HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-29, Page 3.• r ' ,uftwa”'”40111,11111118,77007,wrire'rw°77--""- . .t • • the Settee:I/el° the • Cenig regions. of the rat West. • California e.0011011111do. New hikadeog-Arizena 'Rookies, Grand Can. •-sron. National Pitrit• 'Tegiendte'and the liNg Treesand other Na tlienallParkss ' „ Mail this 5os4ion O. a. hebertion, •Z A. 7ienclry, O. A. Sento VO R. • 194 Traimportatton SWIding "Detroit^ /Stoll . . . • , , Or See Local Agent , . «1pe .'IdaoztotIve trivet folds* • I, Thore will .. . :.pereeile 'OA e;te:ixise#4 1 4:*ime • ; .,eTt4 Stem._ • . • • " • • **•W • Its NrikriO4rni.blOgni and It. Many Pouthilitt'' .;, Comparatively few:- .ferreere •vappre, nape net, on' pentafact readily avail - elate. the Value of the tarn), garden aft Ole. Plant feed, but it fdrniehes the a factor in 'promoting the: health of :,§01. with Organie.matter; thus keeping tileic fan**, .Andt furnishing an 'itopea and porcine -and in condltion to abundant aupP3Y of Palatable and atufOrbe great .quantitiee of moiritere: neariehieg feed at 0.4 Omen during and retain it until needed, it will give the grewhig.seasoa. In the first. Weep, the be.et results .spread on, top .of the theradle a let of ealefaction in liaVitili eellediehed in and Pleviea-under• That fresh vegetables 1 rein one'S..own'gare leaves, ,the bottom of the furrow free - den; and, -in the ecteend place,: a geed from °le& When the creee is planted., gerden inatteseavliteet appeal to :the if the suppli of Manure le 'limited, or • May it. ,Ged'a Cavsnent With Noah, 'air' 5' 4 IO 01 29. 90008 do set Oir -tlyo cloudand lt shim be, ter a .taken of a covenant between. 011/•ailct the9' 18. ear:the-Gab. . ANALYSIS. . OAH F!kmay iffeemiy, p:28-32, If. THE SIN 09.' TM) ANGELE4, 0:44; AND • ,o,F M4N6542.' III. MAY OF TIM FLOOD, 6:i8 to, 844. IV. T1311 Al.,T411 AND THE. ,FROMISE, ' 8:15-22. ; V. THE ,411,ESSINja ANt TUE cell81N.ANT, .0. io roratiers f1i-0,! IPOP.4•itTlIR974. GeMilitit 111.4100:'InVention, feor rem Oire., . ilAuniant•ned.bt,Thon; A. Adieen.:0 •thOrliale-Year_mtleseet..10. to _50%. TO Make your mc.ctor run oneethar,_ .and AbOolort 'Cat up COW_ _ _ _ ,_, _ ,. lagreciis aeoeleration and give yowl. 'ROM 611M On.. POITAIr• ' Operates ir 41 Poeitively and Automaticeity; ' lastalleW - anyone * 'Hi minutes, Pa, oked in box' Vilth full Inetntet49411, by Mei . $.100. PeetPikid ' Sold only on a- Foeit1044 Money Batik Guarantee. A Post card front Yoe Oa a 10400 trial: will lend your money heck. hatutediete17 nint yon hes9 the :Illeelnatar, • .' • ' ' H GAOSIY . 040 rBLINTON ST., •TORONTO:5 •„ esIii Canadian Representative., Itekerenees-The Itneerkdk Bank of Panadee , eta- • the least .9f gardening plea/Neel le growth. and. Maturity,of Oertein elope, VI, NOAH AO • IHHEDRESSFA; 0,49 'Ts; utomot)bile the feeling thet yea .itave proved an it may done by- ushig epeCial high- THP.EP- BOX,Ts 9;18'29- b oi rade f malting adittere INTUOnnerieflioith is the teeth family. fiances: Anti, bY means in caee one desires to ..hasten- the • . efficientfieighborenrebetter; and getting petaie of S:tWentsa•iive :.Plenade.' of nitrato.. eetanf tajoi.04,4.aet 44i.,0t.fitietelietitiiihr:11e4tpro°!•-. , . ,.: :AUTO. • l'il$44INOS."SltOttrID, . gardener .y geng .your g, .: a . ., .. eit.eter..epotateiee,-,4a;..weika;e9roi;,.aaleee. ledee,,ilftyepounds--"efe'SuiP1140".*Pore':"tearred"liteeireeellig,"lieed7•0747!vie'ergteat..----Thereeare.;:leeenerearePetetentefacr- ditia "etietter, theitethei 'iltr: ' ° ' - '. : ' esh,.,fr.vaptr'fitre 'Pew* 44 4014',01400-] .4.0e,., -(0 ,•;g9.)., gnd. like .E.neefe .(.5. 42) ,:ho tor,o in., an auteinehRe'',.,than:the • beirr, ;-, - .•- ' - Setae:. farmer!, ,eeteelitin. that..theye;.plieleel,00,pouads,.ef tankage, Spread", Ns. 4aseilbed as .ie geed and,:pioup Mari, live.. ' A- beerieg, is .# eeepeort for a '1.aVO. *044,04 gar44*.14114, : Oat ie7,aIng it'breadeast'en.thaPIOVeed'grouU41% agilt046;::•Oiall' and erfeet inYitis inoVing 'Pert,- Inefie ,S0 as to rainint#0. Ifeer CSOUS.a for fie:glee:tine' to ' :poi .pli4'irrOvir1,1*. It 'while Prei*riag-the.oneratieall r .4 1401 •Vii,tiO.0•Nifalked with frictiere 'etenci,.(yeerend.' aeleleVa e seine et tha'Vegetabled.:one catt'letaily ground, fir, 'plantleg• .Thera le' little. God," 6:0. ?Se,:in the midet of et•eviete, 'fine' aditistment, • • • . : .- :•••• ,., . •• .. r ' raise • t4: home,. 