HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-22, Page 3Ttw lit.shama blends are as packed ronsanife' and legends ase.ther are- , • with green :islands, :white reefs, broyin .shoals stud hlue'lagessne. • History arid leyelluesscoinblne as on. • , The istregYan 'I/IdiePss Pe°111.14 tile islands originally and received • MAW Celumbne, 111 4492., T.hese browseskinued and painted after ,the ire niter of the getlY decerated • lish o the Sea, were tt.ICeii firprn tire iSs .'iand 10 Welk:this ,gold mines Of Cuba: •For ltuig year the cays were harbors fer carayels7and, 01101Y, hiding, .140,06'• •V 111 Set tiers egun. te"gorne to •'• 'sett e of*tir,g *got isaakds, CentirrY: and In the eat4", part of -the eighteenth eerilissrysthepirafes.. eliii4i*T177iiiit- arid 'eariassferce • re. :•;•1s.ars4 'Tips:1151g Pins ;els, c11,1tuinerce.„ dove lioplasi af/cihe. American, navy • CaPtured NeW Providence ,island • 17576,, but lost It shortly afterward to the,Speriiards, Who in ttirn were forced tneurrenderasto the 13rit1s1i in 1783. • The histery of these islands iishows ' ever; riCi More than a Mem alphabet for ., their natural beauty. The eolons, in • the waters • are truly tneorriparstble, •'ranging from . Ore. White + threrigh shaded strands ofgreen to the deep• est blue. The gands are is .elean as freshly, etarched table linen and. the Shoals and reefs are inhabited by. igentian, 'ecarret,*.yellcisi and green* dalies • and • '.:h,Y..piettirestpse purple:- aid' yellow slew ' fans. Celor is simply let loose in the Dithetnag. The wallsand hOuslita White*aebed in Pirlilta 'aPit graYs and • the gardens stye never withoitygniall Lot s of brilliantly tinted •flowers. * 111 the seventeen*. and eighteenth 'cesitirries sieves, were, introduced 491311 • Africa,' to Work the:plantations,: but ..theywere freed In 1834 and havere- • mained' as oival citizens . With the . white tettlerss: The nstive huts' with People Who Feel Like This 1114 the'.1.1eitt'of 4.'1.1011. Thedictionary defines a terilc 'as la medicine that 'increases the strength -411(17gliree.- vigor- totheaystem, - That 'teile Why Dy. 'Pink Pills are a real tonle. Thousands of .11sett, and women are ;Wing to -day, not- sitelt*in ,bed,..but without anal:419g to de a Atli day's work; 'though they are 'tercet' to keep 'on, . They, are always tired Or ner.1411•Tt de. neteleelf, Well, AO ttWalte, in lite. morning rinrefreshOds ManY have headaches,' haekaches /and stom- aph trouble. Sisch,Veople need the _tole Vein of Dr. "Syillianis':,Pihk Pills - The Veneficiabeffeets; of;this, modieleS '.;r04•01i.ee' the .001a. SYstedL, Bk, de *ore "ilian.relleve ate..e.Yeantermis;s-they:/repave the callS.,,,, slkirs.4-s•34rgityl*.4-01*-•,-7Mo .. ,:' Alta : has .pi-ov.on..-.the..vaitte of.liiits 'medicine_ inaereiy.„Cecoss( m . end -1)r. 'W111 lUrnit T trIS'. li.tiills for a. , tired .and 'Istif.::diiIiirn • conditiou of lisp, ..SYSteur, :. I,- have -felloyied the hurging. profession for a,' number. of years and: after' 4 few weeks. of hard: or trying•. cases I ,take Iwo or .three horses or Dr. Williams' Pink.' Pills, 'and always With the. verys.heet results; The pills also proved as.. great been to. 'n.iy daughter. ate trying age,. and I tivesseen splen-. di'd resnIts• folio* their .•Use ill .0tUer. •' Dr,•Williams! Pink pills:are' sold by all :medicine dealers or sent, by mail at so, cents a pox by The Et: Willianue 5tedicine.Go.,'BroCkvillei, Ont. A Wonderful Invention,- .. Oesildy--,"I see that .they've Invent- ed a"new. :whistle." 7 • . •• Oasey-7”Pliwat ,kind'ef a whistl,e?'•'• . '.' Cassidy -"One that ssaisnda; just . as lotsd:in the merning'ae . it doe's. at guW theitinie.'!! .' ' : • • . " ' • •• ..... . . , . iniperfeCtly Coached:: s. . • •MQW131.39rq • Racial •OrlalreseArtisle-Norolans 8ource-7,A iticallty, ' : Here is erre of: those Englissb femily names which' Are derived Trent the+ -natnes--or,--plaCes•-in- -FrAliees-though 'from 1ts modern spelling' you, ;would not be .1ilte1y to. Suspect ..it. „ Englaiid . , and Aarica, however, Are fell of such .nenses, Ranting originally from French 'sources; but. scarcely. reePgnizah'ie -130 fer,. two re' -ons: first, he.causse• .7renels' Is A .very different 'thing froth medieval Preach, anti Sec- becanst under liIngliSh intinencee the nosnes, developed s,nelfinge slifferent • Dont, their Original sines and different from ltiOdpril f'reaelis • liloWlsray is a spelling Willa ',repre- sents antler .tho influcnee of the Eng., military imit with wbleh 1e WO! On- . • -49.g"41: McCA-4. • VarlatIons.,-rvisCann,, Maccann. i Racial OrTsflif-lrish. Source -A given name.- , TIils fala•ilY name is an tarot, of the designation of a +p yve old Irish elan, which kOS'etto the dignItY Of .a clan. rte a branch Or „eept of a still ixtore.' ancient . elan, that Of clan gape laexceptional in thatjt.14 virtually idontical with the Anglicited fOrnktithis 'being One cass3 where the are • -',0 simple t het no, .0011. fttaiark has Ilited 'Poetry aFaMiliar °I Things. . All poetry, it is to be remesubere,l, Is not the, poc-try of rornanee, of strangeneas,of' wonner,, Of things thrilledwith the 1141010*n. Them ls the poetry of familiar things, true nc-yertheIess In their littlenees or . greatrieSs;'--.-41.14erls the skintisof:-Peetry Ithichthat century so dear to rIlaciteraY, the eighteenth of happy snemory, so tlecerenelY delighted. . One tilnicst heisitatee to speak Of "decennia delight" in this day which 15 so prone: te 'held ell that Is decorous to ,1)0 Jlear• to the stilted/ of artificial, Tbe dr- , OUR is net neeeis:arilY. so PRY inore etis4tttv ecEhisss,Naes)0'iiviy.eai.a."1:7 ni SIX YEAS USE 011 - Ild10,02,1g11e, the-7'Nont :Brat" 4?.',Ilt •le the transition of the na,m.esfrosta sine B " f 1+1• 4 • • tO annilier • • -7fairisr.f-er-oice that the7rnalisisial-air- Irent-esed-nrTtise plural ,sense. e St(tt who. gayi's it to You was one Of AS applied tO one person •it le. If you hesissOlg name.' it is ' 7116 '.Gaelle Of.' the n.anse MP,.1-,0 Mt • 'IRS •Sh W h Th iL..Q ar7; ,B11})1,'S- DIVIN MegiciO .