HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-06, Page 1jW
-7 7
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7 771
.7 All�'-'_-
Ai, IN N. '1 4
�g 4
4 At
ni . . ......
_Cop; Z
�,; . C
ONT T"V 6thV. ��926
'tt V
b f�,X'Canlp_ CH.VRQK V
More and, �g Zg NI7
Our' lity", gr�ad h4s� ibai Rich. N At
of' tf S Y!er e
0 .0 ign Gui__� Thursday
ko� tinlo 4t, tbq 'counell. Pre At, i� Y�64ini, h0d Fa All lEiPJQy
10144 -CAIK 9 Ong ", , h
Cent, Sale. McKIM#s
ay'' mee pg n rary :0; o itt h last w 'he eknow
4on ad- ening or t
T�qqq4ay' . qvQ Ing .:WAA, The ne Lq
tbe.,hearing of a �q �- cha. g on?, the,
iakpq p' with ti 1; 6 of tbf qg �4ndw;I
P onr X Br4 g;rp-;Q 9!kni .94 for
jelll� Rofis—
ion ich b re- -day evening,"I Ord _op, w Mt.' b, C. 10�14QTII0,
S. Reid:4qkrned depqtA Ig, wh .0 y Donald e4.s ith I. tic
U40, ' : -M , Bon; Bo
1) . W - 'Y"l, CA I "I . *.' and MVs..,T V Ace'd pzo3s, Coffee, Cakes
and -,ourg,44 n; a
'k' I c f th-, boug]4. vpad-the; ScHpture Lessoiri. again. p.g t 1,0ader. �Rasberry'Tartlets,,
Satur ay, After spending 0. to, p4!qI of:�thq�vila
,ucKu4w CbQc aC�'. ke:�
OTopic, ol te.�
The -fik1r;mcis. ThQni&on.11 was Sally Browns.
Mrs., -Ai ivhd,� was. e
.,.V.e,, a !"r0eitatton.. o-n t
pone, 8 Vice P 1 rea
-44 , , � ,a coup P, of, wee n orop, a, 01 --7- Pre,6i6nt—,_W. F., .2 kgrs., are:
1.0 taken �Xiss -R Vhole,Wh'� at ancL 11, e� M'
�r"sys. R'. J '.-Moore;, 'TI., id .
)ht, Mulli� ir - a
. . . ......... )X&TE
a elf ur ��h h AND,E GGS A�Nb
ill with prielumo 1*a,: &bQ 4pp6jnt, _YO
num, pra. wei:e,.A o y K M�,L
Thle i3an� wi for p ODT IN, THE: EST, P If,
o4,,Ito idh
DENTIST � , _ 11 fl lAst- ering h
atid',Thurs6, qnillg�,, �n
a musical sel
ey r I
.11440, uy:. In w.i,l,\-be' ppen
wal i1sit, fi' b' Th4 - Lu kpo Ilowr ritOs for,, e
6 w ScWoL gOAj&L-"fi,- �pro -Tup
_49 V10,* to,, _y IALN
rn't' A 'tioild q#: be. V, 046 36
pa: ring to Id it ag�mQn.g. Piplim h'
Fjr�ken 'Apil tbe_�BA. nite&- Churcl
inAA6 to the �ecre if.7,
r. R, "'L 'Treleaven,. Ui;lMor ic'ls, -B�okgj Smith,'woro, out of to' A. �9
or and xce , Deeial 'M t drs, DA
q Wn so KooW y ston Pc now.
&ckoi's- Siore. Extraction regular 10c. are. 2,for 11c.' itt the, the asp-hhn�iplf.. lie .,will , �be- held t Chuirch')
Over Oneb4d to.. present in, he. Uhl, elln Cent 'Sale, at,McKim's D uZ S� thought that asI the Fire''Co. n U
ifther � by jis or locali '. W exp4'd- on Sunday 'morni gI , The m.' sie,Will'
:0qhg#nnGk',,evety T,uriiday. May`&..7-8.
-.ed all id f unds in 'tho. villa e - in pa, be fumished y a, Ndt-hers' Chair.
