HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-22, Page 5A F A THE ILUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY APRIL 224 1926 FRONT I)WAIIE WITH THE MAPLE SYRUP S3ASON NEAR At.HAND • Mil!' ARE YOUR REQUIREMENT:3? WE HYE A FULL STOCK OF SAP ',.EUCKETS,, SPILE.gfCAST AND OALVAN- . ' IZE6, • • YOU NEER A NEW. SAP PAN,PAY US A CAZL., Pt:* 'GAUGE ..GALVANIZEli! IRON. . A WE • • „ ILAWg'JN STOCK THE FAMOUS uullArOits,.AND: "HU.CKE,YE!' ,c0LoNY.BRoOnzlis..WWi •0 'YOU SHOU,LDnuy A licLigno,• UNrJER`,111g S':Ltk riiks -DtzkrortiorriAT. EDITS• Aan,rry TO HATCH .WOH,•.,,C.Y-uqh§, AND BETTER' CHICKS 'fHAN ANY orrnmt. usleuasTOR .4 A „..T II•E 1S-',GUARANiEED „)1.Pli THE :LAtGESP A1r.0 . MOST RELIABLE' COMPANY' OF ITS 'KIND IN' THE 'WORLD • ' ' ' SPECIAL FRIDAY ...447SATURDAY 10 -QT., ALUMINUM , PRESERVING KETTLE 99. Martilf-Senier. Points and Varnishes • RAE 86 PORTE011S Phone .66.. - 7 Lucknow. ...Hardware . Coal Plumbilig Tinsmithing, .1471*.•Air .To Be WeWpreSsed You: Must .11gie Stylish shoes' YOU WILL GET C0MFOR3',. WEAR; AND 'GOOD VALUE' IN VERY pima OF OUR MEN'S SHOES, , HIGW" SHOES- AND. OXFORDS IN,-.--BL-AcE. :PRIOED AT $4.00, $5.00, $6,00. • •• • THE-IfEWESV":MODEL'SLij,r- E'§. luovELy FOOTWEAR,, IN OtTli, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. OXFORDS, STRAPS, STEP-INS;: S iTURNE KID,. SATINS, AND • PCULT 4E4THERS, IVIODERATELY' •PRICED ,AT $$.50; TO • •LITTLD' 'BOYS' AND GIRLS' STRAP' SLIPPERS .AND X. FORDS MADE- ON "1'oOT-81-1APINCf" LASTS THAT PROTECT ..GROWING FOOT. ALL NEM/ 'SPRING STYLES kqueEp. Al $150T0$300 . • MEN'S WORK SHOES 'FOR SPRING -WE' HAVE ,•-solyig.. THING TO TALK ABOUT" WHEN IT COAIES, BOYS"- WORK 'SHOES, “IIETIER COME AND LOOK THEM . oyEa BEFORE'. YO U•••• B 'Plig:4! AT O.* $3.5,0; $4;00 84 $5.60. • , • THWELL & TURNER TAB STORE wiTH A STOCK , . Our Repair DePt. Will Give You, Service' And Best quality Work . • 1,144:Vnia,THE IFIOPTAX0 Ca2,raecoSs' in. hog eftexta saYe.: the 4.R.fia10 triQm elakietipP, is, 3how n in the fact that the great.. park 1,Vaiight, Alberta, approximately, 15 miles; lOng. and la .miles wide, which, Many, thought,, fPw year .ago, was nmple, for all time,. is unable to 1.inppn1t a :f.urther. lacrease •the fiord and proviel.P0 made -for: the disposal' of the annual increase.. From time to•tinte 'a eettont number he boe'a Clanghter,ed and a. onniec (0,a,p0iti:On, made *. of the meat and •rohes,As foitlier ekperi- merit:. during •tliePagt. itunther nv.or 476114—a'Z'. Were' sh1P'04:ifrern Wainright..-north., sofird :about .700 thi1e by •ri1 • and '".4..titer to „the :Weed "'Buffale.. park, r . §,01.41],' North west ,Territ- ories, Tog :.:th.pt.isand'. ;13 Ve hundred ;coittre ' 'mikes -Of !,lia turak. pas tUre „tyre' included' in' the,: W0.04 Buffalo' park, which was primarily set aside for the ,pretectiOn; of , our Wildwoodbuffalo herds. Wbile it ic404. S'&,?n•to say. 090ti've13' 'whet the outcome of • this exPerinielt •the /. outlook: .is• nost ..enn!raging. • . • • • Eighteen 'years alio • it ;Was ,the general: opinion . of paturalista: and others that, ' the hriffalo's dOetned t� extjnction. In 1.007.the. opporbun.- cy t� sove • a lest .#ninent ofth :ese' ane-tinle lords ' •of the plains . was grasped'. by.the' Dominion • Geyera-. inert through ',.the • Deitartnient • • Of he 'interior, and .at the 'end ot•three years the last of. the,7d9 'Membera• Of, the.,,herdwned ' by .Sic•hael:PablO, of •-Montana, Li' S. A.