'One :Mat •balanea the . .. . . _ . .. arguments:, for :end againgt • any par- 'n ifeHl'ar ' 8POt 'f0t: the. oetthehest available, It la...a:alit:eke he•the. foundation of ts. successful farni,•• in Reerowe 11 :7. • • . . . . • . non,friet19a . quaratiee; ethers have , . . . . , .. . , . . garden,: and pick well fe*11"red• 'pe'i4etlY., ilteRafed--04-fibod.. c&rit-p-00 -iatit-Tia.--.sod7OfNo-iii. 'obteining• greet: . etrength eather thiin ,,d...1.,.400434c.geeQe:1: ,;;,:iiperipef.,11.014 „,ove.918,,t too rich pa.; ad wer14; he ."foo,nd,:graee.10 the. eYee :.' ."1"iiinereac tYP§,a.' .ef. IN'arings.•:;-a're •••famiiy,,:• liege' perishing ..ite..the • gpeat.,atetala:,areeepleeteciewithetheeidea.- Of of: the lord," and, was Seeed •Witliehis,• fond la Meter 'care. ,lit ' Sonia. , the to Select a site too fer,froin, the hpuee, :garden- ' • • L -III: 5:28 to aila. . •• , . ' • • Strong Metol ehelle linedwith a coni - for Olis garden may easili.lee:nuidie an. . :There has.been found areinteresting VrativelY • soft non -friction Metal. attractive-. feature.. of the farmstead, • , • :..aui,400D.,:beitre,...„. . parallel to:the stry. of the 'flood! 'eon- hen: there are se-eel:led enti-kriction. and the chances ire ten to one that it There is nothing °Air° diaapPeinting tained le these sections, in a series of hearings, in Which belga or straight, .. . closely written tablets of baked' clay tenor or helical rollers are tesect, giv- willeberneglected 11:the-distance-1S too to the ga•rdener thee to. have his lahOr' , . found :in 1872 in the ruine. of. an As. Mg a rollizeg Tether! than a 'sliding far from the buildings and 'viater sup- of .preparleg a good .900 -bed go to 4yria41 palace 0e, the beaks'. of the eontsor . '. . ; , •• , • ., . • . ,. .. . . . . PlY, Sandy o11, with .an 'abundance• naught because of poor seed. Of low 'Tigris river. They fornied Part of, thee.. e. • of organic matter in It, la the beet germinating powers, or varieties. net. librarY of an. Assyrian king of the . , ; . 109 fitecueP Bralloaa. for early. gardef ., crops.. But if • one true to :itaine. BY 'all :Means :buy gar, eefeattle century, B.C. The Story Which There are. Mere than 100 hearing* in •• • hope of having an earty-garden...: The den seeds Of tespOnaible seedeirien and the Y .contain 'cones from an Old.Baby, the engine:. The 'cylinder and piston; has, no sandy sot ',. be need not abanden. get' the hest tested .400 you can find. Ioniansource and *Vella of t••eolincil of net . general's?' ;termed beariege, are: amially of vast iron, .W1401. givesaent•-• standard ,:earlY'' vegetable • ereis will It is always. eafer to, or.der :seed early. -teirt•mitaeha..t.;wetiic,thh,rea.r.1 eaedrtatainf'einntell,l,fiawhai: , ,. paratiVella long; wear and 'in Which the gt:it.iirrle.itt4rw$T. ti. &Oa it...1 rottaatz;i4e...7400n.„1111:413,43.' aBroy odaeolaraoyinygotahteg*Ma:tehofd. eoithereectchtozianceser: . was 4 favorite of one of. the. godee. re: friction es „net 'grealt if lubrication is „ Ceived warning; built e greet ihip, ana good When Whee wear doesoccur at this' 010 Palle 'there is 'greater' ileceSsity ties, atid;the geed may be old and light. saved hitneelf, his. family, and his de., Point it Is neeesaarY to ren°rOtbe 44", , fir. plotting under organic matter and Another .important problem lithe se- pen -dents, With danieStie and: wild ant. Indere. and have larger pistons fitted.. clods. •'. • . lection Of initable varieties. As • aerie Male, from drowning iteethe rising Tho vviieftpiii bearings ' usually are in thoroughly :pulVeriting the.lumps and eralerule, it 'awill • pay, ae, stick .to the Waters. Many of the ...dotage. of .,thie the form of 'a, bronze 'shell, called a . , . . . goo olo, favot;i* lotioix, tinve eeen story • are closely like t,he steel .in baiting, earrOnliding *I" wrist : Pin. ., . velopment of they.:dlifer. very greatly 'When - wear...Occurs it .ietnecessery to • ... APT* OANT, A101811J8E.: . " Of first importance to the tireperde- tried ;out. end. glee* satisfaction:1n Geile$3': t!ilt most vegetable is your loamy., ,./f, you 3,010: to 014 air.iidipetirro.ocsoonceIption of the character drive out the beribing and repleee with. a fee, elow vatietiele"Buy. the seed*. by ja Genesis 'es ,peGr:de:.ndTlihrgh,*, 'uttafirtev°-tted4 'a 'finev. '°;ieil'e*r.11:11n!1-Pflits'..;.'bearings,'.it. . an abundant sueply of MoiSture.froni. start Ace:finish. If this is- 1,liniiit*1 no-. etite•PaCet and try the/it out in a small by Ovil,, .pasefons; in Strong 'contrast to -usua,liyare been* liaed - With . babbitt, aliment of Platt food, care and .attene WaY• • In most eases, th.00,•ca'led.