HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-22, Page 20 --;-,einaa.......4 • ,, a 'OPIONA. CLEANING MUST APPLY TO MOTOR 'CARS, TOCi,' . • ,1110.17'a the' Car owner's costly re-' or $304 for major repairs at a 'later pair' bills, 44. we,:). as a considerable date. A sayipg is sure to enane if --•- ,aaureber of accidents which the spring prevention instead of cure, is prea- Waring- seasonawaya brings, could, be ticed, The Modern cat is mechanically ' .ferottlett if all MOterists made it a fool -proof, but it is notproof against , pOi.lit' tegve,tlielr, ears the necessary' deterioration and there is no doubt ' ,clean-up and overhauling- hefote thy. that Arany accidents are due to weak - take to tlya opetrrOad4 •.* , l'onod and deteriorated mechanism and ' • 'ViTioter'e ravages on, .mechanisorandparts Out of proper aligareent. Machinery, :the hundred .: ated one Uring the *Winter gasoline Seeps strains produced .:by 'exposure to cold ,:thro ugh the : crank case and, if left, nights under -the open sky or in un-. causes valve treAble, lack' of poWer, ' . p heated garages,.by snow.or wet pave- friction, which, resUlts ip "overheatieg,' c -.4-meiata by,,the jai; siOn of rust and the ran& destractiver:Wear and :War ou au' dross of eil...an ges-Olirie---1111.-corobitie-eipoying.-parts, ,'„ " • '1,, . : ' • .. te ' Put„ the car ••in- need of attention • The -fan belt;:VAajelt Is'not 'Atieffe:-d-tht- : .bot,ore the leef,otest launches his ,sea- .winter lzeeat* the Weathsr- itsOI,Pre- §on Of lOngrdiatenee diiving-, ' . ' .- yoUto• overheating; may have: slipped, .1-t.S 'COM:Mien- might pot Malta 4tself kaoWp ..entil. te,giyaer Of Sta4M sud- denly spouts from the' radiator. , oat -TOMS -.IN StrIVINI.ER, rem CoastIo- • aRititytero(1, The export: :trade for the par 192F• cfiVO texas- from -Print* 'ZaWard-.44144,t. • aCcOrding to a re -Pert of the PrOvfn- Clovernment, aumhered 6.726 up to Oet4tnber 80th; and es there Were, Many Shipments delayed into, Jailor ary, the OW 'weald probably exceed ,6,00Q: animals. The shipments of sil- ver fox furs Were elite.. good, about 8-000 Skies having been ship'ped out of the island. Judging .febm *returns received • far these skin.,. it cs esti- mated -that there will be a million from furs, so. that the total rev- enue 'f rem' fur farming on• Prince Ed- ward .„Isleod laat year, will •eXceotl the three 'million dollar mark; Halifax. N.S,—The Canadian ehani. !3r.r OF pvrvg,•• your 'er.ank case, ' Clean out koulpoolinesystem,,beling• sure that 'the'. fan nolt,---and,,all,lieStr Connections are in good'ordar, ' Inspect the :beafings iiithe wheels.. Tighten ' ehassis and body -belts. . 'Flush radiator and be sure there , • are no leeks in it., Insure proper lubrication of trans- mission and, differential., " Clean- UP the entire gasoline disa Teat the 'alignment of the steering r ; gear and the •wheels. ' Go over, the tires' and the rims, • . Test the batteries. ; ' • . Give the generator and,starter a house cleaning. . • „OUTLAY PROFITABLE. • , '17hO average inbtprkst,eanriet atteaya do this' himself. ...Ent the garage around the corner will do it for $10 ,or $15, ,rarely going above $20: This may • look,likeaa big to nutny; but there are thousands of