(to. yOungslesi, he has Called/ 'op on the s.tage)--svNotvi my/ hey, Igu ' their thatxa ch roofs look table:dawn have rreverseen"me.before, have you?"' setouglas„Inst they lit las-rArt -04ter- • YgAgings_cocoartritc-pahars-ands-the--red, ' - -hibiscus/ plarrni or •bougainvilless'These «statiVes,•took the'Place Of. the, original • • :tlegYains; to whose Soft Character their • seem. in ;many' IretsPetsts to be likened,. 'Co1unthia wrote to,:Pertlinand and, Ida- •betia ti this ''N's,ayof the LuCaYanis t• .• This catittry. 'ertc..ereail,'others OS far the', day Surtraiseg,tho night • in. splenders, the:natives love their nelgh . bens as thezniselvea; their-ConVersation is the sweetest imaging.ble;'.gentle,aea. so effeetIonale•sre they, • that..1. swear our Highness there ,is net a better speopiein 01/0 ' „:.; • • It.: may, ' Interest ':someone to knelt: • tissit 'Litonxitrie. tkliattibUted •‘.O.DO' word + . of / their own language to the .pingilo 'slang-mtge.. .It is • "hatiaritock,": taken' froni their "itemacus," a •noio...given ...; their eurioni•swinging beds... , . Seven Greatest .lnventions • to oet dou a Het. or the WoridS gr.a test • n Ontions is . an -Indisor sort • ' poinslas#ed• recently by AO less an. au- therity Oulu \1' 11 G Weale. It le oho', •• in Which ert-ry p1aer nill coneout, „prep ab II ty, ' with ; • di ffeirea t • •Be this as it, snayi:I am W.Wing to take • my -stand on . the ias•sett ion that in: :all' of huMer's history, retorded..encl,.usir6. there. bare ..been oni seven •:'- - distOsiety:InVention,4. whieli. take. 'also , - Intel y* lir5t rank. • r.rlie Most lm -portent .of the even• is, it,cannet realitY•be dis- ..,. spilled, the iligeovei•V••of the funetion of .• , itost tour gr five-doltsiti' to 'pre- Onre'.for a picnics and a; good heavy, rain is freipsently:+worth it. • " • 4 ' •"' " •"" ,ve. =son a • . the Normans, wish game ;eyes tos„Vrn ig, co, ,,- . This . . Caustisa of , . . , . land with William theContin ' erols, and chieftain Of the MiteMilition'ii, ' 'named. oleo that he. probably:did not bear that "Malthiem. bola," OW aa'llea$7" ai cati ' . , t ame prior tosthat time • . .' he •ascertained, the period of the. fOrs, • Stich nitrites as these developed from Matisse of ' the Wan AlacCanyy ' ,was the fact that the tercet of rho ' COn- about the year 900 4. , que,roi,* gathered from mens Parts-. of plus lifainily name Ls. .florn. : . ' t orthern, France, con taine.d. riially men ,to five .centuries older' than the .thir- , Of the same :gives; elnies;:aos it, wait jority of ilInglish names, and antedates the easiest.' method ei differentiating: the Milk of -the Oertisen rathliy,...namea,, 'theist to refer to .theplaess frorn.,which: by 'a still greater, peried, though. it., ie ' they had come,'osthis not -only identls: 'not older than' a great many' or the , fled theindividual, but identified the Saottisli clan narneS.,'. ' • ',„ , • . • , . , 131-ngnosed. PrettY- MOW ••.straft, .....condueter What's' the. maiter?": ,• sectiinrittes4irasti5st-1-treSb The'SafeSide. • . . • . . . *ith e'er:taw • istdivitinalS'.' the. first ' question asked,, whetsit is a. matter of .. taking, sides, -is whetber. the inclicated attitude. is:. safe. They desireste have the. honeAnd the •fortnue, that aWait the brave,;but the last thing: they want toincun. /ate 'risk,' • l(ciu 's111 not find theM:proin'ptly..voliinteefIng at the out- ' -.set -for an enterpri,se ef haitird, They will. Watt and see vtliet! the 0111cl:sine is likely.to he, ere they entellas parti- sans', in anyncOnAlist, ' • • ". . It Is an understandable deStre, On the , part af kituan sa W.4e en -the:side, _ .a(4Witie-;.-4hespieCier::tisingsta-attv-a, to cast. In one1iOtTwi1h7theTpui5sint .thajoritY, not. togiveall one has, and l to ai..tritnielthat.leoks',forlern, fro* the in -66000n .:and...seemd to have but, a tank etitaider'si; chances. of .visstory,• Yet; baAptly, aloe' are . 02'; • the reie 'mettle. and the lid ffere'n t • 'Mehl who Are ',attracted ICY ',the 'knowiedge that anneees Is not a predetermined ceytairitY'and'tbat •conquest or.•failure' *.dePende.71argelY. On their own performs .Ati acid "Siontach-/-causecibir creates rheuraatic syniptoms: Set your stomach Syrue. Any drug store. • ' • 77.-1,Ire 'geode; tif plant's. Negri ,isnport- • ince:, although ,probably first in time wits the discsovery or the conti•ol of hre.'9h1r1 1iI. ink Im11ion,was ah.0 Take a . spoonful of Sal Lithsafos - • in a glass of water daily before break- fast and rid your-, , self 'of that dis- agreeable feeling' of dullness. An efficient - "saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys. tem Of clogging . poisons and makes i a neW being of you. ; '-5nveit1ia.11 01 Po Very. These three dis-'• iftwegiwormieerampikommsfid- . eo ve'ry-in.vesti,f ens were made ler baCk „ . • In pte•iiistoria• times. •• . -High Sehooll-Boarda anilljloardsof_Education.,„ Are aUtherIxed by law to establish • INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL' .AND . ART SCHOOLS • With the approval of tho• Minister ofeEducailini, • DAV AND EVENING. ci.o.sas. • May be conduCted In accordance with'. the regulation'Sued by the Department of Education./ THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION' Is given Its various trades. The schools and claues ve. uhder he dIrettion of AN AbylSORy COMMITTEE: , • pplicatton •for attendance should be made • o -t e isithcIpal of ths ' , • . • . • 'school. , • 'I'o Wye:T.4. Were sti.astle, by the'prinsi-, . • stive pronithirr-,7hotk:-:.