:407 n
My neck. IIntioahtedly I should.
her, but it annoyed mo, iznnto.
dietetY 'ordered he; 'to put the. Spgai •
away, tweisruulidviii:xpect„..7.ahatitz'lausuent anteh.arto4t. lee
'eh! wwoalattedd. tiare. .1437'1 PlilatuSsno*attliteinnictioiling,
but, she kept it iipsepoiling perfectlat • •
geed Marcel wave and wilting my CO,
-Th s result' was that teok, the.'
spray forcibly away feoin her and, pnt
.it Aqu:itt;tbteYoundo whe.oirdife9aer a :atarm• two; .."
followed. I ignored it for a ,,while, '• •
went On, readin.g hoek, but watched
out of the corner,of my eye. She had ,.
been pouraling the floor in het. temper; •
screaming at the teteef her Voiceabut •
finally.' kook a breathing epelt, and,
!after yery. hard, seddenty
acted ori•an 'inspiration And .darted:fer
'the- door.. 'It cangbt.' ..That was my
cha.nce. Should- I'lock -it- and compel
her to' stay in? . It was decidedly Solid.
entside and ,faat.beconli•ng dark, but
ir,knew that te, force her remain in •
the heuse in her angry condition -would •
Pnly ineen a tontinuatien of the scene,- .
And judging , froth- 'previous • experi- ' •
grices, eve shenia tia."'-ie- a:very-nervous
child on our hende `fete it 'few days:
dT7kideiroid eindic.eakuly4..0.;
•neis: at the door to seize bee hat etint.
coat; likearied inieown, I fellowed her ••
outeidee nearly' -on her heels. :Shahid
started:, down the stieet, her -fluffy
fiying. inethe wind, fullysitetei::7
. . •• . - • ' ' ' • - ' priest etchieedelt was, he beinghoth
• seeine We:eorning.'elen. Of "Cant . Site " '
eriti-s, too., wi. ,_. .tsig t.thcorrong., ev,n,:._,*.an.ticii4itmenphiloce :41?Qnr:popp‘rtoi,wfintdos.eitrn hfram,steoitt,
he:' Agtnts1QI7P1-111.oCt4;lt.011-1-721't; *esAstfOryof....A.' -.bra PHeat an king, ea identical with the
Tn. God h
, . ., in see ona that are pretty and family into the otltdotteS. •: ' '•, .• ''cltais 1,g, 'an gloci;u4t. of • tref egeltIoIllege inone
'•ede•e'd andWW:rmshillPsPe44,inIseaner eoaweisinlicinwgi:
well Sewed ,up, .•;...e,a;...' , e'• ... , A:Tither. thingtrethere miglat,lbe te the a;ncierit world, descended the er Pnid tith" *t alt t11°.silbil .talml
, ealuppesr,,ebatreihtnaini . at nese; municipal.. little ' "Ots(i.14,••not : §42 '. pauiji to catch tite three.
$Onit-ef Noah; and after the stdry ic°,stn'tsite •elt POW. • RNe (cenun nta• y
4- Arra.. "ITIP Atte•ftas,"a Dasiiiig OUfAct althetigh that counts, '10f the tower ef Babel and the confua °In "e-a•vsis)a aarle'‘`The'enattnraf riarY-
' ng the, or tenth part, to the'. p.tiea:
•peculitte aPPelll. to spme touriSte:•• It , as"-ttt einP14. the wants Of those 'i'•rho''..nitin of t'senga", in l' the .6 t .
I's sa,rt, i't hod ' to the.
otters',:not: o!!ty a greater sq:C,,,n4ion; but use the camp sites For Milk 'there is 'chat)? I•1; the, writer turps? a eataea.generrsoirin aneiutsatniZaryirstalaaaa,uvefrIyt
the very things for Which the idunist,' always a .detnand.*: 'ibe ;Can't' Pec' •i'.1•I'l ace°uPt Qf `rthi:;,1".111,reg€4aildattrd: :Inc'. etsh.tO°Tfisru°ft' altreP'gv4anelita4r4acislIgirl..iathgtat.i',-;-Gied BIsYi'"1.,liall''
' 'has .loaded, onlilosiicAr. anddi. IS.' daily ;-bny it on h15 way ;in- for 8aPPer, and gr4jbeVeatinte;_ewdeli;Ofelhas.ltebretal:PeoP•le;---:
c-• The, passieploitymbe,rotreuttickailitemi.,•)1117.r'Y•tiotess. Bee 28;22. " " • ••• '"'" 'SY
flii.ot k'p';44"-St-
''-tri seenie4 Saite'cl,ewl3hic'hil :otLa.' eittLo...01-1Pal-fast•ae-Battere'dotightitits;4"3-
. 'undergoing all acentfort.s ' order a, pint, or.: n.....quUrt toi* his ti,:arc...,1•,,,,Tue-cA---stritoN.,-142, .. -. .,. :71:-'1".4eorati.jset 'Nfi(rtz,itsic-'1:5::::kiCos.ed.awo.,
''''?"..6''''W•71. ''
.. lights, a • ttu''ulto,IYet-biliis (tilt', •Oeotric 1 casional calce• Cir. log of ,iread;tii 4111•-• SLiftar Mat •
,,.. „.F,e;i1A3r gE4 biln, .10, 4.4n havo ! ger: .‘bread--:thes4L
snapped ' uP.., thOtt, 01 .41ing 01 Ilah)don, vvho lei ned,andking, and bPcAtise ef thlatesin' '
baths and:teleetrie lights at•honie 'but rat f
I jot, this...L.0110.4. nie,a0ow:. ete e u a t .lategry tourist eaeo :shortly' before, alidat, tliteYoear ff•;.t e rl•Witih4e.tenh°i'if.±:p°1::jurtincieldo,usPe°an type.ret4
tne ntl p, w. , so, ogtoil, fe , p 0 Ito 11:).7 ra.t' flo ddpeg iroot- king o E1m, g,t.',14a'sfte41vvy.ba.rdtvtA3cureha g king and •Savihnr,, Who- is , to
cattle eadding back, at milking tittle bee ' *