cases where the ex- penditure , of it would have saved $200 -more agreeable and safer affair. . It May not cituie SetiOns.dartiage to rim'with the radiator half 'empty in • • • the winter; butin warm weather it Must be full. ObviouslY, if there are •OalCsi nO Matter 119W ,rninute,• the radi- ator cannot 'reniein full. Winter .does 'very . Much the same thing to an automobile that a wad of chewing .gutO would • do to the aneelutP- Jain of:a eloek. The waste' ofoil,,Wid gasoline; gelatiaized by :Winter. S" al - r. Mary Edwards, of New York city, formerlY'or,Toronto,, herny spreadetheough thecar dam-' the. only:Canadian avoineo to be honored hy the French oyernment witli the ' l'itiMnegSte.Meroi!ttebriinstgaite.tc.ithliecth. edso' not...know Croix de Guerre. Aside frem, conducting a private practic.e in New York, She this': or ignore it until their ears stet; is-ah.the'sorgical.stafccir two hospitals.• OrigiairilY intending to wOrk•aaloag suddenly, 1111413'1.as tO go because the the. W,Mlien and children..of 'refugee. families, pr,• Edwards .and twe other . fuel. will net fie*, or. 'because some women went France. . Their firtit hospital Was blown up 'beret.* e`dealuitiba• other vital part has 'ceased ',t6 fdhatioo:s.,49 •reatilt they tate* in ;theft lot with the Frenph: medieel service, WOrking. '. Thus, the spring overhauling Is an' in. a large evacuation hospital °ler hour s etches."•• The building was :investment for the future. •. The life of freqUently.'uncier'benibarclment. ' the cal. 4s. prolonged, the pasaibility . . .ap.ciden,t; reops, saved!' ' ' • , 'HEROIC WOMAN WAR SURGtON Money mid motoring is mede,a vastly Discovering a:NighOngalp. • Bishop ['leads: for, Clean Preps. -A strong, 'appeal has been -made' for Cleaner prese, forthe Mtnation'al.Crinie.1nd , . . „. . , . „ ciretilation.,:•by the:B1S1100,:ef,BWansea and .Breeint, addresehig • the delegates of . the. Nationak•Free thatch 'dthitteil, • held at Llandtiadod lit.,•Walek Hae.Said was a strange irony. that' the • efforts., : the church • to,. raise the nierat toneaor :Stinday Should' be offset by .iitairty columns, Or lui*11016$0?fiet • *attei Oat60101.W .fettrTUpt the::triteds• young Peeple., • ' • • . - . „ ••• -• . • • • • , " • " added- that'it: was 1)0. it Case of . . ••• Supply: and •demand, but a• case:. where the isupPlY:created the 46:nail& In.ItIs • opinion only the Pronipt, piestige of the • -clean 43.0136:VIF:liouf=13-001',O,=„1"arlIa*nt the • 'Other speakers :referred to the re- ' "psirted Alla Chancellor of :the Excheeiter. to :plate a tax on bot - ting ,and said the .0overninent. would seek, such means:: Of revenue •• at, the price orthe.: degradation of the pee* • and :at •its Trees Along :Main Roads. . • .8iiiee ••theMinister Of ••Treasport. Oaled :a conference to diSenss „the planting Of trees ;a:wag .arterial roads, ., 'the" 111,101eiset COunty. 'Connell; Eng ,has prePared a. program ,Invely- .