HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-22, Page 6Os •
v.'''. •
preserved in the. Air-tifil4•SALADA.
acket: Finer, ttkan all* Japnor
itliPOWdeVP.c 'Podia viroon SALADA..
let sioeti r went abroad you lcnbw, but
the Itawirkof-up, :ad Alentl'e • T. Obal1 •
' time myal.11 neve' .. • •
Y17:e.SX He was 4404111g bigi coat
"If theiins an ythingjedreti do for
he begalehesitatingly, "I hope .•
you wUl remeneber that I am Nigel'e.. •
brother., If Yell are needing '
She looked.surprised,
•"Thank you; I have all I want. But
there is this flat and furniture; I don>
know ,whitt to do with it."
,He glanced round. .
best thing Weald be to sell
everything. You had 'better get right
'away; there is nothing" so painful as
memory." • • •
He took her hand, "You inuet'no
stay here alone Said decidedly. "
Win 'Wink whet' Can be done, endewrite
to yon." • e
Dolly;' a governess, in -16,M With
her.pcor euitor, -Robert Durham. When
•' 'Nigel Bretherton, who has .money,
• falls in love •Wtth her, Dolly gives up
•. Robert and marries Nigel. The pear-
. •
-page proves an unhappy One;
When war is tleelerede Nigel is glad
to enlist. , leaves Doily in the carp
'of his 'friend, Mary, Furnival. Mary
• • come e to • Bye Dolly's :fiat Dolly
&enter a. walk and by accident .meets
Robert Durham,.. telle her thet he
has prospered /and that now. he has
• • plenty of moneys , • ' ,
.: When , word. • c•omes. that Nigel has
• been. killed hi action., .Dolly ninnies
Hebert in Londim. and sails withhim•
•' to Areeriea,. Nigel's older Brother,
.! David, calls to see Nigel's widow._ He
ildIetaken Mary for Dolly. ,
• • •
• . . •
eI tame, strai ht to -on. 41reim
s' -nrEes-t; •traye lixtught -me lune
• kinci-e.-,unfeelirtg, if touesaw the letter
I was sorry annoian anithad
gone. I .• canes heime-enrhere-thane-I,
David was fingering the little locket e
Ilat,,,and engraved With a worn
,monograin:', . •••••
He •touched the little' Spring,, and
the case .opened.-. . • . •
Mary was watching him listleefilY.
'After inent'he taped and look-.
ed. across at r; •
''!"rhis 'put.; Ohnibtrp4b,
.She started,' di wave of color rushed
to .her pa•le face. . • ' . 7,
" • "MY photograph! no-"
• He came across ;Where she 7stood.
He held the little trinket to her, open
en the palm of 'his hind: , '
',I am mire this is your photOgraply.! •
,fte• said Again?, • •
&bent tewaed Wine, wholly dou
inge.then she .gaTe• aqte.,:ptified.,erY-
..114k,OWn fadeloW4hIsmit-at-
' iniature from the gold case; a
had .really intended in • the hope' of 'Old' photograph which shelled given. to
seeing Nigel before he went to France. Nigel long ego -so long ego that she
If he got my letter--," . ••• ' . had forgotten it until this • moment,
-"It`Waseeht here'. he never fiavelt," .when• she filW so unetPectedly:
ani ead.". ' . David shit the 'case, wih , hale
The seence• fell :again; . the inan's
• eyes( were, wandering. round 'the • room. " "It is yours," he.sad.
It Was -.comfortable and • tastefully 'e"Yen.•,-'•LTehadelorgettene Legave it
furnished, hift he theeght. of 'the to 'silo's* _
,Orange -its lofty rOoras; antfpriceleSe Tharei were tears ' in her 'mike, and
pictures, and thought that his brother tears it her heart an she thought of
Oust have love thin woman very that long ago -before he was Married
Much .to he .centent.. . • -when Sheheid,hoped-when She had
-Mire- '04 -followed- the • (Breeden believed; that perhaps some day- She
a his gee*. it had fallen on the little checked her ,thoughts With a•• bitter
table' where lay the few' Possessions sigh. • o e carried .that. Somehew there•seeMed shame in
• •• Of Nigel's. that had been sent home 'Photograph 'With him?. She NVas afraid the'Confession made to this mail: Nigel
after he died.' • , •• totry' ate answer theequestim I w deed, and thr... knowledge of her
.• She indieated tlienwith a hand that wondered dully if .130.y -bad .seenert, love could not herrn him. Even after-
wards,.,when Dayid had. gone, she did
not. regret the little iinpifisive.admis-
/ . • ' •
. . . ,
ctiAPPIR yJI . ,
i‘xe.ti.p7/vED tliGtt?". •
, . .