„'Were. safely within„ he lInff .da., National pork at 'Wain. wripbt. • Daring : the 'intervening ,s.ixteeit years the . Inv.:ease ..rn this, :herd .was .aboirt 4.1,306, • Making,: With' he Original 700 apprOkiniately'lg,000. j. hpeo Abt 2,*, have _been .4).Anght:' ered :for icommercial.purposes, and apPrekiniaip4,0re out In this 'year's. experiment, tronSt • ferred to cther .parks, and Otfr,r,Wisi -disposed:. • of, .about' : 8,000:' •.aniinels ,at present in *thelWain Wright: ..piirk,. • ': : ' With' the-.intuid .thel" SPeci4. Canada fracticelly a_ssiired; the ' Goverintent is considering waisand ...n1etin's1 of, utilizing ith, Surpins' anim,01a.. whieh, through nauraj ineteaSe -reach about , 1,500 bliffelo 'per year.' : teat 'summer's experiMent Was: cartied reniarkable• ' succese . and withrAll‘ ;very, lossof -eight animals:. out ,of 1634 shipped.. The movement of -,the :buffalo: from • Wainwright began in theearly ;pert :of jnne. Their".deStinatien• . was .a -paint ..knoWe :La Butte bn the 1.:Slava rivor, the eastern' bolindary. the *Wood 1301fato park. Subtantia1 corrals and: loading 'platforms : .. Were bUilt. at Wainwright and • weekly shipments of ,200 to5O -cad' :Were made.. in ,speolal ears' into sectims ;And -ed 'With watering, -end - Ieedin fa.i1ities Tbe ';first trainload.: left' Wainwright on June 45' and 'reached .the.'end, of -.Steel. at :Waterways, Alberta; •On• t1e:1'7,th. At: •tilia Point 'the -buffIln Were placed in ccnistt.iidte'd: Correia: .•0wliere, • they for thirty-six thirty,siX,, hours. They Were thell. relOadeci: ,On tivO., barges, and,; • after an ui*Ventful trip _down :the Clear., water, Athabisk. a • and Slave' rivers, arrived .gt \their' destination on rJune The•_buffale....Were released at the gateway a their tie -w, horne bY meeits of. in. ene'lege-clIVIiirt • and laneWay, :trent ,whiRli they raced • for. a few 'hundred yards and thek'settled down to graze 'On the inviting graes:befpre furthei. .exploratiOn, • . • . ° . *: '..'::.4.•Seven :dims,: 'during the, :sunnue'it., this • unique flotilla mode" the :..river • !ALt.ts:.L.•`•-• -.Hat Shapes:.' -Newest styles. StraW• Braid, F rdw-' ers'& Linings , Curtain Rods --We have.a special. flat rod, extends 48 iris. at -2 .for 35c. Window Shades --4 Qualities to choose from. edat-Oil Polish 20c,13,0c., 75c bottl Sewing Machine Oil' 15c, 4-o. bottle.. `Swite.Special. Values In Granitware Much new goocts his arrived during the past weeks.-.-COMe in and see. them. for yourselires0.. t 9 • TANLE AND EGGS FOR lIATCilING FROM - LARGE S T ft A 1 N'S MAE DI,IED TO LAY WHITE LEG110121sar AND 'BARRED ,ROCKS. • HEALTHY, VIGOROUS STOCK • BRED, POit SIZE; LARGE EGGS AND HEAVY PRODUCTION. „•,_ • 7 , „ ' , • ' .25. 'M... -100 White Leghorn ,Baby:Chick $3.75 $7.00,. $13:00 , tt-Leghorm Hatching, -Eggs 1.25 225 4.00 Barreb. -Rock Baby. Chieks 4.50 - 50 16.00 Barred=_Roel Hatching Esg.s :1.50 2.75 /6.90 AT THESE 'PRICES IN YOUR OWN• BOXES .01iT. BASKETS AT MY PLACE,: 'ONE Q.U-ARTER MILE. WJ LQF WHITE•( CHURCH. -cusToyi DA'rCIIING DONE AT REASONABLE RATESt—SATI,S,PAcfrioN grii.r.A NTEED: , • NCAN KENNEDY Phcine -6117' 212.' itechufeh, ,Ont. r•-" Ths heneymess, is stil, . going These 'Who mean Well g,et the world 10, „trim* is op wonkt. eat an onion on. 