els , w r ayeplendid setter.. . ' , I deleeufnireeendteona of , his kingdom. lafatta Ziree,•s:antli•lign Iluebprrieeawstba.0409d aunidd 7:4 asd
n , of higher di • it and • er an
hay • in the barns the Sight of tgeek! delieateasen• stuff' H
Threle• facilities the camp site -must In the veryftthie,art. of Mu, skoka them" found, this notableniosaf ' '
Of hi$ reign have bee I
have, in order to be usableeelevel Is a Wend'
0 which is an that ordained 3' authority than
grottnd on whiehte pitch a tent, ahn'n- cans° of its 'sparkling water, shaded stone, His name •
• as found in these cane,lin earlybyChloiatseisa'n Iitheintlehunsiel,e;
er si wonder.ful be- elaborate code of laws writtam upon
nt drinking wateri, clean toilets. grounds and splendid aaaveeseppiee",documente is liammurahi° shiner is 1 type of Christ, who is "named of God
Lend that is Practicalty a dead loss' is menteel by a Stand rep by thetwo ehil.:, an ancient name of Isabeionia, Masser' a . igh Pt,ieUt after the order of Mel-
fresuen,tly the very place to ttirn inth dren of the ho h Id h ' '
use o , w o•are make may be the same as Larda a city • f nhize•deh' •
campsites particutarl if 1 - •
4, ze :of ,whos,e iachat . s te. a,,.thread ?toe 'a shoe-.
dentallYi what thett learnen balancing', much waff tO Ahrahaln, iS d)::::,.1:ii, :11: ri s-
sort,of man, who cannot he Paid.
. erne hing
o view. corner of the „old orchard aside for their College edtication.,Inet-fhlteinagest'hae name, PE7ii"-tarltur*,f-tylihiacilltinisu•tv.aebri; actekaand the magnanimitrott, . scribed
their,,l3e.eks ancl about:. this human nts:. 1 telpetsreleik;eAn, te-trIri°:Chle*aCtihere". afr-tialireio'nfed-' • the
fon an act ,of 'duty. eNo doubt, toe, he
ture with which -they come iri contaet, and is sQ rekarded in -vs: 4 and 1 reCOgaizes the' evil'ehareeter Of. the
may be as' valhable ft -lesson as' ahyi5r7er-i.i; name is a componnd -of
they Will learn 1:ater. ' • .. ' emi e wor s ati mettris "4 erva ' •
. 0.
trio I Sodomite king, %and will not : be . be-,
• ;holden to him. But lie Would have hie half a clip of
tittles Who -had no such obligation ati ' stgar. Pouf into a large tablespoon 'of sugar end a little nut-.
!einem granite peoi•to the de,pth of Let: meg. Turn 'this over the. rhtibarb 'in
incltand let it stead, until, it begins td the. ceifiS and hake ` • '
ehoPPed • rhubarb, which; has ° ' • ' .. •,
eotigeui• gave prePare'd, •a int f ; ' wi•rit co*. siee,...-tlatjat ' • .
• , o -I eaill sot take
f ,,A y it les a htt a• verY eonsideralge Sinn to la 1 aanthetn• ' 6
or scrubby pasture an be used. This
'may .earn several tiollera 4 eight at
the want, price a. 56 .dents ''a day,
right through the' touring Season.
, Mighty .litt:e.,wOrk, too, and at Small
.expense., , •• •
BverY,fatin has ita, well, but often
• a :pipe from a -spring will serve the
camPers, nicely. At anY • rate, 'the
• handier the • water' supply; -the better.
the touristaWill. usually have e, pail
or ' glass jug in which, to' cArry.
water. ' . • . •••• , trip,' they will come again text sum- Were probably a,ituated about ' the which• coekies• have been shipped:
The thied •;reqiiisitee, a • clean 'end , mer, and. they, send their friends. stftit'llern • -end : of tile Dad Sea,. but gpthe, of these can's aro about 30.inches
• eanitary tdilet should be nearabut not ;A. certain •frni.' keep's a• register, and their elaet location is nnktestan. All, high end' about le inches egress, find
too 'near, and kept; sanitary .by fre-
' ••• auent and • liberal' • di•enchings of
Oarnioh th," toli•lrith••WhiPPeCt cream.
.; • - -
'ohauged by thee eildition of' rhtbarb,
Put. a few tlainaslicee of lightly but-
tered bread in the bottom of al -tackling
dish:. Moisten slig1tte:7with bolling
„ swing for mu°, oomiwo; a table, (the god) eigamar. tarn ay to the
for 1VIrs. 'Gamper, a box for ea -t. of Babylonia, in the southern Part
these areamall things but can add the` c'f Petija• .0f the fourth king. and his
finishing touch to the'camp site. And' prtnlo nothint certain is known, The
aye been • nomad tribes
if touriatS find an especially attractive 110141 isrbcTmtaayri, who have been' raiders
site, they will often stop over a, night and .. era from, time immemorial
Or two, they will vetilin oil their home The , cities of Canaan named in y 2
he to go upon this ativentere, sultahly
rewarded.. • • . •
- Receptacle.