• tug an expendititre of : 4204 for tree _,1_,unrm.marawnranow General George Cory , Many Yeareatgo, :there lived In an alrashouee. in the of Stock- hOlm,, little,/ stx;year-old, girl,: • mho had ben put. in. Charge of an old wo- man who, by, the WeV; was none too kind. to the orphan in her care. • When .re,ner-d•han• wen. p earn her was locked in •the house • 'to Prevent her wandering about, and so the lonesorn.e little Sobs -pee', was ',deptlied of the bright sunshine and the sight Of/ the , beautiful trees and flowers, se beloved by every Swedish. heart. • • ' 'What Every. Wonuin Tries. nie," :she sighed, "a" blushing bride as•Mt eh to learn anci.Suffer, • ()ye, 1 :seems, she 'never,' dreamt< er ethe,art is a bluffer.. . • t You, and'. all. you dol • ' New look • Time .w e Ye 21-413` "I wett't Once- th i you slianimed perfectien, Wife 7 _Speikd,*1 t • Lut:being Wed, that fancy fled, -..MY .10V ly dream was, ended; For •'soon. 'found 'Yon ',left around • ' Otto 'day She had. worked out ,the ht. In.,man• ni•est.enSightly • tie tasIs•• asSigned-,.`her, htitH, she w" Aretir coat and. hat and tiiings,ilke..that; tired.; and, :•Oli L.,1to,W,she .hinged. to •get 1 -or nie ,to hang Op. nigfitiy, ent•intoathe open air. • But • no„ the' • • • - • • • 'tlbot Wakleeked.- NO Wonder she'pour. '.`,Te d •Siaaa I' heAil: You, say • . ed out her childiSh grief tear.' &kin, '•• , petite t ings You •••sheuldet. utter; her able companion. • Caught her .eye, • Then sty. yeti taite.and. fail to 'break • • andtakingaup_ber...halteStarVed,..pussy The br d• you tried to butter; she, rocked• -her pot untit they both -fell You lamg ed. teo..leed•te any ..crowk• Itrhen she. awoke, the Sun bad. ••••Abeve, thein, all .17d heat y,ou.• gone Well :down ,blesaring the.scolding She was sere te‘get When the old dame cattle •home; the- child eettglit. up. her work• g , • .voice that eeentea -fart oo Old Or a girl tor:h6t age. . ..„:' • : • • whit6 'she. Went' on with•her singing It happened that a lady of high teak 'wee passing' the house; and so- stihek, was She by the 'clear, aweet tone, that She stoPped her carriage to listen. ••On caroled the; little songstress, perfectly ,uneonaciens et. her ea-Alen:6e; till :she wasstarfled by a .knoek at the door. •n•eiglibei", teld the rair.visiter about the • little • prisoner. : The kind'lady cattle. ,back • efterivards and, secured- the Child: adnfisa ten, to 'it, School. and , later% to „the' Iteyel. :Theatre. alasSes.' As the :girl 'grew...0111er her talent 'developed, until day: 1 lboked of:the 'sky it Was pure. as the,.."SWeilish 'Nightingale" site 'weal, A • kindly •ifer, Sparkled •*jtist above th,e, known . the world' elite::: Do you tecag... elms& 'ridge. • ,The dew felle but with filiein !Trineeir.11eatricer4rd. :oweed ;and 1h0Q, hit the Nova Scotia Oral' Oolle;'hits'egain-• Made 'a,'-rieerd in supply,„Of 'Milk end 'butter' fat.' From j 'a nu aiy-•--12- to -la -arch -15T: she jar odneed• 4,010 lbs. Of Milk or an average of 67 lbs.. day. • • In butter fat the figures reneh a total Over the Slime, Perittd of 220 lb., equal to 275 lbs. of butter or a daily average Production of 4.7 lbs. • Fredericton, the past. sea- son, ace:Waling to the Provincial Deg. of. Lands, 1,235 iriooseand 8,568 deer Were killed.in New Brunswick. Of the former 207 fell to the • guns of 'none resident hunters and 617 of the tatter. In the Same year the aeimats killed for fur included' 1,567 raccoon; 6,017 skunk; 18,314 Muskrat; 6,410 .foxes; 9,470 etinine;_j_77 martin; 2,323mink; loa.citfir; 67 fisher and 192 beiir. ' • Montreal, Que.