'into most if its troubles. thotio who , • do WellAtet it OUtt 04,I1 40.4!. in 'AuglisC -the last. shiOnient reached the nt,irtlie,in Since then 4he wardens, iwilo ler ionte :Years' .1:lave been • guardi*,!. the; Wood!' ilitiffaie against ,treptis4:rS' arid •M.dio are now 'thbAteir'.ari•NTIsi haVe." • renoteit, that , Plains •aio,..waod .1-hifffit10..are mingling ,freely and 'that :there is :eve,i'Y :Prospect • of. cOitiplete anialginnation' of the : •'So far. the e..tcperitnerit- hos been'. a marked. 'Success: 'HOwever some time must elapse bete-re:the, outcome can recorded., 14; the meaiitinie indi- cation s give . 'for. the 'belief. thet":the anceeos' it Wain:ivright. will be repeated -,•On....the....•banka of ....the' Slave and 'Peace rivers'. • --.4,07.6 • . THE- l4.1.VAND-.1140,006.. bill (11,41jibigl,PO: AgtiOultnrorpiier464- . ttio qui* thi,e6.-irektiitit-4-' bit Tli-nra: day receive -V. the' :asSent -the Ligut-Govtit6r., a Ontario. This act state :that ..municipalities must .charge a liense foe •of•for Male ..dogs,and -.for„fentalcs.:•They ',may 'nerel that licettae fee, if - 1i , se dm dog8: frolii it:-Itt,t0; .1t. ;ow .provitloa that a.' .Porsott 'may • kill a dog,ound. az. injuring, sheep, -nr dogs oti4c1 *hero- tilieeii,:sto • .,. 'A cuLitos, pxo$ggg , Jusiftio,FAIGENTA F.A4,0 •i BUT ESCAPES DEATH' There passed away at Ina hp*. on • therist. Con. on Easter periling .April4th., one of , the few remaining iuneers ,of.A.JulrOa in ;the petson Qf the late Patrick King. The, ileceasNi was born in the north Of: Irelena• fe%y.„ iolles from BelfAst ninetyi years. ago; He came to this, country with his father, bother' and •sisters, his mother. and Sister ,dying at • sea from a disease Willett inAsted the ship theOn,:.„ They seined in, :Caleclon, and after farming for fews years thofe. they,..".inth,Vek, up to. • thia twenty, 11c, secured his farm, from. .the ::Ciewa, and ',was, married. sixty„ *eight' yeei's ago. tO_Marry,:„.„Gi..11,1e#4,1i9.,:-. Sul---rrire7a7.4 .Ter the wa. ?horn a' fetidly- Of ten ',Children, -fent of wliOnl "predeCeased biol. •There still ,rernain. liefLeel",t.119elossn.tha:hof c:rn. :et;t14d119'fig'y'.1.°ard., I:•atrick,• Da'n 'vviicp:Jiy,0 'near:, the;:.old horne and rntigi; also one dandliter Catherine who •lia:C, 1ovinglY and tenderly :cared for her faLhct in, his old. age, The tar? Mr: King `Virga hard, workitig end indust- rious and, enjoyed .ganieS and Sports.. in his'Yeimger days. T'he funeral ,was 'held on April 6th, to. StO.red Heart- zihurch: TeeSWater. Interinent taking phiee in ,the R. C. cemetery: (Durham Review) Jiping c:var dbeiu...1.i, te 1 onlVed riesday 31r, Ijenry Sefton 4e.a.t14 ReSe,aerti pull- : hint tO, the. top 'of the ,76feet pre- cipice 'hy..means of ;ones,.. a4 it is believed, aside from numerous, severe brulaps, that he is; not even aeriously injured, he .Man Confessed, in, the. :(Pro:tre. vHei :lii"h0asthehrt;/,,adon, unie lildgertia .with the' eXpress purrse of urnping ':o.yer 'the ',falls, andit is .,..z.e.aied that. ,he, is suffe.ring eitier-serfonc-inentalrtrOlep- 'Abbut 'three' 'O'clock. on Viredneaday afternoon, ..:41,Oti..lioy'•who-.Acarg: we'rk-• tag -nearthe brink of the fells, h. nn Walking at tkie:.edke. of the, nleciplee J.,00king for .him a• 'minute ,the iahwas 'Cone. Far • belpw,,..' eould 's'ee the •nian tiva1itin47; and: about, and 'roP4 Were onee .