.i•Sba•fel0/ed•••birie into the.hall;`,' and
flian as he gtbed'Aei:e: in the 4i.jia light
Of the narrow Passage, ler; the 'firet,
tilae.•She•'6004 trate a4iicehesS 16 his:
•deadebi•offier. It as only indefinable
e -something in the put, of his "Fiheade
.ders, something in the turn Of his
head; but for a momeht she could al -
meet cheat herself into, the belief that
It was Nigel who stood there.
Blinding tears •rushedeto her eyes;
for' *onion -tent .she hid' her face in her
hands, • ' • • • „ ; •••
• .When she looked-. up again, David
Bretlierton was watching her. • She be-
gan a stumbling apologye: •
' On so sorry l But just. now you
'looked so like Nigel-")" ,
She bit her 'lip; She COUldnot: go on,
'His graveefede - softened Wonder-,
The niost successful 'oats of the
new ,season are simple problems' in
fabric mathernatie. , and •
in point is this model n *fiat crepe.
First there, is the V-elied neck at
front. 'then one observe ;he graceful
isibets,ead flaring utile aving a deep
U at both Milt and back Fnshionedof
a pleasing _design' of p lnted crepe.
Interesting, too, are the long tailored
sleeves •,ending • in flare( .caffs. The
front and beck o ibms fr ere entire-
ly in one-PieVe andlt sli s �n over the
heady elosing at the :left side of the
True Love .'
*cm-tratipA. ly-4-')Ii1497-779.0;17 -,1rIgfUtT•
prime. w..mjie: .win,. but, Aimee people
Who itiallgate.a,al: ewiffit •Teal 10e-
4e10,44,39:0•-ttliEaat•Htioin14,94Ttr4teet, h'.01.4.M144;"awl)l)helee•hr4
to Int*.0 Wenit, but in .„e. little Whlie
We eliell find out our mistake.
True love Is 'more than 'it pasaleal.
;more tiia °nrifitrea:intlntleogr
poeaession It
fine and
it,14.401Y when we wa4t glYe g'r"
tfoble,,, or Atte gpirit • and; the Jaind efe
: sie. of tha beer( and aenetee. • ,
.liappiness 'we study , the -hereon tor
W(1)1iiires 'tx•eiv4ey_h_nalyeelit,,;ff4r.a,416tIzve.
We, take trouble todistiiive.r.inst.Wliat
he ,or ehe needs in...eider !to coovlete
ear .own life: And vv,e'Send 014 $4•01..
Wietion o fOil4061,4se..that
'Mahe that perpon vibrate in time Wittel
The•Yoluig $eaitrffl, ;Nee
and 'neinnerte wii"e• 'Can draw...Men ;to
power ,to heek.theze,„
ways caring: for her unieee&e has
that', fine; unselfish maitre',
ever •dreyvingehive toiverds:lier-eeyen.
In fleapeeniements of 'Anger •and4rilta,,:.
thinwhi.Ch enter tInellvee of 'ail.sor us
no matter, how devoted we May be to
,thogie We love. -.
Soinettnies men who' are deeply ,it-
tached:tO certain 'igrhi vainaY . Imagine,
that: by,. Spend in g moxley on them 'they.
are winningetheir Ieve. 'Love in rarely
Won by. the iiing.leg down Of coins..The
'glide": 'Who' marry , such men :seld,oni
bring .into.marriage that sweet thrill
ef lifediong haPpiness whIch le ever. to
the foie when love le real. • e •," •
Money that is won is evident valued
as highly as that Whiett le earned. And
the same applies, to lovo••• .
notable caese " • ,
„ •
•13Y. B....S.,pencer.,•fer
tiortt0110401....41).0i1194, •
• Pleviering vineti, like •eharitY. M.
