HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-22, Page 1• • • a2,00. PER YEAR •IN ADWA iG1002'110; O;THERW>i3R . , CKI.4 3 7 7JNT fiH.URSDA , A RIL . 22nd 926,: SINGLP; . COj'I 5.5, • 0-0-0-0-0- O rQ 0. -4 -0•--0 1' .0 PROFESSIONAL.C&RDS: 0 An "'VV. At Connell • k 1,4 piacniii,'tis `a i cull Lueene : Iluutie 7- -8• ' Phone. 8B, DENTIST • Uiaccou wi11, visitLuc know ,every 'Tuesday, "in Dr. • , Conneit'e: DENTIST.; ::De.',8 -Treleaven Lucknow=- Ove r . )� ke sExtraction ,� either " S,tore.': :)rx rac either by , gas' or local. 'Will` be in ' •y graday. Dungannon ever .` .Th -• Phone•'58 DENTIST Call Dr. 'Newton Make appointment • In office everyday: • o 1-•0-o�-0 o-•0-0•- o -o- o 1. � 0' .EVERYBODY'S COLUMN • 0 07-0-47-0-7-00 •0-0 0- 0 Geo.! Ar smash,Ludaiow. -Broker and Real Estte.-Money : to lend' e first 'mortgages• on. farm proper i • orp and'a din •ties at 6i. 6 �S <per. cont ec to: security offered., Also. smal 'amounts on . second..mortgages . or "farm ,properties and: on 'persona notes A few good farms -for sale • WALL PAPER •_ Latest patterns ' in stock at.'lowes:. 'prices. Ae 'cheap - as-in•,,.catal'ogues Also'.hnoI f.p t! rm „Of leading .twin-. ufacturers.•-Sox 174, lt: 3., 'Cameron .Fainter .•& Paper Hanger..: I ucknow. Flour. .Mill With the installation of ` newma.' chlnery ,and:•: by;eictensive. re-model••- ling- we are making;; a: higher grade of (lour• than the trill has : 'ever pade. Try: a . ba "ani : convince . ureelf g Y Your' money 'refunded if no t aatisfac- E. Treleaven • 'For.. Sale -Two 'Knell frantic" build; logs, also a ` quantity of 2 -in. 'plank Ind. storm -and window sash. --Apply to- D. ,C. Taylor,' •Sec'y School ,Board. • HOUSE FOR SALE • Seve 'n roomed 'house with full,siz- ed b as inent solidcemen A oundation tf inside house newly papered and painted, ' completely'• wired with fix- t'ures: new cistern .and eavetroughing. garden and • stable. ''For further , p• ar- ticula:'sapply, to J. E. Agnew. • 25?3-c. • fltlaximum Wall 'Papers -The ;finest. of ..the :kind ever "manufactured" in Canada -30.' ins. wide, of high qual-, ' ity. Samples may -be seen at . R. J. Cameron's, Paperhanger and Decor - 0- I - i 0 LOCAL: SAND GENERAL " u • 0 Mr n 'rs e' .ad.M 'a� i' . W de_ax�e a.� fewnd,dll,a- yy s i tendon and Strathro n, n n ... y..' ,Misses Eva and Isabel. Sohn ton are, *misting. in. flornellMurdoehCors. 'stores. • ,Victor. Whitley c Y . and dJak England: e ,'. left Saskatahevtan, lest day:; r s R , Ritchie. ...tisw ho `was' I)c- rn. • troit the, peat ;:two ,months, is spend,. ing the'weekl in town.' Mr. Aate •eson, is:111 charge of a cream collecting station at Wiarton, was, home',over the week- end., • Mr. T.' S. Reid, ,manager , of ' the local Bank • of Montreal: is in. Toron- to and, will spend a `ample of weeks in. the office' of the superintendent 'of Ontario. •;branches. Formaldehyde for treating seed oats to. prevent smut. Our . stock is new and fresh and • s'ells for .50c. -a• lb, ' at McKims Drug store. Mrs', C. F. Richardson who spent last week with, her ,,mother, • Mis 'Douglas; returned' to. her'; home.: at . leeswat 'r '•on SattYrda engineers• 6. County y ,were in townon •Tuesda inakinga`' sur e: .fl the ,y, v y f streets with a view; to getting the work paving w 1c of . p yang.. uudei •way. , as. soon•. as'•pos•sible '• The -Rev • Mr.' -James 'of South -,Kin loss ..who was •ii>�a church t'services-, lash :Sutrday wrnb . ' ASHFIELD NOTES .i Miss Greta Campbell, •ofe• Lothian sPen ding a week 'visiting ing with her brother Kenny in Detroit., rob of Lothian re turned ,urn d lronte;las.t week „,after •.vr t.. w •h�at. a s. few b a e t of m n .hs, with freaids in Hames ilton andTorcnto.'She` - oen-, wasac�c.,lnt',,n., led . it by her little. , e lrew ' Stewa 't e nP.,., r • Barnb :` ' Ha alt ° k 1' remain .. of r;t on who w 1 emar ,y ,with ; heir for some ,time. Mr. 'Bain- McDonald,: : of Sarnia, , p motored op and s pent" ataw' .days s . y. :last weekvisiting, wit his father at Kintail " Mr. R. A Grant of Heinlock Cit y is visiting with his sister and mother in Sarnia this week:. Mr., Bert.Aiton,. son of Mr. D: K. Alton had the ''misfortune.to . have 'two fingers of his right hand badly crushed while assisting at wood';cu't ting at the home .of his brother Ro� y Alton, on Friday of last nveek. They were • `operating, a bus -saw . and a 'crooked piece of wood ' which.. Bert was handling got caught in some :way drawing .:his hand into . the machine.- T index'• finger r .h was.so. . badly crushed that it had to'.be tated at the nu�ckle. TheOmit finger was also painfully bruised, abut it ikel'y' mill' be saved.. Diod'=Kilpatrick, In the Twp. a Ash- field on Sunday April 18, I926 Fran- • .cis. Albin, beloved wife .of 'John Kil-. patric ..aged _.74 _ years_:and,3 / months.,. uneraf on Thursday A ril 2 CHURCH NOTES, • ' ALL ABOUT THE FLOWERS. Sunday May 9th_ will be observed • Mr, •H., ,T. Moore, who gave a lec- throughout' Canada/ :as, "Go -'Io -Sun -tore, here last Friday evenjnbg , or. itur ikel. rt u e 1 H4 uld day Sc.ho.>1 Dray In .,a circular issued, � . c •_ . Y o.... w•- • much• -overstated, the case if we sale' by the Ontario Religions, Educational.•• a , he told.all a o'ut'thefiowers Of .eour• 4 hc.l--we, „cad - �-lt�has; be n�-ie1tF.;,se^her•di�lnbu�iye a •whole 1'0' ha t t; in:.the sun ay ,S=Hoof of piactical irtforriaton •about poi •t, o an str .itron workingdei _efl': "and 11. vers which will e ' tea -bene � f n Y ,... ., h flf g., t effecti el ' thee fit` to 'those interested,in that ; Y .for .d,•velopntent :;of . , . v moral character and,':the'trainin 'training" :cultuie. :- a_ a C hr .,t a G ,i tan crtrztxishi• ,and .� if'''shpuld • : A. Year'ago'1VIr..'IVYoore devoted; hi. 1, lecture' to54he '.cultivation of shrub/: land' garden fiov,eis' and.' -how ,to ° set dthaeyn e outfi,b„ st.adva-n- tage.: evening e*Alt mO• n Fvixti- house ;Plants,' an ,p lants transferred front. the flower' pots.' ti'' the garden., - M. Moore wastes••no time in. trying- 'to 'be• funny "or otherwise entertain ing. Ile is ° an •enthusiast on Horti• culture and he assumes: that• those who go to hear Min* •are: there • to learn something.. His address was •well illustrated with beautiful pietu es of • flowers in natural' colors, show in what can,he r dce ' g ne u p o ,c d by careful scientific.:cultivation • The Easier Thank Offering'of '.the .. " Un fortu 