ViQtiq_ And aritable work t should Mothers- -'ta offeribg
rs, eroy Horn,'twho lait'week
"I)ENT19T iinaerwent, an Operation at' London.
pastor e `Ma�q apoointment avoabemoney by'1he
,irioiley7ma ing r others', Day, ;Slermon, - will be
'Call Dr, Newton, o diciti In ing r I � I . dAY
M r 7rr-n§ aO.,ke.., up the
Th re
not be held up. for, so'bigh a. pribe, as Attend. to'the work 6f the ushe...
'ers, who took, -all t ' pteached Th re will
pro. ro4 Beauty Prize."
Viola Dani in "The In offlee'everyday, wi�h them also b& .4 Babtis' al Service.' In, the
hag be n, 9 r 0 n A., full coined
Mr� JoIIA'ipaton �vh�o V6 ve 4tt Y'Jeaturc
s4ld.,'thai the in or of a. tjlr oon a' special Mothers'. Day
Thq Grease.",
the* Bank of- Montreal staff.here for the', T.own Hill rates had -fieen gone Program. will be given br the' Sun� Comedy "Ift
time, has been' tr44 f W 'th
new day,; PelIOL
s. orred to, ol.' 'A Pageant
into very carqu. 06re
'L ndorL% ffice. of the bank..'. t 0-
a- %ye Xe 'n,
Ir 0 d a d that it *ould-VO I'M Th B le". 4ill Also be ',Agr� ultural
rate re fi others
o EvmRyBoDrS f0IAU1,4N: Pic ure
who has d,ffi t 'f the'Fire -ren
Mrr Dona hAve. one ra,e, or
Id Murchison' 1he Car' Bator,
ho wis
been a to And, aiiother'f6r'othors. shows its',work and lif _0_0
sident of',LucknOw the past i -w to 'deitiroy it
0 -4— I . 1 11 . . . 0 H 'United
Art$' fias 6yod t Ripley, h
ye id 'to �ge the. all h, YX.
few o.
e progFainine , or
'!request' was promis4d' ponsldi� f 'Mimd4y: evT MAY 1.6;
1, LUCknoW, where h - lid boUgh a. i0sidonce.� The - r �.K, AS t ij��a oi j. .16
�Sjddal to er I ut it -did eUplift Hoot ibso -in ig. Odle. ]Wa*k.11
A,�ni�ig. wits Airraliged, by
apd .—MonvY ai opj' In' aMr. and Ernle i mortgages, on arm , proper'L L tchison and.. any, �Tiapge was likely to. �e. -mad�,- Cir us
per h /mOV 4 to L Art C6iiimittlee of wilicliI Mrs. Ddekeir is.
prqscnt, 00 e,
ho i
s 4C6'and'41/a -di ` 6hildren. ve ist.4n�'
tib dent ccor. M O.s -Mr... �fdi the r vi:66-pres.: The'Re I L And:
al tchison bias a jerman-, ecu ffered. Also. . P.m. Where Ai -Silk. .',H--.
t rity th i �, 60 Tflin ose
e re said' that ho 4puld omi-dy
L Moitg ! second t. positio d of:ihe Ash6ld 00ciiij--kAVe the"A
ARS, : 01 ad,'
amounts 'on 49 on n with a,' prb 0e, firm.
ont staiement :prepared, showing
farj6., �prdpeirtles and -on pers6na� have i. "Jesus, Thle '29
sold tbe'li residence here �hc, amount. bf� money.. - e COMING. MAY -27.o;.-28�
Vld in
Be, y C
for Stfu'thre -h had"
�`ndtew A few good farms sale.' N blieri t .01 door of,.the.everyda
R The Ten— om Ana nts.','
aid fdT, HAli Ae'foo.-a number of ,me
'L. U
7fife :o�. Josus!as ar yoilllk� man -before
WALI, PAPEK The weath6k,Man, still, :keeps . us. y6an back, an& 9 Would t.! -pre- aturday litights - F&rst 'show,
-ShbWO S
t f his
c mmeniced W minis, ry; o
at' owes:,
as. to whaVs to, colTkq.,.,:.sen meeti4g nj
Litost patterns, A�'LstOC4 all n , , ��h , . He :the: next co
xt, e PIT
wus all ..very
e requost f
e0dentl th -a
.,As gir-in . catalogues. The kee§sive heat and oaiie_
.1 ook, -patterns, i
s6 -leading, in 6en,
Df 116-
jojolf ballowpd, by su'6W fldLr'._. U.N., , t ufacturers.---�Box i749'. -R. X Jumoi lr..,-, new and in ergs ing.