—Three hundred and fifty buyers, •rePresentiog' firms England, Germany, the United States and Canada, attended the opening here of the spring callings el the:Canadian, Fur Auctions Sales CO., Koen interest in the 'offerings was evident and gen- era.11y speaking *.priceS ruled 'higher than at the sale lest fall,:•' Toronto, Ont. -At the annual meet- ing of the Canadian Co-operative Wool ;Growers, Ltd.; it was shown that in the past .year. the association had So lti well over three .and a half nalllioa POlthde Of wool, for Well over e minden dollars,* This Wes an increase, of 1,- 225,000 -lbs, over the,,•--PreVicalkYea,7 and indigeted that 1925 was one of•the mat, .sUceessful years In -the associa- tion's history, ' • . • Portage La Prairie, Man.—With an eutherized, capital of $6.00,000 the Menitolui Cordage Co. hasbeen orgap- ized for the purpose of manufacturing commercial twines, etc. A fuctory building hasbeen leased here and,ma7 chinerY is now being instaliech Ex - eerie -160 in henna cillture carried4,0a during the past -five.years have proven that a good, taligel'ef 'fibreliemp ean 'be grown us 'counCry.., :The roc- terY ,Will LeriioPerationS sliortlY "severet,huadred teas. 9f hemp, greWii •.• . - , R*IrtaT7Sli-S-kr#Prearner-y,-;-:.hritter7 prodgeticd the Prevince‘of ..Stickatt,4 cliewnif,ApriAg.ilm.tnentILef rea„M 1"SI .13:14.0tirge1, Billlethia. The. snow ia not yet .0, a nevertheless every mall bringalnetax. for n fleo8raftrtinion °I9abeltlitt"lautoSinteatbetl% rod e4n.of, routes: camP site alld ether 490.' tails regarding emitter holiday posaie Letters from. such; widely scattered Pointe 88-AM-1.A-there:I-, Michigan; Shrewsbury,:: New Jersey; Madiion, 'VViseonsin; Lowville, New " 'York; Texarkana, Texas.; Indiana-, aarrirldVe°drwiaai.:04bauir.ei!1,:ttet.ii.:;;Ayt of 4 1orliC4Irs. ,• Most of the inquirlec airnple requeatafr maPs, and forma- tioninabout autornehile roadconditteas ficCOMMOdation that MAY he .ex- pecte-d. A great' ujianY wont, to visit, tho best fishing -district. A surpris. . ,ln4ly;:17:arge Proportion Statethat, they. .• ; wish te get". eetitelY•• eafey froni the, travelled and popular rbittes": A paSsa ' ,Ab.le' toad; a quiet bit of arbects,4 lake et'aTifirat'Whatenteet-bf.i.t.11t:tnales' totalW7:',732','703 ,:potuula, agetnati.thtle4Y?4:146nt, r,11'40b.§:t. f 14S11:fleiviler.a11411j1:14.-re-44.,,to , 620,518 pettpds, a ,; year to Or an ',in, tteeelfinte cOuntry6that"effel'A.O.cheiee trees° of 112,185Pourida,,, Or 18 Per, .fo PermtMent suninter ,...;teeldenee;: cent:. The increased output. was gen-1 When they strike the spot that stilts Oral • throughout the • province,' the, them they intend to purchase it for Southern distriet teeording an. he:tense I recreation. in future years. 'A few of 19.5 per cent. Jim' the central, (11's-., trict 15.1 per cent: • '" •Lethbridge,,. 'Alta.