'atel lir. f 'r.Y ,I Moore was not Presbyterian ,.Wheld 'on in a 'very good: ;form,•having suffered'' `from a'•severe •cold..for some da s. A: the.thir'teenth,The',Presid-, y. P a. °result his' address•'was mot m.arkei�' ent• Mrs, ,iVIacKenzie- presided •• 'and with the ,v `.or• and enthusiasm whirl gave the Bible, 'Readings,' Ali Easter, he n�ani est.ed a ,year ago ,Country, message .Topic "Prayer and.the Ms= / • r,roads. w re in such condition that sionanes , was given by:Mrs.• Stew ew. : coul Comn en, from, the the. eoun• art.' A reading 'about MI'S.. Goforth try,, but' the village' was fain e r was given'1by Mrs; H. Aitchison,. Mrs., g y w 1. . re • resen ed :and . those Tent 1e Clark sangso is p :., ,who attended Henderson. a lo, Mies. 17 Net e we I rewarded, Henderson. gave en- address on the Mr. S: Rathwell.. i - sub ect • of the '.Resurrection. A Bele-. ,. •who s again . pies lent' of the local: • Hoxticn -- Tfthair. __. chertducty`+addre3s.'• have the Wholehearted co-operation of ;every 1 nrei t and every home n A. ffort.'is being -Made : on this day, Sian :day" Ma'' :6th tar secure' agreedy', in , ,.Y , creased' attendance ; at . the' Sunda}, 'Schools acid to enroll a numbership' which has its, idealaEver y Last Mem-. per of the Community. Asthe obeer-. van•?el of Go To Sunday School. ijay coinsi'des with.. Mother's bay a spec- ial program for •use, in the Surnr'ay School and church services has been prepared and is issued free .of charge kty'the Ontario Religious •Educational Council to all..'eo-operating . Sunday. Schools.', • • Qtlir'Quali•t Bread Has A:Flavor Thrat Delights.. Fresh Everyday Whole:Whe ut •Home Made and � Raisin D'. r� a`. d • ' SPECIALS FOR .SATURDAY " Almond Sh..es Nut'Squares s-••. ' hels.ea Buns •Cry � � �� �f . 'b' rr � Fin r _ . cam Pu ;�. Rasp ..� ..Y ....g�... �' ;�,.. r• ...__..._...,�_ Fruit Calve .Chocolat ar im low s :at 1' Cookie � : .. •: BRING' IN YOUR B�JTTER _._'EGANDw .• • � .'OBTAIN .THE BES. T PRICES E ` LLYA��` AK� 1-. no w ., k o` ur+c h L e+ n G' 3 to illness has ' pretty;'• well recovered. Fatal Accldeht Tl e. people; about Kingsbridge' are greatl'-saddened-this,,Y the ': week b Y tragic death of Miss Agathea O'Con- arid will preach neat, Sunday, morn• ing and evening. Tuesday night was .the firs Spring- like g t ap g like night, of, the season -just about amonth 'late,. A provoking feature. of the' .`situation was that while We -were enduring winter conditions here i- . "reports -Irani the .Western ' •provrnce.. trained nurse Was followingg her prop:. where they are supposed to'1iave.rlots :fessioii at Detroit..; While 'walking' on g nor, who lost her life in an '• ,out omo= bi e accidentat en•Su nday ev-- enin3•. Miss O'Connor .Who was 'a:• • :of" cold : weather,' always .said. "fai3 tli'Street e t t Sunday• evening she `was and. warm; , • hit 'by an automobile .which,.wss be • • Rev.. C. H.. Dickinson; pastor of the in ee 'lead drive g r is y • n, And: she was :so vocatio '.exerdses ictoria badly injured that she `die 5: hours'. n of V U er Ashfield: charge,; attended the con:. ' • later in a hospital. ` The driver of the 'cif Toronto . on Tuesda of last . y' Y 'ear,' Which' hit her' made. Off• and":has Week; •when the: 'degree of Bachelor '.. ' g not:'been: so far identified; •Left 1Y: of Divinity was conferred ` on him Y Y:'. upon ing` on the street the injured woman 'by the, chancellor .,of that institution. was. picked up a few • minutes. later Mr.'