udek- d a e. c e.�king.line of
n r -.Hangor� and Isevbre c I But�. it!� .,Tlor-� Mossrsi J. .1 A.. miss on"15c. & 25c4
inson is a
ia�ing and ust noiv� a ine, Silk
Vai to fles a a. wp'�'b'v
fial.. a ain.
dn, and ."k. D. is,. addi day'6v6ni g' fqpu�a from the Public Ll 'inSlack'r Br6m 'Grey 'tc.;tA e
ose.. u
lotar d d'appi.�ii t
-eatly�i enjoyo -an a
Bo IB 'ard. - �Thoy. didn't � th e 1 ib
Maci�ziiie d h in
Pa& plL speaZ'
LdeknoW.. F was gr
nk' ill
'i�#ed'16t n
��d. - ':A - -number of'* S drt
Ir I . I# h - Neadini-s'
ODo- Flow:ets
With the li�tallfitiokv of* 0$
had got a. S gi 'ei
rar luire. d0a iillen jik stOckin Woith- 66
w ne VDA, 1 ALTON--4n' 'v re. "Whit.
P $.1. 00.'
ti r
o 6n Jhaye Our. 6i
s 0 to 1$150 nd thov. 0
eXteJj8iVo Y. re very appr_ LOYER E
Ael�, onr' A-0iff !26,. 1626,. t� Mr, ahO� 'Sa' 1", 'Thes opriat< y
I . I . the To iiship ille jabt meeting. annualgrantr
Mary and by ro-md"
ng wo,are making a a
inill hag,
.,d er, f. a sk b TIMOTHY
ighei. -Ars. �-�:Walter Alto h a6 this seas6ii �fr! the -
wanted" to know i
ever,. ma e
'Ere ran I ces. 'IepioOf Hose� Warrii
t -a 6 Harol(
no be -New. o
the c6 'efl--i d the L'b_.L ;,h
our W; dAf not sitisfili- the. Village ALF LF
conv nee. . : Try"�a'bagr and " 1 11 yourself like. �fejatiofi 'could*' t: edtablisk, hbir were .,sdlo' it Oti de SOLOMON—In' leav , , d 4u6t, by. V
am , pson n nififtbd.,
IT n.
0! E. re e ve. Luicknow,. MacKenzie r0d(i, ad between
-on i0 1624 to eary Board., a d Wi Arnl�trbng. :And*the;new pastel,( ere in. pro-�',
'he Scrip re eSSbn wat.'read
Aa h 0
Y' 'Mis. 'W' Pr . .# Mi. t L' b had6s
d 'A.
4eictionii of the
ug ter.. nthrid Libriiy AL f
T ; I ,
I R .. r.. .. ePT0[O osi ki ,,smes,
Far 'tram� buil& MacKenzie and 'Mr,. .'D.,. C.
-new 1 a quant ty, a , n; inake provigi the,, levy..'
f 24 w ich
starm: And wip �Tafe
d ftg, _of_*:&.spi��i' -_Public-Librir'y
PP7 'Da _0.0 CO
"Andr a, V "kin in,
H & "'of
EK 'TOX- '�A N'R 0 Xh ortl ,,at"Per I
C. T4 o0 !� , , in -the arinua ax sc e
D 6e.* S .01 Iloar hidiile, sto heyeaft6r. the Library 'be'
e d it
expected that "Out, MAY 115
on the 0
EGGS P6R HATCK1kG,,.% Lhe-lpassenger,' rain finahegil that ''wa 0 iiek-t ci anerd.ft, f6t.tharket The iew� d d
y, Instbad, f b�.� , f h�gs lroii Ne Ra� Or lKenchil
T tal shipment.,
F4iite e nual
Rocks Vrant from the w §tation-fof'tho tweek -ending,. ril
Barred Kincardine branch ' .1 q d
Logharris---b .4f the C.N.R.' 'Whip
. .. . ..s jug by:
'to ierieril. fund to lijt. is 'not eo! h '* .8 Were select OW s a
gy gtra�ln� 5. C -Ife. most effle re e 11 ilAdergaribents,, was
red-. nge from -29 *.'as. 182, of t ese 7
the, prosen S III heiVie
lois 32. 1
re it a O;ft,, c sm
D C acMorran, tb�k tra heavy, f ide,' P*'
�rain �tb oi b k dott , it c .
ien 10aner,:rnantt a t nche� w at per 99c.