. .
At a 'grocer's' oae may purchase, at
small ' cost, a high, round tin can in,.
• tido-ride of
With not ono extett Indueereenteha- which they halls.- eareess
• • except. Zoar; were *destroy,ed in the have ti ht-fittin
the owner of every visiting tie is ttek• cover Such a can
catastrophe described. in chap. 19. • •
•ed to put down •his ntitne, the names so
placed in. the bathroom makes an ek-
taken bv the invaders - ' •
The • route
113-6--* wjth'111.°V-Itiqr-X•h7°- -.6tieu4 see:i e • te hav.a.been 4;;OPthWard L.ecte'Yellttii,. .t.eile4 4 .
r.• •
• ' - , I preferred They do not term' e to. be
Nursery Stock ;.•
so well finished as older, heavier pat -
Nurseries usuallts -start to fill, .and tle as their sises"Ptecludes the poSsi-
ahiti. out their &dere,' for epring Ide- bility •of their being said for inimedi-
Dansaseusathro•ugh the country. eat of aben,ld. be painted : white or hay „color
Arden; as fir' as the gulf et ',/tekabali as harmonize with: the woodwork or
on the .Red • Sea; :then • northward walla of „the bathroom.
Against the Aroarites and the tebels
boils "cities of t eplain."
11, THE auttettia•ta-10.,. • .CaM)age SUprethe.
- Whet AbrAni. hodrd, he, Was Siatti-i-
• literte before the,' time actual.plAntnig eta , slaughter. • The , Cattle ' sitiPPed. allyeraich concerned- for the safety •of
• • • can begin Seactistomees, may. receivee be shoi•islegged, 'deep -bodied;• hisi••kinaman, .Lot. That Abram -Wes
:their Ittante'daYao:revea Weeks'befOlre .14',oehy animals., of the bet beef tYpes the head of A eeiannunity, or tribe, of
'conditions faeosable.foi. seting : ' and,Of some'recogniaed:beef.breed•'sach: coitsideraidk !Withers is evident from
As seen as a shipment arrives. the, as ...A•beedaettes.Anguteaalereferdeaea
•-stfees-ofplitritteahould beatipackest and shorthorn; or goad gredes:..er..croeSes
.if • possible pleated at once:. If the of these breede, • : • •
. , .
• grotind is not ready. epee. the Uick.•• , •• • -
age,'" Cut the -bhindies, epene.ehalte•ont
the p,ackingittatesial aad aheel•ia7.the
..plant in the greundor place them In
• debt cet'Ar and . cosier' With' damp
packing or •barlitp, ,Either procedure
••• • Will ..preyent &time' out • • ,
. When heeling plants cheese a
.. well-trained loeatien. If they -Can. bo
• heeled; in an the - north sidesat
. or •seshe other • place •Where they
will bo Protectett..frerie. the :fain, they
will•be kept 'Cool:and the Unita, will be
prevented- from 'staeting, into: growth.
:prem•atarel.Y. .., • • • ' 's •
•TO•huel in, dig a trench deep epeugh •
. to reteive the roots, Without ea:aiding •
then; then ittY the:roots. in 'the trench.
• • t In ayera an ••care y eover wit • -eesesee
' lobee; moist atoll. Care should betaken. ' •
to -work the. sell 'Well terotind tba.rootn.
, end it sho,uld. be 'firemlY 'pecked eo. that: Is
no •sPaeei 7are left, ; e • . •
• -•-----Strit,,Wher,r3. plants shouldehe placed
in, ashallaw-trerichav that wheat -corer.:
• e' et the con bud will ho just bt the thesaettnishite, plYing along -the great- -•
the -fact, thatehe-,-could-M -forth a
band cf •three hundred aact eighteen
fighting men, trained mon, born in hio
ipott$e. With him went elect. his
Arier; Fihcol, and Manire. ' • • -
swotened,',.:and 'a' Cup .ef blanched al-:
-been,siditlI', AliOharb •and etteoariut 'padding; tei
5'. delielerus. CSain 'together tWo.ttibles
epeOns •ef buttete.and• one and a half'
steamed . until - tender" end
mends,. and stir theni into the gelatin; , cups of • sugar; • Add the erolee et four
When etilet.4eve on shredded I ttue ego and beat beat entil,light . Have reed
after eating into alaent': ineh ee 'bee -77
n. :''-'-....a.onts'ef.'• anti cake•trumlis • Add them' y
.Witht nittyo,nnaiSe dres, Sing • , - • ' ,•• {he egg Meatare With a Pint Of sievre,d.
, ..t°
.,I.k.m•ANnivrAithiAr:A.P1.....° • ' •;. Irhaberls, .six 'tablespoon f shredded
luatch boxes b
, ee teto ties CO °;2441t1 A't
the grated rue 'of al
from rhubarb T
emon, ettp
3i• making sandwielejami
rbu . o each pound of eut graPe JellY and the whipped Whites of
auobiakold u.t.akepeaei pltueitin• (IL sugar and •the ti tewgogsio, tiSrsteaamnd !min av..htviv.tittehreda ietninoolnd'
s as thinly , , •• .•
as pdssible,' being careful. not to get •sauce. '
an of the -White rind. Put the outer tic -cuseAtitt'ina;
. bap a boiled cabbage and for, every
the' rhabarb and then the sugar. :Let 'ordinary. Mik together actin ei stews;
'dad With the., .Ppip into, e bowl, add •,. /*Rhubarb eustard :pie is out •of the
two cupfuls or less of thistse. One well ' . ..
