HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-29, Page 8• �. .111111 4 D $ lK*L ,, DAv''#pan,;�*p• F;e4TAL ACMANI` 1KA 1QVElt A distressing accident .occur}'ed' n Hanover on Friday morning ,Aril 10- th. about 7,45 o'c1Qcic whcA Edward Grieb, a man•27 yeazs of age;, was' wound around,, a shaft 'in Ourrell's. sawmill and received injuries from vrhich he:: died ;a few minutes • ,after che`.aceident.. The 'unfortunate young 'mart had . ornnienced k only that mor and; was oilingworup.!the bearme. ofning the• Maui shaft, in the mill; When work- .ng. nearcoupling, his, clothing was .aught, and; he was whirled around he: shaft,' the clotI hk being literally. •G corn from his br,cly, his legs and arms' jt oken • .and: otherwise horribly , ,ured (before tile' :machinery could+ be Wrought to.`a step,, M.r. Grieb, whose hens was agent• two' miles from :Hanover; was' sin ,playe-d on the epunty goodr4roade system,the 'vicinity of Alain. Park last :slimmer, running•:the.steam: roll- er., and vVe iniderstand-- that , since. then he had been out: of ' employ- ment, starting work 'in-'Burrell's mill only ,ann;'hour before • the accident oeeurred;Ile was a good ' workman,' and the terrible, ;accident has cast a :cloud of gloom'.over- the 'whole neigh- borhood. He was ,Opmarried. An inquest. Was ordered by ,Cor- Ener Dr; A., W. Brown;, a jury em=;. paneled,' ,adjourned • until to-miorrow when the evidence will be taken. CaIt . •$piing 1$ loll*A Bei Welf,Dressed. Ynu 'l I>ll<St Have Stylish Shoes 11.1 '. Qom'. ^GOMF'QRT, ' i1 ;AR,. AND GOOD VALUE IN -•. R ' ; f•'!Aia ':flF •(!JR, MEN'S 4119M HI(II SHOES i A<ND oxvoltrta.sm 11L4K AND ERQWN.. AND RAT. ; LEATHER. .W1104.0, AT. 'a.oe,, :$ ,00, $6.O0 . Tow,W1LL. Min THE N�EWESr MODELS IN SP1tINGTIM-, $'$ LOY~EL7i , yPoOTWEAR,,, IN.. OUR LttIJIES' DEPARTIVIENT., :S •t.TURNE1 KID, OAT ,44S. km],' pAT. COLT LEATIRS,E1>I,QERATELl::PRICED AT° $3.50.., TQ . • ai"11,11:, BOYS' AN 41Rt:S' STRAP SLIPPERS AND Ox-, FORDS•, igA11E ON::.'4F0037,-SHAPING" 14ST0'THAT' 1,0Yt T GtRQWING FOOT", ALL 'NEW SPRING STYLES I'It1C'ED AT 1.50. TO $$,QQ k • l RI ' ''M,;El+PS° WORK SHOES` FOR SPRING.- WE mAyEt fso4km.... THING'TO•,! A ABOUTr WHEN IT.:.CO,MES. TO' 'MEN'S' aft pow,. WORK SHOES. , '.`BlJl l> It COME ' AND LOOK , THEM:q OVERE 'ORRRE-'•~ Y O XI.. B LT Y '.;PRIGED AT $3 00, ,$3,5O, RAT .:H E L & TURNER ‘THE' STORE. WITH A STOCK Our Repair Dept. Will Give You Service And; Best . Quality ,;Work, • RINGI HOSIERY --Newest shades Silk and ArtSilk. s stocking' is provided with' a special lock stitch which prevents garter -run. Veryspecial at $1.00. Also: Art. Silk• and Lysle whichlast; year were such.: a great success;, at.75c. All these -in latest shades. ' Hat Shapes and Straw Braid for ladies an children. Everythingyou ed , for house cleaning. Rrnnms Rrushes, Pa11s, Cedar'OiL etc. Curtain:,Ecodsand` Wilidow:'Shades�. Special. value Flat Rod extends to•4b inches, at 2 ,f or. 35c. h•. We have a wonderful assortment. of Mothers' Day C r'dsfroin'5c..to 25c. each. I QTY S'O RE AND' EGG'S FOR HATCHING FROM: LAAGE� S;T R A'INS PURE `SHED TO LAY WHITE LEGHORNS AND "'BARRED: ROCK:. ; HEALTHY,. VIGOROUS STOCK ,'BRED' . `FOR 'SIZE; LARGE .EGGS AND HEAVY •PRODUCTION. •..2" 50 100 ,r • $ 13.o0' .Ire Iiorri Bab • Chid _ °,� $4:5,...