Mr., A�dirs6n ow c Or
924A . One hne- Dlinned* telidve t -e ney� ox
d 3 feed -
the Library, ,polinted.out:lhai �dih, a
cars. on'the oad -by May/ .1, Ut :tbC. W HOU§lg FO fie quite
e, 0
chan e. a t*o' -pos samq*, wed wpro 2723. hard Hur n:
' not'ready and the dat
R. SA -11 L cars were grant or',only. Shipmbnts�' th�,!. of
cein' 1 -carry
Good ent'aottigej 0. roams, the d* oned impossible to 0 k
e Cut. so S61i
hThe', new, t3 And -water electric' wood;; oil, is J. b $160. *hi�h' ll�AL
if) 'bacon
henhouse *;'dt: car There weie. '802 select 1594
:' .". L 'r ' . . . .1.
st year .9 cavy, I I . . _ L : ., .. . .
9 . :. - . i ,
Available aft ense were. .84 ' - arii& ia, n flift-k! s oath, 164
all -op shed' birn and) P Oki r otit d us 'O.bout,,the -gum 'Vies' 27 1\
hampt6n, branch, eh
e mit; a,�re,bf,-Ihnd. Just gouth f OPPration a the SmOut erother ex S The., Mrs. thkolighoui the pa og ho
nd ap.
Alifil L y. jiOn. We
ayoi2-4A tisf in for of, books, xfla�- S
parently 11 . given: sal
zi ..papers.
Ane n(
h .0
understand �hai 'they-, do. riot FA R '9ALIS YI HEALTH' AND BRE)
Mi.`MurdoWdealt with t e ofquite. as qrpoqthlY..a� 'iho- hav' care
go, 'g(
-Dread. and od hoWth'
'Ic icres'L. e ng Lot *est half n ,*as- undgi to -keep the. Good
10' -A b I no* n se t be. 'tion tho tq�w MI
.9 Can 0,._,K.D,,,.Ashfield1_1 Mi i but thor'e,appqars a'he halLId., -You Owe -it' to� yQurt 11- E WE
fitti 'I
es ran W 11 e, comp aiAtI.e.ven- Oin your, :family t - -b - _ ibriary, u-to,&-hij-h standai� f A oit;.g 6buy �Ao aving accepted, a grant; self and..'to tau's6
it in th
sold c eap, or., q6 Wk Apliiy� The advantage f, U.5*4 *i bdst6 'Golden igne
ey can
type Of tar* is. niain y in economy 0 SHARE-:
inthil, Ont. perr :1 buy. is ma 1 -in-. a. g ND
Cost r
le teing thAt. the shop,'and.Iconies '6u fresh f TOY .9.
H an do a M.EMBERS A.
to the, un ers 'd f,
d 50 e litte �A:ndre* Car- he 7' om V eiials'.m6fi
-ofl .0'0 E ratipn, -the TA neg 4 nitaO Bake B _T0, Do.
tho'�ght ro THIM DIS.TRI
'but. it sinall.. portion of what'it. costs CT
1,ov operate, assenger "Mode by your. neighbo Id' b'.'� PLEASE LEAVE- THEIR Wily. "SIGN -ORDER- FOR
be or 'at he Library was Oc daily.