•Sti- "the euarteleonte, deceitful, 'illelictiVe. When weat. °Oars, :the. adjustment is . •,c%..,ttairtp_t_e.4, ni •,,coe..io!e0.011 e, t; .. .. •., .perier•valleti4e aro Mer "eAy an inle pack of Babylonian 'deities.''. , '• . - : : made.. by: :taking out thin - sheets Of • RECEIVE c;ONSIDEBATION,'e ..Thee•bearingeetonetelereaLef-Ara, cared for bythe'llubriceting.esetem Of the”. 43,1440, •etartn. 'When ',the- -engine starts to, rue" if there ie.' sip- WELL BEGUN 5 !AWPONE 1•••••••011.111,•1•11 • Thia, 914 8.01f1E maY be aPPlia& • the atalien'a • farm caraieign. This oftartrwrmedr wviii;,4.4b;kehhis ei-stimeeplamb,,,,atifere, fwo: given aibil:tenrubttleomintog a8"154vat. the ,'1)-.Va'. rw:eru:s.' operation Just Wken they Ornid eaceeed. Timely PreParati°i1 t•h4; lfAem WoliC la a very great factor ia ,Tiraelinees in the performanee or 'teal far • planting will enable the mak- , ing a better- seed -bed, as w&I as insure -the timelY Planting of the• ,Tin)eanese in fearlYo'Ca.ltiee•tioa 1000 ' tlie-therough-atidoheaP-olialitation-of;•-•---e-e. . The timely start start Of ,hanwiuI save lete.on-the.crePafte itia; Own• ' The fan nallwya.ruzmoin%b!,"_1:1,Seassr- ings," 'which are atilirleated, with ,:a' lrt ean. he' ' bea•ria. ficiu *W'-c--oraPitssiOa, grease alive', When the bearings become bad- ly worn it is necessary to drive mit the bushings. and replacerthem. -.Prete ably the shaft also willeneed replacing. The Valve -stern guides 'most often • are holes bored through the cylinder casting When wear eccurs the holes must be reamed true and larger, and valves with larger stems be inserted. In ,the ignition system holt bearings usually are employed, with or without Means of adjustment. These are lubri- eated with an oil can or • piteked , grease. • . . . In feet,. the proper timing of S `the, operatiens In growing farm crepe not oly-nealces4or-battereeroPa,lbut-elit.": itteetea-`141aere4i#.4. waste alt eleaff tha line.' • r • ' . ' • -, Carefully made plan i along 'this e. '4"11.1Ch will spread the available labor aver the season to the heat pa- eible adirantage, are always prefitable. , NlriAle "The -hest laid sehielnes o' Mice and men gang aft a-gley,' yet With a ivaponeble alioWance for en:favorable weather. c•On.ditions, they will *413)4 dividends' when aPplied- to the eeastin's. work as is laid out. be I dbrIcated... • ' ' , • „ ,.. , have same ideas about the matter, ane • times. The throttle beiriugu should he,av;i7t0'9:437:. : ti.han:,niviift::::. 0;9; :::. . . °t3earawtese.alr.t. t;lanr.dli,n.le'et,tilubrerip74eicing' but ..., DO yete itol.'4.,_,•te_._aw be.::!_tt rtrot:o_lirfhti ',.?! The , carlouretqf air -valve ' bearing • ' Lifting Heavy.4ads.• ., FRECZURKT UM= ION. - - • • ' • done in such a way as to use 'the The throttle and spark -Conti -0i Iii.tik- Ashgemillidavbee Lifrriequumetrlyo. lfUbbeariLitedilgs.' 'til•iscu'll- andlligeleaat)66ralt . ihnale: thitaualgilsea'. 3*Ii.:b B..t4liiiitd back ally . they are not adjatable, so that knees, •thfIr say, until tne object to bo. parts must be replaced .when .they be- liftEkti is on a. level with the . hands. , come badly Worn. .. ..e.. . • Theft. grasp it and straighten the• The Sel'f-starter Motor and genera ;kneea raising the body and the attor usually are etinipped °with ' bali it the Same :time. This . Inethod• 'Of ' bear:Mee ',end are lubricated With a equirt. can. . Both the. inotcir and gon, : , •using the leg' naiades avoids putting °Ta arm Pre4elitiolTio f.serise, .water is 'the ;f t • '"•' prevenient ateer ee:-te that have been Roe- •--- y-411--(111 at-rehalettatYeemetal-ealledet-1,4als m-1,e-retaite-ceee-l•-•-- Here-ie the ttp-te-ttlia-Minute the prevention stoiriach. Worins in , Ounce's; avoirdupois.7 Dissolve com- pletely in e pint tci. a. quart of hot • Water and make up With .cold wateate three gailona 'using granite -ware or earthenware:ye:awls. 'This Makes' a 4 per; cent.. sl-. and is enough for $0PPer sulphate' e• _orYitilai, 'four 100 dose's. " •• The, apparatus is extretnely simPle fenieetinee glass measuring grad- uate or. a .bottle , on Which the minces aitee- markede-a granite -ware qu'itrt etneaaaae, a gallon lemma* of the sante ' Material and n drenching tilba,' The drenching tube In made efe..4 granite -ware or 'rubber funnel, $ieeeeettal-a-hitif-foote rubber. ' tuba. 