$7.00S White.. , g „ Y , , White c . in E ,s '1.25 ' 2.25 ''4 00. White Leghorn�Hat h g ; g Barred .1 ck'Baby Chicks ' °/ :4.50 8.50 10' 00' Q Barred Rock Hatching Eggs ' •1.50 <275 ,` '5.00 BOXES OWN AT'THESE PRICES IN 'YOUR OR BASKETS AT'MY-PLACE,. ONE 'QUARTER MILE WET OF WHITE CHURCH:. CUSTOM HATCHING DONE AT•, ' REASONABLE .... �GUARANTEED.` •' RATES. ---SATISFACTION' AN - ch . •'h Phcane , � .., it.. • E. IN . Os MOTORISTS L COLLISIONS WTIi'"tiTRA;INS • the .oerating.' re:eel-Killed' by P i u s :.1'.g tmen dee" 'of: the ;Canadian.: National ar t,. :durin ;1926 On • iTways ehoidu that:during the, lines'. .,. of `the`•system there ., were six•y - g i t grade 'crossing. accidents to -five . vehicles :an 'iarhich forty: 'people lost their live and .fifty-one' iwere ' it s . serious- lyor slightly, injured, Inonly nine: eases: were• there no fatalities 'pi in-, juries. ill b.ut twelve of the acci,d-, ' Vent's *happened 'to automobiles • or, , motor' trucks:' '• . , ,. Ce the. While, it' is' difficult to �xlaC4 t, evs- ga i . . •blatiie in all cases,•.su'bsequez�t an tionsg. y pursued; orousl pursued; ;showed, the, railway company was not at fault every; precaution 'having been taken :b. it revent these occurrences; ,., by to,p In. two cases three cd,nplete.famil les: • were.�� died put And in one accid- ent two•sehole families lost their lives. It is. also afintter•'-dy f•untlisptte fact .that good fortune,' rather than any other circumstances was alone ' rest. •'ponsible• for the 'comparatively loud' mortality igurfe• among.' Sikh a large' number'7,of crossing --accidents.. The_ dutomobile. has yet 'to- be- made that. • can y 0�TDWp .. ^•Tnvesti;;ations. •' proved that :.in a large number= of cases the accidents • acne due solely to carelessness on •the Part 'of the .drivers of the automobil. :es. Listed, among the' 3ecidcnts are two whei':•°autoists ,!drove :their cars. inta the tender of t'he``"insides; three wlsere'the autornt� bit ire' second .� orhircic ar.ck itisen gi ne , -:nd- one where the divry aettalTyciaah; a'd; ir;to the disk tw entieth car hat , at stngirla and did ii; with an,f 0xout force to bruise: and somewhat injure the occupants • of 'the . automobile, as Wali as ,to .'dama e' his'machine - g No'.bne month: was free from cross- ing accidents, ,but. October led, which rri:ight indi.:ate that, towards the end of the m0t`oring season drivers::;be- came more' 'careless• in approaching railway' crossings. . The aceidentir •by.Montha were. Ian- uary, i;•February,'2:; March, 4; April, 3; May, 7; Junet 4; ,July, 9, dugust. 6;;' September; 7; October, 10; No= v�ember,'� 8; September; 7; • • INE BIiitraE YOU'LL YErR'' .CROSS N•. It's whatou think th at makes •the Y world . Seem sad• or a- . :to*: otu, Year.'. mind ' ay color• ail'.thi n gr gray Or make them radiant. hue. Re,. glad to -day, be true and wise, :Distinguish. g'bld front dross; ,Wasteneither tirrre .nor4hought.about The .bridge; you'll never cross, There's useful work for: you• For hand. and brain and 'heart; There.'