beaten egg and.one tablespoonful
stand" ov*er night ,eCsaels. slowly the ed rhttbarb,,, half •a cup' of,'stigaretWO .rianed to ren aerial-, I eaelly'eeeghtuP •.:
leperepsipTr',H.(eatn,,dmbilukt)..teer• Seassiti,'With salte- • • ass - • : • •
-'45r-nreal--76iings. pe• nay; starrinp frequently, about • eggs and •:two heepieg- tablespoehs of, With her, but instead oftakinghold •o f'•
three quarters of an ,houis and Seal in eornstarch dissolved in °:three-fotirths her to make. her go • back • as she e -
Mix together. and bake until •brovrin '.'th
.glasses. ', • • , ' .. - , I of a cup -'of milk. Pour this .into a
...• Another delicious ...combination . is;pIate -lined' Witb, liastry and bakes
rhubarb,. pineapple laid eratiberries: in :*Serve: with s Whipped eresinie Or keep.
espial PropOriitnit$. .: • ' • "oat the White of arse egg, 'whip it Stiff,
A i•elish to put. into the meat Sands. add. e fabIespoOn •oit:twS of powdered
w,iches is „made as follows:. Chop sugar, spread .it •over i the, -pie and
enough rhithath to- make'theee 'elearts; brrri iri the. oven, --
This• •tastes ceuliflove6ra end:: is
relished even by those who do ,not
.usually .for cabbage. •
• As Billie says: "It is always Mollie, had a kind face; avhat Mollie called a
who has the nieest adv,entufee." I "mothery" face, with blue eyes and
'seems to have the knack of ruaning silVery white hair,. There seemed • •g ° ' • °
, • ,
add.three green 'PepPors cut in little]: • , Liam DESSERT.
pieces apd,one,yed one and one
A'cld' one, Pint e't cider' and a cup of i Y.taz *ant a light- dessert, and one
currant: jelly and Sinimer gently. ee , which is eapecially:godd to serve chit-
• . s, three
dren;,stete a (alert of choppe,d•thubarls
t.tiinined:juiee et two lento th in as little, water as apostibles press
into pleasant Adyentnres., and the Most fSoinething .familiar about both f
• cups of sager, a tablespoan of. groand- through a Sieve, •seteeten• well„. flavor
•interestitig of all was the • one that ' them; Although • she was certain ;she
ginger, the same quentity•of salt and with lemon alleiv it to. cool. Beat
A ctipsof chopped raisips.; 'Cook an the whites ° tW9 e-4.° W
.hoiii .longer end seal. • tsito tableOpoons 'Of ; powdered 'sugar
happenedto her last year at Weinhey.. , had never seen them before. •
Mather, Billie; Mollie and Baby, Joan The geritlemini smiled at her as she
eirwent to yifeanbleY on the tan -of the.stared- hard at himestriyipg .f4s think
bus., It viras a gorgeous. day, and. theY 1 whe he ceuld•he...;••• ,-
eriijoyed•ivery mkute of it. • They sate • "Not faightened • pow are youhe
• the . Queen's Doll...House; ;and longed; :asked: ' s • - ".• ,.... ' -
to, possessaane like it . They went.. to :Then in a flash,Moilie knew.' ."I 'do
Ceneda, and saw ;the ;perior'proe'drifie. believe., yeas are the Xing -and- Qrieenr-
hills lighted tip by the dawn and the ...she said,' breatillesaly, • .,
PeCted, •I•• ran alting besiile her, passed
her; turned • around and :called back,
"Let's race; She:had been •prePared
to resist. me, and 'undoubtedly ' weuld,.
have Aiteertitn •herself On! the. damp
ground -and screamed at t.he top other .
*dice if I had insisted on datigging her .
baek to the houieibut she -*ain't pre- '
Pared 'for thle development. .X-tere 1
1Was rushing- on ahead of:her and, sug- •
.gestirig that' we -race, something- that
all child'rext love: She-: kept On for ''s
want of knowing what else to de.
The fresh air cooled- lierteinner, and
she used itia. her: superfluoae energy •.:„ .
running, so was quite dopile when •I -
• wash and cut rhubarban inch•piecea a le*. minced almonds orraisins, and
' .• reat,ED utlaaat?tus... , :... .
added gradually, whisk lightly into the
. rb; dust the•toaewith auger null snthoepiVa tadiitlaiantg eanl.ohne;:eosaiatearnnde,.11,naet;.
hand in mine, rathel.',weery but haPity. ..
and •CoOk 'with half its weight in sugar 'serve at one . , • f' • ';' *hen We turned in at our d'a°r• 'Nei"'
, __ schootetou.nait Ne.ed. . - . ..
titer of As mentioned the. affair' 6f that ' --
---. - - . iietiuty" .Bath§,- • ; . r ,
afternoon, :. a ' .,•••• ,,, ' ., ' . . 'P. '..: •
. Tho• itext tune he coms over, in •
sunset the light changing tinder their , I3oth the Kit* and Queer! lstag
• • k merril • a' if thought it asgreitt Y ,, • , • ,
' You ever, know. that apar.t from , • '•going oheeiy--------------------og
our -usual:daily tab there. tire lots of , Adorrixnent
ah • ' a '1 ti died t*. d • told ' • • .•
quppo40 •for instance ,or -skin ia be found with thd': ap ranee' Of the. mischief I'M going' to beread • with
in the , rural, diStriEts: little fault can end before She bas chance to look•for r
Where school gardening la practiced' Mate ber restlessaess anddiscont.n. . .