$ectirEd. •Aiter nntch iierstiaaiOn, •Sefton ti :Id :the , rope ,ahout-, his waist and;Was hauled to the top of the cliff diow. the Man escaped 'Spdden death his deseent, vast. the, ,jagged pro- jections, is a mystery.". , 0-041-4 MAN .STA RV,ED. , • WALKERT9 ...1VIagistrate Rid held court at Hen, 3a11 on Ap21] 12th to hear the case- of Acquitted On Serious Charge Wm. Armstrong; a fernier ,Stanley ' • , township, , charged with , crueltY' tb ' t. . Henry Redford - . his tnimalsOfficer Whitaide, jaCCom: town - hip, forniorly Of., the ?tith- Line, panied by a Heniall' veterinary, :had Asited Ainstrong's 'fain and found -ive cattle dead,. evidently starved. AnOther animal was so far:gone that the veterinary ordered it shot The remaining- cattle, Were in ::Very ocn. conditiori, and the pigs, ',was said were "too'weak to squeal." Arm-; , . • Brant, was a,cquitted in the police .aeurt' at Walkerton on Apiil 9t1i • by 4agiStrate, ' McCartney • on the charge of having' carnalr lations with his • step -daughter, 1oiothy Legite.• , The girl, .who is in rOnble • had pievioUsly laid the blaine or. her , o liti h t • f th • 1 th tri g made the'plea that feed ...Nvits m on on s e - a ex ; e • liOliCe in eOnsequence of ire •• Story 11' Itedfordighteed-. tuider•-•:_arreat. • I evidence 'here ; , Friday ho v e She conipletely„nxonert.ed;theeeuted PAGE FIVE , cLINTON SPItINQ SEW 1 NU rWrIXER'S C9NTE6'r The -lair 'Was- Ap1I int,t-t owing •to.,the 4A1;zarci raging' at. that time. it was automat. 14aU3.7 POiitPoned Until APril 1504 The committpe of inanagerdent wire. • fairly 'fortunate in that. Thursday, the 45th, was a. real good fair day. While a little 0:4-61 it Was clear over Itehd• Wbieft •kept :chi Under , foot 'fhe entrie-:•*weze not Xt }Wally a ..laSt year owning to the, fact that;no. • iorses p.resent from north': of 1,31ittli the roads: being inipasaable nat*sectien„. This aff0.4teci entrieS7 ries had been, made frain ,that sect.: 'Jo P:reviously-. • IloWever; the quality of the ateelt exhibited was .o;. the' 1r, ..he,st with -,sen 'tearns entered a the agricultural, -Ciass„ five nr.,tbe • • eelleentrated:hia offorts.,..egipueir. 100,7. ..aponea: the.fixot public tel- phope :„ystelii, and in July the follow.' -•ttic -,yea-riteT".ertiaymk-amt -1,eniodelted ..-,,,, tho Victorik Ikelor Act', Cowan later !stated a'. borao iitteot.ear . -service built a skating, , rin., ,.. a..•11 , : - Street lighting system, • ' But Mr. •Cow•an . had .lit: eye '..on larger . things—on the gi eater . ser- ' I/ices a 'a coining city, ' 'Associated with Mr.: T...k..L: Taylor ana other, he tounde*(1. the .• Re -,:elst reke . Water,: Light and Power f..„‘ti. 'fhe first pii,b, .lie. •Ii..ater scivi.•:e .was' •turhed on in- vea•:ber',. 1606. ' a he first hydro,: •eietizie pOwer .hoL5,0 fl.c.4 bt. ono k ' xterinia:ZeV..r.lably „tiiii111,,f2i.i‘n.6.1ex,...1 .tw;:lt..,114,•tahtl.67I.111,1:0(1- 3.1.--C:TeftarkrIV ..87,iterelst`rnhe-ionPri', . : ed it's first. eiectriC' light, He iritii:ried, ..in ;•19...r, xiss• Bertha , Beiztrit.King.,•ePtiii's CitV Wbo Vied. in -1I/06, His Wing relatives „are': 'Ills - ..,.. ,--',.ne :•§on,. -Iyilliatn *, Patriel• '•ef this ...:1,0eliii,evyraid- opuurgp,hotse:eit.,xasitsz.1". ithhreee cAil,las:. the . 