'three-040MS of „tin ineh::inside meas- ure, and a eix-iech,beasatuhe, alt fit. :led ingather.. ' • • The dose: ••For sheep weighing oyer eight*: Kends, four' fluid ounces; for iambs Weighing eeventy. pounds, three 'and. a. half. .fluid. oimeeee. for ;; lambs ' :Weighing :sixty. pout*, three'.fltid • It is, not ,necessary -starve the aheep before dosing thent. :Sting thein into the barn and go to verk. ' TWO, men are needed,. one handle . the sheep, 'the ether' to handle the.dos- ; 'Inge .-The men with the, Oriel). etride ' Sea it, backs it intoa 'porner, andholds 441. iarrativee . ; preserve the mettiory of sorne great. ehaftlieazinear are Of the same type, plant. :growth develoPinente. for ewe - gibeira for, Years, : It is _Well to 'Bead oatasteephe of the 19weiellesoeotarraa. The Cam -shaft • beerings ;usually afe feed must betaken in liquid form. •in.L.'for several seed 'eataltegues and..tpahe eeuntry, .one of •the earliest homes: of •61 ban type which. must be replaced Other words, the:capaeity.rof,..s. soil to a •careful study of , the dliteretit., yar., the hillnall 'race.: That region is still wItil, • :new. • ones when. they ' become prikinee fine crops . of Vegetables 'de.. le,tlea and :And 1;14 'alt. kou can about 'covered' WWI- ..wlike.t: in, the aPrilig*nd Worn: • The '.catrefolleWer: 15earinge. pends 'liven Re. powers of .retaining each. ere? ,or variety you ntteinPf .tO. earik ' sinanter ' by the floods, Of the MAY he. just ,fiat plates resting direct- neeistire. until.: ,euelres •iii* 'as .4: hi 'grO4;.v., • . ' : .. ., , :, . Tigris and EuP.hrateS' ri.Yers, • fed by ly epee the cant,' or rollers running on cribeeemidetel.lbye.htal;geogiowwiitnhg.. iterohtepah..:piTatet: .,..ni oltie4:•,iii,,449taleb';0.ih.ti'e Erayaearie*ryi!,1tortareaat-ait, inthi7-uti144-eternsi, is7re7e8.'ai°ftietti,i lie.:tiv-e been a tliase.perte usetery'evould be cetepee- 4,41a:fallen a pin in the valve push rod. '.Weer in foods form :Conatiounds ' of aitregene pepper ancl, cauliflower -plants thee to :piaolreater iraninV1-2ion •VieLs-tiettaal,', . sated for by adjusting sereWa' on the d ealee push rods. , The push-rodeguidee .reciaite..reopiE:n_reeinumepriBtEARWhiesw.orn.:. .: .: .. fetish' and- phosphoric acid are has- attempt tit grow them at home. It is .seism ic adeisturtance, •tYvh4ich, toPr°tbe, tened by properly preparing, the soil better te 'go to some good market ainiplefolle of that early age woad be held an adequate-suppIy of moisture gardener and buy whit' one needs: Al- have seemed te cover the whole earth: during .the, 'periodS of .dry weather. ways bear in mind that bigitessla not There is no. sufficient reason ter de - Thoroughly pulverizing the lumPe, and a safe rule -to follow'in estimating the elaring,' 'art -.Some inederie writers do; clods not only creates' favorable Con - vane or Vegetable .pll'ittii. :Plants that that the Food Story is pehisitoripele b ' i ' 'd ii that theSeed ditions"for the Oiler reots,df Planta, bet are stocky and well . hard. ene'd off,„ that of waters:. . „„ . 'Covered the whole,' World ae. prorate .greater sics.rarl?,.c.aPaCity fl.i.r.; la,.:wbc11. have been out of quure:,• d4y. We know it to -day: :The ektent ofthe Moiattltv.,.and 'haetens, the availability .end eight; for 'a eve* or ten days, wiil :earth was unknown to that age, and of. pient feed. Petting • the "'Snifeee start grewing..qnickly arid prove more when . those , who firet, told the ,:story smooth .."bY. shallow-harlearing - and vigorous .than the more ' tender nes said, ..'"!the : wiled() earth" : they Must leveling; .Pisintiree•ii fine: seed-bect, and removed from the rows in. the. hot-;. surely, have .ineant .thj. earth',. er. the leaves a lipil mulch' to,cheelOthe ,eseape bailee. aa.4 planted immediately in the land, which. they lcnew: '. .. of •moiatute. ', ' , . •.' . gardel • .•The vigorone plant:that has: iy.-V. THE !IMAM.° 'AND. l'flg C°Vitl...1.7' Ittich,,..Wen-eompoped &tin' Mann/leis become toughened. to '.outdoor life has .. 'the best fertilizer for .the garden. Ma-. a tOUghratocky,•purphsh.appearattee. 0 - There is 'reason -to lielieVe that thin/ entire narrative of 'theflood and *hat followed' -is drawn from ` two older sources. The,triaterial.:his been. Ore- fialy and intricately woven together so aa to. form a continuous narrative, but It is quite posaible in many -places to distinguish the two strands. For e*- aniple 8:20-22, • in which • the divine _.