--,-Senthern Al- berte is to 'see, a very large Acreage Planted to fodder -corn and sweet clover this season. Feratereare' ready bringing le lerge imantities of Seed, for these crops. There will be are interested in the ipirting camps and Siill others want, loave-all trod- den paths for the silent stretches of the cam* "trails." Seine ate evert so venturesome as to be Plh!noltig Canoe. trips into the Hilda -on and James Bay, „ Country. The reates tia Fort AlbanY. , and Port Neleon are espeCially pop- ular. • indeed the demand ,for information as to canoe routes has; become so in- siatent and wideiPreatl• that the ser - •vice has been ,obliged to get out 1,•e-, ports on epwards of S. hundred tripe ' se'veral thonswid acres ip sweet clover, and the torn acreage, whiCh wes last season estimated at '73,000 acre, will probably surpass the '100,00Q • acre mark for this Year fpr the province as whele, with the bulk of it grew e la Southern ' ' • Victoria II:C.—Official, annOunce- Me* has Victoria, by th,e Previncial 1V1inister Of Leads of the, creation of two new forest' reserves, totalling More than 2,000 square miles. One of the. 'areas lies north of Burns Lake, in the Sabine .district, and the other 'is en the Sonora Isla•nds. _ • -of thia character,' a general.summary of which has had to be prepared for 'th n benefit oft -hoe •Who' had rattier' vague ideas as to what:- pail; of the • 'country they to include in their • travels. ••:, • • .• • ' • : The 'ChM -atter of the enestions: asked 'fihoWs that, the traVelIng- pitblie• learning ft° plan tta vacations very, , . therough13) and Wpa In 'advance or the : cottiat 1,,tiO ikitrbe that has .alreadY da4 veloped this yetii:iridicateS tourist movement for the coining' seaz. • son in Canada will exceed. all,Previoua rocerds in 'every way: . • ' , • Flowers ancl.Music, . and e an to sing' in sweet Whb., IS vlsitaig 'the hortie ,of his par- ents in Teronte after:four years i3pent witii•army •headquarterS in 1nl1a Sir George who •was, attached' to the In:. diem army for four yearS, believes that. conditions in Indinare becoming more settled,. despite th'e r•acial. Hots wh•leh pecureed 'recently in ' Calcutta..., T,he aeldier expects te, Smile re - bis Work ivith.,t,he artny atter an eiteaded‘stay• in Toronto. . planting along 24 utiles', Of.. arterial • made. All the 'roads selected ere 100 ' • feet Wide and pleating'will cost Li per tree. That hi for 1926 orilto O141: • • further plans are In hand' for •futare • . , A 'Safe, Still Night. touched the heath; it *Odra., and Yet warn:I-With-the heat -of -the, summer . %The. Great West -Road is to have a • Mile each, of red and White;ches(nuts qad• hi'. Th Great Cambridge Road will have, a 7 Anne each of Norwegian nieitle, both 'beeehesa Cornishelnia oakibeth chest • nuts and lime. The •North Circular Road le to have oak, elm.; and •ash; 'Other roads have been; allotted theSe. • trees ,in varying'•cclinbinationC. • • . • ' Notre Camas:Relit, " Attioeg the Interesting retie's. pre': served; in ' Notre 'Dame ea tit sal rat. in Faris. Is the-rohe worh bYPope PilIs V11. at the coronation of the firit 41/4ra. polOnti, • - • • , • A fter sep a ra tic stalks 6t a head of ce'etry • and washing them, stan them ":in cold wtiter to which, ham beeti added a small quan- tity .of salt.: This iio!ps to , make, the cele'ry crisp. • • TT AND JEFF—By- Bud Fisher.: : miktinme..F tti:,"?He BeA&C't .tPEctifslitT, t sickpjt - GoTTA sUlasTert.I'VC.- ktiZ1 HGR,, ANtwcis resi WIFE'S C-tiZttrt-da/V. S1/e could not open it but sena@ kind propitious • softnesS;',no .bree7,'e whis- pered, Nattire seemed •to• be benign ead,good; I thought a loved me, out east as: was.'