11.1:ny..1,,,esTe..0a...11 ii..110,e;,01:.s,o(ielislli•h•,.:0:.,7e.64,,f:t.:.x,:ho•:..orilotlilit.ta.071;•b.a.eanLdti, tgri(ititural filly: or Gelding three ..riasei;i:dia, toear w ith h:m iii ihe, teic,phim.e,: . Y(ei,), 01.11 in:11.1trtr:.pesi eenti ll'ot7iihehnitii,(osple:.:111..,s.i.i,bieeliv:::eil.ryno,4Tgt4b:ph.:ie.Ehnsafieiglotndhi4wd6te.4.1iv.,ntrodie.u,rila:tttr'hiet.in.ee,fsnoit.d.r. d.T4es?:.00e. fAt•iiivii0,.1",-;:., .:7:,,,i8a.:;:..ei.,:,,,,,,,,,:si:t ii ,i,::,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,::::,,,, ,,,,, ,ie.,,,,,., :tr:is. 1.0 ,ote tnin;Oedtfoo,ei . . 1 .incrl ,i: :do.. .,(51:.:9 piall ,:nli. :to; y ..y. A Imo }Ii 1)1 ,. . 411: ' In point of attendance thii ;,31.0t...h,ei..:..,, jo•;eph, .tilid ,tii4 son, ,, pat,,, , pl:Iilic functions held in Oillitoicromi , . 'also his siatera, mra. ,Bain, Of'Detroit; • ;Iloa.airliTsitieentidilrla.g1.. .rwea:n;bilettienlge•tiattoa,::7pti•het- ' In loVing teincio.orance. of our lit6 • ' IN '111E01I1A111. " ' , • Ill'ilzil4c'telille:ftiGd:dvtql,olt711•igken:•elict°1ilril:Pgt°estdittOaillnlitA::7Ti tookthhesi: °fal lalill'et: !leer -.. de' fa 11 ill:4 g. C a iBi de:al 'I'l ;in se ,1 .' . 01.2.. ' j, , Arrnstrong, • pnly. daugh:. owing is a list of. the ,prize winnerS -. .6ondvii,, Ont.,.. who passed aWay 1.st: Wm.,. Collins,' BrueefielRd; No Wo .,17fillovi.:isSvt,thehpo,putil:tion2L.4dir, nt.Zee,a.,lui2etiriyuelainticc.i.3.1.,y,er,. .' ;Kincardine; s'c'ar4dlibriev;t.ag. r.dl\il eTKilloi sli.°'Pli :ncis. , IN.iea- ferth; .4th: Bert Boyce,. Brucefield, •• Will ' say •in- some lone sad hour: • We knew, that. the Loki, our Master' ' Oldest onipetitOr: Alex Stewart, SI.:ohieetiot.‘oveirn:yoitilealo7;en(11Y,s.:0Gaato.di • . . • . joyce, 'Brit4.4field; . Competitor col.n: ..lelgraye; -1'w:ingest Genipetitor: Bert , ...AA:(14...ste:oultsgh.pt.e.:tihet:tt: :bloom,i)io••••liyi.e.d., too .ng giaat.est distance: IVIrss Alberta ' •AcKinnen.' ••• Seatce and to i•Ot.,-,4"litritit-II-1:13-re—L°11-11-W-ii--"----Q-9----yr. . Oat: z • • by maintaining that he had never :improperly, treate h 1, at an5 tune. Asa: ine7riage .„license had: beep issu- the .prvjOus, Wedneaday by TOwn . • , Cl k B W ik 'fa "or ef :the girl in. the case; Derothy'Mary `Lealce, and Hanibicigg- Canip>. bell,' the .c1.,M;iiin Attorney:\asked wit- ness •if, . she, were , yet nzaried, to „ was not long_tefore -officer Whiteside had Oh thi--• place Arnisittrigk " • . he futo.e. arrci waa''. let off • with a fine: of $16 Mid •• " BOYS FINELY FOR • , ' ENTERING SCHOOL (MBilmay oazette). Jacob •Hopf' Neuitadt, 'aged _Ai: . and Etwin Fisrcher af Oarriek, aged. 'WhiCh she replied ' in the: ne*ative.': WithOut taking the testiniony :4f any 1 ,others in the :matter, the ease ,,. was *dismissed -and the, accused' aeq itted. Mr, O: E. Klein appealed.. for *Red:: for at the trial. •- ' • • ' widetpread interest, and the hall •wa. 15, appeayed, hefore CountY; Magis.t- rate MacartneY • of Wiarton •the foWn. 'hall, MildruaV, 'last , ThursdAY afternotin, on 'a cbaiiii of unlawfullY ditinaging, school premises 'at P.:, S. S. NO. 5, Carrick. The case. -aroused A,../;jacvLiAit . ./..,Avit• c.A.:si ::—.. . .p. utty • well tilled' with :•farniera- %and . , . , . . teWnspeople'Who came to witness':the Mr Owen 'Geig,,er, ,Beeve of 1-!117 .P:1'.