• . name is "the Lord,". a translation. of .7. ;By A, WVISg FILLEBROWN. , • P. covers eam o ug.inees. wore on o." the Amu. covOringa: sources,.;.t.ohiethiest4VowldeYr.ake'k coanzliecr 8f:renrit'lline And ther&iiffilenty more for them to Linen.oraSh coVers- bound w•itli ere, "ich the divinellanle is "God," .6°a1 • • , , . . • Hebrew F.,/ohini, is from. the. other:: cuvet up 'We' *001d • !)1.1t eye them tome ere Pretty. , And cretonne belied the • • .1 with velvet isunusual and'iet On -vibe. ' NVO vely ancient, aws appear in . . and 'With' the otherihand he lasertathe Filf-ii-a-an., oa, • ..: - a ,. , on ti e o, s pe pa t e most 4-0, a • prohihition of , the eating of , • tires! 'tlibe abont foneinches bite the We can't afford:to discard every old blood, :and of tihe takin a of human life ,eo each .100 lbs. of the above mix, . ;sheep's' Mouth, Wiggling.it Found.,th,e piece of upholsteireci• furniture • whose Practilcal material. ' It stars clean a without eituae,"; The ..1:ife efernan IS' ture should be added 1' :pint of cqd„ • While'. ',' The ether man Measures out faded. *ger or gaudi.pattem fails to 1•4?ng tithe ,and itit rough Viten surface held etired, _because iie is made in the liver.eil. .,It is well not to Milk tie oil' 'the. dose IMO the friase and:. slowly lit into can-. reetn,pictUre. Anyhow, tile wears 'Well. : It comets in a' variety Of linage .of ..God. • ' .• ;, , - in the feed too far in advance o'i' feed - 'antra, it into the fennel; .' - .• ,, . , " olid• sturdy pieces, are sometimete niostf colors heal* •the naterel linen, in ' 9:8:. •Ple word "covenant ",' has a itig; • It artatild be 'best' not to mix the •The two of, them can 'hatidle as needy comfortable. ,Tbeir floniliar hollows. which we knew ft east. .... . , very mipertaat place in tho. religious :oil in more than a weeere supply. ,ef • etlisualties, nut -don't he in a hurry: And pitloor might have a word to .say tee muelleetzein the.--t,eel: ;end the Relater. leve •eoPper coetienitiae Whieh:earbon brushes heiie. These are abdomen., • mit' 'bearings; Strictly speaking,.. but , • There angther. way to relieve. . they do. require' a very slight trece of back Muscles and, at the same time, Oil. ' ' • • e • ' accomplish as much, .or more, in (king • Other painci al bearuigs are unually . the heavy duties, about '.the farm and thatia through the efficient utie Of the • of bait or rol r• type, which May of •May not. be .adjustabie... ,practi.: cally all of the bearings in the engine' are kept well lubritated by the main engine lubricating system, those locat- ea.gin Other parts of , the .chassis usual- ly neesLindividualeattentiam_The beer - inks in the trartsmission:'.gear, rear The Oil -pump hearings eonsiSt of axle and steering gear. ere lubricated plungerworking in a small' cylinder, from the supply. of. oil careled ie. the With one end bearing against .a ,cam, respective; housings. Medi:mai for or a pair. of gears driven from the care and repkcement ;are given in the egim shaft. Perfectly lubricated, these manufacturer's instruction book and bearings aeldom require adjuetmetit. should be , • . ' • . -es , to the salt. The pepertpad .is to nitice Baby . SPaeii around thehkek go other hlocke • Will slip into the.bex easily to replace stile first. ;. ' • . • • To • Preserve. hroons, 'dip them in iboiilng Soapsuds •for s few; minutes weekly, * • . !--77*"48—"--,-. • , • Perhaps the *.st ...important Spray for the cid' orchard is the. clorniatit apraY, which aide in cant -railing melee, 'scabeaphida and:Mites, For this.ptir, *Pose the lime sulphor. solution, le most popular. " Hopper Methoil of Feeding . Mani peoWe do eery weli in rearing chicks ueing the hopper' Method. Tbe hopper method; as compared to the &IX, moist meals per day method; entails, much lees labor and with some people give aa. geed &sales. We have not been able to raiseoi as -high a per- cell:tag° of chicksni the hopper Or dry: method„, but then they de grow fairly ••• : • ' • • Ration: :Ground yellow corn (sweet and Clearv,-not Mouldy, heated Or billet 50 lbs middlin s 45 lbs bran Y •,. lbs.efine oilter shell 5 lbs., fine dry salt 1 lb.,heet 'scrap ; Thoratighly not well Mixed the-salt-irtay do more harm than good. • , ' • . •teriehing of the Old Testament. Ital _,,,,_,, aa „._fifty- -ilicep---In-aa--,hour. without fit. exactly thu'eurvue'43tJa tired back. '. It isn't necessary • to cover every „rim ' • ,... do__ ...,, • ..