rsbip 16
ihe re"a t 'Vifthod, Glasses
-NOT1019* . AN
low and that:4, moie money should be your.. NT
Notice Th -.ap r to be tidmirAbly Thaio' py pea wheyl, ould W, 'US, Olt
%ocure, from- the users' of books, The e cipus ;1OOL ou A d for .�Saturda' EGGS, AT
offo on 'h inei where, dputdtion ke.lie alit'i YOU- CAN., GET
The 'Count r use ' ranc Ii Ut
lyr li' d that..'the. purpose Spbnge' Cakes;-. W1,
Illagbe of Luck- traffie is'c6mparati,�e p 1,�ONI.S GROC. R.Y. RE OUR iarm. your ey th
Caip6r�jida 6f.tth- Vi B' ' at isritt'R11 -ALL 'T bRAN
str' d'
tends' t6 "constidet as. A deal the ght. of a -Public Libiar' y 'w s aid in. the 'Scong dell'i e worst !t..
now in, �die.pjivi�g.df he thinge will number, 0 a to vaiet it,'nor
T �, I , -r ed i IC a A Arge, 4 RUtK8 T.,' T H,E'M, 9
ucation 'of -the- j.6blic'. and that ILL
te1T.V4 Y.io. U.,
eyes. ha'vp a 113 QUANT
low foe mea moire URING EL
w6ste#ly. litAit - �of the. 'engineers,r firemen;, -conductors. biking,. 'bad h0it of upsetting
L . i readers. and that. there Ros. a 7-7 TiVICE A. W e many
-y "GRASS FARM S Stieet'fo the easterly limit. of q'nl' now It t oned. it Kin.
to e reading, e9peciiall IiENT thin Or. lit. kIND VOtT ANT
'Eighty'to A. width
yo) U Nj� 4'.
V -ER conditions 6U
-4'Vill4b, lot'n'Umbeir calrdine. 1courage, '1101 W ATH t joyeg thilt
Of Foiiy feetf.1ind from the the: object' th4-, ibQ 4'AcreA, suitall, ejor, yot; 'g 'cdt-, tside of
j4he n
kle spring- I creer s 'Vain' A
caiuses.� nd proper
ty vthe 4th. Coll. S. RO=- TSON
mit 'of said illage lot number Eikh LU&NOW -IN hiva Ii vlew�.' k Qu q ye 11.
'te_ of ini $,,just' D VAkMERSI CO-OP. glaises--r6mo'v� tbein all almost' at L UCKINO W
dtfi of GAIN he nte' lack street, to, a wi T koAd.4THE YNITE
-rty -Streer- from� POPULATIOt4., i rview douhtless �il K ofdr
�to 05 east ayd n 1ind
'Am.; TARIO, We.
once' in. many, cases. d'L
Thi . feet;,,, Stauflilot 'undet's aildiTig Rob �Johbston.- CO., WINGH
sult in sk, better t
heeler Street� pp
j�oll 8tte6t'toy W
nate TH
we LCLX�le Found—,On t4e, en� ili� e6Un6;l-an"e tree��, 1�'E,4cknow'
assor L,,, 1. AJVUgJiU' t
Y 9.10 C , , A%13.= . I USt �to
p6ifit T*enty-fbur feet. i -the moire, clean-Aen Sir egg
-nor h of lited hid work, arid iretur'na will' lead 'to' I a manog MU er, OiVn6r� have
south4west kwg 16 of, village -nunl-6 0-
t L ition * I., sa.ne�4t '6* Sentinel Office.
�ed the - toll to the Council; repor a. a The'.deptit gt"the �usual 'p
ter southerly"to the south*][Y lim-' a son its i. T ARMSTRONG
know. This
'OP-TOMETRI-ST F-Ldr sa t- Purobre&/ Re�efo.rd Bki1l-,','
351, 1�t!off of in i6e. of �cgreflll consider t of
it �f� Village lot pumbet 535, to A popu width of Twenty.dx foot;hnd Intends" is, an n&base. of 199� over the cehous, cage.
!fig of logi. V ION Iteed Iikhi in'.
jo specially assess a pal -0 old-,- g6�ri
et'of , the cogt
Iftfidij gbUttingr di-, u. -0 IDE fN0T199 - cktio
0 -N
ertof upon "%A**E T SA -Lu
I cil,y on� the! work'and*Wba an on. t, 11'� k n o Nv ddst 'Oi:,Lu6knd
ooneral Nil& of . the. V1116ge,' CIRCUIT NOTES .(4
ide ii tend toln-'
6 9 LaW VI: Work
timated coot of the
2. 1 he 0
'ih 0, 00.00 is- Neki.: §WARy -is M9&6r!s I)# -ind
ls,� $11,6'00.00, of wh The G The* paidby the Corlia hi .Week* At.' ex
ration. Vht,'168tiniat. 00, '�kfidof ba ote t all. Stote
T Y. X he 'de conip: an Y, th ij' T s
aIper foot -f 1.