Cape:We of concealing • the,•undeeirsthle
t .at, many a !weep.. Verandah. .pillarte
I •back shed4 thet aeed a coo4..ef paint,
clothes; Brie • poste, felleea, and him*
Yard Ponitry•liMilieSi •P•a"S '0.1a13104
from uninviting spectacles into objects.,:
of beauty gg well an "iroviillug cool, re-
f reelfieglehade.,. All
complfsbed , With: but a trifle:\
pease. If one will. but' undertake;,the.
•task at the 4eg1na1ng the. ,scoson.
Keeps teeth
. clean; breath
atirialre: keen an51
oregt. alter
The HoliOri of Atitticilittion:.#
.1'wo' Men, sale .;the,' Tatter,: met in.
'thestrest•oneoy..... Bill„." said'
One, "I.' haven't seen. you for week,se
But . What's' wrong? • • You're.
seedy... Been' ill?" • ,
The ••: ether., passed his :horny. heed
acres.% his broW., • `4No; 4 abet:been; Ill,"
. . •.. • ,
ia Set onto. the dress: and'left open at
the Olden.- -Nde:43
40,:43, and 44 hiches•burit. Size 38 .bust
requires 4 il;e•..yards .39-ireh for: dress
all. of one material e or ' 3.1 yards' 89 -
inch plain material, and .4e Yards -fig,
tired; as illustrate( .; Pr ce 30e:
Our Fashion Hoak, 11 pStr'ating the
newest and most practi 'al styles, will
be ofinterest to .ever home dress-
maker. "Price'of t bo 10e. the coiee,
• Write, your 'nal and addreiiii
. . .
lei, giving nuziribe • and size ef sucli
patterns an you wenteT-pncloSe 20c in
late -nips or coin, (cidri preferred; „Wrap
it .carefully) for each numbet,' and
eddiess your :order to Pattern :Dept,
Wilseeillublishing Co., 73 West Ade-
laide St.; Toroeto • Pattern:. sent by
• . • • •
: • , • • • .
To PIN:mote League :welfare Work.
.Bretherton 'Walked oVer t� the table.e
fully. He laid a gentle -hand on •her
"You 'loved Nigel?" he said.
She answered him sobbingly:.
"Oh, I did!" ,
and if so, what she had thought.
David Was watching her: • •
("You have known My brother some
teetabled. . • . • • .
. ‘,44. friend • Of his sent those,back
atter-eafterwerds. There is a letter.
for, you amongst them -we •have not
opened it. ...Ie was written tlio niht
before he was killed." .••
Brethetton walked.ever to the,table,,
and *teed looking down 'nt .the
:•-• , They might have be;cingied
to any Mane -the .pipe,.,the shabby to-
bacco pond); the :able handle of let.
•-tera -.:David Bretherton put' out his
• :hand and, picked up a little gold locket
•11ying conspicnously.there.•• •
, "This wee our mother's," he said.
•• "Yes" said Mary dully. ....She valid'
----------------------- iys igel
' '". he asked •• ' • • . ' • .. . , . .
•• ' • ' - - ••- -series- of; leett rea. in .citiep.of-,Cane
- 'Nearly 'sloe years." : ... • , .
',Ile turned away. Ile went 'back to '' •",6HAPTER • pc....1.,: -,.
. . • . • . .
. 'for the year by. D nee :Rechei Crustily,
'. ads. and the _United; States is'•planned
the little table and laid deWn. the „ ,.. 6 THE PHOT9GRAP.11..: .
, .. :. • :. .. . direclOP of ' thee, epar meet, .: of the
locket gently,4as' it it .isreie• sorpehilik ,... When Da,vid BrethertOn deft :Maree, 11U (f (4 Natiop ,. ‘yri ebi .r...i. itgfi
ho were afraid Of. hurting.. : . ' he took a taxi and dieve,streight/to an •Oplann tritele. . I .'
Across the zoom Mary patched hini. •adeeese. eei n•leheipeteeee • ; - , • ; .... ; e_e.,-: . „..
e. : 'el.-• '
,1-1 wile net in the . least -(Iike hie, . There was ali.ttlo frown'enhie feee, • , To keep ? . .
Chiete,•1resli wrap'lt in ..a
lietreher, she told heiSe7,f.nehirigly; and and during the drive. he „set string i
)eteeinhe 'Wag fiercely glad. that he•was::, before him lest in thns8111:,''
, .