- .4, the .oleicke have plenty -of direct gun - Piece of ftiriiitutre in a room With Slip 1' • trY.'qleaning. rt the . One chair may, need a 'eote.r. regents an agreement barmen • two . e . . , . light and tender 'green /feed the all and all the.rest Inn:y lie in 604 coitdi.: . parties, :freely entered litto, but: then niaYA be • ("flitted. ' • . • involving an obligation of the Inoet, We would advise the toe Of cut al - tion." I think it Is Most attractive to binding .charaetereUeder. this figute IS: falta, hay -�f good quality ---as litter . . Cover just one or. two Pieces in 'these represented again and again the rale, :in ' the brooder; and retie*, it about figured materials and have the -rest ofttonslitVilito which God eiMu-re,t-itheeowrretteek er teiredaya, the fueniture:onife, e This adds violet* eb9sen Men- tied- with a eheaen•people, • Feed the mash in boxes or troughs to your .rooe.): , • •• , . i .. with. Noah, and Afirahata; and'Israei Aconstantly before ctpt. ; . , .„.....,...,- ' • • • under Moses' leaderahi ',anti' David • ••• the chicks. • • end iion't fail to keep the itheep'eltead '61 a horizontal position or the solution will go into Its • lungs, Limb:ear° not doseci ,untiLthey are ere,ened and ewes :are not dosed within • 6Woeh o lambing.. . • • To 'Make protection, all the' niore 21 i ,SWe Sion of forage cropt--ree, wheat, oat, berleY, eliPe, soy beans, crie-end you hate no losses 'from stomach Worms.' it you deeide to send.his,e1d arniehair to the attic. .• But he 'won't, mind •if it Wears a neW slipleeeer. SNicretly he'll •idniireite. ; 'A slip ,cover .1i Iiiet What :the:Mime implieeeea' Separate' 04,i:tering of somo. light' material •treadeto lit the chair. . : FlOWere to Give .4‘ • - .. • • in. .7. a revelt e •ina ..rig its i .,,.. . ' . Undet• the thair ';' seo.t.; or at the 'back , . . . . . .. . 0 ,Weav. • ' promisee to ,.niti.n; reie teen. in • thot . gets a Chance. • , with anappere, • of 'tied 'together with That's what you can do : fieeltsr; :turn 'uedertake ebedieriCetethe lawede One ' Shouki feed. each 1.06 .chieice tape„. . If made, soi atted eareeelte without . it iinitlin, if YOU Otint A tow or OfeGodt. - The einne .obligetieth 'e.ests! iii,out 3 dessertsponn to:A of "fine ehiek. , . • , . . ' , 'alien both to observe, lind . keep , th'e feed, .Such es itigheed eatineel, and. the' covers' are es; rim-.1ookiett as up, two o ,etentiaeen. 3oU! gar en,. a...ong- 4...701ot:tilt eaveriteset,itead " -ks Cod ' •• • k c . ,h. d • S" p i ik'e th' - ,. , 42...,......f.i.4., : ,h6stery., and ever so, int:ich Mere. male- Side the' vegetables. so they May be F 4 4 .• • .rb . t. t oc . :en .0AL 1.13,, k r 1 .. • es in _,......... Kiiii.e.,,afroximerhititiet... „e „tiCal. 'When they ere Seiled. you tan cultivated with .ease at the ienie tirita. true. As he ilortgiltberusi) or n8'Itivin,rlih-41-- r'tli:`'. ilit.441',.:f6v.e'iervi"s. . • ' elip ir1;,111-• Off for a. tubbing or •have :17ast-Year-'1Ve -planted; scallet sage,i, be faithful.. . The ' seine* iitatidai'd '.eir. If. .Malltt is givn . to 'dpink take out ' 11?•‘°11.1* m'Olad °I,' (kistr°5'.1.°1k Ci.°1*: them. drYaleatted, according . to 'Year bachelor bettOria; eaters,.'Ottn i as; mart-. righteousness Which -they. ettrihute•to ::,75 P•t°: e611t. Of 't4 freP(!k-e*Pf. a•i'id' it • ..440 thistles' naa 'been found 'ine63's8fnl• Material.: • When thii.Yare worn :out • gelds and:cot:maw in our gard.en, calif- hint meet be theirs': . " milk and !water aiv,..botli given, refilov(. Lt:consists of Piewie/t the tbist10 Patch. yew olio replaro thein • for 'half, .the , Vated them when we worked the Vette- 9:18. .1172i, .brpe •iit tk# ..eripui.." . A'tter eue-bsif 4:10 Pleat scrap-- W. .gra- • white the': soil' •itl vety: wet, and . th.etie inoriey it would eoat. AO' upholster- the tableK, and had :a beautiful display he h orni of mill th- 'a °' )ew uPP°.“8. 1. PnuItr• P ' " '')" -c•• ' • • ' king the plowed trivial d with ot cha,,, . - . . . - . ' . : until frost- We. waved the seedi working ,fee If the destruttive • ritie »n'a .. yir o .: -.,,--- - - • ' " • ' . n ''''''' of God"ii atigete:the rsiiehme• whieh 'TO:- • .c -1 .iteavr roller:: The soil is eo-Ied and re- e. - ., 1 • . ‘1 . , 1 . e ' 'row and had plikets to. teansplant...toed i h.