. Dickinson• gained, further distjnc tion by winning the:by .two ladies who •tame ' .along` in •a. - Sanford Gold'ti. �.,• :Medal, given for the 'highest general. car..•They took" her to her rooming proficiency in the B. D,,Course. -0 0 0 , AMONG THE SICK The flu epidemic which for the • past month has :aflicted+:.town'`and' country alike .has 'not yet subsided -•merely 'shifting. front one set Of, victims to ;another.; With the coming . of better' , EGGS FOR HATCHING. Barred Rocks; R..L.•..Reds; White Leghorn-bred-todaystrains c@i .75e a setting. Also,: a 'young calf for sale; D. C., MacMorran, Lueknow. 22-441. IIOUSE FOR. SALE Good cement cottage, 8 rooms;' hard;, •and soft water, electric lights,.. wood- --shed;' barn• and- henhouse •.all in'. good - repair; acre of, !ann....rust south of II '.u.cknbw.=Apply : to . Mrs. Joseph Taylor, 22-4-tf. •, 'For Sale -A .gOod„3-tilbe Radio set. . bargain for quick at ARM' FOR SALE too °Acres. being_ Lot 'west half Of es from. LucknOw. All in. grass. 'be sold cheap 'far 'qbiek sale.-4pply Hogan Kintail, Ont. house, 'where' she' received first • aid and: was then taken to ` a h'ospital,' Miss' O'Connor 'was the third daugh-; ter. of Mr. and''Mrs.. M. J. •O'Connor.: of the Kingsbridge distract .She;: was a most esteernable young wopian ,and' her'. ,untniely • death '.has greatly sad- dened the whole community..The re- mains were brought home for: inter- menf, and ,Service mill be held.' '.iir the weather 'conditions;: .`which appeals Kingsbridge„ ,Church on • • Thursday hursday'- now to'have set in • iutprovevnreiit: morning. ,;t'.'eedless bo say, the ,.ber-• may be'•loked for, and the• trouble' eaved family have.. the • sympathy of 'a wide circle of friends.:,• 'will pass away._ Mr. Wni; Irwim .oarly In the week has improved some- what, and his ,wife, who also was seriously ill a week ago, has pretty well recovered. • quite a number of new cases' are reported aboUt town • Sunday school will be held on. ThUrd. clay night at 8 p. in,' for the ;purpote sf 'reviewing the year's • work and • electing, officer" for the e01;1-841* Year, The Triostee Board nioetdst 7.16, . m. preview; to Ali, ineetingi.' will hold its first meeting of the year 1825-26 at.the Parsonage on Vykity , Daenit divine. nerviest .at the LucknOW "A11111 TY the triter, All the Lodge" itOelin at Iti.00' and Mrs., Litge; who are Luck- noyvs representatives' i,n. the Wing-, .hain' Respite!. at present :are ' both 'making. favorable progress. • , Our scions, case ,of: pneumonia, a* the, home of Mr., Mines MacMillan; where his slater,. Mrs. Mary Galles is 0..e pat- ient. VILLAGE COUNCIL - „The :.reguler • meeting of, the tho• 'wad held 'en 'Oe cdith instant All Members. Were pretaint,. Board for the batter annual grant' Of $300: Wati; read by the. clerk.. On, MO - tion of Mullin and. Rad ill°. grout Wee' made :$150'; and the. Clerk Was in- structed to write • to the Library suggesting