. . Night ;was °wile. and her planets nual Report of 'Mk. '• were ritten-a safe, atilt night; too Child-ren's. Aid Soeieties of the Pre- 7. Serene JO the co:tip:111i 'on shit". iif fear:, tijace hold- tritst:for warda-tit the ----. W kn w that God is everyi\here• hut •SocietY deposits aMounting $105,- ..OrOhaut?,' Oink Accounts. Atcording" tlie.,Thirty-Seorid An- Insructin yoe just what to do e el wa,yS^ Pear' you.. . emee Yea strike sante •folk,s..y.eit .; •1ik.• • k- • ou ,look :on thorn• ah hrothers, W li th m en Speak and forin ,a' , ' ch ue, And:fairly snub t1 ethers.. still and, ayveye w111. d do. te: pare yoa,, • see hew find YoU'd I .cetild. train you:" • .• •• • -aa-EegarA. Guegt, perfaittly ''We feel His prose ice Masi. when His volfita .areaon'the gratules.t stale. Spread. us: and :it is•itt tbe ,uncionded n*ht-sky, where His Wetlds wheel their silent rottrae:- that,- fairly ettab:ighed.in ' • • wg retql luilnitur#, }us. ornItipotetite; 0;4 , Sileni.., • . • ••• ' cmoking up 1, teardluitned “flosy on peel. lulye •ntry tlifterittice'tf Se:* the, Might y Way; itethern. opinion 4"ith your AVIS.0 . )el Whaf it wits 'what -aotintleas aeOh,`Yes.alett,i.,.'he docan'e kntae, it airatema• there 'swore: Spat -e like IL soft • . • treCe of light--Iffalt, the' niieli: turd' ' Lucky Man'' strengul ?lyre" ,"se.yon,..'re..back,fretn rlorteln?" ; by "Charlotte Broitte. • • ,"rea, I had retinal tick -a,". . • opo.. 'money is kept in iedividual bank accounta and the., amounts. ruri •fjont 45 to $3,000! it paid out' to the children littst as Soon as they are rigi-nai lc:11101-3 . :Thecheerful. and chubby flWie cupid or to day Is an outgrowth of the Old Amor, goti of love, away back so for It .Impossible to tell, just Where he alici originate,' The . aociwits lrrn1y he; lieved hlrn Co be a the liest god who existed ; before :anY • :created belng Through •Amor it'. vai, • that Chiuia beought forth N•Oc from wheni, iesheti • 044,...and Night ' 4n4 oe'itniversa. waS started.... CuP1j. has not sils,vayra been .fellew With. t bow and : •• strews, but Manr. times ' blbeined forth' as a beetttifpf.young ina.n, once as the lover of Psyche 1-16 \yds a _brother of Ilymee, the god of Marrlage, ••., • British ShOe Workers.' . , Excepting America; no country pas Its' operatives in the boot arid shoe , trade as 'Well as ttritain; according to ' . Thoinia F.IRIehards; president otthe . Dr...Nattier - National:Stilton • of Rept' and • Shop A. yoeng, stirgeen .tif the' ..Eiseisberg. • L.., carriage Stood. 4f our* deor.. .1•tobert , Not .411.1y:fps air Ins•piration did. flow- , ars hat e piece the ,IlVes',Of the.; • cOmpoSers„ but . else es a • solace In hours ot deiPair.rittel fornanda•Strick- :eti ifit.• • : . When• Schilt4nn had: to be conflne'4 .10 ,.ah cti.tu t into a ..hunth' „..flOW:erti::' gi),qd to Mit igate ',bitterness...and mIeei)sorrow •.(if. (116,7 Mfg: Clara 1Seh•tireann 'wrete itt. her diary: ."lIe, xiv ,gloriena .1tobett, •an . asylum! 