- . • ialtit• Boxes fcti Bieck Sall,t, ; rolled until it is packed hard. Thie . .. , -4 . a ip• •coVe; A. • )ecami. , Opt al a ew., . , • •• 'owe : eine a sign of le inerey All, . - . . , , . years ago when„, the, deorators di, - lo giVe atva.V. i'n abtiOdance• . The blos- his forgivjng gehee.., of , ,,,„,lrb,, thi, • When Week Wilt 'is ...threWit on tile. ' ..puddling Of the , wet Oil causes . it to coVered th.O.1,- vette' of :figeted• lineas„ .0* oheeeoe us up when we went inte rainbow is 'a, natered pheneniknotii p•o, ground end left there 'fer the : cattle, . . bee'01he °'""eed1"10Y hrn:, till inchintres ' eitid, cretonnes ' livin . ."' g... tits ,gifirde.ii'2.,te'r any put -pose. .1titey,' .d.need by the refreetione as in a prism, iittich Of it le wasted by dissoliditi. . , the moi -e it ten • as. it .dries, nottqueta ' in plent',V foe . -the -of. the rayS of light, end it is .noi 'Said, .flet to the damp' 3, 0171 or in rains'. ' l'oeMS 'as We'A afebedrooma,Arter they. uuPP..ied , house •oand , the 'blossoms that woro tet Itere to have beet). how, created for the .8.•,00,-. .. . .. . . .. ... aeoje...,,TU;'AilIKieefes Whiiie titer -lead, . . . a , e .t . eel .4.1, • ,, • 1 •ei !Planta -Were kill-edheetile ‘,4;id. :Bnottgli , ' A.,.T.hire.,saving!-P.eat Rack becomen P 'sign .0, itt'''',:ksealtt,' 4.'°10.s.‘... Of .0nel:441N .411'0 e A sy : the 001.10, end' pew; itt feet' nettles err', ..selid clod ea thick as the 111 1O\% , 1 had. used . these inatetiale de.;curtaiiiii. • • ' ' 'aloe is ' e , iliffitailt'PropoSition foe, a 1" ,. ti)„. ' • 1_ v uegan,.:.as,e thorn to ,o, to...iie. ister ,,veeee :free, threatened seppeed eet first-time. 'But itnow • .., .”- • .. furniture. This wes extinvagante fie `A e . , •.. n of 'the eovetteot promiee, It symi,ol• of .• ,,,tit„ a. form .thatio of toa..iath.boards , .,. Cabada.,thist'e shoot t,o penetrete •iied. "'°- fl'o , refer the loc 1 Chu li d ' h ••' 1 ' ra- aa " aa • then ' •t,'• i ,1 • f ' • • ': tosteied avor of God ' ver• few *Ire able to ardoMpi vin • tnic , • ! ' li ' for two or three week4 alt. • the - • - ' • '. and about eightesti inches eatritte mi. l Ye. ' ' • - - • --. - ' ' ' ,thcolight-coloreseiled, tete eaeiteeft. eit . • • • - • -. -: - • • ' - -e----,--.------ee? . • ' ' . • • , . t* *..'"hml f l'c ':'"'"acted. '61h- Litill 7 °A - tit°tenaleien-ef-usTitliggil,11:in ot11431Y eit':6:04'rere'riinte. see -d Wes gathered to plant :Tani next - ... , . . . ., , , . _ 4 eeeeeeeeeee"... 4 Ing.eperntim. onot. be. rept4ited. and. 1.ir:ikaciito-riliiitttlyirontif€.,,,tritqininf..season and to.,suppiy sonte;beds_ at thoet.6threaad..ew);:i.eciritel•latlioei8etaLy..e'reattlifi.Te:ii410V:itel•Yttictl:wk'ped (7fP.a,1,:tW'Sp°ietta,9r- 1 0(1(1l; fieY9j-14: -i--,t7,..,=.7'2.--....a.••;=:•••v-tilWat*--willieithe-LIglAttritt',.-03*i-L's•-01: -,.!stiritnier:Iiiritt;SitrZeielcUTheyent-.t.,....b. 0.tqb,4. 147.4_41".f=.-', .. ,---,'''''Tri Udrerielit'Sal-'1w ''"alut,""mir4r -,44,..,1741t-r:•;;;t4iLu-?iili't6114)4:1*(T4r. n 111!4/41114-ec 4t1.4'ilti::.':' ... . ,oroun,c1 1.,,,,,,Itso,a4-at th,o Thigtoa„.."tilpartI-a _:,t_..„ho tie.00rti.ti,vb. „.....se,11.6 !Ile'. ,-whetee ee eneweeeet. - oweieeee, , .einattleit tiett etails ate o'f. the .110.aei: " i„..e.4, .6, ,t,, pa;e, rt it',c.:.a.vu f:i..mn_l. „hi*. method 'Oot &ay. 801Others the tindete . . . ----....-..------e,„ - • . ' ••• • ' ' • . - •. p AV6V4.4% maue out et •ena1./nr,inguL.,e,o,rtilyge:t; •liwn,(41a, .,, '77teller. n tl.rth°:PL"'°' • 1°' '10 ‘4.4"coTered ,iiii.tell-a,-Mi .-Iiitrt -subStitatte.ie-ilu6nd theill,e-aL:.f.,-,' te'L--.•:11.•;,•,..•• :...e. .4...--;:e' -,-...1-6i'..c*' i Alit •llaitihierti..tta„.10...ti*•_ esttle .0,'t r ' es •ch.it'vt-tiel'y, prevents: the vele t.- d it ' . k, • th''' • 6r . The country,' being th, +deal plate toe -":''," 4; '''``', 'Lee"' '.•".e., -.',.'":". "":?a, ,i(i ' OS • • ' ' • ` . " - - • telt Int IS heavy Men a dot glitz. — ., .--• • - c - • • . ,. ,. o , ' bull lin Aria: tereetato g th t ,.'' against tee, barn a Olt. .11i 011Veii 11110 - .. , .3.. , . .."' . - '. • • , ' i n e ruo, , • ,Hir=, t'AS VOU/2 f glehee of 81101)41', • :0'it4611ijo(to T11: .1.4::iilsrti'ltirft4:111(i)trti'lp:if4L,'.et).11'0113)::Zr.lh.':iii.oitl,r;lia'afir40°64:1VIe,141,eViittV:Iti°,,,r,nieoGrt'eduirtitZ. , Canadian eoltaly's, Ise f,' Di. th,i‘ , 1,'•'#a•son,,, witalh a. wide ,doo I' thl'011a. !, the barn . • . of'fifet-litiPortante Venn! cities:. . . - w.,ale...,- PPULTRYI-GAME:4EGGS. . „ ..,,, , :, ,,,.., uriotis textuiies. • . . ..,,.,i,..,...,:.0,..„,..