-of , . theps .BithYlonle; , One' •Waii. tire vcistion, Of , writing; the 'Second' was the idee, of 'what We..cAlin,standerddi;.., 'ef icshitza.ry ...unita of weight, f Mee- ••. 'gore, f tiine, o iteney, • ., • . Coale now for padorn times. Long ?iefore the tiine o Ohrist the:. Wonld, .11.94 ,a4ready..,•autultid ai4 Put, to.•iiao ' of. ;the •Sevett '10,ventiens . at 7 Urging as fundaissental.;. ; TWO ; o have come since. One is the. gersn theory 'of' diagase. • T'lle final one i, tha dlacovery •nt the art,of ,canning food,. , 'bL Is, 1 1>ele,,..tho most re- • arkgb10 practieal ttocemp lahnsent ot .." the teat . fOrtf. Years's unquestionably It teit0' greastoat eVer made by man- • ' Id 4 .If canned ' feed died ,Iseen avall. Lor Napoleon's debris:Se ft' would altexed,Untecognizabli, '••t he , pre, • gent:Map of. the World..-- hi. E. Yr', in thinkers's/L..: , - • " • • Sninenfee nr,ly slop so Sordid seems., So blank* -and Colorlesis devoid of •• 'dreams. • .• That the gra•his offiand.it aYlitmr It eepins It too, inuitt 'irk the • nlade" '• •• *herein. it dsvelle; • Then i.thrOugh 'the Ibu nienotenoris •. And gray,: • .• ....• There' crane '„g•dvatittares; ,rfulcicening :The .:provest- lOie of:frie•tis16., the ;gain • of right, • / • ; •• • • ++ 'The. Surging forth ofaii the • heart's Spine.,itstrepid Spirit:a 'have thrown thexiiSelveii Away on futile •ipiests, and vaittshjectives. they nitty . have". been, ao, restLss that thy coultl tap; bide :home . and , mast be "gentlemen ad- venturers" in foreign .leeiOne;• perhaps •tftklitg part in. Central AMericap,',:re-i. voltitiona, or it" may: be chartering •'puke migbt, , • , ships and•with kindred Spirits engaged . • 'seeds., • iss ,t,hC uy,ter •to " a •ile.arl. has 171 , :searcli•••% for istitiedAtreainie '•of • • ..turned Abe -Sand, •• • , it?. trended isleS ..of the.i•West • . . . • , , • . TbeHalehemy • of ..Trittb ahOwa...trettattro. , • ... , . • hand:. •• ./ 7 • But is there net •,adventure enough to•:, boa thes'eliernpiOnillin, of •• , Chase:Witharbee.„ • • . • , • ••• hopes.,the furtherance of paused. here. • sst', home thiii,lia'ie.siething • te with ". What. is 141' .•• . ' ' tlie profession:9f' the .mareat-airinis or `..VVISisloherte," began...the. tea oh.er, • NOrfaidi t Eq.jTheiri. ' 7 A qatists tit use of 'Bohyla. bs,VP, Tate lets for their children hats • Pros err to thousands of mothers that they are witkaut 'an' (sepal for •bahyhood aud elfildhoodallmeirte One mother, Mrs. C. W. -.Jackson, R,R. I.; Gilford, Ont., writes.: -;-"We have .Used Baby's Own Tablets•eVer. since our; first baby .was horn sixteen years. agoWe have seveil. fine healthy children and the Tablets,. is the ,only Medicine they re - their -early years, ' Our baby Is One, (tad 'a half years old, is'Walking' and talking • and • Weighs. 25 pOunds. Baby s Own Tablets is the only ,niedi. eine he has; ever hadBaby's �wn : • °e""n 4rtheanrieeeWdto be absolutely sae for even horn, babe, They ate free from opiates and nateOties; act' as a gentle 'laxative on: the Stornech and:bowels and Unit' relieve "conatipation and indigestion; break op solids and slinpIe reVerS and: make baby hearthy ,arid strong. • ; You 'ean get Bby Own ,TT:otibLe,t6 ns y iroour 'cituggiat or direct • by Mill' 17." Wil - Prettiest, of Gardens. No known natien has even *planed the.4"Spanish.•Arelfs in. the .beenty•and, coati:hie:se -of their pleasure •gardene. The hewer -perfumed ..air was. driven. Or drawn through metal pipes into the livtng rOarad, While, Sprinkling: ..faim- *Ms Were everywhere, ,sinme of them even s Containing perfdnted water. TO these gardens where experimental gar, dening *as always order, the World of to -day is Indebted for the peaoll a6. well as many',otha'-very Valual?le cul- •tivated fr•uits. / minarets Liniment:frit, dandUff • " air Enough - ."Do you plaY anVihing People „..„ . requeSt?" •ARE yOti1JILDING? '131filders' fslitide Oen- . tale's! patty, ...prattScal' desfgnS by proteinSot a.roPii00-43: • ,actually and. lived Also' don taing, weri illustrated ..articles !list Ishing and gaisdening, PrefuseJ • ,ly tlltistrated. ' Send"Twenty,Pents :for 'a copy. Questions andymted. .`Meelsean Blinding Reports, .Ltd„ 344 Adelaide St': West, Toronto. assified Advertiserrients. W 4127k1 ;OAK' ...PAW (11'1' WANK; . g tirnbeoat, ' Bahl .:1004 Bothwell: Ont.4116. •• • E:stsi imp mesons -ifetettfr ' AN sote 311Iso.a, lireclerta4 Tar:Q*0,', ' • • =-, When. the Dead . Were- Judged. anCient Unless tbe' deed : :ti•ere' taken before a 'judge at4 Airy al'id given:. atrial just .as th9ugh they Were ' • ' • In Egypt, •the body was taken 'seed • after death to anembalmer and keit . , by -him for forty days. It was then rests turned to its old hoine. tidier° . the. •nissurnsts 'wept over for thiety4wo days and nights, :.after ..whielf it •vas carted to the neauest2. sacred lake where Wittiestes Wsere heard. • • • • in the case of a good 'men •the body Was allowed to be .taken aCrods the Jake in a beat and bailed an theather. side. ' • • • ' If the evidence shoed that the dead: ysaer-not a. good than the naeurukrts :had ' to take the body haelehdisie' and keep i( until itself *Ile as they. clisuld; by .:good • works, 'gifts. to :the prise* In- cenise and inch things' bur it prOper: +y 4ri ;later -years: All Tired Out2L-Fea • • •••• • •.. miiiratAt; • • • • . •• •-; • • If you feel out ef•sorts, Your kidneys and • liver ',are. •not /acting- hatirrally. Dont 'delay but .go ..)Msr drrigisISt . and 'get,:e,. bottle Of liyarrier's Safe *id., • Ilex: and 1.0,er 'Remedy' and. take' ,/ according to 'firettiOs, • in Short tinse ysiiisshOuld 'notice.the benefit,trans tlits 'remedy Made:from •herlaS and other ''hene- :.ficial Used s -for over _50. years:4)y 'esilliOns. in. all parts of. the world. Fpr Your ' health!s.. sake . take care • . ,•• • of . 