' . .• . •! and: Wrung' as dr as in5s
cloth. that hal hee i dipped in • ri.riegne
ib:e.,, iceep
not: She. imild• net have borne it, had ' ; . .
• i
Onoe he put up hi,:eharid-te feel the ;:ee a 601. place; • •
'he 'Iciokeri'fAt- her. With Nigel's • eyes, leit„gx -lying in l'ii• breastlpecket.,• 'Once , •
•sriiilfed at"hei with';Nigfel APS. . '1 ' , lee....took.ilL•out and care telly 're -read' 1'
• This. •niair•Waa 'tater, thinnel•P mete :: die, hastily .stribbledtpages. '
- s
.. ; 'had—vt<i)01. it. from Ine wateh-itch she dellep.te lookinge•his. hair 'was lirownil• , .110.. had not seen eeleee. for mere
•had mit 'foliated it's -ince it dam- 'home tee, Nige7s had been fair, With a ,boyi Ili
•ttiree years, and, now that he
ish kink in It; :this man'.e.was.str eight. :Nvii Id never seiehim 'egain. little nieni-
. 17te '..1c*ked, n1401- °I'dee than .Nigel•i.'.o es. of •;their, bbyliciddis days ohne
moreeenarilyie:perhans, more reliable; 1,. eoeeeirke eeee to hire-ef„ slio.L. 4;
. ehe• 'realited-thin- vaguely, even . while! ,'ilayi . 'hi disgrace for 'eon:4 dai.e_devii
..' 'ahe.:1*§•ilited'it• • ' • • •'-. • .•,eXpIolt;''. of 11gel talOrig big. punish...
:ii.:.fl . ','"ron, will not stay ;on , here, toil. •
. meet at school with agein on his geed,.
---e--- ceurse;-'• be 0,1A -sifter. ix• 0.11.1.t..c.q1A_M-'-1-nateredjiat‘e;..efi,,Tzgelgoing..for 'the '
-.' Mark •-5,nried-'4. ' .. • - . . • , 'thing ha wanted,' rilWays deterreleed.
, • . • • , .
``,.-Hereir In this flat do • yele•ineen?" to 0t it et whatever cote. And .116w it
."14"*. 1°14 aro you! --yc.'tnnP' ViVid. imagination flasihedhima • pic-
.' '
live. elene6!"• -• . • - ..• • - ' ' ' . • - -- tilt°'et Niel:11,3'111g dad :on the.' battle- ,
• I "I lived aloOe•tili•I Cam4 here,' she flea' • ' ' • :- ,': • : • . . .. ;i •
, I lielf:et-ailed.. "I-nia not Very y,eung,"••'. ,Deefe 'know that it eeie the-ersath i
a 0 In.M1- : ii gel would Iiiiie eliesen fee him. aelf.1 •
. . . . . .
• ea:ay, -- • • • • • ' • .,• He .was AO brave, so, heed:peg! . •
: Ills re;‘•••6 4'51.'9 eltrehed her face. . His thoughts went hack to May. ,
'' e ''''keteetienot live. • alone±yon .wentot She was ee diffe'rent Von •the,:vo-' ••
l'I'll'Ic""r'eli. to death." '• inatv lie had Dic4.1.red.' as ,Iiia'broiller's ,
She Wt the leers rising. : :She ttl ell:* 10,,•••ife',_„go ,
M 0 dh ' bln re Vtff0a,t1S4/ n0...
ed her f.ke away: :1'. • ' , .-
.. Ho .00nio :b,o,ohn to. thon tob,.e,. wy•oo..eneuech, leee • like the elolly •typN •o"...Of' KI .
, _
. ' . • • • that 'Nigel -had a:way§ admired:. , .• , .. •-:•cvarYthisIgI, ' ...,•• . • • .
geld that there was a 'totter . f oe rne;?-.. • , Arid shit, had gentline;3„ 1,-A,ed here, ,, ..134.'y Diaxeond BYes,-rie other kind -
f, r.°„It•Niii_g‘ttiVthth6 i .r.../1.,,',....,6ere' ,,, ,,, ..af that there e ould be tie tionbt, 'It' '1114 ItIl Ycur cfri*gisf: Wbether the ma,..,
therefore mado Mger,g, laL,„t :etter ell tdriil Ybu Wb••Ii• trieeler is w•uni cr fine ,
• - , . • • • . . .