•a.urscritservice. 'too,. whish t -silks +trufliart -Nr''ke every opportuunity . A-Tworte vrlr -grain--riorloss,;- • 16I..J�re:i. BEATI:.k'YING SCHOOL ,. GROUNDS • The Canadian Horticultural.. Conn cil.;has, earned the.iratitude 'of, every: pulalic spirited citizen in fostering the .' :ornamental planting of the school groux�ls .' throughout ' the . country,. Conlmenci;ng last. year, ten silver' ceps' were.• offered • for competition in rations districts .'• of the Dominion to aihe xutal-••schools''aecomplishbng greatest •'degree ' of beautttleation 'of ` thegVounda,derine the. year. Most of these cups 'were;' won.. last season; iiiit. they cai'inot*beconae' the property of any school until: Won 'three. "times, not necessarily :in succession With the winning ef : each cup' goes an aa- eitrd-of-merit certificate that. may 'be"` ' framed and kept by theachdol, 'aa.a permanent record • Mr L. P. 'Burrows? secretary' of the Horticultural . Council ;at sOttawa, an ounces: that•, the :nuniiber Of' entries 'Deme received promises •keen. compet ition this. year.' With each ant* a;l photograph of , the grounds sh u d;.be supplied,:to, be•;compared with a 'Simi- lar picture •taken In,the autumn show-: ;ing the improvement 'that' has been made. Trusteeboards,Women's In atitutes • :and Horticultut al Societies ate urged to• 'co-operate with the• Council,; which. will .provide instruct- ions •and suggestions"' on the .plants that may: be used. and theii arrange - ,rents in'the school•'' ,grounds (Is-' .:;ted' by •the'Direetor-of Publicity. Do= minion; . Department of Agriculture, • Ottawa.) 000. SOUTH• KINLOSS:+'' • The bridge 'you'll :never rf rife' seems drab and •diliicult, Just face it with a v4il1; Yoii do not .have to work alone' Since• -God sis -with-you •stili. P'r' s " With tentage, e ova r" e s .on.. V age to,Ward d 'the goat; .... . ... 't'VCt1r• truth rX e d fn t u y r, emb , Be strorim took•itp'end jullt ignor, . ' 4q;:'ptdgp' ya>i'11 nvvar sr4Aa. " . . r'901ii 010 4th N1i f. YM1Y tt .tP.m..ic crated :by Hornell -Murdoch '.Co. SA11iSHEA •CLUB, .The ,� ebruary, March: and April hi O: Meeting -'' cif. the' Kairshea. U F.. w. `Were'h$ld` at the homes of Mrs, Will, McDonald,; ~Mrs. . R , Middileton and - 1�Irs: Jon 'Carruthers .The 'aftend- ance was good considering the storn'is. and bad roads.. There was the usual program, of vocal and inhtrumental' .nasi i eaeh meeting, also.discussion e••. ifs .,. .. .. of busi'rleas. etc, : At the 'February • .meeting" :Ars.' 'Carnochan gave • a 3 cc- Otiving' to unfavourable Weather splendid ii° on . Medical Insp • find poor roads ,the . W., M--S,-did-not- . Lia igen publicSchools-In=rah Miss_ :neet UntilAril 21st.. The : meeting ( i Poult •` P g!,J An a Hughesgave a :ta k ofi rY :field in the -churen was opened by two ,rinutes "silent.. prayer'', followed by a hymn; :repeating•Lard's Prayer and a Passage •of Scripture.. After roll ica'll and. adaption . of the minutes new bus-• ,,ness was discussed. It was deeided o. e� that all m . osis learn .hymn• 562 t sung future meeting. • ' be un' ach u u e gat.. �. m �•. Miss