'yOss'T • kidls-c..s s,' and . • • • • , . • - ' • '• Attl3BER -•••••• R• eB8-iF.1Ta MxLijQ' R)1;8 . . . . camera FAIDA,t/..go, Sk14, suentreat •Illus are. the mostsongful trees we have. X' a,iway; think So when I see . bine alone in a leVel meadowland: It . s.prings up 80 aponteneousdY, it Is So Straight growing; and yet, it reaches Out dresmful arms. all Ways ,ancithey muse a little and bend from the joy- ous :Ole uli-SPringing .trunK. ' Ph, Yea,•-' • they are,SOrigful-,Iosephine Preston Peabody. ' Pew et, 'us Would, like to see our- selves as others tee us.-LordfErille;" Ancti ItitS*S9 P1445 ITOPTOOTHACHE 7* °WWWY iiii:vaa'-!Iflah-AIV.*i°' • Lao fia Long Timm!' '15c . soli) 'EVRY10-11161it * •INhirra.a. S. Wilaht Oc Pirairal.Pigelhoon. Talmo 4 . , • ,_ nre.ed_tha. . vt-e-• , „ . _. and other. Skin irritations are • quickly relieved ', by a • few applications Of Minard's , diluted -With sweet ' oil.. THE ROMANCE* OF .T11., mAs •1 Ttw lit.shama blends are as packed ronsanife' and legends ase.ther are- , • with green :islands, :white reefs, broyin .shoals stud hlue'lagessne. • History arid leyelluesscoinblne as on. • , The istregYan 'I/IdiePss Pe°111.14 tile islands originally and received • MAW Celumbne, 111 4492., T.hese browseskinued and painted after ,the ire niter of the getlY decerated • lish o the Sea, were tt.ICeii firprn tire iSs .'iand 10 Welk:this ,gold mines Of Cuba: •For ltuig year the cays were harbors fer carayels7and, 01101Y, hiding, .140,06'• •V 111 Set tiers egun. te"gorne to •'• 'sett e of*tir,g *got isaakds, CentirrY: and In the eat4", part of -the eighteenth eerilissrysthepirafes.. eliii4i*T177iiiit- arid 'eariassferce • re. :•;•1s.ars4 'Tips:1151g Pins ;els, c11,1tuinerce.„ dove lioplasi af/cihe. American, navy • CaPtured NeW Providence ,island • 17576,, but lost It shortly afterward to the,Speriiards, Who in ttirn were forced tneurrenderasto the 13rit1s1i in 1783. • The histery of these islands iishows ' ever; riCi More than a Mem alphabet for ., their natural beauty. The eolons, in • the waters • are truly tneorriparstble, •'ranging from . Ore. White + threrigh shaded strands ofgreen to the deep• est blue. The gands are is .elean as freshly, etarched table linen and. the Shoals and reefs are inhabited by. igentian, 'ecarret,*.yellcisi and green* dalies • and • '.:h,Y..piettirestpse purple:- aid' yellow slew ' fans. Celor is simply let loose in the Dithetnag. The wallsand hOuslita White*aebed in Pirlilta 'aPit graYs and • the gardens stye never withoitygniall Lot s of brilliantly tinted •flowers. * 111 the seventeen*. and eighteenth 'cesitirries sieves, were, introduced 491311 • Africa,' to Work the:plantations,: but ..theywere freed In 1834 and havere- • mained' as oival citizens . With the . white tettlerss: The nstive huts' with People Who Feel Like This 1114 the'.1.1eitt'of 4.'1.1011. Thedictionary defines a terilc 'as la medicine that 'increases the strength -411(17gliree.- vigor- totheaystem, - That 'teile Why Dy. 'Pink Pills are a real tonle. Thousands of .11sett, and women are ;Wing to -day, not- sitelt*in ,bed,..but without anal:419g to de a Atli day's work; 'though they are 'tercet' to keep 'on, . They, are always tired Or ner.1411•Tt de. neteleelf, Well, AO ttWalte, in lite. morning rinrefreshOds ManY have headaches,' haekaches /and stom- aph trouble. Sisch,Veople need the _tole Vein of Dr. "Syillianis':,Pihk Pills - The Veneficiabeffeets; of;this, modieleS '.;r04•01i.ee' the .001a. SYstedL, Bk, de *ore "ilian.relleve ate..e.Yeantermis;s-they:/repave the callS.,,,, slkirs.4-s•34rgityl*.4-01*-•,-7Mo .. ,:' Alta : has .pi-ov.on..-.the..vaitte of.liiits 'medicine_ inaereiy.„Cecoss( m . end -1)r. 'W111 lUrnit T trIS'. li.tiills for a. , tired .and 'Istif.::diiIiirn • conditiou of lisp, ..SYSteur, :. I,- have -felloyied the hurging. profession for a,' number. of years and: after' 4 few weeks. of hard: or trying•. cases I ,take Iwo or .three horses or Dr. Williams' Pink.' Pills, 'and always With the. verys.heet results; The pills also proved as.. great been to. 'n.iy daughter. ate trying age,. and I tivesseen splen-. di'd resnIts• folio* their .•Use ill .0tUer. •' Dr,•Williams! Pink pills:are' sold by all :medicine dealers or sent, by mail at so, cents a pox by The Et: Willianue 5tedicine.Go.,'BroCkvillei, Ont. A Wonderful Invention,- .. Oesildy--,"I see that .they've Invent- ed a"new. :whistle." 7 • . •• Oasey-7”Pliwat ,kind'ef a whistl,e?'•'• . '.' Cassidy -"One that ssaisnda; just . as lotsd:in the merning'ae . it doe's. at guW theitinie.'!! .' ' : • • . " ' • •• ..... . . , . iniperfeCtly Coached:: s. . • •MQW131.39rq • Racial •OrlalreseArtisle-Norolans 8ource-7,A iticallty, ' : Here is erre of: those Englissb femily names which' Are derived Trent the+ -natnes--or,--plaCes•-in- -FrAliees-though 'from 1ts modern spelling' you, ;would not be .1ilte1y to. Suspect ..it. „ Englaiid . , and Aarica, however, Are fell of such .nenses, Ranting originally from French 'sources; but. scarcely. reePgnizah'ie -130 fer,. two re' -ons: first, he.causse• .7renels' Is A .very different 'thing froth medieval Preach, anti Sec- becanst under liIngliSh intinencee the nosnes, developed s,nelfinge slifferent • Dont, their Original sines and different from ltiOdpril f'reaelis • liloWlsray is a spelling Willa ',repre- sents antler .tho influcnee of the Eng., military imit with wbleh 1e WO! On- . • -49.g"41: McCA-4. • VarlatIons.,-rvisCann,, Maccann. i Racial OrTsflif-lrish. Source -A given name.