• 014 hioee setleeeediemee. atei eieertete or whether it. ls lisieu, colten ot mixed
. ' Wed. mordigg . It).: direction4 • . ..'!Ploage'." • .' • . . - • ' ... -.' to .eileeeneia,rte., • , , . .. , ' . tootle: . •
. .
• 7, i ie li.1 tie soes-t./ay:...,.. • , • She heard the • raAt„ii,g. 6f4.• Om: .Tite. taxi. bad :stepee.i'' ..:1.461T: :7.. The.' ,e__,.......,'•7"7"-- .
serfP,Y• pi (1 or 'PaPer in ms. .hand? -driver ferfee to• the 'deer. ••
' ••••ffiAfig-aT f`OR • •
We Offer. Toronto's lilest'PrIoes.,
Lityl0; 0.mrrEo . •
'....aWrince Market Toronto -2'
enioking.: gpearngne.
•' ,Jukt
• '014 *'fddNi09-
.replied; werk ween for
me: ---work from, eight.' In the mor An'
•till• nix at night and only' one, liehr off.'
'think of it!"
"Awfull",agreed there. - "And 'ovr
long 'airtii :you been there?"
ain't been there'. yet, '' explained
Bill joe,eami.; ”begin toniorrer."''' •
Per every Outi!oee in', the,
orchard, cutting limbs up
to ill !ache& Flandlei
10 arid 12..faet.
test 'tiniest:sands. limits the sealer .
d• .0th4.c.irsido sou,.
•'• • ,164air sddszaa-.64,10,1Zucia.. ••
• •
. .
c0rtr.A211,_ 144I -to)
otiuppti, ONT.
-•eshe'liad 'not been able t� rihg her -
elf . to move any of the •:ittle• things
• 'since Dolly. had put them thor
r Jahrics
our Jur
and your
Lux is '&orioifirc'ai-because:
• , , .
Inexpens;-,;e to'
0 •
ii clothes last longer et' llei!-- •
'neon; tloWer, .11te sPeriet runner bean,
sin rt,•••the nasturtituu,uscfnl.• for
thin"' peirease and , he. .ebosea, .
ofi.ethe Cohere sCandera Amtthe eadar.y. „ . • • •
yin:e•(: e thoughleek well •erriewee.are' .'• ••,' 4: , .4
411. l‘t ar/110.4, ela•eiles.• levee'
earitehlarlY .0vP1.1 the old4rie, '" •
hioeed nortS. with 'their' flowers *.• "••
01:nee fringed 'and ecellopeil, pte,seati, ••• '
leg, beautiful !Iowans. of Aelicate, color. .
'I'be foliage of thiS plant In 'itself* is ' , •
bentitiful, and nbunclant„ when 010 soll•• •
is weld' enridhed .and cultivation and •• '
Watering fire 'gliton when needed. . ' ; • ' , ,
The catdinel Oimberie • not so :Well • • , .
known' as the' morningglOry,•• isi less' • ••
euaIly grOWni..prodUchig fine . 'foliage • :
Of lacelike tem With, hright s-carlet
filopint. l'hianplast,t tetfulree not only ' ••
• rIcli Sell but'open sunshine, ' It is 'nor-', „
Aicularlyi effeetive on an open Wire •
;0 3
hsiftynat:II:vine a,•• •
'former. It Is well itdePted, to covering • •'1
arehes.axid ; makes a, floe effect in'frent '• , ' " • •
ef4,an. open. Verandah. ;All of thesie ' , •" •
plants. :roctitire•tinppotts', to which; to • • ••••
Cling.; wire .netting 'answers ,particn; . • . • • • . . •,' -
larly well: • The•climbing'neitUrtiiim Ie.:I.'. •• ',I. ; i , ' ,.,': • :• ,:'
most' effe,e.tive:rainblinget.