'eyes: and they watched the doe aoek . Y 4 . Y t
. traths running along the yalleysenod joke, and • presently /de lie lost ee "beetay baths' you can indulge in?,
in 1 lid 1 it not ao white as you want it 'to be', all grounds but in A great many a suggestion to . eemethipg •that •
livers. • .. •• them how ra gs s thoug
top a the, p.ion, • •
but steed like' everybody.. else 6.re ftet., going' tel wbiteh i•NO,•on bare and Witlietti.. any beautification. scrap book, or colored putty for mould...
other; 'did net htirry
ripg ea it; , . • , • mut trY v(i6rhoti hath at "least tetide The need .imay have, been frequently ing animals, or we may el/Op hni41 •
into,,416,1 theeoae and Water baths in ale world distriets thete;•gIJOUtids have lett. be real fun it will ''be • '
e. 'must have. known who you . week, 4ftoner if ;you iike;• in prefer- *felt hitt each *eat. the season. .has been playhoase :Out of•Sopie old boxea, but.
• • , • • , ap red. atei .one. Cu sillowed to go by OasnlY eaSes ,witha setriehoW•I'm'going t•tirri that ep.,:t.re .
If trees dr shrubs have been dela3.ed Hew Billie -loved those trains!' that M
In shipment so that they have becoine ., 'Mother had great. difficulty in getting train
•dried out,'Iley ,may .be buried in wet hint away ,from "Canada," and he says just st'a
soil foe •a few .daya until they appeal. • 'he is -going, there as soon rat- he •iss . "The
kroirn: up. Iii "Australia" t.63; Wath- were,"
fresh and plump. Thee should thee be 1307
plant'Cd at 'once. • • " • ,
• ed real sheep, being sheared. and they • :Then
• Theyoots of ill plants ehotild be ex- ., / bought• tee; pound s of apples that bat° she like
'posited te the sun, air end Winds as Ut.- PAIIIS .SAY'S-4`I.ONC SLEr,ET) •beef' grewn in Australia, aad ate them 'when 11
'in the• field. K,eep them covered With 'The POPular erette back satin frock ollic ,eec ' s eying, :'•:a ' i e 1 he 1.- t
ne • I• enee to , * a to • '
the Queen asked Mollie what' tw°' ,ernoits in, slices, and Soak them out •action being taken towards herd, energy into .corrstructive, channels, tor
Isaac said "The DoWs hell!, cultural beautifieation• The Womeit's it has .to have an, Mitlet; and if., for «d
a basin of Water for. half an d best tit/the Fethibitioni atat'
then him On our bath .iveter, add Institutes hate dene a useful mirk in, into mischief-rnaking only when it 'is
• ' tie as Possible when distribetieg thedi • • . PKOCKS" all: They Went on the lake; :Billie and Won't Y
• a wet_eloth -or Put thent in a little assume:4 edditional proininence as thei boat, while Mother Arid Joini• went. in again
oti„.he 'glad ;when YOU haee it; the 'lemon water,' and .stir the whole" inspiring action in many districts, but not wlitelY 4irected. •
• u ire, the Queen ieu e" 4, vigorotisly. This bath does not..only retnaini' to be. done bat our •
whitep the skin nuteineigerateS. •re- riiral •sehoblygrountis• wilt presens hat ell;
Ind Paid it .was one. of , the '
*ater Ot. thin mud, to prevent- them feason grows: 'Simple .and• distin- the big_ boat •and waved to them • as i things $
....1 . - •,., front . d ey lag. : Tolls and plants .11re guished is this. 'nodeh whieltniaintaina they passed' the. children's P.00l• r.of Om 1
• living.; thitnes And subjeet to injury a Pat; back and - trent, with sides • Then after lunch .they went to 00'hid
-even when in e'dormaiit-tonditien; if revea,ina flared movemeehe (If the stations 'of the Never Stop RAH, t, But °s•
o4eliest presents she had ever!. -'
• , -• a.. a: • „ .. • , . . "" an 4:3rtra special:bath • Isefeee„ .yee go .i.evk.,,,,t of the . eese itemise, of A,,i,e, I ., , At Ithe he ,theo ,h0,4t ..itei.elf, n•tui, nhe:' fretsiltitleos •airOdy:o.iuos."opt‘evl::et:114.11tt.htpeoa.b,114:oti:vi,iiy:::::::::.:1,e.rlart.otrd:itc:1,:ii(s;:ea':•pap.delaarittlenz ,e...0:Tifitni:.,Auvn64.• Ao•i, :,. ,. •..rjr ectrti orer Act,
, • . P. ti). an -axtr - • 1 , • • •
tase.' s•es, ateti of: the., 1,,
. , . •
. '
0( 01 tile °ea tn, 'area', up 'at the , • •
1 i help , a see 1101 eae• sa eieture the feta Beret Act was passed.
afien, 01'41 tho ' .ques"'• who! Ounces. or .ti tiepin, :of: .rantnhOr tVith A l'*" iifell - -f1.113....• perha-pla.be-stlit!rePtai* f**ti--dly1,.,AP'•'6rdlng'ir ''' inaPect°t'A • will . 'la'. • 10" T
. .