- , TIils fala•ilY name is an tarot, of the designation of a +p yve old Irish elan, which kOS'etto the dignItY Of .a clan. rte a branch Or „eept of a still ixtore.' ancient . elan, that Of clan gape laexceptional in thatjt.14 virtually idontical with the Anglicited fOrnktithis 'being One cass3 where the are • -',0 simple t het no, .0011. fttaiark has Ilited 'Poetry aFaMiliar °I Things. . All poetry, it is to be remesubere,l, Is not the, poc-try of rornanee, of strangeneas,of' wonner,, Of things thrilledwith the 1141010*n. Them ls the poetry of familiar things, true nc-yertheIess In their littlenees or . greatrieSs;'--.-41.14erls the skintisof:-Peetry Ithichthat century so dear to rIlaciteraY, the eighteenth of happy snemory, so tlecerenelY delighted. . One tilnicst heisitatee to speak Of "decennia delight" in this day which 15 so prone: te 'held ell that Is decorous to ,1)0 Jlear• to the stilted/ of artificial, Tbe dr- , OUR is net neeeis:arilY. so PRY inore etis4tttv ecEhisss,Naes)0'iiviy.eai.a."1:7 ni SIX YEAS USE 011 - Ild10,02,1g11e, the-7'Nont :Brat" 4?.',Ilt •le the transition of the na,m.esfrosta sine B " f 1+1• 4 • • tO annilier • • -7fairisr.f-er-oice that the7rnalisisial-air- Irent-esed-nrTtise plural ,sense. e St(tt who. gayi's it to You was one Of AS applied tO one person •it le. If you hesissOlg name.' it is ' 7116 '.Gaelle Of.' the n.anse MP,.1-,0 Mt • 'IRS •Sh W h Th iL..Q ar7; ,B11})1,'S- DIVIN MegiciO .(to. yOungslesi, he has Called/ 'op on the s.tage)--svNotvi my/ hey, Igu ' their thatxa ch roofs look table:dawn have rreverseen"me.before, have you?"' setouglas„Inst they lit las-rArt -04ter- • YgAgings_cocoartritc-pahars-ands-the--red, ' - -hibiscus/ plarrni or •bougainvilless'These «statiVes,•took the'Place Of. the, original • • :tlegYains; to whose Soft Character their • seem. in ;many' IretsPetsts to be likened,. 'Co1unthia wrote to,:Pertlinand and, Ida- •betia ti this ''N's,ayof the LuCaYanis t• .• This catittry. 'ertc..ereail,'others OS far the', day Surtraiseg,tho night • in. splenders, the:natives love their nelgh . bens as thezniselvea; their-ConVersation is the sweetest imaging.ble;'.gentle,aea. so effeetIonale•sre they, • that..1. swear our Highness there ,is net a better speopiein 01/0 ' „:.; • • It.: may, ' Interest ':someone to knelt: • tissit 'Litonxitrie. tkliattibUted •‘.O.DO' word + . of / their own language to the .pingilo 'slang-mtge.. .It is • "hatiaritock,": taken' froni their "itemacus," a •noio...given ...; their eurioni•swinging beds... , . Seven Greatest .lnventions • to oet dou a Het. or the WoridS gr.a test • n Ontions is . an -Indisor sort • ' poinslas#ed• recently by AO less an. au- therity Oulu \1' 11 G Weale. It le oho', •• in Which ert-ry p1aer nill coneout, „prep ab II ty, ' with ; • di ffeirea t • •Be this as it, snayi:I am W.Wing to take • my -stand on . the ias•sett ion that in: :all' of huMer's history, retorded..encl,.usir6. there. bare ..been oni seven •:'- - distOsiety:InVention,4. whieli. take. 'also , - Intel y* lir5t rank. • r.rlie Most lm -portent .of the even• is, it,cannet realitY•be dis- ..,. spilled, the iligeovei•V••of the funetion of .• , itost tour gr five-doltsiti' to 'pre- Onre'.for a picnics and a; good heavy, rain is freipsently:+worth it. • " • 4 ' •"' " •"" ,ve. =son a • . the Normans, wish game ;eyes tos„Vrn ig, co, ,,- . This . . Caustisa of , . . , . land with William theContin ' erols, and chieftain Of the MiteMilition'ii, ' 'named. oleo that he. probably:did not bear that "Malthiem. bola," OW aa'llea$7" ai cati ' . , t ame prior tosthat time • . .' he •ascertained, the period of the. fOrs, • Stich nitrites as these developed from Matisse of ' the Wan AlacCanyy ' ,was the fact that the tercet of rho ' COn- about the year 900 4. , que,roi,* gathered from mens Parts-. of plus lifainily name Ls. .florn. : . ' t orthern, France, con taine.d. riially men ,to five .centuries older' than the .thir- , Of the same :gives; elnies;:aos it, wait jority of ilInglish names, and antedates the easiest.' method ei differentiating: the Milk of -the Oertisen rathliy,...namea,, 'theist to refer to .theplaess frorn.,which: by 'a still greater, peried, though. it., ie ' they had come,'osthis not -only identls: 'not older than' a great many' or the , fled theindividual, but identified the Saottisli clan narneS.,'. ' • ',„ , • . • , . , 131-ngnosed. PrettY- MOW ••.straft, .....condueter What's' the. maiter?": ,• sectiinrittes4irasti5st-1-treSb The'SafeSide. • . . • . . . *ith e'er:taw • istdivitinalS'.' the. first ' question asked,, whetsit is a. matter of .. taking, sides, -is whetber. the inclicated attitude. is:. safe. They desireste have the. honeAnd the •fortnue, that aWait the brave,;but the last thing: they want toincun. /ate 'risk,' • l(ciu 's111 not find theM:proin'ptly..voliinteefIng at the out- ' -.set -for an enterpri,se ef haitird, They will. Watt and see vtliet! the 0111cl:sine is likely.to he, ere they entellas parti- sans', in anyncOnAlist, ' • • ". . It Is an understandable deStre, On the , part af kituan sa W.4e en -the:side, _ .a(4Witie-;.-4hespieCier::tisingsta-attv-a, to cast. In one1iOtTwi1h7theTpui5sint .thajoritY, not. togiveall one has, and l to ai..tritnielthat.leoks',forlern, fro* the in -66000n .:and...seemd to have but, a tank etitaider'si; chances. of .visstory,• Yet; baAptly, aloe' are . 02'; • the reie 'mettle. and the lid ffere'n t • 'Mehl who Are ',attracted ICY ',the 'knowiedge that anneees Is not a predetermined ceytairitY'and'tbat •conquest or.