14ea, was it enes'ibleror me to bear •it? -n olx 1 es. forbidden. .even • to , Cisap -111m Wire more tonna., heart'. ' •ited• to' MakeAllis' area•tost of' sacrifices • • . fOr ,fax rnv Rob it I .s.aturday, .4•••It' 'd-uweed ..011 'rot' rhe• . I orgitnisatlep. . - Even Ainerlea, -.."Mr. • great operatlen end. lia'S•sayed• the life... a,,riaga with•ly. liktiou.(tf...v.!.r. aii.4 the', • . 1 OperatiVes,, in. the lest . report of thlti Mule „tfit Vienna; • has performed a • , •.. , t11 eSF:i71, , a 'Iti great baSte; git,t I trto ' .1. m .'; • ' 'Ttjcuard'aees. does •not prolii de' for s.its of a ...25-year,o Id weina.u•• by , et i tem e, g i•ivo. attepdants, did'not as.k for',nte, car, ..:, .. workers in •the fibre Stlffeiiing branch tWo. WoniUls ' in .her ;Vesta: .2t1',.teine, fa s ... ag.welf.aa ,j-:).!Itii,T,:• ., ,, 7 . 1. • • • .•. yafter . She Alai bp°, •7, ••i• 1 1 . al:117;-calki..1(1T7-eaner'S te.."1. a '..(1.U.3.1.1,1).(1.-1;;I'Ino1F,1:1.;,..1.' 'tiara' ;•,"' he• Continties, sleWs' that the .13Oseli,. 'Pie' lle'art.i. )90at...,:-] .-..t•h"••• lifOwli,i• , * , • ...,,• ... „reee„ Ireather.,•,,s2:4. I Our eVidenee frorn one. particular' 'Nether °sawed throttgli three rIh,s,. rates' (Considering the mist of living). and ; terale• .the '..neeessary -, Iteh later ti'ar,1131118.eil::*.: A 1iiir l't-'6-11'atf.g.f.yon• Or. Hasencl'er,it, a hunch hi.' .,.,et•--'''' .io at. last the. sup ahOile.' titi.:„"Iii in, l: elc4:1'thought'jhat ttoW I twist' sur!cumb,... are. economteally •lower, than ours, • that Blood as , the 'national .egreeineet's cooditiona Man, IS.noW ; (11.0tEk 11,1aitiiy.., arid: the of this ,country are much higher than, ,that In the Americen factory.", . Canadian Mermaid , 1,‘IiSt1 ilVa Morrison, daughter of the poIrce'eltrer of • PIctdu, N.S. who is planning to swim the English Chatufel,:. She la arpresent training In Boston.' . Belieyei in Doing Everything in the quickest WaY Pos4le • Sufficiency. r•ani ope; MY PuwevOS V'ery small, But take 'mei Use me, • Till setting sun, • • Then whP-art.AB in Alt.• ' .1 atn'so frail, , 'I:oh weak to'conternplate; 13tit The '-art-ntightaa- medical 'world•, is 'ainazeNt NaiP. • er's opere:tion .* • •• " • l'he Sense 'of %Hearing The, senie• of hearing Is moat acute In inamenals and bird's.. 'gale orge.ii:a of hearing; whith is a; portfort of the in. 'tetital. ear faceted on et.thex..Ide of ,the head" l'eSPonds to', Certain viirationS productive of sound (Waves • in ihe tt inosphtO It IS probable 'that all 1101.Mat van e- ilowers for bitna,and he 'gave them to 'him .on the way. .: Far a ',lona '11'm o he , • ;At the„ same Inv :• s g. end aires--arlig the deet(ta'a 11:J11,1..1AI ter, h�gavo a flower from the hunch to every one in the carriage. -The doctor -brought his, to me; and :w1t.4 ty bleeding heart r kept IL" ' • • ' • ' • • • World's:Greatest' Fighter.. Illehard• 1 of En:gland. Was' aceord- fe.hisitory,:ile-giattlten•er -tigitter.14;i1----„--''— hnown. In 1192, Mtsharih; ArMY, • •• And ca avail ..., '• ', '------' •-• brattat•With the:exception (4 s'enin 'tali eisting of 1000' eoleiers and 'seVent(i,fr '). , 'Po 'El.i'ke thi:6'eu9i'lle's gl'a-t't ' . ao,d .vortatu )-alled1141).1)hiblans.are cap- 4nounted men,' tiftackei -en' enermott '1 • • '.-7-Thern,as 'Cartie cla-rke.