., , , . to, %%Du ( er y
Oi.kei.t and kiss'ett 'her, And-
o . hare atia,e11,, 4 t.t,a,..t -.fancy :,Iiit. tiO edtide-Col'ogite- 411, d on,..oisliee of ,..laq t po,,,,i f.0..i. the. uieni ,;01.. ,,,, aeardee; pointed to to ei„..11:oreei.nt,lt,e,:t ',..\1,,e,gts:tthil.s:ssfeex11.,......'
the lainciuee ef bensoin. ..Add etiougli of 'Incehtttes The •ertastillin • liorticiil-a-f;Pi'ene...,1?".ng-
. . Kent ene otiet•-•heavi1,y .infei4id .001.0-, .
d Pild.the.offieial to take'. •;:ti(e to Mak° •-it tni-h'S''' • '''''' • • • ' • • - ' l• 1 tthu•er!tiln:LL'e.?;s:tiliveei'll htit"'It8li:i,''n'ei..e°11.1'erid.",i1":',:lr.(1.:,1%It'l: 1:I:•1•Le•* ' ••1'n °' riti.....17);1°r(‘' 1'.°111 't''1°ks
iiDtvit litItql 'her to •.lit.;; Pl,tt... 'this to•r°1". r40 w,f•t?' et' .lat.lt IYatet"i • -- •
uoill her mother same lat ..ttS,;• ' Wben ret,tink 11PreOttft.ond tited.;6ti.t.i.rect,k;h4. entries ht a A.ontpetit hal in ! 11"ed• " f°ddc'r and whet.t'At:it- bprtatt7; ;
JL:1 .:1A 41ii a. ",.! `I',. 4 1 1
; , • .
• tie0 iFI 'made et' plowleg'under the stuts:., •
,tt„6111f 1,0.vd.,.w.a‘,..,,.(1, ii,..,.r. hand to
..,,;+ittoliaeiel4en,.ttruclat.Pos;er.8.,ueveitulttiblitlytais,,,I II:, lairi?i,dg::Ift.:}0H:6:ph(t.:,,,,tt:il,rtt,t`iytiltitikit%tilt.,,,hpio[1ligii:i.)otifricr,Isciti,(11.1..:;.,.h:e. It will i„,..,,,...,.it:,,..y.,.te 1,.,,,:oply
g net! .Qth'en eSthe tree' ii.Of': '
. • , • • 1,6,int,tai ,,,,ennaatt,es have le.,,en Arts ,fil F,SdeX4.Eetet• and the seuthgrii '
:,,,,wir'..i.e-eleig •ohdut in i t tilt the, W?itet• tion
0.10y:waved .11ack to h.el,, . .. ,... It; tons... • it is :better scin,..to,st.tep the; apPiiinisti . a d tin,. .tibri.*, 0( year hata •
1 ' P 1.13:i.,,tt.4...tiof eirinu.31:11,4:1.1-1,v:.e1t.,4;tps.4!0.1;hitelg,"s(tiao‘i‘1,:t" '
Are • not. used foe .fodelee but are left" '
r, .13illits.aticr,Ioan earn+ -;.in ify, ' httg i h ,
*hop rs w fort% .ttit`Ding von
"'at %1-,.. ' fqi. a •S' OUP10 of ,I arrived, whoa est ion muet be t I et* i '
. e t 1 n •-
t ;twilit. and,'Billics •saldi year. Water.; order to, gtit i.nto.t he-. 4,on4petiti'011.,ft174.
Oni..tsr ,,,i(tiihni:10.Ptiitt.1:4,rointe..1.mo tht.::.iik,itti.l.iii..,i_:',7,1;1,.7.14,..),.i......iyet j,......ntir., • fac;-a. be'.U-- u. t,', -bulb; 1,i'it.tiailsIsy:asr..1.'Ir'llis:s(...4(;1;litt,lit:ii.ti..,1;11;(1!tiiiiid.:aswSip.:4-1,1eti.o•,:leerii'dti,.:0,1°it:,n'r'es17,01:1!,(.,.1;sialiiinS 7h.61.1.4.•<:Itn..dge.h,,a:i.,e,td:etahtliit,:ayPr,rhtoe.t•xelialieds4',,,...., '
I iloite•.that ti. feW , Inindroa. tilaki- oul'-iiveh. ha)!;: -,or ehe'ese el.dth, I bp eeinreted, for betWqett •s•••••holsr.•
o•yonat hate been clapped. into then fait: ••toetbsr, in -a basin. four 'aims:, whish Are:handsome traahles, ari.11,116.1t. --rt4 ,a,.... much eqn ols Y''''itr '''
,'4co. coro: of' '1ext fall and
• •
eae."....,;.1-04.1,sereeeet he edee.a, . pou ride' ,.,1. •oHtinenl,..t.teo quarts -of lira n'.. ;:•‘....}trdod ..t 9 1,;0101:1;•4 ', IA k Ng' ••t t•ig•N IP:Nat., ' 1 '1.(*All
it rn6i.e. war do. ru I flyaii 1,,,,cir.. ' , trWn janad:A• an d ',it,• half. of almond isisei, • esi ee prasemeei du'ine • the sear • se. • seri aft ;.., ;for . 6010 . ,ik Ct; tkigt.1 it C.S 0'01
. I .