°C:etii' lig...;•:: r -rhe. tvg° rads': 'u•Por! having the-. :charge read. • to them. sell, ha S conie mit the victor in a • , • opcuhat lay„ woe; •„,...iich y,„4s a oed pleaded guilty and said ."the Y' were Sorry' for. their ..cendu5t., :, His: • 'WOr- , • . • . • i in the Court of ' Appeal at Toronto last Week: , . • duty on a ,earload of flax shipped' tO The *,actidti,ai7ose eve ,‘,the ship 41'aestiqnecl ' the -aeelised,- 'as to their motive for -• entering ;the achoOl, but they -could. give no. , explanation • 'Cl.eveland"..- Mr.:. -Ge ger. ed i entracte& " lli ' e . ' O. to. pay thi".•duty and dicl:IsO.' to: tile,'C.° c'r •iir•iY: ';'eti"si These lads, having • N. ' ii,.., at 'Hensel] wheri. shipment '.waa apparently little , te ' de one Sunday forWard, the d.tify :pico,ritry, • hi.iwerer, lreined an 'entrance through the -Win. eolyjijaziy: ilia,\ not ': f t".!1"1100.11 'recOnt.1, yisited., the ,ichool, inade,'..Th 3 ' why ciow ,and s arted, to do :some Mischiei.: ;and the .egr arrived at „Cleveland not leaiede•Jconaigriees:did Azot_notify • (YPsediie -1 I'Ves wee, scnbibled in• Mr .. Geiger Of thig, hnt attempted, to et. the ;cleared themselves: Mean- thne; however, the Atheilean tariff on flak tow Wes :rincreased. `and' the consignees : had to ',pay un, - wards of two hundred dollars ($00k each, gav the .boys a scathing' more duty to release the' •ShipMent.' .trul e hat7he termed theirmaboln-: per ,thie excess they stied MT Geig, \find inded ti...cir2 and said that • if- the Out lie contested his liability. on the .e'llarg° been laid 1111:419r aP6Tfler ground that it was the, negligenFe.-of shcii°n of the code': he. c°1114 hare the .1.4liftifte iietifyihg hin ient them''down fel. several ;years. rtie fines ,l,vere by the 'fatlie'rs nor 'paying ;the duty promptly before of' , '.c91.1$R.d. the (Oat. WALKE '0 seine. Of t e: pupils booliii— tiaistees s y that tensiderable ether damage •••'1.,is' .de,zie.' 'The ;Magistrate: ii impesi g fine of -$5 add costs: .aniountitn, " in tb, 'about $16.0 , the .late. w,ditt, tip, that was the taus& Of this Oss. The caiewttOirst who gave judgment in laver • Of .111r. Geiger.' The •plaintiffs aiinealed, again the decision is in .favor of Mr. Geiger afier g review o1 the .K.ase by the 411 Appeal Court of five judges, The fio:d. official 'transfer of 'the' :Brace County Department of •Agric- ultifre from the former RepreientatL C, nevi in charge •in,Dtif- • ferin ilounty, to w: X. Riddell?„ (was. FOAIIITH, CON. KINLOSS coeripleted last 'week by A, Carroll, ehas.„,..striamee: is end': As:giatit Director -from Y: iceileup11 who, sh4e lest SeptemJ. big. a few; days •in witn• friends. •. ben.'has hgen 'Assissaiq .for 'Huron. County 'commenced his duties 'as As Siglaizt for Brztee On Menday. Mr: 'Kellot.rgh who "•came oinally from otie' of the h4t mixed' farming districts. in. Lanark' Gounty, gradtvii- ki from the '9, A. ;C.' in 1925.; While at College,:he, Was a' member .of the . „ Live Stock Judging Team 'which re- preSented the O. A. C. at the Toionto ;Royal- international, .AL .tha: seivios in .the ii1:1./th•oultio, a inw ahcejttdg pl):Lt•fint&i. thsr-IPPt-"'StintlaithVfiait4 Tre-W•ars .kto'.v''t-Fia,t-' • 1\1,4' i tit the'''.',Peult.iy-tepartinerif kun -1-'-'11.0.10-- t)eq"PY- tilo•-•--PP-1'.