Annie "Hughes and kiss Dean ''McLeod ,were • appointed . as delegates ' to attend the . annual meeting.' of tits g ' W. M S. of Maitland• P'resbytery to. be held in Brussels'May" 11th.. Itwas. announced that 'a: 'cotten ;quilt wars to be made as part, share'of the; W: 11%. S. bale and -the Society decided -to start work: as :soon as possible. , -The program for the afternoon he - tan 'by a .paper by, Miss Nicholson, .. follo wed ,b an . excellent er h Y Y Mrs. N. F. McDonald. ori Bi'ble•Teachi• ins of Prayer •. bringir"i'g ".,out that` Prayer ,is AO •migl test force in. the world. After *questions ' d'ealing with the' .topic. Miss .11. "Sutherland , read an ,impressive'article. "Our Substi-y tutes." The Meeting closed with hymn andprayer afterwhich those present cast their vote ' for a life member, Those not present at 'the meeting still have 'the privilege of Voting un- til the Mast Meeting, has ^been held. Pres, Secy. • -0-0-oma . ROD AND 'GUN FOR MAY, raising, :Mrs,, R: 'martin a Taper on Arthur stnge„ ,n � r and Miss Dean Mc-• , Leod. and Mrs:° McIv"or. contributed readinga.'Iit April Miss Helen :Swan' gave atalk• on Dairying.' Miss Bessie ' and"the rof in P 1 :read t,heStnut ••&ave reading ed with' an old-fash- gi�atnMe� vgas end . ioned apelhng'match—''he May meet- it be - held' at •the home of Mise i'ng,w .I Helen Sutherland. •Press.. Seely.. .:.. 'O :ERDALE>r•' FG W rath ee is 'on • the Miaa Irene St a t} aiick 1dat ' Mr. Harry Woolly 'his' !wafe and/ son niotoreit over from Kincardine and spent Thairsidity evening with, Mr.. and Mrs, .Walter Greenviood. • Mrd. W. • F. McDonald • and Mrd. .r•i>+aeiyer attended the! W: I1. :S. at South. 'Klnloed Church -last Wedfes, days' afternoon, ' Mr: Charlie • trathdee is' ' buzzing' S.. °over 100 cords of wood for' Jas. a es 8th. • Con. . '- IY in • :Mia. ,Duncan can Grand and •son. " nm Archie ‘rete, Sunday callers at tile. ,;orae of W. F. McDonald • acIntosh and ,Miss Mini: Jessie M •LauraVatabn spent Thursday after-. roon' with, Mida .Mary Macil2urchy. LANGSIDE` • A. wide variety_ of, .subj" tt in .the _ .'Mr. Dave Stott of Ripley, spent a field 'of the, -•outdoors is -covered hi. -the '-',few days twit Week with his parents, i>'COttr _::1�Iay_asau��if•` $.oc�ax�Gdrr :ate:ich�has:_ v�'k_ttndwMre�.-_� �...._�.w.Vn.-,. ... just _been, issued in' connection with Mr. Jain Walker hal-. witty• `the opening of the 'eamping and. fish-. Mr. p;�FoO'ator the. seed t nig seaeons,'The current issue of the•Mr. Geo. i Ferd, ,of • • _ _ 'Wraith. .and Dr. Fo . ,,magazine• contains a.number of in-, :V4tinghamd• spent•: Sunday,. at •tereating articles. which .sriould prove. Scott i; • . Of valtie to those planning` to visit ' Buzz beet .ere the order. of ti a day r en ,i ln. the *1e1nity '� a,.. .re I . •d >i un the weeds ar, ,stye in.,:The gu ar de- as' Mr Ohn -;i rtmenta of Fishing. Notet rand Out= with his sawing .machine,; and • the door Talk carry articles .particularly " �HOLYROOD Mr Leslie Harris has resumed his: duties at Silverwood's,• Lucknow We are 'glad ; tq .report •:that all_:the sick, M•rs...Firnie ; Ackert; Mrs.'Fred ^Johnston, ,Miss Mai; ;Stauffer :1VIr • Dicic 'Elliott, and, all the' measle ' patients are on' the way to recovery: Thebusiest'place around • •Holyrood last :week wae the saw infill. Mr: Harold Stanley,, • Mr. Charlie C a” ell and :Mr.