POW t.iC 1.• "‘ 1 L. .../..41 A 110,gtore in • swill's; and tat' I. ata„ ce;••,„(.1"ti,:.,'il.,4 Inny . sttaar17-;.se'retti.)1.,r•ri'•4:5:AreIitiriatil.litilaro;."cliit-tti)trt: :-
vets . She kissed me," slid. sachet-
- • •
, ,.• ... ,., . . te stat•ht :la Vs• and fill up begs tvisti , he learassi• freai . ate
• ; " • . 1,, I , eta -rases, . or breaki.:"' '••ff the ,StfilkS •••feeduig., en-
, • , ,
. •
- ,
• ; • • • aou ,shouai 410 ,in t . ' 0; i . '. I . ,„ ' . '.‘...., ‘ . t ' . ,.' 1 ' Siiitsi.:' 4 1.11 1.'2Ittiit'r: 0..e haraing,them taat '
have traveleinvith the king, ,
lot 1)1 1111 little • gi ri;.; who ettit u,(..irs,.etiee.:i , 1.1.1telii., 1(1.)11)1,1,1,ti.its\lle, olfto: tewal.,t.if,...eatt-:•see. re s.: a (IT (, a iadiaa II•ti teal - , . • y .. .;.: .. . . .
.,e(ittiv. i , .14 ( ;. .,t.i., . (i • , •• .•.,-- •. : l'., 4 1 t t:, 11..):;r:Ilticsqt:l.tr , tl. ,rly.'‘ r, a ti ; F:t, 1770. .rttn et net
..,. . .
,t,',;" -,cid ' , '. • ' '4 4.! • '• i o sot me -unary net u t I ,
0,11„ ;,,,.. :MIA hei .. ‘&110 t, 2,110_,1,h_,,,,I.,,,,, l't Y"„ t;'L1..,,„ , ,,,.1, .1,4:1'.1,..11.70,'P);:!_lili'ii,"'I'l.:11.:"t,"ri.'1'41-.),IC:''111„t'i'!"I''., =!(•a..'........ 41).4,4..4e_ tetess. eeirs,_ the. este$* ;re:1141de
e. .., . • . a a • r 10u.:..o. ,' t,,,.; ,,,,,,,,, 4 11 0 0 0 4 ! , y
.......• •...........,
I tinn'ie k ea ill] eg more . ee treslate. far, '
s thad a rar.1,, -011-0airts. 0 r,.._ Ali---C---ancli.
1 ............._........•....„....._...., 4*.
V N •
. . 11' th10 S a t'F...li 111. fatilinti41thAt&A.attrY 11)1 ritt.,..
'''kli 1 ti,i that 111 i SJ:" tl 06 .'i 1,',0 111 • .
‘11,PX1,,,W-Ortitlatetalovely,et -, • - • -.- ,1-•--- ' ' a,...•.... -0 . • ' , e-8:-';'• TT'', ........., :;•,/ . - .=4"-.-• .--,....;; 4-
Ld OW:6 ...:. tillite- ' . ' ' - ''": l'.-
-(.:Mt7ilt-''**rm., wells r v. r ..
'f!ld ' 1,Aily. , . . ' --
] several hours .beiore, using, titey..W.,',..t. ., nesel• throw ,AWity•ic..or..41 g..;,t,..Vr.ltie;
I . ttl. t :.
t l( 14t atta"r -that --ott-je'sk'new • rtlebrd fee nillk .'ittid better no di tide' turn. a teat; aiL.;'i`ii:st.' I4 Of' .f rum eleatting goiweitte..,in,t(itta.
,,r,...tle,,011 Wtiti established re e t• n t - ' they ,ot brew?, tvoti,e. „ : ' , - . ' ' ; , •t dissolve ii • teilttPOOttt tli Ot 'Wit 01 tlik
, " • .
Ot.'n btt$,. 1111(1 they :tweed that i fra. ,,,, r'.1 14 .... 11 .
t 'to' Welnhie-Y• 'had- iteSit the ly by Qom riente, a.' tteossetitaold t'.ait- 1 To snake a 1..qifIll.0 th At; ,hi. tot -isle -14e', sesdri in a 'Pint of water end add :title'
f tine' that' luta.' le*ter bads .tinti • tidiest cow •holr•nging• to -the!. agr jeD:t111-'. 'or t ao •kata A tit: a aandlestiCk, * int- Ito the gasoline. , thoi•otigitly she:Ishii:afire "..,
aft.'IttI°-ra4"•:the• ttlens''S 1. tegaiiiii•Al •?.;" Ste: Anne 4:Lt.„sin,..P0,-.,,,Ittiv.1,(i4tior.s0,kli.',o14•.0r,..fito..eniittigi....itt-,warro.i, ill i.turo. - When this , has.. „settled,. tho •
•'. eve' rettemiber tithe': nitwit ti eebte anti cuter 5001.4005 set ohe hps, !The have trip "round 'the Etn- I 1,10•Xi• 'St
• lost/ *f:t bo zfolded,r • . , .. • ' g,eve:ve 1,ino. ,o the long s:ootto,t; „Is piTe.The -----------------------------------rin ceme iia so splek • s..ented
. •
• .,. “,..... , . ' • ,-bPolten by. a eircalar frill . extending nod span -with itloan painted s6'its U... ".1loilt
The Kind of ;Live,Cittle the . ' f mit. ' 1•1°:ont 'the elbew to the wrist. hut Mother and Billie.and Joan eimply' King h,
RiihTr t 6 uyer emau i. , The rittnnr 'heck 'is :i11.1ishod with 'A 1 Steed and attired tit it.: So did all the 'form an
il '..D ''' d t.or.m., having, long ends:, looped „And ,.• other people Whe Were Standing' ready:Of her '
-In the business -of ' ShiPping. _live; tad 'in- frOttt: -L-No!- 141074S in siees :as, I to- get .in.- - • .. ' . ._ • _ ' ' ' .. ;.., 1 the, next
e cattle te,.'the' pritiale lides, the steer as, lo, 42, 4.4 4,nd afi• inehes btet. Sise •I'Conie. . Mother, sena': Itiliie:- WP''''. /1°11i°
whieli best . rrie$,As. the " de &nod and 118 bust retioires :I% Ya ktfla 41 9 -i itt' h .tott."shall *miss* • the f ra i n . it' ' we 4t•'so not, the' Kin
. which ft4 most, ijkoty.to.b,ting prolitah'e teritiL - price 20 cents.: . „ ' ,: , quick," eried , -.M.61iie ezigerly, told Shiaar( '
. ''.