•failure' *.dePende.71argelY. On their own performs .Ati acid "Siontach-/-causecibir creates rheuraatic syniptoms: Set your stomach Syrue. Any drug store. • ' • 77.-1,Ire 'geode; tif plant's. Negri ,isnport- • ince:, although ,probably first in time wits the discsovery or the conti•ol of hre.'9h1r1 1iI. ink Im11ion,was ah.0 Take a . spoonful of Sal Lithsafos - • in a glass of water daily before break- fast and rid your-, , self 'of that dis- agreeable feeling' of dullness. An efficient - "saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys. tem Of clogging . poisons and makes i a neW being of you. ; '-5nveit1ia.11 01 Po Very. These three dis-'• iftwegiwormieerampikommsfid- . eo ve'ry-in.vesti,f ens were made ler baCk „ . • In pte•iiistoria• times. •• . -High Sehooll-Boarda anilljloardsof_Education.,„ Are aUtherIxed by law to establish • INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL' .AND . ART SCHOOLS • With the approval of tho• Minister ofeEducailini, • DAV AND EVENING. ci.o.sas. • May be conduCted In accordance with'. the regulation'Sued by the Department of Education./ THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION' Is given Its various trades. The schools and claues ve. uhder he dIrettion of AN AbylSORy COMMITTEE: , • pplicatton •for attendance should be made • o -t e isithcIpal of ths ' , • . • . • 'school. , • 'I'o Wye:T.4. Were sti.astle, by the'prinsi-, . • stive pronithirr-,7hotk:-:.-of , . theps .BithYlonle; , One' •Waii. tire vcistion, Of , writing; the 'Second' was the idee, of 'what We..cAlin,standerddi;.., 'ef icshitza.ry ...unita of weight, f Mee- ••. 'gore, f tiine, o iteney, • ., • . Coale now for padorn times. Long ?iefore the tiine o Ohrist the:. Wonld, .11.94 ,a4ready..,•autultid ai4 Put, to.•iiao ' of. ;the •Sevett '10,ventiens . at 7 Urging as fundaissental.;. ; TWO ; o have come since. One is the. gersn theory 'of' diagase. • T'lle final one i, tha dlacovery •nt the art,of ,canning food,. , 'bL Is, 1 1>ele,,..tho most re- • arkgb10 practieal ttocemp lahnsent ot .." the teat . fOrtf. Years's unquestionably It teit0' greastoat eVer made by man- • ' Id 4 .If canned ' feed died ,Iseen avall. Lor Napoleon's debris:Se ft' would altexed,Untecognizabli, '••t he , pre, • gent:Map of. the World..-- hi. E. Yr', in thinkers's/L..: , - • " • • Sninenfee nr,ly slop so Sordid seems., So blank* -and Colorlesis devoid of •• 'dreams. • .• That the gra•his offiand.it aYlitmr It eepins It too, inuitt 'irk the • nlade" '• •• *herein. it dsvelle; • Then i.thrOugh 'the Ibu nienotenoris •. And gray,: • .• ....• There' crane '„g•dvatittares; ,rfulcicening :The .:provest- lOie of:frie•tis16., the ;gain • of right, • / • ; •• • • ++ 'The. Surging forth ofaii the • heart's Spine.,itstrepid Spirit:a 'have thrown thexiiSelveii Away on futile •ipiests, and vaittshjectives. they nitty . have". been, ao, restLss that thy coultl tap; bide :home . and , mast be "gentlemen ad- venturers" in foreign .leeiOne;• perhaps •tftklitg part in. Central AMericap,',:re-i. voltitiona, or it" may: be chartering •'puke migbt, , • , ships and•with kindred Spirits engaged . • 'seeds., • iss ,t,hC uy,ter •to " a •ile.arl. has 171 , :searcli•••% for istitiedAtreainie '•of • • ..turned Abe -Sand, •• • , it?. trended isleS ..of the.i•West • . . . • , , • . TbeHalehemy • of ..Trittb ahOwa...trettattro. , • ... , . • hand:. •• ./ 7 • But is there net •,adventure enough to•:, boa thes'eliernpiOnillin, of •• , Chase:Witharbee.„ • • . • , • ••• hopes.,the furtherance of paused. here. • sst', home thiii,lia'ie.siething • te with ". What. is 141' .•• . ' ' tlie profession:9f' the .mareat-airinis or `..VVISisloherte," began...the. tea oh.er, • NOrfaidi t Eq.jTheiri. ' 7 A qatists tit use of 'Bohyla. bs,VP, Tate lets for their children hats • Pros err to thousands of mothers that they are witkaut 'an' (sepal for •bahyhood aud elfildhoodallmeirte One mother, Mrs. C. W. -.Jackson, R,R. I.; Gilford, Ont., writes.: -;-"We have .Used Baby's Own Tablets•eVer. since our; first baby .was horn sixteen years. agoWe have seveil. fine healthy children and the Tablets,. is the ,only Medicine they re - their -early years, ' Our baby Is One, (tad 'a half years old, is'Walking' and talking • and • Weighs. 25 pOunds. Baby s Own Tablets is the only ,niedi. eine he has; ever hadBaby's �wn : • °e""n 4rtheanrieeeWdto be absolutely sae for even horn, babe, They ate free from opiates and nateOties; act' as a gentle 'laxative on: the Stornech and:bowels and Unit' relieve "conatipation and indigestion; break op solids and slinpIe reVerS and: make baby hearthy ,arid strong. • ; You 'ean get Bby Own ,TT:otibLe,t6 ns y iroour 'cituggiat or direct • by Mill' 17." Wil - Prettiest, of Gardens. No known natien has even *planed the.4"Spanish.•Arelfs in. the .beenty•and, coati:hie:se -of their pleasure •gardene. The hewer -perfumed ..air was. driven. Or drawn through metal pipes into the livtng rOarad, While, Sprinkling: ..faim- *Ms Were everywhere, ,sinme of them even s Containing perfdnted water. TO these gardens where experimental gar, dening *as always order, the World of to -day is Indebted for the peaoll a6. well as many',otha'-very Valual?le cul- •tivated fr•uits. / minarets Liniment:frit, dandUff • " air Enough - ."Do you plaY anVihing People „..„ . requeSt?" •ARE yOti1JILDING? '131filders' fslitide Oen- . tale's! patty, ...prattScal' desfgnS by proteinSot a.roPii00-43: • ,actually and. lived Also' don taing, weri illustrated ..articles !list Ishing and gaisdening, PrefuseJ • ,ly tlltistrated. ' Send"Twenty,Pents :for 'a copy. Questions andymted. .