that the Onlink be raised Ifni the patrons ,of the rary,..and that .if this coulaLnet 'be :dont, Eta upped .ba, Made- te, 'The tucknoW Woman's tiatitato a shortage in tlie amonnt the Coin. assistance of, Armenian hoys at the Wan tondo to, Allis fund., • that Students attending the' LtzektiOW 'Sched be tiOt ellOwkd to attend 41101. dunces -It tho Town ,Tt) Meilen ST HELENS, Miss Luella Rintoul (was a visitor for a feW days with her aunt, MI'S, Donald MacDonald. ' • -Mr. Wkll McQuillin of Qu 'Sask., was • a Week -end visitor with his parents, kr. and , 'Mrs." IVIcQuillip, leaving for the 1iVest again on 'Mon - Mr HarveY Webb left fo High RiVer; Alta. on MOnday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor enter* tained 'nuiriber'of their friends and .ete., the 'fanning ..addresa was • read to Mr.71(611-11ra;-"IiiVidl-Farrier-"arid daughtor, Luella, who. are leaving the farm and';m0ving to: Whitechureh." To, Mr. and ,Mrs. Ferrier arid _We, your' Merida and neigh•bors, haVe heard with, regret Of Your 'in. tended renioval from our midst, We fed,' in' your ,removal that are are los- ing the best 'Of ,ftlends,,t111vaYS ,to give a. lielpinir hand:la:. limo • .of need. Wo are glad that. you are not lr Toranta=the-en d• of this month:; A •presentavtion of a Life:. Meinbership - Certificate was'. made to. ,o>tte of the •members, . for faithful;'se iuice, After the meeting 'closed a: Social ..time was spent The, Thank'offering amotirtted' to fifty. - five dollars; Presbyterian Guild " The : Look out . Coniinittee had' charge;', of the programme -Monday` evening April'. 19th: Mae Davison .,read,the Seripture • Lesson,:' George Douglas .took Gatehiem. Mr J. C. Murdock gave an addres on the. topic' "The Master's :Loyalty to ,"1 -lis Cate Musical • nuinbes were; an • instru' mei-. tal by Catherine MacKenzie.'and solos 'by '.Lorraine• .`Brabson and Mari,. rY, Intosh. The..chief• number 'of' theeven=' ing '.was •anriilustrated''talk on David Livingstone given byRev. ;;C. 'IL', M'c 'Donald.: ' The' Rev,, W. D. Macintosh: who• for the past year has been eco:pastor "With "the Rev; M. M. Bennetts of the: `United: Church, Winghani, has 'accent- ed a Call to the pastorate of the Unit- •ed• Church at Embio. Enibro:is' a`, yi11ago;.o1 460 •population,` but the church..' there has . always been a strong one, being• in the famous Scotch 'settlement, -of ---ora. o- BOWLERS -ORGANIZE.• ••A1. meeting 'of local• bowling,, en- thtl'siasts was ' held Tuesday' of_ this. week,' when organization for the sea- son 'Was eife`cted. : • Of kers were elected as follows Hon President- John Jo%nt, President- Alex. ,Hamilton Vice President W , J. Davison ,Sec'y.`, Treas.- J. E. 'Agnew :'Membership Committee -ll'. J. Cant- • elon,. G H• Smith, R. A. Rae . Grounds Committee -T S. Reid,, Fisher, , T. Watson. - .. It was decided to . hold. the annual tournament ;on Thursday, August .19': 1926 9� Fashions demand straight lin- es inundergarments°as well as ..in the outer a • made ' Bloomers •� . apparel. rel. Well .. and d sl U ers >a ii s are necessary to '.give a smooth appearn:. ce't o the gown. TheyeY come in Silks Satins • and •`the" lowest anis �road�lothtin - IMN»S DAIIION'DS. •.:' Te are inviting you to come in ;anc • see the.ne Spring ,•,..r�.; n,. • •&•SurimerDr s se&' e are endeavoringto get the best co, , lection of Women's ' and d' 'ir .'