, .tOttIrM..4 to th#%Cittiltdiatt shiPpar lit 41.104.',. -The seeret of' distinctive dress' nog jimiped` harks the compartti1ent • dpriii- ,'Moth'
that weigif$ betwz'On 1,16° ami ' 1'itI0!) ingood laate rather than a lavi'sh e.7.-. ' site her. „ ' . A . , . . ' ; the • Ilea
, ppunti;t.,, .I..ighter, steers, ex;certt in the iondittive.ot ••rooney, tivery,.. woman ,-. •InStroitly the 'train began to nieve, a TO
ease of ginati steeket•g; Willeh aro. t.'ar;,-.; shotidd want tosmeke her .owne:otfi4A, witif,. Mtllie • .i naide. anti iNtother rind •IDal .QO
il...4-ii !rifle ohNipc.,r; litive to overa0MO anti the hlrne di•OSSIttake11 Will find the 'Mine and :loan Jett on tht. piatforili ' If Yale(
the' hat:diem) or viteryinn 'the Atone_ designs hie' St'rtited iii oue nett.: Pasnion' still staring att, it. ' , . ' ." .' 11'..ehIltk ng
oeean -r11,1-0,1t vete as • heaVier 0110, Book to - bo praetical anti Simple, yet ”Oh. oh!" ("vied. Mollie,,,IiiMping ttp. 'the Tow
. F •
' lk a ''S.taii i'ii ,over 1,115,0 ...iiound..4-i4Vit- 1.11 aititaiii:ing. the _s.pitit of the pueiesef . ethey•re, left, behind la • • . •• 10 10
4. .
. passed iii•e ,grotetog ;liege, WO ("all the iiioniant• Prise of the lbeok '10e, ' • She' wevcd wildly to !Irene:bet ;lid- I • 6The
Qttot,11 .naaaa-s,t,d,•,1 sailed aeaut ; and three h:;tii;(1-1i yatri• Cave sitts•-•-itiewn 'by photraert.lthe latken:*-01 t - - •
; make wail's. In tr);,;' laying tho;copyi.:: rea 'Mild -laid on hers, and the To‘
oit fat, ' A seelee of" triAl altipteiette • ea•sa seey oatmaa•paaaega'I'!as. " a land, toict, said 7,'Never tared. yoe•; nolitt.
ttindo bY the Moab; Y'll i'lltileetidn'nf,a,li Write our name mid Address plain: can*P-44 'tint at 'the' 11"t 818""r nii`i ' ''.41:il I
?arms' linsd brouglit..out 'thew non Is,. :giving netrean. and sae i:It auth wait fee them there. 'They nee sure say 1110
.........*11..• ,..v.i.ix ether, reer,i.eacagaheireeetaerdsete III_ s you
wapt, ,
, • . tatter Era:lose afje-in te come est-by-thespeet train."' s -.1 and 1See
- : fit a ni;ti...IiiitlitflifTff aShittPitia rattle '
.. . . se, ,-• stamps or cola (coin preferred; e..rarr "I" 'Mtilliv' W1141 hYdl'egutrto' f('64*-"ite "<
. - "--•TO-1.1,i-tf.,. -totieit tviar-4*--A-tziltraiwitnyy---Iiiii-eiatriiwribe , . ittetted--0,t,..boinp---eartr---iike-: "1* shi
, . . frtilatgit_4110.;,,,P.tibileitttctits-ntatte11.,:-..itiktiogg_ oury,,:o_tietittn,,Dif; e. thist2•ellsityatiereel.feetoeked-atethesteve...Aleltnaee
. .
diaalWays remendiesait " sal • '
• Dept. or Agrieulturp,,ottasva,.. •rnesee Wilsoit Publishing Co., ?I West Adee-Peope, 81 tug omo 4. a, . .
? . ,
shipments liONO throten ;1 weateleal of laid° t, Torotto. Patterns Sent -by been too etiger to get into the train; 1411 an
,iigbt.ort 1(10 prohy,ni cit 11010 ,:inti.,when return Mall.. - ; ! it; tOetatitet than )....:;,ir,ov,.„
...„ . ,
One was a. gentleman in a top hat,' tnP top.
-;', CAnada should eepert thiitsd htef 1 aiseee„,,,,seossaee . „
-etore settle, short liPep.'eutt:o and f.it." . -., se 0 ees• e - yiiith aaboutonniere on his 'coat t the the end
, .
‘• To.rt tett. Wads • , . - i ' * '
41•1•10 ato llreat Mit alit -atitt to' tvhatI • .. , s • S. s 'ether wag It. ady 'dressed %tit • lower ; nirest 01
pertilitee'selithil it be 'sant,. ,tt -IS elitat a tlietv° :Washings ..o!littgr-: onaPaiatiegeelsealea:ot:MadVO,-; ;;Ili.1; decsg was..ItIal,that,,Siti:."1
tha tattk, .,,,,,iitt-ing. fre,111 0140 anti 11:1111SC4)01.11thl hOlf,h a Pfean Of Sift or stiff 'airilthdrittg.Titac', hoe lint ,WaS shavre'tl, atttpt• t
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