`Meelsean Blinding Reports, .Ltd„ 344 Adelaide St': West, Toronto. assified Advertiserrients. W 4127k1 ;OAK' ...PAW (11'1' WANK; . g tirnbeoat, ' Bahl .:1004 Bothwell: Ont.4116. •• • E:stsi imp mesons -ifetettfr ' AN sote 311Iso.a, lireclerta4 Tar:Q*0,', ' • • =-, When. the Dead . Were- Judged. anCient Unless tbe' deed : :ti•ere' taken before a 'judge at4 Airy al'id given:. atrial just .as th9ugh they Were ' • ' • In Egypt, •the body was taken 'seed • after death to anembalmer and keit . , by -him for forty days. It was then rests turned to its old hoine. tidier° . the. •nissurnsts 'wept over for thiety4wo days and nights, :.after ..whielf it •vas carted to the neauest2. sacred lake where Wittiestes Wsere heard. • • • • in the case of a good 'men •the body Was allowed to be .taken aCrods the Jake in a beat and bailed an theather. side. ' • • • ' If the evidence shoed that the dead: ysaer-not a. good than the naeurukrts :had ' to take the body haelehdisie' and keep i( until itself *Ile as they. clisuld; by .:good • works, 'gifts. to :the prise* In- cenise and inch things' bur it prOper: +y 4ri ;later -years: All Tired Out2L-Fea • • •••• • •.. miiiratAt; • • • • . •• •-; • • If you feel out ef•sorts, Your kidneys and • liver ',are. •not /acting- hatirrally. Dont 'delay but .go ..)Msr drrigisISt . and 'get,:e,. bottle Of liyarrier's Safe *id., • Ilex: and 1.0,er 'Remedy' and. take' ,/ according to 'firettiOs, • in Short tinse ysiiisshOuld 'notice.the benefit,trans tlits 'remedy Made:from •herlaS and other ''hene- :.ficial Used s -for over _50. years:4)y 'esilliOns. in. all parts of. the world. Fpr Your ' health!s.. sake . take care • . ,•• • of . 'yOss'T • kidls-c..s s,' and . • • • • , . • - ' • '• Attl3BER -•••••• R• eB8-iF.1Ta MxLijQ' R)1;8 . . . . camera FAIDA,t/..go, Sk14, suentreat •Illus are. the mostsongful trees we have. X' a,iway; think So when I see . bine alone in a leVel meadowland: It . s.prings up 80 aponteneousdY, it Is So Straight growing; and yet, it reaches Out dresmful arms. all Ways ,ancithey muse a little and bend from the joy- ous :Ole uli-SPringing .trunK. ' Ph, Yea,•-' • they are,SOrigful-,Iosephine Preston Peabody. ' Pew et, 'us Would, like to see our- selves as others tee us.-LordfErille;" Ancti ItitS*S9 P1445 ITOPTOOTHACHE 7* °WWWY iiii:vaa'-!Iflah-AIV.*i°' • Lao fia Long Timm!' '15c . soli) 'EVRY10-11161it * •INhirra.a. S. Wilaht Oc Pirairal.Pigelhoon. Talmo 4 . , • ,_ nre.ed_tha. . vt-e-• , „ . _. and other. Skin irritations are • quickly relieved ', by a • few applications Of Minard's , diluted -With sweet ' oil.. -ri- 'NA R D' , ',IONGOF•PAIN. . . • ... LiNiMEN . ea and •plaS• a ga me of. pool:while Pieivre, rb•c:rvie, •wa'raet's.".s.--fo .4'.flies Thes' e TW- 0 Found Relief by o' tra I eade --"Certaf ly " • • . , I b -• drr gists* • Price 25 Guest-- "Fine, I wish you'd take your • • • • e,atiag." • ' Hoskoeimpliaiiimeiswi,a.1.4poimpoop,,N11141 •News NI on ey for %Erie... • . .„,• 'I New ceinage .ia 8114 e4 nickel; and . • - 41) • boti4A.t Searnars'? 'Titer;•neceSse.ty. war:. ...43i'.°11.ie.:Es':Iigg:e6.''.6.4.1:9r';°1:4. P3:ee broke..hi tht bold, bad boy. fure. 'and ,nntior theflag of `social, legal sind• 'medical . :alt. !Sill Ataio'pither, .so wlfat is State: proposed MoneY *III bear- - • 111' 11 slrisigns Hist eed of :tise King's head, • . • . • , • • Whiels:eall• Tor Coinage as Well aa .thes• • eti field,' and *hose:Pioneers:must ..:'. s The one Secret/0 life and develaps. •Ilat . Often incur len eliii egg 'air4,odiTlar. WI' i le • '' . , .riientl:is. ii4 to desire' and plan, hnt r‘, _ __i . , : „ ,:nci. ' ' S' .: •charlatans' s tiCepopul is clainegoe .to.s fall. it with the forced at Worlii_te'• L''. .044._..deniagggues',+„'' 'Tli :Mitn'ss-Perdt- - •every..lilOMOVP: duty' aright ---George eg1.0 Hon to be irefe wii/en.` for the trot:Who lSigeDenald. • . , ' .. . • ••'...• .:* . :, • • • • .'• :engirt to 'die."... 'noise • who have. de:' cided . that 'as:Certain 'oUr.,So• is , 'right ..; !,ritite and trade •Wait. Pf•ist...np men, . an-pet...ha •SEttiSfied w itit'' another ___ si'lle. Epince. Of'.*MOti... • '• /ilitnigli• their oi,rn path -.1§/ difficult 't ' - tread. • • :They are') not asking ' 'to. be ' . - . .., . . .. • . • . , • • . COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, .MANUAL: TRAINING.: HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND ,ApRicuLTuREANp.,HoRTicuLTuRE ate provided . for •,In,the Courses of, Study •In POblic,•Separate, Continuation and High,. Schooli; C011eglate Institutes; yeeatIonal •School! and Departmentik. CoPles of the Regulatiene Issu'sd by the Minister' ..of ad,upatIon may be : obtained from the' Deputy Minister. Parliament Eloildings, Toronto. ". • • • Wieopiring-Ocean \rivt.s. • eonstrusted ...eeriest:a, 'VS a exit ct lOs g height ' ( itt-V1%4's '11(' 1 Ilat aw 1 riten- , . ilratiktry a ;13' OA/ f10111:'‘tth.i.2 fnt, 1)1I) 141 :a • l tigh 1 t h e esi4S. 1,11fiss Tie lit 1• 1.,:).1 PO 1' 10 of 'cite litrgest....Avaves., rtoof , f,eett• . end jl li.sh•ta Meaty actoods fOr. ono 11 Lb sopa-flea .11 ITO trio, , The .ti:(1) way. 113g t oUotVtl, 1,t3, ;. .,:darthetralte of i75 ns 69,1eat'. 41t, ;and a tidal 'Ware Off li'.e.rtt osice ted 6 ,ellio,eteali ever e church and city Ilt atniii,"infttnd,, ' tt,-cansOttleittscr;.soster.ubbing31i1, 'Old A. clean 'cleft Iti the, beton,: , 'Abe' ii,atisrOorti-cloiet, ...nen there id+ etiteUsie or the perdeit not c!eaning •;Silt rir tab arte.e.lsa• 'atlas:6d the bard things •,/ they give 'tsetse f� the•ex_perienses_tisatstest_theAr. • fibre and 'CleVelon „feriithde and traizi: .them tO Tape:,:stenely the daYe ' • may brink, •'• • •' - 1st Prize $100!, Eth,*, Prize,. .$1,9 • 2nd Prize: $75 6th Prze $30* . 