- 'at Mr---Kellough is el1 ?or hia,- duties in '''Brucc 'County, Ile will 1,)e welcomed.. part., icolarly• by the young people in their <Junior rgani,dltioif work, ..an,d will also he .ot vartiettlm. assistance hi the special Ifve itn.proVerneril Work Airs. GeOrge *Lockhart visiter with her *sister, Mrs, A. Soloinon, now, the firit of the ' Dliai ;Emily DeXtci? • spent. a day last -week With her sistei,•11It'st, W. al, Ensign. ' •, • A number froin 'here tdok in. the: concert in Town on TUesdity Owing.ti, the. illness, of' Rey., ,nrf, Janes,Rey' W. 'E.:Treleaven of Luck - Mrs. D. Morriaon. spent a few days "or laSt, wok in kW:Winer l‘lt, 11 MeXintion ' oh the' Sigth, . virlip has been lald up for some fini:er, 1, ia -able to be:around again, Mr. and MrS, Geor&e Bell a Tees- ••- • .. , • - -`11 • y • wnien nos peen, recept y o gu.mzuu,.. water" viaited i 'b ID, Morrison's • '.•••••••0 -0 -o - I -recently. ' chine's,e are qusel The fed theii own starving 4reliltiVq4 Angteatt of I, •.N0 111411 tillilliOdetict long; in 'being tending all thoi,r eharitsi. ttie What ha ' , , • . , • then've kboW the reaseh • W•it. •in beauty:': as " •'God. took •13.11/` ." ••• W, " We:miss her and we nidnin for her , W. .McCowan, Brucefield ' But not witir„outward show,. • Norman'. Eriiiriar,713rt—iezTi011,--7" - And many7a-•-slient-tear• Is shed • ., • . • . Geo. Mann; Clinton,' .R. N'o.$ 'Alex. Stewart, Belgrave . Bailey, Clinton 1‘ Zii.lthstUrir 'C'A.,ir:rnr.lis'ettrbchlg:Varna,iriten,1RN NQ.$ , Thos. Rand; Soafortb a, Pert- Boyce,' Bi iniefield Jas. Cowan, :Seaferth • Wm.' col f• ins; ,Brueefield • ., The • .centestants. in this 'cOrripetif- • ion..are certalliTY-Ao- be: congratulated on ;the exCel1en0 Of the Work done'. :Each and every player from. yezing- eat 'to' oldest displayed Special -41-4,. itude alon some certain line and the whole competition was, :Of a partic.= order, . ' daTne4:a .747°,1\ 7• .1 By:. ;el; f71., teeel]. • -field; „Mrs. F. Boyce; Varna, Wm. Godelieli.: and .kessrs.Adani "aPIlo.ign‘7iCtt ll`oe competition an old liinellArt.:e/was Tbis-leoncluded., one:.df -the Triottsueeseful• days. irt , • :the history of Clinton' Spring Pair. • This fair is now an established factor inClinton •and thk surrciund- ng corinnunity. : ;The fair is 'largely Luii.ed-prtzlyZoth"Y el7OI—t‘d'a,`netl each and to the ild everydne, Iceacerried, incontributing to the Support or: the - fair is /to' be 'congratulated' on the SUCcess of the :(,vent froin, ;start to finish: , NEWSPAPERS IN CANADA '1 • . There are 1,338 ne*.spape ,s ad: )eriodicals published In: Canada; 0..C. 'oiding to the IpLast.i. isszie' Canadian DiteAtorY.. Mere are-. '116. daily • papers, 6 tii- Weeklies; ',.;i2serni-Weeklies, 940 Week- , weeklies 32 semi-weeklies 940 week:. ihAt .P0 '9Pe..eyer knows--; - • ' . • . parents and. 'brothers: Ances the • total publications are divided, as .toilott'7§: 611; 2213; Saskatchewan, ; 192; ..,StkNitOb, 150;, Alberta, -.1.`j5.; 'olurnbia, 109; \;;ovn. Sebtia„ New! Brunswick, 46-; Prince' Edlyard slati.d,' 7, and, Yukon" 'Territory,. 4. • • •••-•'•-0-c40•:•47-• , LOCILkLS.1.1 ' OLD HWY. • ' . bits AT ROCHESTER , TheApril 14th has a 10iigthy article' on' •,1tevls7trcike (13 .