• able -Of heating, ' ''' •• '" • - ,..::•. .1 and unconnted host 'of TTai:lia on a let a' • ... Some Place to 'GO. , . "; • .foebrAoe back ,,,,,r the, 4y6, js.sinillar,i ‘.11 dit'y ;oak from early': morning un, ' . —e•-•-r-*.G.1.....peep r.,..,.,,g.iri.,c ,'..1„ii.t tiletelfyroi g a'fnhte;ltitirtg:rti'rti.'crefatit:oi irn;riSblo r tlefleld. moor -.the .-clty'• of •jsrta,:aletai • . . , 1 . • ,, Ivieali.sn'aisto6hIPPele41'.eoP 4f4rf tilistt°tt7.0iN.'!'liu4;.4•..."(,'... ' • - . . or ',a Short Cailiti 00 i'.4t;h:er• Side' of. Ile :.. ette p..1..f.,•(,r, ,,ft•p'• it e lit 1 n - a li.601.01% • FM," " t• hirde ill It . became : tee :late' to Mil,. Ilinlittrili ' 1 15' 1'1 'intit . ail° and illo'lklifittls‘ itit..'fit,'!d 11 I ihe'larier'Puel 1,, Vas a, le,e,••' 'Man,' atal'•est (tying. irein • • •.: --',.--1-•:.------". - . • • ligad„; ' - • • L : _t transmits the V,Ibratiort.; a fre,,,the.t.; ..,,k,,itiril,i,..."r.1(....,1..a:v11;•i',111): 1:1•11";r4;13;'oll'frI.,1',.ft:"tnIth:Irti *t).1ty ..it'illleu,....; •• .. , .1firds e'reBskti'de; Liinn...ght:.;,vgd,e.'t.itrpe.. imids '1 it It tii.!..,111111: P'41P, lt,i'lli,c11.1...! att. ii rorm- . ; itho.,,.."(1.11,..;• Lie..., ./......T111,1,s tti*NatfO.r104.1 .1. . of language:: •I'llatm I. eta% "eall• nottaller, sec Illivd.,.e.itft.litcald..Aoil st:Oet,I.; L11,, --.:1;1;1•.:i:::-fi, fr.,1.,Ivi,..1;i..(4,1' ritl,,,-.1.atit litepal.c. and Sen.g. roade„tto or:elxii tthtaa- joined '10-g-.1i.'";*tertt1inettete, or 'tlyi.i. leo ye o;'ii.r 11... .0:attal:•• ..; ill. la -,..id 1;, a.,• . ' - • ' -.. • r: h9arIng.„.„...: . -• • i: '...,-,...,...Taiie'T a 1',;:n."-;, "i'•,:;•ritu, :it, irii11' en -.41 together, 11,.1. i••.. l't.tr's• 'I • 4,.I• 1',...i i::k 0 I !t,,!1, 'lir ik,r vnel , .• ,..!:s.•.. s A f:,1 ,1 rfr .4,00,.). V.f.,' I, :... a era, .otio " ' ',11.'itarif. 1% ;1%1 , .1 t Ili gl: I ••," i,••••'ea.• of , Wm. . •,„ , • '', ,.t.'1,, ...t i hi,' ... f.% ' ":',..i Il..i''. CM ,tilY '' .. • . .. I '14 :Inn' 11i4"1 114 irk . %; .).'• 0.10 1`11.11 . , F i'loil, .I.)r, 1,'i, . I.I.,,y,,,,, .. •', •ll /1142.L.11.0 t---.:-:.-- . .-iifl'.17,11:-1.-1.2it:11::::!..7:•:1:„.,':11'.1;:ltt...ai -1.:;-ti•-'': .:1:.:1-:t1T:::14:1!1!kfl':"7": `,.!-:r, 1,.'f: , •'• f 11%. .lii.i..1. III.' .i 113 f.' h'. I- 1 . , i,,,1:;t1:4.1.:l..,i,:::,•,,,.:1." .: .,...ii,:,,t71:;.:*;..f,',.,; ..,;.•,,j,11111;‘ ,..:1.4e, .'..... , ' 0,130 1,` „..".,t,..',... " \i,'.1.ii•1,41e,,ra. :a. ,.. • 1-;,.-',.,;-,14;ei,!-,1,,,,,.` ..a..,.: '' dea, aa'• 1 u.',:a.r. : Mutt t.'6•A sdRmy :tr RT • vioti-r vfasi 'Loa.) G, • .4 • '"" Str o' - 41 r."$ht,73,1 FOR GoeS8' SAlee, Reati "MANY ' .`fe u AT A't.t6XC? .)7 39 PO%-42ol F Me. ve ? .1 Pi Ntiekol • t, )41001 111 Ai' r 13. • .1,41.•,-e al ••1 .41,11',-;,* :Vr.t-r, "-Al '.: the -1 It .(:....f -t!;.1.. elhiv• •I '. •th.," Ort '../ I Into riett lot a- -i,,te in the w lio:11 'welded, , . 1 It is -.ono' v.' h i-li : Wtr. '1;1 ra• • • throtig4._, i And illert•reie wa eteti •-tai 1-ka'eale. of 'Nat itbh:e, 1,N,.,:1.:,.,, f roln ° li - Very start . 1 , wo.....nn .1. t.i.,.• •,..e•• "., ,,,:.1.0„ t,;,, it it 1•et..r.,1...1f4 CitilOrell..-••••,S1rzi, tztten•V,i, Ilrir'd‘v;ite, •. _ ' 1• I' ' - -ir • '-'1.- 1 ," ' i ' 1.' f• . . ryIng 3:1,,ea.. eitt ,, 1,o, et wea lec , 1 but (.1‹,tin'.1‘.,t1 \vi.,11 p'elfly a mort papoi . t botoro r.bey ie,:.e, quite, Cola. , ,