, °V' a shinty: . ' •••••• '1. 'I,: ' '• , , : .:'
:, Or board, .fenee.... 'Title," too, ' requires •••• !t, .. • . ::-.- ; ', ': ' :`•
attinge, Or •Wireti,•on which'.tia Ong: Tlie .'' ..'• •.• • .'",•••, • '.,•'.
phi -fashioned' scarlet .runner, . not only-,••• • es,.(•••:• '''.11 ; •
producee it 'One screne, and datntY flow:, '; ' . ' . ''•:.••'•••"
, . . . ••.,. .
-,Ors",,,Nrealsci ',adelleaeY,Anelee'eclihle - ', . • • re'. ••••' ", ',..,....,.. '. •
. . . , ....
:pods eieetteltirs. Wier green:lateens...., ..e:,..,...ee•-•-,...i ••••...;:-...e
•••• 'Unleas ono -use., a yet 'bed ,or•;orilde .. , .......: • .- • , , '.,, .
-frame,..the Venting' Of.Jito .nasttirtilim .. •, ,,••';,''''.;::•••,,, .,
Seeds:- should.' iie'', '<loafed. 'tialil '4, cpe, • ; : ' .... .,' ..• - '.
.. . . . : , ...
.grou.n.(.1 colAni,e,nee0 te..warin UP Ps. tha •/". , - •'.'' - " , • '. :, '
seed's .nre• liable to rot 'iu cold 'wet soll. ..".........
Thevstine rule 'shoultrbecitiseried with •• •-••, ' • . • ; :-: •':".• •-••• • -
. the•s
, carlet 'runnel... .The eilierelfiii0 *." !' * '.- .'.. .. ' '''' ':' .•.'''
"recominended, • may'... he 'started .:' from : ' . • ....' '' • : ' .
. . . .
, , .. , .,
., seocl., planted' In the open Soil as. early. •.. •
... .. ..; '.• '
.._.,..„._astli_e_bio.tituLte.L,W.orluibla,-4..usleff a' • „ r
cold frairie,•hoWever;•ot -even boxes' Or ".' .1' ' ••••.'-'...'' •••.: '
pots.: -iii II annny window, the Pie.nts-,,i'•. , :',',', ..,:.:.• :•''
. .':' • •
InaY .he hantened so ea 10 be set etit' • -,• ::• :. •'. •' . .*
In the, positions they inc to beenPY by • .:''...• ' ... ', •'!„' ' '
the midtrier•of May, 'thus:, secisring :a • ,..•
., , • .. . ,.
longer sea;sen of.'effectilPe decoration. . •...• .„ ..., - .....,k...
• ..ANY
ustmp-. to: Tint or oil
'• to tiye
Eaci 15-cmit pack, i
• age'e-eaneeins &free, -
•tintit„ to isdnipl
, wernan can tin soft.' .
:delicate shed 14 or,i,
. •
THE 'Hotpoint Iron with its famous Hot, Point, enabhis
you to iron -difficiilt pieces quickly ,and easily. Hot-,
point'a,-quick, even heat insures better reOts, while the •
• ( exclusive Hotpoint•Thiimb Rest and _Heil Stand relieve
the strain ,of gripping and lifting The iron. Inspect the
:1-lotpciine Iron at your dealer's and You will know why
(there are More in use than any other type of iron in the ,
world. And the' pries of genizina (Hotpoint Iron is only
coldrs ..ijr
flks rIblienet; skirts,
w ztI. g , dresses.;
coa is ,
tWeetters, dreperlea,,
• ."1/fay I take it?" 4 asked,
it•seetriSd a tong tin It belIere he 11147ke thig :the lu5,t,
li creitie
..W.Avis only 'on& 4.7X..: It is' • again, - •
• .
,ipa& by LeYer Btother5'
Toronto, and
tle.y.ce iribulk
-/or--the —
whole --
Wash -
hrrve r,:t i' .d t.111:-1"
. ......-........;;.t......1;z.4.-
. Jr, • . She •rais.4-•;.1 ht..",,r. „4,,,,y,,,s,- ,t,', him.
e"01-1.: not."' - : ' ' . • •.
I, fle made -en) teirtunerilv .ile put the . !Roy.% ‘!'irlousi" toe .
letti-t. Alto; the break,' peeke.e. of his , . i, . IVIadetnized.
-, p.,-.1f.11,:-...,Thqt.e.,,. iy,,tig...u.•-• atti-i.lyi, 1 . ,11.4b ..P.„0.,:rs, 1.4.4Fl.o
ig.i; .11) ,..f.