_,.. • W mens n G ls� Dresses and are adding to thee stock' : dail fiY e Are Here:: We have an 'extra. •nice dis play of ' DIAMONDS and ` they were all; chpurity osen •for their' p and • beauty, iveryone; is,; guar- /anteed:by.us Ca11 and let us'Show you. ohne and see. `- Thumb,•Um w Tamroll b e as New� Nose New Gloves,New Silks, Etc. . F T. ARMSTRONG Jeweler &.O tometrist GIRL GUIDE NOTES, ' • Fal�il The4t're•.. AI'I2IL:23.& 24.:. Florence'; Vidor---in "The Girl of Gold" - With Comedy MONDAY NIGIIT,: APRIL 26 "Red Clay,• The Indians" • With Comedy,' ' Serial ' "Circus Mystery" _'Watch•foi_ the date:of :the • Corn..Borer Ali Shows ;commence -8:15 sharp Admission -1 5c..:& 25c. • 'CLOVER SEED - TIMOTHY ALFALFA FLAX SEED And all kinds 9f grain, cleaned fit'for Market or - sowing by the most, effic- ient; cleaner Tmanufactur- Anderson & Son Lucknow La* Guide ,IS a friend' to .all and a sister of ev'ery )ther. Guide, no •rnattezz to what 'social .class the ,,Otber Our local oompety 'held.' their reg- ular meeting lait Week in the SchOol. The. Nightingale recruits Ranted snick and span in • :their: new, Uhl/Orilla. Many tests were, passed and . Quidds 'are /Working bard•for. their 2nd Class. _""Why art.tlie:tatitanis 'easionally and, we' trust that lit your is the Guide sign Of thrift? , new ham° yen' Will on ,belping ' Trustee Taylor lo:oked' in hi ,the ffillOrifettirtlaf6W-t-7 :the Every: hoas-eWilite-delightc to seeve •;omothing different that is vied.. She is on thY•lookout all the time' "for a' now appetizing dish or.'pastry that will give variety to the meals she Reid's Dominion Bakery whe realized this fact' and ' helps her, by supplying , her With a large variety , of cakes and •pastry.every 'invite a larger .ret Reid'e Golden' Cruit'Bread at Bakery phone .58. , Specials For The Week-Eml• " Date TrilbYs, Devils 'Food Layers, tilo a large varietY of Choice baking._ meet at ,the 'homes of krs. J, Agnfiw. 'on- Saturday afternottri., April' 24th al gre ;cordially invited to atten0.•'' FERTILIZER. MONTHS OR ,WEEItS.:' AHEAD WHE.:•:1 'YOU ...CAN ,"GET WANT .Or THE KIND 'YOU W.ANT WHEN /YOU WANT It " All Members of Jewel' • Rebekh • ',Lodge. are...'requested to , attend pi on SundaY April 250. • Please meet at' the Lodge roonf..at Nqsitors dem: . AN a. more ' lasting ,' expression era itIteresteel.mot4d come in. and see , • • , • • • of our loVe and filen ship e sl. y 1.) , the Guides at the r werk. ' ' . - BOX SOCI L AND DANCE ' Cheese Fact, 14 years eOme ,tincl go You Will eet- .101f Allem , arid .think 'of ',other ADM' hold evening Or. TiniredaY '1'April 29th. Al sod" Visiting' members ' Intited„1- Alt ches, Cook, Nabltr Grana; Bobeyt grQUall 100 laid 0%1! 41'01 tha May 611104d -0b behalf of Your frieds..... ladies, please bring lanch,. . • . •uo* at oae dollar or .0vOrt k. :YOU :WILL NO, nOt BT REQUIRE: '8OSIEriNq ,T0:- BRIG,H,TENAIP THE HOME. Frilled Curtains: Ecru Lice Panels Liitoltunt 'Room Squares Cloth THESE ,AND.. MANY OTHER ITE.118 .ATIV IfEliE TO IN - ALFRED E. BOS- •