` Bill Seott are .aa. PP mong Holyrood ;,boys for the,; summer. We 'are • glad to .:see ;Cora Percy's smiling ; face 'around'flolyrood.. ' llolyrood people all ,welcome, Mr. xnd Mrs Abe Thompson: and''. son; Eddie' into: the community. We all, wish... ,them prosperity,. snd e. Most people pYefer, sn w wheal :rapping,, , but, •when it's 'after :girls, Jacks: says the mud leaves a very. good' track. • . • r'OURTH• CON. KINLOSS' The farmers havecommenced •. to ,worlt`' on :the'. land,' ' Mr Win t;p1j,'ilanri 'of Mitelipll, •spptit: the Week -end it the home of Mr., B. ;Chestnut. We are glad to, s'ay ,that • Bessie: Carnochan, who has'�been absent Isom :school for several months, on aceount. of illness,, •has'. resumed hers studies. " Mr. IC, 'Finlaysoti .is• not as well 'ae; Pia ninny .friends' would wieh� but. vu ,.np •s '' . .n, , e, h ,Ire to ee '-him ` arour4d .agar , aOon. .'�.: • Mr.• arid..Mrs. A. •Graham ,visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. A. McAuley • the Opt; of the 'week. MIST II. MacDonald has .returned home from• Detroit.' for the Summer menthe. Mr D. Webster was in the neigh- . bprho d,-.1aat week, �b rying :'a; •carload. of horses µ kinnon visited ,at, his hd?me o0, the ; Fourth; last Sunday,. Thee `t . e*Cr: 'athor'n re n �___...g..�..�...g�_. 9tn a. eggs have_ started on the roads rgain 'I`he soadeare in. fair condition; sidering'the 'amount. at snow that•wns,l oirAhem, recently.. " : Our• ' n'eighbern on the Second con;, who for some time hate been 111, arc'. :reco'voring nicely, since the advent of, bettel+ Weather' conditions. , • rr =lie- Sottisen ii.oils tree M +� Ch trq ��► M ur 'prices " . are all FIXED: � � • . That is fixed ed as.�loW "as .it, is 'possible to, sell reliable . merchandise SPECIAL. NOTES OurBl a k,�� c lite A�lss�•, S lk-,atw $2.�5 a yard is. sure,. a leader d r in its class Black and Navy a Taffetas• are, vera Popular. " .J YY See NPut :our de endo.. e•'• uality at 2.5 P � 9 Y � 0,a.�%and • , ti Dress `Bandings in" the ' fancy. colors, 'at:: 1:25 $ a yard: Gold: lace "Ver much i . vogue Y n . , narrow 'wd ' 15c. and 20C a yard. Curtain Nets •from 17e., to$2.,75 a' • ,. . yard. Supersilk' Hose defies�com arison. • It i, t„ • � P , is far sti- erior to .A .. any other silk: hone on__..the�._ .. .... ...market at an , -• thing near the same rice Just compare, pare, thata- all. Onlyi S .50''a• pair. 12 Paris ares shades-. �• C' OTE --Comm • ' encln .W Wednesday, esda . Y► May '5;- ;our store i .. ', will be,c en a nesdi -, •• • P , � d a nights Y during they' sum=. mer 'months;:., 4nrmer$ are getting their:: supply of ..i'. -.-.. __. wood. r •-� � �.rrtmet'ri "�a'�etti e a• rich nal 111rtrr• appropriate `to•=the•geneon, Rod f4' Ginaiublinh@d .montbly .. ..�..:_._.�.x.�_ •:i# ..... Iid,. t F• h• aunt' daYs Ousting Awood shedYcf ate rri US t trot ell Evelyn and M, John C . .. hnua may, your ,,,llA«�.. ,.0 .._ .„ . mark, ..06 . optionally