• Cry Review o f the career end • death of •111/4:illtlin .Gan, „who died...at:the,: Lay e H6s- pital„ RoclieSter, Minn., on April' 13. "Air. -Cowan was horn in the.' Loch- alsh' district, AShfiehrin 155, and po doubt, will be:reinembered by reS-: [dents Of that. part, Ile appears, le -haVe--r-gone-wcai and ,to Whc .quito it young Malt and im- thediatelt, tin* a 'leading Place -in:the businil• t. rr. '":"'"•-•••• . • • 'The Rbtiew sayn, "Tlir: Cowan 'WAS:. a, pioneer.. bus iness of this citY,., and one of its en- t!rpiisirtg citizens during the fort r.S7 of Its hisoty, built th'e fhst Victoria'hotel in Julie, sit8Ca51,1 4d t1n 111 1.1:5ailiseLl!t:ci:Itruetd TIII:d-e (7'.11,A ifol• the Celtunbia. :Rivet; and nut ;s rtn,''fiieD1sPi1th p 'het! first run In Attgut, 1888, t1( the LyttOn in 1$6,9,1 • Selling out his steamer, Mii,COTt• • IN MEMORI"Alf . Nixon . In laying,: ineihory of out: 'dear • wife • -and frnother„: Mary ,Nixon;, Who d A pri 20Th; 11321,, . • ':When days 'are dark.'"and .frienda'are . how we long for.•you:; •.tai:Lie.,.:frienda, when, theY are ..We I 'oslpt-,styou otib..et•:,11eild •Wh.ezi we .injsaed b:ST •FLO‘VEIZIiA LE • • . Many of our young 'people attend -- ed the 'DarkC.oncert" in Ripley' on Monday night.' ' , •, • • . Wilbert Avei•y has been Absent from school:'sevei•al .dnis; on account of illz s'`'• Miss Lillian. 'Smith, NvitO has been ski: for son:16.0111e is inipro-ing,. tho' • , • •Kenneth , Finlaysbn." who 4has been ,suff eying; fch- i. ;orig. •thnd 'with •. ltimbago;is nov,..,_,1•,_ick with the flu. - fcrioalSIIS sii.,racp e:r....tiit:t‘t11ng li.:4inT:alioing;...lixortt. rsnw . ... i!.:. ..... Co.., in..London. , • : ' s', ;.1 ,:,Afloi;vs..‘ .ci Chas..:‘,(,\ \ . it,l)L.11.a‘l'Itle'il,de'bei"oitiS1C-1S;;ISI.lbailinyge‘:' " The . Plaw•erdale . Sclitot „Entrance. • • --.,--o 0,0_,....... • '11411TECHLItt.eli ,, . . . Mr. Ed. Garton"ef .BriisselS7.11 Viirit.; • mg At the hozneLof•.his brother Mr.. George; Garton. ' ' • . , . Mr, and Nit?... • Ni'in..:Alaitnis ; .aud • children' ,Of Langsiiie` moved into the ' village last werelt"..' We-. ,NI eleonte: tiled': , 1,--04til.i.isGiebosnonnuuonlit?.e-.pie s .1,nci. li....o.an.g, , of nien 'have -;n, coli.tnen,:ed work ,,. (iil'll.':(.b.,Ii•siji:'4 titon on is :visi'ting•fhe.r'''' ..°•:iiil'iticifts•iseLke it; Kitchener.,•, • • ' \'e...are'.. sot ry to %report '..‘11*s.. Mary Gillles,...to l)e s‘.11.,:zi.‘rfy..iil wnli pneu•! menia at tbe hol,',e 'of, itt'r brotb.er•Mr.: Myiair:Nia .4 1,1:.iin fiir ivhOm she hai r be?n' 14.;e1iir,,.,,,, hisu.4/.,.. we• ..hope., . to , hear 'of her ,r(-Aw,very. ....00n.; . : • • The Conteat A-% hili has been,',geing on in•,.tilii." Young re.0.,•12,..'s .SOci et Y of the .r.ifited,Cht‘4%,1•1 c..tine to a close last .Thilyisd ay ,night: '11•C:t. ....Ai' liven, a very , , cloCe •conte.3L. bin WIlLn the points wero -Ozinted uplirl-Charit-COITlesp- ie's :skie: were the witinerS. -ere aria The , British Columbia's :whaling iiclus;.+ ti-e•pr6dtice5 about 406 tons -Of %dial* , bone:moat Arid 90:6 tons of meat ,ELTI Iar-ftiTtilti.itig • porposes-.•aii- the „United States:-• • . • i9doid (1; sUper. • thvntient, .of;• .:!}i,•;.katttltevtart 1.:1inch of the Employment Servic • of :Canada, absr.lt 43,t100 harvest- ••• 1 • • • .hrea‘ls We're itt.O Sti$ktiteh ,..'-o,karri and cliti-il.Tuted ,over Wee to harVeat. and thresh tho 1925 Crort. • ,