3rd :Prize $60 7th Prize ;25 4th Prize $50 • 8th Prize $20 • 6 Prizes of ;10 eat's., 10 Przes of $5 ech lverycontestant will receive u pike 4r1 at team $z,so value. •. ocCItilikir-THE • tOO'T'S It yen count/0.c itoll roriedly and sell to foists .ot Runt ,tintl Stain Ilemover /41 MSc/ n tube./ /Ito teeCI mutt •of these othire, ;And , You will have a chance iorit)C- Inc ta1411 1 rIs Whets tce-reeelveyenr , -,busuity /,tve /mils pIttY SUM DOM, actl tl,tiu tetover 61102ar • S - • ,• UNITED SUPPLY 40, TOltbisiTC), 3 §MiRft-isr .Ljving Green. J 'neVer kriegsliow.,mitch green /grass ("mad Mean .,an tJI 1 had ; t net Until I Went to: live where 1 Coisid: See no tree or garden -plot.. • Phe joy of Ming green I loved, tt . was a part. daily` being, As 'easily as much. of life 7 As thinking,nios frig, feeling,' SeStng. But hedged°-stboist With atone helow . And titY 'above, whet It Could he '/ - I Caine to know, to realize To ruffla t e..oigtr.t .01/ pisruts 'tree. • , • , • Arid when 'stiting. •eonst 'Toy poor . starved Soul , Orled tilt aloud r could not st:sy.-:', c slav'e Come hal•k•to Whe're•i sic ?ffirs 'and gross Ing ettelt • • .11..• 10 •••.• IECMAT1 Fanmed thi Idesole• csompi 11 azziyaror •. CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN -BALM Yoor-tatarile,oid, • LINIMENT Is notoldriireifef.ed In "TUBE FORM 3et.U.r than before! Easyto apply! • . • : . ' ' . . : ----;:rt-pein-i-icesili.KAIIIiii; • hisaling and penetrating fatalities haye'been inten in 1 - sided. the new, compact c'llr\-3 form./ ' Generous fabe foi 23 cent& • ,• For saver fifty year.s it has been a standard 'household remedy .for sprains, bruises, rheumatic patns. or muscular lamenessfrom any cause; Sold Everywhete, or by snail from Chamberlain Medicine Coq Toronto' . 11 • ShOdkiii-giv Painful AffllLtLofl • There Are few.' of us' Who have not . ' 'suffered from. this .t footle, ' but; little, do we realize that In most cases itis , 'clue to 'Our . 44-etileai ast.horitks: ells „. that Iisnorrhoids (piles) could be largely avoided were ones to assist nature -by ;obserVing nature's laws. . . 1 Ientortlsoids. :are . Most- frequently• . b.fotight abdut as nrosulf of cgnstipas • . non, Theref,pre; assist nature by as- is4tit.cr:ntitige_tiant. ;,cveuiss.:4.p7seg. e_ 9.f • 1..he waste ; matter; and -this can best be done.,,fi'by rna..1 t.c,t\ sand tnus perniitteregibla;:eas; •' i‘et 'ilinply Softens t se waqte elssasnatson, without any overtaxing of the inteSt:rial muscles. •, • ..N.sjsit; e scientihe *internal replaces the lack of nature' • . ruhriCant, and ObViated the .possibility 4 . tonstipa..i • • Ask yetis- dfuggist for .2Vskiel teday. • !tn0 'rernember----look for the name ••• "Nuiel"- in red on both bottle, bel ' - .t.Iedtgo . • - • - .' • .FS Tttatil,43t1. • . 114'e.•411isit, „roof Women, aiIEre1Mel, witosa cemblitedji Iter thein carn.71s..11yin,;,. 1» Ituf!ttlpg. • dliemtaaktife, ...tvlitto the oth ihrti‘ • hint -The. -Pritriarels• .11fraSelsold Is ;Stittety-,e•-fett.,-. but Still.; • ' gets (=silt to 'do 1110 ihispping, while tasol ••• Itit'Ppet of eightssi...se*.essi-eisde tffii'-fitutstiloing titri 'kitelten. Work iltated- Vhe."fellfere.4at•e,•-att+1 01.1):0I.3 O33e' tild..+01ilets+tyy.n.7.• • , 1. IVO r4rd'a Online/Ai 61; sOre tht,sat. • pr,e8crillg.cif y p :4s is for ,NOuritts- tutribagO . . _ Pa Tc10111114111e:, - ES NOT AFFECT THE. HE ern, tackaie wlilCIl Conia.itis prov.e.,p drtee,tions. 12'8e4Isr-4,br.o.ot, boxes 'tif 1 teldsts '11lidlitsttle5.49f.24 11 4.--trAtla,Asfati-itygicticted sis:.diutsidio'sf,1104 1400r-taare INtarvslot1C+ nettlfitertt.Sets,Inott...14erril 0a11e$114 A,e14. .1tAt. , wast.i it ts linotiii" ' that tepitlA Stoatia La/ea tutittistaitore; laittlettit'llarertsItC-asistost 11l 411, the•Tistsleta et litYvt Cen:patly Ist Vale thiniira1 tokto asiak, .t1qatt Taking 'Lydia- E.*Pirildiam's - Vegetable Compound . Ayer's Cliff,' Quebec. •J-••". I have • : 'been teaching for:three years, and •• , at fhe end of the". year,Isilivays feel tired and 'have no appetite: '• I was awful Sick 'each.' .. inontli.too,having pains in my heels until sometimes I iv.as oblged to ate,' teo workining..thAlen%i .0 d. :d_LL :(7yncivoi avn-Edto . Pink- ham'sme ...:,. . :.. -........: ' Vegetable . and kheara, many women telling.hew . . goed it was so1 thought it *mild help to i 'e.' And it did. ow I' take six bottlea every year a d recommend it Ayer's cliff,•Quelieg. ' • • to others." •-,DONA D.,,t F.AtiT. Eta, ^/ . . . ': 'linable to Work'',... . • , canning,: Nava. Seotia.r--"I had ir- • s'egular periods and 'great suffering ' at thole times, the pains 'Canting • , vomiting and:faints*, • I was teach- ing school and often fpr somo hours 1 would ' be linable 'to attend to fl' ,Through an advertisement in the Papers I ktiew of Lydia E. Pink"- . heave Vege4Vie Ceanpotind, end it. 7 has been of great benefit to me the troubles being completely, relieved." ' , -4.40,ita J. EATON canning, ICing's '• 1, County, Nova. Seat*. ' , 0 -,• , / • RASH COVERED FACE AND NECK Ctis'ed a Lot Of Pain. Itched:, ,13adly, Healed by Cuticura. troi.114 'began whit it sash I . lists er c.d Tete ?itel .711-e'y Vas pin+ oies ,:g./.rew larger and. elatle;'; 'to fester • ceasing it len ,of ,.,pai.1Z They Itched badly and.I Was restless: it night. Thelreluble• 1ar.d,cd:r,)1.1r months. •' odve,Cd tic 16 try Cali, cara &asp and- Ointment 80-4 pot." (�T Cutki�speid n box ,ntaCititienrstrOir,111,..,watect' .ilMt tOt-alletzl.hAtartt'rd'eT.12.(,8:312.1‘;,1:441.1re-ti. , Daily USe Of Cuticula 'Soap,. with -51-A",tittelltd Oirlittior hOW ittitl then'. geetniktb kin / heal1. ettiOoth and/clear. .CUtitaItili.Talessto also is Meallet the r • /tti 411.11 Altai h Dapot• -14,14thattab,,214.., ate. tratt,' Vrkti, Saika 2Se. 17 intiWiit - fifttif7' roticota Shstiina §tith 1SC.; . , 1,5suE. ,