-....,,,,,, •. • when it is necessary 'to draw freet• BuTTERAND.FEATHERS . Icits 0 r, ,.,,,t, r r'i r, tom 1 n et 737 t••„,,.tiiis t,i,/,,,,, ,. . .81ii.). otivei,8 • 1.rut. :1111,itefi: .t11 yinii,n,. , Infietta 1/Wilf be diseotnaged whom :teed ;tiered, in file het n roOW it.ill:',fil'.(:(1 , . •., WE Buv ALL limp RouNt) ..-., .. . - --” ... .. - . „. 4illiyolik,la. mateleat.or elioy.misebe,a farrnerg,practtee .elei01. eillttirel. Meth- hat, dr oppi it g 11 (1 doWn al i.' otiox 11.•1610 wriee „ • , . ' •1 ,! , . • ' . .t... . .... . - ,t fcidPFt1,:#a,4gi,d. tio 49:1eiikPialT440st110igfot itiOWPin 1611ethat harmottieih ceer04%Vitf vlotlton e04#1;;0i0460in 1110 11 40riletiY in trenteimiI:k6h;ir, ' . ".Witit ortOoi,nlic.,'re.i.) ',thOte SVOr:A141.•„7.t.1,P1' . ff pl'ain it is *fee tohind the, seams. ,tho feat& roVirlr,ditell bahk54'1111a4aiiie ethe :door, t en pitching the hay info • ...mai 4,1,4,y cloth, •;•;`; - ''''''''' ' ' '1,t,h another shade to give a. bit, Of 'placea.11roPer. IY cleaned tint " " • , the. raCke ' a:. 646. 0,4 t 1',,to •,4g1 tr•at . ,, • . • ToRONTO • OFran9 • BE8T • .81ARK,ET rDR, ' Poultry, Butter,.Eggs we-Offer,toront0i, Beat :Pelee,. • . , . • LINES:. LIMITED. •• ; 8 4'..awrence'maeket :•Toronte2 oJ *mare and dialrymen :had °there are making ex- tra monele bY eld,Peing all kinda of used; emp y . • e same, We Pay the'. freight. and. allie• highest prices. Write Ale and we, wol. Seed • yob. -Infortnation and ehip- -Wag t age. , quantity toe aarge tall Wrnall. • • livrite now te 2t Doke if:, Montreal, ,Que. • TA.YLOR.. FORBES - When You......itai'a 'Broom': '.1-iiii-nel.rerLanreeenonte-Pkirellaee eltenP brooms Pt.t. household ase. MY grocer told Me how a shopper can ▪ good from poor broom. .It should ' be ra,a4.0 fine, green corn, which will• .insure Straw eas- 217 broken. •The sitidleshotild be sen- der but Stout, So not ,te 'add" unneces- sary .Another grade, etriftel •more:eicpeirsive, had... the .saine green. corn but in, longer 'length and :this • . handle. wit..4 qtilte bit heavier; on that',., • .acconitt it was not se .poptAitr, as the lighter broom. : .,The..ohesper ones. are mado. of riper,: ,. ,,,cciarner corn that has little, pliability' • sztd,Will 0-.On,break. Alieyhavo heavy. handes. and are generaller •isoldt.tti tho • 'het,e1 trade. • • , • With 'proper care 'good' brOorn shoOd lett for years. The Only itten-• . tfonf mine receive is that they • are hung tip when net in .ufie,',ititd they neeer. wear crooked lepeitied;. I'hate three `• in •eonataitt service -one for h131(13 1100/7s. and ma,' one fez' pretties eel • One for acrubbing. Two at .„them hang in holtiters-thaf-localefirmsegeva away: as adverthements;" the third, has a hset,esysitio eoyne.., ain en.ilonalL etrythetwo'hatio'dlr yea* the scrub -bream is ,disearded„ the other two ate moved down the srale... Aid new one is purchased for . sweeping; and .b keeping theta. heng up, they are, always clean, eqyare, and knew right where ta'find tborir. • ' Ho to, Deceive ,hre One's• • ,tAbleon;" Katt4ein Norris' spar - Ing reMinescences of these yesterdays • in •wlich idie and "himself" ' 'hied., in New Voriceite, ;fret -sad, paid rote..., ane, , • timsd theinsetVes ancl ga1-ed a little bit : e Tor at • rairiy day On twenty -live dothtes . • 17 wr-ek, she tells some of the anuistng • loXpeel.ients to whieh:a yOung' wife re, I erta \liketi money is low t he ;twill] y p.Ocket•hotik::::-, • , Marc than once I deceived the head of the. how* in an •innocent fashion '• • wh...ch 11 am 'glad to pate on now to 1, other budget -ridden wives." she says. , $';'Wher. he first got home, at the w,en.ry • end of the"day, there was always, an • , poplipeeek dee,Apt,.puireeni rn poief, ' I visible on the table: When he sat down, • tri ryi ng and suspie , with the 'Whant coming? and AO • usual ,glance idtchonWard,.1 would say• • seeeleIY.• ‘ChoPs and stuffed pettoe:4: , 1. el.' "ScelloPed. fishy!. or anything else . :hat Leame mY ,head. ?Voutti :then fall upon the war-- mort• theiftuffine irsently t would'read theletters,•!. • " .-;,-;kna•-her-alrOuld: tell" matliirfie-wmi"— . -:F,-t-ther-t-tf.64!-o,;.v•,.Wiien:-tlya•-tonp-waa%-- '• gone, Alta tive muirgm sorivia 04; and * eream cheese had beer. unex= leeCtedly,diseoVerett. 'and ritticked; vaitablY` tilfinet tempatiten Weeki • risk .eestially,: 4,11o.p.s, ehl. Fish, is .it? , yint-ttger those things '• ,y,7 olive ree ""Till uners RP ugt4p,coAtmavy, . ate;iy, 4.8,10 riiid 12 feet tiipftioniviare Weir limns dre via* O descrivilve arvulat sot!: • te rtup acitlrem or. rerpg*.k, TAYWR-FORBIS •