4;4 .inotith. . , . - ' ._ ' borders or Peri ii,sitirt; a od "Ifirlitig-
- iihe watched ,,Itint., diSinterhstediy. peel..., eeeeeiatvId, wit') ;',91(1, !Tighten!'
-••- ---kareeEeltiet-eirMoaliefeeleelielieWes4A,04itieeiteiteelie-.eAe0.1Zadzealei `;.-41.14;,...
his te)tit was about the elhould.....rs., She, have el(,e:trit.,,i al; •boil 6 rri.t' 't,:li e sei vante .
'eegse.' Ifeefeezifee, ' .,,,.---.• • -- -: f efef .la earl ties-ntf-I..*Irts•s- TM., th ,.. •IyetriT': -
--.,--!•-•;`1461.4--,er•owet• th.rougiellei4eet4e--flt' eiet-tee-Obduininic+-aini•vio...---4,..
- eif. -Yen!? 'el4t. I: 4t1ghtl le:- nr. ask.0:1, lir: Idta-. et Itoing a•WitY with' c'aii(llefe.- - •
N*61.1bit"-kre. Ana curet I offer YOU anY- aml• arteleut oil lemp's eie tha:c at tile •
thir4.7,trtaie co ffee., •setr,:e wirier; i i:tna:sgri'0, le tie icipituts..,. .,goin 0:' , of, the -
, He sl•iciek, lils-,hee4 01,-liad Riiinti'l,tawres-people regard' ii.tp innoviii,r4i a .6:,t/-1/0)* US YCkti.q-,,,,,,,n
•liefore 1 -eetne; and I Must be .getting 1: E a el:•110gt, Itch, IIOy .Saaegreior krti;)
. :on. ,,I.Werit ,;t0•44046W1 litin-z4.e-tilitfitliar, a rzmainio law 1.,aIvic4iiiia„gina BUTTERY04:6,FEATHERS
„ .
Fir6thr$ Liolited • 'Her facie lit 'Ile Seheitivi •,,y. : : tienef 11,0;e l)C-`'',5i,Sli rklid:Itit' e•floi:- ,.. ,-;VE-.13');Y„;44 '"
. , i „
.'1,,,431., Torwito ' ,w riling a- "0-f Wr' U*.`a:t er, li; cot:L.- -; •,-•• ' --' - trfire, t.ociat-:.fo>.'pricc..i,-;.fv,, sq., pit(' z 0
- .: ...,,i_zu ;the ..ete4:01.1.).•4,.&•:„!,-,.......,
- -itaiiii•iiiimilininimillimmuloi, , `1"-e$:,' ./Lel, y6,ir I,o,er. ll'it..4.." 1 '''' '' '...' ..t, .. •, .. . th.c.4.7,t7hr•it irimk aircd ' ' •
ISSUE Ne.'16e-'20, , ' l' eit le "f. ,finek old Oro: ' it , hi't be ' 1?inard'it,k.l.fet rintased, by Ottyrele. i • .1C.i.-n1 Dtt,lr:;.'e,••;:, • •1:r'i,;'•ir.'t*:tEa te.,..4*It ot '
P. PpraLik. trCod,pkitEtt
, ,- -OW..." ; , • . ,'' • ' , '
•, ,.
,. • :I- '•
.• .
• Rpecial HotpOint IrOn- aige.00 extra..
• ,
. . •
..SOyetOs' Dooni
," -.• • . • , .
Is . Orions fact hat Michae Ser,•••••••• •'. ' • ••••
yetis:0 Was•bUrtted.at' the ...Sake by' oat. • • •
yin not .booshiste of but .through.•a little • ' •
bit of thoughlessneas'on hh bevii part: •••:
Mieh.ael.• Was 'a••'SPatlitrd,' :horn. 1509. • • " •
Dxplted, hy:. evangeiliSts; he. be,gasi to' •
read, the, Ilible, and afterwards he dip:: ' : • • • •
Darned the ortireciciiCdohtrine of the
trinity. •.:Fie went to.Paris'aikti•studied •• ,•,,
'mod icine; • blit the 't rinity wits not fot7' ••••.•
' ;gotten, although'. in 1114 'StUdieg he cants.; .• • ,
-neer tlisco-Vering• the 'Oreille; ton of : •••
the ,filoodas any man pro/IOUs'. to •:•.;
•0 0, • 0
Whn ,you,. us SMP Er,ue1ed `0,`,Ste` •
ttens;1.• ei nevet tierape, Scoul-
.4064.. LhC 4 tt eonteheites,.