6d - gpdcial: tilt
hours of the, fi,po ervic a girrang- last
for the -40 feet width;, $1.60 for
he75c.- for thiD.26 ed. 10.30,
In' the school playroned: Thb we're
f det ill es churzli, #aha- e ji 'TAU --SATURDAY,,
intent . Remember Guides RIDAY-r
wdth. 'ille gpecial'ass S�hdjty: School' setv'Jeos. few lat RSDAY
tha. is to be paid,in- fi W IdAr y 'Who. getv
bqfial'itifttlal 2.34 11ackett's, eambined seray. t it . IS. th the lte, of 16%e� piv �. , I 1.06 -.P.-Mi. poin s. T —L Thi's ar
-0 let the' t
fteen Yo. P rtt' y
-illgalinentg 'at , vkei 0 - , :. - .40
AO 'fpet- 10ci for f Ye At4�'
ego f�et; Mothbrlt DAY -Pageant. Blakelz-Sun-1 �anthms ot to
nANc. far' 26 feft!�pavelnen School, ii,the uiuAl houn Spec!" buf that l d 'have been due ' n_
petition�to 06 said Council' da�
illl, not. avail jo prevefit, its conAttuc- ial inusie'ai all services 61a' 0 rhapA the: Captain -was to And gette'Y, han,�Ever.,. ON ".TU E S D A Y,' IIIAY�11[TH �k C P� V,
r lie
'on, but a O lm!titjo�, against, the �)ork
ad touant
of -t te-rmanne rui e e-Pr6mb U�k AT'- $.110W . N
COUNTY- 1,9� rdes WHIe ber WAT01
pp ica ioni
m A
may to :'Soction' 9 rr� . . I . . ' T H V, 'S V
Aaflw will U -ie 'no 146 1 . % I_ -1, 1 -
t i Cel LATEST
rid '63r, 9nd( Clag§'Gui och
AU, to thi Onta: iw. I a 2n x
ni�41pgl;�oatd# - iby_at�lld .,f6j _"oun ........
011 0V
6 thd oWfidti repei4iliting atr, r46hgt TowfiShi&. ifid for t Ast Saturday af ferijobn a n�,niboli, one- it C& %0 - --------
-0 tri ecl tne, examination,
ud fr6in' 5. td 8 C" IMEDIAT1%, 1)
w1iich .,af6, to N sPediAIlY soba ;4 TA LJ IS N T 11
AtIA' - ...... .......
the 8s liegmd . ... ...
of the Oiffdrdnt parcels of I I THIS. .0 3TV OF BIN ;mru�UREDL
Murdle is the exaMiller. T116 Luckrfow, 'eadh" mimiCipAlity I .,�F !VERT..,
Date& At
A D 1920. the Cbunt� for'. the purpose of,,e- cessful nes AV `78111
Jo.q. - A,thew. Clerk, uafizig'� tho� hssesAments undot, thi
Well Guide itAthtid M
... . . .....
------- of thdi YA680#Alnent EMBER` D A
u de'Mary Wits arg
T9f4D91t'& WANTED =;ialltibn 'ohlill (be as 16116*8:
dol"i-Abneing 14% 'RiltalL 'VaJU4tord '$5.'bO j�r. day - and ter nilldaga.t 1, �A
-fikir ellvl,� $79,00WOxtra
1021, to dil'tdt to ult, t�_ 7;
f' thdr''IlUt ey" r V- to i
ery 0 Rhott tJ11S disk
0' ' ' t "glf I E LL
igAod 6.00' pot da� an(l' OXtyjt fol,
�s a "to
'Uglitlt� oah M bid'
oLow $jr on t
t6 budood $200,00" Luwkn�w- tatio
OurAge4 bUt follo*'L 01 M& i ottm
lid IN" or�
Ot -7