f.tot, '0,0(1% soap, ai•cleth ftlint"4 all $ On- •
Sie-eifiTiki•Ictiiti 'then's;
Ibe cleenliness gnd .our -
face ei thiria,,huteicars Uie ikel.,
eeeee e to; iftet jilt clean, eure
•tary, 'lasting • ;
.13,0111-Ti?Y, GAM gGGS,
;ilarrt ded
r • • st ri • • 4
0;"411•••00,..000".000.........000.‘00..,.....0...00 „
10600-00)000e 0, re
. t'„lakv,in having •liecn 111,9'M:end,'h� be ,•.. ' ;
gaii, !writing • le•ttoiei to 'him. to 'discuss. ••••••
the pointbf the roiftroVersy,v;itiais was • •
flion'Worrying' ina,ny-..deep ,tlrinkers of • .• ' ' •:- •.; • •
, •
*-ioPer4tin 1.5•52-th-o Oittluillos• put him , '\ • • •,
In ' prison for ..hie 'Otitspeken doubts, •• •, • .• ,
but he eScaPed froM the jall in Lyersi;, - •
and Started fee Naples.' •. . • • ,
:Right there and, then he inade'his,•, •%.• • , .•
iniStake. , Instead ot Ening around ha . • ' ' •
tried to .go headetia,e-. • '
tem:Geneva.' Calvin ,had hini arreit. .•-•' • •
ed. rind fie:educed , the ,conficleatittlbit-
ter ot Priev.e that.. Setvettie. doubted. '••• • ••••. . • ••
theeletatt-y.' Another --charge-ern-ad-0 -.••• '-•••••- ' •••
waOthat In Itis book called •
Oecgrsipliy,".", lie asserted ' , • • "
the.* Jud6a lind been 'falsely eiceolled,
for Its 'bii,atitY and fertility"; triodes:1i " . • • ; •
travelers having found it shiath .sterile • . ,
and. unSightly. Was sent to the ' . • • .
In actg.-
Jolts and ears. ,
Lva "Tier rirenkth •Whii Ea Infra
• s • ,
. •. ,sOlt
. . • ,
• ,
, . • .
. ..... .
"..ilist.isgit• :I vilituiriry s) 61 c ra 'Jolla., you • • .• „
• loow;.; ' ° ,. . - , • • , ,-
',' May'1
'PAHA' b 1
pi- :,:kastity ,yr metur tit . • ,
4 ' '
• - - •.-• .'-'---, ..`,' • •• ' ' - , ' ''' ''.• . : ' "-• '
1 .......... ,„........0...... r.s, r...si •'
1 'n•ruggeig- Ofirocitr vs. darffets.". - •': • 6 • *-"
r'll'ili: iiiptylairpr,Wrirgililift:S We'clieetti.
We it l'ist*1'.1.n.glwit-latiglistge. tile hiscie 4.' 7.- • ee.e..•.- '
gt(14(-;...i•.11;-(E‘Tiel",''e.-it'kli‘i5rinletlittallidet: In l'elyt101i,vis.°, arrtntd:'..
c,x•Ied it "Nier'moli.". to tin iti hi g fryer ,
to 09, it:tr 111,1sit thp. tye,t() .43.Dr.sd ite .. . . „.
• T ,,,, hie and,' took . ta tnany niovi..-„,,„,,... . v. ..
'it.4ts-, anti. even Luis, to •lahel tmtli- ••
• ,
Tlf1(• ,11.iyr:stio.44r,Litliiit.tpioietz-:•...ineefteeli,.40aroesittito,,,, , , • ,
• :•••//1,,,,•• ma rmate.4. Isiumets -e'Drouts A :1
, ,• .
;:util*:_i 4:.;.,11*.*tt-T6tbri to with 1;algilittl pinto • •- '".:1? --2.4r-7--- - -
,tit (4.1itu4;, lait. the oarDets xeri
17 IIr i,,itie f1,1 Titu5...415s
• ,